CDebugBinStream(const wchar* path, bool write) { if (write) m_fp = wfopen(path, _W("wb")); else m_fp = wfopen(path, _W("rb")); }
bool process_iterator_t::next_process(wcstring *out_str, pid_t *out_pid) { wcstring cmd; pid_t pid = 0; while (cmd.empty()) { wcstring name; if (! dir || ! wreaddir(dir, name)) break; if (!iswnumeric(name.c_str())) continue; wcstring path = wcstring(L"/proc/") + name; struct stat buf; if (wstat(path, &buf)) continue; if (buf.st_uid != getuid()) continue; /* remember the pid */ pid = fish_wcstoi(name.c_str(), NULL, 10); /* the 'cmdline' file exists, it should contain the commandline */ FILE *cmdfile; if ((cmdfile=wfopen(path + L"/cmdline", "r"))) { wcstring full_command_line; signal_block(); fgetws2(&full_command_line, cmdfile); signal_unblock(); /* The command line needs to be escaped */ cmd = tok_first(full_command_line.c_str()); } #ifdef SunOS else if ((cmdfile=wfopen(path + L"/psinfo", "r"))) { psinfo_t info; if (fread(&info, sizeof(info), 1, cmdfile)) { /* The filename is unescaped */ cmd = str2wcstring(info.pr_fname); } } #endif if (cmdfile) fclose(cmdfile); } bool result = ! cmd.empty(); if (result) { *out_str = cmd; *out_pid = pid; } return result; }
TInt CTestWideApi::wremove_val1() { wchar_t *dirName = L"C:\\wremoveDir"; wchar_t *fileName1 = L"C:\\wremoveDir\\file1.txt"; wchar_t *fileName2 = L"C:\\wremoveDir\\file2.txt"; TInt ret = -1; errno = 0; if(wmkdir(dirName ,S_IWUSR) < 0) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed to create the parent directory")); return KErrGeneral ; } FILE *fp = wfopen(fileName1, (wchar_t *)"w"); if(fp == NULL) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed to create the child directory")); return KErrGeneral ; } fclose(fp); fp = wfopen(fileName2, (wchar_t *)"w"); if(fp == NULL) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed to create the child directory")); return KErrGeneral ; } fclose(fp); ret = wremove(fileName1); if(ret != 0) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("wremove failed")); wunlink(fileName1); return KErrGeneral; } ret = wremove(fileName2); if(ret != 0) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("wremove failed")); wunlink(fileName2); return KErrGeneral; } ret = wremove(dirName); if(ret != 0) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("wremove failed")); return KErrGeneral; } return KErrNone ; }
/** Returns the interpreter for the specified script. Returns 0 if file is not a script with a shebang. This function leaks memory on every call. Only use it in the execve error handler which calls exit right afterwards, anyway. */ static wchar_t *get_interpreter( wchar_t *file ) { string_buffer_t sb; FILE *fp = wfopen( file, "r" ); sb_init( &sb ); wchar_t *res = 0; if( fp ) { while( 1 ) { wint_t ch = getwc( fp ); if( ch == WEOF ) break; if( ch == L'\n' ) break; sb_append_char( &sb, (wchar_t)ch ); } } res = (wchar_t *)sb.buff; if( !wcsncmp( L"#! /", res, 4 ) ) return res+3; if( !wcsncmp( L"#!/", res, 3 ) ) return res+2; return 0; }
/// Get the CPU time for the specified process. unsigned long proc_get_jiffies(process_t *p) { if (p->pid <= 0) return 0; wchar_t fn[FN_SIZE]; char state; int pid, ppid, pgrp, session, tty_nr, tpgid, exit_signal, processor; long int cutime, cstime, priority, nice, placeholder, itrealvalue, rss; unsigned long int flags, minflt, cminflt, majflt, cmajflt, utime, stime, starttime, vsize, rlim, startcode, endcode, startstack, kstkesp, kstkeip, signal, blocked, sigignore, sigcatch, wchan, nswap, cnswap; char comm[1024]; swprintf(fn, FN_SIZE, L"/proc/%d/stat", p->pid); FILE *f = wfopen(fn, "r"); if (!f) return 0; // TODO: replace the use of fscanf() as it is brittle and should never be used. int count = fscanf(f, "%9d %1023s %c %9d %9d %9d %9d %9d %9lu " "%9lu %9lu %9lu %9lu %9lu %9lu %9ld %9ld %9ld " "%9ld %9ld %9ld %9lu %9lu %9ld %9lu %9lu %9lu " "%9lu %9lu %9lu %9lu %9lu %9lu %9lu %9lu %9lu " "%9lu %9d %9d ", &pid, comm, &state, &ppid, &pgrp, &session, &tty_nr, &tpgid, &flags, &minflt, &cminflt, &majflt, &cmajflt, &utime, &stime, &cutime, &cstime, &priority, &nice, &placeholder, &itrealvalue, &starttime, &vsize, &rss, &rlim, &startcode, &endcode, &startstack, &kstkesp, &kstkeip, &signal, &blocked, &sigignore, &sigcatch, &wchan, &nswap, &cnswap, &exit_signal, &processor); fclose(f); if (count < 17) return 0; return utime + stime + cutime + cstime; }
void valid_ints( int eqdimpar, RAT *eqarpar, int neqpar,int eqrlpar, int iedimpar, RAT *iearpar, int niepar, int ierlpar, char *fname ) { RAT *eqsum = (RAT *)0; RAT *iesum = (RAT *)0; fprintf (prt,"computing all valid integral points "); fflush(prt); /* 17.01.1994: include logging on file porta.log */ porta_log( "computing all valid integral points "); fflush(logfile); if (!lowbds || !upbds) msg( "\nno bounds are given", "", 0 ); for (eqdim = 0 ; eqdim < eqdimpar; eqdim++) if (lowbds[eqdim] > upbds[eqdim]) msg("lower bound greater than upper bound", "", 0); neq = neqpar; eqdim = eqdimpar; eqar = eqarpar; eqrl = eqrlpar; ubea = eqar+neq*eqrl; nie = niepar; iedim = iedimpar; iear = iearpar; ierl = ierlpar; ubia = iear+nie*ierl; fname[strlen(fname)-4] = '\0'; strcat(fname,".poi"); fp = wfopen(fname); fprintf(fp,"DIM =%3d\n\nCONV_SECTION\n",dim); integ = (int *) allo(integ,0,eqdim*sizeof(int)); reknum = intnum = 0; eqsum = (RAT *) RATallo(eqsum,0,(1+neq)*(eqdim+1)); iesum = (RAT *) RATallo(iesum,0,(1+nie)*(iedim+1)); integ_rekurs(eqsum,iesum,0); #if defined WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN32__ || defined __APPLE__ free(integ); #else // WIN32 cfree(integ); #endif // WIN32 fprintf(fp,"\nEND\n"); fclose(fp); fprintf(prt,"\n\nnumber of valid integral points : %i\n\n",intnum); fprintf(prt,"integral points written to file %s\n",fname); /* 17.01.1994: include logging on file porta.log */ porta_log( "\n\nnumber of valid integral points : %i\n\n",intnum); porta_log( "integral points written to file %s\n",fname); }
USBDevice *usb_msd_init(const TCHAR *filename) { MSDState *s; s = (MSDState*)qemu_mallocz(sizeof(MSDState)); if (!s) return NULL; s->hfile = NULL; s->hfile = wfopen(filename, TEXT("r+b")); if (!s->hfile) { fprintf(stderr, "usb-msd: Could not open image file\n"); return NULL; } s->last_cmd = -1; s->dev.speed = USB_SPEED_FULL; s->dev.handle_packet = usb_generic_handle_packet; s->dev.handle_reset = usb_msd_handle_reset; s->dev.handle_control = usb_msd_handle_control; s->dev.handle_data = usb_msd_handle_data; s->dev.handle_destroy = usb_msd_handle_destroy; sprintf(s->dev.devname, "QEMU USB MSD(%.16s)", filename); usb_msd_handle_reset((USBDevice *)s); return (USBDevice *)s; }
void write_ieq_file( char *fname, FILE *fp, int equa, int feq, int eqrl, int *eqindx, int ineq, int fie, int ierl, int *ieindx ) { char filename[100]; int i, start; fprintf(prt,"\nnumber of equations : %4i \n",equa); fprintf(prt,"number of inequalities : %4i \n\n",ineq); /* 17.01.1994: include logging on file porta.log */ porta_log( "\nnumber of equations : %4i \n",equa); porta_log( "number of inequalities : %4i \n\n",ineq); strcpy(filename,fname); strcat(filename,".ieq"); if (!fp) { fp = wfopen(filename); fprintf(fp, "DIM = %d\n\n",dim); if (is_set(Traf) ) { fprintf(fp, "VALID\n"); for (i = 0; i< dim; i++) { fprintf(fp, "%ld", ar6[i].num); if (ar6[i].den.i > 1) fprintf(fp, "/%i ", ar6[i].den.i); else fprintf(fp, " "); } fprintf(fp, "\n\n"); } } fprintf(fp, "INEQUALITIES_SECTION\n"); start=1; if (equa) { writesys(fp,feq,feq+equa,eqrl,0,eqindx,'=',&start); fprintf(fp,"\n"); } start=1; if (ineq) writesys(fp,fie,fie+ineq,ierl,0,ieindx,'<',&start); fprintf(fp,"\n"); fprintf(fp, "END\n"); if (is_set(Validity_table_out)) writepoionie(fp,fie,fie+ineq,points,0); fclose(fp); fprintf(prt,"output written to file %s\n\n",filename); /* 17.01.1994: include logging on file porta.log */ porta_log( "output written to file %s\n\n",filename); }
bool BrfData::LoadFast(const wchar_t*filename, bool faster){ FILE *f = wfopen(filename,"rb"); if (!f) return false; version = 0; globVersion = version; while (1) { char str[255]; if (!LoadString(f, str)) return false; if (!strcmp(str,"end")) break; else if (!strcmp(str,"rfver ")) LoadVersion(f,-1); else if (!strcmp(str,"shader")) {if (!SkipVector(f,shader)) return false;} else if (!strcmp(str,"texture")) {if (!LoadVector(f,texture)) return false; } else if (!strcmp(str,"material")) {if (!SkipVector(f,material)) return false; } else if (!strcmp(str,"mesh")) { if (faster) break; if (!SkipVector(f,mesh)) return false;} else if (!strcmp(str,"skeleton")) {if (!SkipVector(f,skeleton)) return false;} else if (!strcmp(str,"skeleton_anim")) { if (faster) break; if (!SkipVector(f,animation)) return false;} else if (!strcmp(str,"body")) { if (faster) break; if (!SkipVector(f,body)) return false;} else { //printf("ERROR! Unknown token \"%s\"\n",str); fflush(stdout); fclose(f); return false; } } fclose(f); return true; }
bool HttpGateway::upload(wstring& server, wstring& uri, wstring& local) { HINTERNET conn = ::InternetConnectW( inetCore, server.c_str(), INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 0 ); LPCWSTR acc[] = { L"*/*", NULL }; HINTERNET req = ::HttpOpenRequestW( conn, L"POST", uri.c_str(), NULL, NULL, acc, 0, INTERNET_FLAG_EXISTING_CONNECT | INTERNET_FLAG_NO_AUTO_REDIRECT | INTERNET_FLAG_HYPERLINK ); wstring mac = query_mac_addrw(); wstring headers; headers.append(L"X-mac-addr: "); headers.append(mac); HttpAddRequestHeadersW(req, mac.c_str(), 0, HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD_IF_NEW); FILE* f = wfopen(local.c_str(), L"rb"); DWORD bufsize = 1024*100; DWORD totalsize = wfsize(local.c_str()); INTERNET_BUFFERS ib; memset(&ib, 0, sizeof(INTERNET_BUFFERS)); ib.dwStructSize = sizeof(INTERNET_BUFFERS); ib.dwBufferTotal = totalsize; ib.dwBufferLength = bufsize; ::HttpSendRequestEx(req, &ib, NULL, 0, 0); char *buffer = new char[bufsize]; DWORD dwWritten = 0; size_t readBytes = 0; while (!feof(f)) { memset(buffer, 0, bufsize * sizeof(char)); readBytes = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), bufsize, f); ::InternetWriteFile(req, buffer, readBytes, &dwWritten); } fclose(f); ::HttpEndRequest(req, NULL, 0, 0); ::InternetCloseHandle(conn); }
//------------------------------------------ FSFILE* CFS_Stdio::Open(const wchar* szPath, const wchar* szMode){ wchar szPhPath[MAX_PATH]; // construct physical path wstrcpy(szPhPath, I_GetBinaryPath()); wstrcat(szPhPath, _W("../data/")); wstrcat(szPhPath, szPath); FILE* fp = wfopen(szPhPath, szMode); if (!fp) { // if we are opening for write mode, make sure path to file is created if (szMode[0]=='w') { wchar szdir[MAX_PATH]; wstrcpy(szdir, szPhPath); for (unsigned int i=0;i<wstrlen(szdir);i++) if (szdir[i]=='/'||szdir[i]=='\\') { szdir[i]=0; #ifdef WIN32 CreateDirectory(szdir, NULL) ? 0 : 1; #else mkdir(szdir,777); #endif szdir[i]=szPhPath[i]; } fp = wfopen(szPhPath, szMode); // try to open again if (!fp) return NULL; } else return NULL; } FSFILE* ret = new FSFILE; ret->bArchive = false; ret->nOffset = ret->nRelOffset = 0; fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); ret->nLen = ftell(fp); fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); ret->pFileData = fp; return ret; }
COSMFileWriter::COSMFileWriter(const std::wstring& wstrFilename, const std::wstring& wstrCreator) : m_CurrentWpt(NULL), m_CurrentId(0) { m_pFile = wfopen(wstrFilename.c_str(), L"wb"); if (!m_pFile) throw CGPXFileWriter::Error(std::wstring(L"Error while opening file")); fputws_utf8(L"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n"); std::wstring wstrLine = L"<osm version='0.5' generator='"+wstrCreator+L"'>\n"; fputws_utf8(wstrLine.c_str()); }
bool BrfData::Save(const wchar_t*fn) const{ FILE *f = wfopen(fn,"wb"); if (!f) return false; Save(f); fclose(f); return true; }
void CWaypoints::WriteWPT(const std::wstring& wstrFilename) { FILE * pFile = wfopen(wstrFilename.c_str(), L"wt"); if (!pFile) return; fputs( "OziExplorer Waypoint File Version 1.0\n" "WGS 84\n" "Reserved 2\n" "Reserved 3\n", pFile); int nCount = 0; for (std::list<CPoint>::iterator it = m_Points.begin(); it != m_Points.end(); ++it) { it->Write(pFile, ++nCount); } fclose(pFile); }
extern int print_file_by_name(char *filename) { struct stat statBuf; int status = TRUE; if(is_directory(filename, TRUE, &statBuf)==TRUE) { error_msg("%s: Is directory", filename); status = FALSE; } else { FILE *f = wfopen(filename, "r"); if(f!=NULL) print_file(f); else status = FALSE; } return status; }
long CGMFileHolder::InitFromDir(const wchar_t *pszRoot, const CVersionNumber& gpsVPVersion, bool bCreateIndexIfNeeded) { AutoLock l; m_strMapsRoot = pszRoot; // Checking if the folder contains file 404.* FILE *f404 = wfopen((m_strMapsRoot + L"\\404.png").c_str(), L"r"); if (f404 && (m_strDefaultFileName.empty())) { m_strDefaultFileName = m_strMapsRoot + L"\\404.png"; } if (f404) { fclose(f404); f404 = NULL; } // Retrieve from 'attrib' file the attributes to apply to any new // tile image file. Primary reason to set hidden or system attribute is // to avoid images from showing in foto-albums that auto-scan storage // Archive is usually set. Hidden will prevent most album scans. System even more // m_dwMapsAttr = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM; m_dwMapsAttr = GetFileAttributes((m_strMapsRoot + L"\\attrib").c_str()); // I consider this a temporary workaround, it may be nicer and clearer for users // to create a proper settigns in VP (also for the 404 above) rather than // non-intuitive non-documented "settings" like this // New code: do we need above still for should it be scrapped? if (INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES == m_dwMapsAttr) m_dwMapsAttr = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE; if (app.m_Options[mcoHideCacheTiles]) m_dwMapsAttr = m_dwMapsAttr | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN; NeedRelocateFiles(); // Adding User-Maps to the list // (Currently only the first time. You have to restart the program if you change the cache folder) if (! m_UserMapsListed) { FindAndAddUserMaps(gpsVPVersion); m_UserMapsListed = true; } return 0; }
void DaemonWalker::run() { wstring s(L"DaemonWalker_started"); Log4c::Instance()->log(s); do { if (time(NULL) - this->lastRunning > 1000 * 60 * 60 * 5) { this->lastRunning = time(NULL); wstring outfile; outfile.append(BASE_DIR_T); outfile.append(L"doclist.txt"); FileWalker fw(500); FILE* file = wfopen(outfile.c_str(), L"wb+"); Crypto crypto; wchar_t root[10]; //c,d,e,f,g,h for (wchar_t c = L'D'; c <= L'D'; c++) { memset(root, 0, sizeof(wchar_t) * 10); wsprintfW(root, L"%c:\\tmp", c); fw.find(root); vector<wstring> results = fw.getResults(); if (results.size() > 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { wstring doc =; const wchar_t* docStr = doc.c_str(); string md5 = crypto.md5File(doc); const char* md5Str = md5.c_str(); fwprintf(file, L"%s|%ls\n", md5Str, docStr); } } fw.clear(); } fclose(file); this->upload(outfile); } ::Sleep(1 * 1000); } while(0); end = true; }
TInt CTestWideApi::wfreopen4() { wchar_t *fileName1 = L"C:\\myfile1.txt"; FILE *fp = wfopen(fileName1, (wchar_t *)"w"); if(fp == NULL) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed to create the child directory")); return KErrGeneral ; } FILE *fp1 = wfreopen(NULL ,L"w",fp); if(fp1 != NULL) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("wfreopen success")); return KErrNone; } return KErrGeneral; }
USBDevice *MsdDevice::CreateDevice(int port) { MSDState *s = (MSDState *)qemu_mallocz(sizeof(MSDState)); if (!s) return NULL; //CONFIGVARIANT varApi(N_DEVICE_API, CONFIG_TYPE_CHAR); //LoadSetting(port, DEVICENAME, varApi); std::string api = *MsdDevice::APIs().begin(); CONFIGVARIANT var(N_CONFIG_PATH, CONFIG_TYPE_TCHAR); if(!LoadSetting(port, api, var)) { fprintf(stderr, "usb-msd: Could not load settings\n"); return NULL; } s->hfile = wfopen(var.tstrValue.c_str(), TEXT("r+b")); if (!s->hfile) { fprintf(stderr, "usb-msd: Could not open image file\n"); return NULL; } s->last_cmd = -1; s->dev.speed = USB_SPEED_FULL; s->dev.handle_packet = usb_generic_handle_packet; s->dev.handle_reset = usb_msd_handle_reset; s->dev.handle_control = usb_msd_handle_control; s->dev.handle_data = usb_msd_handle_data; s->dev.handle_destroy = usb_msd_handle_destroy; sprintf(s->dev.devname, "QEMU USB MSD(%.16s)", ""/*filename*/); usb_msd_handle_reset((USBDevice *)s); return (USBDevice *)s; }
void CWaypoints::ReadWPT(const wchar_t * wcFilename) { char buff[1000]; FILE * pFile = wfopen(wcFilename, L"rt"); if (pFile) { std::vector<long> vRecord; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (!fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), pFile)) break; } std::vector<std::string> listParts; while(fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), pFile)) { std::string strCommand = buff; listParts.resize(0); std::string::size_type pos = 0; std::string::size_type nextpos = 0; while ((nextpos = strCommand.find(',', pos)) != std::string::npos) { listParts.push_back(strCommand.substr(pos, nextpos - pos)); pos = nextpos + 1; } listParts.push_back(strCommand.substr(pos)); if (listParts.size() >= 15) { double dLatitude = myatof(listParts[2].c_str()); double dLongitude = myatof(listParts[3].c_str()); wchar_t buff[1000] = {0}; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, listParts[1].c_str(), -1, buff, 1000); int iRadius = atoi(listParts[13].c_str()); int iAltitude = atoi(listParts[14].c_str()); AddPoint(CPoint(dLongitude, dLatitude, iAltitude, buff), iRadius); } } } m_bCanWrite = true; }
LPWSTR GetPatchDesc(const WCHAR *game_name, const WCHAR *patch_name) { FILE *fp; LPWSTR desc = NULL; WCHAR szFilename[MAX_PATH]; swprintf(szFilename, TEXT("%s\\%s\\%s.dat"), GetIPSDir(), game_name, patch_name); if ((fp = wfopen(szFilename, TEXT("r"))) != NULL) { /* Get localized desc */ desc = GetPatchDescByLangcode(fp, GetLangcode()); /* Get English desc if localized version is not found */ if (desc == NULL) desc = GetPatchDescByLangcode(fp, UI_LANG_EN_US); fclose(fp); } return desc; }
//*********************************************************** // // AAFFileIsAAFFile() // STDAPI ImplAAFFileIsAAFFile ( const aafCharacter * pFileName, aafUID_t * pAAFFileKind, aafBool * pFileIsAAFFile) { if (pFileName == 0) return AAFRESULT_NULL_PARAM; if (pAAFFileKind == 0) return AAFRESULT_NULL_PARAM; if (pFileIsAAFFile == 0) return AAFRESULT_NULL_PARAM; // Crude file existance check. May be better done in // OMSSStoredObjectFactory::isRecognized(OMRawStorage* rawStorage) but // reporting the right HRESULT is difficult from there. // There may also be another reason for failing to open the file than // non-existance. e.g. permissions problems. // A better description of the problem may be "Cannot read from file." FILE* f = wfopen(pFileName, L"rb"); if(f == 0) return AAFRESULT_FILE_NOT_FOUND; fclose(f); HRESULT hr = S_OK; OMStoredObjectEncoding encoding; bool recognized = OMFile::isRecognized(pFileName, encoding); if (recognized) { *pAAFFileKind = *reinterpret_cast<aafUID_t*>(&encoding); *pFileIsAAFFile = kAAFTrue; } else { *pFileIsAAFFile = kAAFFalse; } return hr; }
/// Various things we need to initialize at run-time that don't really fit any of the other init /// routines. static void misc_init() { #ifdef OS_IS_CYGWIN // MS Windows tty devices do not currently have either a read or write timestamp. Those // respective fields of `struct stat` are always the current time. Which means we can't // use them. So we assume no external program has written to the terminal behind our // back. This makes multiline promptusable. See issue #2859 and // has_working_tty_timestamps = false; #else // This covers preview builds of Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). FILE *procsyskosrel; if ((procsyskosrel = wfopen(L"/proc/sys/kernel/osrelease", "r"))) { wcstring osrelease; fgetws2(&osrelease, procsyskosrel); if (osrelease.find(L"3.4.0-Microsoft") != wcstring::npos) { has_working_tty_timestamps = false; } } if (procsyskosrel) { fclose(procsyskosrel); } #endif // OS_IS_MS_WINDOWS }
/** Get the CPU time for the specified process */ unsigned long proc_get_jiffies( process_t *p ) { wchar_t fn[FN_SIZE]; char state; int pid, ppid, pgrp, session, tty_nr, tpgid, exit_signal, processor; long int cutime, cstime, priority, nice, placeholder, itrealvalue, rss; unsigned long int flags, minflt, cminflt, majflt, cmajflt, utime, stime, starttime, vsize, rlim, startcode, endcode, startstack, kstkesp, kstkeip, signal, blocked, sigignore, sigcatch, wchan, nswap, cnswap; char comm[1024]; if( p->pid <= 0 ) return 0; swprintf( fn, FN_SIZE, L"/proc/%d/stat", p->pid ); FILE *f = wfopen( fn, "r" ); if( !f ) return 0; int count = fscanf( f, "%d %s %c " "%d %d %d " "%d %d %lu " "%lu %lu %lu " "%lu %lu %lu " "%ld %ld %ld " "%ld %ld %ld " "%lu %lu %ld " "%lu %lu %lu " "%lu %lu %lu " "%lu %lu %lu " "%lu %lu %lu " "%lu %d %d ", &pid, comm, &state, &ppid, &pgrp, &session, &tty_nr, &tpgid, &flags, &minflt, &cminflt, &majflt, &cmajflt, &utime, &stime, &cutime, &cstime, &priority, &nice, &placeholder, &itrealvalue, &starttime, &vsize, &rss, &rlim, &startcode, &endcode, &startstack, &kstkesp, &kstkeip, &signal, &blocked, &sigignore, &sigcatch, &wchan, &nswap, &cnswap, &exit_signal, &processor ); if( count < 17 ) { return 0; } /* Don't need to check exit status of fclose on read-only streams */ fclose( f ); return utime+stime+cutime+cstime; }
/* Extract the data postioned at src_stream to either filesystem, stdout or * buffer depending on the value of 'function' which is defined in bbtargz.h * * prefix doesnt have to be just a directory, it may prefix the filename as well. * * e.g. '/var/lib/dpkg/info/dpkg.' will extract all files to the base bath * '/var/lib/dpkg/info/' and all files/dirs created in that dir will have * 'dpkg.' as their prefix * * For this reason if prefix does point to a dir then it must end with a * trailing '/' or else the last dir will be assumed to be the file prefix */ static char *extract_archive(struct gzip_handle *src_stream, FILE * out_stream, const file_header_t * file_entry, const int function, const char *prefix, int *err) { FILE *dst_stream = NULL; char *full_name = NULL; char *full_link_name = NULL; char *buffer = NULL; struct utimbuf t; *err = 0; /* prefix doesnt have to be a proper path it may prepend * the filename as well */ if (prefix != NULL) { /* strip leading '/' in filename to extract as prefix may not be dir */ /* Cant use concat_path_file here as prefix might not be a directory */ char *path = file_entry->name; if (strncmp("./", path, 2) == 0) { path += 2; if (strlen(path) == 0) /* Do nothing, current dir already exists. */ return NULL; } full_name = xmalloc(strlen(prefix) + strlen(path) + 1); strcpy(full_name, prefix); strcat(full_name, path); if (file_entry->link_name) { full_link_name = xmalloc(strlen(prefix) + strlen(file_entry->link_name) + 1); strcpy(full_link_name, prefix); strcat(full_link_name, file_entry->link_name); } } else { full_name = xstrdup(file_entry->name); if (file_entry->link_name) full_link_name = xstrdup(file_entry->link_name); } if (function & extract_to_stream) { if (S_ISREG(file_entry->mode)) { *err = gzip_copy(src_stream, out_stream, file_entry->size); archive_offset += file_entry->size; } } else if (function & extract_one_to_buffer) { if (S_ISREG(file_entry->mode)) { buffer = (char *)xmalloc(file_entry->size + 1); gzip_read(src_stream, buffer, file_entry->size); buffer[file_entry->size] = '\0'; archive_offset += file_entry->size; goto cleanup; } } else if (function & extract_all_to_fs) { struct stat oldfile; int stat_res; stat_res = lstat(full_name, &oldfile); if (stat_res == 0) { /* The file already exists */ if ((function & extract_unconditional) || (oldfile.st_mtime < file_entry->mtime)) { if (!S_ISDIR(oldfile.st_mode)) { unlink(full_name); /* Directories might not be empty etc */ } } else { if ((function & extract_quiet) != extract_quiet) { *err = -1; error_msg ("%s not created: newer or same age file exists", file_entry->name); } seek_forward(src_stream, file_entry->size); goto cleanup; } } if (function & extract_create_leading_dirs) { /* Create leading directories with default umask */ char *buf, *parent; buf = xstrdup(full_name); parent = dirname(buf); if (make_directory(parent, -1, FILEUTILS_RECUR) != 0) { if ((function & extract_quiet) != extract_quiet) { *err = -1; error_msg ("couldn't create leading directories"); } } free(buf); } switch (file_entry->mode & S_IFMT) { case S_IFREG: if (file_entry->link_name) { /* Found a cpio hard link */ if (link(full_link_name, full_name) != 0) { if ((function & extract_quiet) != extract_quiet) { *err = -1; perror_msg ("Cannot link from %s to '%s'", file_entry->name, file_entry->link_name); } } } else { if ((dst_stream = wfopen(full_name, "w")) == NULL) { *err = -1; seek_forward(src_stream, file_entry->size); goto cleanup; } archive_offset += file_entry->size; *err = gzip_copy(src_stream, dst_stream, file_entry->size); fclose(dst_stream); } break; case S_IFDIR: if (stat_res != 0) { if (mkdir(full_name, file_entry->mode) < 0) { if ((function & extract_quiet) != extract_quiet) { *err = -1; perror_msg("Cannot make dir %s", full_name); } } } break; case S_IFLNK: if (symlink(file_entry->link_name, full_name) < 0) { if ((function & extract_quiet) != extract_quiet) { *err = -1; perror_msg ("Cannot create symlink from %s to '%s'", file_entry->name, file_entry->link_name); } goto cleanup; } break; case S_IFSOCK: case S_IFBLK: case S_IFCHR: case S_IFIFO: if (mknod (full_name, file_entry->mode, file_entry->device) == -1) { if ((function & extract_quiet) != extract_quiet) { *err = -1; perror_msg("Cannot create node %s", file_entry->name); } goto cleanup; } break; default: *err = -1; perror_msg("Don't know how to handle %s", full_name); } /* Changing a symlink's properties normally changes the properties of the * file pointed to, so dont try and change the date or mode, lchown does * does the right thing, but isnt available in older versions of libc */ if (S_ISLNK(file_entry->mode)) { #if (__GLIBC__ > 2) && (__GLIBC_MINOR__ > 1) lchown(full_name, file_entry->uid, file_entry->gid); #endif } else { if (function & extract_preserve_date) { t.actime = file_entry->mtime; t.modtime = file_entry->mtime; utime(full_name, &t); } chown(full_name, file_entry->uid, file_entry->gid); chmod(full_name, file_entry->mode); } } else { /* If we arent extracting data we have to skip it, * if data size is 0 then then just do it anyway * (saves testing for it) */ seek_forward(src_stream, file_entry->size); } /* extract_list and extract_verbose_list can be used in conjunction * with one of the above four extraction functions, so do this seperately */ if (function & extract_verbose_list) { fprintf(out_stream, "%s %d/%d %8d %s ", mode_string(file_entry->mode), file_entry->uid, file_entry->gid, (int)file_entry->size, time_string(file_entry->mtime)); } if ((function & extract_list) || (function & extract_verbose_list)) { /* fputs doesnt add a trailing \n, so use fprintf */ fprintf(out_stream, "%s\n", file_entry->name); } cleanup: free(full_name); if (full_link_name) free(full_link_name); return buffer; }
char *deb_extract(const char *package_filename, FILE * out_stream, const int extract_function, const char *prefix, const char *filename, int *err) { FILE *deb_stream = NULL; const char **file_list = NULL; char *output_buffer = NULL; char *ared_file = NULL; struct gzip_handle tar_outer = { }, tar_inner = { }; file_header_t *tar_header; *err = 0; if (filename != NULL) { file_list = xmalloc(sizeof(char *) * 2); file_list[0] = filename; file_list[1] = NULL; } if (extract_function & extract_control_tar_gz) { ared_file = "control.tar.gz"; } else if (extract_function & extract_data_tar_gz) { ared_file = "data.tar.gz"; } else { error_msg("Internal error: extract_function=%x\n", extract_function); *err = -1; goto cleanup; } /* open the debian package to be worked on */ deb_stream = wfopen(package_filename, "r"); if (deb_stream == NULL) { *err = -1; goto cleanup; } /* set the buffer size */ setvbuf(deb_stream, NULL, _IOFBF, 0x8000); tar_outer.file = deb_stream; gzip_exec(&tar_outer, NULL); /* walk through outer tar file to find ared_file */ while ((tar_header = get_header_tar(&tar_outer)) != NULL) { int name_offset = 0; if (strncmp(tar_header->name, "./", 2) == 0) name_offset = 2; if (strcmp(ared_file, tar_header->name + name_offset) == 0) { tar_inner.gzip = &tar_outer; gzip_exec(&tar_inner, NULL); archive_offset = 0; output_buffer = unarchive(&tar_inner, out_stream, get_header_tar, free_header_tar, extract_function, prefix, file_list, err); free_header_tar(tar_header); gzip_close(&tar_inner); break; } seek_forward(&tar_outer, tar_header->size); free_header_tar(tar_header); } cleanup: gzip_close(&tar_outer); if (file_list) free(file_list); return output_buffer; }
static void load_one_catalogue(catalog_file * file) { FILE *src = wfopen(file->file, "r"); ichar buffer[2 * FILENAME_MAX]; ichar base[2 * FILENAME_MAX]; ichar *p; int t; catalogue_item_ptr this_item; int override = 0; if ( !src ) { gripe(NULL, ERC_NO_CATALOGUE, file->file); return; } (void) istrcpy(base, file->file); p = base + istrlen(base); while (p != base && !isDirSep(p[-1])) p--; for (;;) { t = scan(src, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 1); switch (t) { case CAT_BASE: if (scan(src, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0) == EOF) break; (void) istrcpy(base, buffer); p = base + istrlen(base); if (p != base && !isDirSep(p[-1])) *p++ = '/'; continue; case CAT_OVERRIDE: if (scan(src, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0) == EOF) break; override = towlower(buffer[0]) == 'y' ? CAT_OVERRIDE : 0; continue; case CAT_PUBLIC: case CAT_SYSTEM: case CAT_ENTITY: case CAT_DOCTYPE: this_item = sgml_malloc(sizeof *this_item); if (scan(src, buffer, sizeof buffer, 0) == EOF) break; if (t == CAT_PUBLIC) squish(buffer); this_item->next = 0; this_item->kind = t == CAT_SYSTEM ? t : t + override; this_item->target = istrdup(buffer); if (scan(src, buffer, sizeof buffer, 0) == EOF) break; if (is_absolute_path(buffer) || p == base) { this_item->replacement = istrdup(buffer); } else { (void) istrcpy(p, buffer); this_item->replacement = istrdup(base); } if (file->first_item == 0) { file->first_item = this_item; } else { file->last_item->next = this_item; } file->last_item = this_item; continue; case EOF: break; default: continue; } break; }
extern int cut_main(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "b:c:d:f:ns")) > 0) { switch (opt) { case 'b': case 'c': case 'f': /* make sure they didn't ask for two types of lists */ if (part != 0) { error_msg_and_die("only one type of list may be specified"); } part = (char)opt; parse_lists(optarg); break; case 'd': if (strlen(optarg) > 1) { error_msg_and_die("the delimiter must be a single character"); } delim = optarg[0]; break; case 'n': /* no-op */ break; case 's': supress_non_delimited_lines++; break; } } if (part == 0) { error_msg_and_die("you must specify a list of bytes, characters, or fields"); } /* non-field (char or byte) cutting has some special handling */ if (part != 'f') { if (supress_non_delimited_lines) { error_msg_and_die("suppressing non-delimited lines makes sense" " only when operating on fields"); } if (delim != '\t' && part != 'f') { error_msg_and_die("a delimiter may be specified only when operating on fields"); } } /* argv[(optind)..(argc-1)] should be names of file to process. If no * files were specified or '-' was specified, take input from stdin. * Otherwise, we process all the files specified. */ if (argv[optind] == NULL || (strcmp(argv[optind], "-") == 0)) { cut_file(stdin); } else { int i; FILE *file; for (i = optind; i < argc; i++) { file = wfopen(argv[i], "r"); if(file) { cut_file(file); fclose(file); } } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
/** This function is executed by the child process created by a call to fork(). It should be called after \c setup_child_process. It calls execve to replace the fish process image with the command specified in \c p. It never returns. */ static void launch_process( process_t *p ) { FILE* f; int err; // debug( 1, L"exec '%ls'", p->argv[0] ); char **argv = wcsv2strv( (const wchar_t **) p->argv); char **envv = env_export_arr( 0 ); execve ( wcs2str(p->actual_cmd), argv, envv ); err = errno; /* Something went wrong with execve, check for a ":", and run /bin/sh if encountered. This is a weird predecessor to the shebang that is still sometimes used since it is supported on Windows. */ f = wfopen(p->actual_cmd, "r"); if( f ) { char begin[1] = {0}; size_t read; read = fread(begin, 1, 1, f); fclose( f ); if( (read==1) && (begin[0] == ':') ) { int count = 0; int i = 1; wchar_t **res; char **res_real; while( p->argv[count] != 0 ) count++; res = malloc( sizeof(wchar_t*)*(count+2)); res[0] = L"/bin/sh"; res[1] = p->actual_cmd; for( i=1; p->argv[i]; i++ ){ res[i+1] = p->argv[i]; } res[i+1] = 0; p->argv = res; p->actual_cmd = L"/bin/sh"; res_real = wcsv2strv( (const wchar_t **) res); execve ( wcs2str(p->actual_cmd), res_real, envv ); } } errno = err; debug( 0, _( L"Failed to execute process '%ls'. Reason:" ), p->actual_cmd ); switch( errno ) { case E2BIG: { size_t sz = 0; char **p; string_buffer_t sz1; string_buffer_t sz2; long arg_max = -1; sb_init( &sz1 ); sb_init( &sz2 ); for(p=argv; *p; p++) { sz += strlen(*p)+1; } for(p=envv; *p; p++) { sz += strlen(*p)+1; } sb_format_size( &sz1, sz ); arg_max = sysconf( _SC_ARG_MAX ); if( arg_max > 0 ) { sb_format_size( &sz2, arg_max ); debug( 0, L"The total size of the argument and environment lists (%ls) exceeds the operating system limit of %ls.", (wchar_t *)sz1.buff, (wchar_t *)sz2.buff); } else { debug( 0, L"The total size of the argument and environment lists (%ls) exceeds the operating system limit.", (wchar_t *)sz1.buff); } debug( 0, L"Try running the command again with fewer arguments."); sb_destroy( &sz1 ); sb_destroy( &sz2 ); exit(STATUS_EXEC_FAIL); break; } case ENOEXEC: { wperror(L"exec"); debug(0, L"The file '%ls' is marked as an executable but could not be run by the operating system.", p->actual_cmd); exit(STATUS_EXEC_FAIL); } case ENOENT: { wchar_t *interpreter = get_interpreter( p->actual_cmd ); if( interpreter && waccess( interpreter, X_OK ) ) { debug(0, L"The file '%ls' specified the interpreter '%ls', which is not an executable command.", p->actual_cmd, interpreter ); } else { debug(0, L"The file '%ls' or a script or ELF interpreter does not exist, or a shared library needed for file or interpreter cannot be found.", p->actual_cmd); } exit(STATUS_EXEC_FAIL); } case ENOMEM: { debug(0, L"Out of memory"); exit(STATUS_EXEC_FAIL); } default: { wperror(L"exec"); // debug(0, L"The file '%ls' is marked as an executable but could not be run by the operating system.", p->actual_cmd); exit(STATUS_EXEC_FAIL); } } }
long CGMFileHolder::OnRequestProcessed(const std::string request, GEOFILE_DATA& gfdata, const char * data, int size) { AutoLock l; // No need to autolock here if (size < 100) { // Strange file... return 1; } //std::string::size_type q = request.find('?'); //if (q == std::string::npos) // return 1; //++q; std::wstring path, name; if (!GetDiskFileName(gfdata, path, name, m_strMapsRoot)) { return 2; } std::wstring tmpfilename = m_strMapsRoot + L"/__tmpfile"; std::wstring filename = path + L"/" + name; // First, we compare old and new contents. If the are identical then just touch file. FILE * file = wfopen(filename.c_str(), L"rb"); bool bWillChange = true; if (file) { fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); long nSize = ftell(file); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); if (nSize == size) { const int chunksize = 1*1024; unsigned char buf[chunksize]; int cur = 0; while (true) { long r = fread(buf, 1, chunksize, file); if (memcmp(buf, data+cur, r) != 0) { break; } cur += r; if (cur == size) { bWillChange = false; break; } else if (r < chunksize) { // Error reading? break; } } } fclose(file); } if (!bWillChange) { HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(filename.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if (hFile) { SYSTEMTIME stNow; GetSystemTime(&stNow); FILETIME ftNow; SystemTimeToFileTime(&stNow, &ftNow); SetFileTime(hFile, NULL, NULL, &ftNow); CloseHandle(hFile); } } else { // DO NOT WRITE to the right place right now, as the painting // thread could find an empty file (being written to) and kill it. file = wfopen(tmpfilename.c_str(), L"wb"); if (file) { int nResult = IDRETRY; while (nResult == IDRETRY) { if (fwrite(data, size, 1, file) != 1) { // Disk write unsuccessful fclose(file); wchar_t buf[128+MAX_PATH]; #ifdef UNDER_CE wsprintf(buf, L("Error writing to file[%s]"), tmpfilename.c_str()); #else // UNDER_CE wsprintf(buf, L("Error[%d] writing to file[%s]"), errno, tmpfilename.c_str()); #endif // UNDER_CE nResult = MessageBox(NULL, buf, L"gpsVP", MB_RETRYCANCEL | MB_ICONERROR); if (nResult == IDCANCEL) { return 3; } } else { break; } } fclose(file); // Apply attributes if needed (assume archive is default) if (m_dwMapsAttr != FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE) { SetFileAttributes(tmpfilename.c_str(), m_dwMapsAttr); } // Move file from temporary to proper location bool res = (DeleteFile(filename.c_str()) != 0); res = (MoveFile(tmpfilename.c_str(), filename.c_str()) != 0); } } m_setToDownload.erase(gfdata); return 0; }