コード例 #1
void odomCallback(const nav_msgs::Odometry& msg)
  geometry_msgs::Pose2D old_pose = odo_robot_pose;

  // Store updated pose values
  odo_robot_pose.x = msg.pose.pose.position.x;
  odo_robot_pose.y = msg.pose.pose.position.y;
  odo_robot_pose.theta = tf::getYaw(msg.pose.pose.orientation);
  // Store velocity computed from odometry
  odo_lin_vel = msg.twist.twist.linear.x;
  odo_ang_vel = msg.twist.twist.angular.z;
  // Store timestamp and update flag
  odom_updated = true;

  // Only perform the particle filter update step if we have alread received an
  // odometry message in the past.
  if( !odom_first_update )
    /// Perform Step 1 of the particle filter
    /// --> Update particles with robot movement:
    // We need to obtain the robot movement in the robot coordinates
    geometry_msgs::Pose2D local_pose;
    world2Local(old_pose, odo_robot_pose, &local_pose);
    ParticleFilterStep1(local_pose.x, local_pose.theta);

  // First update is done
  odom_first_update = false;
  last_step1_time = msg.header.stamp.toSec();

  // Show updated particles
コード例 #2
void TP8::odomCallback(const nav_msgs::Odometry& msg)
  geometry_msgs::Pose2D old_pose = _odo_robot_pose;

  // Store updated pose values
  _odo_robot_pose.x = msg.pose.pose.position.x;
  _odo_robot_pose.y = msg.pose.pose.position.y;
  _odo_robot_pose.theta = tf::getYaw(msg.pose.pose.orientation);
  // Store velocity computed from odometry
  _odo_lin_vel = msg.twist.twist.linear.x;
  _odo_ang_vel = msg.twist.twist.angular.z;
  // Store timestamp and update flag
  _odom_updated = true;

  // Only perform the prediction update step if we have alread received an
  // odometry message in the past.
  if( !_odom_first_update )
    /// Perform Step 1 of the particle filter
    /// --> Update particles with robot movement:
    // We need to obtain the robot movement in the robot coordinates
    geometry_msgs::Pose2D local_pose;
    world2Local(old_pose, _odo_robot_pose, &local_pose);
    _ekf.predictStep(local_pose.x, local_pose.y, local_pose.theta);
  } else
    // Set initial state value to the odometry information
    _ekf._state(0,0) = _odo_robot_pose.x;
    _ekf._state(1,0) = _odo_robot_pose.y;
    _ekf._state(2,0) = _odo_robot_pose.theta;
    /// @TODO: use ROS given covariance to initialize P

  // First update is done
  _odom_first_update = false;
  _last_predict_time = msg.header.stamp.toSec();

  // Show updated particles