コード例 #1
ファイル: srchctrl.cpp プロジェクト: czxxjtu/wxPython-1
wxMacSearchFieldControl::wxMacSearchFieldControl( wxTextCtrl *wxPeer,
                         const wxString& str,
                         const wxPoint& pos,
                         const wxSize& size, long style ) : wxMacUnicodeTextControl( wxPeer )
    m_font = wxPeer->GetFont() ;
    m_windowStyle = style ;
    m_selection.selStart = m_selection.selEnd = 0;
    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( wxPeer , pos , size ) ;
    wxString st = str ;
    wxMacConvertNewlines10To13( &st ) ;
    wxCFStringRef cf(st , m_font.GetEncoding()) ;

    m_valueTag = kControlEditTextCFStringTag ;

    OptionBits attributes = kHISearchFieldAttributesSearchIcon;

    HIRect hibounds = { { bounds.left, bounds.top }, { bounds.right-bounds.left, bounds.bottom-bounds.top } };
    verify_noerr( HISearchFieldCreate(
        0, // MenuRef
        ) );
    HIViewSetVisible (m_controlRef, true);

    verify_noerr( SetData<CFStringRef>( 0, kControlEditTextCFStringTag , cf ) ) ;

    ::InstallControlEventHandler( m_controlRef, GetwxMacSearchControlEventHandlerUPP(),
        GetEventTypeCount(eventList), eventList, wxPeer, NULL);
コード例 #2
ファイル: cfstring.cpp プロジェクト: EdgarTx/wx
void wxMacConvertNewlines10To13( wxString * data )
    size_t len = data->Length() ;

    if ( data->Length() == 0 || wxStrchr(data->c_str(),0x0a)==NULL)
        return ;

    wxString temp(*data) ;
    wxStringBuffer buf(*data,len ) ;
    memcpy( buf , temp.c_str() , (len+1)*sizeof(wxChar) ) ;
    wxMacConvertNewlines10To13( buf ) ;
コード例 #3
ファイル: cfstring.cpp プロジェクト: jonntd/dynamica
wxString wxCFStringRef::AsString(wxFontEncoding WXUNUSED_IN_UNICODE(encoding))
    if ( !get() )
        return wxEmptyString ;

    Size cflen = CFStringGetLength( get() )  ;
    char* buf = NULL ;

    CFStringEncoding cfencoding = 0;
    wxString result;    
    cfencoding = kCFStringEncodingUTF32Native;
  #elif wxUSE_UNICODE_UTF8
    cfencoding = kCFStringEncodingUTF8;
    #error "unsupported unicode representation"
    cfencoding = wxMacGetSystemEncFromFontEnc( encoding );

    CFIndex cStrLen ;
    CFStringGetBytes( get() , CFRangeMake(0, cflen) , cfencoding ,
        '?' , false , NULL , 0 , &cStrLen ) ;
    buf = new char[ cStrLen ] ;
    CFStringGetBytes( get() , CFRangeMake(0, cflen) , cfencoding,
        '?' , false , (unsigned char*) buf , cStrLen , &cStrLen) ;
    result = wxString( (const wchar_t*) buf , cStrLen/4);
  #elif wxUSE_UNICODE_UTF8
    result = wxString::FromUTF8( buf, cStrLen );
    #error "unsupported unicode representation"
    result = wxString(buf, cStrLen) ;
    delete[] buf ;
    wxMacConvertNewlines10To13( &result);
    return result ;
コード例 #4
ファイル: cfstring.cpp プロジェクト: EdgarTx/wx
wxString wxMacCFStringHolder::AsString(wxFontEncoding encoding)
    if ( m_cfs == NULL )
        return wxEmptyString ;

    Size cflen = CFStringGetLength( m_cfs )  ;
    size_t noChars ;
    wxChar* buf = NULL ;

    buf = new wxChar[ cflen + 1 ] ;
    CFStringGetCharacters( m_cfs , CFRangeMake( 0 , cflen ) , (UniChar*) buf ) ;
    noChars = cflen ;
    UniChar* unibuf = new UniChar[ cflen + 1 ] ;
    CFStringGetCharacters( m_cfs , CFRangeMake( 0 , cflen ) , (UniChar*) unibuf ) ;
    unibuf[cflen] = 0 ;
    wxMBConvUTF16 converter ;
    noChars = converter.MB2WC( NULL , (const char*)unibuf , 0 ) ;
    wxASSERT_MSG( noChars != wxCONV_FAILED, _T("Unable to count the number of characters in this string!") );
    buf = new wxChar[ noChars + 1 ] ;
    noChars = converter.MB2WC( buf , (const char*)unibuf , noChars + 1 ) ;
    wxASSERT_MSG( noChars != wxCONV_FAILED, _T("Conversion of string failed!") );
    delete[] unibuf ;
    CFIndex cStrLen ;
    CFStringGetBytes( m_cfs , CFRangeMake(0, cflen) , wxMacGetSystemEncFromFontEnc( encoding ) ,
        '?' , false , NULL , 0 , &cStrLen ) ;
    buf = new wxChar[ cStrLen + 1 ] ;
    CFStringGetBytes( m_cfs , CFRangeMake(0, cflen) , wxMacGetSystemEncFromFontEnc( encoding ) ,
        '?' , false , (unsigned char*) buf , cStrLen , &cStrLen) ;
    noChars = cStrLen ;

    buf[noChars] = 0 ;
    wxMacConvertNewlines10To13( buf ) ;
    wxString result(buf) ;
    delete[] buf ;
    return result ;
コード例 #5
ファイル: cfstring.cpp プロジェクト: gitrider/wxsj2
wxString wxMacCFStringHolder::AsString(wxFontEncoding encoding)
    Size cflen = CFStringGetLength( m_cfs )  ;
    size_t noChars ;
    wxChar* buf = NULL ;

    buf = new wxChar[ cflen + 1 ] ;
    CFStringGetCharacters( m_cfs , CFRangeMake( 0 , cflen ) , (UniChar*) buf ) ;
    noChars = cflen ;
    UniChar* unibuf = new UniChar[ cflen + 1 ] ;
    CFStringGetCharacters( m_cfs , CFRangeMake( 0 , cflen ) , (UniChar*) unibuf ) ;
    unibuf[cflen] = 0 ;
    wxMBConvUTF16BE converter ;
    noChars = converter.MB2WC( NULL , (const char*)unibuf , 0 ) ;
    buf = new wxChar[ noChars + 1 ] ;
    converter.MB2WC( buf , (const char*)unibuf , noChars ) ;
    delete[] unibuf ;
    CFIndex cStrLen ;
    CFStringGetBytes( m_cfs , CFRangeMake(0, cflen) , wxMacGetSystemEncFromFontEnc( encoding ) ,
        '?' , false , NULL , 0 , &cStrLen ) ;
    buf = new wxChar[ cStrLen + 1 ] ;
    CFStringGetBytes( m_cfs , CFRangeMake(0, cflen) , wxMacGetSystemEncFromFontEnc( encoding ) ,
        '?' , false , (unsigned char*) buf , cStrLen , &cStrLen) ;
    noChars = cStrLen ;

    buf[noChars] = 0 ;
    wxMacConvertNewlines10To13( buf ) ;
    wxString result(buf) ;
    delete[] buf ;
    return result ;
コード例 #6
ファイル: dataobj.cpp プロジェクト: Bluehorn/wxPython
bool wxDataObject::GetFromPasteboard( void * pb )
    PasteboardRef pasteboard = (PasteboardRef) pb;
    size_t formatcount = GetFormatCount() + 1;
    wxDataFormat *array = new wxDataFormat[ formatcount ];
    array[0] = GetPreferredFormat();
    GetAllFormats( &array[1] );
    ItemCount itemCount = 0;
    wxString filenamesPassed;
    bool transferred = false;

    // we synchronize here once again, so we don't mind which flags get returned
    PasteboardSynchronize( pasteboard );

    OSStatus err = PasteboardGetItemCount( pasteboard, &itemCount );
    if ( err == noErr )
        for (size_t i = 0; !transferred && i < formatcount; i++)
            // go through the data in our order of preference
            wxDataFormat dataFormat = array[ i ];

            for( UInt32 itemIndex = 1; itemIndex <= itemCount && transferred == false ; itemIndex++ )
                PasteboardItemID    itemID = 0;
                CFArrayRef          flavorTypeArray = NULL;
                CFIndex             flavorCount = 0;

                err = PasteboardGetItemIdentifier( pasteboard, itemIndex, &itemID );
                if ( err != noErr )

                err = PasteboardCopyItemFlavors( pasteboard, itemID, &flavorTypeArray );
                if ( err != noErr )
                flavorCount = CFArrayGetCount( flavorTypeArray );

                for( CFIndex flavorIndex = 0; !transferred && flavorIndex < flavorCount ; flavorIndex++ )
                    CFStringRef             flavorType;
                    CFDataRef               flavorData;
                    CFIndex                 flavorDataSize;
                    flavorType = (CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( flavorTypeArray,
                                                                         flavorIndex );

                    // avoid utf8 being treated closer to plain-text than unicode by forcing a conversion
                    if ( UTTypeConformsTo(flavorType, CFSTR("public.utf8-plain-text") ) )
                        flavorType = CFSTR("public.utf16-plain-text");
                    wxDataFormat flavorFormat( (wxDataFormat::NativeFormat) flavorType );
                    if ( dataFormat == flavorFormat )
                        err = PasteboardCopyItemFlavorData( pasteboard, itemID, flavorType , &flavorData );
                        if ( err == noErr )
                            flavorDataSize = CFDataGetLength( flavorData );
                            if (dataFormat.GetType() == wxDF_FILENAME )
                                // revert the translation and decomposition to arrive at a proper utf8 string again
                                CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateWithBytes( kCFAllocatorDefault, CFDataGetBytePtr( flavorData ), flavorDataSize, kCFStringEncodingUTF8, NULL );
                                CFStringRef cfString = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath( url, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle );
                                CFRelease( url );
                                CFMutableStringRef cfMutableString = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, cfString);
                                CFRelease( cfString );
                                wxString path = wxMacCFStringHolder(cfMutableString).AsString();
                                if (!path.empty())
                                    filenamesPassed += path + wxT("\n");
                                // because some data implementation expect trailing a trailing NUL, we add some headroom
                                void *buf = malloc( flavorDataSize + 4 );
                                if ( buf )
                                    memset( buf, 0, flavorDataSize + 4 );
                                    memcpy( buf, CFDataGetBytePtr( flavorData ), flavorDataSize );
                                    if (dataFormat.GetType() == wxDF_TEXT)
                                        wxMacConvertNewlines10To13( (char*) buf );
                                    SetData( flavorFormat, flavorDataSize, buf );
                                    transferred = true;
                                    free( buf );
                            CFRelease (flavorData);
                    else if ( dataFormat.GetType() == wxDF_UNICODETEXT && flavorFormat.GetType() == wxDF_TEXT )
                        err = PasteboardCopyItemFlavorData( pasteboard, itemID, flavorType, &flavorData );
                        if ( err == noErr )
                            flavorDataSize = CFDataGetLength( flavorData );
                            void *asciibuf = malloc( flavorDataSize + 1 );
                            if ( asciibuf )
                                memset( asciibuf, 0, flavorDataSize + 1 );
                                memcpy( asciibuf, CFDataGetBytePtr( flavorData ), flavorDataSize );
                                CFRelease (flavorData);

                                SetData( wxDF_TEXT, flavorDataSize, asciibuf );
                                transferred = true;
                                free( asciibuf );
                                CFRelease (flavorData);
                CFRelease( flavorTypeArray );
            if (filenamesPassed.length() > 0)
                wxCharBuffer buf = filenamesPassed.fn_str();
                SetData( wxDF_FILENAME, strlen( buf ), (const char*)buf );
                transferred = true;
    return transferred;
コード例 #7
ファイル: dataobj.cpp プロジェクト: lukesingh24/wxWidgets
bool wxDataObject::GetFromPasteboard( void * pb )
    PasteboardRef pasteboard = (PasteboardRef) pb;

    size_t formatcount = GetFormatCount(wxDataObject::Set);
    wxDataFormat *array = new wxDataFormat[ formatcount ];
    GetAllFormats(array, wxDataObject::Set);
    ItemCount itemCount = 0;
    wxString filenamesPassed;
    bool transferred = false;
    bool pastelocationset = false;

    // we synchronize here once again, so we don't mind which flags get returned
    PasteboardSynchronize( pasteboard );

    OSStatus err = PasteboardGetItemCount( pasteboard, &itemCount );
    if ( err == noErr )
        for (size_t i = 0; !transferred && i < formatcount; i++)
            // go through the data in our order of preference
            wxDataFormat dataFormat = array[ i ];

            for( UInt32 itemIndex = 1; itemIndex <= itemCount && transferred == false ; itemIndex++ )
                PasteboardItemID    itemID = 0;
                CFArrayRef          flavorTypeArray = NULL;
                CFIndex             flavorCount = 0;

                err = PasteboardGetItemIdentifier( pasteboard, itemIndex, &itemID );
                if ( err != noErr )

                err = PasteboardCopyItemFlavors( pasteboard, itemID, &flavorTypeArray );
                if ( err != noErr )

                flavorCount = CFArrayGetCount( flavorTypeArray );

                for( CFIndex flavorIndex = 0; !transferred && flavorIndex < flavorCount ; flavorIndex++ )
                    CFStringRef             flavorType;
                    CFDataRef               flavorData;
                    CFIndex                 flavorDataSize;

                    flavorType = (CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( flavorTypeArray,
                                                                         flavorIndex );

                    wxDataFormat flavorFormat( (wxDataFormat::NativeFormat) flavorType );

                    if ( dataFormat == flavorFormat )
                        if ( UTTypeConformsTo( (CFStringRef)flavorType, kPasteboardTypeFileURLPromise) )
                            if ( !pastelocationset )
                                wxString tempdir = wxFileName::GetTempDir() + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + "wxtemp.XXXXXX";
                                char* result = mkdtemp((char*)tempdir.fn_str().data());
                                if (!result)
                                wxCFRef<CFURLRef> dest(CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation(NULL,(const UInt8*)result,strlen(result),true));
                                PasteboardSetPasteLocation(pasteboard, dest);
                                pastelocationset = true;
                        else if ( flavorFormat.GetType() != wxDF_PRIVATE )
                            // indicate the expected format for the type, benefiting from native conversions eg utf8 -> utf16
                            flavorType = (CFStringRef) wxDataFormat( flavorFormat.GetType()).GetFormatId();
                        err = PasteboardCopyItemFlavorData( pasteboard, itemID, flavorType , &flavorData );
                        if ( err == noErr )
                            flavorDataSize = CFDataGetLength( flavorData );
                            if (dataFormat.GetType() == wxDF_FILENAME )
                                 // revert the translation and decomposition to arrive at a proper utf8 string again
                                CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateWithBytes( kCFAllocatorDefault, CFDataGetBytePtr( flavorData ), flavorDataSize, kCFStringEncodingUTF8, NULL );
                                CFStringRef cfString = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath( url, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle );
                                CFRelease( url );
                                CFMutableStringRef cfMutableString = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, cfString);
                                CFRelease( cfString );
                                wxString path = wxCFStringRef(cfMutableString).AsString();
                                if (!path.empty())
                                    filenamesPassed += path + wxT("\n");
                                // because some data implementation expect trailing a trailing NUL, we add some headroom
                                void *buf = malloc( flavorDataSize + 4 );
                                if ( buf )
                                    memset( buf, 0, flavorDataSize + 4 );
                                    memcpy( buf, CFDataGetBytePtr( flavorData ), flavorDataSize );

                                    if (dataFormat.GetType() == wxDF_TEXT)
                                        wxMacConvertNewlines10To13( (char*) buf );
                                    SetData( flavorFormat, flavorDataSize, buf );
                                    transferred = true;
                                    free( buf );
                            CFRelease (flavorData);
                    else if ( dataFormat.GetType() == wxDF_UNICODETEXT && flavorFormat.GetType() == wxDF_TEXT )
                        err = PasteboardCopyItemFlavorData( pasteboard, itemID, flavorType, &flavorData );
                        if ( err == noErr )
                            flavorDataSize = CFDataGetLength( flavorData );
                            void *asciibuf = malloc( flavorDataSize + 1 );
                            if ( asciibuf )
                                memset( asciibuf, 0, flavorDataSize + 1 );
                                memcpy( asciibuf, CFDataGetBytePtr( flavorData ), flavorDataSize );
                                CFRelease (flavorData);

                                SetData( wxDF_TEXT, flavorDataSize, asciibuf );
                                transferred = true;
                                free( asciibuf );
                                CFRelease (flavorData);
                CFRelease( flavorTypeArray );
            if ( !filenamesPassed.empty() )
                wxCharBuffer buf = filenamesPassed.fn_str();
                SetData( wxDF_FILENAME, strlen( buf ), (const char*)buf );
                transferred = true;
    return transferred;