コード例 #1
void AC_AttitudeControl::update_att_target_yaw(float euler_yaw_rate_rads, float overshoot_max_rad)
    // Compute constrained angle error
    float angle_error = constrain_float(wrap_PI(_att_target_euler_rad.z - _ahrs.yaw), -overshoot_max_rad, overshoot_max_rad);

    // Update attitude target from constrained angle error
    _att_target_euler_rad.z = angle_error + _ahrs.yaw;

    // Increment the attitude target
    _att_target_euler_rad.z += euler_yaw_rate_rads * _dt;
    _att_target_euler_rad.z = wrap_2PI(_att_target_euler_rad.z);
コード例 #2
ファイル: AP_Beacon.cpp プロジェクト: Rusty105/ardupilot
// find next boundary point from an array of boundary points given the current index into that array
// returns true if a next point can be found
//   current_index should be an index into the boundary_pts array
//   start_angle is an angle (in radians), the search will sweep clockwise from this angle
//   the index of the next point is returned in the next_index argument
//   the angle to the next point is returned in the next_angle argument
bool AP_Beacon::get_next_boundary_point(const Vector2f* boundary_pts, uint8_t num_points, uint8_t current_index, float start_angle, uint8_t& next_index, float& next_angle)
    // sanity check
    if (boundary_pts == nullptr || current_index >= num_points) {
        return false;

    // get current point
    Vector2f curr_point = boundary_pts[current_index];

    // search through all points for next boundary point in a clockwise direction
    float lowest_angle = M_PI_2;
    float lowest_angle_relative = M_PI_2;
    bool lowest_found = false;
    uint8_t lowest_index = 0;
    for (uint8_t i=0; i < num_points; i++) {
        if (i != current_index) {
            Vector2f vec = boundary_pts[i] - curr_point;
            if (!vec.is_zero()) {
                float angle = wrap_2PI(atan2f(vec.y, vec.x));
                float angle_relative = wrap_2PI(angle - start_angle);
                if ((angle_relative < lowest_angle_relative) || !lowest_found) {
                    lowest_angle = angle;
                    lowest_angle_relative = angle_relative;
                    lowest_index = i;
                    lowest_found = true;

    // return results
    if (lowest_found) {
        next_index = lowest_index;
        next_angle = lowest_angle;
    return lowest_found;
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_math.cpp プロジェクト: 10man/ardupilot
TEST(MathWrapTest, Angle2PI)
    const float accuracy = 1.0e-5;

    EXPECT_NEAR(M_PI, wrap_2PI(M_PI), accuracy);
    EXPECT_NEAR(0.f,  wrap_2PI(M_2PI), accuracy);
    EXPECT_NEAR(0.f,  wrap_2PI(M_PI * 10), accuracy);
    EXPECT_NEAR(0.f,  wrap_2PI(0.f), accuracy);
    EXPECT_NEAR(M_PI, wrap_2PI(-M_PI), accuracy);
    EXPECT_NEAR(0,    wrap_2PI(-M_2PI), accuracy);
コード例 #4
// Command an euler roll, pitch, and yaw rate with angular velocity feedforward and smoothing
void AC_AttitudeControl::input_euler_rate_roll_pitch_yaw(float euler_roll_rate_cds, float euler_pitch_rate_cds, float euler_yaw_rate_cds)
    // Convert from centidegrees on public interface to radians
    float euler_roll_rate = radians(euler_roll_rate_cds*0.01f);
    float euler_pitch_rate = radians(euler_pitch_rate_cds*0.01f);
    float euler_yaw_rate = radians(euler_yaw_rate_cds*0.01f);

    // calculate the attitude target euler angles
    _attitude_target_quat.to_euler(_attitude_target_euler_angle.x, _attitude_target_euler_angle.y, _attitude_target_euler_angle.z);

    if (_rate_bf_ff_enabled & _use_ff_and_input_shaping) {
        // translate the roll pitch and yaw acceleration limits to the euler axis
        Vector3f euler_accel = euler_accel_limit(_attitude_target_euler_angle, Vector3f(get_accel_roll_max_radss(), get_accel_pitch_max_radss(), get_accel_yaw_max_radss()));

        // When acceleration limiting is enabled, the input shaper constrains angular acceleration, slewing
        // the output rate towards the input rate.
        _attitude_target_euler_rate.x = input_shaping_ang_vel(_attitude_target_euler_rate.x, euler_roll_rate, euler_accel.x);
        _attitude_target_euler_rate.y = input_shaping_ang_vel(_attitude_target_euler_rate.y, euler_pitch_rate, euler_accel.y);
        _attitude_target_euler_rate.z = input_shaping_ang_vel(_attitude_target_euler_rate.z, euler_yaw_rate, euler_accel.z);

        // Convert euler angle derivative of desired attitude into a body-frame angular velocity vector for feedforward
        euler_rate_to_ang_vel(_attitude_target_euler_angle, _attitude_target_euler_rate, _attitude_target_ang_vel);
    } else {
        // When feedforward is not enabled, the target euler angle is input into the target and the feedforward rate is zeroed.
        // Pitch angle is restricted to +- 85.0 degrees to avoid gimbal lock discontinuities.
        _attitude_target_euler_angle.x = wrap_PI(_attitude_target_euler_angle.x + euler_roll_rate*_dt);
        _attitude_target_euler_angle.y = constrain_float(_attitude_target_euler_angle.y + euler_pitch_rate*_dt, radians(-85.0f), radians(85.0f));
        _attitude_target_euler_angle.z = wrap_2PI(_attitude_target_euler_angle.z + euler_yaw_rate*_dt);

        // Set rate feedforward requests to zero
        _attitude_target_euler_rate = Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        _attitude_target_ang_vel = Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

        // Compute quaternion target attitude
        _attitude_target_quat.from_euler(_attitude_target_euler_angle.x, _attitude_target_euler_angle.y, _attitude_target_euler_angle.z);

    // Call quaternion attitude controller
コード例 #5
ファイル: sailboat.cpp プロジェクト: Rusty105/ardupilot
// handle user initiated tack while in acro mode
void Rover::sailboat_handle_tack_request_acro()
    // set tacking heading target to the current angle relative to the true wind but on the new tack
    sailboat.tacking = true;
    sailboat.tack_heading_rad = wrap_2PI(ahrs.yaw + 2.0f * wrap_PI((g2.windvane.get_absolute_wind_direction_rad() - ahrs.yaw)));
コード例 #6
ファイル: sailboat.cpp プロジェクト: Rusty105/ardupilot
// if we can't sail on the desired heading then we should pick the best heading that we can sail on
// this function assumes the caller has already checked sailboat_use_indirect_route(desired_heading_cd) returned true
float Rover::sailboat_calc_heading(float desired_heading_cd)
    if (!g2.motors.has_sail()) {
        return desired_heading_cd;

    bool should_tack = false;

    // check for user requested tack
    uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();
    if (sailboat.auto_tack_request_ms != 0) {
        // set should_tack flag is user requested tack within last 0.5 sec
        should_tack = ((now - sailboat.auto_tack_request_ms) < 500);
        sailboat.auto_tack_request_ms = 0;

    // calculate left and right no go headings looking upwind
    const float left_no_go_heading_rad = wrap_2PI(g2.windvane.get_absolute_wind_direction_rad() + radians(g2.sail_no_go));
    const float right_no_go_heading_rad = wrap_2PI(g2.windvane.get_absolute_wind_direction_rad() - radians(g2.sail_no_go));

    // calculate current tack, Port if heading is left of no-go, STBD if right of no-go
    Sailboat_Tack current_tack;
    if (is_negative(g2.windvane.get_apparent_wind_direction_rad())) {
        current_tack = TACK_PORT;
    } else {
        current_tack = TACK_STARBOARD;

    // trigger tack if cross track error larger than waypoint_overshoot parameter
    // this effectively defines a 'corridor' of width 2*waypoint_overshoot that the boat will stay within
    if ((fabsf(g2.wp_nav.crosstrack_error()) >= g2.wp_nav.get_overshoot()) && !is_zero(g2.wp_nav.get_overshoot()) && !sailboat_tacking()) {
        // make sure the new tack will reduce the cross track error
        // if were on starboard tack we are traveling towards the left hand boundary
        if (is_positive(g2.wp_nav.crosstrack_error()) && (current_tack == TACK_STARBOARD)) {
            should_tack = true;
        // if were on port tack we are traveling towards the right hand boundary
        if (is_negative(g2.wp_nav.crosstrack_error()) && (current_tack == TACK_PORT)) {
            should_tack = true;

    // if tack triggered, calculate target heading
    if (should_tack) {
        gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "Sailboat: Tacking");
        // calculate target heading for the new tack
        switch (current_tack) {
            case TACK_PORT:
                sailboat.tack_heading_rad = right_no_go_heading_rad;
            case TACK_STARBOARD:
                sailboat.tack_heading_rad = left_no_go_heading_rad;
        sailboat.tacking = true;
        sailboat.auto_tack_start_ms = AP_HAL::millis();

    // if we are tacking we maintain the target heading until the tack completes or times out
    if (sailboat.tacking) {
        // check if we have reached target
        if (fabsf(wrap_PI(sailboat.tack_heading_rad - ahrs.yaw)) <= radians(SAILBOAT_TACKING_ACCURACY_DEG)) {
        } else if ((now - sailboat.auto_tack_start_ms) > SAILBOAT_AUTO_TACKING_TIMEOUT_MS) {
            // tack has taken too long
            gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "Sailboat: Tacking timed out");
        // return tack target heading
        return degrees(sailboat.tack_heading_rad) * 100.0f;

    // return closest possible heading to wind
    if (current_tack == TACK_PORT) {
        return degrees(left_no_go_heading_rad) * 100.0f;
    } else {
        return degrees(right_no_go_heading_rad) * 100.0f;
コード例 #7
// passthrough_bf_roll_pitch_rate_yaw - passthrough the pilots roll and pitch inputs directly to swashplate for flybar acro mode
void AC_AttitudeControl_Heli::passthrough_bf_roll_pitch_rate_yaw(float roll_passthrough, float pitch_passthrough, float yaw_rate_bf_cds)
    // convert from centidegrees on public interface to radians
    float yaw_rate_bf_rads = radians(yaw_rate_bf_cds*0.01f);

    // store roll, pitch and passthroughs
    // NOTE: this abuses yaw_rate_bf_rads
    _passthrough_roll = roll_passthrough;
    _passthrough_pitch = pitch_passthrough;
    _passthrough_yaw = degrees(yaw_rate_bf_rads)*100.0f;

    // set rate controller to use pass through
    _flags_heli.flybar_passthrough = true;

    // set bf rate targets to current body frame rates (i.e. relax and be ready for vehicle to switch out of acro)
    _attitude_target_ang_vel.x = _ahrs.get_gyro().x;
    _attitude_target_ang_vel.y = _ahrs.get_gyro().y;

    // accel limit desired yaw rate
    if (get_accel_yaw_max_radss() > 0.0f) {
        float rate_change_limit_rads = get_accel_yaw_max_radss() * _dt;
        float rate_change_rads = yaw_rate_bf_rads - _attitude_target_ang_vel.z;
        rate_change_rads = constrain_float(rate_change_rads, -rate_change_limit_rads, rate_change_limit_rads);
        _attitude_target_ang_vel.z += rate_change_rads;
    } else {
        _attitude_target_ang_vel.z = yaw_rate_bf_rads;

    _att_error_rot_vec_rad.x = 0;
    _att_error_rot_vec_rad.y = 0;

    // update our earth-frame angle targets
    Vector3f att_error_euler_rad;

    // convert angle error rotation vector into 321-intrinsic euler angle difference
    // NOTE: this results an an approximation linearized about the vehicle's attitude
    if (ang_vel_to_euler_rate(Vector3f(_ahrs.roll,_ahrs.pitch,_ahrs.yaw), _att_error_rot_vec_rad, att_error_euler_rad)) {
        _attitude_target_euler_angle.x = wrap_PI(att_error_euler_rad.x + _ahrs.roll);
        _attitude_target_euler_angle.y = wrap_PI(att_error_euler_rad.y + _ahrs.pitch);
        _attitude_target_euler_angle.z = wrap_2PI(att_error_euler_rad.z + _ahrs.yaw);

    // handle flipping over pitch axis
    if (_attitude_target_euler_angle.y > M_PI/2.0f) {
        _attitude_target_euler_angle.x = wrap_PI(_attitude_target_euler_angle.x + M_PI);
        _attitude_target_euler_angle.y = wrap_PI(M_PI - _attitude_target_euler_angle.x);
        _attitude_target_euler_angle.z = wrap_2PI(_attitude_target_euler_angle.z + M_PI);
    if (_attitude_target_euler_angle.y < -M_PI/2.0f) {
        _attitude_target_euler_angle.x = wrap_PI(_attitude_target_euler_angle.x + M_PI);
        _attitude_target_euler_angle.y = wrap_PI(-M_PI - _attitude_target_euler_angle.x);
        _attitude_target_euler_angle.z = wrap_2PI(_attitude_target_euler_angle.z + M_PI);

    // convert body-frame angle errors to body-frame rate targets
    _rate_target_ang_vel = update_ang_vel_target_from_att_error(_att_error_rot_vec_rad);

    // set body-frame roll/pitch rate target to current desired rates which are the vehicle's actual rates
    _rate_target_ang_vel.x = _attitude_target_ang_vel.x;
    _rate_target_ang_vel.y = _attitude_target_ang_vel.y;

    // add desired target to yaw
    _rate_target_ang_vel.z += _attitude_target_ang_vel.z;
    _thrust_error_angle = norm(_att_error_rot_vec_rad.x, _att_error_rot_vec_rad.y);
コード例 #8
void AC_AttitudeControl::shift_ef_yaw_target(float yaw_shift_cd)
    _att_target_euler_rad.z = wrap_2PI(_att_target_euler_rad.z + radians(yaw_shift_cd*0.01f));