コード例 #1
ファイル: emulator.cpp プロジェクト: mark711/Cafu
// 'Main program' equivalent: the program execution "starts" here
bool wxEmulatorApp::OnInit()
#if wxUSE_LOG
#endif // wxUSE_LOG

    wxString currentDir = wxGetCwd();

    // Use argv to get current app directory
    m_appDir = wxFindAppPath(argv[0], currentDir, wxT("WXEMUDIR"));

    // If the development version, go up a directory.
#ifdef __WXMSW__
    if ((m_appDir.Right(5).CmpNoCase(wxT("DEBUG")) == 0) ||
        (m_appDir.Right(11).CmpNoCase(wxT("DEBUGSTABLE")) == 0) ||
        (m_appDir.Right(7).CmpNoCase(wxT("RELEASE")) == 0) ||
        (m_appDir.Right(13).CmpNoCase(wxT("RELEASESTABLE")) == 0)
        m_appDir = wxPathOnly(m_appDir);

    // Parse the command-line parameters and options
    wxCmdLineParser parser(sg_cmdLineDesc, argc, argv);
    int res;
        wxLogNull log;
        res = parser.Parse();
    if (res == -1 || res > 0 || parser.Found(wxT("h")))
#ifdef __X__
        wxLog::SetActiveTarget(new wxLogStderr);
        return false;
    if (parser.Found(wxT("v")))
#ifdef __X__
        wxLog::SetActiveTarget(new wxLogStderr);
        wxString msg;
        msg.Printf(wxT("wxWidgets PDA Emulator (c) Julian Smart, 2002 Version %.2f, %s"), wxEMULATOR_VERSION, __DATE__);
        return false;
    if (parser.Found(wxT("u"), & m_displayNumber))
        // Should only be number, so strip out anything before
        // and including a : character
        if (m_displayNumber.Find(wxT(':')) != -1)
            m_displayNumber = m_displayNumber.AfterFirst(wxT(':'));
    if (parser.GetParamCount() == 0)
        m_emulatorInfo.m_emulatorFilename = wxT("default.wxe");
    else if (parser.GetParamCount() > 0)
        m_emulatorInfo.m_emulatorFilename = parser.GetParam(0);

    // Load the emulation info
    if (!LoadEmulator(m_appDir))
        //wxMessageBox(wxT("Sorry, could not load this emulator. Please check bitmaps are valid."));
        return false;

    // create the main application window
    wxEmulatorFrame *frame = new wxEmulatorFrame(wxT("wxEmulator"),
                                 wxPoint(50, 50), wxSize(450, 340));

    frame->SetStatusText(m_emulatorInfo.m_emulatorTitle, 0);

    wxString sizeStr;
    sizeStr.Printf(wxT("Screen: %dx%d"), (int) m_emulatorInfo.m_emulatorScreenSize.x,
            (int) m_emulatorInfo.m_emulatorScreenSize.y);
    frame->SetStatusText(sizeStr, 1);
#endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR

    m_containerWindow = new wxEmulatorContainer(frame, wxID_ANY);


    // and show it (the frames, unlike simple controls, are not shown when
    // created initially)

#ifdef __WXX11__
    m_xnestWindow = new wxAdoptedWindow;

    wxString cmd;
    cmd.Printf(wxT("Xnest :%s -geometry %dx%d"),
        (int) m_emulatorInfo.m_emulatorScreenSize.x,
        (int) m_emulatorInfo.m_emulatorScreenSize.y);

    // Asynchronously executes Xnest
    m_xnestPID = wxExecute(cmd);
    if (0 == m_xnestPID)
        wxMessageBox(wxT("Sorry, could not run Xnest. Please check your PATH."));
        return false;

    wxReparenter reparenter;
    if (!reparenter.WaitAndReparent(m_containerWindow, m_xnestWindow, wxT("Xnest")))
        wxMessageBox(wxT("Sorry, could not reparent Xnest.."));
        return false;


    // success: wxApp::OnRun() will be called which will enter the main message
    // loop and the application will run. If we returned false here, the
    // application would exit immediately.
    return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: aminvafaei/fibernavigator
bool MyApp::OnInit( void )
        SetAppName( APP_NAME );
        SetVendorName( APP_VENDOR );

        respath = wxFindAppPath( argv[0], wxGetCwd(), _T("FNPATH"), _T("fn") );

#ifdef __WXMSW__

        if (respath.Last() != '\\') respath += '\\';
        shaderPath = respath + _T("GLSL\\");
        iconsPath  = respath + _T("icons\\");
        int fd;
        FILE *fp;
        fd = _open_osfhandle( (long)GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), 0);
        fp = _fdopen( fd, "w" );
        *stdout = *fp;
        setvbuf( stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0 );

// TODO fix may not work.
#elif __WXMAC__

        // If we use the above code to get the same on OSX, I get a segfault somewhere
        // therefore I use the OSX native code here:

        // OSX only: Try to find the resource path...
        CFBundleRef mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
        CFURLRef resourcesURL = CFBundleCopyBundleURL( mainBundle );
        CFStringRef str = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath( resourcesURL, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle );
        CFRelease( resourcesURL );
        char path[ PATH_MAX ];

        CFStringGetCString( str, path, FILENAME_MAX, kCFStringEncodingASCII );
        CFRelease( str );
        fprintf( stderr, "%s", path );

        respath = wxString::FromAscii( path );

        respath += _T( "/Contents/Resources/" );
        shaderPath = respath + _T( "GLSL/" );
        iconsPath = respath + _T( "icons/" );
        std::cout << std::endl << iconsPath << std::endl;

        if ( respath.Last() != '/' )
            respath += '/';
        shaderPath = respath + _T("GLSL/");
        iconsPath = respath + _T("icons/");


        Logger::getInstance()->print( wxT( "Warning: This version of Fibernavigator is debug compiled." ), LOGLEVEL_DEBUG );
        Logger::getInstance()->print( wxT( "For better performance please compile a Release version."), LOGLEVEL_DEBUG );
        Logger::getInstance()->print( wxString::Format( wxT( "respath: %s" ), respath.c_str() ), LOGLEVEL_DEBUG );
        Logger::getInstance()->print( wxString::Format( wxT( "shader: %s" ), shaderPath.c_str() ), LOGLEVEL_DEBUG );

        // Create the main frame window
        frame = new MainFrame( wxT("Fiber Navigator"), wxPoint( 50, 50 ), wxSize( 800, 600 ) );
        SceneManager::getInstance()->setMainFrame( frame );
        SceneManager::getInstance()->setTreeCtrl( frame->m_pTreeWidget );

#ifdef __WXMSW__
        // Give it an icon (this is ignored in MDI mode: uses resources)
        frame->SetIcon( wxIcon( _T( "sashtest_icn" ) ) );

        frame->SetMinSize( wxSize( 800, 600 ) );
        frame->SetSize( wxSize( 1024, 768 ) );

        frame->Show( true );
        SetTopWindow( frame );

        wxString cmd;
        wxString cmdFileName;
        wxCmdLineParser cmdParser( desc, argc, argv );
        cmdParser.Parse( false );

        if ( cmdParser.GetParamCount() > 0 )
            Loader loader = Loader(frame, frame->m_pListCtrl );
            for ( size_t i = 0; i < cmdParser.GetParamCount(); ++i )
                cmd = cmdParser.GetParam( i );
                wxFileName fName( cmd );
                fName.Normalize( wxPATH_NORM_LONG | wxPATH_NORM_DOTS | wxPATH_NORM_TILDE | wxPATH_NORM_ABSOLUTE );
                cmdFileName = fName.GetFullPath();

                if ( cmdParser.Found(_T("d")) &&  ( i == 0 ) )
                    loader( cmdFileName );
                else if ( cmdParser.Found( _T( "p" ) ) &&  ( i == cmdParser.GetParamCount() -1 ) )
                    frame->screenshot( wxT( "" ), cmdFileName );
                    loader( cmdFileName );

        if ( cmdParser.Found( _T( "e" ) ) )
            exit( 0 );
        return true;

    catch ( ... )
        Logger::getInstance()->print( wxT( "Something went wrong, terribly wrong" ), LOGLEVEL_ERROR );
        return false;
    Logger::getInstance()->print( wxT( "End on init main" ), LOGLEVEL_DEBUG );
    wxFrame *the_frame = new wxFrame(NULL, 1, argv[0]);

    return true;