int main( int argc , char** argv ) { int L_flag=0,i,j,k,l; if ( argc > 1 and !strcmp( "-nt" , argv[1] ) ){ nthreads = atoi( argv[2] ) ; omp_set_num_threads( nthreads ) ; printf("\nNumber of threads set to %d!\n" , nthreads ) ; } else { nthreads = 1 ; omp_set_num_threads( nthreads ) ; printf("\nNumber of threads set to %d!\n" , nthreads ) ; } read_input() ; if(argc == 5 ) { flux_sp = atoi(argv[4]); cout<<"new flus sp "<<flux_sp<<endl; } initialize() ; write_gro( ) ; write_quaternions( ) ; write_film_gro(); // Save chi for pre-equilibration steps // double tmp_ang,chi_bkp = chiAB ; FILE *otp ,*otpL; otp = fopen( "data.dat" , "w" ) ; otpL = fopen("box_L.dat","w"); printf("Entering main loop!\n") ; fflush( stdout ) ; for ( step = 0 ; step < nsteps ; step++ ) { if ( step < pre_equil_steps ) chiAB = 0.0 ; else chiAB = chi_bkp ; forces() ; if(sigma>0){ torque(); } // if(step >0 || rst_para == 1) update_positions() ; // else // update_positions_init() ; if(sigma>0){ update_euler(); } if( ( flux_para == 1) and (step % flux_sp == 0)){ flux(); } else if((flux_para == 2 ) and (step % flux_sp == 0) and (max_nC> nC ) and (nsol>Nhc)){ flux(); } else{ } if ( stress_freq > 0 && step % stress_freq == 0 ) { calc_stress() ; for ( j=0 ; j<Dim ; j++ ){ for ( k=0 ; k<Dim ; k++ ) { sts_buf[buff_ind][j][k]= Rg3*Ptens[j][k];//( j<Dim ? Stress_bonds[j][k]:0.0) ; sts_buf_pp[buff_ind][j][k] = Rg3*Stress_PP[j][k]; sts_buf_ng[buff_ind][j][k] = Rg3*Stress_Ng[j][k]; if( ((L_fren-L_aver) < L_flag) and (optm_L >0) and (j ==k)) aver_Ptens[j][j] += Rg3*Ptens[j][j]; /*for ( k=0 ; k<nP; k++ ){ //euler_adot[k][j] = euler_q[k][j]; sts_buf[buff_ind][j][k+Dim] = euler_q[k][j]; }*/ } } if(((L_fren-L_aver) < L_flag) and (optm_L >0)) aver_Ptens[0][1] +=1; buff_ind++ ; } if(optm_L>0 ){ if( step > pre_equil_steps ) L_flag +=1 ; if(L_flag == L_fren){ adj_L(); L_flag = 0 ; fprintf( otpL , "%d %lf %lf %lf \n" ,step ,L[0],L[1],L[2]);fflush( otpL ) ; } }//optm_L if(step % sample_freq == 0){ write_np(); //write_film_gro(); char nm[20]; if(nsol > 0){ sprintf( nm , "./frame/rhosol.frame%d.dat" , step ) ; write_grid_data( nm , rhosol ) ; } if(nD > 0){ sprintf( nm , "./frame/rhoda.frame%d.dat" , step ) ; write_grid_data( nm , rhoda ) ; sprintf( nm , "./frame/rhodb.frame%d.dat" , step ) ; write_grid_data( nm , rhodb ) ; } } if ( step > sample_wait && step % sample_freq == 0 ) { /* fftw_fwd( rho[0] , ktmp ) ; for ( i=0 ; i<M ; i++ ) { avg_sk[0][i] += ktmp[i] * conj(ktmp[i]) ; } if ( nP > 0 ) { fftw_fwd( rho[2] , ktmp ) ; for ( i=0 ; i<M ; i++ ) { avg_sk[2][i] += ktmp[i] * conj( ktmp[i] ) ; } }*/ /* for ( i=0 ; i<M ; i++ ) { avg_rho[0][i] += rho[0][i]; avg_rho[1][i] += rho[1][i]; //avg_rho[3][i] += rho[3][i]; }*/ num_averages += 1.0 ; } if ( step % print_freq == 0 || step == nsteps-1 ) { printf("step %d of %d Ubond: %lf\n" , step , nsteps , Ubond ) ; fflush( stdout ) ; write_gro() ; write_rst_gro(); write_quaternions(); if ( stress_freq > 0 ) write_stress() ; write_grid_data( "rhoda.dat" , rhoda ) ; write_grid_data( "rhodb.dat" , rhodb ) ; if ( nA > 0.0 ) write_grid_data( "rhoha.dat" , rhoha ) ; if ( nB > 0.0 ) write_grid_data( "rhohb.dat" , rhohb ) ; if( nC > 0.0 ) write_grid_data( "rhohc.dat" , rhohb ) ; if ( nP > 0.0 ) write_grid_data( "rhop.dat" , rhop ) ; if ( step > sample_wait ) { /* for ( i=0 ; i<M ; i++ ) ktmp2[i] = avg_sk[0][i] / num_averages ; write_kspace_data( "avg_sk_A.dat" , ktmp2 ) ; if ( nP > 0 ) { for ( i=0 ; i<M ; i++ ) ktmp2[i] = avg_sk[2][i] / num_averages ; write_kspace_data( "avg_sk_np.dat" , ktmp2 ) ; }*/ /* for ( i=0 ; i<M ; i++ ) tmp[i] = avg_rho[0][i]/ num_averages ; write_grid_data("avg_typeA.dat",tmp); for ( i=0 ; i<M ; i++ ) tmp[i] = avg_rho[1][i]/ num_averages ; write_grid_data("avg_typeB.dat",tmp); for ( i=0 ; i<M ; i++ ) tmp[i] = avg_rho[3][i]/ num_averages ; write_grid_data("avg_typeC.dat",tmp); */ } calc_Unb() ; fprintf( otp , "%d %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf\n" , step , Ubond , U_chi_gg, U_kappa_gg,U_chi_pg,U_kappa_pg,U_kappa_pp , Utt) ; fflush( otp ) ; }// if step % print_Freq == 0 } fclose( otp ) ; return 0 ; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //============= set up MPI ================= MPI_Status status; const int root_process = 0; int ierr, my_id, an_id, num_procs; // tag for MPI message: energy minimization convergence const int tag_99 = 99; // initialize MPI, get my_id for this process and total number of processes ierr = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); ierr = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_id); ierr = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_procs); //============ get input files ============= // default filenames char input_gro[MAX_STR_LEN], input_param[MAX_STR_LEN], input_mdset[MAX_STR_LEN]; strcpy(input_gro, "init.gro"); strcpy(input_param, "param.txt"); strcpy(input_mdset, "mdset.txt"); // parse arguments (input files) // -gro for gro file // -par for parameter file // -mds for MD settings int iarg = 1; while (1) { if (iarg >= argc) { break; } if (0 == strcmp(argv[iarg], "-gro") && iarg < argc) { strcpy(input_gro, argv[iarg + 1]); iarg += 2; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[iarg], "-par") && iarg < argc) { strcpy(input_param, argv[iarg + 1]); iarg += 2; } else if (0 == strcmp(argv[iarg], "-mds") && iarg < argc) { strcpy(input_mdset, argv[iarg + 1]); iarg += 2; } else { ++ iarg; } } //========= define variables and read MD settings =========== // varialbles to read from input_mdset RunSet *p_runset = my_malloc(sizeof(RunSet)); Metal *p_metal = my_malloc(sizeof(Metal)); // read md settings from input_mdset read_settings(input_mdset, p_runset, p_metal); // initialize timer time_t start_t = time(NULL); struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); double start_time = (tv.tv_sec) + (tv.tv_usec) * 1.0e-6; // time_used[0] = total // time_used[1] = QSC density // time_used[2] = QSC force // time_used[3] = Bonded // time_used[4] = Nonbonded // time_used[5] = CPIM matrix // time_used[6] = CPIM vector // time_used[7] = CPIM solve // time_used[8] = CPIM force // time_used[10] = QSC density communication double **time_used = my_malloc(sizeof(double *) * num_procs); for(an_id = 0; an_id < num_procs; ++ an_id) { time_used[an_id] = my_malloc(sizeof(double) * 15); int it; for(it = 0; it < 15; ++ it) { time_used[an_id][it] = 0.0; } } // Coulomb type: cut_off, wolf_sum if (0 == strcmp(p_runset->coulomb_type, "cut_off" )) { p_runset->use_coulomb = 0; } else if (0 == strcmp(p_runset->coulomb_type, "wolf_sum")) { p_runset->use_coulomb = 1; } else { printf("Error: unknown coulomb_type %s!\n", p_runset->coulomb_type); exit(1); } // Damped shifted force (DSF) approach for electrostatics // Ref.: Fennell and Gezelter, J. Chem. Phys. 2006, 124, 234104 // // Based on: Wolf et al., J. Chem. Phys. 1999, 110, 8254 // // Zahn et al., J. Phys. Chem. B 2002, 106, 10725-10732 // // Benchmark: McCann and Acevedo, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2013, 9, 944-950 // // note: p_runset->rCut and p_runset->w_alpha were read from mdset.txt p_runset->rCut2 = p_runset->rCut * p_runset->rCut; double rCut = p_runset->rCut; double rCut2 = p_runset->rCut2; double w_alpha = p_runset->w_alpha; p_runset->w_a2_sqrtPI = w_alpha * 2.0 * INV_SQRT_PI; p_runset->w_Const = erfc(w_alpha * rCut) / rCut2 + p_runset->w_a2_sqrtPI * exp(-w_alpha * w_alpha * rCut2) / rCut; p_runset->w_erfc_arCut = erfc(w_alpha * rCut)/ rCut; // van der Waals type: cut_off or shifted if (0 == strcmp(p_runset->vdw_type, "cut_off")) { p_runset->use_vdw = 0; } else if (0 == strcmp(p_runset->vdw_type, "shifted")) { p_runset->use_vdw = 1; } else { printf("Error: unknown vdw_type %s!\n", p_runset->vdw_type); exit(1); } // Shifted force method for Lennard-Jones potential // Ref: Toxvaerd and Dyre, J. Chem. Phys. 2011, 134, 081102 // p_runset->inv_rc12 = 1.0 / pow(rCut, 12.0); p_runset->inv_rc6 = 1.0 / pow(rCut, 6.0); //============== read force field parameters from param.txt ================= Topol *p_topol = my_malloc(sizeof(Topol)); int mol, atom; int number_VSites, number_Cstrs; // variables for bonded and nonbonded interaction // CPIM: capacitance-polarizability interaction model // Ref.: a) Jensen and Jensen, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2008, 112, 15697-15703 // // b) Morton and Jensen, J. Chem. Phys., 2010, 133, 074103 // // // p_metal->cpff_polar: polarizability // p_metal->cpff_capac: capacitance // p_metal->n_NPs: number of nanoparticles // p_metal->cpff_chg: total charge of a nanoparticle // p_metal->start_NP: first atom of a nanoparticle // p_metal->end_NP: last atom of a nanoparticle // read parameters from input_param, step 1 read_param_1(input_param, p_topol, p_metal); // allocate memory for arrays // CPIM charge and indices p_metal->cpff_chg = my_malloc(p_metal->n_NPs * sizeof(double)); p_metal->start_NP = my_malloc(p_metal->n_NPs * sizeof(int)); p_metal->end_NP = my_malloc(p_metal->n_NPs * sizeof(int)); // molecules and atom parameters // For a given molecule type (mol from 0 to p_topol->mol_types-1): // p_topol->atom_num[mol]: its number of atoms // p_topol->mol_num[mol]: the number of this type of molecule in the system p_topol->atom_num = my_malloc(p_topol->mol_types * sizeof(int)); p_topol->mol_num = my_malloc(p_topol->mol_types * sizeof(int)); p_topol->atom_param = my_malloc(p_topol->mol_types * sizeof(AtomParam *)); // van der Waals interaction parameters NonbondedParam *data_nonbonded = my_malloc_2(p_topol->n_types * p_topol->n_types * sizeof(NonbondedParam), "data_nonbonded"); p_topol->nonbonded_param = my_malloc(p_topol->n_types * sizeof(NonbondedParam *)); int i_type; for(i_type = 0; i_type < p_topol->n_types; ++ i_type) { p_topol->nonbonded_param[i_type] = &(data_nonbonded[p_topol->n_types * i_type]); } // bonded potentials: bond, pair, angle, dihedral int *data_bonded = my_malloc(sizeof(int) * p_topol->mol_types * 6); p_topol->n_bonds = &(data_bonded[0]); p_topol->n_pairs = &(data_bonded[p_topol->mol_types]); p_topol->n_angles = &(data_bonded[p_topol->mol_types * 2]); p_topol->n_dihedrals = &(data_bonded[p_topol->mol_types * 3]); p_topol->n_vsites = &(data_bonded[p_topol->mol_types * 4]); p_topol->n_constraints = &(data_bonded[p_topol->mol_types * 5]); p_topol->vsite_funct = my_malloc(p_topol->mol_types * sizeof(int *)) ; p_topol->bond_param = my_malloc(p_topol->mol_types * sizeof(BondParam *)); p_topol->pair_param = my_malloc(p_topol->mol_types * sizeof(PairParam *)) ; p_topol->angle_param = my_malloc(p_topol->mol_types * sizeof(AngleParam *)); p_topol->dihedral_param = my_malloc(p_topol->mol_types * sizeof(DihedralParam *)) ; p_topol->vsite_4 = my_malloc(p_topol->mol_types * sizeof(VSite_4 *)) ; p_topol->constraint = my_malloc(p_topol->mol_types * sizeof(Constraint *)) ; p_topol->exclude = my_malloc(p_topol->mol_types * sizeof(int **)) ; // Quantum Sutton-Chen densities for metal if (p_metal->min >=0 && p_metal->max >= p_metal->min) { p_metal->inv_sqrt_dens = my_malloc(sizeof(double) * p_metal->num); } // read parameters from input_param, step 2 read_param_2(input_param, p_topol, p_metal); int nAtoms = p_topol->n_atoms; int nMols = p_topol->n_mols; // count number of virtual sites and constraints number_VSites = 0; number_Cstrs = 0; for(mol = 0; mol < p_topol->mol_types; ++ mol) { number_VSites += p_topol->n_vsites[mol] * p_topol->mol_num[mol]; number_Cstrs += p_topol->n_constraints[mol] * p_topol->mol_num[mol]; } // Gaussian distribution width for capacitance-polarizability model // see Mayer, Phys. Rev. B 2007, 75, 045407 // and Jensen, J. Phys. Chem. C 2008, 112, 15697 p_metal->inv_polar = 1.0 / p_metal->cpff_polar; p_metal->inv_capac = 1.0 / p_metal->cpff_capac; double R_q = sqrt(2.0 / M_PI) * p_metal->cpff_capac; double R_p = pow(sqrt(2.0 / M_PI) * p_metal->cpff_polar / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0); p_metal->inv_R_qq = 1.0 / sqrt(R_q * R_q + R_q * R_q); p_metal->inv_R_pq = 1.0 / sqrt(R_p * R_p + R_q * R_q); p_metal->inv_R_pp = 1.0 / sqrt(R_p * R_p + R_p * R_p); // print info if (root_process == my_id) { printf("\n"); printf(" +-----------------------------------------------------+\n"); printf(" | CapacMD program version 1.0 |\n"); printf(" | Xin Li, TheoChemBio, KTH, Stockholm |\n"); printf(" +-----------------------------------------------------+\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" .------------------ reference paper ------------------.\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" Molecular Dynamics Simulations using a Capacitance-Polarizability Force Field,\n"); printf(" Xin Li and Hans Agren, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b04347\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" Calculation started at %s", ctime(&start_t)); printf(" Parallelized via MPI, number of processors = %d\n", num_procs); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" .------------------ run parameters -------------------.\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" run_type = %s, ensemble = %s\n", p_runset->run_type, p_runset->ensemble); printf(" vdw_type = %s, coulomb_type = %s\n", p_runset->vdw_type, p_runset->coulomb_type); printf(" rCut = %.3f nm, ", rCut); if (1 == p_runset->use_coulomb) { printf("alpha = %.3f nm^-1", p_runset->w_alpha); } printf("\n"); printf(" ref_T = %.1f K\n", p_runset->ref_temp); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" .------------------- molecule info -------------------.\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" There are %d types of molecules.\n", p_topol->mol_types); printf("\n"); for(mol = 0; mol < p_topol->mol_types; ++ mol) { printf(" Molecule[%5d], num= %5d\n", mol, p_topol->mol_num[mol]); for(atom = 0; atom < p_topol->atom_num[mol]; ++ atom) { printf(" Atom[%5d], charge= %8.3f, mass= %8.3f, atomtype= %5d\n", atom, p_topol->atom_param[mol][atom].charge, p_topol->atom_param[mol][atom].mass, p_topol->atom_param[mol][atom].atomtype); } printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); } //=========== distribute molecules/atoms/metals among the procs ============== Task *p_task = my_malloc(sizeof(Task)); int *data_start_end = my_malloc(sizeof(int) * num_procs * 6); p_task->start_mol = &(data_start_end[0]); p_task->end_mol = &(data_start_end[num_procs]); p_task->start_atom = &(data_start_end[num_procs * 2]); p_task->end_atom = &(data_start_end[num_procs * 3]); p_task->start_metal = &(data_start_end[num_procs * 4]); p_task->end_metal = &(data_start_end[num_procs * 5]); find_start_end(p_task->start_mol, p_task->end_mol, nMols, num_procs); find_start_end(p_task->start_atom, p_task->end_atom, nAtoms, num_procs); find_start_end(p_task->start_metal, p_task->end_metal, p_metal->num, num_procs); long int *data_long_start_end = my_malloc(sizeof(long int) * num_procs * 2); p_task->start_pair = &(data_long_start_end[0]); p_task->end_pair = &(data_long_start_end[num_procs]); long int n_pairs = nAtoms * (nAtoms - 1) / 2; find_start_end_long(p_task->start_pair, p_task->end_pair, n_pairs, num_procs); //============= assign indices, masses and charges ======================= // For each atom in the system (i from 0 to p_topol->n_atoms-1) // atom_info[i].iAtom: the index of this atom in its molecule type // atom_info[i].iMol: the index of its molecule type // atom_info[i].molID: the index of its molecule in the system // For each molecule in the system (im from 0 to p_topol->n_mols-1) // mol_info[im].mini: the index of its first atom in the system // mol_info[im].maxi: the index of its last atom in the system Atom_Info *atom_info = my_malloc(nAtoms * sizeof(Atom_Info)); Mol_Info *mol_info = my_malloc(nMols * sizeof(Mol_Info)); assign_indices(p_topol, p_metal, atom_info, mol_info); //======= allocate memory for coordinates, velocities and forces ========== System *p_system = my_malloc(sizeof(System)); // potential energy // p_system->potential[0] = total energy // p_system->potential[1] = metal quantum Sutton-Chen energy // p_system->potential[2] = non-metal bond stretching energy // p_system->potential[3] = non-metal angle bending energy // p_system->potential[4] = non-metal torsional energy // p_system->potential[5] = // p_system->potential[6] = Long range Coulomb // p_system->potential[7] = Coulomb energy (including 1-4) // p_system->potential[8] = vdW energy (including 1-4) // p_system->potential[9] = // p_system->potential[10] = CPIM metal charge - non-metal charge // p_system->potential[11] = CPIM metal dipole - non-metal charge // p_system->potential[12] = CPIM metal charge - metal charge // p_system->potential[13] = CPIM metal charge - metal dipole // p_system->potential[14] = CPIM metal dipole - metal dipole double *data_potential = my_malloc(sizeof(double) * 15 * 2); p_system->potential = &(data_potential[0]); p_system->partial_pot = &(data_potential[15]); p_system->old_potential = 0.0; // virial tensor p_system->virial = my_malloc(DIM * sizeof(double*)); p_system->partial_vir = my_malloc(DIM * sizeof(double*)); double *data_vir = my_malloc(DIM*2 * DIM * sizeof(double)); int i; for (i = 0; i < DIM; ++ i) { p_system->virial[i] = &(data_vir[DIM * i]); p_system->partial_vir[i] = &(data_vir[DIM * (DIM + i)]); } // box size // Note: for now we treat rectangular box only. // "p_system->box" has six elements // the first three are length in x, y, z // the second three are half of the length in x, y, z p_system->box = my_malloc(sizeof(double) * DIM*2); // coordinates, velocities and forces double *data_rvf = my_malloc_2(nAtoms*7 * DIM * sizeof(double), "data_rvf"); p_system->rx = &(data_rvf[0]); p_system->ry = &(data_rvf[nAtoms]); p_system->rz = &(data_rvf[nAtoms*2]); p_system->vx = &(data_rvf[nAtoms*3]); p_system->vy = &(data_rvf[nAtoms*4]); p_system->vz = &(data_rvf[nAtoms*5]); p_system->fx = &(data_rvf[nAtoms*6]); p_system->fy = &(data_rvf[nAtoms*7]); p_system->fz = &(data_rvf[nAtoms*8]); // forces from slave processors p_system->partial_fx = &(data_rvf[nAtoms*9]); p_system->partial_fy = &(data_rvf[nAtoms*10]); p_system->partial_fz = &(data_rvf[nAtoms*11]); // old position for RATTLE constraints p_system->old_rx = &(data_rvf[nAtoms*12]); p_system->old_ry = &(data_rvf[nAtoms*13]); p_system->old_rz = &(data_rvf[nAtoms*14]); // old force for CG optimization p_system->old_fx = &(data_rvf[nAtoms*15]); p_system->old_fy = &(data_rvf[nAtoms*16]); p_system->old_fz = &(data_rvf[nAtoms*17]); // direction for CG optimization p_system->sx = &(data_rvf[nAtoms*18]); p_system->sy = &(data_rvf[nAtoms*19]); p_system->sz = &(data_rvf[nAtoms*20]); //================ read input gro file ================== // vQ and vP are "velocities" of the thermostat/barostat particles p_system->vQ = 0.0; p_system->vP = 0.0; int groNAtoms; read_gro(input_gro, p_system, &groNAtoms, atom_info); if (groNAtoms != nAtoms) { printf("Error: groNAtoms(%d) not equal to nAtoms(%d)!\n", groNAtoms, nAtoms); exit(1); } // half of box length for PBC p_system->box[3] = p_system->box[0] * 0.5; p_system->box[4] = p_system->box[1] * 0.5; p_system->box[5] = p_system->box[2] * 0.5; p_system->volume = p_system->box[0] * p_system->box[1] * p_system->box[2]; p_system->inv_volume = 1.0 / p_system->volume; //================== set MD variables ========================== // degree of freedom p_system->ndf = 3 * (nAtoms - number_VSites) - 3 - number_Cstrs; // temperature coupling; kT = kB*T, in kJ mol^-1 p_runset->kT = K_BOLTZ * p_runset->ref_temp; p_system->qMass = (double)p_system->ndf * p_runset->kT * p_runset->tau_temp * p_runset->tau_temp; //p_system->pMass = (double)p_system->ndf * p_runset->kT * p_runset->tau_pres * p_runset->tau_pres; // temperature control p_system->first_temp = 0.0; p_system->ext_temp = 0.0; // time step p_runset->dt_2 = 0.5 * p_runset->dt; //=================== CPIM matrix and arrays ========================= // Relay matrix // external electric field and potential // induced dipoles and charges double *data_relay = NULL; // dimension of matrix: 4M + n_NPs int n_mat = p_metal->num * 4 + p_metal->n_NPs; // initialize mat_relay, vec_ext and vec_pq if (p_metal->min >=0 && p_metal->max >= p_metal->min) { data_relay = my_malloc_2(sizeof(double) * n_mat * 3, "data_relay"); p_metal->vec_pq = &(data_relay[0]); p_metal->vec_ext = &(data_relay[n_mat]); p_metal->diag_relay = &(data_relay[n_mat * 2]); int i_mat; for(i_mat = 0; i_mat < n_mat; ++ i_mat) { p_metal->vec_pq[i_mat] = 0.0; p_metal->vec_ext[i_mat] = 0.0; p_metal->diag_relay[i_mat] = 1.0; } } //================== compute forces ========================== mpi_force(p_task, p_topol, atom_info, mol_info, p_runset, p_metal, p_system, my_id, num_procs, time_used); //========== file handles: gro, vec_pq, binary dat, parameters ======== FILE *file_gro, *file_pq, *file_dat; file_gro = NULL; file_pq = NULL; file_dat = NULL; //========== adjust velocities and write trajectories ================= if (root_process == my_id) { // sum potential energies sum_potential(p_system->potential); // update temperature remove_comm(nAtoms, atom_info, p_system); kinetic_energy(p_system, nAtoms, atom_info); // save the starting temperature p_system->first_temp = p_system->inst_temp; p_system->ext_temp = p_runset->ref_temp; // creat traj.gro for writing file_gro = fopen("traj.gro","w") ; if (NULL == file_gro) { printf( "Cannot write to traj.gro!\n" ) ; exit(1); } // creat vec_pq.txt for writing file_pq = fopen("vec_pq.txt","w") ; if (NULL == file_pq) { printf( "Cannot write to vec_pq.txt!\n" ) ; exit(1); } // creat traj.dat for writing file_dat = fopen("traj.dat","w") ; if (NULL == file_dat) { printf( "Cannot write to traj.dat!\n" ) ; exit(1); } // get maximal force get_fmax_rms(nAtoms, p_system); // write the starting geometry to gro and dat file write_gro(file_gro, p_system, nAtoms, atom_info, 0); write_binary(file_dat, p_system, nAtoms, 0); if (p_metal->min >=0 && p_metal->max >= p_metal->min) { write_vec_pq(file_pq, p_metal, 0); } printf(" .---------------- start MD calculation ---------------.\n"); printf("\n"); // check p_runset->run_type if (0 == strcmp(p_runset->run_type, "em") || 0 == strcmp(p_runset->run_type, "cg")) { printf(" Step %-5d Fmax=%10.3e E=%15.8e\n", 0, p_system->f_max, p_system->potential[0]); } else if (0 == strcmp(p_runset->run_type, "md")) { printf(" %10.3f Fmax=%.2e E=%.6e T=%.3e\n", 0.0, p_system->f_max, p_system->potential[0], p_system->inst_temp); } } //========= Now start MD steps ============================ int step = 0; //=================================================== // Energy minimization using steepest descent or CG //=================================================== if (0 == strcmp(p_runset->run_type, "em") || 0 == strcmp(p_runset->run_type, "cg")) { p_system->vQ = 0.0; p_system->vP = 0.0; int converged = 0; double gamma = 0.0; double delta_pot; // initialize direction sx,sy,sz for(i = 0; i < nAtoms; ++ i) { p_system->old_fx[i] = p_system->fx[i]; p_system->old_fy[i] = p_system->fy[i]; p_system->old_fz[i] = p_system->fz[i]; p_system->sx[i] = p_system->fx[i]; p_system->sy[i] = p_system->fy[i]; p_system->sz[i] = p_system->fz[i]; } for(step = 1; step <= p_runset->em_steps && 0 == converged; ++ step) { // update coordinates on root processor if (root_process == my_id) { p_system->old_potential = p_system->potential[0]; for(i = 0; i < nAtoms; ++ i) { p_system->old_rx[i] = p_system->rx[i]; p_system->old_ry[i] = p_system->ry[i]; p_system->old_rz[i] = p_system->rz[i]; // fix metal coordinates? if (1 == p_metal->fix_pos && 1 == atom_info[i].is_metal) { continue; } p_system->rx[i] += p_system->sx[i] / p_system->f_max * p_runset->em_length; p_system->ry[i] += p_system->sy[i] / p_system->f_max * p_runset->em_length; p_system->rz[i] += p_system->sz[i] / p_system->f_max * p_runset->em_length; } // apply constraints rattle_1st(p_runset->dt, mol_info, atom_info, p_topol, p_system); // zero velocities for(i = 0; i < nAtoms; ++ i) { p_system->vx[i] = 0.0; p_system->vy[i] = 0.0; p_system->vz[i] = 0.0; } } // update forces mpi_force(p_task, p_topol, atom_info, mol_info, p_runset, p_metal, p_system, my_id, num_procs, time_used); if (root_process == my_id) { // check potential and fmax on root processor sum_potential(p_system->potential); get_fmax_rms(nAtoms, p_system); delta_pot = p_system->potential[0] - p_system->old_potential; if (delta_pot <= 0.0) { p_runset->em_length *= 1.2; } else { p_runset->em_length *= 0.2; } // print info and write to the gro file printf(" Step %-5d Fmax=%10.3e E=%15.8e\n", step, p_system->f_max, p_system->potential[0]); // write trajectories write_gro(file_gro, p_system, nAtoms, atom_info, step); write_binary(file_dat, p_system, nAtoms, step); if (p_metal->min >=0 && p_metal->max >= p_metal->min) { write_vec_pq(file_pq, p_metal, step); } // check convergence if (p_system->f_max < p_runset->em_tol && p_system->f_rms < p_runset->em_tol * 0.5 && fabs(delta_pot) < p_runset->em_tol * 0.1) { printf("\n"); printf(" F_max (%13.6e) smaller than %e\n", p_system->f_max, p_runset->em_tol); printf(" F_rms (%13.6e) smaller than %e\n", p_system->f_rms, p_runset->em_tol * 0.5); printf(" delta_E (%13.6e) smaller than %e\n", delta_pot, p_runset->em_tol * 0.1); printf("\n"); printf(" =========== Optimization converged ============\n"); converged = 1; } else { // update gamma for CG optimization // for steep descent, gamma = 0.0 if (0 == strcmp(p_runset->run_type, "cg")) { double g22 = 0.0; double g12 = 0.0; double g11 = 0.0; for(i = 0; i < nAtoms; ++ i) { g22 += p_system->fx[i] * p_system->fx[i] + p_system->fy[i] * p_system->fy[i] + p_system->fz[i] * p_system->fz[i]; g12 += p_system->old_fx[i] * p_system->fx[i] + p_system->old_fy[i] * p_system->fy[i] + p_system->old_fz[i] * p_system->fz[i]; g11 += p_system->old_fx[i] * p_system->old_fx[i] + p_system->old_fy[i] * p_system->old_fy[i] + p_system->old_fz[i] * p_system->old_fz[i]; } gamma = (g22 - g12) / g11; } for(i = 0; i < nAtoms; ++ i) { p_system->sx[i] = p_system->fx[i] + gamma * p_system->sx[i]; p_system->sy[i] = p_system->fy[i] + gamma * p_system->sy[i]; p_system->sz[i] = p_system->fz[i] + gamma * p_system->sz[i]; p_system->old_fx[i] = p_system->fx[i]; p_system->old_fy[i] = p_system->fy[i]; p_system->old_fz[i] = p_system->fz[i]; } } // communicate convergence for(an_id = 1; an_id < num_procs; ++ an_id) { ierr = MPI_Send(&converged, 1, MPI_INT, an_id, tag_99, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } } else { ierr = MPI_Recv(&converged, 1, MPI_INT, root_process, tag_99, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); } // exit loop if converged if (1 == converged) { break; } } } //=============================== // MD with nvt ensemble //=============================== else if (0 == strcmp(p_runset->run_type, "md")) { for (step = 1; step <= p_runset->nSteps; ++ step) { if (root_process == my_id) { // gradually increase the reference temperature if (step < p_runset->nHeating) { p_runset->ref_temp = p_system->first_temp + (p_system->ext_temp - p_system->first_temp) * step / p_runset->nHeating; } else { p_runset->ref_temp = p_system->ext_temp; } // update kT accordingly p_runset->kT = K_BOLTZ * p_runset->ref_temp; // thermostat for 1st half step if (0 == strcmp(p_runset->ensemble, "nvt")) { nose_hoover(p_runset, p_system, nAtoms); } // update velocity for 1st half step for(i = 0; i < nAtoms; ++ i) { // fix metal coordinates? if (1 == p_metal->fix_pos && 1 == atom_info[i].is_metal) { continue; } // for virtual sites, inv_mass == 0.0; double inv_mass = atom_info[i].inv_mass; p_system->vx[i] += p_runset->dt_2 * p_system->fx[i] * inv_mass; p_system->vy[i] += p_runset->dt_2 * p_system->fy[i] * inv_mass; p_system->vz[i] += p_runset->dt_2 * p_system->fz[i] * inv_mass; } // update position for the whole time step // using velocity at half time step for(i = 0; i < nAtoms; ++ i) { // fix metal coordinates? if (1 == p_metal->fix_pos && 1 == atom_info[i].is_metal) { continue; } p_system->old_rx[i] = p_system->rx[i]; p_system->old_ry[i] = p_system->ry[i]; p_system->old_rz[i] = p_system->rz[i]; p_system->rx[i] += p_runset->dt * p_system->vx[i]; p_system->ry[i] += p_runset->dt * p_system->vy[i]; p_system->rz[i] += p_runset->dt * p_system->vz[i]; } // apply constraints for the 1st half rattle_1st(p_runset->dt, mol_info, atom_info, p_topol, p_system); } // compute forces mpi_force(p_task, p_topol, atom_info, mol_info, p_runset, p_metal, p_system, my_id, num_procs, time_used); // update velocities if (root_process == my_id) { // sum potential energies sum_potential(p_system->potential); // update velocity for 2nd half step for(i = 0; i < nAtoms; ++ i) { // fix metal coordinates? if (1 == p_metal->fix_pos && 1 == atom_info[i].is_metal) { continue; } // for virtual sites, inv_mass == 0.0; double inv_mass = atom_info[i].inv_mass; p_system->vx[i] += p_runset->dt_2 * p_system->fx[i] * inv_mass; p_system->vy[i] += p_runset->dt_2 * p_system->fy[i] * inv_mass; p_system->vz[i] += p_runset->dt_2 * p_system->fz[i] * inv_mass; } // apply constraints for the 2nd half rattle_2nd(p_runset->dt, mol_info, atom_info, p_topol, p_system); // update temperature kinetic_energy(p_system, nAtoms, atom_info); // thermostat for 2nd half step if (0 == strcmp(p_runset->ensemble, "nvt")) { nose_hoover(p_runset, p_system, nAtoms); } // remove center of mass motion and update temperature remove_comm(nAtoms, atom_info, p_system); kinetic_energy(p_system, nAtoms, atom_info); // print information for this step if (0 == step % p_runset->nSave) { // apply PBC apply_pbc(nMols, mol_info, p_system->rx, p_system->ry, p_system->rz, p_system->box); get_fmax_rms(nAtoms, p_system); printf(" %10.3f Fmax=%.2e E=%.6e T=%.3e (%.1f)\n", p_runset->dt * step, p_system->f_max, p_system->potential[0], p_system->inst_temp, p_runset->ref_temp); // write to dat file write_binary(file_dat, p_system, nAtoms, step); } // regularly write to gro file if (0 == step % (p_runset->nSave*10)) { write_gro(file_gro, p_system, nAtoms, atom_info, step); if (p_metal->min >=0 && p_metal->max >= p_metal->min) { write_vec_pq(file_pq, p_metal, step); } } } } } //=========== Finalize MD ==================== sum_time_used(time_used, my_id, num_procs); if (root_process == my_id) { fclose(file_dat); fclose(file_pq); fclose(file_gro); #ifdef DEBUG int i; for(i = 0; i < nAtoms; ++ i) { printf(" f[%5d]= %12.5e, %12.5e, %12.5e\n", i, p_system->fx[i], p_system->fy[i], p_system->fz[i]); } #endif printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" .------------- final potential energies --------------.\n"); printf("\n"); print_potential(p_system->potential); time_t end_t = time(NULL); gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); double end_time = (tv.tv_sec) + (tv.tv_usec) * 1.0e-6; printf(" Calculation ended normally at %s", ctime(&end_t)); printf(" %.3f seconds were used\n", end_time - start_time ); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" .------------------- time usage ----------------------.\n"); printf("\n"); analyze_time_used(time_used, num_procs); printf("\n"); } // free arrays for(an_id = 0; an_id < num_procs; ++ an_id) { free(time_used[an_id]); } free(time_used); free(p_metal->cpff_chg); free(p_metal->start_NP); free(p_metal->end_NP); free(data_bonded); data_bonded = NULL; for(mol = 0; mol < p_topol->mol_types; ++ mol) { int atom_i; for(atom_i = 0; atom_i < p_topol->atom_num[mol]; ++ atom_i) { free(p_topol->exclude[mol][atom_i]); } free(p_topol->exclude[mol]); free(p_topol->bond_param[mol]); free(p_topol->pair_param[mol]); free(p_topol->angle_param[mol]); free(p_topol->dihedral_param[mol]); free(p_topol->vsite_4[mol]); free(p_topol->vsite_funct[mol]); free(p_topol->constraint[mol]); } free(p_topol->exclude); free(p_topol->bond_param); free(p_topol->pair_param); free(p_topol->angle_param); free(p_topol->dihedral_param); p_topol->bond_param = NULL; p_topol->pair_param = NULL; p_topol->angle_param = NULL; p_topol->dihedral_param = NULL; free(p_topol->vsite_4); free(p_topol->vsite_funct); p_topol->vsite_4 = NULL; p_topol->vsite_funct = NULL; free(p_topol->constraint); p_topol->constraint = NULL; free(p_topol->mol_num); free(p_topol->atom_num); for(mol = 0; mol < p_topol->mol_types; ++ mol) { free(p_topol->atom_param[mol]); } free(p_topol->atom_param); if (p_metal->min >=0 && p_metal->max >= p_metal->min) { free(p_metal->inv_sqrt_dens); p_metal->inv_sqrt_dens = NULL; free(data_relay); //free(p_metal->mat_relay); data_relay = NULL; //p_metal->mat_relay = NULL; p_metal->vec_pq = NULL; p_metal->vec_ext = NULL; p_metal->diag_relay = NULL; } free(data_start_end); free(data_long_start_end); data_start_end = NULL; data_long_start_end = NULL; p_task->start_mol = NULL; p_task->end_mol = NULL; p_task->start_atom = NULL; p_task->end_atom = NULL; p_task->start_metal = NULL; p_task->end_metal = NULL; p_task->start_pair = NULL; p_task->end_pair = NULL; free(atom_info); free(mol_info); atom_info = NULL; mol_info = NULL; free(data_potential); data_potential = NULL; p_system->potential = NULL; p_system->partial_pot = NULL; free(p_system->virial); free(p_system->partial_vir); free(data_vir); free(p_system->box); p_system->box = NULL; free(data_rvf); data_rvf = NULL; p_system->rx = NULL; p_system->ry = NULL; p_system->rz = NULL; p_system->vx = NULL; p_system->vy = NULL; p_system->vz = NULL; p_system->fx = NULL; p_system->fy = NULL; p_system->fz = NULL; p_system->partial_fx = NULL; p_system->partial_fy = NULL; p_system->partial_fz = NULL; p_system->old_rx = NULL; p_system->old_ry = NULL; p_system->old_rz = NULL; p_system->old_fx = NULL; p_system->old_fy = NULL; p_system->old_fz = NULL; p_system->sx = NULL; p_system->sy = NULL; p_system->sz = NULL; free(p_topol->nonbonded_param); free(data_nonbonded); p_topol->nonbonded_param = NULL; data_nonbonded = NULL; free(p_task); free(p_system); free(p_topol); free(p_metal); free(p_runset); p_task = NULL; p_system = NULL; p_topol = NULL; p_metal = NULL; p_runset = NULL; ierr = MPI_Finalize(); if (ierr) {} return 0; }
/* ************************************************************************ */ void save_config (unsigned long block, unsigned long cycle) { /* ================================================================== */ /* */ /* Variables and pointers needed in the subroutine. */ /* */ /* ================================================================== */ char name[50]; char amino_name[47][4]={"ABC","GLY","ALA","SER","CYS","VAL","THR","ILE","PRO","MET","ASP","ASN","LEU","LYS","GLU", "GLN","ARG","HIS","PHE","TYR","TRP","CYT","GUA","ADE","THY","HOH","SOD","CLA","LIP","CHO","EAM","POT","TRE", "GOL","F00", "F01", "F02","F03","F04","F05","F06","F07","F08","F09","F10","F11","MEO"}; // char amino_id[21]={'X','G','A','S','C','V','T','I','P','M','D','N','L','K','E','Q','R','H','F','Y','W'}; //char da[6] = "ABCDE"; time_t now; FILE *fas; for(int k=0; k<sim.NB; k++) { time(&now); /* ================================================================== */ /* */ /* Open the file and write the output. */ /* */ /* ================================================================== */ #ifdef MPI sprintf(name,"./OUTPUT/BOX%d/simul%d.crd.sav",mpi.my_rank,mpi.my_rank); #endif #ifndef MPI sprintf(name,"./OUTPUT/BOX%d/simul%d.crd.sav",k,k); #endif fas = fopen(name,"w"); /* ----------------------------------------------- */ /* Write heading and simulation parameters. */ /* ----------------------------------------------- */ /* fprintf(fas,"Last configuration: %d blocks %d of cycles @ %.24s\n", block,cycle,ctime(&now)); fprintf(fas,"\n"); for(int i=0; i<sim.NC; i++) { fprintf(fas,"%d Number of molecules %c in box %d\n", bp[k][i].nbox,da[i],k); } fprintf(fas,"\n"); for(int i=0; i<sim.NC; i++) { fprintf(fas,"%d Number of atoms/sites in molecule %c\n", mol[i].Nsite,da[i]); } fprintf(fas,"\n"); for (int i=0; i<sim.NC; i++) { fprintf(fas,"%d Number of residues in molecule %c\n", mol[i].Nres,da[i]); } fprintf(fas,"\n"); fprintf(fas,"%2.3f Length of box %d [Angstroms]\n",box[k].boxl,k); fprintf(fas,"\n"); fprintf(fas,"xyz coordinates of sites [Angstroms]\n"); fprintf(fas,"\n"); */ /* ----------------------------------------------- */ /* Additional variables needed. */ /* ----------------------------------------------- */ int rescount =0;double pdb =1.00; int count = 0; // int nc = 0; /* ----------------------------------------------- */ /* The following loops around the sites in each */ /* residue and prints the x,y,z coordinates. */ /* ----------------------------------------------- */ fprintf(fas,"%d \n",box[k].boxns); for(int m=0; m<sim.NC; m++) { // fprintf(fas,"%d \n",mol[m].Nsite); for(int i=0; i<bp[k][m].nbox; i++) { for (int kk=0; kk<mol[m].Nres; kk++) { for(int j=0; j<residue[k][rescount].Nsite; j++) { fprintf(fas,"%5d ", count+1); fprintf(fas,"%5d ", rescount+1); fprintf(fas,"%s ",amino_name[residue[k][rescount].type]); /* *********************************************** */ /* These if-else statements print the atom name */ /* at the correct spacing which changes if the */ /* name has one, two, or three characters in it. */ /* *********************************************** */ if( atom[k][count].name[1]==0) fprintf(fas,"%s ", atom[k][count].name); else if(atom[k][count].name[2]==0) fprintf(fas,"%s ", atom[k][count].name); else if(atom[k][count].name[3]==0) fprintf(fas,"%s ", atom[k][count].name); else fprintf(fas,"%s", atom[k][count].name); fprintf(fas,"%10.5lf ", atnopbc[k][count].x); fprintf(fas,"%7.5lf ", atnopbc[k][count].y); fprintf(fas,"%7.5lf ", atnopbc[k][count].z); fprintf(fas,"%4.2lf ", pdb); fprintf(fas,"%4.2lf\n", pdb-1); count++; }//for j rescount++; }//for kk }//for i }//for m fclose(fas); }//for k write_gro(block, cycle); }