コード例 #1
ファイル: seal.cpp プロジェクト: AmesianX/encryption-library
	Gamma::Gamma(const byte *key)
		: lastIndex(0xffffffff), H(5), Z(5), D(16)
		for (unsigned int i=0; i<5; i++)
			H[i] = (word32(key[4*i+0]) << 24) | (word32(key[4*i+1]) << 16) 
				 | (word32(key[4*i+2]) << 8) | key[4*i+3];
		memset(D, 0, 64);
コード例 #2
ファイル: serpent.cpp プロジェクト: c3d/tao-3D
void Serpent_KeySchedule(word32 *k, unsigned int rounds, const byte *userKey, size_t keylen)
	FixedSizeSecBlock<word32, 8> k0;
	GetUserKey(LITTLE_ENDIAN_ORDER, k0.begin(), 8, userKey, keylen);
	if (keylen < 32)
		k0[keylen/4] |= word32(1) << ((keylen%4)*8);

	word32 t = k0[7];
	unsigned int i;
	for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
		k[i] = k0[i] = t = rotlFixed(k0[i] ^ k0[(i+3)%8] ^ k0[(i+5)%8] ^ t ^ 0x9e3779b9 ^ i, 11);
	for (i = 8; i < 4*(rounds+1); ++i)
		k[i] = t = rotlFixed(k[i-8] ^ k[i-5] ^ k[i-3] ^ t ^ 0x9e3779b9 ^ i, 11);
	k -= 20;

	word32 a,b,c,d,e;
	for (i=0; i<rounds/8; i++)
		afterS2(LK); afterS2(S3); afterS3(SK);
		afterS1(LK); afterS1(S2); afterS2(SK);
		afterS0(LK); afterS0(S1); afterS1(SK);
		beforeS0(LK); beforeS0(S0); afterS0(SK);
		k += 8*4;
		afterS6(LK); afterS6(S7); afterS7(SK);
		afterS5(LK); afterS5(S6); afterS6(SK);
		afterS4(LK); afterS4(S5); afterS5(SK);
		afterS3(LK); afterS3(S4); afterS4(SK);
	afterS2(LK); afterS2(S3); afterS3(SK);
DecodingResult PSSR_MEM_Base::RecoverMessageFromRepresentative(
	HashTransformation &hash, HashIdentifier hashIdentifier, bool messageEmpty,
	byte *representative, size_t representativeBitLength,
	byte *recoverableMessage) const
	assert(representativeBitLength >= MinRepresentativeBitLength(hashIdentifier.second, hash.DigestSize()));

	const size_t u = hashIdentifier.second + 1;
	const size_t representativeByteLength = BitsToBytes(representativeBitLength);
	const size_t digestSize = hash.DigestSize();
	const size_t saltSize = SaltLen(digestSize);
	const byte *const h = representative + representativeByteLength - u - digestSize;

	SecByteBlock digest(digestSize);

	DecodingResult result(0);
	bool &valid = result.isValidCoding;
	size_t &recoverableMessageLength = result.messageLength;

	valid = (representative[representativeByteLength - 1] == (hashIdentifier.second ? 0xcc : 0xbc)) && valid;
	valid = VerifyBufsEqual(representative + representativeByteLength - u, hashIdentifier.first, hashIdentifier.second) && valid;

	GetMGF().GenerateAndMask(hash, representative, representativeByteLength - u - digestSize, h, digestSize);
	if (representativeBitLength % 8 != 0)
		representative[0] = (byte)Crop(representative[0], representativeBitLength % 8);

	// extract salt and recoverableMessage from DB = 00 ... || 01 || M || salt
	byte *salt = representative + representativeByteLength - u - digestSize - saltSize;
	byte *M = std::find_if(representative, salt-1, std::bind2nd(std::not_equal_to<byte>(), 0));
	recoverableMessageLength = salt-M-1;
	if (*M == 0x01 
		&& (size_t)(M - representative - (representativeBitLength % 8 != 0)) >= MinPadLen(digestSize)
		&& recoverableMessageLength <= MaxRecoverableLength(representativeBitLength, hashIdentifier.second, digestSize))
		memcpy(recoverableMessage, M+1, recoverableMessageLength);
		recoverableMessageLength = 0;
		valid = false;

	// verify H = hash of M'
	byte c[8];
	PutWord(false, BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, c, (word32)SafeRightShift<29>(recoverableMessageLength));
	PutWord(false, BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, c+4, word32(recoverableMessageLength << 3));
	hash.Update(c, 8);
	hash.Update(recoverableMessage, recoverableMessageLength);
	hash.Update(digest, digestSize);
	hash.Update(salt, saltSize);
	valid = hash.Verify(h) && valid;

	if (!AllowRecovery() && valid && recoverableMessageLength != 0)
		{throw NotImplemented("PSSR_MEM: message recovery disabled");}
	return result;
コード例 #4
ファイル: nbtheory.cpp プロジェクト: Dangr8/Cities3D
void PrimeSieve::SieveSingle(std::vector<bool> &sieve, word16 p, const Integer &first, const Integer &step, word16 stepInv)
	if (stepInv)
		size_t sieveSize = sieve.size();
		size_t j = (word32(p-(first%p))*stepInv) % p;
		// if the first multiple of p is p, skip it
		if (first.WordCount() <= 1 && first + step*long(j) == p)
			j += p;
		for (; j < sieveSize; j += p)
			sieve[j] = true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: serpent.cpp プロジェクト: hon1nbo/BCTt
void Serpent::Base::UncheckedSetKey(const byte *userKey, unsigned int keylen, const NameValuePairs &)

	word32 *k = m_key;
	GetUserKey(LITTLE_ENDIAN_ORDER, k, 8, userKey, keylen);

	if (keylen < 32)
		k[keylen/4] |= word32(1) << ((keylen%4)*8);

	k += 8;
	word32 t = k[-1];
	signed int i;
	for (i = 0; i < 132; ++i)
		k[i] = t = rotlFixed(k[i-8] ^ k[i-5] ^ k[i-3] ^ t ^ 0x9e3779b9 ^ i, 11);
	k -= 20;

#define LK(r, a, b, c, d, e)	{\
	a = k[(8-r)*4 + 0];		\
	b = k[(8-r)*4 + 1];		\
	c = k[(8-r)*4 + 2];		\
	d = k[(8-r)*4 + 3];}

#define SK(r, a, b, c, d, e)	{\
	k[(8-r)*4 + 4] = a;		\
	k[(8-r)*4 + 5] = b;		\
	k[(8-r)*4 + 6] = c;		\
	k[(8-r)*4 + 7] = d;}	\

	word32 a,b,c,d,e;
	for (i=0; i<4; i++)
		afterS2(LK); afterS2(S3); afterS3(SK);
		afterS1(LK); afterS1(S2); afterS2(SK);
		afterS0(LK); afterS0(S1); afterS1(SK);
		beforeS0(LK); beforeS0(S0); afterS0(SK);
		k += 8*4;
		afterS6(LK); afterS6(S7); afterS7(SK);
		afterS5(LK); afterS5(S6); afterS6(SK);
		afterS4(LK); afterS4(S5); afterS5(SK);
		afterS3(LK); afterS3(S4); afterS4(SK);
	afterS2(LK); afterS2(S3); afterS3(SK);
void PSSR_MEM_Base::ComputeMessageRepresentative(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, 
	const byte *recoverableMessage, size_t recoverableMessageLength,
	HashTransformation &hash, HashIdentifier hashIdentifier, bool messageEmpty,
	byte *representative, size_t representativeBitLength) const
	assert(representativeBitLength >= MinRepresentativeBitLength(hashIdentifier.second, hash.DigestSize()));

	const size_t u = hashIdentifier.second + 1;
	const size_t representativeByteLength = BitsToBytes(representativeBitLength);
	const size_t digestSize = hash.DigestSize();
	const size_t saltSize = SaltLen(digestSize);
	byte *const h = representative + representativeByteLength - u - digestSize;

	SecByteBlock digest(digestSize), salt(saltSize);
	rng.GenerateBlock(salt, saltSize);

	// compute H = hash of M'
	byte c[8];
	PutWord(false, BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, c, (word32)SafeRightShift<29>(recoverableMessageLength));
	PutWord(false, BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, c+4, word32(recoverableMessageLength << 3));
	hash.Update(c, 8);
	hash.Update(recoverableMessage, recoverableMessageLength);
	hash.Update(digest, digestSize);
	hash.Update(salt, saltSize);

	// compute representative
	GetMGF().GenerateAndMask(hash, representative, representativeByteLength - u - digestSize, h, digestSize, false);
	byte *xorStart = representative + representativeByteLength - u - digestSize - salt.size() - recoverableMessageLength - 1;
	xorStart[0] ^= 1;
	xorbuf(xorStart + 1, recoverableMessage, recoverableMessageLength);
	xorbuf(xorStart + 1 + recoverableMessageLength, salt, salt.size());
	memcpy(representative + representativeByteLength - u, hashIdentifier.first, hashIdentifier.second);
	representative[representativeByteLength - 1] = hashIdentifier.second ? 0xcc : 0xbc;
	if (representativeBitLength % 8 != 0)
		representative[0] = (byte)Crop(representative[0], representativeBitLength % 8);
コード例 #7
ファイル: rijndael.cpp プロジェクト: gogo40/GoGo40-keygen
void Rijndael::Base::UncheckedSetKey(CipherDir dir, const byte *userKey, unsigned int keylen)

	m_rounds = keylen/4 + 6;

	word32 temp, *rk = m_key;
	const word32 *rc = rcon;
	unsigned int i=0;

	GetUserKey(BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, rk, keylen/4, userKey, keylen);

	while (true)
		temp  = rk[keylen/4-1];
		rk[keylen/4] = rk[0] ^
			(word32(Se[GETBYTE(temp, 2)]) << 24) ^
			(word32(Se[GETBYTE(temp, 1)]) << 16) ^
			(word32(Se[GETBYTE(temp, 0)]) << 8) ^
			Se[GETBYTE(temp, 3)] ^
		rk[keylen/4+1] = rk[1] ^ rk[keylen/4];
		rk[keylen/4+2] = rk[2] ^ rk[keylen/4+1];
		rk[keylen/4+3] = rk[3] ^ rk[keylen/4+2];

		if (rk + keylen/4 + 4 == m_key.end())

		if (keylen == 24)
			rk[10] = rk[ 4] ^ rk[ 9];
			rk[11] = rk[ 5] ^ rk[10];
		else if (keylen == 32)
    		temp = rk[11];
    		rk[12] = rk[ 4] ^
				(word32(Se[GETBYTE(temp, 3)]) << 24) ^
				(word32(Se[GETBYTE(temp, 2)]) << 16) ^
				(word32(Se[GETBYTE(temp, 1)]) << 8) ^
				Se[GETBYTE(temp, 0)];
    		rk[13] = rk[ 5] ^ rk[12];
    		rk[14] = rk[ 6] ^ rk[13];
    		rk[15] = rk[ 7] ^ rk[14];
		rk += keylen/4;

	if (dir == DECRYPTION)
		unsigned int i, j;
		rk = m_key;

		/* invert the order of the round keys: */
		for (i = 0, j = 4*m_rounds; i < j; i += 4, j -= 4) {
			temp = rk[i    ]; rk[i    ] = rk[j    ]; rk[j    ] = temp;
			temp = rk[i + 1]; rk[i + 1] = rk[j + 1]; rk[j + 1] = temp;
			temp = rk[i + 2]; rk[i + 2] = rk[j + 2]; rk[j + 2] = temp;
			temp = rk[i + 3]; rk[i + 3] = rk[j + 3]; rk[j + 3] = temp;
		/* apply the inverse MixColumn transform to all round keys but the first and the last: */
		for (i = 1; i < m_rounds; i++) {
			rk += 4;
			rk[0] =
				Td0[Se[GETBYTE(rk[0], 3)]] ^
				Td1[Se[GETBYTE(rk[0], 2)]] ^
				Td2[Se[GETBYTE(rk[0], 1)]] ^
				Td3[Se[GETBYTE(rk[0], 0)]];
			rk[1] =
				Td0[Se[GETBYTE(rk[1], 3)]] ^
				Td1[Se[GETBYTE(rk[1], 2)]] ^
				Td2[Se[GETBYTE(rk[1], 1)]] ^
				Td3[Se[GETBYTE(rk[1], 0)]];
			rk[2] =
				Td0[Se[GETBYTE(rk[2], 3)]] ^
				Td1[Se[GETBYTE(rk[2], 2)]] ^
				Td2[Se[GETBYTE(rk[2], 1)]] ^
				Td3[Se[GETBYTE(rk[2], 0)]];
			rk[3] =
				Td0[Se[GETBYTE(rk[3], 3)]] ^
				Td1[Se[GETBYTE(rk[3], 2)]] ^
				Td2[Se[GETBYTE(rk[3], 1)]] ^
				Td3[Se[GETBYTE(rk[3], 0)]];

	ConditionalByteReverse(BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, m_key.begin(), m_key.begin(), 16);
	ConditionalByteReverse(BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, m_key + m_rounds*4, m_key + m_rounds*4, 16);