static void initialize() { wb_robot_init(); currentBehavior = RANDOM_MOVER; ps0 = wb_robot_get_device("ps0"); ps1 = wb_robot_get_device("ps1"); ps2 = wb_robot_get_device("ps2"); ps3 = wb_robot_get_device("ps3"); ps4 = wb_robot_get_device("ps4"); ps5 = wb_robot_get_device("ps5"); ps6 = wb_robot_get_device("ps6"); ps7 = wb_robot_get_device("ps7"); ls0 = wb_robot_get_device("ls0"); ls1 = wb_robot_get_device("ls1"); ls2 = wb_robot_get_device("ls2"); ls3 = wb_robot_get_device("ls3"); ls4 = wb_robot_get_device("ls4"); ls5 = wb_robot_get_device("ls5"); ls6 = wb_robot_get_device("ls6"); ls7 = wb_robot_get_device("ls7"); led4 = wb_robot_get_device("led4"); int sensorTimeout = 100; wb_distance_sensor_enable(ps0, sensorTimeout); wb_distance_sensor_enable(ps1, sensorTimeout); wb_distance_sensor_enable(ps2, sensorTimeout); wb_distance_sensor_enable(ps3, sensorTimeout); wb_distance_sensor_enable(ps4, sensorTimeout); wb_distance_sensor_enable(ps5, sensorTimeout); wb_distance_sensor_enable(ps6, sensorTimeout); wb_distance_sensor_enable(ps7, sensorTimeout); wb_light_sensor_enable(ls0, sensorTimeout); wb_light_sensor_enable(ls1, sensorTimeout); wb_light_sensor_enable(ls2, sensorTimeout); wb_light_sensor_enable(ls3, sensorTimeout); wb_light_sensor_enable(ls4, sensorTimeout); wb_light_sensor_enable(ls5, sensorTimeout); wb_light_sensor_enable(ls6, sensorTimeout); wb_light_sensor_enable(ls7, sensorTimeout); wb_led_set(led4, 1); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* define variables */ WbDeviceTag turret_sensor; double perf_data[3]; double clock = 0; /* initialize Webots */ wb_robot_init(); // read robot id from the robot's name char* robot_name; robot_name=(char*) wb_robot_get_name(); sscanf(robot_name,"e-puck%d",&robot_id); emitter = wb_robot_get_device("emitter"); wb_emitter_set_range(emitter,COM_RANGE); receiver = wb_robot_get_device("receiver"); wb_receiver_set_channel(receiver,0); wb_receiver_enable(receiver,TIME_STEP); wb_robot_step(TIME_STEP); turret_sensor = wb_robot_get_device("ts"); wb_light_sensor_enable(turret_sensor,TIME_STEP); /* main loop */ while (wb_robot_step(TIME_STEP) != -1) { clock += (double)TIME_STEP/1000; /* get light sensor value */ sensor_value = wb_light_sensor_get_value(turret_sensor); if(wb_receiver_get_queue_length(receiver) > 0) { wb_emitter_set_channel(emitter,3); perf_data[0] = (double)robot_id; perf_data[1] = (double)(pkt_count-1); perf_data[2] = 0; wb_emitter_send(emitter,perf_data,3*sizeof(double)); break; // stop node } else { send_data(clock); // send measurement data } } wb_robot_cleanup(); return 0; }
// entry point of the controller int main(int argc, char **argv) { // initialize the Webots API wb_robot_init(); // internal variables int i; WbDeviceTag ps[8]; char ps_names[8][4] = { "ps0", "ps1", "ps2", "ps3", "ps4", "ps5", "ps6", "ps7" }; // initialize devices for (i=0; i<8 ; i++) { ps[i] = wb_robot_get_device(ps_names[i]); wb_distance_sensor_enable(ps[i], TIME_STEP); } WbDeviceTag ls[8]; char ls_names[8][4] = { "ls0", "ls1", "ls2", "ls3", "ls4", "ls5", "ls6", "ls7" }; // initialize devices for (i=0; i<8 ; i++) { ls[i] = wb_robot_get_device(ls_names[i]); wb_light_sensor_enable(ls[i], TIME_STEP); } WbDeviceTag led[8]; char led_names[8][5] = { "led0", "led1", "led2", "led3", "led4", "led5", "led6", "led7" }; // initialize devices for (i=0; i<8 ; i++) { led[i] = wb_robot_get_device(led_names[i]); } // feedback loop while (1) { // step simulation int delay = wb_robot_step(TIME_STEP); if (delay == -1) // exit event from webots break; // read sensors outputs double ps_values[8]; for (i=0; i<8 ; i++) ps_values[i] = wb_distance_sensor_get_value(ps[i]); update_search_speed(ps_values, 250); // set speeds double left_speed = get_search_left_wheel_speed(); double right_speed = get_search_right_wheel_speed(); // read IR sensors outputs double ls_values[8]; for (i=0; i<8 ; i++){ ls_values[i] = wb_light_sensor_get_value(ls[i]); } int active_ir = FALSE; for(i=0; i<8; i++){ if(ls_values[i] < 2275){ active_ir = TRUE; } } if(active_ir == TRUE){ swarm_retrieval(ls_values, ps_values, 2275); left_speed = get_retrieval_left_wheel_speed(); right_speed = get_retrieval_right_wheel_speed(); } if(is_pushing() == TRUE || stagnation == TRUE){ // check for stagnation stagnation_counter = stagnation_counter + 1; if(stagnation_counter == min((50 + positive_feedback * 50), 300) && stagnation == FALSE){ stagnation_counter = 0; // reset counter stagnation_check = TRUE; for(i=0; i<8; i++) prev_dist_values[i] = ps_values[i]; } if(stagnation_check == TRUE){ left_speed = 0; right_speed = 0; } if(stagnation_check == TRUE && stagnation_counter == 5){ stagnation_counter = 0; // reset counter reset_stagnation(); valuate_pushing(ps_values, prev_dist_values); stagnation = get_stagnation_state(); stagnation_check = FALSE; if(stagnation == TRUE) positive_feedback = 0; else positive_feedback = positive_feedback + 1; } if(stagnation == TRUE){ stagnation_recovery(ps_values, 300); left_speed = get_stagnation_left_wheel_speed(); right_speed = get_stagnation_right_wheel_speed(); if(get_stagnation_state() == FALSE){ reset_stagnation(); stagnation = FALSE; stagnation_counter = 0; } } } // write actuators inputs wb_differential_wheels_set_speed(left_speed, right_speed); for(i=0; i<8; i++){ wb_led_set(led[i], get_LED_state(i)); } } // cleanup the Webots API wb_robot_cleanup(); return 0; //EXIT_SUCCESS }