PWBOBJ wbCreateMenu(PWBOBJ pwboParent, PWBITEM pitem[], int nItems) { int i; MENUITEMINFO mi; PWBOBJ pwbo; HMENU hMenu, hPopup = NULL; LPCTSTR pszLastPopup = NULL; if(!pwboParent || !pwboParent->hwnd || !IsWindow(pwboParent->hwnd)) return NULL; // Start building the menu hMenu = CreateMenu(); for(i = 0; i < nItems; i++) { if(!pitem[i]) { AppendMenu(hPopup, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, NULL); } else if(!pitem[i]->id) { if(pitem[i]->pszCaption && *pitem[i]->pszCaption) { // Attach a pop-up menu to a top-level menu if(hPopup && pszLastPopup) { AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_POPUP, (UINT)hPopup, pszLastPopup); } hPopup = CreateMenu(); pszLastPopup = pitem[i]->pszCaption; } else { // Separator AppendMenu(hPopup, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, NULL); } } else { if(pitem[i]->pszCaption && *pitem[i]->pszCaption) { // Create a submenu item AppendMenu(hPopup, MF_STRING, pitem[i]->id, pitem[i]->pszCaption); if(pitem[i]->pszImage && *pitem[i]->pszImage) { HBITMAP hImage = wbLoadImage(pitem[i]->pszImage, 0, 0); if(hImage) SetMenuItemBitmaps(hPopup, pitem[i]->id, MF_BYCOMMAND, hImage, hImage); } } } } // Create last first-level menu if(hPopup && pszLastPopup) { AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_POPUP, (UINT)hPopup, pszLastPopup); } // Attach the menu to the window pwbo = wbMalloc(sizeof(WBOBJ)); pwbo->hwnd = (HWND)hMenu; pwbo->id = 0; pwbo->uClass = Menu; pwbo->item = -1; pwbo->subitem = -1; pwbo->style = 0; pwbo->pszCallBackFn = NULL; pwbo->pszCallBackObj = NULL; pwbo->lparam = 0; pwbo->parent = pwboParent; // ********* DOESN'T WORK mi.dwItemData = (DWORD)pwbo; SetMenuItemInfo((HMENU)pwbo->hwnd, 0, TRUE, &mi); // ********* DOESN'T WORK SetMenu(pwboParent->hwnd, hMenu); return pwbo; }
} else { size = wbGetImageDimensions((HBITMAP)source->value.lval); } } else if(source->type == IS_STRING) { // Is source an image file? if(strchr(source->value.str.val, '.') && (strstr(source->value.str.val, ".bmp") || strstr(source->value.str.val, ".ico") || strstr(source->value.str.val, ".icl") || strstr(source->value.str.val, ".dll") || strstr(source->value.str.val, ".exe"))) { HBITMAP hbm; wcs = Utf82WideChar(source->value.str.val, source->value.str.len); hbm = wbLoadImage(wcs, 0, 0); if(hbm) //size = wbGetImageDimensions(wbLoadImage(source->value.str.val, 0, 0)); size = wbGetImageDimensions(hbm); } else { SIZE siz; wcs = Utf82WideChar(source->value.str.val, source->value.str.len); if(wbGetTextSize(&siz, wcs, lparam)) size = (DWORD)MAKELONG(,; else size = 0; } } else { zend_error(E_WARNING, "Invalid parameter type passed to function %s()",
} } else { size = wbGetImageDimensions((HBITMAP)source->value.lval); } } else if(source->type == IS_STRING) { // Is source an image file? if(strchr(source->value.str.val, '.') && (strstr(source->value.str.val, ".bmp") || strstr(source->value.str.val, ".ico") || strstr(source->value.str.val, ".icl") || strstr(source->value.str.val, ".dll") || strstr(source->value.str.val, ".exe"))) { HBITMAP hbm; hbm = wbLoadImage(source->value.str.val, 0, 0); if(hbm) size = wbGetImageDimensions(wbLoadImage(source->value.str.val, 0, 0)); } else { SIZE siz; if(wbGetTextSize(&siz, source->value.str.val, lparam)) size = (DWORD)MAKELONG(,; else size = 0; } } else { zend_error(E_WARNING, "Invalid parameter type passed to function %s()", get_active_function_name(TSRMLS_C));