コード例 #1
bool MusikTaskBarIcon::SetIcon(const wxIcon& icon,
                     const wxString& tooltip )
    bool bRes = false;
#ifndef __WXMSW__
    bRes =  wxTaskBarIcon::SetIcon(icon,tooltip);
    if(m_dwShellDllVersion < PACKVERSION(5,00))
        bRes =  wxTaskBarIcon::SetIcon(icon,tooltip);
        // we can use NOTIFYICONDATA V2,where the szTip has 128 chars instead of 64
        bRes =  wxTaskBarIcon::SetIcon(icon,wxEmptyString);//just set the icon.
        {// now set the tooltip text with the help of NOTIFYICONDATA V2 struct.
            NOTIFYICONDATA nid;
            nid.cbSize = NOTIFYICONDATAW_V2_SIZE;
            nid.hWnd = (HWND)m_win->GetHWND();
            nid.uID = 99;
            nid.uFlags = NIF_TIP;
            wxStrncpy(nid.szTip, tooltip.c_str(), WXSIZEOF(nid.szTip));
            Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_MODIFY, &nid);
    return bRes;
コード例 #2
bool wxGetFullHostName(wxChar *buf, int sz)
    bool ok = wxGetHostNameInternal(buf, sz);

    if ( ok )
        if ( !wxStrchr(buf, wxT('.')) )
            struct hostent *host = gethostbyname(wxConvertWX2MB(buf));
            if ( !host )
                wxLogSysError(_("Cannot get the official hostname"));

                ok = false;
                // the canonical name
                wxStrncpy(buf, wxConvertMB2WX(host->h_name), sz);
        //else: it's already a FQDN (BSD behaves this way)

    return ok;
コード例 #3
ファイル: debughlp.cpp プロジェクト: jfiguinha/Regards
wxEnumSymbolsCallback(PSYMBOL_INFO pSymInfo, ULONG SymbolSize, PVOID UserContext)
        bridge = *static_cast<wxEnumSymbolsCallbackBridge*>(UserContext);

    const wxWCharBuffer buf = wxConvLocal.cMB2WC(pSymInfo->Name);
    const size_t len = buf.length();

    // Allocate enough space for the wide char version of the struct.
    // Note that there is no +1 here because sizeof(SYMBOL_INFOW) already
    // includes 1 byte of the name.
    wxScopedArray<BYTE> symbolBuffer(sizeof(SYMBOL_INFOW) + len*sizeof(WCHAR));

    SYMBOL_INFOW* const infoW = (SYMBOL_INFOW*)symbolBuffer.get();

    // Copy the original struct contents except for the last byte, which is the
    // first byte of its (narrow) name that we don't need.
    CopyMemory(infoW, pSymInfo, sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO) - sizeof(CHAR));

    // Size is different for narrow and wide variants of the struct, so fix it
    // up now.
    infoW->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFOW);

    // Finally copy the converted name, which is the reason for doing all this.
    wxStrncpy(infoW->Name, buf.data(), len);

    return (*bridge.m_callback)(infoW, SymbolSize, bridge.m_data);
コード例 #4
bool wxTestFontEncoding(
  const wxNativeEncodingInfo&       rInfo
    FATTRS                          vLogFont;
    HPS                             hPS;

    hPS = ::WinGetPS(HWND_DESKTOP);

    memset(&vLogFont, '\0', sizeof(FATTRS));           // all default values
    vLogFont.usRecordLength = sizeof(FATTRS);
    vLogFont.usCodePage = rInfo.charset;
    vLogFont.lMaxBaselineExt = 0L;                    // Outline fonts should use 0
    vLogFont.lAveCharWidth = 0L;                      // Outline fonts should use 0
    vLogFont.fsFontUse = FATTR_FONTUSE_OUTLINE |      // only outline fonts allowed
                         FATTR_FONTUSE_TRANSFORMABLE; // may be transformed

    wxStrncpy((wxChar*)vLogFont.szFacename, rInfo.facename.c_str(), WXSIZEOF(vLogFont.szFacename));

    if (!::GpiCreateLogFont( hPS
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
} // end of wxTestFontEncoding
コード例 #5
bool wxGetClipboardFormatName(wxDataFormat dataFormat, char *formatName,
                              int maxCount)
    wxStrncpy( formatName, dataFormat.GetId().c_str(), maxCount );

    return true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: utils.cpp プロジェクト: 252525fb/rpcs3
// Get hostname only (without domain name)
bool wxGetHostName(wxChar *WXUNUSED_IN_WINCE(buf),
                   int WXUNUSED_IN_WINCE(maxSize))
#if defined(__WXWINCE__)
    // TODO-CE
    return false;
#elif defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(__WXMICROWIN__)
    DWORD nSize = maxSize;
    if ( !::GetComputerName(buf, &nSize) )

        return false;

    return true;
    wxChar *sysname;
    const wxChar *default_host = wxT("noname");

    if ((sysname = wxGetenv(wxT("SYSTEM_NAME"))) == NULL) {
        GetProfileString(WX_SECTION, eHOSTNAME, default_host, buf, maxSize - 1);
    } else
        wxStrncpy(buf, sysname, maxSize - 1);
    buf[maxSize] = wxT('\0');
    return *buf ? true : false;
コード例 #7
// retrieve either the hostname or FQDN depending on platform (caller must
// check whether it's one or the other, this is why this function is for
// private use only)
static bool wxGetHostNameInternal(wxChar *buf, int sz)
    wxCHECK_MSG( buf, false, wxT("NULL pointer in wxGetHostNameInternal") );

    *buf = wxT('\0');

    // we're using uname() which is POSIX instead of less standard sysinfo()
#if defined(HAVE_UNAME)
    struct utsname uts;
    bool ok = uname(&uts) != -1;
    if ( ok )
        wxStrncpy(buf, wxConvertMB2WX(uts.nodename), sz - 1);
        buf[sz] = wxT('\0');
#elif defined(HAVE_GETHOSTNAME)
    bool ok = gethostname(buf, sz) != -1;
#else // no uname, no gethostname
    wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("don't know host name for this machine"));

    bool ok = false;
#endif // uname/gethostname

    if ( !ok )
        wxLogSysError(_("Cannot get the hostname"));

    return ok;
コード例 #8
ファイル: utils.cpp プロジェクト: gitrider/wxsj2
// Get user name e.g. Julian Smart
bool wxGetUserName(wxChar *buf, int maxSize)
    *buf = wxT('\0');

    // buffer allocation
    MemHandle handle = MemHandleNew(maxSize-1);
    if( handle == NULL )
        return false;

    // lock the buffer
    char *id = (char *)MemHandleLock(handle);
    if( id == NULL )
        return false;

    // get user's name
    if( DlkGetSyncInfo(NULL, NULL, NULL, id, NULL, NULL) != errNone )
        return false;

    wxStrncpy (buf, wxConvertMB2WX(id), maxSize - 1);

    // free the buffer

    return true;
コード例 #9
ファイル: utils.cpp プロジェクト: czxxjtu/wxPython-1
bool wxGetUserName( wxChar* zBuf, int nMaxSize )
#ifdef USE_NET_API
    wxGetUserId( zBuf, nMaxSize );
    wxStrncpy(zBuf, _T("Unknown User"), nMaxSize);
    return true;
コード例 #10
void BugsGridTable::SetValue( int row, int col, const wxString& value )
    BugsGridData& gd = gs_dataBugsGrid[row];

    switch ( col )
        case Col_Id:
        case Col_Priority:
        case Col_Opened:
            wxFAIL_MSG(_T("unexpected column"));

        case Col_Severity:
                size_t n;
                for ( n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(severities); n++ )
                    if ( severities[n] == value )
                        gd.severity = (Severity)n;

                if ( n == WXSIZEOF(severities) )
                    wxLogWarning(_T("Invalid severity value '%s'."),
                    gd.severity = Sev_Normal;

        case Col_Summary:
            wxStrncpy(gd.summary, value, WXSIZEOF(gd.summary));

        case Col_Platform:
            wxStrncpy(gd.platform, value, WXSIZEOF(gd.platform));
コード例 #11
ファイル: utilscmn.cpp プロジェクト: 252525fb/rpcs3
// Get Full RFC822 style email address
bool wxGetEmailAddress(wxChar *address, int maxSize)
    wxString email = wxGetEmailAddress();
    if ( !email )
        return false;

    wxStrncpy(address, email, maxSize - 1);
    address[maxSize - 1] = wxT('\0');

    return true;
コード例 #12
bool wxGetUserName(wxChar *buf, int sz)
    struct passwd *who;

    *buf = wxT('\0');
    if ((who = getpwuid (getuid ())) != NULL)
        // pw_gecos field in struct passwd is not standard
       char *comma = strchr(who->pw_gecos, ',');
       if (comma)
           *comma = '\0'; // cut off non-name comment fields
       wxStrncpy (buf, wxConvertMB2WX(who->pw_gecos), sz - 1);
#else // !HAVE_PW_GECOS
       wxStrncpy (buf, wxConvertMB2WX(who->pw_name), sz - 1);
       return true;

    return false;
コード例 #13
bool wxGetUserId(wxChar *buf, int sz)
    struct passwd *who;

    *buf = wxT('\0');
    if ((who = getpwuid(getuid ())) != NULL)
        wxStrncpy (buf, wxConvertMB2WX(who->pw_name), sz - 1);
        return true;

    return false;
コード例 #14
bool MusikTaskBarIcon::ShowBalloonInfo(const wxString &sTitle,const wxString & sText)
    bool bRes = true;
    if(m_dwShellDllVersion >= PACKVERSION(5,00))
        nid.cbSize = NOTIFYICONDATAW_V2_SIZE;
        nid.hWnd = (HWND)m_win->GetHWND();
        nid.uID = 99;
        nid.uFlags = NIF_INFO;
        wxStrncpy(nid.szInfo, sText.c_str(), WXSIZEOF(nid.szInfo));
        wxStrncpy(nid.szInfoTitle, sTitle.c_str(), WXSIZEOF(nid.szInfoTitle));
        nid.dwInfoFlags = NIIF_NOSOUND|NIIF_INFO;
        nid.uTimeout = 5000;

        Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_MODIFY, &nid);
        return false;

    return bRes;
コード例 #15
void BalloonTaskBar::ShowBalloon(wxString title, wxString msg, int
		    iconID, unsigned int timeout) {

	wxConfigBase* config = wxConfigBase::Get(true);

	long show_notification = config->Read(_T("SHOW_NOTIFICATION"), 1L);

	if (show_notification == 0)

        nid.cbSize = sizeof(nid);
        nid.hWnd = (HWND)m_win->GetHWND();
        nid.uID = 99;
        nid.uFlags = NIF_INFO;
        wxStrncpy(nid.szInfo, msg.c_str(), WXSIZEOF(nid.szInfo));
        wxStrncpy(nid.szInfoTitle, title.c_str(), WXSIZEOF(nid.szInfoTitle));
        nid.dwInfoFlags = iconID | NIIF_NOSOUND;
        nid.uTimeout = timeout;

        Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_MODIFY, &nid);

コード例 #16
ファイル: utils.cpp プロジェクト: czxxjtu/wxPython-1
// Get full hostname (eg. DoDo.BSn-Germany.crg.de)
bool wxGetHostName( wxChar* zBuf, int nMaxSize )
    if (!zBuf) return false;

#if defined(wxUSE_NET_API) && wxUSE_NET_API
    char           zServer[256];
    char           zComputer[256];
    unsigned long  ulLevel = 0;
    unsigned char* zBuffer = NULL;
    unsigned long  ulBuffer = 256;
    unsigned long* pulTotalAvail = NULL;

    NetBios32GetInfo( (const unsigned char*)zServer
                     ,(const unsigned char*)zComputer
    strcpy(zBuf, zServer);
    wxChar*        zSysname;
    const wxChar*  zDefaultHost = _T("noname");

    if ((zSysname = wxGetenv(_T("SYSTEM_NAME"))) == NULL)
        ::PrfQueryProfileString( HINI_PROFILE
                                ,(ULONG)nMaxSize - 1
        wxStrncpy(zBuf, zSysname, nMaxSize - 1);

    zBuf[nMaxSize] = _T('\0');

    return *zBuf ? true : false;
コード例 #17
FirebirdParameter::FirebirdParameter(FirebirdInterface* pInterface, XSQLVAR* pVar, const wxString& strValue, const wxCSConv* conv)
  m_pInterface = pInterface;
  m_pParameter = pVar;
  m_strValue = strValue;


  // Set to SQL_TEXT manually
  m_pParameter->sqltype = SQL_TEXT;
  wxCharBuffer valueBuffer = ConvertToUnicodeStream(m_strValue);
  size_t length = GetEncodedStreamLength(m_strValue);
  wxStrncpy((wxChar*)m_pParameter->sqldata, (wxChar*)(const char*)valueBuffer, length);
  //(char*)(m_pParameter->sqldata) = valueBuffer;
  m_pParameter->sqllen = length;

  m_nNullFlag = 0;
  m_pParameter->sqlind = &m_nNullFlag; // NULL indicator
コード例 #18
ファイル: fontutil.cpp プロジェクト: ACanadianKernel/pcsx2
bool wxTestFontEncoding(const wxNativeEncodingInfo& info)
    // try to create such font
    LOGFONT lf;
    wxZeroMemory(lf);       // all default values

    lf.lfCharSet = (BYTE)info.charset;
    wxStrncpy(lf.lfFaceName, info.facename, WXSIZEOF(lf.lfFaceName));

    HFONT hfont = ::CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
    if ( !hfont )
        // no such font
        return false;


    return true;
コード例 #19
ファイル: strvararg.cpp プロジェクト: NullNoname/dolphin
    void CopyAllBefore()
        wxASSERT_MSG( m_fmtOrig && m_fmt.data() == NULL, "logic error" );

        // the modified format string is guaranteed to be no longer than
        // 3/2 of the original (worst case: the entire format string consists
        // of "%s" repeated and is expanded to "%ls" on Unix), so we can
        // allocate the buffer now and not worry about running out of space if
        // we over-allocate a bit:
        size_t fmtLen = wxStrlen(m_fmtOrig);
        // worst case is of even length, so there's no rounding error in *3/2:
        m_fmt.extend(fmtLen * 3 / 2);

        if ( m_nCopied > 0 )
            wxStrncpy(m_fmt.data(), m_fmtOrig, m_nCopied);
        m_fmtLast = m_fmt.data() + m_nCopied;

        // we won't need it any longer and resetting it also indicates that we
        // modified the format
        m_fmtOrig = NULL;
コード例 #20
ファイル: utils.cpp プロジェクト: 252525fb/rpcs3
// Get user ID e.g. jacs
bool wxGetUserId(wxChar *WXUNUSED_IN_WINCE(buf),
                 int WXUNUSED_IN_WINCE(maxSize))
#if defined(__WXWINCE__)
    // TODO-CE
    return false;
#elif defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(__WXMICROWIN__)
    DWORD nSize = maxSize;
    if ( ::GetUserName(buf, &nSize) == 0 )
        // actually, it does happen on Win9x if the user didn't log on
        DWORD res = ::GetEnvironmentVariable(wxT("username"), buf, maxSize);
        if ( res == 0 )
            // not found
            return false;

    return true;
#else   // __WXMICROWIN__
    wxChar *user;
    const wxChar *default_id = wxT("anonymous");

    // Can't assume we have NIS (PC-NFS) or some other ID daemon
    // So we ...
    if ( (user = wxGetenv(wxT("USER"))) == NULL &&
         (user = wxGetenv(wxT("LOGNAME"))) == NULL )
        // Use wxWidgets configuration data (comming soon)
        GetProfileString(WX_SECTION, eUSERID, default_id, buf, maxSize - 1);
        wxStrncpy(buf, user, maxSize - 1);

    return *buf ? true : false;
コード例 #21
ファイル: utils.cpp プロジェクト: 252525fb/rpcs3
// Get user name e.g. Julian Smart
bool wxGetUserName(wxChar *buf, int maxSize)
    wxCHECK_MSG( buf && ( maxSize > 0 ), false,
                    _T("empty buffer in wxGetUserName") );
#if defined(__WXWINCE__)
    wxLogNull noLog;
    wxRegKey key(wxRegKey::HKCU, wxT("ControlPanel\\Owner"));
        return false;
    wxString name;
        return false;
    wxStrncpy(buf, name.c_str(), maxSize-1);
    buf[maxSize-1] = _T('\0');
    return true;
#elif defined(USE_NET_API)
    CHAR szUserName[256];
    if ( !wxGetUserId(szUserName, WXSIZEOF(szUserName)) )
        return false;

    // TODO how to get the domain name?
    CHAR *szDomain = "";

    // the code is based on the MSDN example (also see KB article Q119670)
    WCHAR wszUserName[256];          // Unicode user name
    WCHAR wszDomain[256];
    LPBYTE ComputerName;

    USER_INFO_2 *ui2;         // User structure

    // Convert ANSI user name and domain to Unicode
    MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, szUserName, strlen(szUserName)+1,
            wszUserName, WXSIZEOF(wszUserName) );
    MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, szDomain, strlen(szDomain)+1,
            wszDomain, WXSIZEOF(wszDomain) );

    // Get the computer name of a DC for the domain.
    if ( NetGetDCName( NULL, wszDomain, &ComputerName ) != NERR_Success )
        wxLogError(wxT("Can not find domain controller"));

        goto error;

    // Look up the user on the DC
    NET_API_STATUS status = NetUserGetInfo( (LPWSTR)ComputerName,
            2, // level - we want USER_INFO_2
            (LPBYTE *) &ui2 );
    switch ( status )
        case NERR_Success:
            // ok

        case NERR_InvalidComputer:
            wxLogError(wxT("Invalid domain controller name."));

            goto error;

        case NERR_UserNotFound:
            wxLogError(wxT("Invalid user name '%s'."), szUserName);

            goto error;

            wxLogSysError(wxT("Can't get information about user"));

            goto error;

    // Convert the Unicode full name to ANSI
    WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, ui2->usri2_full_name, -1,
            buf, maxSize, NULL, NULL );

    return true;

    wxLogError(wxT("Couldn't look up full user name."));

    return false;
#else  // !USE_NET_API
    // Could use NIS, MS-Mail or other site specific programs
    // Use wxWidgets configuration data
    bool ok = GetProfileString(WX_SECTION, eUSERNAME, wxEmptyString, buf, maxSize - 1) != 0;
    if ( !ok )
        ok = wxGetUserId(buf, maxSize);

    if ( !ok )
        wxStrncpy(buf, wxT("Unknown User"), maxSize);

    return true;
#endif // Win32/16
コード例 #22
ファイル: utils.cpp プロジェクト: 252525fb/rpcs3
// get full hostname (with domain name if possible)
bool wxGetFullHostName(wxChar *buf, int maxSize)
    // TODO should use GetComputerNameEx() when available

    // we don't want to always link with Winsock DLL as we might not use it at
    // all, so load it dynamically here if needed (and don't complain if it is
    // missing, we handle this)
    wxLogNull noLog;

    wxDynamicLibrary dllWinsock(_T("ws2_32.dll"), wxDL_VERBATIM);
    if ( dllWinsock.IsLoaded() )
        typedef int (PASCAL *WSAStartup_t)(WORD, WSADATA *);
        typedef int (PASCAL *gethostname_t)(char *, int);
        typedef hostent* (PASCAL *gethostbyname_t)(const char *);
        typedef hostent* (PASCAL *gethostbyaddr_t)(const char *, int , int);
        typedef int (PASCAL *WSACleanup_t)(void);

        #define LOAD_WINSOCK_FUNC(func)                                       \
            func ## _t                                                        \
                pfn ## func = (func ## _t)dllWinsock.GetSymbol(_T(#func))


        WSADATA wsa;
        if ( pfnWSAStartup && pfnWSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &wsa) == 0 )

            wxString host;
            if ( pfngethostname )
                char bufA[256];
                if ( pfngethostname(bufA, WXSIZEOF(bufA)) == 0 )
                    // gethostname() won't usually include the DNS domain name,
                    // for this we need to work a bit more
                    if ( !strchr(bufA, '.') )

                        struct hostent *pHostEnt = pfngethostbyname
                                                    ? pfngethostbyname(bufA)
                                                    : NULL;

                        if ( pHostEnt )
                            // Windows will use DNS internally now

                            pHostEnt = pfngethostbyaddr
                                        ? pfngethostbyaddr(pHostEnt->h_addr,
                                                           4, AF_INET)
                                        : NULL;

                        if ( pHostEnt )
                            host = wxString::FromAscii(pHostEnt->h_name);

            if ( pfnWSACleanup )

            if ( !host.empty() )
                wxStrncpy(buf, host, maxSize);

                return true;
#endif // !__WXMICROWIN__

    return wxGetHostName(buf, maxSize);
コード例 #23
ファイル: log.cpp プロジェクト: madnessw/thesnow
// get error message from system
const wxChar *wxSysErrorMsg(unsigned long nErrCode)
    if ( nErrCode == 0 )
        nErrCode = wxSysErrorCode();

#if defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WXMICROWIN__)
    static wxChar s_szBuf[1024];

    // get error message from system
    LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
    if ( ::FormatMessage
         ) == 0 )
        // if this happens, something is seriously wrong, so don't use _() here
        // for safety
        wxSprintf(s_szBuf, _T("unknown error %lx"), nErrCode);
        return s_szBuf;

    // copy it to our buffer and free memory
    // Crashes on SmartPhone (FIXME)
#if !defined(__SMARTPHONE__) /* of WinCE */
    if( lpMsgBuf != 0 )
        wxStrncpy(s_szBuf, (const wxChar *)lpMsgBuf, WXSIZEOF(s_szBuf) - 1);
        s_szBuf[WXSIZEOF(s_szBuf) - 1] = wxT('\0');


        // returned string is capitalized and ended with '\r\n' - bad
        s_szBuf[0] = (wxChar)wxTolower(s_szBuf[0]);
        size_t len = wxStrlen(s_szBuf);
        if ( len > 0 ) {
            // truncate string
            if ( s_szBuf[len - 2] == wxT('\r') )
                s_szBuf[len - 2] = wxT('\0');
#endif // !__SMARTPHONE__
        s_szBuf[0] = wxT('\0');

    return s_szBuf;
#else // !__WXMSW__
    #if wxUSE_UNICODE
        static wchar_t s_wzBuf[1024];
        wxConvCurrent->MB2WC(s_wzBuf, strerror((int)nErrCode),
                             WXSIZEOF(s_wzBuf) - 1);
        return s_wzBuf;
        return strerror((int)nErrCode);
#endif  // __WXMSW__/!__WXMSW__
コード例 #24
ファイル: url_api.cpp プロジェクト: caicry/wxUrlRefresh
int CProxyParse::RunFromMem( wxString content )
	char *pBuffer;
	//wxString path = wxT("f:/work/windows/wxUrlRefresh/data/最新透明HTTP代理服务器.htm");
	//wxString path1 = wxT("f:/work/windows/wxUrlRefresh/data/result.xml");

	wxString data_path = wxGetCwd() + "/data/";
	wxString path1 = data_path + "_tmp.xml";

	if (!wxDirExists(data_path))

	pBuffer = (char*)calloc(content.Length()+1, 1);
	wxStrncpy(pBuffer, content, content.Len()+1);

	wxLogMessage("Run Tidy!");
	TidyBuffer output;
	TidyBuffer errbuf;
	int rc = -1;
	Bool ok;
	TidyDoc tdoc = tidyCreate();                     // Initialize "document"
	tidyBufInit( &output );
	tidyBufInit( &errbuf );
	//printf( "Tidying:\t\%s\\n", input );
	tidySetCharEncoding(tdoc, "utf8");
	ok = tidyOptSetBool( tdoc, TidyXhtmlOut, yes );  // Convert to XHTML
	if ( ok )
		rc = tidySetErrorBuffer( tdoc, &errbuf );      // Capture diagnostics
	if ( rc >= 0 )
		rc = tidyParseString( tdoc, pBuffer );           // Parse the input
	if ( rc >= 0 )
		rc = tidyCleanAndRepair( tdoc );               // Tidy it up!
	if ( rc >= 0 )
		rc = tidyRunDiagnostics( tdoc );               // Kvetch
	if ( rc > 1 )                                    // If error, force output.
		rc = ( tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyForceOutput, yes) ? rc : -1 );
	if ( rc >= 0 )
		rc = tidySaveBuffer( tdoc, &output );          // Pretty Print
	if ( rc >= 0 )
#ifdef _DEBUG
		//if ( rc > 0 )
		//	WriteAllToFile("f:/work/windows/wxUrlRefresh/data/error.xml", (char*)errbuf.bp, errbuf.size);
		WriteAllToFile(path1, (char*)output.bp, output.size);


	tidyBufFree( &output );
	tidyBufFree( &errbuf );
	tidyRelease( tdoc );
	if (pBuffer) free(pBuffer);

	wxLogMessage("Fetch data!");
	// 解析数据
	TiXmlDocument doc(path1);
	if (doc.LoadFile()) 
		// root
		CTiXmlProxyVistor vistor(&m_array);
		TiXmlElement *pRoot = doc.RootElement();
		return -2;
	return 0;
コード例 #25
int FileDialog::ShowModal()
   HWND hWnd = 0;
   if (m_parent) hWnd = (HWND) m_parent->GetHWND();
   if (!hWnd && wxTheApp->GetTopWindow())
      hWnd = (HWND) wxTheApp->GetTopWindow()->GetHWND();
   static wxChar fileNameBuffer [ wxMAXPATH ];           // the file-name
   wxChar        titleBuffer    [ wxMAXFILE+1+wxMAXEXT ];  // the file-name, without path
   *fileNameBuffer = wxT('\0');
   *titleBuffer    = wxT('\0');
   long msw_flags = 0;
   if ( (m_dialogStyle & wxHIDE_READONLY) || (m_dialogStyle & wxSAVE) )
      msw_flags |= OFN_HIDEREADONLY;
   long msw_flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY;
   if ( m_dialogStyle & wxFILE_MUST_EXIST )
    If the window has been moved the programmer is probably
    trying to center or position it.  Thus we set the callback
    or hook function so that we can actually adjust the position.
    Without moving or centering the dlg, it will just stay
    in the upper left of the frame, it does not center
    automatically..  One additional note, when the hook is
    enabled, the PLACES BAR in the dlg (shown on later versions
    of windows (2000 and XP) will automatically be turned off
    according to the MSDN docs.  This is normal.  If the
    programmer needs the PLACES BAR (left side of dlg) they
    just shouldn't move or center the dlg.
   if (m_bMovedWindow) // we need these flags.
#ifndef __WXWINCE__
      msw_flags |= OFN_ENABLESIZING;
   if (m_dialogStyle & wxMULTIPLE )
      // OFN_EXPLORER must always be specified with OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT
   // if wxCHANGE_DIR flag is not given we shouldn't change the CWD which the
   // standard dialog does by default (notice that under NT it does it anyhow, 
   // OFN_NOCHANGEDIR or not, see below)
   if ( !(m_dialogStyle & wxCHANGE_DIR) )
      msw_flags |= OFN_NOCHANGEDIR;
   if ( m_dialogStyle & wxOVERWRITE_PROMPT )
      msw_flags |= OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT;
   if ( m_dialogStyle & wxRESIZE_BORDER )
      msw_flags |= OFN_ENABLESIZING;
   if ( m_callback != NULL )
   // We always need EXPLORER and ENABLEHOOK to use our filtering code
   // Allow Places bar to show on supported platforms
   if ( wxGetOsVersion() == wxWINDOWS_NT )
      of.lStructSize       = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
      of.lStructSize       = OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400;
   of.hwndOwner         = hWnd;
   of.lpstrTitle        = WXSTRINGCAST m_message;
   of.lpstrFileTitle    = titleBuffer;
   of.nMaxFileTitle     = wxMAXFILE + 1 + wxMAXEXT;    // Windows 3.0 and 3.1
   of.lCustData         = (LPARAM) this;
   // Convert forward slashes to backslashes (file selector doesn't like
   // forward slashes) and also squeeze multiple consecutive slashes into one
   // as it doesn't like two backslashes in a row neither
   wxString  dir;
   size_t    i, len = m_dir.length();
   for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
      wxChar ch = m_dir[i];
      switch ( ch )
         case _T('/'):
            // convert to backslash
            ch = _T('\\');
            // fall through
         case _T('\\'):
            while ( i < len - 1 )
               wxChar chNext = m_dir[i + 1];
               if ( chNext != _T('\\') && chNext != _T('/') )
               // ignore the next one, unless it is at the start of a UNC path
               if (i > 0)
            // fall through
            // normal char
            dir += ch;
   of.lpstrInitialDir   = dir.c_str();
   of.Flags             = msw_flags;
   of.lpfnHook          = FileDialogHookFunction;
   wxArrayString wildDescriptions;
   size_t items = wxParseCommonDialogsFilter(m_wildCard, wildDescriptions, m_FilterGroups);
   wxASSERT_MSG( items > 0 , _T("empty wildcard list") );
   wxString filterBuffer;
   for (i = 0; i < items ; i++)
      filterBuffer += wildDescriptions[i];
      filterBuffer += wxT("|");
      filterBuffer += wxT("*.*");
      filterBuffer += wxT("|");
   // Replace | with \0
   for (i = 0; i < filterBuffer.Len(); i++ )
      if ( filterBuffer.GetChar(i) == wxT('|') )
         filterBuffer[i] = wxT('\0');
   of.lpstrFilter  = (LPTSTR)filterBuffer.c_str();
   of.nFilterIndex = m_filterIndex + 1;
   //=== Setting defaultFileName >>=========================================
   wxStrncpy( fileNameBuffer, (const wxChar *)m_fileName, wxMAXPATH-1 );
   fileNameBuffer[ wxMAXPATH-1 ] = wxT('\0');
   of.lpstrFile = fileNameBuffer;  // holds returned filename
   of.nMaxFile  = wxMAXPATH;
   // we must set the default extension because otherwise Windows would check
   // for the existing of a wrong file with wxOVERWRITE_PROMPT (i.e. if the
   // user types "foo" and the default extension is ".bar" we should force it
   // to check for "foo.bar" existence and not "foo")
   wxString defextBuffer; // we need it to be alive until GetSaveFileName()!
   if (m_dialogStyle & wxSAVE && m_dialogStyle & wxOVERWRITE_PROMPT)
      const wxChar* extension = filterBuffer;
      int maxFilter = (int)(of.nFilterIndex*2L) - 1;
      for( int i = 0; i < maxFilter; i++ )           // get extension
         extension = extension + wxStrlen( extension ) + 1;
      // use dummy name a to avoid assert in AppendExtension
      defextBuffer = AppendExtension(wxT("a"), extension);
      if (defextBuffer.StartsWith(wxT("a.")))
         of.lpstrDefExt = defextBuffer.c_str();
   // store off before the standard windows dialog can possibly change it 
   const wxString cwdOrig = wxGetCwd(); 
   //== Execute FileDialog >>=================================================
   bool success = (m_dialogStyle & wxSAVE ? GetSaveFileName(&of)
                   : GetOpenFileName(&of)) != 0;
#ifdef __WXWINCE__
   DWORD errCode = GetLastError();
   DWORD errCode = CommDlgExtendedError();
   // GetOpenFileName will always change the current working directory on 
   // (according to MSDN) "Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP" because the flag 
   // OFN_NOCHANGEDIR has no effect.  If the user did not specify wxCHANGE_DIR 
   // let's restore the current working directory to what it was before the 
   // dialog was shown (assuming this behavior extends to Windows Server 2003 
   // seems safe). 
   if ( success && 
       (msw_flags & OFN_NOCHANGEDIR) && 
       wxGetOsVersion() == wxWINDOWS_NT ) 
#ifdef __WIN32__
   if (!success && (errCode == CDERR_STRUCTSIZE))
      // The struct size has changed so try a smaller or bigger size
      int oldStructSize = of.lStructSize;
      of.lStructSize       = oldStructSize - (sizeof(void *) + 2*sizeof(DWORD));
      success = (m_dialogStyle & wxSAVE) ? (GetSaveFileName(&of) != 0)
      : (GetOpenFileName(&of) != 0);
      errCode = CommDlgExtendedError();
      if (!success && (errCode == CDERR_STRUCTSIZE))
         of.lStructSize       = oldStructSize + (sizeof(void *) + 2*sizeof(DWORD));
         success = (m_dialogStyle & wxSAVE) ? (GetSaveFileName(&of) != 0)
         : (GetOpenFileName(&of) != 0);
#endif // __WIN32__
#endif // __WXWINCE__
   if ( success )
      if ( ( m_dialogStyle & wxMULTIPLE ) &&
#if defined(OFN_EXPLORER)
          ( fileNameBuffer[of.nFileOffset-1] == wxT('\0') )
          ( fileNameBuffer[of.nFileOffset-1] == wxT(' ') )
#endif // OFN_EXPLORER
#if defined(OFN_EXPLORER)
         m_dir = fileNameBuffer;
         i = of.nFileOffset;
         m_fileName = &fileNameBuffer[i];
         i += m_fileName.Len() + 1;
         while (fileNameBuffer[i] != wxT('\0'))
            i += wxStrlen(&fileNameBuffer[i]) + 1;
         wxStringTokenizer toke(fileNameBuffer, _T(" \t\r\n"));
         m_dir = toke.GetNextToken();
         m_fileName = toke.GetNextToken();
         while (toke.HasMoreTokens())
#endif // OFN_EXPLORER
         wxString dir(m_dir);
         if ( m_dir.Last() != _T('\\') )
            dir += _T('\\');
         m_path = dir + m_fileName;
         m_filterIndex = (int)of.nFilterIndex - 1;
         //=== Adding the correct extension >>=================================
         m_filterIndex = (int)of.nFilterIndex - 1;
#if 0
         // LLL:  Removed to prevent adding extension during Export
         //       processing.
         if ( !of.nFileExtension ||
             (of.nFileExtension && fileNameBuffer[of.nFileExtension] == wxT('\0')) )
            // User has typed a filename without an extension:
            const wxChar* extension = filterBuffer;
            int   maxFilter = (int)(of.nFilterIndex*2L) - 1;
            for( int i = 0; i < maxFilter; i++ )           // get extension
               extension = extension + wxStrlen( extension ) + 1;
            m_fileName = AppendExtension(fileNameBuffer, extension);
            wxStrncpy(fileNameBuffer, m_fileName.c_str(), wxMin(m_fileName.Len(), wxMAXPATH-1));
            fileNameBuffer[wxMin(m_fileName.Len(), wxMAXPATH-1)] = wxT('\0');
         m_path = fileNameBuffer;
         m_fileName = wxFileNameFromPath(fileNameBuffer);
         m_dir = wxPathOnly(fileNameBuffer);
      // common dialog failed - why?
#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
#ifdef __WXWINCE__
      if (errCode == 0)
         // OK, user cancelled the dialog
      else if (errCode == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)
         wxLogError(wxT("Invalid parameter passed to file dialog function."));
      else if (errCode == ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY)
         wxLogError(wxT("Out of memory when calling file dialog function."));
      else if (errCode == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
         wxLogError(wxT("Call not implemented when calling file dialog function."));
         wxLogError(wxT("Unknown error %d when calling file dialog function."), errCode);
      DWORD dwErr = CommDlgExtendedError();
      if ( dwErr != 0 )
         // this msg is only for developers
         wxLogError(wxT("Common dialog failed with error code %0lx."),
      //else: it was just cancelled
   return success ? wxID_OK : wxID_CANCEL;
コード例 #26
void wxOS2SelectMatchingFontByName(
  PFATTRS                           pFattrs
, PFACENAMEDESC                     pFaceName
, PFONTMETRICS                      pFM
, int                               nNumFonts
, const wxFont*                     pFont
    int                             i;
    int                             nPointSize;
    int                             nIs;
    int                             nMinDiff0;
    int                             anDiff[16];
    int                             anMinDiff[16];
    int                             nIndex = 0;
    wxChar                          zFontFaceName[FACESIZE];
    wxString                        sFaceName;
    USHORT                          usWeightClass;
    int                             fsSelection = 0;

    nMinDiff0 = 0xf000;
    for(i = 0;i < 16; i++)
        anMinDiff[i] = nMinDiff0;

    switch (pFont->GetFamily())
        case wxSCRIPT:
            sFaceName = wxT("Tms Rmn");

        case wxDECORATIVE:
            sFaceName = wxT("WarpSans");

        case wxROMAN:
            sFaceName = wxT("Tms Rmn");

        case wxTELETYPE:
            sFaceName = wxT("Courier") ;

        case wxMODERN:
            sFaceName = wxT("System VIO") ;

        case wxSWISS:
            sFaceName = wxT("Helv") ;

        case wxDEFAULT:
            sFaceName = wxT("System VIO") ;

    switch (pFont->GetWeight())
            wxFAIL_MSG(_T("unknown font weight"));
            // fall through
            usWeightClass = FWEIGHT_DONT_CARE;

        case wxNORMAL:
            usWeightClass = FWEIGHT_NORMAL;

        case wxLIGHT:
            usWeightClass = FWEIGHT_LIGHT;

        case wxBOLD:
            usWeightClass = FWEIGHT_BOLD;

         case wxFONTWEIGHT_MAX:
            usWeightClass = FWEIGHT_ULTRA_BOLD;
    pFaceName->usWeightClass = usWeightClass;

    switch (pFont->GetStyle())
        case wxITALIC:
        case wxSLANT:
            fsSelection = FM_SEL_ITALIC;
            pFaceName->flOptions = FTYPE_ITALIC;

            wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("unknown font slant"));
            // fall through

        case wxNORMAL:
            fsSelection  = 0;

    wxStrncpy(zFontFaceName, sFaceName.c_str(), WXSIZEOF(zFontFaceName));
    nPointSize = pFont->GetPointSize();

    // Matching logic to find the right FM struct
    nIndex = 0;
    for(i = 0, nIs = 0; i < nNumFonts; i++)
        int                         nEmHeight = 0;
        int                         nXHeight = 0;

        anDiff[0] = wxGpiStrcmp((wxChar*)pFM[i].szFacename, zFontFaceName);
        anDiff[1] = abs(pFM[i].lEmHeight - nPointSize);
        anDiff[2] = abs(pFM[i].usWeightClass -  usWeightClass);
        anDiff[3] = abs((pFM[i].fsSelection & 0x2f) -  fsSelection);
        if(anDiff[0] == 0)
            nEmHeight = (int)pFM[i].lEmHeight;
            nXHeight  =(int)pFM[i].lXHeight;
            if( (nIs & 0x01) == 0)
                nIs = 1;
                nIndex = i;
                anMinDiff[1] = anDiff[1];
                anMinDiff[2] = anDiff[2];
                anMinDiff[3] = anDiff[3];
            else if(anDiff[3] < anMinDiff[3])
                nIndex = i;
                anMinDiff[3] = anDiff[3];
            else if(anDiff[2] < anMinDiff[2])
                nIndex = i;
                anMinDiff[2] = anDiff[2];
            else if(anDiff[1] < anMinDiff[1])
                nIndex = i;
                anMinDiff[1] = anDiff[1];
            anMinDiff[0] = 0;
        else if(anDiff[0] < anMinDiff[0])
              nIs = 2;
              nIndex = i;
              anMinDiff[3] = anDiff[3];
              anMinDiff[2] = anDiff[2];
              anMinDiff[1] = anDiff[1];
              anMinDiff[0] = anDiff[0];
        else if(anDiff[0] == anMinDiff[0])
            if(anDiff[3] < anMinDiff[3])
                nIndex = i;
                anMinDiff[3] = anDiff[3];
                nIs = 2;
            else if(anDiff[2] < anMinDiff[2])
                nIndex = i;
                anMinDiff[2] = anDiff[2];
                nIs = 2;
            else if(anDiff[1] < anMinDiff[1])
                nIndex = i;
                anMinDiff[1] = anDiff[1];
                nIs = 2;

    // Fill in the FATTRS with the best match from FONTMETRICS
    pFattrs->usRecordLength  = sizeof(FATTRS);              // Sets size of structure
    pFattrs->lMatch          = pFM[nIndex].lMatch;          // Force match
    pFattrs->idRegistry      = 0;
    pFattrs->usCodePage      = 0;
    pFattrs->fsFontUse       = 0;
    pFattrs->fsType          = 0;
    pFattrs->lMaxBaselineExt = 0;
    pFattrs->lAveCharWidth   = 0;
    wxStrcpy((wxChar*)pFattrs->szFacename, (wxChar*)pFM[nIndex].szFacename);
    if (pFont->GetWeight() == wxNORMAL)
        pFattrs->fsSelection = 0;
        pFattrs->fsSelection = FATTR_SEL_BOLD;

    if (pFont->GetStyle() == wxITALIC || pFont->GetStyle() == wxSLANT)
        pFattrs->fsSelection |= FATTR_SEL_ITALIC;

    if (pFont->GetUnderlined())
        pFattrs->fsSelection |= FATTR_SEL_UNDERSCORE;
} // end of wxOS2SelectMatchingFontByName
コード例 #27
ファイル: crashrpt.cpp プロジェクト: madnessw/thesnow
/* static */
void wxCrashReport::SetFileName(const wxChar *filename)
    wxStrncpy(gs_reportFilename, filename, WXSIZEOF(gs_reportFilename) - 1);
    gs_reportFilename[WXSIZEOF(gs_reportFilename) - 1] = _T('\0');
コード例 #28
ファイル: printdlg.cpp プロジェクト: gitrider/wxsj2
bool wxWindowsPrintNativeData::TransferFrom( const wxPrintData &data )
    HGLOBAL hDevMode = (HGLOBAL)(DWORD) m_devMode;
    HGLOBAL hDevNames = (HGLOBAL)(DWORD) m_devNames;
    if (!hDevMode)
        // Use PRINTDLG as a way of creating a DEVMODE object
        PRINTDLG pd;

        // GNU-WIN32 has the wrong size PRINTDLG - can't work out why.
#ifdef __GNUWIN32__
        memset(&pd, 0, 66);
        pd.lStructSize    = 66;
        memset(&pd, 0, sizeof(PRINTDLG));
#ifdef __WXWINCE__
        pd.cbStruct    = sizeof(PRINTDLG);
        pd.lStructSize    = sizeof(PRINTDLG);

        pd.hwndOwner      = (HWND)NULL;
        pd.hDevMode       = NULL; // Will be created by PrintDlg
        pd.hDevNames      = NULL; // Ditto
        //pd.hInstance      = (HINSTANCE) wxGetInstance();

        pd.Flags          = PD_RETURNDEFAULT;
        pd.nCopies        = 1;

        // Fill out the DEVMODE structure
        // so we can use it as input in the 'real' PrintDlg
        if (!PrintDlg(&pd))
            if ( pd.hDevMode )
            if ( pd.hDevNames )
            pd.hDevMode = NULL;
            pd.hDevNames = NULL;

#if defined(__WXDEBUG__) && defined(__WIN32__)
            wxString str(wxT("Printing error: "));
            str += wxGetPrintDlgError();
            hDevMode = pd.hDevMode;
            m_devMode = (void*)(long) hDevMode;
            pd.hDevMode = NULL;

            // We'll create a new DEVNAMEs structure below.
            if ( pd.hDevNames )
            pd.hDevNames = NULL;

            // hDevNames = pd->hDevNames;
            // m_devNames = (void*)(long) hDevNames;
            // pd->hDevnames = NULL;


    if ( hDevMode )
        LPDEVMODE devMode = (LPDEVMODE) GlobalLock(hDevMode);

        //// Orientation
        devMode->dmOrientation = (short)data.GetOrientation();

        //// Collation
        devMode->dmCollate = (data.GetCollate() ? DMCOLLATE_TRUE : DMCOLLATE_FALSE);
        devMode->dmFields |= DM_COLLATE;

        //// Number of copies
        devMode->dmCopies = (short)data.GetNoCopies();
        devMode->dmFields |= DM_COPIES;

        //// Printer name
        wxString name = data.GetPrinterName();
        if (!name.empty())
            //int len = wxMin(31, m_printerName.Len());
            devMode->dmDeviceName[31] = wxT('\0');

        //// Colour
        if (data.GetColour())
            devMode->dmColor = DMCOLOR_COLOR;
            devMode->dmColor = DMCOLOR_MONOCHROME;
        devMode->dmFields |= DM_COLOR;

        //// Paper size
        if (data.GetPaperId() == wxPAPER_NONE)
            // DEVMODE is in tenths of a milimeter
            devMode->dmPaperWidth = (short)(data.GetPaperSize().x * 10);
            devMode->dmPaperLength = (short)(data.GetPaperSize().y * 10);
            if(m_customWindowsPaperId != 0)
                devMode->dmPaperSize = m_customWindowsPaperId;
                devMode->dmPaperSize = DMPAPER_USER;
            devMode->dmFields |= DM_PAPERWIDTH;
            devMode->dmFields |= DM_PAPERLENGTH;
            if (wxThePrintPaperDatabase)
                wxPrintPaperType* paper = wxThePrintPaperDatabase->FindPaperType( data.GetPaperId() );
                if (paper)
                    devMode->dmPaperSize = (short)paper->GetPlatformId();
                    devMode->dmFields |= DM_PAPERSIZE;
                    // Fall back on specifying the paper size explicitly
                    devMode->dmPaperWidth = (short)(data.GetPaperSize().x * 10);
                    devMode->dmPaperLength = (short)(data.GetPaperSize().y * 10);
                    devMode->dmPaperSize = DMPAPER_USER;
                    devMode->dmFields |= DM_PAPERWIDTH;
                    devMode->dmFields |= DM_PAPERLENGTH;

        //// Duplex
        short duplex;
        switch (data.GetDuplex())
            case wxDUPLEX_HORIZONTAL:
                duplex = DMDUP_HORIZONTAL;
            case wxDUPLEX_VERTICAL:
                duplex = DMDUP_VERTICAL;
            // in fact case wxDUPLEX_SIMPLEX:
                duplex = DMDUP_SIMPLEX;
        devMode->dmDuplex = duplex;
        devMode->dmFields |= DM_DUPLEX;

        //// Quality

        short quality;
        switch (data.GetQuality())
            case wxPRINT_QUALITY_MEDIUM:
                quality = DMRES_MEDIUM;
            case wxPRINT_QUALITY_LOW:
                quality = DMRES_LOW;
            case wxPRINT_QUALITY_DRAFT:
                quality = DMRES_DRAFT;
            case wxPRINT_QUALITY_HIGH:
                quality = DMRES_HIGH;
                quality = (short)data.GetQuality();
        devMode->dmPrintQuality = quality;
        devMode->dmFields |= DM_PRINTQUALITY;

        if (data.GetPrivDataLen() > 0)
            memcpy( (char *)devMode+devMode->dmSize, data.GetPrivData(), data.GetPrivDataLen() );
            devMode->dmDriverExtra = (WXWORD)data.GetPrivDataLen();

        if (data.GetBin() != wxPRINTBIN_DEFAULT)
            switch (data.GetBin())
                case wxPRINTBIN_ONLYONE:        devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_ONLYONE;       break;
                case wxPRINTBIN_LOWER:          devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_LOWER;         break;
                case wxPRINTBIN_MIDDLE:         devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_MIDDLE;        break;
                case wxPRINTBIN_MANUAL:         devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_MANUAL;        break;
                case wxPRINTBIN_ENVELOPE:       devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_ENVELOPE;      break;
                case wxPRINTBIN_ENVMANUAL:      devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_ENVMANUAL;     break;
                case wxPRINTBIN_AUTO:           devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_AUTO;          break;
                case wxPRINTBIN_TRACTOR:        devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_TRACTOR;       break;
                case wxPRINTBIN_SMALLFMT:       devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_SMALLFMT;      break;
                case wxPRINTBIN_LARGEFMT:       devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_LARGEFMT;      break;
                case wxPRINTBIN_LARGECAPACITY:  devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_LARGECAPACITY; break;
                case wxPRINTBIN_CASSETTE:       devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_CASSETTE;      break;
                case wxPRINTBIN_FORMSOURCE:     devMode->dmDefaultSource = DMBIN_FORMSOURCE;    break;

                    devMode->dmDefaultSource = (short)(DMBIN_USER + data.GetBin() - wxPRINTBIN_USER);

            devMode->dmFields |= DM_DEFAULTSOURCE;


    if ( hDevNames )

    // TODO: I hope it's OK to pass some empty strings to DEVNAMES.
    m_devNames = (void*) (long) wxCreateDevNames(wxEmptyString, data.GetPrinterName(), wxEmptyString);

    return true;
コード例 #29
ファイル: filedlg.cpp プロジェクト: georgemoralis/jpcsp2c
int wxFileDialog::ShowModal()
    HWND hWnd = 0;
    if (m_parent) hWnd = (HWND) m_parent->GetHWND();
    if (!hWnd && wxTheApp->GetTopWindow())
        hWnd = (HWND) wxTheApp->GetTopWindow()->GetHWND();

    static wxChar fileNameBuffer [ wxMAXPATH ];           // the file-name
    wxChar        titleBuffer    [ wxMAXFILE+1+wxMAXEXT ];  // the file-name, without path

    *fileNameBuffer = wxT('\0');
    *titleBuffer    = wxT('\0');

    long msw_flags = 0;
    if ( HasFdFlag(wxHIDE_READONLY) || HasFdFlag(wxFD_SAVE) )
        msw_flags |= OFN_HIDEREADONLY;
    long msw_flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY;

    if ( HasFdFlag(wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST) )
        If the window has been moved the programmer is probably
        trying to center or position it.  Thus we set the callback
        or hook function so that we can actually adjust the position.
        Without moving or centering the dlg, it will just stay
        in the upper left of the frame, it does not center
    if (m_bMovedWindow) // we need these flags.
        msw_flags |= OFN_EXPLORER|OFN_ENABLEHOOK;
#ifndef __WXWINCE__
        msw_flags |= OFN_ENABLESIZING;

    if ( HasFdFlag(wxFD_MULTIPLE) )
        // OFN_EXPLORER must always be specified with OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT

    // if wxFD_CHANGE_DIR flag is not given we shouldn't change the CWD which the
    // standard dialog does by default (notice that under NT it does it anyhow,
    // OFN_NOCHANGEDIR or not, see below)
    if ( !HasFdFlag(wxFD_CHANGE_DIR) )
        msw_flags |= OFN_NOCHANGEDIR;

    if ( HasFdFlag(wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT) )
        msw_flags |= OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT;


    of.lStructSize       = gs_ofStructSize;
    of.hwndOwner         = hWnd;
    of.lpstrTitle        = WXSTRINGCAST m_message;
    of.lpstrFileTitle    = titleBuffer;
    of.nMaxFileTitle     = wxMAXFILE + 1 + wxMAXEXT;

    // Convert forward slashes to backslashes (file selector doesn't like
    // forward slashes) and also squeeze multiple consecutive slashes into one
    // as it doesn't like two backslashes in a row neither

    wxString  dir;
    size_t    i, len = m_dir.length();
    for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
        wxChar ch = m_dir[i];
        switch ( ch )
            case _T('/'):
                // convert to backslash
                ch = _T('\\');

                // fall through

            case _T('\\'):
                while ( i < len - 1 )
                    wxChar chNext = m_dir[i + 1];
                    if ( chNext != _T('\\') && chNext != _T('/') )

                    // ignore the next one, unless it is at the start of a UNC path
                    if (i > 0)
                // fall through

                // normal char
                dir += ch;

    of.lpstrInitialDir   = dir.c_str();

    of.Flags             = msw_flags;
    of.lpfnHook          = wxFileDialogHookFunction;

    wxArrayString wildDescriptions, wildFilters;

    size_t items = wxParseCommonDialogsFilter(m_wildCard, wildDescriptions, wildFilters);

    wxASSERT_MSG( items > 0 , _T("empty wildcard list") );

    wxString filterBuffer;

    for (i = 0; i < items ; i++)
        filterBuffer += wildDescriptions[i];
        filterBuffer += wxT("|");
        filterBuffer += wildFilters[i];
        filterBuffer += wxT("|");

    // Replace | with \0
    for (i = 0; i < filterBuffer.length(); i++ ) {
        if ( filterBuffer.GetChar(i) == wxT('|') ) {
            filterBuffer[i] = wxT('\0');

    of.lpstrFilter  = (LPTSTR)filterBuffer.c_str();
    of.nFilterIndex = m_filterIndex + 1;

    //=== Setting defaultFileName >>=========================================

    wxStrncpy( fileNameBuffer, (const wxChar *)m_fileName, wxMAXPATH-1 );
    fileNameBuffer[ wxMAXPATH-1 ] = wxT('\0');

    of.lpstrFile = fileNameBuffer;  // holds returned filename
    of.nMaxFile  = wxMAXPATH;

    // we must set the default extension because otherwise Windows would check
    // for the existing of a wrong file with wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT (i.e. if the
    // user types "foo" and the default extension is ".bar" we should force it
    // to check for "foo.bar" existence and not "foo")
    wxString defextBuffer; // we need it to be alive until GetSaveFileName()!
    if (HasFdFlag(wxFD_SAVE))
        const wxChar* extension = filterBuffer;
        int maxFilter = (int)(of.nFilterIndex*2L) - 1;

        for( int i = 0; i < maxFilter; i++ )           // get extension
            extension = extension + wxStrlen( extension ) + 1;

        // use dummy name a to avoid assert in AppendExtension
        defextBuffer = AppendExtension(wxT("a"), extension);
        if (defextBuffer.StartsWith(wxT("a.")))
            defextBuffer = defextBuffer.Mid(2); // remove "a."
            of.lpstrDefExt = defextBuffer.c_str();

    // store off before the standard windows dialog can possibly change it
    const wxString cwdOrig = wxGetCwd();

    //== Execute FileDialog >>=================================================

    DWORD errCode;
    bool success = DoShowCommFileDialog(&of, m_windowStyle, &errCode);

    // the system might be too old to support the new version file dialog
    // boxes, try with the old size
    if ( !success && errCode == CDERR_STRUCTSIZE &&
            of.lStructSize != wxOPENFILENAME_V4_SIZE )
        of.lStructSize = wxOPENFILENAME_V4_SIZE;

        success = DoShowCommFileDialog(&of, m_windowStyle, &errCode);

        if ( success || !errCode )
            // use this struct size for subsequent dialogs
            gs_ofStructSize = of.lStructSize;

    if ( success )
        // GetOpenFileName will always change the current working directory on
        // (according to MSDN) "Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP" because the flag
        // OFN_NOCHANGEDIR has no effect.  If the user did not specify
        // wxFD_CHANGE_DIR let's restore the current working directory to what it
        // was before the dialog was shown.
        if ( msw_flags & OFN_NOCHANGEDIR )


        if ( ( HasFdFlag(wxFD_MULTIPLE) ) &&
#if defined(OFN_EXPLORER)
             ( fileNameBuffer[of.nFileOffset-1] == wxT('\0') )
             ( fileNameBuffer[of.nFileOffset-1] == wxT(' ') )
#endif // OFN_EXPLORER
#if defined(OFN_EXPLORER)
            m_dir = fileNameBuffer;
            i = of.nFileOffset;
            m_fileName = &fileNameBuffer[i];
            i += m_fileName.length() + 1;

            while (fileNameBuffer[i] != wxT('\0'))
                i += wxStrlen(&fileNameBuffer[i]) + 1;
            wxStringTokenizer toke(fileNameBuffer, _T(" \t\r\n"));
            m_dir = toke.GetNextToken();
            m_fileName = toke.GetNextToken();

            while (toke.HasMoreTokens())
#endif // OFN_EXPLORER

            wxString dir(m_dir);
            if ( m_dir.Last() != _T('\\') )
                dir += _T('\\');

            m_path = dir + m_fileName;
            m_filterIndex = (int)of.nFilterIndex - 1;
            //=== Adding the correct extension >>=================================

            m_filterIndex = (int)of.nFilterIndex - 1;

            if ( !of.nFileExtension ||
                 (of.nFileExtension && fileNameBuffer[of.nFileExtension] == wxT('\0')) )
                // User has typed a filename without an extension:
                const wxChar* extension = filterBuffer;
                int   maxFilter = (int)(of.nFilterIndex*2L) - 1;

                for( int i = 0; i < maxFilter; i++ )           // get extension
                    extension = extension + wxStrlen( extension ) + 1;

                m_fileName = AppendExtension(fileNameBuffer, extension);
                wxStrncpy(fileNameBuffer, m_fileName.c_str(), wxMin(m_fileName.length(), wxMAXPATH-1));
                fileNameBuffer[wxMin(m_fileName.length(), wxMAXPATH-1)] = wxT('\0');

            m_path = fileNameBuffer;
            m_fileName = wxFileNameFromPath(fileNameBuffer);
            m_dir = wxPathOnly(fileNameBuffer);
#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
        // common dialog failed - why?
        if ( errCode != 0 )
            // this msg is only for developers so don't translate it
            wxLogError(wxT("Common dialog failed with error code %0lx."),
        //else: it was just cancelled
#endif // __WXDEBUG__

    return success ? wxID_OK : wxID_CANCEL;
