コード例 #1
ファイル: complete.c プロジェクト: brentdax/fishfish
static void complete_strings( array_list_t *comp_out,
							  const wchar_t *wc_escaped,
							  const wchar_t *desc,
							  const wchar_t *(*desc_func)(const wchar_t *),
							  array_list_t *possible_comp,
							  int flags )
	int i;
	wchar_t *wc, *tmp;

	tmp = expand_one( 0,

	wc = parse_util_unescape_wildcards( tmp );

	for( i=0; i<al_get_count( possible_comp ); i++ )
		wchar_t *next_str = (wchar_t *)al_get( possible_comp, i );

		if( next_str )
			wildcard_complete( next_str, wc, desc, desc_func, comp_out, flags );

	free( wc );
コード例 #2
ファイル: wildcard.cpp プロジェクト: anbotero/fish-shell
   The real implementation of wildcard expansion is in this
   function. Other functions are just wrappers around this one.

   This function traverses the relevant directory tree looking for
   matches, and recurses when needed to handle wildcrards spanning
   multiple components and recursive wildcards. 
static int wildcard_expand_internal( const wchar_t *wc,
									 const wchar_t *base_dir,
									 expand_flags_t flags,
									 std::vector<completion_t> &out,
                                     std::set<wcstring> &completion_set,
                                     std::set<file_id_t> &visited_files

	/* Points to the end of the current wildcard segment */
	const wchar_t *wc_end;

	/* Variables for traversing a directory */
	DIR *dir;
	/* The result returned */
	int res = 0;
	/* Length of the directory to search in */
	size_t base_len;

	/* Variables for testing for presense of recursive wildcards */
	const wchar_t *wc_recursive;
	int is_recursive;

	/* Slightly mangled version of base_dir */
	const wchar_t *dir_string;
	//	debug( 3, L"WILDCARD_EXPAND %ls in %ls", wc, base_dir );

	if( reader_interrupted() )
		return -1;
	if( !wc || !base_dir )
		debug( 2, L"Got null string on line %d of file %s", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
		return 0;		

	if( flags & ACCEPT_INCOMPLETE )
		   Avoid excessive number of returned matches for wc ending with a * 
		size_t len = wcslen(wc);
		if( len && (wc[len-1]==ANY_STRING) )
			wchar_t * foo = wcsdup( wc );
			int res = wildcard_expand_internal( foo, base_dir, flags, out, completion_set, visited_files );
			free( foo );
			return res;			

	  Initialize various variables

	dir_string = base_dir[0]==L'\0'?L".":base_dir;
	if( !(dir = wopendir( dir_string )))
		return 0;

	wc_end = wcschr(wc,L'/');
	base_len = wcslen( base_dir );

	  Test for recursive match string in current segment
	wc_recursive = wcschr( wc, ANY_STRING_RECURSIVE );
	is_recursive = ( wc_recursive && (!wc_end || wc_recursive < wc_end));

	  Is this segment of the wildcard the last?
	if( !wc_end )
		  Wildcard segment is the last segment,

		  Insert all matching files/directories
		if( wc[0]=='\0' )
			  The last wildcard segment is empty. Insert everything if
			  completing, the directory itself otherwise.
			if( flags & ACCEPT_INCOMPLETE )
                wcstring next;
				while(wreaddir(dir, next))
					if( next[0] != L'.' )
						wcstring long_name = make_path( base_dir, next );
						if( test_flags( long_name.c_str(), flags ) )
							wildcard_completion_allocate( out,
				res = 1;
                insert_completion_if_missing(base_dir, out, completion_set);
			  This is the last wildcard segment, and it is not empty. Match files/directories.
            wcstring next;
			while (wreaddir(dir, next))
                const wchar_t * const name = next.c_str();
				if( flags & ACCEPT_INCOMPLETE )
					const wcstring long_name = make_path( base_dir, next );

					  Test for matches before stating file, so as to minimize the number of calls to the much slower stat function 
					std::vector<completion_t> test;
					if( wildcard_complete( name,
										   0 ) )
						if( test_flags( long_name.c_str(), flags ) )
							wildcard_completion_allocate( out,
					if( wildcard_match2( name, wc, 1 ) )
                        const wcstring long_name = make_path(base_dir, next);
						int skip = 0;
						if( is_recursive )
							  In recursive mode, we are only
							  interested in adding files -directories
							  will be added in the next pass.
							struct stat buf;
							if( !wstat( long_name, &buf ) )
								skip = S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode);
						if (! skip)
                            insert_completion_if_missing(long_name, out, completion_set);
						res = 1;

	if( wc_end || is_recursive )
		  Wilcard segment is not the last segment.  Recursively call
		  wildcard_expand for all matching subdirectories.
		  wc_str is the part of the wildcarded string from the
		  beginning to the first slash
		wchar_t *wc_str;

		  new_dir is a scratch area containing the full path to a
		  file/directory we are iterating over
		wchar_t *new_dir;

		  The maximum length of a file element
		long ln=MAX_FILE_LENGTH;
		char * narrow_dir_string = wcs2str( dir_string );

		  In recursive mode, we look through the directory twice. If
		  so, this rewind is needed.
		rewinddir( dir );

		if( narrow_dir_string )
			   Find out how long the filename can be in a worst case
			ln = pathconf( narrow_dir_string, _PC_NAME_MAX ); 

			  If not specified, use som large number as fallback
			if( ln < 0 )
				ln = MAX_FILE_LENGTH;		
			free( narrow_dir_string );
		new_dir= (wchar_t *)malloc( sizeof(wchar_t)*(base_len+ln+2)  );

		wc_str = wc_end?wcsndup(wc, wc_end-wc):wcsdup(wc);

		if( (!new_dir) || (!wc_str) )

		wcscpy( new_dir, base_dir );
        wcstring next;
		while (wreaddir(dir, next))
			const wchar_t *name = next.c_str();
			  Test if the file/directory name matches the whole
			  wildcard element, i.e. regular matching.
			int whole_match = wildcard_match2( name, wc_str, 1 );
			int partial_match = 0;
			   If we are doing recursive matching, also check if this
			   directory matches the part up to the recusrive
			   wildcard, if so, then we can search all subdirectories
			   for matches.
			if( is_recursive )
				const wchar_t *end = wcschr( wc, ANY_STRING_RECURSIVE );
				wchar_t *wc_sub = wcsndup( wc, end-wc+1);
				partial_match = wildcard_match2( name, wc_sub, 1 );
				free( wc_sub );

			if( whole_match || partial_match )
				struct stat buf;			
				char *dir_str;
				int stat_res;
				int new_res;

				wcscpy(&new_dir[base_len], name );
				dir_str = wcs2str( new_dir );
				if( dir_str )
					stat_res = stat( dir_str, &buf );
					free( dir_str );
					if( !stat_res )
                        // Insert a "file ID" into visited_files
                        // If the insertion fails, we've already visited this file (i.e. a symlink loop)
                        const file_id_t file_id(buf.st_dev, buf.st_ino);
						if( S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode) && visited_files.insert(file_id).second)
							size_t new_len = wcslen( new_dir );
							new_dir[new_len] = L'/';
							new_dir[new_len+1] = L'\0';
							  Regular matching
							if( whole_match )
								const wchar_t *new_wc = L"";
								if( wc_end )
									  Accept multiple '/' as a single direcotry separator
								new_res = wildcard_expand_internal( new_wc,
                                                                    visited_files );

								if( new_res == -1 )
									res = -1;
								res |= new_res;
							  Recursive matching
							if( partial_match )
								new_res = wildcard_expand_internal( wcschr( wc, ANY_STRING_RECURSIVE ), 
																	flags | WILDCARD_RECURSIVE, 

								if( new_res == -1 )
									res = -1;
								res |= new_res;
		free( wc_str );
		free( new_dir );
	closedir( dir );

	return res;
コード例 #3
ファイル: wildcard.cpp プロジェクト: anbotero/fish-shell
   Add the specified filename if it matches the specified wildcard. 

   If the filename matches, first get the description of the specified
   filename. If this is a regular file, append the filesize to the

   \param list the list to add he completion to
   \param fullname the full filename of the file
   \param completion the completion part of the file name
   \param wc the wildcard to match against
   \param is_cmd whether we are performing command completion
static void wildcard_completion_allocate( std::vector<completion_t> &list, 
					  const wcstring &fullname, 
					  const wcstring &completion,
					  const wchar_t *wc,
                      expand_flags_t expand_flags)
	struct stat buf, lbuf;
    wcstring sb;
	wcstring munged_completion;
	int flags = 0;
	int stat_res, lstat_res;
	int stat_errno=0;
	long long sz; 

	  If the file is a symlink, we need to stat both the file itself
	  _and_ the destination file. But we try to avoid this with
	  non-symlinks by first doing an lstat, and if the file is not a
	  link we copy the results over to the regular stat buffer.
	if( ( lstat_res = lwstat( fullname, &lbuf ) ) )
        /* lstat failed! */
		stat_res = lstat_res;
		if (S_ISLNK(lbuf.st_mode))
			if( ( stat_res = wstat( fullname, &buf ) ) )
				sz = (long long)buf.st_size;
			  In order to differentiate between e.g. rotten symlinks
			  and symlink loops, we also need to know the error status of wstat.
			stat_errno = errno;
			stat_res = lstat_res;
			memcpy( &buf, &lbuf, sizeof( struct stat ) );
			sz = (long long)buf.st_size;
    bool wants_desc = ! (expand_flags & EXPAND_NO_DESCRIPTIONS);
	wcstring desc;
    if (wants_desc)
        desc = file_get_desc( fullname.c_str(), lstat_res, lbuf, stat_res, buf, stat_errno );
	if( sz >= 0 && S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode) )
		flags = flags | COMPLETE_NO_SPACE;
        munged_completion = completion;
        if (wants_desc)
        if (wants_desc)
            if (! desc.empty())
                sb.append(L", ");
    const wcstring &completion_to_use = munged_completion.empty() ? completion : munged_completion;
	wildcard_complete(completion_to_use, wc, sb.c_str(), NULL, list, flags);
コード例 #4
ファイル: wildcard.cpp プロジェクト: heweida/fish-shell
   The real implementation of wildcard expansion is in this
   function. Other functions are just wrappers around this one.

   This function traverses the relevant directory tree looking for
   matches, and recurses when needed to handle wildcrards spanning
   multiple components and recursive wildcards.

   Because this function calls itself recursively with substrings,
   it's important that the parameters be raw pointers instead of wcstring,
   which would be too expensive to construct for all substrings.
static int wildcard_expand_internal(const wchar_t *wc,
                                    const wchar_t * const base_dir,
                                    expand_flags_t flags,
                                    std::vector<completion_t> *out,
                                    std::set<wcstring> &completion_set,
                                    std::set<file_id_t> &visited_files)
    /* Variables for traversing a directory */
    DIR *dir;

    /* The result returned */
    int res = 0;

    //  debug( 3, L"WILDCARD_EXPAND %ls in %ls", wc, base_dir );

    if (is_main_thread() ? reader_interrupted() : reader_thread_job_is_stale())
        return -1;

    if (!wc || !base_dir)
        debug(2, L"Got null string on line %d of file %s", __LINE__, __FILE__);
        return 0;

    const size_t base_dir_len = wcslen(base_dir);
    const size_t wc_len = wcslen(wc);

    if (flags & ACCEPT_INCOMPLETE)
           Avoid excessive number of returned matches for wc ending with a *
        if (wc_len > 0 && (wc[wc_len-1]==ANY_STRING))
            wchar_t * foo = wcsdup(wc);
            int res = wildcard_expand_internal(foo, base_dir, flags, out, completion_set, visited_files);
            return res;

    /* Determine if we are the last segment */
    const wchar_t * const next_slash = wcschr(wc,L'/');
    const bool is_last_segment = (next_slash == NULL);
    const size_t wc_segment_len = next_slash ? next_slash - wc : wc_len;
    const wcstring wc_segment = wcstring(wc, wc_segment_len);
    /* Maybe this segment has no wildcards at all. If this is not the last segment, and it has no wildcards, then we don't need to match against the directory contents, and in fact we don't want to match since we may not be able to read it anyways (#2099). Don't even open the directory! */
    const bool segment_has_wildcards = wildcard_has(wc_segment, true /* internal, i.e. look for ANY_CHAR instead of ? */);
    if (! segment_has_wildcards && ! is_last_segment)
        wcstring new_base_dir = make_path(base_dir, wc_segment);
        /* Skip multiple separators */
        assert(next_slash != NULL);
        const wchar_t *new_wc = next_slash;
        while (*new_wc==L'/')
        /* Early out! */
        return wildcard_expand_internal(new_wc, new_base_dir.c_str(), flags, out, completion_set, visited_files);
    /* Test for recursive match string in current segment */
    const bool is_recursive = (wc_segment.find(ANY_STRING_RECURSIVE) != wcstring::npos);

    const wchar_t *base_dir_or_cwd = (base_dir[0] == L'\0') ? L"." : base_dir;
    if (!(dir = wopendir(base_dir_or_cwd)))
        return 0;
      Is this segment of the wildcard the last?
    if (is_last_segment)
          Wildcard segment is the last segment,

          Insert all matching files/directories
        if (wc[0]=='\0')
              The last wildcard segment is empty. Insert everything if
              completing, the directory itself otherwise.
            if (flags & ACCEPT_INCOMPLETE)
                wcstring next;
                while (wreaddir(dir, next))
                    if (next[0] != L'.')
                        wcstring long_name = make_path(base_dir, next);

                        if (test_flags(long_name.c_str(), flags))
                            wildcard_completion_allocate(out, long_name, next, L"", flags);
                res = 1;
                insert_completion_if_missing(base_dir, out, &completion_set);
            /* This is the last wildcard segment, and it is not empty. Match files/directories. */
            wcstring name_str;
            while (wreaddir(dir, name_str))
                if (flags & ACCEPT_INCOMPLETE)

                    const wcstring long_name = make_path(base_dir, name_str);

                    /* Test for matches before stating file, so as to minimize the number of calls to the much slower stat function. The only expand flag we care about is EXPAND_FUZZY_MATCH; we have no complete flags. */
                    std::vector<completion_t> test;
                    if (wildcard_complete(name_str, wc, L"", NULL, &test, flags & EXPAND_FUZZY_MATCH, 0))
                        if (test_flags(long_name.c_str(), flags))
                            wildcard_completion_allocate(out, long_name, name_str, wc, flags);

                    if (wildcard_match(name_str, wc, true /* skip files with leading dots */))
                        const wcstring long_name = make_path(base_dir, name_str);
                        int skip = 0;

                        if (is_recursive)
                              In recursive mode, we are only
                              interested in adding files -directories
                              will be added in the next pass.
                            struct stat buf;
                            if (!wstat(long_name, &buf))
                                skip = S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode);
                        if (! skip)
                            insert_completion_if_missing(long_name, out, &completion_set);
                        res = 1;

    if ((! is_last_segment) || is_recursive)
          Wilcard segment is not the last segment.  Recursively call
          wildcard_expand for all matching subdirectories.

          In recursive mode, we look through the directory twice. If
          so, this rewind is needed.

        /* new_dir is a scratch area containing the full path to a file/directory we are iterating over */
        wcstring new_dir = base_dir;

        wcstring name_str;
        while (wreaddir(dir, name_str))
              Test if the file/directory name matches the whole
              wildcard element, i.e. regular matching.
            bool whole_match = wildcard_match(name_str, wc_segment, true /* ignore leading dots */);
            bool partial_match = false;

               If we are doing recursive matching, also check if this
               directory matches the part up to the recusrive
               wildcard, if so, then we can search all subdirectories
               for matches.
            if (is_recursive)
                const wchar_t *end = wcschr(wc, ANY_STRING_RECURSIVE);
                wchar_t *wc_sub = wcsndup(wc, end-wc+1);
                partial_match = wildcard_match(name_str, wc_sub, true /* ignore leading dots */);

            if (whole_match || partial_match)
                struct stat buf;
                int new_res;

                // new_dir is base_dir + some other path components
                // Replace everything after base_dir with the new path component
                new_dir.replace(base_dir_len, wcstring::npos, name_str);

                int stat_res = wstat(new_dir, &buf);

                if (!stat_res)
                    // Insert a "file ID" into visited_files
                    // If the insertion fails, we've already visited this file (i.e. a symlink loop)
                    // If we're not recursive, insert anyways (in case we loop back around in a future recursive segment), but continue on; the idea being that literal path components should still work
                    const file_id_t file_id = file_id_t::file_id_from_stat(&buf);
                    if (S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode) && (visited_files.insert(file_id).second || ! is_recursive))

                          Regular matching
                        if (whole_match)
                            const wchar_t *new_wc = L"";
                            if (next_slash)
                                  Accept multiple '/' as a single directory separator
                                while (*new_wc==L'/')

                            new_res = wildcard_expand_internal(new_wc,

                            if (new_res == -1)
                                res = -1;
                            res |= new_res;


                          Recursive matching
                        if (partial_match)

                            new_res = wildcard_expand_internal(wcschr(wc, ANY_STRING_RECURSIVE),
                                                               flags | WILDCARD_RECURSIVE,

                            if (new_res == -1)
                                res = -1;
                            res |= new_res;


    return res;
コード例 #5
/// Test if the given file is an executable (if EXECUTABLES_ONLY) or directory (if
/// DIRECTORIES_ONLY). If it matches, call wildcard_complete() with some description that we make
/// up. Note that the filename came from a readdir() call, so we know it exists.
static bool wildcard_test_flags_then_complete(const wcstring &filepath, const wcstring &filename,
                                              const wchar_t *wc, expand_flags_t expand_flags,
                                              std::vector<completion_t> *out) {
    // Check if it will match before stat().
    if (!wildcard_complete(filename, wc, {}, NULL, expand_flags, 0)) {
        return false;

    struct stat lstat_buf = {}, stat_buf = {};
    int stat_res = -1;
    int stat_errno = 0;
    int lstat_res = lwstat(filepath, &lstat_buf);
    if (lstat_res >= 0) {
        if (S_ISLNK(lstat_buf.st_mode)) {
            stat_res = wstat(filepath, &stat_buf);

            if (stat_res < 0) {
                // In order to differentiate between e.g. rotten symlinks and symlink loops, we also
                // need to know the error status of wstat.
                stat_errno = errno;
        } else {
            stat_buf = lstat_buf;
            stat_res = lstat_res;

    const long long file_size = stat_res == 0 ? stat_buf.st_size : 0;
    const bool is_directory = stat_res == 0 && S_ISDIR(stat_buf.st_mode);
    const bool is_executable = stat_res == 0 && S_ISREG(stat_buf.st_mode);

    const bool need_directory = expand_flags & DIRECTORIES_ONLY;
    if (need_directory && !is_directory) {
        return false;

    const bool executables_only = expand_flags & EXECUTABLES_ONLY;
    if (executables_only && (!is_executable || waccess(filepath, X_OK) != 0)) {
        return false;

    if (is_windows_subsystem_for_linux() &&
        string_suffixes_string_case_insensitive(L".dll", filename)) {
        return false;

    // Compute the description.
    wcstring desc;
    if (!(expand_flags & EXPAND_NO_DESCRIPTIONS)) {
        desc = file_get_desc(filepath, lstat_res, lstat_buf, stat_res, stat_buf, stat_errno);

        if (file_size >= 0) {
            if (!desc.empty()) desc.append(L", ");

    // Append a / if this is a directory. Note this requirement may be the only reason we have to
    // call stat() in some cases.
    auto desc_func = const_desc(desc);
    if (is_directory) {
        return wildcard_complete(filename + L'/', wc, desc_func, out, expand_flags,
    return wildcard_complete(filename, wc, desc_func, out, expand_flags, 0);