コード例 #1
ファイル: preference.cpp プロジェクト: emamanto/Soar
bool add_preference_to_tm(agent* thisAgent, preference* pref)

    slot* s = make_slot(thisAgent, pref->id, pref->attr);
    preference* p2;

    if (!thisAgent->Decider->settings[DECIDER_KEEP_TOP_OPREFS] && (pref->inst->match_goal == thisAgent->top_state) && pref->o_supported && !s->isa_context_slot && (pref->type == ACCEPTABLE_PREFERENCE_TYPE) )
        /* We could potentially cache a list of all o-supported values in the slot so that we don't have to iterate
         * through all of the preferences. We would need to maintain the list as we decide non-context slots */
        bool already_top_o_supported = false;

        for (p2 = s->all_preferences; (p2 && !already_top_o_supported); p2 = p2->all_of_slot_next)
            if ((p2->value == pref->value) && p2->o_supported && (p2->inst->match_goal == thisAgent->top_state))
                already_top_o_supported = true;

        if (already_top_o_supported)
            if (thisAgent->trace_settings[TRACE_FIRINGS_PREFERENCES_SYSPARAM])
                thisAgent->outputManager->printa_sf(thisAgent,  "%e+ ");
                print_preference(thisAgent, pref, false);
                thisAgent->outputManager->printa_sf(thisAgent,  " (%y) ALREADY SUPPORTED ON TOP LEVEL.  IGNORING.\n", pref->inst->prod_name);
            return false;

    pref->slot = s;

    insert_at_head_of_dll(s->all_preferences, pref, all_of_slot_next, all_of_slot_prev);

    /*  add to preference list of slot (according to match goal level of the instantiations) */

    if (!s->preferences[pref->type])
        /*  this is the only pref. of its type, just put it at the head */
        insert_at_head_of_dll(s->preferences[pref->type], pref, next, prev);
    else if (s->preferences[pref->type]->inst->match_goal_level >= pref->inst->match_goal_level)
        /*  it belongs at the head of the list, so put it there */
        insert_at_head_of_dll(s->preferences[pref->type], pref, next, prev);
        /*  scan through the pref. list, find the one to insert after */
        for (p2 = s->preferences[pref->type]; p2->next != NIL; p2 = p2->next)
            if (p2->next->inst->match_goal_level >= pref->inst->match_goal_level)

        /*  insert pref after p2 */
        pref->next = p2->next;
        pref->prev = p2;
        p2->next = pref;
        if (pref->next)
            pref->next->prev = pref;

    pref->in_tm = true;

    /* If the slot is unchanged but has some references laying around, we clear them
     * This does not lead to immediate memory deallocate/allocate but once the WMEs are
     * resolved, this should free the memory. */
    if (wma_enabled(thisAgent) && !s->isa_context_slot)
        if (!s->changed)
            if (s->wma_val_references != NIL)

    mark_slot_as_changed(thisAgent, s);

    if (wma_enabled(thisAgent) && !s->isa_context_slot)
        bool exists = false;
        wme* w = pref->slot->wmes;
        while (!exists && w)
            if (w->value == pref->value)
                exists = true;

            w = w->next;

        /* If wme exists, it should already have been updated during assertion of new preferences */
        if (!exists)
            if (s->wma_val_references == NIL)
                thisAgent->memoryManager->allocate_with_pool(MP_wma_slot_refs, &(s->wma_val_references));
                s->wma_val_references = new(s->wma_val_references) wma_sym_reference_map(std::less< Symbol* >(), soar_module::soar_memory_pool_allocator< std::pair< Symbol*, uint64_t > >());
                s->wma_val_references = new(s->wma_val_references) wma_sym_reference_map();

            (*s->wma_val_references)[ pref->value ]++;

    /*  update identifier levels */
    if (pref->value->symbol_type == IDENTIFIER_SYMBOL_TYPE)
        post_link_addition(thisAgent, pref->id, pref->value);
    if (preference_is_binary(pref->type))
        if (pref->referent->symbol_type == IDENTIFIER_SYMBOL_TYPE)
            post_link_addition(thisAgent, pref->id, pref->referent);

    /*  if acceptable/require pref for context slot, we may need to add a wme later */
    if ((s->isa_context_slot) &&  ((pref->type == ACCEPTABLE_PREFERENCE_TYPE) || (pref->type == REQUIRE_PREFERENCE_TYPE)))
        mark_context_slot_as_acceptable_preference_changed(thisAgent, s);
    if (thisAgent->trace_settings[TRACE_FIRINGS_PREFERENCES_SYSPARAM])
        thisAgent->outputManager->printa_sf(thisAgent,  "%e+ ");
        print_preference(thisAgent, pref, false);
        thisAgent->outputManager->printa_sf(thisAgent,  " (%y)\n", pref->inst->prod_name);

    return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: smem_instance.cpp プロジェクト: SoarGroup/Soar
void SMem_Manager::install_buffered_triple_list(Symbol* state, wme_set& cue_wmes, symbol_triple_list& my_list, bool meta, bool stripLTILinks)
    if (my_list.empty())
    dprint(DT_SMEM_INSTANCE, "install_buffered_triple_list called in state %y.  Creating architectural instantiation.\n", state);

    instantiation* inst = make_architectural_instantiation_for_memory_system(thisAgent, state, &cue_wmes, &my_list, true);
    for (preference* pref = inst->preferences_generated; pref;)
        if (add_preference_to_tm(thisAgent, pref))
            // and add it to the list of preferences to be removed
            // when the goal is removed
            dprint(DT_SMEM_INSTANCE, "...adding preference %p to WM\n", pref);
            insert_at_head_of_dll(state->id->preferences_from_goal, pref, all_of_goal_next, all_of_goal_prev);
            pref->on_goal_list = true;
            if (meta)
                // if this is a meta wme, then it is completely local
                // to the state and thus we will manually remove it
                // (via preference removal) when the time comes
            dprint(DT_SMEM_INSTANCE, "...could not add preference %p to WM.  Deallocating.\n", pref);
            if (pref->reference_count == 0)
                preference* previous = pref;
                pref = pref->inst_next;
                possibly_deallocate_preference_and_clones(thisAgent, previous, true);
        if (stripLTILinks)
            pref->id->id->LTI_ID = 0;
            if (pref->value->is_sti())
                pref->value->id->LTI_ID = 0;

        pref = pref->inst_next;

    if (!meta)
        // Create an architectural instantiation to allow backtracing
        // for chunks, justifications and the GDS.

        instantiation* my_justification_list = NIL;
        dprint(DT_MILESTONES, "Asserting preferences of new architectural instantiation in _smem_process_buffered_wme_list...\n");
        // if any justifications are created, assert their preferences manually
        // (copied mainly from assert_new_preferences with respect to our circumstances)
        if (my_justification_list != NIL)
            preference* just_pref = NIL;
            instantiation* next_justification = NIL;

            for (instantiation* my_justification = my_justification_list;
                my_justification != NIL;
                my_justification = next_justification)
                next_justification = my_justification->next;

                if (my_justification->in_ms)
                    insert_at_head_of_dll(my_justification->prod->instantiations, my_justification, next, prev);

                for (just_pref = my_justification->preferences_generated; just_pref != NIL;)
                    if (add_preference_to_tm(thisAgent, just_pref))
                        if (wma_enabled(thisAgent))
                            wma_activate_wmes_in_pref(thisAgent, just_pref);
                        if (just_pref->reference_count == 0)
                            preference* previous = just_pref;
                            just_pref = just_pref->inst_next;
                            possibly_deallocate_preference_and_clones(thisAgent, previous, true);

                    just_pref = just_pref->inst_next;
コード例 #3
ファイル: wma.cpp プロジェクト: amininger/Soar
bool wma_activation_predicate<T>::operator() ( T /*val*/ ) { return wma_enabled( this->my_agent ); };