static void glw_ps3_mainloop(glw_ps3_t *gp) { int currentBuffer = 0; TRACE(TRACE_DEBUG, "GLW", "Entering mainloop"); sysRegisterCallback(EVENT_SLOT0, eventHandle, gp); while(gp->gp_stop != 10) { if(gp->gp_stop) gp->gp_stop++; handle_pads(gp); handle_kb(gp); waitFlip(); drawFrame(gp, currentBuffer, 1); flip(gp, currentBuffer); currentBuffer = !currentBuffer; sysCheckCallback(); } waitFlip(); drawFrame(gp, currentBuffer, 0); flip(gp, currentBuffer); currentBuffer = !currentBuffer; sysUnregisterCallback(EVENT_SLOT0); }
static void glw_ps3_mainloop(glw_ps3_t *gp) { int currentBuffer = 0; TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "GLW", "Entering mainloop"); #if 0 int r = ioPadSetPortSetting(6, 0xffffffff); TRACE(TRACE_ERROR, "PS3PAD", "portsetting=0x%x", r); #endif sysRegisterCallback(EVENT_SLOT0, eventHandle, gp); while(!gp->stop) { handle_pads(gp); handle_kb(gp); waitFlip(); drawFrame(gp, currentBuffer, 1); flip(gp, currentBuffer); currentBuffer = !currentBuffer; sysCheckCallback(); } waitFlip(); drawFrame(gp, currentBuffer, 0); flip(gp, currentBuffer); currentBuffer = !currentBuffer; sysUnregisterCallback(EVENT_SLOT0); }
s32 main(s32 argc, const char* argv[]) { atexit(appCleanup); deadrsx_init(); ioPadInit(7); sysRegisterCallback(EVENT_SLOT0, eventHandle, NULL); u32 *frag_mem = rsxMemAlign(256, 256); printf("frag_mem = 0x%08lx\n", (u64) frag_mem); realityInstallFragmentProgram_old(context, &nv30_fp, frag_mem); loading(); // where all the loading done xD long frame = 0; while(1){ ps3_pad(); // where all are controls are waitFlip(); // Wait for the last flip to finish, so we can draw to the old buffer drawFrame(currentBuffer, frame++); // Draw into the unused buffer flip(currentBuffer); // Flip buffer onto screen currentBuffer = !currentBuffer; sysCheckCallback(); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { msgType mdialogok = MSGDIALOG_NORMAL | MSGDIALOG_BUTTON_TYPE_OK; msgType mdialogyesno = MSGDIALOG_NORMAL | MSGDIALOG_BUTTON_TYPE_YESNO; sysRegisterCallback(EVENT_SLOT0, handleevent, NULL); init_screen(); ioPadInit(7); waitFlip(); Lv2FsStat entry; int is_mounted = lv2FsStat(MOUNT_POINT, &entry); showmessage(mdialogyesno, (is_mounted == 0) ? "Do you want to unmount dev_rwflash ?" : "Do you want to mount dev_rwflash ?"); if(dlg_action == MSGDIALOG_BUTTON_YES) { if(is_mounted == 0) showmessage(mdialogok, (lv2FsUnmount(MOUNT_POINT) == 0) ? "Successfully unmounted dev_rwflash." : "An error occured while unmounting dev_rwflash."); else showmessage(mdialogok, (lv2FsMount(DEV_FLASH1, FS_FAT32, MOUNT_POINT, 0) == 0) ? "Successfully mounted dev_rwflash." : "An error occured while mounting dev_rwflash."); } return 0; }
s32 main(s32 argc, const char* argv[]) { PadInfo padinfo; PadData paddata; int i; init_screen(); ioPadInit(7); long frame = 0; // To keep track of how many frames we have rendered. // Ok, everything is setup. Now for the main loop. while(1){ // Check the pads. ioPadGetInfo(&padinfo); for(i=0; i<MAX_PADS; i++){ if(padinfo.status[i]){ ioPadGetData(i, &paddata); if(paddata.BTN_CROSS){ return 0; } } } waitFlip(); // Wait for the last flip to finish, so we can draw to the old buffer drawFrame(buffer[currentBuffer], frame++); // Draw into the unused buffer flip(currentBuffer); // Flip buffer onto screen currentBuffer = !currentBuffer; } return 0; }
void my_flip() { //tiny3d_Flip(); flip(currentBuffer); // Flip buffer onto screen waitFlip(); // Wait for the last flip to finish, so we can draw to the old buffer currentBuffer = !currentBuffer; }
void NoRSX::RescaleFlip(){ waitFlip(); ResizeBuffer(); flip(context, currentBuffer); currentBuffer = !currentBuffer; setRenderTarget(context, &buffers[currentBuffer]); sysUtilCheckCallback(); return; }
void NoRSX::Flip(){ waitFlip(); memcpy(buffers[currentBuffer].ptr, buffer, buffer_size); flip(context, currentBuffer); currentBuffer = !currentBuffer; setRenderTarget(context, &buffers[currentBuffer]); sysUtilCheckCallback(); return; }
s32 main(s32 argc, const char* argv[]) { PadInfo padinfo; PadData paddata; int i; atexit(unload_modules); if(SysLoadModule(SYSMODULE_FS)!=0) return 0; else module_flag |=1; if(SysLoadModule(SYSMODULE_PNGDEC)!=0) return 0; else module_flag |=2; //if(SysLoadModule(SYSMODULE_NET)!=0) return 0; else module_flag |=3; //net_initialize_network(); init_screen(); ioPadInit(7); //init_pggl(); int pressed = 0; // Ok, everything is setup. Now for the main loop. while(1){ // Check the pads. ioPadGetInfo(&padinfo); for(i=0; i<MAX_PADS; i++){ if(padinfo.status[i]){ ioPadGetData(i, &paddata); if(paddata.BTN_TRIANGLE){ if(!pressed){ pressed = 1; //tcp_test(); httpGet("", "", "/vers.txt"); } } else if(paddata.BTN_CIRCLE){ //httpGet(""); } else if(paddata.BTN_CROSS){ sysProcessExitSpawn2("/dev_hdd0/ps3load.self", 0, 0, NULL, 0, 1001, SYS_PROCESS_SPAWN_STACK_SIZE_1M); } else { pressed = 0; } } } waitFlip(); // Wait for the last flip to finish, so we can draw to the old buffer setBackColour(buffer[currentBuffer], 0xFFFFFFFF); // setBuffer to white /* PGGL Demo */ //drawInt(frame, 0, res.height - 80); //draw("PSL1GHT GRAPHICAL\n GAME L1BRARY", (res.width/2) - ((80 * 8) + 40), 20); //draw("ABCDEFGHIJKLM\nNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\nabcdefghijklm\nnopqrstuvwxyz\n0123456789", (res.width/2) - ((80 * 6) + 40), 500); /* */ flip(currentBuffer); // Flip buffer onto screen currentBuffer = !currentBuffer; if(frame < 1000000) frame++; else frame = 0; } return 0; }
s32 main(s32 argc, const char* argv[]) { init_screen(); ioPadInit(7); waitFlip(); dialog(); return 0; }
s32 main(s32 argc, const char* argv[]) { PadInfo padinfo; PadData paddata; int i; atexit(appCleanup); init_screen(); ioPadInit(7); sysRegisterCallback(EVENT_SLOT0, eventHandle, NULL); // Load texture dice = loadPng(dice_bin); assert(realityAddressToOffset(, &tx_offset) == 0); //load_acid_texture((uint8_t *)tx_mem, 0); // install fragment shader in rsx memory u32 *frag_mem = rsxMemAlign(256, 256); printf("frag_mem = 0x%08lx\n", (u64) frag_mem); realityInstallFragmentProgram_old(context, &nv30_fp, frag_mem); long frame = 0; // To keep track of how many frames we have rendered. // Ok, everything is setup. Now for the main loop. while(1){ // Check the pads. ioPadGetInfo(&padinfo); for(i=0; i<MAX_PADS; i++){ if(padinfo.status[i]){ ioPadGetData(i, &paddata); if(paddata.BTN_CROSS || paddata.BTN_START){ return 0; } } } waitFlip(); // Wait for the last flip to finish, so we can draw to the old buffer drawFrame(currentBuffer, frame++); // Draw into the unused buffer flip(currentBuffer); // Flip buffer onto screen currentBuffer = !currentBuffer; sysCheckCallback(); } return 0; }
void showmessage(msgType type, const char* message) { msgDialogOpen(type, message, handledialog, 0, NULL); dlg_action = 0; while(!dlg_action) { sysCheckCallback(); flip(currentBuffer); waitFlip(); currentBuffer = !currentBuffer; } msgDialogClose(); }
void tiny3d_Flip() { tiny3d_End(); flip(Video_currentBuffer); // Flip buffer onto screen tiny3d_WaitRSX(); Video_currentBuffer = !Video_currentBuffer; sysUtilCheckCallback(); waitFlip(); pos_rsx_vertex = 0; current_shader = -1; polygon = -1; off_head_vertex = off_start_vertex = 0; flag_vertex = VERTEX_LOCK; }
void xputs(const char *msg) { static int y = 150; int i, j; waitFlip(); if (y == 150) { for (i = 0; i < res.height; i++) { for (j = 0; j < res.width; j++) { buffers[currentBuffer]->ptr[i * res.width + j] = FONT_COLOR_BLACK; } } } else { memcpy(buffers[currentBuffer]->ptr, buffers[!currentBuffer]->ptr, res.width * res.height * sizeof(u32)); } if (y >= 470) { memmove(buffers[currentBuffer]->ptr, buffers[currentBuffer]->ptr + res.width * 40, res.width * (res.height - 40) * sizeof(u32)); y -= 40; } for (i = y; i < y + 32; i++) { for (j = 0; j < res.width; j++) { buffers[currentBuffer]->ptr[i * res.width + j] = FONT_COLOR_BLACK; } } print(150, y, msg, buffers[currentBuffer]->ptr); if (msg[strlen(msg + 1)] != '%') { y += 40; } flip(currentBuffer); currentBuffer = !currentBuffer; }
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { padInfo padinfo; padData paddata; s32 status; u32 joinstatus; displayData vdat; char filename[64]; int picturecount = 0; atexit(appCleanup); sysUtilRegisterCallback(SYSUTIL_EVENT_SLOT0, eventHandle, NULL); init_screen(&vdat); printf("screen res: %dx%d buffers: %p %p\n", vdat.res.width, vdat.res.height, vdat.buffer[0], vdat.buffer[1]); ioPadInit(7); sysSpuImage image; u32 group_id; sysSpuThreadAttribute attr = { ptr2ea("mythread"), 8+1, SPU_THREAD_ATTR_NONE }; sysSpuThreadGroupAttribute grpattr = { 7+1, ptr2ea("mygroup"), 0, 0 }; sysSpuThreadArgument arg[6]; u32 cause; int i, j; volatile spustr_t *spu = memalign(16, 6*sizeof(spustr_t)); printf("Initializing 6 SPUs... "); status = sysSpuInitialize(6, 0); printf("%08x\n", status); printf("Loading ELF image... "); status = sysSpuImageImport(&image, spu_bin, 0); printf("%08x\n", status); printf("Creating thread group... "); status = sysSpuThreadGroupCreate(&group_id, 6, 100, &grpattr); printf("%08x\n", status); printf("group id = %d\n", group_id); /* create 6 spu threads */ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { /* Populate the data structure for the SPU */ spu[i].rank = i; spu[i].count = 6; spu[i].sync = 0; spu[i].width = vdat.res.width; spu[i].height = vdat.res.height; spu[i].zoom = 1.0f; spu[i].xc = -0.5f; spu[i].yc = 0.f; /* The first argument of the main function for the SPU program is the * address of its dedicated structure, so it can fetch its contents via DMA */ arg[i].arg0 = ptr2ea(&spu[i]); printf("Creating SPU thread... "); status = sysSpuThreadInitialize((u32*)&spu[i].id, group_id, i, &image, &attr, &arg[i]); printf("%08x\n", status); printf("thread id = %d\n", spu[i].id); printf("Configuring SPU... %08x\n", sysSpuThreadSetConfiguration(spu[i].id, SPU_SIGNAL1_OVERWRITE|SPU_SIGNAL2_OVERWRITE)); } printf("Starting SPU thread group... "); status = sysSpuThreadGroupStart(group_id); printf("%08x\n", status); /* Now all the SPU threads have been started. For the moment they are blocked * waiting for a value in their signal notification register 1 (the * spu_read_signal1() call in SPU program). */ int quit = 0; uint32_t scr_ea; while (!quit) { /* Check the pads. */ ioPadGetInfo(&padinfo); for (i=0; i<MAX_PADS; i++) { if (padinfo.status[i]) { ioPadGetData(i, &paddata); if (paddata.BTN_CROSS) quit = 1; int ah = center0(paddata.ANA_L_H); int av = center0(paddata.ANA_L_V); int az = center0(paddata.ANA_R_V); for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { spu[j].xc += ah*0.001f*spu[j].zoom; spu[j].yc += av*0.001f*spu[j].zoom; spu[j].zoom *= (1.f + az*0.0005f); if (spu[j].zoom < 0.0001) spu[j].zoom = 0.0001; } if (paddata.BTN_SQUARE) { sprintf(filename, "/dev_usb/mandel%04d.bmp", ++picturecount); export_bmp(filename, vdat.buffer[vdat.curr_fb], vdat.res.width, vdat.res.height); } if (paddata.BTN_START) { for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { spu[j].xc = -.5f; spu[j].yc = 0.f; spu[j].zoom = 1.f; } } } } waitFlip(); /* Wait for the last flip to finish, so we can draw to the old buffer */ #if 0 /* test code */ int x, y; u32 *p=vdat.buffer[vdat.curr_fb]; u32 c = 0x01010101 * (vdat.framecnt&0xff); for (y=0; y<1080; ++y) { for (x=0; x<1920; ++x) { *p++ = c; } } #endif scr_ea = ptr2ea(vdat.buffer[vdat.curr_fb]); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { spu[i].sync = 0; status = sysSpuThreadWriteSignal(spu[i].id, 0, scr_ea); assert(status == 0); } for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { while (spu[i].sync == 0); } flip(&vdat); /* Flip buffer onto screen */ sysUtilCheckCallback(); } for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { status = sysSpuThreadWriteSignal(spu[i].id, 0, 0); assert(status == 0); } printf("Joining SPU thread group... "); status = sysSpuThreadGroupJoin(group_id, &cause, &joinstatus); printf("%08x\n", status); printf("cause=%d status=%d\n", cause, joinstatus); printf("Closing image... %08x\n", sysSpuImageClose(&image)); free((void*)spu); return 0; }
int main(s32 argc, const char* argv[]) { //Mutex. sys_mutex_attr_t attr; memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr)); attr.attr_protocol = SYS_MUTEX_PROTOCOL_FIFO; attr.attr_recursive = SYS_MUTEX_ATTR_NOT_RECURSIVE; attr.attr_pshared = SYS_MUTEX_ATTR_PSHARED; attr.attr_adaptive = SYS_MUTEX_ATTR_NOT_ADAPTIVE; strcpy(, "mutex"); sysMutexCreate(&thread_mutex, &attr); //Threads. THREADS_RUNNING = 2; sys_ppu_thread_t pad_id, program_id; sysThreadCreate(&pad_id, pad_thread, (void*) &GLOBAL_EXIT, 1500, 0x400, 0, "pad"); sysThreadCreate(&program_id, program_thread, (void*) &GLOBAL_EXIT, 1337, 0x400, 0, "program"); //Create buffers. gcmContextData *context; void *host_addr = NULL; rsxBuffer buffers[MAX_BUFFERS]; int currentBuffer = 0; //Allocate a 1Mb buffer, alligned to a 1Mb boundary to be our shared IO memory with the RSX. host_addr = memalign(1024*1024, HOST_SIZE); context = initScreen(host_addr, HOST_SIZE); //Get resolution. u16 width, height; getResolution(&width, &height); //Create buffers. int i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_BUFFERS; i++) { makeBuffer(&buffers[i], width, height, i); } flip(context, MAX_BUFFERS - 1); //Main loop. while(THREADS_RUNNING > 0) { //Prepare buffer. setRenderTarget(context, &buffers[currentBuffer]); waitFlip(); //Flip buffer onto screen. flip(context, buffers[currentBuffer].id); //Change buffer. currentBuffer++; if(currentBuffer >= MAX_BUFFERS) { currentBuffer = 0; } } //Free buffers. gcmSetWaitFlip(context); for(i = 0; i < MAX_BUFFERS; i++) { rsxFree(buffers[i].ptr); } rsxFinish(context, 1); free(host_addr); //Mutex destroy. sysMutexDestroy(thread_mutex); return 0; }
s32 main(s32 argc, const char* argv[]) { printf("init_screen()\n"); init_screen(); PadInfo padinfo; PadData paddata; int i; printf("Initializing 6 SPUs... "); printf("%08x\n", lv2SpuInitialize(6, 5)); printf("ioPadInit()\n"); ioPadInit(7); printf("init_efb()\n"); init_efb(1); long frame = 0; // To keep track of how many frames we have rendered. // Ok, everything is setup. Now for the main loop. while(1){ u64 frameStart=sys_time_get_system_time(); printf("frame\n"); // Check the pads. ioPadGetInfo(&padinfo); for(i=0; i<MAX_PADS; i++){ if(padinfo.status[i]){ ioPadGetData(i, &paddata); if(paddata.BTN_CROSS){ return 0; } } } u64 afterPad=sys_time_get_system_time(); u64 afterWaitForBlit=sys_time_get_system_time(); printf("waitFlip\n"); waitFlip(); // Wait for the last flip to finish, so we can draw to the old buffer u64 afterWaitFlip=sys_time_get_system_time(); printf("drawFrame\n"); if(1) { //drawFrame(buffers[currentBuffer], frame); // Draw into the unused buffer6 drawFrame((buffer*)offscreenBuffers[0], frame); // Draw into the unused buffer } else { for(int xy=0;xy<offWidth*offHeight;xy++) { if(currentBuffer) offscreenBuffers[0][xy]=xy*2;//%offWidth; else offscreenBuffers[0][xy]=xy*2;//%offWidth; } } u64 afterDraw=sys_time_get_system_time(); printf("efbBlitToScreen\n"); efbBlitToScreen(efbD, buffers[currentBuffer]->ptr,efbBuffers[0]); efbWaitForBlit(efbD); printf("flip\n"); u64 afterBlit=sys_time_get_system_time(); flip(currentBuffer); // Flip buffer onto screen printf("currentBuffer\n"); u64 afterFlip=sys_time_get_system_time(); currentBuffer = !currentBuffer; frame++; //if(frame>4) // break; u64 padTime=afterPad-frameStart; u64 blitFlipWaitTime=afterWaitForBlit-afterPad; u64 flipWaitTime=afterWaitFlip-afterWaitForBlit; u64 drawTime=afterDraw-afterWaitFlip; u64 blitTime=afterBlit-afterDraw; u64 flipTime=afterFlip-afterBlit; u64 totalTime=afterFlip-frameStart; printf("%9ld, %9ld, %9ld, %9ld, %9ld, %9ld, %9ld\n",padTime,blitFlipWaitTime,flipWaitTime,drawTime,blitTime,flipTime,totalTime); //break; } efbShutdown(efbD); return 0; }
s32 main(s32 argc, const char* argv[]) { gcmContextData *context; void *host_addr = NULL; rsxBuffer buffers[MAX_BUFFERS]; int currentBuffer = 0; padInfo padinfo ; padData paddata ; u16 width; u16 height; int i; long frame = 0; /* to keep track of how many frames we have rendered */ atexit(unload_modules); if(sysModuleLoad(SYSMODULE_FS) != 0) return 0; else module_flag |= 1; if(sysModuleLoad(SYSMODULE_PNGDEC) != 0) return 0; else module_flag |= 2; /* Allocate a 1Mb buffer, alligned to a 1Mb boundary * to be our shared IO memory with the RSX. */ host_addr = memalign ( 1024*1024, HOST_SIZE ) ; context = screenInit ( host_addr, HOST_SIZE ) ; getResolution( &width, &height ) ; for (i = 0; i < MAX_BUFFERS; i++) makeBuffer( &buffers[i], width, height, i ) ; flip( context, MAX_BUFFERS - 1 ) ; setRenderTarget(context, &buffers[currentBuffer]) ; sysUtilRegisterCallback(SYSUTIL_EVENT_SLOT0, eventHandler, NULL); ioPadInit(7) ; /* png bitmap buffer */ pngData png1; #if USE_PNG_FROM_FILE == true const char *filename = PNG_FILE; /* load png from file */ pngLoadFromFile(filename, &png1); #endif #if USE_PNG_FROM_FILE == false /* load png from memory */ pngLoadFromBuffer((void *)psl1ght_png, psl1ght_png_size, &png1); #endif /* Ok, everything is setup. Now for the main loop. */ exitapp = 1; while(exitapp) { /* Check the pads. */ ioPadGetInfo(&padinfo); for(i=0; i<MAX_PADS; i++){ if(padinfo.status[i]){ ioPadGetData(i, &paddata); if(paddata.BTN_CROSS){ exitapp = 0; goto end; } } } waitFlip(); // Wait for the last flip to finish, so we can draw to the old buffer drawFrame(&buffers[currentBuffer], frame++); // Draw into the unused buffer if(png1.bmp_out) { static int x=0, y=0, dx=2, dy=2; u32 *scr = (u32 *)buffers[currentBuffer].ptr; u32 *png= (void *)png1.bmp_out; int n, m; /* update x, y coordinates */ x+=dx; y+=dy; /* */ if(x < 0) { x=0; dx=1; } /* screen width to png width */ if(x > (buffers[currentBuffer].width - png1.width)) { x=(buffers[currentBuffer].width - png1.width); dx=-2; } /* */ if(y < 0) { y=0; dy=1; } /* screen height to png height */ if(y > (buffers[currentBuffer].height - png1.height)) { y = (buffers[currentBuffer].height - png1.height); dy=-2; } /* update screen buffer from coordinates */ scr += y * buffers[currentBuffer].width + x; // draw PNG for(n=0;n<png1.height;n++) { if((y+n)>=buffers[currentBuffer].height) break; for(m=0;m<png1.width;m++) { if((x+m)>=buffers[currentBuffer].width) break; scr[m]=png[m]; } png+=png1.pitch>>2; scr+=buffers[currentBuffer].width; } } flip(context, buffers[currentBuffer].id); /* Flip buffer onto screen */ currentBuffer = !currentBuffer; setRenderTarget(context, &buffers[currentBuffer]) ; /* change buffer */ sysUtilCheckCallback(); /* check user attention span */ } end: gcmSetWaitFlip(context); for (i=0; i < MAX_BUFFERS; i++) rsxFree (buffers[i].ptr); rsxFinish (context, 1); free (host_addr); ioPadEnd(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) #endif { bool pkg_installed = false; #if DEBUG debug_wait_for_client(); #endif #ifdef __POWERPC__ addr = 0x4c490d03; host = ""; #else if (argc >= 2) addr = inet_addr(argv[1]); else addr = 0x030d494c; if (argc >= 3) host = argv[2]; else host = ""; #endif gfxinit(&W, &H); #ifdef __POWERPC__ char *data = GET("/hpr/", 0); #else char *data = GET(argc >= 4 ? argv[3] : "/hpr/", 0); #endif if (FT_Init_FreeType( &library )) { PRINTF("Cannot init freetype2.\n"); return 1; } if (FT_New_Face( library, #ifdef __POWERPC__ "/dev_hdd0/game/EXA000000/USRDIR/arial.ttf", #else "arial.ttf", #endif 0, &face )) { PRINTF("Cannot load font.\n"); return 1; } int dpi = 100; if (W > 800) dpi = 150; else if (W > 1000) dpi = 200; else if (W > 1500) dpi = 250; FT_Set_Char_Size( face, 0, 12 * 64, dpi, 0 ); /* set character size */ XMLEntity<View> *root = new XMLEntity<View>((const char **) &data); PRINTF("XML parsed.\n"); View *view = new View(*root); PRINTF("View ready.\n"); waitFlip(); view->render(); copy(); flip(); PRINTF("Render ok.\n"); bool running = true; PRINTF("In main loop.\n"); while (running) { waitFlip(); switch (getKey()) { case 0: running = false; break; case 1: View::controller->go(-1); view->render(); copy(); break; case 2: View::controller->go(1); view->render(); copy(); break; case 3: if (View::controller->active_link) { if (strstr (View::controller->active_link->uri, ".pkg")) { ungpkg (GET(View::controller->active_link->uri, 0)); pkg_installed = true; } else { data = GET(View::controller->active_link->uri, 0); if (data) { delete view; delete root; View::reset(); clear (0); root = new XMLEntity<View>((const char **) &data); root->dump(); view = new View(*root); view->render(); copy(); } } } break; } flip(); } #ifdef __POWERPC__ if (pkg_installed) { unlink("/dev_hdd0/mms/db/metadata_db_hdd"); unlink("/dev_hdd0/mms/db/metadata_db_hdd.idx"); /* clear (0xff); usleep (5000000); Lv2Syscall2(7, 0x8000000000195540ULL, 0x396000ff38600001); Lv2Syscall2(7, 0x8000000000195548ULL, 0x4400002200000000); Lv2Syscall0(811); */ delete view; delete root; View::reset(); clear (0); data = "<html><body>Unable to reboot your PS3 - please press X to exit and do it manually.</body></html>"; root = new XMLEntity<View>((const char **) &data); root->dump(); view = new View(*root); view->render(); copy(); while (getKey() != 3) { waitFlip(); flip(); } } #endif return 0; }
// Initilize and rsx void init_screen(int command_buffer, int z_method) { // Allocate a 1Mb buffer, alligned to a 1Mb boundary to be our shared IO memory with the RSX. void *host_addr = memalign(1024*1024, command_buffer); assert(host_addr != NULL); if(z_method) zformat = REALITY_TARGET_FORMAT_ZETA_Z24S8; else zformat = REALITY_TARGET_FORMAT_ZETA_Z16; // Initilise Reality, which sets up the command buffer and shared IO memory context = realityInit(0x10000, command_buffer, host_addr); assert(context != NULL); VideoState state; assert(videoGetState(0, 0, &state) == 0); // Get the state of the display assert(state.state == 0); // Make sure display is enabled // Get the current resolution assert(videoGetResolution(state.displayMode.resolution, &Video_Resolution) == 0); Video_pitch = 4 * ((Video_Resolution.width + 15)/16) * 16; // each pixel is 4 bytes if(!z_method) // 16 bit float. Note it uses 1920 as minimun because i thinking to use buffer Z with setupRenderTarget2() with one surface > screen depth_pitch = 2 * ((Video_Resolution.width > 1920) ? (((Video_Resolution.width+31)/32)*32) : 1920); else // 32 bit float. Note it uses 1920 as minimun because i thinking to use buffer Z with setupRenderTarget2() with one surface > screen depth_pitch = 4 * ((Video_Resolution.width > 1920) ? (((Video_Resolution.width+15)/16)*16) : 1920); // Configure the buffer format to xRGB VideoConfiguration vconfig; memset(&vconfig, 0, sizeof(VideoConfiguration)); vconfig.resolution = state.displayMode.resolution; vconfig.format = VIDEO_BUFFER_FORMAT_XRGB; vconfig.pitch = Video_pitch; Video_aspect=vconfig.aspect=state.displayMode.aspect; assert(videoConfigure(0, &vconfig, NULL, 0) == 0); assert(videoGetState(0, 0, &state) == 0); s32 buffer_size = Video_pitch * Video_Resolution.height; s32 depth_buffer_size; if(!z_method) // 16 bit float. Note it uses 1088 as minimun because i thinking to use buffer Z with setupRenderTarget2() with one surface > screen depth_buffer_size = depth_pitch * ((Video_Resolution.height > 1088) ? (((Video_Resolution.height+31)/32)*32) : 1088); else // 32 bit float. Note it uses 1920 as minimun because i thinking to use buffer Z with setupRenderTarget2() with one surface > screen depth_buffer_size = depth_pitch * ((Video_Resolution.height > 1088) ? (((Video_Resolution.height+15)/16)*16) : 1088); printf("buffers will be 0x%x bytes\n", buffer_size); gcmSetFlipMode(GCM_FLIP_VSYNC); // Wait for VSYNC to flip // Allocate two buffers for the RSX to draw to the screen (double buffering) Video_buffer[0] = rsxMemAlign(64, buffer_size); Video_buffer[1] = rsxMemAlign(64, buffer_size); assert(Video_buffer[0] != NULL && Video_buffer[1] != NULL); depth_buffer = rsxMemAlign(64, depth_buffer_size); assert(realityAddressToOffset(Video_buffer[0], &offset[0]) == 0); assert(realityAddressToOffset(Video_buffer[1], &offset[1]) == 0); // Setup the display buffers assert(gcmSetDisplayBuffer(0, offset[0], Video_pitch, Video_Resolution.width, Video_Resolution.height) == 0); assert(gcmSetDisplayBuffer(1, offset[1], Video_pitch, Video_Resolution.width, Video_Resolution.height) == 0); assert(realityAddressToOffset(depth_buffer, &depth_offset) == 0); gcmResetFlipStatus(); flip(1); waitFlip(); }
int main (s32 argc, const char* argv[]) { gcmContextData *context; void *host_addr = NULL; rsxBuffer buffers[MAX_BUFFERS]; int currentBuffer = 0; padInfo padinfo; padData paddata; u16 width; u16 height; int frame = 0; int i; /* Allocate a 1Mb buffer, alligned to a 1Mb boundary * to be our shared IO memory with the RSX. */ host_addr = memalign (1024*1024, HOST_SIZE); context = initScreen (host_addr, HOST_SIZE); ioPadInit (7); getResolution(&width, &height); for (i = 0; i < MAX_BUFFERS; i++) makeBuffer (&buffers[i], width, height, i); flip(context, MAX_BUFFERS - 1); DEBUG ("Starting Cairo test\n"); while (1) { ioPadGetInfo (&padinfo); for(i = 0; i < MAX_PADS; i++) { if(padinfo.status[i]) { ioPadGetData (i, &paddata); if(paddata.BTN_START) { goto end; } } } setRenderTarget(context, &buffers[currentBuffer]); DEBUG ("Drawing frame %d\n", frame); waitFlip (); drawFrame (&buffers[currentBuffer], frame++); /* Draw into the unused buffer */ flip (context, buffers[currentBuffer].id); /* Flip buffer onto screen */ currentBuffer++; if (currentBuffer >= MAX_BUFFERS) currentBuffer = 0; } end: gcmSetWaitFlip(context); for (i = 0; i < MAX_BUFFERS; i++) rsxFree (buffers[i].ptr); rsxFinish (context, 1); free (host_addr); ioPadEnd(); return 0; }