int vi_set_Verbosity_attribute(){ LPCSTR_Verbosity = lr_get_attrib_string("Verbosity"); // from Run-time settings Attributes or command line. if(LPCSTR_Verbosity==NULL){ // Not specified in Run-Time Settings Attributes or command line. iVerbosity=iVerbosity_default; // =default. wi_startPrintingInfo(); lr_output_message(">> Attribute \"Verbosity\" not specified in command-line or run-time settings. Default to \"%d\"." ,iVerbosity ); wi_stopPrinting(); // NOTE: Don't return LR_FAIL; // fail here because default can be used. }else{ iVerbosity=atoi(LPCSTR_Verbosity); } // if(LPCSTR_Verbosity==NULL) // TODO: 23. Set each web_set_max_html_param_len based on the largest individual server response detrermined from initial runs. if( iVerbosity == 1 ){ web_set_max_html_param_len("10240"); }else if( iVerbosity == 2 ){ web_set_max_html_param_len("10240"); }else if( iVerbosity == 3 ){ web_set_max_html_param_len("10240"); }else if( iVerbosity == 4 ){ web_set_max_html_param_len("10240"); }else if( iVerbosity == 5 ){ web_set_max_html_param_len("20240"); }else{ iVerbosity=iVerbosity_default; // =default. wi_startPrintingInfo(); lr_output_message(">> Attribute \"Verbosity\" not specified in command-line or run-time settings. Default to \"%d\"." ,iVerbosity ); wi_stopPrinting(); wi_startPrintingError(); lr_output_message(">> Attribute \"Verbosity\" not recognized as valid value." ,iVerbosity ); wi_stopPrinting(); } return LR_PASS; } // vi_set_Verbosity_attribute()
int wi_end_transaction(){ int rc=LR_PASS; /* Defined as globals at top of vuser_init(): int intHttpRetCode; int intHttpMilliseconds; float floatHttpMilliseconds; int intHttpSize; float floatHttpKBytes; */ // Using pTransName saved in wi_start_transaction before the transaction: lr_end_transaction(lr_eval_string("{pTransName}"),LR_AUTO); // Verify bad 400 HTTP return code from server and associated response such as "{error : invalid_grant}" // using LoadRunner internal function web_get_int_property(): intHttpRetCode = web_get_int_property(HTTP_INFO_RETURN_CODE); intHttpSize = web_get_int_property(HTTP_INFO_DOWNLOAD_SIZE); intHttpMilliseconds = web_get_int_property(HTTP_INFO_DOWNLOAD_TIME); floatHttpMilliseconds = (float)intHttpMilliseconds / 1000; // Convert from milliseconds to seconds. if (intHttpRetCode == 200 // no problem! OK || intHttpRetCode == 304 // Already cached. ){ // move on. }else{ wi_startPrintingError(); lr_error_message(">> HTML Return Code=%d, pJSONResponse=%s." , intHttpRetCode , lr_eval_string("{pJSONResponse}") ); wi_stopPrinting(); rc=LR_FAIL; } return rc; } // wi_end_transaction
vi_set_RunType_attribute(){ LPCSTR_RunType = lr_get_attrib_string("RunType"); // from run-time settings Attributes or command line. if(LPCSTR_RunType==NULL){ // Not specified in Run-Time Settings Attributes or command line. LPCSTR_RunType="All"; // =default. wi_startPrintingInfo(); lr_output_message(">> Attribute \"RunType\" not specified in command-line or run-time settings. Default to \"%s\"." ,LPCSTR_RunType ); wi_stopPrinting(); }else{ // Ensure only acceptable values were input: if( stricmp("All",LPCSTR_RunType ) == FOUND ){ // Run-time Attribute "RunType" or command line option "-RunType" wi_startPrintingInfo(); lr_output_message(">> Attribute \"RunType\"=%s." ,LPCSTR_RunType ); wi_stopPrinting(); }else if( stricmp("NoOp",LPCSTR_RunType ) == FOUND ){ // Run-time Attribute "RunType" or command line option "-RunType" wi_startPrintingInfo(); lr_output_message(">> Attribute \"RunType\"=%s for no operation." ,LPCSTR_RunType ); wi_stopPrinting(); }else{ wi_startPrintingError(); lr_output_message(">> Attribute \"RunType\"=%s not valid. lr_exit() stopping script execution." ,LPCSTR_RunType ); wi_stopPrinting(); lr_exit(LR_EXIT_VUSER,LR_FAIL); } } // if(LPCSTR_RunType==NULL) return LR_PASS; } // vi_set_RunType_attribute()
get_google_short_url_qrcode(){ int rc=0; char strFileName[256]; // largest size of file. char *szBuf; unsigned long nLength; if( stricmp("Y",LPCSTR_SaveImageYN ) == FOUND ){ // Run-time Attribute "SaveImageYN" or command line option "-SaveImageYN" // continue if SaveImageYN was specified with Y }else{ return LR_PASS; } set_pShortHostKey_from_url( lr_eval_string("{pShortURL}") ); // from get_google_short_url() //wi_startPrintingTrace(); //lr_output_message(">> pShortHostKey=\"%s\"." ,lr_eval_string("{pShortHostKey}") ); //wi_stopPrinting(); // For shortened URL", details are at // {pShortHostKey}=AC4IW in example: URL redirects to // The QR code impage at|0&chl= web_reg_save_param_ex("ParamName=pImage", "LB=\r\n\r\n", "RB=\"", "Notfound=warning", LAST); // The \r\n\r\n is to begin capture after the two blank lines between HTTP header and body. web_reg_save_param_ex("ParamName=pImage_len", "LB=Content-Length: ", "Notfound=warning", "RB=\r\n", LAST); sprintf( tempString1, "%s_3image", lr_eval_string("{pTransSequence}") ); lr_save_string(tempString1,"pTransName"); wi_start_transaction(); // This URL was obtained from the DNS-level redirect in the HTML header in response to request for .qr, such as: // The document has moved <A // HREF="">here</A>.\n // & needs to be coverted to & character in URLs. // WARNING: The 150x150 in this URL may change over time as more characters are needed for uniqueness. // Previously, 100x100 was being returned: // "URL={pShortURL}.qr", web_url("imagefile", "URL={pShortURL}", "Resource=1", "RecContentType=image/png", "Snapshot=t1.inf", LAST); // FIXME: File created has black box at bottom. rc = wi_end_transaction(); // strFileName=wi_define_FileName(): lr_save_datetime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", DATE_NOW, "pYMDHMS"); // YYMMDDHHMMSS (12 char), no micro seconds sprintf(strFileName, "%s%s_%d_T%s_%s_%s.png" ,lr_eval_string("{pImageFilePath}") ,global_unique_id ,iActionIterations ,lr_eval_string("{pYMDHMS}") ,lr_eval_string("{pShortHostKey}") ,lr_eval_string("{pImage_len}") ); lr_eval_string_ext("{pImage}", strlen("{pImage}"), &szBuf, &nLength, 0, 0, -1); // lr_eval_string_ext( in_str, in_len, pointer out_str, out_len, Reserved for future use. if( nLength <= 0 ){ lr_error_message(">> No image returned for %s.",strFileName); }else{ if( wi_WriteDataToFile(strFileName, szBuf, nLength) == LR_PASS ){ wi_startPrintingInfo(); lr_output_message(">> QRcode_image file created at \"%s\".",strFileName); wi_stopPrinting(); // TODO: 23. Remember after runs to clear out the files to an archive filer. }else{ wi_startPrintingError(); lr_error_message(">>> QRcode_image file NOT created at \"%s\".",strFileName); wi_stopPrinting(); } } return rc; } // retrieve_pShortURL_qrcode()
get_long_url_to_shorten(){ int rc=LR_PASS; int i=0; if( iURLSource_setting == 1 && nURLtoShorten_file_recs > 0 ){ for( nURLtoShorten_index=1; nURLtoShorten_index < nURLtoShorten_file_recs +1; nURLtoShorten_index++ ){ // Loop to skip data records marked No for usage. // Referencing data in file URLtoShorten.dat: if( stricmp( "N", lr_eval_string("{pURL_use}") ) == FOUND ){ lr_advance_param("pURL_long"); // Increment file one record. } // else fall through to use it. } lr_save_string(lr_eval_string("{pURL_use}"),"pURLtoShorten"); #ifdef USE_VTS }else if( iURLSource_setting == 2 ){ // (use VTS) // ENHANCEMENT: The alternative to this loop is to use an increment. // Scan through the VTS table from top to bottom. // If short_url is not blank in VTS table, it's alreadry processed, so skip to next row: for( i=1; i <= nVTS_row_count; i++ ){ rc = vtc_query_column(pvci, "web", i, &outvalue); // retrieve single field from a designated row. if( outvalue == NULL || sizeof( outvalue ) <= 0 ){ // there is no longURL, so skip that row; wi_startPrintingTrace(); lr_output_message(">> row %d \"web\" value is blank. Skipping to next row. rc=%d.", i, rc); wi_stopPrinting(); }else{ rc = vtc_query_column(pvci, "shorturl", i, &shorturl); // retrieve single field from a designated row. // FIXME: Why is rc=10111 ? if( shorturl == NULL || sizeof( shorturl ) <= 0 ){ // a blank cell, so it needs a shorturl. lr_save_string(outvalue,"pURLtoShorten"); wi_startPrintingTrace(); lr_output_message(">> row %d \"shorturl\" is needed for \"web\"=%s. rc=%d.", i, lr_eval_string("{pURLtoShorten}"), rc); wi_stopPrinting(); vtc_free(outvalue); rc=0; // FIXME: Why need to override rc=10111 again? break; // break out of loop for this script to get a shorturl for the web URL in VTS. }else{ // there is a shortURL already, so cycle back up to top for another // unless this is the last row in the table: if( i == nVTS_row_count ){ wi_startPrintingTrace(); lr_output_message(">> Last row at %d has a shorturl of \"%s\". So no more to process.", i, shorturl); wi_stopPrinting(); vtc_free(shorturl); rc = LR_FAIL; } } } } // for loop #endif // USE_VTS // ENHANCEMENT: else option to retrieve from on-line Google spreadsheet, etc. }else{ wi_startPrintingError(); lr_output_message(">> iURLSource_setting=%s is invalid.", iURLSource_setting); wi_stopPrinting(); rc=LR_FAIL; // This would be a programming error since editing occurred before this. } // if( iURLSource_setting return rc; } // get_long_url_to_shorten()
vi_set_URLSource_attribute(){ int rc=LR_PASS; LPCSTR_URLSource = lr_get_attrib_string("URLSource"); // from run-time settings Attributes or command line "-URLSource". if(LPCSTR_URLSource==NULL){ // Not specified in Run-Time Settings Attributes or command line. iURLSource_setting=iURLSource_default; wi_startPrintingInfo(); lr_output_message(">> Attribute \"URLSource\" not specified in command-line or run-time settings. Default to \"%d\".", iURLSource_setting ); wi_stopPrinting(); }else{ // Ensure only acceptable values were input: if( stricmp("All",iURLSource_setting ) == FOUND ){ // Run-time Attribute "URLSource" or command line option "-URLSource" wi_startPrintingInfo(); lr_output_message(">> Attribute \"URLSource\"=%s." ,iURLSource_setting ); wi_stopPrinting(); }else if( iURLSource_setting == 1 ){ wi_startPrintingInfo(); lr_output_message(">> Attribute \"URLSource\"=%s for using file URLtoShorten.dat in script folder." ,iURLSource_setting ); wi_stopPrinting(); #ifdef USE_VTS }else if( iURLSource_setting == 2 ){ wi_startPrintingInfo(); lr_output_message(">> Attribute \"URLSource\"=%s for using VTS." ,iURLSource_setting); wi_stopPrinting(); #endif // USE_VTS }else{ wi_startPrintingError(); lr_output_message(">> Attribute \"URLSource\"=%s not valid. lr_exit() stopping script execution." ,iURLSource_setting ); wi_stopPrinting(); lr_exit(LR_EXIT_VUSER,LR_FAIL); } } // if(iURLSource_setting==NULL) // Regardless of iURLSource_setting selection, // define number of records in file (for all iURLSource_setting options because this is the fall-back): nURLtoShorten_file_recs = vi_set_pURLtoShorten_file_recs(); if( nURLtoShorten_file_recs == -1 ){ lr_error_message("> vi_set_pURLtoShorten_file_recs() nURLtoShorten_file_recs=%d",nURLtoShorten_file_recs); }else{ wi_startPrintingInfo(); lr_output_message(">> nURLtoShorten_file_recs=%d.", nURLtoShorten_file_recs); wi_stopPrinting(); } #ifdef USE_VTS if( iURLSource_setting == 2 ){ rc=vi_set_VTS3(); // Find the count of records in VTS table into nVTS_row_count. if( rc != LR_PASS ){ // TODO: 12. If you prefer, if VTS cannot be used, change coding to error out instead of falling back if records were found earlier: if( nURLtoShorten_file_recs > 0 ){ // if records were found earlier? iURLSource_setting = 1; // use local data source wi_startPrintingInfo(); lr_output_message(">> rc=%d fall-back to local data source with nURLtoShorten_file_recs=%f when iURLSource_setting=%d.", rc, nURLtoShorten_file_recs, iURLSource_setting); wi_stopPrinting(); } }else{ // Add column "shorturl" to VTS for holding output from Google API calls: rc = vtc_create_column (pvci, "shorturl", &status); // status=1 is success. wi_startPrintingDebug(); lr_output_message(">> rc=%d from vi_set_VTS3() with status=%d (should=1) when iURLSource_setting=%d.", rc, status, iURLSource_setting); wi_stopPrinting(); if( status == 1 ){ iUpdate_shorturl_in_VTS = 1; // 1=Yes wi_startPrintingInfo(); lr_output_message(">> rc=%d with status=%d (should=1), so iUpdate_shorturl_in_VTS =%d (1=1Yes).", rc, status, iUpdate_shorturl_in_VTS ); wi_stopPrinting(); }else{ iUpdate_shorturl_in_VTS = 0; // 0=No wi_startPrintingInfo(); lr_output_message(">> rc=%d with status=%d (should=1), so iUpdate_shorturl_in_VTS =%d (0=NO).", rc, status, iUpdate_shorturl_in_VTS ); wi_stopPrinting(); } } } #endif // USE_VTS return LR_PASS; } // vi_set_URLSource_attribute()
int wi_end_transaction(int in_rc){ int rc=LR_PASS; int intHttpRetCode; int intHttpMilliseconds; float floatHttpMilliseconds; int intHttpSize; float floatHttpKBytes; /* Defined as globals at top of vuser_init(): int intHttpRetCode; int intHttpMilliseconds; float floatHttpMilliseconds; int intHttpSize; float floatHttpKBytes; */ if( in_rc == LR_FAIL ){ lr_end_transaction(lr_eval_string("{pTransName}"),LR_FAIL); }else{ rc=lr_get_transaction_status( lr_eval_string("{pTransName}") ); // Using pTransName saved in wi_start_transaction before the transaction: if( rc == LR_FAIL ){ lr_end_transaction(lr_eval_string("{pTransName}"),LR_FAIL); wi_startPrintingError(); lr_error_message(">> Iteration=%d User=\"%s\" Trans=%s FAIL ERROR." ,iActionIterations ,lr_eval_string("{parmLoginUserID}") ,lr_eval_string("{pTransName}") ); wi_resetPrinting(); }else{ lr_end_transaction(lr_eval_string("{pTransName}"),LR_AUTO); } // Verify bad 400 HTTP return code from server and associated response such as "{error : invalid_grant}" // using LoadRunner internal function web_get_int_property(): intHttpRetCode = web_get_int_property(HTTP_INFO_RETURN_CODE); intHttpSize = web_get_int_property(HTTP_INFO_DOWNLOAD_SIZE); intHttpMilliseconds = web_get_int_property(HTTP_INFO_DOWNLOAD_TIME); floatHttpMilliseconds = (float)intHttpMilliseconds / 1000; // Convert from milliseconds to seconds. if (intHttpRetCode == 200 // no problem! OK || intHttpRetCode == 304 // Already cached. ){ // move on. rc=LR_PASS; }else{ // intHttpRetCode == 500 // intHttpRetCode == 503 wi_startPrintingError(); lr_output_message(">> Iteration=%d User=\"%s\" HTML Return Code=%d." ,iActionIterations ,lr_eval_string("{parmLoginUserID}") , intHttpRetCode ); // QUESTION: What does rc -1 mean? wi_resetPrinting(); rc=LR_FAIL; } } return rc; } // wi_end_transaction