コード例 #1
ファイル: plugindriver.cpp プロジェクト: 3v1n0/wxWidgets
void GraphicsContextDrawingTestCase::RunPluginsDrawingCase (
    const DrawingTestCase & testCase)
    if (!m_drawingPluginsLoaded)
        m_drawingPluginsLoaded = true;

        wxString pluginsListStr;
        if (!wxGetEnv ("WX_TEST_SUITE_GC_DRAWING_PLUGINS", &pluginsListStr))
            return; // no plugins

        wxArrayString pluginsNameArray = wxSplit (pluginsListStr, ',', '\0');
        m_drawingPlugins.resize (pluginsNameArray.size());

        for (size_t idx=0; idx<pluginsNameArray.size(); ++idx)
            PluginInfo &pluginBeingLoaded = m_drawingPlugins[idx];
            pluginBeingLoaded.library = new wxDynamicLibrary;
            if (!pluginBeingLoaded.library->Load (pluginsNameArray[idx]))
                wxLogFatalError("could not load drawing plugin %s",

                CreateDrawingTestLifeCycle, *pluginBeingLoaded.library);
                DestroyDrawingTestLifeCycle, *pluginBeingLoaded.library);

            if (!pfnCreateDrawingTestLifeCycle ||
                wxLogFatalError("could not find function"
                    " CreateDrawingTestLifeCycle or "
                    "DestroyDrawingTestLifeCycle in %s", pluginsNameArray[idx]);

            pluginBeingLoaded.destroy = pfnDestroyDrawingTestLifeCycle;
            pluginBeingLoaded.gcFactory = (*pfnCreateDrawingTestLifeCycle)();
            if (!pluginBeingLoaded.gcFactory)
                wxLogFatalError("failed to create life-cycle object in %s",

    // now execute the test case for each plugin
    for (size_t idxp=0; idxp<m_drawingPlugins.size(); ++idxp)
        RunIndividualDrawingCase (*m_drawingPlugins[idxp].gcFactory, testCase);
コード例 #2
ファイル: webview_ie.cpp プロジェクト: lukesingh24/wxWidgets
void wxWebViewIE::RegisterHandler(wxSharedPtr<wxWebViewHandler> handler)
    wxDynamicLibrary urlMon(wxT("urlmon.dll"));
        typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *CoInternetGetSession_t)(DWORD, wxIInternetSession**, DWORD);
        wxDYNLIB_FUNCTION(CoInternetGetSession_t, CoInternetGetSession, urlMon);

        ClassFactory* cf = new ClassFactory(handler);
        wxIInternetSession* session;
        HRESULT res = (*pfnCoInternetGetSession)(0, &session, 0);
            wxFAIL_MSG("Could not retrive internet session");

        HRESULT hr = session->RegisterNameSpace(cf, CLSID_FileProtocol,
                                                0, NULL, 0);
            wxFAIL_MSG("Could not register protocol");
        wxFAIL_MSG("urlmon does not contain CoInternetGetSession");
コード例 #3
ファイル: webview_ie.cpp プロジェクト: lukesingh24/wxWidgets
bool wxWebViewIE::EnableControlFeature(long flag, bool enable)

    wxDynamicLibrary urlMon(wxT("urlmon.dll"));
    if( urlMon.IsLoaded() &&
        urlMon.HasSymbol("CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled") &&
        typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled_t)(DWORD, DWORD, BOOL);
        typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *CoInternetIsFeatureEnabled_t)(DWORD, DWORD);

        wxDYNLIB_FUNCTION(CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled_t, CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled, urlMon);
        wxDYNLIB_FUNCTION(CoInternetIsFeatureEnabled_t, CoInternetIsFeatureEnabled, urlMon);

        HRESULT hr = (*pfnCoInternetIsFeatureEnabled)(flag,
                                                      0x2 /* SET_FEATURE_ON_PROCESS */);
        if((hr == S_OK && enable) || (hr == S_FALSE && !enable))
            return true;

        hr = (*pfnCoInternetSetFeatureEnabled)(flag,
                                               0x2/* SET_FEATURE_ON_PROCESS */,
                                               (enable ? TRUE : FALSE));
        if ( FAILED(hr) )
            wxLogApiError(wxT("CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled"), hr);
            return false;
        return true;
    return false;
    return false;
コード例 #4
bool wxMSWDateControls::CheckInitialization()
    // although we already call InitCommonControls() in app.cpp which is
    // supposed to initialize all common controls, in comctl32.dll 4.72 (and
    // presumably earlier versions 4.70 and 4.71, date time picker not being
    // supported in < 4.70 anyhow) it does not do it and we have to initialize
    // it explicitly

    // this is initially set to -1 to indicate that we need to perform the
    // initialization and gets set to false or true depending on its result
    static int s_initResult = -1; // MT-ok: used from GUI thread only
    if ( s_initResult == -1 )
        // in any case do nothing the next time, the result won't change and
        // it's enough to give the error only once
        s_initResult = false;

        if ( wxApp::GetComCtl32Version() < 470 )
            wxLogError(_("This system doesn't support date controls, please upgrade your version of comctl32.dll"));

            return false;

        icex.dwSize = sizeof(icex);
        icex.dwICC = ICC_DATE_CLASSES;

        // see comment in wxApp::GetComCtl32Version() explaining the
        // use of wxLoadedDLL
        wxLoadedDLL dllComCtl32(wxT("comctl32.dll"));
        if ( dllComCtl32.IsLoaded() )
            wxLogNull noLog;

            wxDYNLIB_FUNCTION( ICCEx_t, InitCommonControlsEx, dllComCtl32 );

            if ( pfnInitCommonControlsEx )
                s_initResult = (*pfnInitCommonControlsEx)(&icex);
#endif // wxUSE_DYNLIB_CLASS

    return s_initResult != 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: rendcmn.cpp プロジェクト: erwincoumans/wxWidgets
/* static */
wxRendererNative *wxRendererNative::Load(const wxString& name)
    wxString fullname = wxDynamicLibrary::CanonicalizePluginName(name);

    wxDynamicLibrary dll(fullname);
    if ( !dll.IsLoaded() )
        return NULL;

    // each theme DLL must export a wxCreateRenderer() function with this
    // signature
    typedef wxRendererNative *(*wxCreateRenderer_t)();

    wxDYNLIB_FUNCTION(wxCreateRenderer_t, wxCreateRenderer, dll);
    if ( !pfnwxCreateRenderer )
        return NULL;

    // create a renderer object
    wxRendererNative *renderer = (*pfnwxCreateRenderer)();
    if ( !renderer )
        return NULL;

    // check that its version is compatible with ours
    wxRendererVersion ver = renderer->GetVersion();
    if ( !wxRendererVersion::IsCompatible(ver) )
        wxLogError(_("Renderer \"%s\" has incompatible version %d.%d and couldn't be loaded."),
                   name.c_str(), ver.version, ver.age);
        delete renderer;

        return NULL;

    // finally wrap the renderer in an object which will delete it and unload
    // the library when it is deleted and return it to the caller
    return new wxRendererFromDynLib(dll, renderer);
コード例 #6
ファイル: menu.cpp プロジェクト: HackLinux/chandler-1
// append a new item or submenu to the menu
bool wxMenu::DoInsertOrAppend(wxMenuItem *pItem, size_t pos)
#endif // wxUSE_ACCEL

    UINT flags = 0;

    // if "Break" has just been called, insert a menu break before this item
    // (and don't forget to reset the flag)
    if ( m_doBreak ) {
        flags |= MF_MENUBREAK;
        m_doBreak = false;

    if ( pItem->IsSeparator() ) {
        flags |= MF_SEPARATOR;

    // id is the numeric id for normal menu items and HMENU for submenus as
    // required by ::AppendMenu() API
    UINT id;
    wxMenu *submenu = pItem->GetSubMenu();
    if ( submenu != NULL ) {
        wxASSERT_MSG( submenu->GetHMenu(), wxT("invalid submenu") );


        id = (UINT)submenu->GetHMenu();

        flags |= MF_POPUP;
    else {
        id = pItem->GetId();

    // prepare to insert the item in the menu
    wxString itemText = pItem->GetText();
    LPCTSTR pData = NULL;
    if ( pos == (size_t)-1 )
        // append at the end (note that the item is already appended to
        // internal data structures)
        pos = GetMenuItemCount() - 1;

    // adjust position to account for the title, if any
    if ( !m_title.empty() )
        pos += 2; // for the title itself and its separator

    BOOL ok = false;

    // check if we have something more than a simple text item
    if ( pItem->IsOwnerDrawn() )
        // is the item owner-drawn just because of the bitmap?
        if ( pItem->GetBitmap().Ok() &&
                !pItem->GetTextColour().Ok() &&
                    !pItem->GetBackgroundColour().Ok() &&
                        !pItem->GetFont().Ok() )
            // try to use InsertMenuItem() as it's guaranteed to look correctly
            // while our owner-drawning code is not

            // first compile-time check
            WinStruct<MENUITEMINFO> mii;

            // now run-time one: MIIM_BITMAP only works under WinME/2000+
            if ( wxGetWinVersion() >= wxWinVersion_98 )
                mii.fMask = MIIM_ID | MIIM_STRING | MIIM_DATA | MIIM_BITMAP;
                mii.wID = id;
                mii.cch = itemText.length();
                mii.dwTypeData = wx_const_cast(wxChar *, itemText.c_str());

                // we can't pass HBITMAP directly as hbmpItem for 2 reasons:
                //  1. we can't draw it with transparency then (this is not
                //     very important now but would be with themed menu bg)
                //  2. worse, Windows inverses the bitmap for the selected
                //     item and this looks downright ugly
                // so instead draw it ourselves in MSWOnDrawItem()
                mii.dwItemData = wx_reinterpret_cast(ULONG_PTR, pItem);
                mii.hbmpItem = HBMMENU_CALLBACK;

                ok = ::InsertMenuItem(GetHmenu(), pos, TRUE /* by pos */, &mii);
                if ( !ok )
                else // InsertMenuItem() ok
                    // we need to remove the extra indent which is reserved for
                    // the checkboxes by default as it looks ugly unless check
                    // boxes are used together with bitmaps and this is not the
                    // case in wx API
                    WinStruct<MENUINFO> mi;

                    // don't call SetMenuInfo() directly, this would prevent
                    // the app from starting up under Windows 95/NT 4
                    typedef BOOL (WINAPI *SetMenuInfo_t)(HMENU, MENUINFO *);

                    wxDynamicLibrary dllUser(_T("user32"));
                    wxDYNLIB_FUNCTION(SetMenuInfo_t, SetMenuInfo, dllUser);
                    if ( pfnSetMenuInfo )
                        mi.fMask = MIM_STYLE;
                        mi.dwStyle = MNS_CHECKORBMP;
                        if ( !(*pfnSetMenuInfo)(GetHmenu(), &mi) )

                    // tell the item that it's not really owner-drawn but only
                    // needs to draw its bitmap, the rest is done by Windows
#endif // MIIM_BITMAP
コード例 #7
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// delete keys/values
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool wxRegKey::DeleteSelf()
    wxLogNull nolog;
    if ( !Open() ) {
      // it already doesn't exist - ok!
      return true;

  // prevent a buggy program from erasing one of the root registry keys or an
  // immediate subkey (i.e. one which doesn't have '\\' inside) of any other
  // key except HKCR (HKCR has some "deleteable" subkeys)
  if ( m_strKey.empty() ||
       ((m_hRootKey != (WXHKEY) aStdKeys[HKCR].hkey) &&
        (m_strKey.Find(REG_SEPARATOR) == wxNOT_FOUND)) ) {
      wxLogError(_("Registry key '%s' is needed for normal system operation,\ndeleting it will leave your system in unusable state:\noperation aborted."),

      return false;

  // we can't delete keys while enumerating because it confuses GetNextKey, so
  // we first save the key names and then delete them all
  wxArrayString astrSubkeys;

  wxString strKey;
  long lIndex;
  bool bCont = GetFirstKey(strKey, lIndex);
  while ( bCont ) {

    bCont = GetNextKey(strKey, lIndex);

  size_t nKeyCount = astrSubkeys.Count();
  for ( size_t nKey = 0; nKey < nKeyCount; nKey++ ) {
    wxRegKey key(*this, astrSubkeys[nKey]);
    if ( !key.DeleteSelf() )
      return false;

  // now delete this key itself

  // deleting a key which doesn't exist is not considered an error
  wxDynamicLibrary dllAdvapi32(wxT("advapi32"));
  // Minimum supported OS for RegDeleteKeyEx: Vista, XP Pro x64, Win Server 2008, Win Server 2003 SP1
    typedef LONG (WINAPI *RegDeleteKeyEx_t)(HKEY, LPCTSTR, REGSAM, DWORD);
    wxDYNLIB_FUNCTION(RegDeleteKeyEx_t, RegDeleteKeyEx, dllAdvapi32);

    m_dwLastError = (*pfnRegDeleteKeyEx)((HKEY) m_hRootKey, m_strKey.t_str(),
        0);    // This parameter is reserved and must be zero.
#endif // wxUSE_DYNLIB_CLASS
    m_dwLastError = RegDeleteKey((HKEY) m_hRootKey, m_strKey.t_str());

  if ( m_dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS &&
          m_dwLastError != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) {
    wxLogSysError(m_dwLastError, _("Can't delete key '%s'"),
    return false;

  return true;
コード例 #8
/*static*/ void wxSound::EnsureBackend()
    if (!ms_backend)
        // FIXME -- make this fully dynamic when plugins architecture is in
        // place
        //if (!ms_backend)
            ms_backend = wxCreateSoundBackendSDL();
            wxString dllname;
                    _T("sound_sdl"), wxDL_PLUGIN_BASE).c_str());
                       _T("trying to load SDL plugin from '%s'..."),
            wxLogNull null;
            ms_backendSDL = new wxDynamicLibrary(dllname, wxDL_NOW);
            if (!ms_backendSDL->IsLoaded())
                typedef wxSoundBackend *(*wxCreateSoundBackend_t)();
                                  wxCreateSoundBackendSDL, *ms_backendSDL);
                if (pfnwxCreateSoundBackendSDL)
                    ms_backend = (*pfnwxCreateSoundBackendSDL)();
            if (ms_backend && !ms_backend->IsAvailable())

        if (!ms_backend)
            ms_backend = new wxSoundBackendOSS();
            if (!ms_backend->IsAvailable())

        if (!ms_backend)
            ms_backend = new wxSoundBackendNull();

        if (!ms_backend->HasNativeAsyncPlayback())
            ms_backend = new wxSoundSyncOnlyAdaptor(ms_backend);

                   _T("using backend '%s'"), ms_backend->GetName().c_str());
コード例 #9
ファイル: menu.cpp プロジェクト: Zombiebest/Dolphin
// append a new item or submenu to the menu
bool wxMenu::DoInsertOrAppend(wxMenuItem *pItem, size_t pos)
#endif // wxUSE_ACCEL

    // we should support disabling the item even prior to adding it to the menu
    UINT flags = pItem->IsEnabled() ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED;

    // if "Break" has just been called, insert a menu break before this item
    // (and don't forget to reset the flag)
    if ( m_doBreak ) {
        flags |= MF_MENUBREAK;
        m_doBreak = false;

    if ( pItem->IsSeparator() ) {
        flags |= MF_SEPARATOR;

    // id is the numeric id for normal menu items and HMENU for submenus as
    // required by ::AppendMenu() API
    UINT_PTR id;
    wxMenu *submenu = pItem->GetSubMenu();
    if ( submenu != NULL ) {
        wxASSERT_MSG( submenu->GetHMenu(), wxT("invalid submenu") );


        id = (UINT_PTR)submenu->GetHMenu();

        flags |= MF_POPUP;
    else {
        id = pItem->GetMSWId();

    // prepare to insert the item in the menu
    wxString itemText = pItem->GetItemLabel();
    LPCTSTR pData = NULL;
    if ( pos == (size_t)-1 )
        // append at the end (note that the item is already appended to
        // internal data structures)
        pos = GetMenuItemCount() - 1;

    // Update radio groups data if we're inserting a new radio item.
    // NB: If we supported inserting non-radio items in the middle of existing
    //     radio groups to break them into two subgroups, we'd need to update
    //     m_radioData in this case too but currently this is not supported.
    bool checkInitially = false;
    if ( pItem->GetKind() == wxITEM_RADIO )
        if ( !m_radioData )
            m_radioData = new wxMenuRadioItemsData;

        if ( m_radioData->UpdateOnInsert(pos) )
            checkInitially = true;

    // adjust position to account for the title of a popup menu, if any
    if ( !GetMenuBar() && !m_title.empty() )
        pos += 2; // for the title itself and its separator

    BOOL ok = false;

    // Under older systems mixing owner-drawn and non-owner-drawn items results
    // in inconsistent margins, so we force this one to be owner-drawn if any
    // other items already are.
    if ( m_ownerDrawn )
#endif // wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN

    // check if we have something more than a simple text item
    if ( pItem->IsOwnerDrawn() )
#ifndef __DMC__

        if ( !m_ownerDrawn && !pItem->IsSeparator() )
            // MIIM_BITMAP only works under WinME/2000+ so we always use owner
            // drawn item under the previous versions and we also have to use
            // them in any case if the item has custom colours or font
            static const wxWinVersion winver = wxGetWinVersion();
            bool mustUseOwnerDrawn = winver < wxWinVersion_98 ||
                                     pItem->GetTextColour().IsOk() ||
                                     pItem->GetBackgroundColour().IsOk() ||

            if ( !mustUseOwnerDrawn )
                const wxBitmap& bmpUnchecked = pItem->GetBitmap(false),
                                bmpChecked   = pItem->GetBitmap(true);

                if ( (bmpUnchecked.IsOk() && IsGreaterThanStdSize(bmpUnchecked)) ||
                     (bmpChecked.IsOk()   && IsGreaterThanStdSize(bmpChecked)) )
                    mustUseOwnerDrawn = true;

            // use InsertMenuItem() if possible as it's guaranteed to look
            // correct while our owner-drawn code is not
            if ( !mustUseOwnerDrawn )
                WinStruct<MENUITEMINFO> mii;
                mii.fMask = MIIM_STRING | MIIM_DATA;

                // don't set hbmpItem for the checkable items as it would
                // be used for both checked and unchecked state
                if ( pItem->IsCheckable() )
                    mii.fMask |= MIIM_CHECKMARKS;
                    mii.hbmpChecked = GetHBitmapForMenu(pItem, true);
                    mii.hbmpUnchecked = GetHBitmapForMenu(pItem, false);
                else if ( pItem->GetBitmap().IsOk() )
                    mii.fMask |= MIIM_BITMAP;
                    mii.hbmpItem = GetHBitmapForMenu(pItem);

                mii.cch = itemText.length();
                mii.dwTypeData = const_cast<wxChar *>(itemText.wx_str());

                if ( flags & MF_POPUP )
                    mii.fMask |= MIIM_SUBMENU;
                    mii.hSubMenu = GetHmenuOf(pItem->GetSubMenu());
                    mii.fMask |= MIIM_ID;
                    mii.wID = id;

                mii.dwItemData = reinterpret_cast<ULONG_PTR>(pItem);

                ok = ::InsertMenuItem(GetHmenu(), pos, TRUE /* by pos */, &mii);
                if ( !ok )
                else // InsertMenuItem() ok
                    // we need to remove the extra indent which is reserved for
                    // the checkboxes by default as it looks ugly unless check
                    // boxes are used together with bitmaps and this is not the
                    // case in wx API
                    WinStruct<MENUINFO> mi;

                    // don't call SetMenuInfo() directly, this would prevent
                    // the app from starting up under Windows 95/NT 4
                    typedef BOOL (WINAPI *SetMenuInfo_t)(HMENU, MENUINFO *);

                    wxDynamicLibrary dllUser(wxT("user32"));
                    wxDYNLIB_FUNCTION(SetMenuInfo_t, SetMenuInfo, dllUser);
                    if ( pfnSetMenuInfo )
                        mi.fMask = MIM_STYLE;
                        mi.dwStyle = MNS_CHECKORBMP;
                        if ( !(*pfnSetMenuInfo)(GetHmenu(), &mi) )

                    // tell the item that it's not really owner-drawn but only
                    // needs to draw its bitmap, the rest is done by Windows
#endif // __DMC__

        if ( !ok )
            // item draws itself, pass pointer to it in data parameter
            flags |= MF_OWNERDRAW;
            pData = (LPCTSTR)pItem;

            bool updateAllMargins = false;

            // get size of bitmap always return valid value (0 for invalid bitmap),
            // so we don't needed check if bitmap is valid ;)
            int uncheckedW = pItem->GetBitmap(false).GetWidth();
            int checkedW   = pItem->GetBitmap(true).GetWidth();

            if ( m_maxBitmapWidth < uncheckedW )
                m_maxBitmapWidth = uncheckedW;
                updateAllMargins = true;

            if ( m_maxBitmapWidth < checkedW )
                m_maxBitmapWidth = checkedW;
                updateAllMargins = true;

            // make other item ownerdrawn and update margin width for equals alignment
            if ( !m_ownerDrawn || updateAllMargins )
                // we must use position in SetOwnerDrawnMenuItem because
                // all separators have the same id
                int pos = 0;
                wxMenuItemList::compatibility_iterator node = GetMenuItems().GetFirst();
                while (node)
                    wxMenuItem* item = node->GetData();

                    if ( !item->IsOwnerDrawn())
                        SetOwnerDrawnMenuItem(GetHmenu(), pos,
                                              reinterpret_cast<ULONG_PTR>(item), TRUE);


                    node = node->GetNext();

                // set menu as ownerdrawn
                m_ownerDrawn = true;

            // only update our margin for equals alignment to other item
            else if ( !updateAllMargins )
#endif // wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN
        // item is just a normal string (passed in data parameter)
        flags |= MF_STRING;

#ifdef __WXWINCE__
        itemText = wxMenuItem::GetLabelText(itemText);

        pData = (wxChar*)itemText.wx_str();

    // item might have already been inserted by InsertMenuItem() above
    if ( !ok )
        if ( !::InsertMenu(GetHmenu(), pos, flags | MF_BYPOSITION, id, pData) )

            return false;

    // Check the item if it should be initially checked.
    if ( checkInitially )

    // if we just appended the title, highlight it
    if ( id == (UINT_PTR)idMenuTitle )
        // visually select the menu title
        SetDefaultMenuItem(GetHmenu(), id);

    // if we're already attached to the menubar, we must update it
    if ( IsAttached() && GetMenuBar()->IsAttached() )

    return true;
コード例 #10
ファイル: datectrl.cpp プロジェクト: ACanadianKernel/pcsx2
wxDatePickerCtrl::Create(wxWindow *parent,
                         wxWindowID id,
                         const wxDateTime& dt,
                         const wxPoint& pos,
                         const wxSize& size,
                         long style,
                         const wxValidator& validator,
                         const wxString& name)
    // although we already call InitCommonControls() in app.cpp which is
    // supposed to initialize all common controls, in comctl32.dll 4.72 (and
    // presumably earlier versions 4.70 and 4.71, date time picker not being
    // supported in < 4.70 anyhow) it does not do it and we have to initialize
    // it explicitly
    static bool s_initDone = false; // MT-ok: used from GUI thread only
    if ( !s_initDone )
#ifndef __WXWINCE__
        if ( wxApp::GetComCtl32Version() < 470 )
            wxLogError(_("This system doesn't support date picker control, please upgrade your version of comctl32.dll"));

            return false;

        icex.dwSize = sizeof(icex);
        icex.dwICC = ICC_DATE_CLASSES;

        wxDynamicLibrary dllComCtl32(
#ifdef __WXWINCE__
            , wxDL_VERBATIM);

        if ( dllComCtl32.IsLoaded() )
            wxDYNLIB_FUNCTION( ICCEx_t, InitCommonControlsEx, dllComCtl32 );

            if ( pfnInitCommonControlsEx )

            s_initDone = true;

    // use wxDP_SPIN if wxDP_DEFAULT (0) was given as style
    if ( !(style & wxDP_DROPDOWN) )
        style |= wxDP_SPIN;

    // initialize the base class
    if ( !CreateControl(parent, id, pos, size, style, validator, name) )
        return false;

    // create the native control
    if ( !MSWCreateControl(DATETIMEPICK_CLASS, wxEmptyString, pos, size) )
        return false;

    if ( dt.IsValid() || (style & wxDP_ALLOWNONE) )

    return true;
コード例 #11
ファイル: menu.cpp プロジェクト: DumaGit/winsparkle
// append a new item or submenu to the menu
bool wxMenu::DoInsertOrAppend(wxMenuItem *pItem, size_t pos)
#endif // wxUSE_ACCEL

    // we should support disabling the item even prior to adding it to the menu
    UINT flags = pItem->IsEnabled() ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED;

    // if "Break" has just been called, insert a menu break before this item
    // (and don't forget to reset the flag)
    if ( m_doBreak ) {
        flags |= MF_MENUBREAK;
        m_doBreak = false;

    if ( pItem->IsSeparator() ) {
        flags |= MF_SEPARATOR;

    // id is the numeric id for normal menu items and HMENU for submenus as
    // required by ::AppendMenu() API
    UINT_PTR id;
    wxMenu *submenu = pItem->GetSubMenu();
    if ( submenu != NULL ) {
        wxASSERT_MSG( submenu->GetHMenu(), wxT("invalid submenu") );


        id = (UINT_PTR)submenu->GetHMenu();

        flags |= MF_POPUP;
    else {
        id = pItem->GetMSWId();

    // prepare to insert the item in the menu
    wxString itemText = pItem->GetItemLabel();
    LPCTSTR pData = NULL;
    if ( pos == (size_t)-1 )
        // append at the end (note that the item is already appended to
        // internal data structures)
        pos = GetMenuItemCount() - 1;

    // adjust position to account for the title, if any
    if ( !m_title.empty() )
        pos += 2; // for the title itself and its separator

    BOOL ok = false;

    // Under older systems mixing owner-drawn and non-owner-drawn items results
    // in inconsistent margins, so we force this one to be owner-drawn if any
    // other items already are. Later we might want to use a boolean in the
    // wxMenu to avoid search. Also we might make this fix unnecessary by
    // getting the correct margin using NONCLIENTMETRICS.
    static const wxWinVersion winver = wxGetWinVersion();
    if ( winver < wxWinVersion_XP &&
            !pItem->IsOwnerDrawn() && !pItem->IsSeparator() )
        // Check if any other items are ownerdrawn, and make ownerdrawn if so
        wxMenuItemList::compatibility_iterator node = GetMenuItems().GetFirst();
        while (node)
            if (node->GetData()->IsOwnerDrawn())
            node = node->GetNext();
#endif // wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN

    // check if we have something more than a simple text item
    if ( pItem->IsOwnerDrawn() )
#ifndef __DMC__
        // MIIM_BITMAP only works under WinME/2000+ so we always use owner
        // drawn item under the previous versions and we also have to use them
        // in any case if the item has custom colours or font
        bool mustUseOwnerDrawn = winver < wxWinVersion_98 ||
                                 pItem->GetTextColour().Ok() ||
                                 pItem->GetBackgroundColour().Ok() ||
        if ( !mustUseOwnerDrawn )
            const wxBitmap& bmpUnchecked = pItem->GetBitmap(false),
                            bmpChecked = pItem->GetBitmap(true);
            if ( (bmpUnchecked.Ok() && !IsLessThanStdSize(bmpUnchecked)) ||
                    (bmpChecked.Ok() && !IsLessThanStdSize(bmpChecked)) )
                mustUseOwnerDrawn = true;

        // use InsertMenuItem() if possible as it's guaranteed to look correct
        // while our owner-drawn code is not
        if ( !mustUseOwnerDrawn )
            WinStruct<MENUITEMINFO> mii;
            mii.fMask = MIIM_STRING | MIIM_DATA;

            if ( pItem->GetBitmap().IsOk() )
                mii.fMask |= MIIM_BITMAP;
                mii.hbmpItem = GetHBitmapForMenu(pItem);

            if ( pItem->IsCheckable() )
                mii.fMask |= MIIM_CHECKMARKS;
                mii.hbmpChecked = GetHBitmapForMenu(pItem, true);
                mii.hbmpUnchecked = GetHBitmapForMenu(pItem, false);

            mii.cch = itemText.length();
            mii.dwTypeData = const_cast<wxChar *>(itemText.wx_str());

            if ( flags & MF_POPUP )
                mii.fMask |= MIIM_SUBMENU;
                mii.hSubMenu = GetHmenuOf(pItem->GetSubMenu());
                mii.fMask |= MIIM_ID;
                mii.wID = id;

            mii.dwItemData = reinterpret_cast<ULONG_PTR>(pItem);

            ok = ::InsertMenuItem(GetHmenu(), pos, TRUE /* by pos */, &mii);
            if ( !ok )
            else // InsertMenuItem() ok
                // we need to remove the extra indent which is reserved for
                // the checkboxes by default as it looks ugly unless check
                // boxes are used together with bitmaps and this is not the
                // case in wx API
                WinStruct<MENUINFO> mi;

                // don't call SetMenuInfo() directly, this would prevent
                // the app from starting up under Windows 95/NT 4
                typedef BOOL (WINAPI *SetMenuInfo_t)(HMENU, MENUINFO *);

                wxDynamicLibrary dllUser(wxT("user32"));
                wxDYNLIB_FUNCTION(SetMenuInfo_t, SetMenuInfo, dllUser);
                if ( pfnSetMenuInfo )
                    mi.fMask = MIM_STYLE;
                    mi.dwStyle = MNS_CHECKORBMP;
                    if ( !(*pfnSetMenuInfo)(GetHmenu(), &mi) )

                // tell the item that it's not really owner-drawn but only
                // needs to draw its bitmap, the rest is done by Windows
#endif // __DMC__

        if ( !ok )
            // item draws itself, pass pointer to it in data parameter
            flags |= MF_OWNERDRAW;
            pData = (LPCTSTR)pItem;
#endif // wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN
        // item is just a normal string (passed in data parameter)
        flags |= MF_STRING;

#ifdef __WXWINCE__
        itemText = wxMenuItem::GetLabelText(itemText);

        pData = (wxChar*)itemText.wx_str();

    // item might have already been inserted by InsertMenuItem() above
    if ( !ok )
        if ( !::InsertMenu(GetHmenu(), pos, flags | MF_BYPOSITION, id, pData) )

            return false;

    // if we just appended the title, highlight it
    if ( id == idMenuTitle )
        // visually select the menu title
        SetDefaultMenuItem(GetHmenu(), id);

    // if we're already attached to the menubar, we must update it
    if ( IsAttached() && GetMenuBar()->IsAttached() )

    return true;