コード例 #1
ファイル: logd_proto.c プロジェクト: CESNET/glite-lb
 * edg_wll_log_proto_server - handle incoming data
 * Returns: 0 if done properly or errno
 * Calls:
 * Algorithm:
int edg_wll_log_proto_server(edg_wll_GssConnection *con, struct timeval *timeout, char *name, char *prefix, int noipc, int noparse)
	char	*buf,*dglllid,*dguser,*jobId,*name_esc;
	char	outfilename[FILENAME_MAX];
	size_t	count;
	int	count_total,size;
	u_int8_t size_end[4];
	size_t  msg_size,dglllid_size,dguser_size;
	int	i,answer,answer_sent;
	int	msg_sock;
	char    *msg,*msg_begin;
	int	filedesc,filelock_status;
	long	filepos;
	int	priority;
	long	lllid;
	int	unique;
	int	err;
	edg_wll_Context	context;
	edg_wll_Event	*event;
	edg_wlc_JobId	j;
	edg_wll_GssStatus	gss_stat;
	errno = i = answer = answer_sent = size = msg_size = dglllid_size = dguser_size = count = count_total = msg_sock = filedesc = filelock_status = /* priority */ unique = err = 0;     
        buf = dglllid = dguser = jobId = name_esc = msg = msg_begin = NULL;
	event = NULL;

	/* init */
	if (edg_wll_InitContext(&context) != 0) {
		glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR,"edg_wll_InitContex(): error.\n");
		answer = ENOMEM; 
		goto edg_wll_log_proto_server_end; 
	if (edg_wll_ResetError(context) != 0) { 
		glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR,"edg_wll_ResetError(): error.\n");
		answer = ENOMEM; 
		goto edg_wll_log_proto_server_end;

	/* look for the unique unused long local-logger id (LLLID) */
	lllid = 1000*getpid();
	for (i=0; (i<1000)&&(!unique); i++) {
		struct stat statbuf;
		lllid += i;
		snprintf(confirm_sock_name, sizeof(confirm_sock_name), "/tmp/dglogd_sock_%ld", lllid);
		if ((filedesc = stat(confirm_sock_name,&statbuf)) == 0) {
			glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_WARN,"Warning: LLLID %ld already in use.\n",lllid);
		} else {
			if (errno == ENOENT) {
				unique = 1;
			} else {
	if (!unique) {
		glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR,"Cannot determine the unique long local-logger id (LLLID %ld)!\n",lllid);
		return EAGAIN;
	glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_INFO,"Long local-logger id (LLLID): %ld ... [ok]\n",lllid);

	/* receive socket header */
	memset(header, 0, EDG_WLL_LOG_SOCKET_HEADER_LENGTH+1);
	if ((err = edg_wll_gss_read_full(con, header, EDG_WLL_LOG_SOCKET_HEADER_LENGTH, timeout, &count, &gss_stat)) < 0) {
		if (err == EDG_WLL_GSS_ERROR_EOF) {
			glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_WARN,"Reading socket header - no data available.\n");
			answer = err;
			answer_sent = 1; /* i.e. do not try to send answer back */
		} else {
			glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_WARN,"Error reading socket header.\n");
			answer = handle_gss_failures(err,&gss_stat,"Error reading socket header");
		goto edg_wll_log_proto_server_end;
	} else {
		glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG,"Reading socket header... [ok]\n");

	/* Check socket header */
		/* not the proper socket header text */
		glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_WARN,"edg_wll_log_proto_server(): invalid socket header\n");
		glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG,"edg_wll_log_proto_server(): read header '%s' instead of '%s'\n",
		answer = EINVAL;
		goto edg_wll_log_proto_server_end;
	} else {
		glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG,"Read socket header: \"%s\" [ok]\n",header);

/* XXX: obsolete
	count = 0;
	if ((err = edg_wll_gss_read_full(con, &priority, sizeof(priority), timeout, &count, &gss_stat)) < 0) {
		glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_WARN,"Error reading message priority.\n");
		answer = handle_gss_failures(err,&gss_stat,"Error receiving message priority");
                goto edg_wll_log_proto_server_end;
        } else {
		glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG,"Read message priority: %d [ok]\n",priority);

        /* read message size */
	count = 0;
	if ((err = edg_wll_gss_read_full(con, size_end, 4, timeout, &count,&gss_stat)) < 0) {
		glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG,"Error reading message size.\n");
		answer = handle_gss_failures(err,&gss_stat,"Error reading message size");
                goto edg_wll_log_proto_server_end;
	} else {
		glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG,"Reading message size... [ok]\n");
	size = size_end[3]; size <<=8; 
	size |= size_end[2]; size <<=8; 
	size |= size_end[1]; size <<=8; 
	size |= size_end[0];
	if (size <= 0) {
		/* probably wrong size in the header or nothing to read */
		glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_WARN,"edg_wll_log_proto_server(): invalid size read from socket header\n");
		glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG,"Read message size '%d' [error].\n",size);
		answer = EINVAL;
		goto edg_wll_log_proto_server_end;
	} else {
		glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG,"Read message size: %d bytes [ok].\n",size);

	/* format the DG.LLLID string */
	if (asprintf(&dglllid,"DG.LLLID=%ld ",lllid) == -1) {
		glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_WARN,"edg_wll_log_proto_server(): nomem for DG.LLLID\n");
		answer = ENOMEM;
		goto edg_wll_log_proto_server_end;
	dglllid_size = strlen(dglllid);

	/* format the DG.USER string */
	name_esc = glite_lbu_EscapeULM(name);
	if (asprintf(&dguser,"DG.USER=\"%s\" ",name_esc) == -1) {
		glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_WARN,"edg_wll_log_proto_server(): nomem for DG.USER\n");
		answer = ENOMEM;
		goto edg_wll_log_proto_server_end;
	dguser_size = strlen(dguser);

	/* allocate enough memory for all data */
	msg_size = dglllid_size + dguser_size + size + 1;
	if ((msg = malloc(msg_size)) == NULL) {
		glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_WARN,"edg_wll_log_proto_server(): out of memory for allocating message\n");
		answer = ENOMEM;
		goto edg_wll_log_proto_server_end;
	msg_begin = msg + dglllid_size; // this is the "official" beginning of the message

	/* receive message */
	buf = msg_begin + dguser_size;
	count = 0;
	if ((err = edg_wll_gss_read_full(con, buf, size, timeout, &count, &gss_stat)) < 0) {
		glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_WARN,"Error reading message from socket.\n");
		answer = handle_gss_failures(err,&gss_stat,"Error reading message from socket.");
		goto edg_wll_log_proto_server_end;
	} else {
		glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG,"Reading message... [ok]\n");
		// glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_TRACE,"Read message: \"%s\"\n",msg);

	buf[count] = '\0';

	/* parse message and get jobId and priority from it */
	if (!noparse && strstr(msg, "DG.TYPE=\"command\"") == NULL) {
		if (edg_wll_ParseEvent(context,msg_begin,&event) != 0) { 
			glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_WARN,"edg_wll_log_proto_server(): edg_wll_ParseEvent error\n");
			glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_WARN,"edg_wll_ParseEvent(): %s\n",context->errDesc);
			answer = edg_wll_Error(context,NULL,NULL);
			goto edg_wll_log_proto_server_end;
		} else {
			glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG,"Parsing message for correctness...[ok]\n");
		jobId = edg_wlc_JobIdGetUnique(event->any.jobId);
		priority = event->any.priority;
		event->any.priority = priority;
		glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG,"Getting jobId from message...[ok]\n");
	} else {
		if ((event = edg_wll_InitEvent(EDG_WLL_EVENT_UNDEF)) == NULL) {
			glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_WARN, "edg_wll_InitEvent(): out of memory\n");
			answer = ENOMEM;
			goto edg_wll_log_proto_server_end;
		jobId = edg_wll_GetJobId(msg);
		if (!jobId || edg_wlc_JobIdParse(jobId,&j)) {
			glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_WARN,"Error getting jobId from message.\n");
			answer = EINVAL;
			goto edg_wll_log_proto_server_end;
		} else {
			glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG,"Getting jobId from message...[ok]\n");
		jobId = edg_wlc_JobIdGetUnique(j);

/* TODO: get the priority from message some better way */
		if (strstr(msg, "DG.PRIORITY=1") != NULL)
			event->any.priority = 1;
		else event->any.priority = 0;

	if (event->any.priority & (EDG_WLL_LOGFLAG_SYNC|EDG_WLL_LOGFLAG_SYNC_COMPAT)) {
		if(init_confirmation() < 0) { 
			glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_WARN,"Error initializing 2nd UNIX socket (%s) for priority messages confirmation.\n",confirm_sock_name); 
			answer = errno; 
			goto edg_wll_log_proto_server_end; 
		} else {
			glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG,"Initializing 2nd UNIX socket (%s) for priority messages confirmation...[ok]\n",confirm_sock_name);

	/* if not command, save message to file */
	if(strstr(msg, "DG.TYPE=\"command\"") == NULL) {
		/* compose the name of the log file */
		count = strlen(prefix);
		strncpy(outfilename,prefix,count); count_total=count;
		strncpy(outfilename+count_total,".",1); count_total+=1; count=strlen(jobId);
		strncpy(outfilename+count_total,jobId,count); count_total+=count;
//		glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG,"Composing filename from prefix \"%s\" and unique jobId \"%s\"...[ok]",prefix,jobId);

		/* fopen and properly handle the filelock */
		glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_INFO,"NOT writing message to \"%s\".\n",outfilename);
		filepos = 0;
		if ( edg_wll_log_event_write(context, outfilename, msg, FCNTL_ATTEMPTS, FCNTL_TIMEOUT, &filepos) ) {
			char *errd;
			// FIXME: there is probably not a correct errno
			answer = edg_wll_Error(context, NULL, &errd);
			glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_WARN,"edg_wll_log_event_write error: %s\n",errd);
			goto edg_wll_log_proto_server_end;
		} else glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_INFO,"Writing message to \"%s\"... [ok]",outfilename);
	} else {
		filepos = 0;

#ifdef LB_PERF
	glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_INFO,"Calling perftest\n");
	glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_INFO,"Calling perftest... [done]\n");

	/* if not priority send now the answer back to client */
	if (!(event->any.priority & (EDG_WLL_LOGFLAG_SYNC|EDG_WLL_LOGFLAG_SYNC_COMPAT))) {
		if (!send_answer_back(con,answer,timeout)) { 
			answer_sent = 1;

	/* send message via IPC (UNIX socket) */
	if (!noipc) {

		if ( edg_wll_log_event_send(context, socket_path, filepos, msg, msg_size, CONNECT_ATTEMPTS, timeout) ) {
			char *errd;
			// XXX: probably not a SYSTEM ERROR
			// glite_common_log_SYS_ERROR("edg_wll_log_event_send");
			answer = edg_wll_Error(context, NULL, &errd);
			glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_WARN,"edg_wll_log_event_send error: %s\n",errd);
			goto edg_wll_log_proto_server_end_1;
			"Sending via IPC (UNIX socket \"%s\")\n\t"
			"the message position %ld (%ld bytes)... [ok]",
			socket_path, filepos, sizeof(filepos));

	} else {
		glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG,"NOT sending via IPC.\n");

	if (event->any.priority & (EDG_WLL_LOGFLAG_SYNC|EDG_WLL_LOGFLAG_SYNC_COMPAT)) {
		if ((count = wait_for_confirmation(timeout, &answer)) < 0) {
			glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_WARN,"Error waiting for confirmation.\n");
			answer = errno;
		} else {
			glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG,"Waiting for confirmation... [ok].\n");
			if (count == 0) {
				glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG,"Waking up, timeout expired.\n");
				answer = EAGAIN;
			} else {
				glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG,"Confirmation received, waking up.\n");

	/* if not sent already, send the answer back to client */
	if (!answer_sent) {
		answer = send_answer_back(con,answer,timeout);
	/* clean */
	if (name_esc) free(name_esc);
	if (dglllid) free(dglllid);
	if (dguser) free(dguser);
	if (jobId) free(jobId);
	if (msg) free(msg);
	if (event) free(event);

//	glite_common_log(LOG_CATEGORY_ACCESS,LOG_PRIORITY_INFO,"Done.\n");

	return answer;

	if (event->any.priority) {
	goto edg_wll_log_proto_server_end;
コード例 #2
ファイル: M600.cpp プロジェクト: teemuatlut/Marlin
 * M600: Pause for filament change
 *  E[distance] - Retract the filament this far
 *  Z[distance] - Move the Z axis by this distance
 *  X[position] - Move to this X position, with Y
 *  Y[position] - Move to this Y position, with X
 *  U[distance] - Retract distance for removal (manual reload)
 *  L[distance] - Extrude distance for insertion (manual reload)
 *  B[count]    - Number of times to beep, -1 for indefinite (if equipped with a buzzer)
 *  T[toolhead] - Select extruder for filament change
 *  Default values are used for omitted arguments.
void GcodeSuite::M600() {
  point_t park_point = NOZZLE_PARK_POINT;

  const int8_t target_extruder = get_target_extruder_from_command();
  if (target_extruder < 0) return;

    int8_t DXC_ext = target_extruder;
    if (!parser.seen('T')) {  // If no tool index is specified, M600 was (probably) sent in response to filament runout.
                              // In this case, for duplicating modes set DXC_ext to the extruder that ran out.
        if (dxc_is_duplicating())
          DXC_ext = (READ(FIL_RUNOUT2_PIN) == FIL_RUNOUT_INVERTING) ? 1 : 0;
        DXC_ext = active_extruder;

  // Show initial "wait for start" message
    lcd_advanced_pause_show_message(ADVANCED_PAUSE_MESSAGE_INIT, ADVANCED_PAUSE_MODE_PAUSE_PRINT, target_extruder);

    // Don't allow filament change without homing first
    if (axis_unhomed_error()) gcode.home_all_axes();

  #if EXTRUDERS > 1
    // Change toolhead if specified
    const uint8_t active_extruder_before_filament_change = active_extruder;
    if (
      active_extruder != target_extruder
        && dual_x_carriage_mode != DXC_DUPLICATION_MODE && dual_x_carriage_mode != DXC_SCALED_DUPLICATION_MODE
    ) tool_change(target_extruder, 0, false);

  // Initial retract before move to filament change position
  const float retract = -ABS(parser.seen('E') ? parser.value_axis_units(E_AXIS) : 0

  // Lift Z axis
  if (parser.seenval('Z')) park_point.z = parser.linearval('Z');

  // Move XY axes to filament change position or given position
  if (parser.seenval('X')) park_point.x = parser.linearval('X');
  if (parser.seenval('Y')) park_point.y = parser.linearval('Y');

    park_point.x += (active_extruder ? hotend_offset[X_AXIS][active_extruder] : 0);
    park_point.y += (active_extruder ? hotend_offset[Y_AXIS][active_extruder] : 0);

    // For MMU2 reset retract and load/unload values so they don't mess with MMU filament handling
    constexpr float unload_length = 0.5f,
                    slow_load_length = 0.0f,
                    fast_load_length = 0.0f;
    // Unload filament
    const float unload_length = -ABS(parser.seen('U') ? parser.value_axis_units(E_AXIS)
                                                      : fc_settings[active_extruder].unload_length);

    // Slow load filament
    constexpr float slow_load_length = FILAMENT_CHANGE_SLOW_LOAD_LENGTH;

    // Fast load filament
    const float fast_load_length = ABS(parser.seen('L') ? parser.value_axis_units(E_AXIS)
                                                        : fc_settings[active_extruder].load_length);

  const int beep_count = parser.intval('B',

  if (pause_print(retract, park_point, unload_length, true DXC_PASS)) {
      resume_print(slow_load_length, fast_load_length, 0, beep_count DXC_PASS);
      wait_for_confirmation(true, beep_count DXC_PASS);
      resume_print(slow_load_length, fast_load_length, ADVANCED_PAUSE_PURGE_LENGTH, beep_count DXC_PASS);

  #if EXTRUDERS > 1
    // Restore toolhead if it was changed
    if (active_extruder_before_filament_change != active_extruder)
      tool_change(active_extruder_before_filament_change, 0, false);