コード例 #1
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: mdbooth/partclone
 * main functiom - for colne or restore data
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    setenv("MALLOC_TRACE", "partclone_mtrace.log", 1);
    char*		source;			/// source data
    char*		target;			/// target data
    char*		buffer;			/// buffer data for malloc used
    char*		buffer2;			/// buffer data for malloc used
    int			dfr, dfw;		/// file descriptor for source and target
    int			r_size, w_size;		/// read and write size
    //unsigned long long	block_id, copied = 0;	/// block_id is every block in partition
    /// copied is copied block count
    off_t		offset = 0, sf = 0;	/// seek postition, lseek result
    int			start, stop;		/// start, range, stop number for progress bar
    unsigned long long	total_write = 0;	/// the copied size
    unsigned long long	needed_size = 0;	/// the copied size
    unsigned long long	needed_mem  = 0;	/// the copied size
    char		bitmagic[8] = "BiTmAgIc";// only for check postition
    char		bitmagic_r[8]="00000000";/// read magic string from image
    int			cmp;			/// compare magic string
    unsigned long	*bitmap;		/// the point for bitmap data
    int			debug = 0;		/// debug or not
    unsigned long	crc = 0xffffffffL;	/// CRC32 check code for writint to image
    unsigned long	crc_ck = 0xffffffffL;	/// CRC32 check code for checking
    unsigned long	crc_ck2 = 0xffffffffL;	/// CRC32 check code for checking
    int			c_size;			/// CRC32 code size
    int			n_crc_size = CRC_SIZE;
    char*		crc_buffer;		/// buffer data for malloc crc code
    //int			done = 0;
    int			s_count = 0;
    int			rescue_num = 0;
    unsigned long long			rescue_pos = 0;
    unsigned long long			main_pos = 0;
    int			tui = 0;		/// text user interface
    int			pui = 0;		/// progress mode(default text)
    int                 next=1,next_int=1,next_max_count=7,next_count=7,i;
    unsigned long long  next_block_id;
    char*               cache_buffer;
    int                 nx_current=0;
    char                bbuffer[4096];
    int flag;
    int pres;
    pthread_t prog_thread;
    void *p_result;

    char *bad_sectors_warning_msg =
        "* WARNING: The disk has bad sector. This means physical damage on the   *\n"
        "* disk surface caused by deterioration, manufacturing faults or other   *\n"
        "* reason. The reliability of the disk may stay stable or degrade fast.  *\n"
        "* Use the --rescue option to efficiently save as much data as possible! *\n"

    image_head		image_hdr;		/// image_head structure defined in partclone.h
    memset(&image_hdr, 0, sizeof(image_hdr));

     * get option and assign to opt structure
     * check parameter and read from argv
    parse_options(argc, argv, &opt);

     * if "-d / --debug" given
     * open debug file in "/var/log/partclone.log" for log message
    memset(&fs_opt, 0, sizeof(fs_cmd_opt));
    debug = opt.debug;
    fs_opt.debug = debug;
    fs_opt.ignore_fschk = opt.ignore_fschk;

    next_max_count = opt.max_block_cache-1;
    next_count = opt.max_block_cache-1;


     * using Text User Interface
    if (opt.ncurses) {
        pui = NCURSES;
        log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Using Ncurses User Interface mode.\n");
    } else
        pui = TEXT;

    tui = open_pui(pui, opt.fresh);
    if ((opt.ncurses) && (tui == 0)) {
        opt.ncurses = 0;
        log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Open Ncurses User Interface Error.\n");

    /// print partclone info

    if (geteuid() != 0)
        log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "You are not logged as root. You may have \"access denied\" errors when working.\n");
        log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "UID is root.\n");

    /// ignore crc check
        log_mesg(1, 0, 1, debug, "Ignore CRC error\n");

     * open source and target
     * clone mode, source is device and target is image file/stdout
     * restore mode, source is image file/stdin and target is device
     * dd mode, source is device and target is device !!not complete
    log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "enable _FILE_OFFSET_BITS %i\n", _FILE_OFFSET_BITS);
    source = opt.source;
    target = opt.target;
    dfr = open_source(source, &opt);
    if (dfr == -1) {
        log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "Erro EXIT.\n");

    dfw = open_target(target, &opt);
    if (dfw == -1) {
        log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "Error Exit.\n");

     * get partition information like super block, image_head, bitmap
     * from device or image file.
    if (opt.clone) {

        log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Initial image hdr - get Super Block from partition\n");
        log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "Reading Super Block\n");

        /// get Super Block information from partition
        initial_image_hdr(source, &image_hdr);

        /// check memory size
        if (check_mem_size(image_hdr, opt, &needed_mem) == -1)
            log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "Ther is no enough free memory, partclone suggests you should have %lld bytes memory\n", needed_mem);

        strncpy(image_hdr.version, IMAGE_VERSION, VERSION_SIZE);

        /// alloc a memory to restore bitmap
        bitmap = (unsigned long*)calloc(sizeof(unsigned long), LONGS(image_hdr.totalblock));
        if(bitmap == NULL) {
            log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, ERROR:%s", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno));

        log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "initial main bitmap pointer %i\n", bitmap);
        log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Initial image hdr - read bitmap table\n");

        /// read and check bitmap from partition
        log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "Calculating bitmap... Please wait... ");
        readbitmap(source, image_hdr, bitmap, pui);

        needed_size = (unsigned long long)(((image_hdr.block_size+sizeof(unsigned long))*image_hdr.usedblocks)+sizeof(image_hdr)+sizeof(char)*image_hdr.totalblock);
        if (opt.check)
            check_free_space(&dfw, needed_size);

        log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "check main bitmap pointer %i\n", bitmap);

        log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Writing super block and bitmap... ");
        // write image_head to image file
        w_size = write_all(&dfw, (char *)&image_hdr, sizeof(image_head), &opt);
        if(w_size == -1)
            log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "write image_hdr to image error\n");

        // write bitmap information to image file
        for (i = 0; i < image_hdr.totalblock; i++) {
            if (pc_test_bit(i, bitmap)) {
                bbuffer[i % sizeof(bbuffer)] = 1;
            } else {
                bbuffer[i % sizeof(bbuffer)] = 0;
            if (i % sizeof(bbuffer) == sizeof(bbuffer) - 1 || i == image_hdr.totalblock - 1) {
                w_size = write_all(&dfw, bbuffer, 1 + (i % sizeof(bbuffer)), &opt);
                if(w_size == -1)
                    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "write bitmap to image error\n");
        log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "done!\n");
    } else if (opt.restore) {

        log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "restore image hdr - get image_head from image file\n");
        log_mesg(1, 0, 1, debug, "Reading Super Block\n");
        /// get image information from image file
        restore_image_hdr(&dfr, &opt, &image_hdr);

        /// check memory size
        if (check_mem_size(image_hdr, opt, &needed_mem) == -1)
            log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "Ther is no enough free memory, partclone suggests you should have %lld bytes memory\n", needed_mem);

        /// alloc a memory to restore bitmap
        bitmap = (unsigned long*)calloc(sizeof(unsigned long), LONGS(image_hdr.totalblock));
        if(bitmap == NULL) {
            log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, ERROR:%s", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno));

        /// check the image magic
        if (memcmp(image_hdr.magic, IMAGE_MAGIC, IMAGE_MAGIC_SIZE) != 0)
            log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "This is not partclone image.\n");

        /// check the file system
        //if (strcmp(image_hdr.fs, FS) != 0)
        //    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s can't restore from the image which filesystem is %s not %s\n", argv[0], image_hdr.fs, FS);

        log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "initial main bitmap pointer %lli\n", bitmap);
        log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Initial image hdr - read bitmap table\n");

        /// read and check bitmap from image file
        log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "Calculating bitmap... Please wait... ");
        get_image_bitmap(&dfr, opt, image_hdr, bitmap);

        /// check the dest partition size.
        if (opt.restore_row_file)
            check_free_space(&dfw, image_hdr.device_size);
        else if(opt.check)
            check_size(&dfw, image_hdr.device_size);

        log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "check main bitmap pointer %i\n", bitmap);
        log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "done!\n");
    } else if (opt.dd) {
        log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Initial image hdr - get Super Block from partition\n");
        log_mesg(1, 0, 1, debug, "Reading Super Block\n");

        /// get Super Block information from partition
        initial_image_hdr(source, &image_hdr);

        /// check memory size
        if (check_mem_size(image_hdr, opt, &needed_mem) == -1)
            log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "Ther is no enough free memory, partclone suggests you should have %lld bytes memory\n", needed_mem);

        strncpy(image_hdr.version, IMAGE_VERSION, VERSION_SIZE);

        /// alloc a memory to restore bitmap
        bitmap = (unsigned long*)calloc(sizeof(unsigned long), LONGS(image_hdr.totalblock));
        if(bitmap == NULL) {
            log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, ERROR:%s", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno));

        log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "initial main bitmap pointer %i\n", bitmap);
        log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Initial image hdr - read bitmap table\n");

        /// read and check bitmap from partition
        log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "Calculating bitmap... Please wait... ");
        readbitmap(source, image_hdr, bitmap, pui);

        /// check the dest partition size.
        if(opt.check) {
            check_size(&dfw, image_hdr.device_size);

        log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "check main bitmap pointer %i\n", bitmap);
        log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "done!\n");
    } else if (opt.domain) {
        log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Initial image hdr - get Super Block from partition\n");
        log_mesg(1, 0, 1, debug, "Reading Super Block\n");

        /// get Super Block information from partition
        initial_image_hdr(source, &image_hdr);

        /// check memory size
        if (check_mem_size(image_hdr, opt, &needed_mem) == -1)
            log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "Ther is no enough free memory, partclone suggests you should have %lld bytes memory\n", needed_mem);

        strncpy(image_hdr.version, IMAGE_VERSION, VERSION_SIZE);

        /// alloc a memory to restore bitmap
        bitmap = (unsigned long*)calloc(sizeof(unsigned long), LONGS(image_hdr.totalblock));
        if(bitmap == NULL) {
            log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, ERROR:%s", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno));

        log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "initial main bitmap pointer %i\n", bitmap);
        log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Initial image hdr - read bitmap table\n");

        /// read and check bitmap from partition
        log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "Calculating bitmap... Please wait... ");
        readbitmap(source, image_hdr, bitmap, pui);

        log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "check main bitmap pointer %i\n", bitmap);
        log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "done!\n");

    log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "print image_head\n");

    /// print option to log file
    if (debug)

    /// print image_head
    print_image_hdr_info(image_hdr, opt);

     * initial progress bar
    //progress_bar	prog;		/// progress_bar structure defined in progress.h
    start = 0;				/// start number of progress bar
    stop = (image_hdr.usedblocks);	/// get the end of progress number, only used block
    log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Initial Progress bar\n");
    /// Initial progress bar
    if (opt.no_block_detail)
        flag = NO_BLOCK_DETAIL;
        flag = IO;
    progress_init(&prog, start, stop, image_hdr.totalblock, flag, image_hdr.block_size);
    copied = 0;				/// initial number is 0

     * thread to print progress
    pres = pthread_create(&prog_thread, NULL, thread_update_pui, NULL);

     * start read and write data between device and image file
    if (opt.clone) {

        w_size = write_all(&dfw, bitmagic, 8, &opt); /// write a magic string

        /// read data from the first block and log the offset
        sf = lseek(dfr, 0, SEEK_SET);
        log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "seek %lli for reading data string\n",sf);
        if (sf == (off_t)-1)
            log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "seek set %lli\n", sf);

        buffer = (char*)malloc(image_hdr.block_size); ///alloc a memory to copy data
        if(buffer == NULL) {
            log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, ERROR:%s", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno));

        log_mesg(0, 0, 0, debug, "Total block %i\n", image_hdr.totalblock);

        /// start clone partition to image file
        log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "start backup data...\n");
        for( block_id = 0; block_id < image_hdr.totalblock; block_id++ ) {

            r_size = 0;
            w_size = 0;

            main_pos = lseek(dfr, 0, SEEK_CUR);
            log_mesg(3, 0, 0, debug, "man pos = %lli\n", main_pos);

            if (pc_test_bit(block_id, bitmap)) {
                /// if the block is used
                log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "block_id=%lli, ",block_id);
                log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "bitmap=%i, ",pc_test_bit(block_id, bitmap));

                offset = (off_t)(block_id * image_hdr.block_size);
                sf = lseek(dfr, offset, SEEK_SET);
                if (sf == -1)
                    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "source seek error = %lli, ",sf);
                /// read data from source to buffer
                memset(buffer, 0, image_hdr.block_size);
                rescue_pos = lseek(dfr, 0, SEEK_CUR);
                r_size = read_all(&dfr, buffer, image_hdr.block_size, &opt);
                log_mesg(3, 0, 0, debug, "bs=%i and r=%i, ",image_hdr.block_size, r_size);
                if (r_size != (int)image_hdr.block_size) {

                    if ((r_size == -1) && (errno == EIO)) {
                        if (opt.rescue) {
                            r_size = 0;
                            for (rescue_num = 0; rescue_num < image_hdr.block_size; rescue_num += SECTOR_SIZE) {
                                rescue_sector(&dfr, rescue_pos + rescue_num, buffer + rescue_num, &opt);
                        } else
                            log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s", bad_sectors_warning_msg);

                    } else
                        log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "read error: %s(%i) \n", strerror(errno), errno);

                /// write buffer to target
                w_size = write_all(&dfw, buffer, image_hdr.block_size, &opt);
                log_mesg(3, 0, 0, debug, "bs=%i and w=%i, ",image_hdr.block_size, w_size);
                if (w_size != (int)image_hdr.block_size)
                    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "write error %i \n", w_size);

                /// generate crc32 code and write it.
                crc_buffer = (char*)malloc(CRC_SIZE); ///alloc a memory to copy data
                if(crc_buffer == NULL) {
                    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, ERROR:%s", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno));
                crc = crc32(crc, buffer, w_size);
                memcpy(crc_buffer, &crc, CRC_SIZE);
                c_size = write_all(&dfw, crc_buffer, CRC_SIZE, &opt);

                /// free buffer

                copied++;					/// count copied block
                total_write += (unsigned long long)(w_size);	/// count copied size
                log_mesg(3, 0, 0, debug, "total=%lli, ", total_write);

                /// read or write error
                if (r_size != w_size)
                    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "read(%i) and write(%i) different\n", r_size, w_size);
                log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "end\n");
            } else {
                /// if the block is not used, I just skip it.
                log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "block_id=%lli, ",block_id);
                sf = lseek(dfr, image_hdr.block_size, SEEK_CUR);
                log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "skip seek=%lli, ",sf);
                if (sf == (off_t)-1)
                    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "clone seek error %lli errno=%i\n", (long long)offset, (int)errno);

                log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "end\n");
        } /// end of for
    } else if (opt.restore) {

         * read magic string from image file
         * and check it.
        r_size = read_all(&dfr, bitmagic_r, 8, &opt); /// read a magic string
        cmp = memcmp(bitmagic, bitmagic_r, 8);
        if(cmp != 0)
            log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "bitmagic error %i\n", cmp);

        /// seek to the first
        sf = lseek(dfw, 0, SEEK_SET);
        log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "seek %lli for writing dtat string\n",sf);
        if (sf == (off_t)-1)
            log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "seek set %lli\n", sf);

        cache_buffer = (char*)malloc(image_hdr.block_size * (next_max_count+1));
        if(cache_buffer == NULL) {
            log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, ERROR:%s", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno));

        buffer = (char*)malloc(image_hdr.block_size); ///alloc a memory to copy data
        if(buffer == NULL) {
            log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, ERROR:%s", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno));

        /// start restore image file to partition
        log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "start restore data...\n");

        for( block_id = 0; block_id < image_hdr.totalblock; block_id++ ) {

            r_size = 0;
            w_size = 0;

            if (pc_test_bit(block_id, bitmap)) {
                /// The block is used
                log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "block_id=%lli, ",block_id);
                log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "bitmap=%i, ",pc_test_bit(block_id, bitmap));

                memset(buffer, 0, image_hdr.block_size);
                r_size = read_all(&dfr, buffer, image_hdr.block_size, &opt);
                log_mesg(3, 0, 0, debug, "bs=%i and r=%i, ",image_hdr.block_size, r_size);
                if (r_size <0)
                    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "read errno = %i \n", errno);

                /// read crc32 code and check it.
                crc_ck = crc32(crc_ck, buffer, r_size);
                crc_buffer = (char*)malloc(CRC_SIZE); ///alloc a memory to copy data
                if(crc_buffer == NULL) {
                    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, ERROR:%s", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno));
                c_size = read_all(&dfr, crc_buffer, CRC_SIZE, &opt);
                if (c_size < CRC_SIZE)
                    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "read CRC error: %s, please check your image file. \n", strerror(errno));

                memcpy(&crc, crc_buffer, CRC_SIZE);
                /*FIX: 64bit image can't ignore crc error*/
                if ((memcmp(&crc, &crc_ck, CRC_SIZE) != 0) && (!opt.ignore_crc)) {
                    log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "CRC Check error. 64bit bug before v0.1.0 (Rev:250M), enlarge crc size and recheck again....\n ");
                    /// check again
                    buffer2 = (char*)malloc(image_hdr.block_size+CRC_SIZE); ///alloc a memory to copy data
                    if(buffer2 == NULL) {
                        log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, ERROR:%s", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno));
                    memcpy(buffer2, buffer, image_hdr.block_size);
                    memcpy(buffer2+image_hdr.block_size, crc_buffer, CRC_SIZE);
                    memcpy(buffer, buffer2+CRC_SIZE, image_hdr.block_size);

                    crc_ck2 = crc32(crc_ck2, buffer, r_size);
                    c_size = read_all(&dfr, crc_buffer, CRC_SIZE, &opt);
                    if (c_size < CRC_SIZE)
                        log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "read CRC error: %s, please check your image file. \n", strerror(errno));
                    memcpy(&crc, crc_buffer, CRC_SIZE);
                    if ((memcmp(&crc, &crc_ck2, CRC_SIZE) != 0 )&& (!opt.ignore_crc)) {
                        log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "CRC error again at %i...\n ", sf);
                    } else {
                        crc_ck = crc_ck2;
                } else {
                    crc_ck2 = crc_ck;

                if(next != next_count) {
                    memset(cache_buffer, 0, image_hdr.block_size*next_max_count);
                    for (next_int = 1; next_int <= next_max_count; next_int++)
                        next_block_id = block_id+next_int;
                        if (pc_test_bit(next_block_id, bitmap)) {
                        } else {
                            next_count = next;
                        next_count = next;
                    log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "next = %i\n",next);

                if ((next == next_count) &&(nx_current < next)) {
                    memcpy(cache_buffer+(image_hdr.block_size*nx_current), buffer, image_hdr.block_size);
                    w_size = 0;

                if ((next == next_count) && (nx_current == next)) {
                    offset = (off_t)((block_id-next+1) * image_hdr.block_size);
                    sf = lseek(dfw, offset, SEEK_SET);
                    if (sf == -1)
                        log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "target seek error = %lli, ",sf);
                    /// write block from buffer to partition
                    w_size = write_all(&dfw, cache_buffer, (image_hdr.block_size*nx_current), &opt);
                    log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "bs=%i and w=%i, ",(image_hdr.block_size*nx_current), w_size);
                    if (w_size != (int)image_hdr.block_size*nx_current)
                        log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "write error %i \n", w_size);
                    next = 1;
                    next_count = next_max_count;

                /// free buffer
                copied++;					/// count copied block
                total_write += (unsigned long long) w_size;	/// count copied size

                /// read or write error
                //if ((r_size != w_size) || (r_size != image_hdr.block_size))
                //	log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "read and write different\n");
                log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "end\n");
            } else {
                /// for restore to row file, mount -o loop used.
                if ((block_id == (image_hdr.totalblock-1)) && (opt.restore_row_file)) {
                    write_last_block(&dfw, image_hdr.block_size, block_id, &opt);

                } else {
                    /// if the block is not used, I just skip it.
                    log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "block_id=%lli, ",block_id);
                    sf = lseek(dfw, image_hdr.block_size, SEEK_CUR);
                    log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "seek=%lli, ",sf);
                    if (sf == (off_t)-1)
                        log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "seek error %lli errno=%i\n", (long long)offset, (int)errno);
                    log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "end\n");
        } // end of for
    } else if (opt.dd) {
        sf = lseek(dfr, 0, SEEK_SET);
        log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "seek %lli for reading data string\n",sf);
        if (sf == (off_t)-1)
            log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "seek set %lli\n", sf);

        main_pos = lseek(dfr, 0, SEEK_CUR);
        log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "man pos = %lli\n", main_pos);

        log_mesg(0, 0, 0, debug, "Total block %i\n", image_hdr.totalblock);

        buffer = (char*)malloc(image_hdr.block_size); ///alloc a memory to copy data
        if(buffer == NULL) {
            log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, ERROR:%s", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno));

        /// start clone partition to image file
        log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "start backup data device-to-device...\n");
        for( block_id = 0; block_id < image_hdr.totalblock; block_id++ ) {
            r_size = 0;
            w_size = 0;

            if (pc_test_bit(block_id, bitmap)) {
                /// if the block is used

                log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "block_id=%lli, ",block_id);
                log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "bitmap=%i, ",pc_test_bit(block_id, bitmap));
                offset = (off_t)(block_id * image_hdr.block_size);
                sf = lseek(dfr, offset, SEEK_SET);
                if (sf == -1)
                    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "source seek error = %lli, ",sf);
                sf = lseek(dfw, offset, SEEK_SET);
                if (sf == -1)
                    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "target seek error = %lli, ",sf);
                /// read data from source to buffer
                memset(buffer, 0, image_hdr.block_size);
                rescue_pos = lseek(dfr, 0, SEEK_CUR);
                r_size = read_all(&dfr, buffer, image_hdr.block_size, &opt);
                log_mesg(3, 0, 0, debug, "bs=%i and r=%i, ",image_hdr.block_size, r_size);
                if (r_size != (int)image_hdr.block_size) {
                    if ((r_size == -1) && (errno == EIO)) {
                        if (opt.rescue) {
                            r_size = 0;
                            for (rescue_num = 0; rescue_num < image_hdr.block_size; rescue_num += SECTOR_SIZE) {
                                rescue_sector(&dfr, rescue_pos + rescue_num, buffer + rescue_num, &opt);
                        } else
                            log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s", bad_sectors_warning_msg);

                    } else
                        log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "read error: %s(%i) \n", strerror(errno), errno);

                /// write buffer to target
                w_size = write_all(&dfw, buffer, image_hdr.block_size, &opt);
                log_mesg(3, 0, 0, debug, "bs=%i and w=%i, ",image_hdr.block_size, w_size);
                if (w_size != (int)image_hdr.block_size)
                    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "write error %i \n", w_size);

                copied++;                                       /// count copied block
                total_write += (unsigned long long)(w_size);    /// count copied size
                log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "total=%lli, ", total_write);
                /// read or write error
                if (r_size != w_size)
                    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "read and write different\n");
                log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "end\n");
            } else {
                /// if the block is not used, I just skip it.
                log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "block_id=%lli, ",block_id);
                sf = lseek(dfr, image_hdr.block_size, SEEK_CUR);
                log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "skip source seek=%lli, ",sf);
                sf = lseek(dfw, image_hdr.block_size, SEEK_CUR);
                log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "skip target seek=%lli, ",sf);
                if (sf == (off_t)-1)
                    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "clone seek error %lli errno=%i\n", (long long)offset, (int)errno);
        } /// end of for
    } else if (opt.domain) {
        log_mesg(0, 0, 0, debug, "Total block %i\n", image_hdr.totalblock);
        log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "start writing domain log...\n");
        // write domain log comment and status line
        dprintf(dfw, "# Domain logfile created by %s v%s\n", EXECNAME, VERSION);
        dprintf(dfw, "# Source: %s\n", opt.source);
        dprintf(dfw, "# Offset: 0x%08llX\n", opt.offset_domain);
        dprintf(dfw, "# current_pos  current_status\n");
        dprintf(dfw, "0x%08llX     ?\n",
                opt.offset_domain + (image_hdr.totalblock * image_hdr.block_size));
        dprintf(dfw, "#      pos        size  status\n");
        // start logging the used/unused areas
        next_block_id = 0;
        cmp = pc_test_bit(0, bitmap);
        for( block_id = 0; block_id <= image_hdr.totalblock; block_id++ ) {
            if (block_id < image_hdr.totalblock) {
                nx_current = pc_test_bit(block_id, bitmap);
                if (nx_current == 1)
            } else
                nx_current = -1;
            if (nx_current != cmp) {
                dprintf(dfw, "0x%08llX  0x%08llX  %c\n",
                        opt.offset_domain + (next_block_id * image_hdr.block_size),
                        (block_id - next_block_id) * image_hdr.block_size,
                        cmp ? '+' : '?');
                next_block_id = block_id;
                cmp = nx_current;
            // don't bother updating progress
        } /// end of for

    done = 1;
    pres = pthread_join(prog_thread, &p_result);
    update_pui(&prog, copied, block_id, done);
    sync_data(dfw, &opt);

    close (dfr);    /// close source
    close (dfw);    /// close target
    free(bitmap);   /// free bitmp
    printf("Cloned successfully.\n");
    return 0;	    /// finish
コード例 #2
ファイル: restore.c プロジェクト: moriyama/partclone
 * main functiom - for colne or restore data
int main(int argc, char **argv){ 

    char*		source;			/// source data
    char*		target;			/// target data
    char*		buffer;			/// buffer data for malloc used
    char*		buffer2;			/// buffer data for malloc used
    int			dfr, dfw;		/// file descriptor for source and target
    int			r_size, w_size;		/// read and write size
    //unsigned long long	block_id, copied = 0;	/// block_id is every block in partition
    /// copied is copied block count
    off_t		offset = 0, sf = 0;	/// seek postition, lseek result
    int			start, stop;		/// start, range, stop number for progress bar
    unsigned long long	total_write = 0;	/// the copied size 
    unsigned long long	needed_size = 0;	/// the copied size 
    unsigned long long	needed_mem  = 0;	/// the copied size 
    char		bitmagic[8] = "BiTmAgIc";// only for check postition
    char		bitmagic_r[8];		/// read magic string from image
    int			cmp;			/// compare magic string
    unsigned long	*bitmap;		/// the point for bitmap data
    int			debug = 0;		/// debug or not
    unsigned long	crc = 0xffffffffL;	/// CRC32 check code for writint to image
    unsigned long	crc_ck = 0xffffffffL;	/// CRC32 check code for checking
    unsigned long	crc_ck2 = 0xffffffffL;	/// CRC32 check code for checking
    int			c_size;			/// CRC32 code size
    //int			done = 0;
    int			s_count = 0;
    int			tui = 0;		/// text user interface
    int			pui = 0;		/// progress mode(default text)
    int			raw = 0;
    char		image_hdr_magic[512];
    int			next=1,next_int=1,next_max_count=7,next_count=7;
    unsigned long long	next_block_id;
    char*		cache_buffer;
    int			nx_current=0;
    int	flag;
    pthread_t prog_thread;
    int pres;
    void *p_result;
    //progress_bar	prog;			/// progress_bar structure defined in progress.h
    image_head		image_hdr;		/// image_head structure defined in partclone.h

     * get option and assign to opt structure
     * check parameter and read from argv
    parse_options(argc, argv, &opt);

     * if "-d / --debug" given
     * open debug file in "/var/log/partclone.log" for log message 
    debug = opt.debug;

     * using Text User Interface
    if (opt.ncurses){
	pui = NCURSES;
	log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Using Ncurses User Interface mode.\n");
    } else
	pui = TEXT;

    tui = open_pui(pui, opt.fresh);
    if ((opt.ncurses) && (tui == 0)){
	opt.ncurses = 0;
	log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Open Ncurses User Interface Error.\n");

    next_max_count = opt.max_block_cache-1;
    next_count = opt.max_block_cache-1;

    /// print partclone info

    if (geteuid() != 0)
	log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "You are not logged as root. You may have \"access denied\" errors when working.\n"); 
	log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "UID is root.\n");

    /// ignore crc check
	log_mesg(1, 0, 1, debug, "Ignore CRC error\n");

     * open source and target 
     * clone mode, source is device and target is image file/stdout
     * restore mode, source is image file/stdin and target is device
     * dd mode, source is device and target is device !!not complete
    log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "enable _FILE_OFFSET_BITS %i\n", _FILE_OFFSET_BITS);
    source = opt.source;
    target = opt.target;
    dfr = open_source(source, &opt);
    if (dfr == -1) {
	log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "Erro EXIT.\n");

    dfw = open_target(target, &opt);
    if (dfw == -1) {
	log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "Error Exit.\n");

     * get partition information like super block, image_head, bitmap
     * from device or image file.

    if (opt.restore){

	log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "restore image hdr - get image_head from image file\n");
	/// get first 512 byte
	r_size = read_all(&dfr, image_hdr_magic, 512, &opt);

	/// check the image magic
	if (memcmp(image_hdr_magic, IMAGE_MAGIC, IMAGE_MAGIC_SIZE) == 0){
	    restore_image_hdr_sp(&dfr, &opt, &image_hdr, image_hdr_magic);

	    /// check memory size
	    if (check_mem_size(image_hdr, opt, &needed_mem) == -1)
		log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "Ther is no enough free memory, partclone suggests you should have %llu bytes memory\n", needed_mem);

	    /// alloc a memory to restore bitmap
	    bitmap = (unsigned long*)calloc(sizeof(unsigned long), LONGS(image_hdr.totalblock));
	    if(bitmap == NULL){
		log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, ERROR:%s", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno));

	    /// check the file system
	    //if (strcmp(image_hdr.fs, FS) != 0)
	    //    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s can't restore from the image which filesystem is %s not %s\n", argv[0], image_hdr.fs, FS);

	    log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "initial main bitmap pointer %p\n", bitmap);
	    log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Initial image hdr - read bitmap table\n");

	    /// read and check bitmap from image file
	    log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "Calculating bitmap... ");
	    log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "Please wait... ");
	    get_image_bitmap(&dfr, opt, image_hdr, bitmap);

	    /// check the dest partition size.
	    if (opt.restore_raw_file)
		check_free_space(&dfw, image_hdr.device_size);
	    else if(opt.check)
		check_size(&dfw, image_hdr.device_size);

	    log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "check main bitmap pointer %p\n", bitmap);
	    log_mesg(0, 0, 1, debug, "done!\n");
	    log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "This is not partclone image.\n");
	    raw = 1;
	    //sf = lseek(dfr, 0, SEEK_SET);

	    log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Initial image hdr - get Super Block from partition\n");

	    /// get Super Block information from partition
	    if (dfr != 0)
		initial_dd_hdr(dfr, &image_hdr);
		initial_dd_hdr(dfw, &image_hdr);

	    /// check the dest partition size.
		check_size(&dfw, image_hdr.device_size);

    log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "print image_head\n");

    /// print option to log file
    if (debug)

    /// print image_head
    print_image_hdr_info(image_hdr, opt);

     * initial progress bar
    start = 0;				/// start number of progress bar
    stop = (image_hdr.usedblocks+1);	/// get the end of progress number, only used block
    log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "Initial Progress bar\n");
    /// Initial progress bar
    if (opt.no_block_detail)
	flag = IO;
    progress_init(&prog, start, stop, image_hdr.totalblock, flag, image_hdr.block_size);
    copied = 0;				/// initial number is 0

     * thread to print progress
    pres = pthread_create(&prog_thread, NULL, thread_update_pui, NULL);

     * start read and write data between device and image file
    if ((opt.restore) && (!raw)) {

	 * read magic string from image file
	 * and check it.
	r_size = read_all(&dfr, bitmagic_r, 8, &opt); /// read a magic string
	cmp = memcmp(bitmagic, bitmagic_r, 8);
	if(cmp != 0)
	    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "bitmagic error %i\n", cmp);

	cache_buffer = (char*)malloc(image_hdr.block_size * (next_max_count+1));
	if(cache_buffer == NULL){
	    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, ERROR:%s", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno));
	buffer = (char*)malloc(image_hdr.block_size); ///alloc a memory to copy data
	if(buffer == NULL){
	    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, ERROR:%s", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno));

	/// seek to the first
	sf = lseek(dfw, opt.offset, SEEK_SET);
	log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "seek %lli for writing dtat string\n",sf);
	if (sf == (off_t)-1)
	    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "seek set %ji\n", (intmax_t)sf);
	/// start restore image file to partition
	for( block_id = 0; block_id < image_hdr.totalblock; block_id++ ){

	    r_size = 0;
	    w_size = 0;

	    if (pc_test_bit(block_id, bitmap)){
		/// The block is used
		log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "block_id=%llu, ",block_id);
		log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "bitmap=%i, ",pc_test_bit(block_id, bitmap));

		memset(buffer, 0, image_hdr.block_size);
		r_size = read_all(&dfr, buffer, image_hdr.block_size, &opt);
		log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "bs=%i and r=%i, ",image_hdr.block_size, r_size);
		if (r_size <0)
		    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "read errno = %i \n", errno);

		/// read crc32 code and check it.
		crc_ck = crc32(crc_ck, buffer, r_size);
		char crc_buffer[CRC_SIZE];
		c_size = read_all(&dfr, crc_buffer, CRC_SIZE, &opt);
		if (c_size < CRC_SIZE)
		    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "read CRC error: %s, please check your image file. \n", strerror(errno));
		/*FIX: 64bit image can't ignore crc error*/
		if ((memcmp(crc_buffer, &crc_ck, CRC_SIZE) != 0) && (!opt.ignore_crc) ){
		    log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "CRC Check error. 64bit bug before v0.1.0 (Rev:250M), enlarge crc size and recheck again....\n ");
		    /// check again
		    buffer2 = (char*)malloc(image_hdr.block_size+CRC_SIZE); ///alloc a memory to copy data
		    if(buffer2 == NULL){
			log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, ERROR:%s", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno));
		    memcpy(buffer2, buffer, image_hdr.block_size);
		    memcpy(buffer2+image_hdr.block_size, crc_buffer, CRC_SIZE);
		    memcpy(buffer, buffer2+CRC_SIZE, image_hdr.block_size);

		    crc_ck2 = crc32(crc_ck2, buffer, r_size);
		    c_size = read_all(&dfr, crc_buffer, CRC_SIZE, &opt);
		    if (c_size < CRC_SIZE)
			log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "read CRC error: %s, please check your image file. \n", strerror(errno));
		    if ((memcmp(crc_buffer, &crc_ck2, CRC_SIZE) != 0) && (!opt.ignore_crc)){
			log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "CRC error again at %ji...\n ", (intmax_t)sf);
		    } else {
			crc_ck = crc_ck2;

		} else {
		    crc_ck2 = crc_ck;

		if(next != next_count){
		    memset(cache_buffer, 0, image_hdr.block_size*next_max_count);
		    for (next_int = 1; next_int <= next_max_count; next_int++)
			next_block_id = block_id+next_int;
			if (pc_test_bit(next_block_id, bitmap)) {
			} else {
			    next_count = next;    
			next_count = next;
		    log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "next = %i\n",next);

		if ((next == next_count) &&(nx_current < next)){
		    memcpy(cache_buffer+(image_hdr.block_size*nx_current), buffer, image_hdr.block_size);
		    w_size = 0;

		if ((next == next_count) && (nx_current == next)){
		    offset = (off_t)(((block_id-next+1) * image_hdr.block_size)+opt.offset);
		    sf = lseek(dfw, offset, SEEK_SET);
		    if (sf == -1)
			log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "target seek error = %ji, ", (intmax_t)sf);
		    /// write block from buffer to partition
		    w_size = write_all(&dfw, cache_buffer, (image_hdr.block_size*nx_current), &opt);
		    log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "bs=%i and w=%i, ",(image_hdr.block_size*nx_current), w_size);
		    if (w_size != image_hdr.block_size*nx_current)
			log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "write error %i \n", w_size);
		    next = 1;
		    next_count = next_max_count;

		copied++;					/// count copied block
		total_write += (unsigned long long) w_size;	/// count copied size

		/// read or write error
		//if ((r_size != w_size) || (r_size != image_hdr.block_size))
		//	log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "read and write different\n");
		log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "end\n");
	    } else {
		/// for restore to raw file, mount -o loop used.
		if ((block_id == (image_hdr.totalblock-1)) && (opt.restore_raw_file)){
		    write_last_block(&dfw, image_hdr.block_size, block_id, &opt);

		} else {
		    /// if the block is not used, I just skip it.
		    log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "block_id=%llu, ",block_id);
		    sf = lseek(dfw, image_hdr.block_size, SEEK_CUR);
		    log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "seek=%ji, ", (intmax_t)sf);
		    if (sf == (off_t)-1)
			log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "seek error %ji errno=%i\n", (intmax_t)offset, errno);
		    log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "end\n");
	    //if (!opt.quiet)
	//	update_pui(&prog, copied, block_id, done);
	} // end of for
	/// free buffer
	done = 1;
	pres = pthread_join(prog_thread, &p_result);
	update_pui(&prog, copied, block_id, done);
	sync_data(dfw, &opt);	
    } else if ((opt.restore) && (raw)){
	/// start clone partition to image file

	//write image_head to image file
	w_size = write_all(&dfw, image_hdr_magic, 512, &opt);
	if(w_size == -1)
	    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "write image_hdr to image error\n");

	block_id = 1;

	buffer = (char*)malloc(image_hdr.block_size); ///alloc a memory to copy data
	if(buffer == NULL){
	    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "%s, %i, ERROR:%s", __func__, __LINE__, strerror(errno));

	do {
	    r_size = 0;
	    w_size = 0;
	    memset(buffer, 0, image_hdr.block_size);

	    log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "block_id=%llu, ",block_id);

	    /// read data from source to buffer
	    r_size = read_all(&dfr, buffer, image_hdr.block_size, &opt);
	    log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "bs=%i and r=%i, ",image_hdr.block_size, r_size);
	    if (r_size != (int)image_hdr.block_size){
		if (r_size == 0){
		    done = 1;
		} else {
		    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "read error: %s(%i) rsize=%i\n", strerror(errno), errno, r_size);

	    if (r_size == image_hdr.block_size){
		/// write buffer to target
		w_size = write_all(&dfw, buffer, image_hdr.block_size, &opt);
		log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "bs=%i and w=%i, ",image_hdr.block_size, w_size);
		if (w_size != (int)image_hdr.block_size)
		    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "write error %i \n", w_size);
	    } else if (r_size < image_hdr.block_size){
		/// write readed buffer to target
		w_size = write_all(&dfw, buffer, r_size, &opt);
		log_mesg(2, 0, 0, debug, "bs=%i and w=%i, ",image_hdr.block_size, w_size);
		if (w_size != r_size)
		    log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "write error %i \n", w_size);
	    } else {
		w_size = 0;

	    /// read or write error
	    if (r_size != w_size)
		log_mesg(0, 1, 1, debug, "read and write different\n");
	    log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "end\n");
	    copied++;					/// count copied block
	    total_write += (unsigned long long)(w_size);	/// count copied size
	    log_mesg(1, 0, 0, debug, "total=%llu, ", total_write);

	    //if (!opt.quiet)
		//update_pui(&prog, copied, block_id, done);
	} while (done == 0);/// end of for    
	pres = pthread_join(prog_thread, &p_result);
	update_pui(&prog, copied, block_id, done);
	sync_data(dfw, &opt);	
	/// free buffer


    close (dfr);    /// close source
    close (dfw);    /// close target
    free(bitmap);   /// free bitmp
    fprintf(stderr, "Cloned successfully.\n");
    return 0;	    /// finish