コード例 #1
ファイル: scidac_to_v5.c プロジェクト: andypea/MILC
void w_serial_finish_lattice(w_serial_site_writer *state)
  /* gf  = file descriptor as opened by w_serial_i */

  gauge_file *gf = state->gf;
  fsu3_matrix *lbuf = state->lbuf;
  FILE *fp = gf->fp;
  gauge_header *gh = gf->header;
  off_t checksum_offset = state->checksum_offset;    /* Location of checksum */
  printf("Saved gauge configuration serially to binary file %s\n",
  printf("Time stamp %s\n",gh->time_stamp);
  /* Write checksum */
  /* Position file pointer */
  if( g_seek(fp,checksum_offset,SEEK_SET) < 0 ) 
      printf("w_serial: Node %d g_seek %lld failed error %d file %s\n",
	     this_node,(long long)checksum_offset,errno,gf->filename);

} /* w_serial_finish_lattice */
コード例 #2
ファイル: tarino.c プロジェクト: stpettersens/tarino-c
int write_tar_entry (char* tarname, char* filename) {
  int size = get_file_size(filename);
  int modified = get_file_modified(filename);
  p_write_tar_entry(tarname, filename, size, modified, 0);
  write_checksum(tarname, 0);
  return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: contractions_io_3d.c プロジェクト: etmc/cvc
 * write_lime_contraction
int write_lime_contraction_3d(double * const s, char * filename, const int prec, const int N, char * type, const int gid, const int sid) {
#ifdef MPI
  fprintf(stderr, "[write_lime_contraction_3d] No mpi version.\n");

  FILE * ofs = NULL;
  LimeWriter * limewriter = NULL;
  LimeRecordHeader * limeheader = NULL;
  int status = 0;
  int ME_flag=0, MB_flag=0;
  n_uint64_t bytes;
  DML_Checksum checksum;

  write_contraction_format(filename, prec, N, type, gid, sid);

  if(g_cart_id==0) {
    ofs = fopen(filename, "a");
    if(ofs == (FILE*)NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file %s for writing!\n Aborting...\n", filename);
    limewriter = limeCreateWriter( ofs );
    if(limewriter == (LimeWriter*)NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "LIME error in file %s for writing!\n Aborting...\n", filename);

    bytes = LX*g_nproc_x*LY*g_nproc_y*LZ*(n_uint64_t)2*N*sizeof(double)*prec/64;
    MB_flag=0; ME_flag=1;
    limeheader = limeCreateHeader(MB_flag, ME_flag, "scidac-binary-data", bytes);
    status = limeWriteRecordHeader( limeheader, limewriter);
    if(status < 0 ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "LIME write header (scidac-binary-data) error %d\n", status);
    limeDestroyHeader( limeheader );
  status = write_binary_contraction_data_3d(s, limewriter, prec, N, &checksum);
  if(g_cart_id==0) {
    printf("# Final check sum is (%#lx  %#lx)\n", checksum.suma, checksum.sumb);
    if(ferror(ofs)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Warning! Error while writing to file %s \n", filename);
    limeDestroyWriter( limewriter );
  write_checksum(filename, &checksum);
コード例 #4
ファイル: su3_vector_write.c プロジェクト: chjost/tmLQCD
int write_su3_vector(WRITER * writer, double const *eigenvalue, su3_vector * const s, const int prec, const int t0, int const nsets)
	DML_Checksum checksum;
	uint64_t bytes;
	int status = 0;
//	general information about the configuration
	write_su3_vector_info(writer, 0);

//	eigenvalue
	write_eigenvalue_xml(writer, eigenvalue, t0, nsets);

// data
	bytes = (n_uint64_t)LX * g_nproc_x * LY * g_nproc_y * LZ * g_nproc_z * (n_uint64_t)(sizeof(su3_vector) * prec / 64) * nsets;

	write_header(writer, 0, 0, "scidac-binary-data", bytes);
	status  = write_binary_su3_vector_data(s, writer, &checksum, prec, t0, nsets);
	write_checksum(writer, &checksum, NULL);

	return status;
コード例 #5
ファイル: tarino.c プロジェクト: stpettersens/tarino-c
int write_tar_entries (char* tarname, char* manifest) {
  char line[10000];
  char unused[50];
  char tentry[50];
  char part[50];
  char file[50];
  char* entries[100];
  int i = 0;
  FILE* f;
  f = fopen(manifest, "r");
  while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) {
    split(line, "\n", tentry, unused);
    split(tentry, ":", part, file);
    p_write_tar_entry(part, file, get_file_size(file), get_file_modified(file), 0);
    write_checksum(part, 0);
    strcpy(entries[i], part);
  merge_entries(tarname, entries, i);
  return 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: gauge_write.c プロジェクト: Finkenrath/tmLQCD
int write_gauge_field(char * filename, const int prec, paramsXlfInfo const *xlfInfo)
  WRITER * writer = NULL;
  uint64_t bytes;
  int status = 0;
  DML_Checksum     checksum;
  paramsIldgFormat *ildg;

  bytes = (uint64_t)L * L * L * T_global * sizeof(su3) * prec / 16;

  /* all these functions, except for write_binary_gauge_data do their own error handling */
  construct_writer(&writer, filename, 0);/* the 0 is for not appending */

  write_xlf_info(writer, xlfInfo);

  ildg = construct_paramsIldgFormat(prec);
  write_ildg_format(writer, ildg);

  /* Both begin and end bit are 0, the message is begun with the format, and will end with the checksum */
  write_header(writer, 0, 0, "ildg-binary-data", bytes);
  status = write_binary_gauge_data(writer, prec, &checksum);
  write_checksum(writer, &checksum, NULL);

  if (g_cart_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 0)
    fprintf(stdout, "# Scidac checksums for gaugefield %s:\n", filename);
    fprintf(stdout, "#   Calculated            : A = %#010x B = %#010x.\n", checksum.suma, checksum.sumb);
#ifdef TM_USE_MPI
#endif /* MPI */

  return status;
コード例 #7
ファイル: io_lat.c プロジェクト: daschaich/KS_nHYP_FA
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Only node0 writes the gauge configuration to a binary file gf
static void w_serial(gauge_file *gf) {
  register int i, j;
  int rank29, rank31, buf_length, tbuf_length;
  int x, y, z, t, currentnode, newnode;
  FILE *fp = NULL;
  gauge_header *gh = NULL;
  fmatrix *lbuf = NULL;
  fmatrix *tbuf = malloc(nx * 4 * sizeof(*tbuf));
  off_t offset;               // File stream pointer
  off_t coord_list_size;      // Size of coordinate list in bytes
  off_t head_size;            // Size of header plus coordinate list
  off_t checksum_offset = 0;  // Location of checksum
  off_t gauge_check_size;     // Size of checksum record

  // tbuf holds message buffer space for the x dimension
  // of the local hypercube (needs at most 4nx matrices)
  if (tbuf == NULL) {
    printf("w_serial: node%d can't malloc tbuf\n", this_node);

  // Only allocate lbuf on node0
  if (this_node == 0) {
    if (gf->parallel)
      printf("w_serial: Attempting serial write to parallel file\n");

    lbuf = malloc(MAX_BUF_LENGTH * 4 * sizeof(*lbuf));
    if (lbuf == NULL) {
      printf("w_serial: Node 0 can't malloc lbuf\n");

    fp = gf->fp;
    gh = gf->header;

    // No coordinate list written
    // Fields to be written in standard coordinate list order
    coord_list_size = 0;
    head_size = gh->header_bytes + coord_list_size;

    checksum_offset = head_size;

    gauge_check_size = sizeof(gf->check.sum29) + sizeof(gf->check.sum31);

    offset = head_size + gauge_check_size;

    if (fseeko(fp, offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
      printf("w_serial: node%d g_seek %lld failed error %d file %s\n",
             this_node, (long long)offset, errno, gf->filename);

  // Buffered algorithm for writing fields in serial (lexicographic) order
  // Initialize checksums
  gf->check.sum31 = 0;
  gf->check.sum29 = 0;
  // Count 32-bit words mod 29 and mod 31 in order of appearance on file
  // Here only node 0 uses these values -- both start at 0
  i = 4 * sizeof(fmatrix) / sizeof(int32type) * sites_on_node * this_node;
  rank29 = i % 29;
  rank31 = i % 31;

  currentnode = 0;  // The node delivering data
  buf_length = 0;
  tbuf_length = 0;
  for (j = 0, t = 0; t < nt; t++) {
    for (z = 0; z < nz; z++) {
      for (y = 0; y < ny; y++) {
        for (x = 0; x < nx; x++, j++) {
          // The node providing the next site
          newnode = node_number(x, y, z, t);
          if (newnode != currentnode || x == 0) {
            // We are switching to a new node or have exhausted a line of nx
            // Sweep any data in the retiring node's tbuf to the node0 lbuf
            if (tbuf_length > 0) {
              if (currentnode != 0)
                send_buf_to_node0(tbuf, tbuf_length, currentnode);

              // node0 flushes tbuf, accumulates checksum
              // and writes lbuf if it is full
              if (this_node == 0) {
                flush_tbuf_to_lbuf(gf, &rank29, &rank31, lbuf, &buf_length,
                                                         tbuf, tbuf_length);
                if (buf_length > MAX_BUF_LENGTH - nx)
                  flush_lbuf_to_file(gf, lbuf, &buf_length);
              tbuf_length = 0;

            // node0 sends a few bytes to newnode as a clear to send signal
            if (newnode != currentnode) {
              if (this_node == 0 && newnode != 0)
                send_field((char *)tbuf, 32, newnode);
              if (this_node == newnode && newnode != 0)
                get_field((char *)tbuf, 32, 0);
              currentnode = newnode;

          // The node with the data just appends to its tbuf
          if (this_node == currentnode) {
            i = node_index(x, y, z, t);
            d2f_4mat(&lattice[i].link[0], &tbuf[4 * tbuf_length]);

          if (this_node == currentnode || this_node == 0)

  // Purge any remaining data
  if (tbuf_length > 0) {
    if (currentnode != 0)
      send_buf_to_node0(tbuf, tbuf_length, currentnode);

  if (this_node == 0) {
    flush_tbuf_to_lbuf(gf, &rank29, &rank31, lbuf, &buf_length,
                       tbuf, tbuf_length);
    flush_lbuf_to_file(gf, lbuf, &buf_length);


  if (this_node == 0) {
    printf("Saved gauge configuration serially to binary file %s\n",
    printf("Time stamp %s\n", gh->time_stamp);

    // Write checksum
    // Position file pointer
    if (g_seek(fp, checksum_offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
      printf("w_serial: node%d g_seek %lld failed error %d file %s\n",
             this_node, (long long)checksum_offset, errno, gf->filename);
    write_checksum(SERIAL, gf);