コード例 #1
TEST(ReplaceBulkData, read_replace_write)
    stk::ParallelMachine pm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
    const int p_size = stk::parallel_machine_size(pm);
    if (p_size > 1) {

//    const unsigned spatialDim = 3;
    stk::mesh::MetaData* meta = new stk::mesh::MetaData;
    stk::mesh::BulkData* bulk = new stk::mesh::BulkData(*meta, pm);

    std::string filename("generated:1x1x1");
    read_mesh(filename, *bulk);

    //replace BulkData:
    delete bulk;
    bulk = new stk::mesh::BulkData(*meta, pm);


    //write out to exodus file
    std::string out_filename("replace_out.exo");
    write_mesh(out_filename, *bulk);

    delete bulk;
    delete meta;
コード例 #2
ファイル: 3ds2obj.c プロジェクト: jiangguang5201314/ZNginx
void write_nodes(FILE *o, Lib3dsFile *f, Lib3dsNode *first_node) {
    Lib3dsNode *p;
    for (p = first_node; p; p = p->next) {
        if (p->type == LIB3DS_NODE_MESH_INSTANCE) {
            write_mesh(o, f, (Lib3dsMeshInstanceNode*)p);
            write_nodes(o, f, p->childs);
コード例 #3
ファイル: sm2iv.C プロジェクト: Benignoperez/jot-lib
main(int argc, char *argv[])
   if (argc != 1)
      err_msg("Usage: %s < mesh.sm > mesh.iv", argv[0]);
      return 1;

   BMESHptr mesh = BMESH::read_jot_stream(cin);
   if (!mesh || mesh->empty())
      return 1; // didn't work

   // Write it out
   write_mesh(*mesh, cout);
   return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: CDomain.cpp プロジェクト: andrealani/coolfluid3
void CDomain::signal_write_mesh(SignalArgs& node)
  SignalOptions options( node );
  URI fileuri = options.value<URI>("file");
コード例 #5
ファイル: hspace.c プロジェクト: tenpercent/cp-sandbox
/* Main */
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    int    nnF = 200000, nnV = 200000, nnT = 1100000;
    int     nF = 0,        nV = 0,        nT = 0;
    int    *face   = 0, *facematerial  = 0, *facedup = 0, *facematdup = 0;
    int    *tetra  = 0, *tetramaterial = 0;
    double *vertex = 0;
    int    i, nFdup, r, j, medge, msurf, m, k, p;
    int    nVVert,    nLine,  nSurface;
    int    *LineD,    *LineP;
    double *LineT;
    int    *SurfL,    *SurfI;
    double *SurfT;
    double *VVert;
    int *expCrv;
    int nE = 0, nnE = 100000, *edge, *edgematerial;

    int va, vb, vc, vd, ve, vf, vg, vh;
    int vc1a, vc1b, vc2a, vc2b, vc3a, vc3b;
    int arc1a, arc1b, arc2a, arc2b, arc3a, arc3b;
    int eab, ebc, ecd, eda, eef, efg, egh, ehe, eae, ebf, ecg, edh;

    int ntfix = 0,  nvfix = 0;

    int izero = 0;

    // allocate memory for mesh ctructures
    vertex        = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * 3 * nnV);
    face          = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)    * 3 * nnF);
    facedup       = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)    * 3 * nnF);
    facematerial  = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)        * nnF);
    facematdup    = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)        * nnF);
    tetra         = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)    * 4 * nnT);
    tetramaterial = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)        * nnT);
    edge          = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)    * 2 * nnE);
    edgematerial  = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)        * nnE);

    // allocate memory for boundary representation structure
    VVert = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * 3*100);
    nVVert = 0;
    LineD = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)    * 3*100);
    LineP = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)    * 2*2*100);
    LineT = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * 2*2*100);
    nLine = 0;
    SurfL = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)    * 5*100);
    SurfI = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)    * 2*2*100);
    SurfT = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * 4*100);
    nSurface = 0;

    expCrv = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)    * 100);
    memset(expCrv, 0, sizeof(int)    * 100);

#define ADD_VERTEX(X, Y, Z)  (VVert[3*nVVert+0] = X,  VVert[3*nVVert+1] = Y,  VVert[3*nVVert+2] = Z,  ++nVVert)
#define EDGE(V1, V2, N, ...)  add_edge(LineD, LineP, LineT, &nLine, &medge, V1, V2, N, __VA_ARGS__)
#define SURF(P, C1, C2, D, U1, U2, V1, V2, N, ...) add_surf(SurfL, SurfT, SurfI, &nSurface, &msurf, P, C1, C2, D, U1, U2, V1, V2, N, __VA_ARGS__)

    vc1a = ADD_VERTEX( R1, 0, 0);
    vc1b = ADD_VERTEX(-R1, 0, 0);
    vc2a = ADD_VERTEX( R2, 0, 0);
    vc2b = ADD_VERTEX(-R2, 0, 0);
    vc3a = ADD_VERTEX( R3, 0, 0);
    vc3b = ADD_VERTEX(-R3, 0, 0);
    va = ADD_VERTEX(-Db, -Db, 0);
    vb = ADD_VERTEX(-Db,  Db, 0);
    vc = ADD_VERTEX( Db,  Db, 0);
    vd = ADD_VERTEX( Db, -Db, 0);
    ve = ADD_VERTEX(-Db, -Db, -Db);
    vf = ADD_VERTEX(-Db,  Db, -Db);
    vg = ADD_VERTEX( Db,  Db, -Db);
    vh = ADD_VERTEX( Db, -Db, -Db);

    medge = 0;

    /* EDGE(v1, v2, nSurf,  [iSurf, iLine, t_0, t1,] ...); */

    arc1a = EDGE(vc1a, vc1b, 1, 1, 1, 0.0, M_PI);
    arc1b = EDGE(vc1b, vc1a, 1, 1, 1, M_PI, 2.0*M_PI);
    arc2a = EDGE(vc2a, vc2b, 1, 1, 2, M_PI, 0.0);
    arc2b = EDGE(vc2b, vc2a, 1, 1, 2, 2.0*M_PI, M_PI);
    arc3a = EDGE(vc3a, vc3b, 1, 1, 3, 0.0, M_PI);
    arc3b = EDGE(vc3b, vc3a, 1, 1, 3, M_PI, 2.0*M_PI);
    expCrv[arc1a-1] = 1,  expCrv[arc1b-1] = 1;
    expCrv[arc2a-1] = 1,  expCrv[arc2b-1] = 1;
    expCrv[arc3a-1] = 1,  expCrv[arc3b-1] = 1;
    eab = EDGE(va, vb, 1, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0);
    ebc = EDGE(vb, vc, 1, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0);
    ecd = EDGE(vc, vd, 1, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0);
    eda = EDGE(vd, va, 1, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0);

    eef = EDGE(ve, vf, 1, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0);
    efg = EDGE(vf, vg, 1, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0);
    egh = EDGE(vg, vh, 1, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0);
    ehe = EDGE(vh, ve, 1, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0);

    eae = EDGE(va, ve, 1, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0);
    ebf = EDGE(vb, vf, 1, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0);
    ecg = EDGE(vc, vg, 1, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0);
    edh = EDGE(vd, vh, 1, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0);

    msurf = 0;

    /* SURF(iSurf, color1, color2, direction, u0, u1, v0, v1, n,  [edge, edge_dir,] ...); */

    SURF(1, 2, 11, 0, -Db, Db, -Db, Db, 2, arc1a, 0, arc1b, 0);
    SURF(1, 1,  0, 0, -Db, Db, -Db, Db, 4, arc2a, 1, arc2b, 1, arc1a, 1, arc1b, 1);
    SURF(1, 2, 12, 0, -Db, Db, -Db, Db, 4, arc3a, 0, arc3b, 0, arc2a, 0, arc2b, 0);
    SURF(0, 1, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6, arc3a, 1, arc3b, 1, eab, 1, ebc, 1, ecd, 1, eda, 1);
    SURF(0, 1, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4, eef, 0, efg, 0, egh, 0, ehe, 0);
    SURF(0, 1, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4, eab, 0, ebf, 0, eef, 1, eae, 1);
    SURF(0, 1, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4, ebc, 0, ecg, 0, efg, 1, ebf, 1);
    SURF(0, 1, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4, ecd, 0, edh, 0, egh, 1, ecg, 1);
    SURF(0, 1, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4, eda, 0, eae, 0, ehe, 1, edh, 1);

    tria_dump_front = 0;
    tria_debug_front = 0;
    region_dump_face = 0;

    printf("\n * Generating surface mesh\n");
    i = ani3d_surface_edges_boundary_(&nVVert, VVert, &nLine, LineD, LineP, LineT, &nSurface, SurfL, SurfI, SurfT,
	    NULL, surface_param, line_param, NULL/*periodic*/, fsize,
	    &nV, vertex, &nF, face, facematerial, &nE, edge, edgematerial,
	    &nnV, &nnF, &nnE
    free(VVert), free(LineD), free(LineP), free(LineT), free(SurfL), free(SurfI), free(SurfT);

    printf("INFO: nV = %d, nE = %d, nF = %d, nT = %d\n", nV, nE, nF, nT);

    /* Generate skin mesh */
    printf("\n * Generating skin mesh\n");
    nFdup = 0;
    addlayer(electrodesize, &nV, vertex-3, nE, edge, edgematerial, &nF, face, facematerial, &nT, tetra, tetramaterial, &nFdup, facedup, facematdup, nnV, nnF, nnT);
    fix_vertices(&nV, vertex-3, nF, face, nT, tetra, nFdup, facedup, nE, edge);
    printf("INFO: nV = %d, nF = %d, nT = %d\n", nV, nF, nT);

    // It could be usefull to dump the triangulation of the surface in case we want to check
    // that boundary representation is correct and represents the desired region
    if (0) {
	write_mesh_gmv("surf.gmv", nV, vertex, nF, face, facematerial, nT, tetra, tetramaterial); // for GMV
	write_front   ("surf.smv", nV, vertex, nF, face, facematerial); // for smv
	//		return 0; // do not mesh the volume, just exit
	write_mesh_gmv("dups.gmv", nV, vertex, nFdup, facedup, facematdup, nT, tetra, tetramaterial); // for GMV
	write_front   ("dups.smv", nV, vertex, nFdup, facedup, facematdup); // for smv
    // We will copy the front, so that it could be used in output in future.

    ntfix = nT;
    nvfix = nV;

    for (i=0; i<nF; i++) {
	facedup[3*nFdup+0] = face[3*i+0];
	facedup[3*nFdup+1] = face[3*i+1];
	facedup[3*nFdup+2] = face[3*i+2];
	facematdup[nFdup] = facematerial[i];

    // Generate 3D mesh using our own size function fsize()
    printf("\n * Generating volume mesh\n");
    r = mesh_3d_aft_func_(&nV, vertex, &nF, face, facematerial, &nT, tetra, tetramaterial, &nnV, &nnF, &nnT, fsize);
    printf("\nINFO: nV = %d, nF = %d, nT = %d\n", nV, nF, nT);

    if (r) {
	write_mesh_gmv("fail.gmv", nV, vertex, nF, face, facematerial, nT, tetra, tetramaterial);
    } else {
	/* Check that 3D mesh corresponds with surface mesh */
	/*printf("Checking topology: "),  fflush(stdout);*/
	if (0 && check_mesh_topology_(&nV, vertex, &nFdup, facedup, &nT, tetra)) printf("FAILED!\n");
	else {

	    if (0) {
		write_mesh         ("bfix.out", nV, vertex, nFdup, facedup, facematdup, nT, tetra, tetramaterial);
		write_mesh_gmv_qual("bfix.gmv", nV, vertex, nFdup, facedup, facematdup, nT, tetra, tetramaterial);

	    for (i=0; i<nT; i++)  tetramaterial[i] = (tetramaterial[i]==1) ? 2 : tetramaterial[i];

	    keepskin(&nFdup, facedup, facematdup);

	    /* Improve mesh quality */
	    printf("\n * Smoothing volume mesh\n");
	    fixshape(&nV, vertex, &nT, tetra, tetramaterial, &nFdup, facedup, facematdup, 0, ntfix, nFdup, nnV, nnT, nnF);

	    keepskin(&nFdup, facedup, facematdup);

	    // Write output files
	    write_mesh_gmv_qual("mesh.gmv", nV, vertex, nFdup, facedup, facematdup, nT, tetra, tetramaterial);
	    /*write_mesh         ("mesh.out", nV, vertex, nFdup, facedup, facematdup, nT, tetra, tetramaterial);*/
	    saveMani(&nV, &nFdup, &nT,
		    vertex, facedup, tetra, facematdup, tetramaterial,
		    &izero, &izero, &izero, NULL, NULL, NULL,
		    &izero, NULL, NULL, "mesh.ani");

    return 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Surface_mesh.cpp プロジェクト: ShiYujin/zju_code
write(const std::string& filename) const
    return write_mesh(*this, filename);
コード例 #7
ファイル: main_prm_curv.c プロジェクト: tenpercent/cp-sandbox
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
	int    nnF = 1000000, nnV = 1000000, nnT = 1000000;
	int     nF = 0,        nV = 0,        nT = 0;
	int    nnS = 1000,    nnE = 1000;
	int    *face   = 0, *facematerial  = 0, *facedup = 0, *facematdup = 0;
	int    *tetra  = 0, *tetramaterial = 0;
	double *vertex = 0;
	int    i, nFdup, r, m;
	int    nVVert,    nLine,  nSurface;
	int    *LineD,    *LineP;
	double *LineT;
	int    *SurfL,    *SurfI;
	double *SurfT;
	double *VVert;

	(void) argc, (void) argv;

	// allocate memory for mesh ctructures
	vertex        = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * 3 * nnV);
	face          = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)    * 3 * nnF);
	facedup       = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)    * 3 * nnF);
	facematerial  = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)        * nnF);
	facematdup    = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)        * nnF);
	tetra         = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)    * 4 * nnT);
	tetramaterial = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)        * nnT);

	// allocate memory for boundary representation structure
	VVert = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * 3*nnV);
	nVVert = 0;
	LineD = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)    * 3*nnE);
	LineP = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)    * 2*2*nnE);
	LineT = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * 2*2*nnE);
	nLine = 0;
	SurfL = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)    * 5*nnS);
	SurfI = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)    * 2*2*nnE);
	SurfT = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * 4*nnS);
	nSurface = 0;

//	First we will define coords of the main points.
//	Main points are the end points of each curve.
//	They are also known as V-points or V-vertices
//	We will define 8 vertices of the box
//	and two points on equator of the sphere
//	Here is an example how we can add point with coords(x,y,z):
	VVert[3*nVVert+0] = x; 
	VVert[3*nVVert+1] = y;
	VVert[3*nVVert+2] = z;
// To simplify our program we can use the following macros:
#define ADD_VERTEX(X, Y, Z); {\
	VVert[3*nVVert+0] = X;\
	VVert[3*nVVert+1] = Y;\
	VVert[3*nVVert+2] = Z;\
	// 8 vertices of the box
	ADD_VERTEX(CX - L, CY - L, CZ - L); // 1
	ADD_VERTEX(CX + L, CY - L, CZ - L); // 2
	ADD_VERTEX(CX + L, CY + L, CZ - L); // 3
	ADD_VERTEX(CX - L, CY + L, CZ - L); // 4
	ADD_VERTEX(CX - L, CY - L, CZ + L); // 5
	ADD_VERTEX(CX + L, CY - L, CZ + L); // 6
	ADD_VERTEX(CX + L, CY + L, CZ + L); // 7
	ADD_VERTEX(CX - L, CY + L, CZ + L); // 8
	// If the vertex is the end of parametrized curve it coords will be forcly recalculated
	// So for such points we can just say nVVert++;
	// But in this example we will still fill the coords for clarity/
	ADD_VERTEX(CX - R, CY, CZ); // 9   | In fact coords of these points will be recalculated
	ADD_VERTEX(CX + R, CY, CZ); // 10  | using parametrization of the curves
	m = 0;

// Now we will define our curves
// For each curve we should define indices of start point and end point
// We also should define number of parametrized surfaces this curve belongs to.
// For each such surface we define the F_i and V_j, so curve is parametrized as
// u -> (u,v) = (u,V_j(u)) -> (x,y,z) = F_i(u,v)
// Pairs (i,j) are stored in separate array in successive order
// If curve is a segment, it still needs one pair of (i,j)=(0,0)
// For each pair (i,j) we also define the value of parameter u for start and end points,
// they are stored in third array
//	Here is an example how we can add curve:
	LineD[3*nLine+0] = v1; LineD[3*nLine+1] = v2; // indices of start and end points
	LineD[3*nLine+2] = 2; // this curve belongs to two surfaces
	// first one have parametrization function number 1 (F_1)
	// and in this surface curve could be parametrized by V_5(u), where u are from -1.0 to 1.0
	LineP[2*m+0] = 1; LineP[2*m+1] = 5; LineT[2*m+0] = -1.0; LineT[2*m+1] =  1.0; m++;
	// first surface have parametrization function number 2 (F_2)
	// and in this surface curve could be parametrized by V_9(u), where u are from 0.0 to 2.0
	LineP[2*m+0] = 2; LineP[2*m+1] = 9; LineT[2*m+0] =  0.0; LineT[2*m+1] =  2.0; m++;
// To simplify our program we can use the following macros for segments:
#define ADD_SEGMENT(V1, V2); {\
	LineD[3*nLine+0] = V1; LineD[3*nLine+1] = V2;\
	LineD[3*nLine+2] = 1;\
	LineP[2*m+0] = 0; LineP[2*m+1] = 0; LineT[2*m+0] =  0.0; LineT[2*m+1] =  0.0; m++;\
	// 12 edges of the box
	ADD_SEGMENT(1, 2); // 1
	ADD_SEGMENT(2, 3); // 2
	ADD_SEGMENT(3, 4); // 3
	ADD_SEGMENT(4, 1); // 4
	ADD_SEGMENT(5, 6); // 5
	ADD_SEGMENT(6, 7); // 6
	ADD_SEGMENT(7, 8); // 7
	ADD_SEGMENT(8, 5); // 8
	ADD_SEGMENT(1, 5); // 9
	ADD_SEGMENT(2, 6); // 10
	ADD_SEGMENT(3, 7); // 11
	ADD_SEGMENT(4, 8); // 12

	// First arc on equator from point 9 to point 10
	LineD[3*nLine+0] = 9; LineD[3*nLine+1] = 10;
	// This arc belongs to two surfaces (halfs of the sphere)
	LineD[3*nLine+2] = 2;
	// On both halfs of the sphere this arc is parametrized by the same (u,v)
	// We will use V_1 for both surfaces, u in [-1.0, 1.0]
	LineP[2*m+0] = 1; LineP[2*m+1] = 1; LineT[2*m+0] = -1.0; LineT[2*m+1] =  1.0; m++;
	LineP[2*m+0] = 2; LineP[2*m+1] = 1; LineT[2*m+0] = -1.0; LineT[2*m+1] =  1.0; m++;
	nLine++; // 13

	// Second arc on equator from point 10 to point 9
	LineD[3*nLine+0] = 10; LineD[3*nLine+1] = 9;
	// This arc also belongs to two surfaces (halfs of the sphere)
	LineD[3*nLine+2] = 2;
	// On both halfs of the sphere this arc is parametrized by the same (u,v)
	// We will use V_2 for both surfaces, u in [1.0, -1.0]
	LineP[2*m+0] = 1; LineP[2*m+1] = 2; LineT[2*m+0] =  1.0; LineT[2*m+1] = -1.0; m++;
	LineP[2*m+0] = 2; LineP[2*m+1] = 2; LineT[2*m+0] =  1.0; LineT[2*m+1] = -1.0; m++;
	nLine++; // 14

	m = 0;

// Now we will define surfaces
// For each surface we define 5 integer numbers (SurfL):
// 1st: number of boundary curves
// 2nd: number of parametrization function
// 3rd: color of the face
// 4th: 0 if the face is boundary face, or the second color of the face if it is used to split volume
// 5th: 0 if orientation of the face corresponds with parametrization, 1 if it should be inverted, 0 for flat faces
// For each surface we alse define minimax values of (u,v) parametrization (SurfT)
// u_min, u_max, v_min, v_max
// For each boundary curve we define a pair of integers (SurfI):
// 1st: index of curve
// 2nd: orientation,  0 for normal, 1 for reversed
//	Here is an example how we can add surface:
	SurfL[5*nSurface+0] = 2; // surface is bounded by two curves
	SurfL[5*nSurface+1] = 1; // surface is parametrized by F_1
	SurfL[5*nSurface+2] = 1; // the color of face is 1
	SurfL[5*nSurface+3] = 0; // the face is boundary
	SurfL[5*nSurface+4] = 0; // orientation of the face corresponds with parametrization
	// minimax values of parametrs
	SurfT[4*nSurface+0] = -1.0; SurfT[4*nSurface+1] = -1.0; SurfT[4*nSurface+2] =  1.0; SurfT[4*nSurface+3] =  1.0;
	// first curve is curve number c1, orientation is normal
	SurfI[2*m+0] = c1; SurfI[2*m+1] = 0; m++;
	// second curve is curve number c2, orientation is reversed
	SurfI[2*m+0] = c2; SurfI[2*m+1] = 1; m++;
// In common case to invert orientation of the face one should invert the 5th parameter in SurfL
// and invert orientation of all boundary curves
// To simplify our program we can use the following macros for flat quadrilaterals:
// Here for each curve (V,I) is for index of the curve V and orientation I
#define ADD_QUADRILATERAL(V1,I1, V2,I2, V3,I3, V4,I4); {\
	SurfL[5*nSurface+0] = 4;\
	SurfL[5*nSurface+1] = 0;\
	SurfL[5*nSurface+2] = 1;\
	SurfL[5*nSurface+3] = 0;\
	SurfL[5*nSurface+4] = 0;\
	SurfT[4*nSurface+0] =  0.0; SurfT[4*nSurface+1] =  0.0; SurfT[4*nSurface+2] =  0.0; SurfT[4*nSurface+3] =  0.0;\
	SurfI[2*m+0] = V1; SurfI[2*m+1] = I1; m++;\
	SurfI[2*m+0] = V2; SurfI[2*m+1] = I2; m++;\
	SurfI[2*m+0] = V3; SurfI[2*m+1] = I3; m++;\
	SurfI[2*m+0] = V4; SurfI[2*m+1] = I4; m++;\
	// 6 faces of the box
	ADD_QUADRILATERAL( 4,1,  3,1,  2,1,  1,1); // 1
	ADD_QUADRILATERAL( 5,0,  6,0,  7,0,  8,0); // 2
	ADD_QUADRILATERAL( 1,0, 10,0,  5,1,  9,1); // 3
	ADD_QUADRILATERAL( 2,0, 11,0,  6,1, 10,1); // 4
	ADD_QUADRILATERAL( 3,0, 12,0,  7,1, 11,1); // 5
	ADD_QUADRILATERAL( 4,0,  9,0,  8,1, 12,1); // 6

	// top half of the sphere, parametrized by F_1
	SurfL[5*nSurface+0] = 2;
	SurfL[5*nSurface+1] = 1;
	SurfL[5*nSurface+2] = 1;
	SurfL[5*nSurface+3] = 0;
	SurfL[5*nSurface+4] = 1;
	SurfT[4*nSurface+0] = -1.0; SurfT[4*nSurface+1] =  1.0; SurfT[4*nSurface+2] = -1.0; SurfT[4*nSurface+3] =  1.0;
	SurfI[2*m+0] = 13; SurfI[2*m+1] = 0; m++;
	SurfI[2*m+0] = 14; SurfI[2*m+1] = 0; m++;
	nSurface++; // 7

	// bottom half of the sphere, parametrized by F_2
	SurfL[5*nSurface+0] = 2;
	SurfL[5*nSurface+1] = 2;
	SurfL[5*nSurface+2] = 1;
	SurfL[5*nSurface+3] = 0;
	SurfL[5*nSurface+4] = 0;
	SurfT[4*nSurface+0] = -1.0; SurfT[4*nSurface+1] =  1.0; SurfT[4*nSurface+2] = -1.0; SurfT[4*nSurface+3] =  1.0;
	SurfI[2*m+0] = 13; SurfI[2*m+1] = 1; m++;
	SurfI[2*m+0] = 14; SurfI[2*m+1] = 1; m++;
	nSurface++; // 8
	// Note the difference of orientations of last two surfaces

// When creating new boundary representations it could be usefull to check
// the boundary of each surface
//	tria_dump_front = 1; // enable dumping of initial front for each surface
// If triangulation of surface fails, it could be usefull to check the process
// of the triangulation
//	tria_debug_front = 1; // enable dumping front on each step. Will generate a lot of files
//	fronts will be droped in files frt_gmv.{num} for gmv
//	and frt_smv.{num} for smv or manual reference
//	{num} is 000, 001, 002, ...
//	region_dump_face = 1;

	// Setting up our boundary parametrization functions
	// First one is for (x,y,z)=F_i(u,v) and second one is for v=V_j(u)
	set_param_functions(surface_param, v_u_param);
	// Now we are ready to create the surface mesh
	// Setting up our own size function.
	// Making surface mesh
	i = surface_boundary_(&nVVert, VVert, &nLine, LineD, LineP, LineT, &nSurface, SurfL, SurfI, SurfT,
			&nV, vertex, &nF, face, facematerial, &nnV, &nnF);
	free(VVert), free(LineD), free(LineP), free(LineT), free(SurfL), free(SurfI), free(SurfT);
	printf("\nINFO: nV = %d, nF = %d, nT = %d\n", nV, nF, nT);

	// It could be usefull to dump the triangulation of the surface in case we want to check
	// that boundary representation is correct and represents the desired region
	if (0) {
		write_mesh_gmv("surf.gmv", nV, vertex, nF, face, facematerial, 0, 0, 0); // for GMV
		write_front   ("surf.smv", nV, vertex, nF, face, facematerial); // for smv
//		return 0; // do not mesh the volume, just exit

	// We will copy the front, so that it could be used in output in future.
	nFdup = nF;
	memcpy(facedup, face, sizeof(int)*3*nF);
	memcpy(facematdup, facematerial, sizeof(int)*nF);

	// Generate 3D mesh using our own size function fsize()
	r = mesh_3d_aft_func_(&nV, vertex, &nF, face, facematerial, &nT, tetra, tetramaterial, &nnV, &nnF, &nnT, fsize);
	printf("\nINFO: nV = %d, nF = %d, nT = %d\n", nV, nF, nT);

	if (r) {
		write_mesh_gmv("fail.gmv", nV, vertex, nF, face, facematerial, nT, tetra, tetramaterial);
	} else {
		// Checking that 3D mesh corresponds with surface mesh
		printf("Cheking topology: "); fflush(stdout);
		if (check_mesh_topology_(&nV, vertex, &nFdup, facedup, &nT, tetra)) printf("FAILED!\n");
		else printf("ok.\n");

		// Write output files
		write_mesh_gmv("mesh.gmv", nV, vertex, nFdup, facedup, facematdup, nT, tetra, tetramaterial);
		write_mesh    ("mesh.out", nV, vertex, nFdup, facedup, facematdup, nT, tetra, tetramaterial);
	return 0;
コード例 #8
ファイル: objcvt.cpp プロジェクト: 1510649869/Puresoft3D
bool write_face(HOBJXIO hobjxio, const string& name, const faces& fcs, const obj_mesh_data& dat, const material& mtl)
	static vec4_coll vertices;
	static vec4_coll normals;
	static vec4_coll tangents;
	static vec2_coll texcoords;

	mesh_info mesh;
	mesh.num_indices = 0;
	mesh.indices = NULL;

	for(int i = 0; i < faces::MAX; i++)
		const face& fc = fcs.face_data[i];
		// stat vertices
		mesh.num_vertices = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < (int)fc.size(); i++)
			// 3 indices for 1 triangle, 4 for 2, 5 for 3, ... n indices for n-2 triangles make (n-2)*3 vertices
			mesh.num_vertices += (fc[i].vertIndices.size() - 2) * 3;

		if(0 == mesh.num_vertices)

		// prepare container

		// for each facet
		for(int i = 0; i < (int)fc.size(); i++)
			const facet& f = fc[i];
			// facet -> triangles
			for(int j = 1; j < (int)f.vertIndices.size() - 1; j++)
				vertices.push_back(dat.vertices[f.vertIndices[    0]]);
				vertices.push_back(dat.vertices[f.vertIndices[    j]]);
				vertices.push_back(dat.vertices[f.vertIndices[j + 1]]);
		ATLASSERT(vertices.size() > 0);
		mesh.vertices = &vertices[0];

		// for each facet
		for(int i = 0; i < (int)fc.size(); i++)
			const facet& f = fc[i];
			// facet -> triangles
			for(int j = 1; j < (int)f.normIndices.size() - 1; j++)
				normals.push_back(dat.normals[f.normIndices[    0]]);
				normals.push_back(dat.normals[f.normIndices[    j]]);
				normals.push_back(dat.normals[f.normIndices[j + 1]]);

		// unlike vertices, normal data can be absent
		if(0 == normals.size()) // if normal not exists, we generate
			for(int i = 0; i < (int)vertices.size(); i += 3)
				const vec4& a = vertices[    i];
				const vec4& b = vertices[i + 1];
				const vec4& c = vertices[i + 2];
				vec4 edge1, edge2, n;
				mcemaths_sub_3_4(edge1, c, b);
				mcemaths_sub_3_4(edge2, a, b);
				mcemaths_cross_3(n, edge1, edge2);
		mesh.normals = &normals[0];
		mesh.has_normals = true;

		// for each facet
		for(int i = 0; i < (int)fc.size(); i++)
			const facet& f = fc[i];
			// facet -> triangles
			for(int j = 1; j < (int)f.texIndices.size() - 1; j++)
				texcoords.push_back(dat.texcoords[f.texIndices[    0]]);
				texcoords.push_back(dat.texcoords[f.texIndices[    j]]);
				texcoords.push_back(dat.texcoords[f.texIndices[j + 1]]);

 		mesh.texcoords = NULL;
 		mesh.tangents = NULL;
 		mesh.has_texcoords = mesh.has_tangents = false;
		if(texcoords.size() > 0) // unlike vertices, texture coordinate can also be absent
			mesh.texcoords = &texcoords[0];
			mesh.has_texcoords = true;

			// if texcoords exist, generate tangents (save time for game initialization as much as possible)
 			for(int i = 0; i < (int)vertices.size(); i += 3)
 				const vec4&  a = vertices [    i];
 				const vec4&  b = vertices [i + 1];
 				const vec4&  c = vertices [i + 2];
				const vec2& ta2 = texcoords[    i];
				const vec2& tb2 = texcoords[i + 1];
				const vec2& tc2 = texcoords[i + 2];
				vec4 ta(ta2.x, ta2.y, 0, 0);
				vec4 tb(tb2.x, tb2.y, 0, 0);
				vec4 tc(tc2.x, tc2.y, 0, 0);
 				vec4 modvec1(0.0f), modvec4(0.0f), texvec1(0.0f), texvec4(0.0f);
 				mcemaths_sub_3_4(modvec1, c , a);
 				mcemaths_sub_3_4(modvec4, b , a);
 				mcemaths_sub_3_4(texvec1, tc, ta);
 				mcemaths_sub_3_4(texvec4, tb, ta);
 				mcemaths_mul_3_4(modvec1, texvec4.y);
 				mcemaths_mul_3_4(modvec4, texvec1.y);
 				mcemaths_sub_3_4_ip(modvec1, modvec4);
 				mcemaths_div_3_4(modvec1, texvec1.x * texvec4.y - texvec4.x * texvec1.y);
			mesh.tangents = &tangents[0];
			mesh.has_tangents = true;

		mesh.mesh_name = name;
		mesh.ambient_colour = vec4(mtl.ambientColour.x, mtl.ambientColour.y, mtl.ambientColour.z, 1.0f);
		mesh.diffuse_colour = vec4(mtl.diffuseColour.x, mtl.diffuseColour.y, mtl.diffuseColour.z, 1.0f);
		mesh.specular_colour = vec4(mtl.specularColour.x, mtl.specularColour.y, mtl.specularColour.z, 1.0f);
		mesh.specular_exponent = mtl.specularExponent;
		mesh.diffuse_file = mtl.diffuseFile;
		mesh.bump_file = mtl.bumpFile;
		mesh.spc_file = mtl.spcFile;
		mesh.spe_file = mtl.speFile;
		mesh.programme = mtl.programmeName;

		if(!write_mesh(hobjxio, mesh))
			return false;

	return true;
コード例 #9
ファイル: main_mdf_frt.c プロジェクト: tenpercent/cp-sandbox
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    int    zeroindex = 0, invert = 0;
    int    nnF = 1000000, nnV = 2000000, nnT = 4000000;
    int     nF = 0,        nV = 0,        nT = 0;
    int    *face   = 0, *facematerial  = 0;
    int    *tetra  = 0, *tetramaterial = 0;
    double *vertex = 0;
    int    nFdup,  *facedup,  *facematdup;
    int    r;
    // default values
    double cf=1.2, cfs=1.2;
    double pc[5] = {0.0, 0.05, 0.01,  0.3, 100.0};

    // reading surfacemesh from file
    if (argc<2) {
	printf("Usage: ParamToTet_aft.exe  file.frt  cf cfs  abs rel c1 c2 dist\n");
	printf("       cf - coarsening factor (default: %lg)\n", cf);
	printf("       cfs - coarsening factor on surface (default: %lg)\n", cfs);
	printf("       abs - absolute minimal mesh size (default: %lg)\n", pc[0]);
	printf("       rel - relative minimal mesh size (default: %lg)\n", pc[1]);
	printf("       c1, c2 - maximal angle deviation (default: %lg, %lg)\n", pc[2], pc[3]);
	printf("       dist - maximal distance deviation (default: %lg)\n", pc[4]);
	return 0;
    if (argc>2)  sscanf(argv[2], "%lf", &cf);
    if (argc>3)  sscanf(argv[3], "%lf", &cfs);
    if (argc>4)  sscanf(argv[4], "%lf", pc+0);
    if (argc>5)  sscanf(argv[5], "%lf", pc+1);
    if (argc>6)  sscanf(argv[6], "%lf", pc+2);
    if (argc>7)  sscanf(argv[7], "%lf", pc+3);
    if (argc>8)  sscanf(argv[8], "%lf", pc+4);
    // Allocating memory for mesh structures
    vertex        = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * 3 * nnV);
    face          = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)    * 3 * nnF);
    facematerial  = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)        * nnF);
    facedup       = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)    * 3 * nnF); // this is for saving
    facematdup    = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)        * nnF); // new surface mesh
    tetra         = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)    * 4 * nnT);
    tetramaterial = (int*)   malloc(sizeof(int)        * nnT);

    printf("[cfs = %lg, cf = %lg]\n", cfs, cf);
    if (read_front(argv[1], &nV, vertex, &nF, face, facematerial, nnV, nnF, zeroindex, invert, 1)) {
	printf("Error in file %s\n", argv[1]);

    // checking topology and merging duplicate vertices
    check_surface_topology_fix_(&nV, vertex, &nF, face);

    printf("\nINFO: nV = %d, nF = %d, nT = %d\n", nV, nF, nT);
    // We can write initial mesh in GMV format here
    if (0)  write_mesh_gmv("initial.gmv", nV, vertex, nF, face, facematerial, nT, tetra, tetramaterial); // for debugging

    // setting parameters for surface_refine
    // Each edge could be splitted into multiple segments
    // first param bounds the mininal absolute length of these segments
    // if first param is set to zero (default value) then absolute length is not bounded below 
    // second param bounds relative length of segments
    // (value of 0.1 mean that each segment should be at least 0.1*edge_length)
    // Surface is splitted into almost flat regions, next two params control the degree of this flatness
    // 3rd and 4th params control maximum angle between normals of triangle faces
    // 3rd is for regular triangles
    // 4th is for low-quality triangles
    // if both params are nearly zero, then all regions are really flat
    // these values are something like (1 - cos \alpha)
    // Fifth parameter is the maximal distance from original plane for that regions
    // if any param is set to zero or less, then the default value is used
    // you can try playing with this params
    // default values:                  0,  0.05,  0.01,   0.3,  100
    surface_refine_setup_poly_extra(pc[0], pc[1], pc[2], pc[3], pc[4]); 


    // refine the surface mesh
    // this function does not require the front to be in cube [0,1]^3
    surface_refine_(&nV, vertex, &nF, face, facematerial, &nnV, &nnF);

    printf("\nINFO: nV = %d, nF = %d, nT = %d\n", nV, nF, nT);
    write_mesh_gmv("refined.gmv", nV, vertex, nF, face, facematerial, nT, tetra, tetramaterial); // for debugging
    write_front   ("refined.smv", nV, vertex, nF, face, facematerial); // for debugging

    // if we want to mesh external part of the space
    // we should add an additional inverted copy of our front
    // each triangle will be used twice in our front with different orientation and color
    // tetra colors are defined by the colors of the boundary front
    // we will shift colors of second inverted front by 1
    //double_front(&nF, face, facematerial, 1, nnF);

    // we should bound our second front, otherwise it will grow far-far-away
    // here we construct bounding cube with color 2, which is somewhat bigger than the model
    //add_bound_box(&nV, vertex, &nF, face, facematerial, 2, 1, 1.5, nnV, nnF);

    // saving surface mesh before 3D meshing
    // this mesh could be used in future for checking topolgy or writing to the file
    memcpy(facedup, face, sizeof(int)*3*nnF);
    memcpy(facematdup, facematerial, sizeof(int)*nnF);
    nFdup = nF;

    printf("cf = %lf\n", cf);
    // cf is the rate at which mesh coarseness changes from the boundary to the center
    // value of 1.0 should produce semi-uniform mesh
    // value of 1.2 is the default value (you can call mesh_3d_aft_ if you want to use default value)
    // value of 1.5 could be used to produce coarse mesh
    // if meshing fails try to play with this value
    // cf = 1.3;
    // make 3D mesh from the front
    // this function could leave something unmeshed if advancing front fails
    // this function does not require the front to be in cube [0,1]^3
    r = mesh_3d_aft_cf_(&nV, vertex, &nF, face, facematerial, &nT, tetra, tetramaterial, &nnV, &nnF, &nnT, &cf);
    // r==0 - ok, complete meshing
    // r!=0 - something is left, (nF, face, facematerial) is the surface mesh (aka front) of the rest

    printf("\nINFO: nV = %d, nF = %d, nT = %d\n", nV, nF, nT);

    fprintf(stderr, "\nAFT returned: %s\n", (r)?"FAIL":"ok");

    if (r==0) {
	// Checking that 3D mesh corresponds with surface mesh
	printf("Checking topology: "); fflush(stdout);
	if ((r = check_mesh_topology_(&nV, vertex, &nFdup, facedup, &nT, tetra)))  printf("FAILED!\n"),  fprintf(stderr, "\nMESH: failed\n");
	else printf("ok.\n"),  fprintf(stderr, "\nMESH: ok\n");

	// Write output files
	write_mesh_gmv("mesh.gmv", nV, vertex, nFdup, facedup, facematdup, nT, tetra, tetramaterial);
	write_mesh    ("mesh.out", nV, vertex, nFdup, facedup, facematdup, nT, tetra, tetramaterial);
	printf("\nINFO: nV = %d, nF = %d, nT = %d\n", nV, nFdup, nT);
    } else {
	// Meshing failed. We save current meshed part and current front in gmv format
	write_mesh_gmv("fail.gmv", nV, vertex, nF, face, facematerial, nT, tetra, tetramaterial);
	fprintf(stderr, "\nMESH: failed\n");
    free(vertex),  free(face),  free(facematerial),  free(facedup),  free(facematdup),  free(tetra),  free(tetramaterial);
    return r;