コード例 #1
ファイル: fontutil.cpp プロジェクト: CodeSmithyIDE/wxWidgets
bool wxNativeFontInfo::SetFaceName(const wxString& facename)
    pango_font_description_set_family(description, wxPANGO_CONV(facename));

    // we return true because Pango doesn't tell us if the call failed or not;
    // instead on wxGTK wxFont::SetFaceName() will call wxFontBase::SetFaceName()
    // which does the check
    return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: fontutil.cpp プロジェクト: CodeSmithyIDE/wxWidgets
bool wxNativeFontInfo::FromString(const wxString& s)
    wxString str(s);

    // Pango font description doesn't have 'underlined' or 'strikethrough'
    // attributes, so we handle them specially by extracting them from the
    // string before passing it to Pango.
    m_underlined = str.StartsWith(wxS("underlined "), &str);
    m_strikethrough = str.StartsWith(wxS("strikethrough "), &str);

    if (description)
        pango_font_description_free( description );

    // there is a bug in at least pango <= 1.13 which makes it (or its backends)
    // segfault for very big point sizes and for negative point sizes.
    // To workaround that bug for pango <= 1.13
    // (see http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=340229)
    // we do the check on the size here using same (arbitrary) limits used by
    // pango > 1.13. Note that the segfault could happen also for pointsize
    // smaller than this limit !!
    const size_t pos = str.find_last_of(wxS(" "));
    double size;
    if ( pos != wxString::npos && wxString(str, pos + 1).ToDouble(&size) )
        wxString sizeStr;
        if ( size < 1 )
            sizeStr = wxS("1");
        else if ( size >= 1E6 )
            sizeStr = wxS("1E6");

        if ( !sizeStr.empty() )
            // replace the old size with the adjusted one
            str = wxString(s, 0, pos) + sizeStr;

    description = pango_font_description_from_string(wxPANGO_CONV(str));

    // ensure a valid facename is selected
    if (!wxFontEnumerator::IsValidFacename(GetFaceName()))
#endif // wxUSE_FONTENUM

    return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: fontutil.cpp プロジェクト: EdgarTx/wx
bool wxNativeFontInfo::FromString(const wxString& s)
    if (description)
        pango_font_description_free( description );

    // there is a bug in at least pango <= 1.13 which makes it (or its backends)
    // segfault for very big point sizes and for negative point sizes.
    // To workaround that bug for pango <= 1.13
    // (see http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=340229)
    // we do the check on the size here using same (arbitrary) limits used by
    // pango > 1.13. Note that the segfault could happen also for pointsize
    // smaller than this limit !!
    wxString str(s);
    const size_t pos = str.find_last_of(_T(" "));
    double size;
    if ( pos != wxString::npos && wxString(str, pos + 1).ToDouble(&size) )
        wxString sizeStr;
        if ( size < 1 )
            sizeStr = _T("1");
        else if ( size >= 1E6 )
            sizeStr = _T("1E6");

        if ( !sizeStr.empty() )
            // replace the old size with the adjusted one
            str = wxString(s, 0, pos) + sizeStr;

    description = pango_font_description_from_string(wxPANGO_CONV(str));

    // ensure a valid facename is selected
    if (!wxFontEnumerator::IsValidFacename(GetFaceName()))

    return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: fontutil.cpp プロジェクト: EdgarTx/wx
bool wxNativeFontInfo::SetFaceName(const wxString& facename)
    pango_font_description_set_family(description, wxPANGO_CONV(facename));
    return true;