int main (int argc, char ** argv) { VortexCtx * ctx; /* create a context */ ctx = vortex_ctx_new (); vortex_log_enable (ctx, axl_true); vortex_color_log_enable (ctx, axl_true); signal (SIGSEGV, __sigsegv_handler); signal (SIGABRT, __sigsegv_handler); /* init vortex library */ if (! vortex_init_ctx (ctx)) { printf ("Failed to start vortex library..\n"); return -1; } /* register a profile */ vortex_profiles_register (ctx, COYOTE_PROFILE, start_channel, NULL, NULL, NULL, frame_received, NULL); /* create a vortex server */ vortex_listener_new (ctx, "", "44000", on_ready, ctx); /* wait for listeners (until vortex_exit is called) */ vortex_listener_wait (ctx); /* terminate library execution */ vortex_exit_ctx (ctx, axl_true); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char ** argv) { /* create the context */ ctx = vortex_ctx_new (); /* init vortex library */ if (! vortex_init_ctx (ctx)) { /* unable to init context */ vortex_ctx_free (ctx); return -1; } /* end if */ /* register a profile */ vortex_profiles_register (ctx, PLAIN_PROFILE, start_channel, NULL, close_channel, NULL, frame_received, NULL); vortex_greetings_set_features (ctx, "enable-tls"); vortex_greetings_set_localize (ctx, "es-ES"); /* create a vortex server */ vortex_listener_new (ctx, "", "44000", NULL, NULL); /* wait for listeners (until vortex_exit is called) */ vortex_listener_wait (ctx); /* end vortex function */ vortex_exit_ctx (ctx, axl_true); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char ** argv) { /* create the context */ ctx = vortex_ctx_new (); /* init vortex library */ if (! vortex_init_ctx (ctx)) { /* unable to init context */ vortex_ctx_free (ctx); return -1; } /* end if */ /* register a profile */ vortex_profiles_register (ctx, COYOTE_PROFILE, start_channel, NULL, NULL, NULL, frame_received, NULL); /* create a vortex server */ vortex_listener_new (ctx, "", "44000", on_ready, NULL); /* wait for listeners (until vortex_exit is called) */ vortex_listener_wait (ctx); /* do not call vortex_exit here if you define an on ready * function which actually ends the execution */ return 0; }
/** * @brief Init function, perform all the necessary code to register * profiles, configure Vortex, and any other init task. The function * must return true to signal that the module was properly initialized * Otherwise, false must be returned. */ static int test_init (TurbulenceCtx * _ctx) { /* configure the module */ TBC_MOD_PREPARE (_ctx); /* using TBC_VORTEX_CTX allows to get the vortex context from * the turbulence ctx */ msg ("Turbulence BEEP server, test module: init"); /* register all profiles without handlers: testing purposes */ vortex_profiles_register (TBC_VORTEX_CTX (ctx), MOD_TEST_URI1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); vortex_profiles_register (TBC_VORTEX_CTX (ctx), MOD_TEST_URI2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); vortex_profiles_register (TBC_VORTEX_CTX (ctx), MOD_TEST_URI3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); vortex_profiles_register (TBC_VORTEX_CTX (ctx), MOD_TEST_URI4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); return axl_true; }
/* mod_test_11 ppath-selected handler */ static axl_bool mod_test_11_ppath_selected (TurbulenceCtx * _ctx, TurbulencePPathDef * ppath_selected, VortexConnection * conn) { /* mutex lock */ vortex_mutex_lock (&mutex); /* unlock mutex */ vortex_mutex_unlock (&mutex); msg ("Test 11: received profile path selected %s, connection id %d", turbulence_ppath_get_name (ppath_selected), vortex_connection_get_id (conn)); /* register a profile at this point */ vortex_profiles_register (TBC_VORTEX_CTX (ctx), "", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, mod_test_11_frame_received, NULL); /* notification ok */ return true; } /* end mod_test_11_ppath_selected */
/** * @brief Register a profile */ int TMLCoreListener::TMLCoreListener_RegisterProfile(const char* profile) { int iRet = TML_SUCCESS; if (NULL != m_ctx){ bool bRegisterProfile = false; bool bRegisterCB = false; m_pHandler->tmlProfileRegister(profile, true, (void*)listenerFrameReceivedCallback, &m_callbackData, &bRegisterProfile, &bRegisterCB); int bOk; if (bRegisterProfile){ m_log->log (TML_LOG_VORTEX_CMD, "TMLCoreListener", "TMLCoreListener_RegisterProfile", "Vortex CMD", "vortex_profiles_register"); bOk = vortex_profiles_register (m_ctx, profile, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (axl_false == bOk){ m_log->log (TML_LOG_VORTEX_CMD, "TMLCoreListener", "Profile registration of profile", profile, " failed !"); iRet = TML_ERR_LISTENER_COMMUNICATION; } else{ m_log->log (TML_LOG_VORTEX_CMD, "TMLCoreListener", "Profile registration of profile", profile, " succeeded"); } } if (TML_SUCCESS == iRet){ if (bRegisterCB){ m_log->log (TML_LOG_VORTEX_CMD, "TMLCoreListener", "TMLCoreListener_RegisterProfile", "Vortex CMD", "vortex_profiles_set_received_handler"); bOk = vortex_profiles_set_received_handler (m_ctx, profile, listenerFrameReceivedCallback, &m_callbackData); if (axl_false == bOk){ iRet = TML_ERR_LISTENER_COMMUNICATION; } } } } else { iRet = TML_ERR_LISTENER_NOT_INITIALIZED; } return iRet; }
int main (int argc, char ** argv) { /* create the context */ ctx = vortex_ctx_new (); vortex_thread_pool_set_num (1); /* init vortex library */ if (! vortex_init_ctx (ctx)) { /* unable to init context */ vortex_ctx_free (ctx); return -1; } /* end if */ vortex_thread_pool_setup2 (ctx, 40, 1, 1, 1, 4, axl_true, axl_true); /* register a profile */ vortex_profiles_register (ctx, PLAIN_PROFILE, start_channel, NULL, close_channel, NULL, frame_received, NULL); /* create a vortex server */ vortex_listener_new (ctx, "", "44000", NULL, NULL); /* configure connection notification */ vortex_listener_set_on_connection_accepted (ctx, on_accepted, NULL); /* wait for listeners (until vortex_exit is called) */ vortex_listener_wait (ctx); /* end vortex function */ vortex_exit_ctx (ctx, axl_true); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char ** argv) { /* the all frames received queue */ VortexAsyncQueue * queue; VortexFrame * frame; VortexChannel * channel; /* count */ int iterator = 0; /* create the context */ ctx = vortex_ctx_new (); /* init vortex library */ if (! vortex_init_ctx (ctx)) { /* unable to init context */ vortex_ctx_free (ctx); return -1; } /* end if */ /* create the queue */ queue = vortex_async_queue_new (); /* register a profile */ vortex_profiles_register (ctx, PROFILE_URI, /* no start handler, accept all channels */ NULL, NULL, /* no close channel, accept all * channels to be closed */ NULL, NULL, vortex_channel_queue_reply, queue); /* now create a vortex server listening on several ports */ vortex_listener_new (ctx, "", "4400", NULL, NULL); /* and handle all frames received */ while (axl_true) { /* get the next message, blocking at this call. * * NOTE: This call must be evolved to something with * error handling, timeout and channel piggyback * support, but, for the example will do. */ frame = vortex_async_queue_pop (queue); if (frame == NULL) { /* for our example, the default action is: * keep on reading!. */ continue; } printf ("Frame received, content: %s\n", (char*) vortex_frame_get_payload (frame)); /* get the channel */ channel = vortex_frame_get_channel_ref (frame); /* reply */ vortex_channel_send_rpy (channel, vortex_frame_get_payload (frame), vortex_frame_get_payload_size (frame), vortex_frame_get_msgno (frame)); /* deallocate the frame received */ vortex_frame_free (frame); iterator++; /* close the channel */ if (iterator == 10) { /* close the channel */ if (! vortex_channel_close (channel, NULL)) { printf ("Unable to close the channel!\n"); } printf ("Ok, channel closed\n"); /* reset */ iterator = 0; } /* end if */ } /* end while */ /* end vortex internal subsystem (if no one have done it yet!) */ vortex_exit_ctx (ctx, axl_true); /* that's all to start BEEPing! */ return 0; }