コード例 #1
void vscp_init(void)
    vscp_initledfunc = VSCP_LED_ON;

    // read the nickname id
    vscp_nickname = vscp_readNicknamePermanent();

    // if zero set to uninitialised
    if ( 0 == vscp_nickname) vscp_nickname = VSCP_ADDRESS_FREE;

    // Start init. blink if no nodeid
    if ( VSCP_ADDRESS_FREE == vscp_nickname ) vscp_initledfunc = VSCP_LED_BLINK1;

    // Init. incoming event
    vscp_imsg.flags = 0;
    vscp_imsg.priority = 0;
    vscp_imsg.vscp_class = 0;
    vscp_imsg.vscp_type = 0;

    // Init. outgoing event
    vscp_omsg.flags = 0;
    vscp_omsg.priority = 0;
    vscp_omsg.vscp_class = 0;
    vscp_omsg.vscp_type = 0;

    vscp_errorcnt = 0;      // No errors yet
    vscp_alarmstatus = 0;   // No alarm status

    vscp_probe_address = 0;

    // Initial state
    vscp_node_state = VSCP_STATE_STARTUP;
    vscp_node_substate = VSCP_SUBSTATE_NONE;

    vscp_probe_cnt = 0;
    vscp_page_select = 0;

    // Initialise time keeping
    vscp_timer = 0;
    vscp_configtimer = 0;
    vscp_second = 0;
    vscp_minute = 0;
    vscp_hour = 0;
コード例 #2
 * @brief verify functionality of the custom defined vscp functions
 *        vscp_firmware.h @ line 457
void test_vscp_externals(){

	uint8_t FlashValue8; 		   /*! gets an 8-bit vscp data field from permanent storage */
	uint8_t val;				   /*! assign a value to write to buffer -> permanent storage */

	printf("Testing vscp_functions\r\n");

	val = 0x11;
	FlashValue8 = vscp_readNicknamePermanent();
	printf("Read %d dec, %x hex\r\n", FlashValue8, FlashValue8);

	val = 0x22;
	FlashValue8 = vscp_getSegmentCRC();
	printf("Read %d dec, %x hex\r\n", FlashValue8, FlashValue8);

	val = 0x33;
	FlashValue8 = vscp_getControlByte();
	printf("Read %d dec, %x hex\r\n", FlashValue8, FlashValue8);