コード例 #1
ファイル: y4m.c プロジェクト: r-type/vice-libretro
static int read_frame_internal( cli_pic_t *pic, y4m_hnd_t *h, int bit_depth_uc )
    size_t slen = strlen( Y4M_FRAME_MAGIC );
    int pixel_depth = x264_cli_csp_depth_factor( pic->img.csp );
    int i = 0;
    char header[16];
    int error = 0;

    /* Read frame header - without terminating '\n' */
    if( fread( header, 1, slen, h->fh ) != slen )
        return -1;

    header[slen] = 0;
#if !defined(IDE_COMPILE) || (defined(IDE_COMPILE) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400))
    FAIL_IF_ERROR( strncmp( header, Y4M_FRAME_MAGIC, slen ), "bad header magic (%"PRIx32" <=> %s)\n",
                   M32(header), header )
    if( strncmp( header, Y4M_FRAME_MAGIC, slen ) ){
		x264_cli_log( "y4m", 0, "bad header magic (%"PRIx32" <=> %s)\n", M32(header), header );
		return -1;

    /* Skip most of it */
    while( i < MAX_FRAME_HEADER && fgetc( h->fh ) != '\n' )
#if !defined(IDE_COMPILE) || (defined(IDE_COMPILE) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400))
    FAIL_IF_ERROR( i == MAX_FRAME_HEADER, "bad frame header!\n" )
    if( i == MAX_FRAME_HEADER ){
		x264_cli_log( "y4m", 0, "bad frame header!\n" );
		return -1;
	h->frame_size = h->frame_size - h->frame_header_len + i+slen+1;
    h->frame_header_len = i+slen+1;

    for( i = 0; i < pic->img.planes && !error; i++ )
        error |= fread( pic->img.plane[i], pixel_depth, h->plane_size[i], h->fh ) != h->plane_size[i];
        if( bit_depth_uc )
            /* upconvert non 16bit high depth planes to 16bit using the same
             * algorithm as used in the depth filter. */
            uint16_t *plane = (uint16_t*)pic->img.plane[i];
            uint64_t pixel_count = h->plane_size[i];
            int lshift = 16 - h->bit_depth;
            uint64_t j;

			for( j = 0; j < pixel_count; j++ )
                plane[j] = plane[j] << lshift;
    return error;
コード例 #2
ファイル: mp4.c プロジェクト: predmach/x264-devel
static void recompute_bitrate_mp4( GF_ISOFile *p_file, int i_track )
    u32 count, di, timescale, time_wnd, rate;
    u64 offset;
    Double br;
    GF_ESD *esd;

    esd = gf_isom_get_esd( p_file, i_track, 1 );
    if( !esd )

    esd->decoderConfig->avgBitrate = 0;
    esd->decoderConfig->maxBitrate = 0;
    rate = time_wnd = 0;

    timescale = gf_isom_get_media_timescale( p_file, i_track );
    count = gf_isom_get_sample_count( p_file, i_track );
    for( u32 i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        GF_ISOSample *samp = gf_isom_get_sample_info( p_file, i_track, i+1, &di, &offset );
        if( !samp )
            x264_cli_log( "mp4", X264_LOG_ERROR, "failure reading back frame %u\n", i );

        if( esd->decoderConfig->bufferSizeDB < samp->dataLength )
            esd->decoderConfig->bufferSizeDB = samp->dataLength;

        esd->decoderConfig->avgBitrate += samp->dataLength;
        rate += samp->dataLength;
        if( samp->DTS > time_wnd + timescale )
            if( rate > esd->decoderConfig->maxBitrate )
                esd->decoderConfig->maxBitrate = rate;
            time_wnd = samp->DTS;
            rate = 0;

        gf_isom_sample_del( &samp );

    br = (Double)(s64)gf_isom_get_media_duration( p_file, i_track );
    br /= timescale;
    esd->decoderConfig->avgBitrate = (u32)(esd->decoderConfig->avgBitrate / br);
    /*move to bps*/
    esd->decoderConfig->avgBitrate *= 8;
    esd->decoderConfig->maxBitrate *= 8;

    gf_isom_change_mpeg4_description( p_file, i_track, 1, esd );
    gf_odf_desc_del( (GF_Descriptor*)esd );
コード例 #3
ファイル: crop.c プロジェクト: MasterNobody/x264
static int init( hnd_t *handle, cli_vid_filter_t *filter, video_info_t *info, x264_param_t *param, char *opt_string )
    FAIL_IF_ERROR( x264_cli_csp_is_invalid( info->csp ), "invalid csp %d\n", info->csp );
    crop_hnd_t *h = calloc( 1, sizeof(crop_hnd_t) );
    if( !h )
        return -1;

    h->csp = x264_cli_get_csp( info->csp );
    static const char * const optlist[] = { "left", "top", "right", "bottom", NULL };
    char **opts = x264_split_options( opt_string, optlist );
    if( !opts )
        return -1;

    int err = handle_opts( h, info, opts, optlist );
    free( opts );
    if( err )
        return -1;

    h->dims[2] = info->width  - h->dims[0] - h->dims[2];
    h->dims[3] = info->height - h->dims[1] - h->dims[3];
    FAIL_IF_ERROR( h->dims[2] <= 0 || h->dims[3] <= 0, "invalid output resolution %dx%d\n", h->dims[2], h->dims[3] );

    if( info->width != h->dims[2] || info->height != h->dims[3] )
        x264_cli_log( NAME, X264_LOG_INFO, "cropping to %dx%d\n", h->dims[2], h->dims[3] );
        /* do nothing as the user supplied 0s for all the values */
        free( h );
        return 0;
    /* done initializing, overwrite values */
    info->width  = h->dims[2];
    info->height = h->dims[3];

    h->prev_filter = *filter;
    h->prev_hnd = *handle;
    *handle = h;
    *filter = crop_filter;

    return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: flv.c プロジェクト: AirDev/linphone-android
static int write_frame( hnd_t handle, uint8_t *p_nalu, int i_size, x264_picture_t *p_picture )
    flv_hnd_t *p_flv = handle;
    flv_buffer *c = p_flv->c;

#define convert_timebase_ms( timestamp, timebase ) (int64_t)((timestamp) * (timebase) * 1000 + 0.5)

    if( !p_flv->i_framenum )
        p_flv->i_delay_time = p_picture->i_dts * -1;
        if( !p_flv->b_dts_compress && p_flv->i_delay_time )
            x264_cli_log( "flv", X264_LOG_INFO, "initial delay %"PRId64" ms\n",
                          convert_timebase_ms( p_picture->i_pts + p_flv->i_delay_time, p_flv->d_timebase ) );

    int64_t dts;
    int64_t cts;
    int64_t offset;

    if( p_flv->b_dts_compress )
        if( p_flv->i_framenum == 1 )
            p_flv->i_init_delta = convert_timebase_ms( p_picture->i_dts + p_flv->i_delay_time, p_flv->d_timebase );
        dts = p_flv->i_framenum > p_flv->i_delay_frames
            ? convert_timebase_ms( p_picture->i_dts, p_flv->d_timebase )
            : p_flv->i_framenum * p_flv->i_init_delta / (p_flv->i_delay_frames + 1);
        cts = convert_timebase_ms( p_picture->i_pts, p_flv->d_timebase );
        dts = convert_timebase_ms( p_picture->i_dts + p_flv->i_delay_time, p_flv->d_timebase );
        cts = convert_timebase_ms( p_picture->i_pts + p_flv->i_delay_time, p_flv->d_timebase );
    offset = cts - dts;

    if( p_flv->i_framenum )
        if( p_flv->i_prev_dts == dts )
            x264_cli_log( "flv", X264_LOG_WARNING, "duplicate DTS %"PRId64" generated by rounding\n"
                          "               decoding framerate cannot exceed 1000fps\n", dts );
        if( p_flv->i_prev_cts == cts )
            x264_cli_log( "flv", X264_LOG_WARNING, "duplicate CTS %"PRId64" generated by rounding\n"
                          "               composition framerate cannot exceed 1000fps\n", cts );
    p_flv->i_prev_dts = dts;
    p_flv->i_prev_cts = cts;

    // A new frame - write packet header
    x264_put_byte( c, FLV_TAG_TYPE_VIDEO );
    x264_put_be24( c, 0 ); // calculated later
    x264_put_be24( c, dts );
    x264_put_byte( c, dts >> 24 );
    x264_put_be24( c, 0 );

    p_flv->start = c->d_cur;
    x264_put_byte( c, p_picture->b_keyframe ? FLV_FRAME_KEY : FLV_FRAME_INTER );
    x264_put_byte( c, 1 ); // AVC NALU
    x264_put_be24( c, offset );

    if( p_flv->sei )
        flv_append_data( c, p_flv->sei, p_flv->sei_len );
        free( p_flv->sei );
        p_flv->sei = NULL;
    flv_append_data( c, p_nalu, i_size );

    unsigned length = c->d_cur - p_flv->start;
    rewrite_amf_be24( c, length, p_flv->start - 10 );
    x264_put_be32( c, 11 + length ); // Last tag size
    CHECK( flv_flush_data( c ) );


    return i_size;
コード例 #5
ファイル: y4m.c プロジェクト: r-type/vice-libretro
static int open_file( char *psz_filename, hnd_t *p_handle, video_info_t *info, cli_input_opt_t *opt )
    y4m_hnd_t *h = malloc( sizeof(y4m_hnd_t) );
    int i;
    uint32_t n, d;
    char header[MAX_YUV4_HEADER+10];
    char *tokend, *header_end;
    int colorspace = X264_CSP_NONE;
    int alt_colorspace = X264_CSP_NONE;
    int alt_bit_depth  = 8;
    char *tokstart;
    const x264_cli_csp_t *csp;

	if( !h )
        return -1;

    h->next_frame = 0;
    info->vfr = 0;

    if( !strcmp( psz_filename, "-" ) )
        h->fh = stdin;
        h->fh = x264_fopen(psz_filename, "rb");
    if( h->fh == NULL )
        return -1;

    h->frame_header_len = strlen( Y4M_FRAME_MAGIC )+1;

    /* Read header */
    for( i = 0; i < MAX_YUV4_HEADER; i++ )
        header[i] = fgetc( h->fh );
        if( header[i] == '\n' )
            /* Add a space after last option. Makes parsing "444" vs
               "444alpha" easier. */
            header[i+1] = 0x20;
            header[i+2] = 0;
    if( i == MAX_YUV4_HEADER || strncmp( header, Y4M_MAGIC, strlen( Y4M_MAGIC ) ) )
        return -1;

    /* Scan properties */
    header_end = &header[i+1]; /* Include space */
    h->seq_header_len = i+1;
    for( tokstart = &header[strlen( Y4M_MAGIC )+1]; tokstart < header_end; tokstart++ )
        if( *tokstart == 0x20 )
        switch( *tokstart++ )
            case 'W': /* Width. Required. */
                info->width = strtol( tokstart, &tokend, 10 );
            case 'H': /* Height. Required. */
                info->height = strtol( tokstart, &tokend, 10 );
            case 'C': /* Color space */
                colorspace = parse_csp_and_depth( tokstart, &h->bit_depth );
                tokstart = strchr( tokstart, 0x20 );
            case 'I': /* Interlace type */
                switch( *tokstart++ )
                    case 't':
                        info->interlaced = 1;
                        info->tff = 1;
                    case 'b':
                        info->interlaced = 1;
                        info->tff = 0;
                    case 'm':
                        info->interlaced = 1;
                    //case '?':
                    //case 'p':
            case 'F': /* Frame rate - 0:0 if unknown */
                if( sscanf( tokstart, "%u:%u", &n, &d ) == 2 && n && d )
                    x264_reduce_fraction( &n, &d );
                    info->fps_num = n;
                    info->fps_den = d;
                tokstart = strchr( tokstart, 0x20 );
            case 'A': /* Pixel aspect - 0:0 if unknown */
                /* Don't override the aspect ratio if sar has been explicitly set on the commandline. */
                if( sscanf( tokstart, "%u:%u", &n, &d ) == 2 && n && d )
                    x264_reduce_fraction( &n, &d );
                    info->sar_width  = n;
                    info->sar_height = d;
                tokstart = strchr( tokstart, 0x20 );
            case 'X': /* Vendor extensions */
                if( !strncmp( "YSCSS=", tokstart, 6 ) )
                    /* Older nonstandard pixel format representation */
                    tokstart += 6;
                    alt_colorspace = parse_csp_and_depth( tokstart, &alt_bit_depth );
                tokstart = strchr( tokstart, 0x20 );

    if( colorspace == X264_CSP_NONE )
        colorspace   = alt_colorspace;
        h->bit_depth = alt_bit_depth;

    // default to 8bit 4:2:0 if nothing is specified
    if( colorspace == X264_CSP_NONE )
        colorspace    = X264_CSP_I420;
        h->bit_depth  = 8;

#if !defined(IDE_COMPILE) || (defined(IDE_COMPILE) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400))
    FAIL_IF_ERROR( colorspace <= X264_CSP_NONE || colorspace >= X264_CSP_MAX, "colorspace unhandled\n" )
    FAIL_IF_ERROR( h->bit_depth < 8 || h->bit_depth > 16, "unsupported bit depth `%d'\n", h->bit_depth );
    if( colorspace <= X264_CSP_NONE || colorspace >= X264_CSP_MAX ){
		x264_cli_log( "y4m", 0, "colorspace unhandled\n" );
		return -1;
    if( h->bit_depth < 8 || h->bit_depth > 16 ){
		x264_cli_log( "y4m", 0, "unsupported bit depth `%d'\n", h->bit_depth );
		return -1;

    info->thread_safe = 1;
    info->num_frames  = 0;
    info->csp         = colorspace;
    h->frame_size     = h->frame_header_len;

    if( h->bit_depth > 8 )
        info->csp |= X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH;

    csp = x264_cli_get_csp( info->csp );

    for( i = 0; i < csp->planes; i++ )
        h->plane_size[i] = x264_cli_pic_plane_size( info->csp, info->width, info->height, i );
        h->frame_size += h->plane_size[i];
        /* x264_cli_pic_plane_size returns the size in bytes, we need the value in pixels from here on */
        h->plane_size[i] /= x264_cli_csp_depth_factor( info->csp );

    /* Most common case: frame_header = "FRAME" */
    if( x264_is_regular_file( h->fh ) )
        uint64_t init_pos = ftell( h->fh );
        uint64_t i_size;

		fseek( h->fh, 0, SEEK_END );
        i_size = ftell( h->fh );
        fseek( h->fh, init_pos, SEEK_SET );
        info->num_frames = (i_size - h->seq_header_len) / h->frame_size;

    *p_handle = h;
    return 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: avs.c プロジェクト: xing2fan/x264
static int open_file( char *psz_filename, hnd_t *p_handle, video_info_t *info, cli_input_opt_t *opt )
    FILE *fh = x264_fopen( psz_filename, "r" );
    if( !fh )
        return -1;
    int b_regular = x264_is_regular_file( fh );
    fclose( fh );
    FAIL_IF_ERROR( !b_regular, "AVS input is incompatible with non-regular file `%s'\n", psz_filename );

    avs_hnd_t *h = calloc( 1, sizeof(avs_hnd_t) );
    if( !h )
        return -1;
    FAIL_IF_ERROR( custom_avs_load_library( h ), "failed to load avisynth\n" );
    h->env = h->func.avs_create_script_environment( AVS_INTERFACE_25 );
    if( h->func.avs_get_error )
        const char *error = h->func.avs_get_error( h->env );
        FAIL_IF_ERROR( error, "%s\n", error );
    float avs_version = get_avs_version( h );
    if( avs_version <= 0 )
        return -1;
    x264_cli_log( "avs", X264_LOG_DEBUG, "using avisynth version %.2f\n", avs_version );

#ifdef _WIN32
    /* Avisynth doesn't support Unicode filenames. */
    char ansi_filename[MAX_PATH];
    FAIL_IF_ERROR( !x264_ansi_filename( psz_filename, ansi_filename, MAX_PATH, 0 ), "invalid ansi filename\n" );
    AVS_Value arg = avs_new_value_string( ansi_filename );
    AVS_Value arg = avs_new_value_string( psz_filename );

    AVS_Value res;
    char *filename_ext = get_filename_extension( psz_filename );

    if( !strcasecmp( filename_ext, "avs" ) )
        res = h->func.avs_invoke( h->env, "Import", arg, NULL );
        FAIL_IF_ERROR( avs_is_error( res ), "%s\n", avs_as_error( res ) );
        /* check if the user is using a multi-threaded script and apply distributor if necessary.
           adapted from avisynth's vfw interface */
        AVS_Value mt_test = h->func.avs_invoke( h->env, "GetMTMode", avs_new_value_bool( 0 ), NULL );
        int mt_mode = avs_is_int( mt_test ) ? avs_as_int( mt_test ) : 0;
        h->func.avs_release_value( mt_test );
        if( mt_mode > 0 && mt_mode < 5 )
            AVS_Value temp = h->func.avs_invoke( h->env, "Distributor", res, NULL );
            h->func.avs_release_value( res );
            res = temp;
    else /* non script file */
        /* cycle through known source filters to find one that works */
        const char *filter[AVS_MAX_SEQUENCE+1] = { 0 };
        avs_build_filter_sequence( filename_ext, filter );
        int i;
        for( i = 0; filter[i]; i++ )
            x264_cli_log( "avs", X264_LOG_INFO, "trying %s... ", filter[i] );
            if( !h->func.avs_function_exists( h->env, filter[i] ) )
                x264_cli_printf( X264_LOG_INFO, "not found\n" );
            if( !strncasecmp( filter[i], "FFmpegSource", 12 ) )
                x264_cli_printf( X264_LOG_INFO, "indexing... " );
                fflush( stderr );
            res = h->func.avs_invoke( h->env, filter[i], arg, NULL );
            if( !avs_is_error( res ) )
                x264_cli_printf( X264_LOG_INFO, "succeeded\n" );
            x264_cli_printf( X264_LOG_INFO, "failed\n" );
        FAIL_IF_ERROR( !filter[i], "unable to find source filter to open `%s'\n", psz_filename );
    FAIL_IF_ERROR( !avs_is_clip( res ), "`%s' didn't return a video clip\n", psz_filename );
    h->clip = h->func.avs_take_clip( res, h->env );
    const AVS_VideoInfo *vi = h->func.avs_get_video_info( h->clip );
    FAIL_IF_ERROR( !avs_has_video( vi ), "`%s' has no video data\n", psz_filename );
    /* if the clip is made of fields instead of frames, call weave to make them frames */
    if( avs_is_field_based( vi ) )
        x264_cli_log( "avs", X264_LOG_WARNING, "detected fieldbased (separated) input, weaving to frames\n" );
        AVS_Value tmp = h->func.avs_invoke( h->env, "Weave", res, NULL );
        FAIL_IF_ERROR( avs_is_error( tmp ), "couldn't weave fields into frames: %s\n", avs_as_error( tmp ) );
        res = update_clip( h, &vi, tmp, res );
        info->interlaced = 1;
        info->tff = avs_is_tff( vi );
    /* if swscale is not available, convert the CSP if necessary */
    FAIL_IF_ERROR( avs_version < 2.6f && (opt->output_csp == X264_CSP_I400 || opt->output_csp == X264_CSP_I422 || opt->output_csp == X264_CSP_I444),
                   "avisynth >= 2.6 is required for i400/i422/i444 output\n" );
    if( (opt->output_csp == X264_CSP_I400 && !AVS_IS_Y( vi )) ||
        (opt->output_csp == X264_CSP_I420 && !AVS_IS_420( vi )) ||
        (opt->output_csp == X264_CSP_I422 && !AVS_IS_422( vi )) ||
        (opt->output_csp == X264_CSP_I444 && !AVS_IS_444( vi )) ||
        (opt->output_csp == X264_CSP_RGB && !avs_is_rgb( vi )) )
        const char *csp;
            csp = opt->output_csp == X264_CSP_I400 ? "Y" :
                  opt->output_csp == X264_CSP_I420 ? "YUV420" :
                  opt->output_csp == X264_CSP_I422 ? "YUV422" :
                  opt->output_csp == X264_CSP_I444 ? "YUV444" :
            csp = opt->output_csp == X264_CSP_I400 ? "Y8" :
                  opt->output_csp == X264_CSP_I420 ? "YV12" :
                  opt->output_csp == X264_CSP_I422 ? "YV16" :
                  opt->output_csp == X264_CSP_I444 ? "YV24" :
        x264_cli_log( "avs", X264_LOG_WARNING, "converting input clip to %s\n", csp );
        if( opt->output_csp != X264_CSP_I400 )
            FAIL_IF_ERROR( opt->output_csp < X264_CSP_I444 && (vi->width&1),
                           "input clip width not divisible by 2 (%dx%d)\n", vi->width, vi->height );
            FAIL_IF_ERROR( opt->output_csp == X264_CSP_I420 && info->interlaced && (vi->height&3),
                           "input clip height not divisible by 4 (%dx%d)\n", vi->width, vi->height );
            FAIL_IF_ERROR( (opt->output_csp == X264_CSP_I420 || info->interlaced) && (vi->height&1),
                           "input clip height not divisible by 2 (%dx%d)\n", vi->width, vi->height );
        char conv_func[16];
        snprintf( conv_func, sizeof(conv_func), "ConvertTo%s", csp );
        AVS_Value arg_arr[3];
        const char *arg_name[3];
        int arg_count = 1;
        arg_arr[0] = res;
        arg_name[0] = NULL;
        if( opt->output_csp != X264_CSP_I400 )
            arg_arr[arg_count] = avs_new_value_bool( info->interlaced );
            arg_name[arg_count] = "interlaced";
        /* if doing a rgb <-> yuv conversion then range is handled via 'matrix'. though it's only supported in 2.56+ */
        char matrix[7];
        if( avs_version >= 2.56f && ((opt->output_csp == X264_CSP_RGB && avs_is_yuv( vi )) || (opt->output_csp != X264_CSP_RGB && avs_is_rgb( vi ))) )
            // if converting from yuv, then we specify the matrix for the input, otherwise use the output's.
            int use_pc_matrix = avs_is_yuv( vi ) ? opt->input_range == RANGE_PC : opt->output_range == RANGE_PC;
            snprintf( matrix, sizeof(matrix), "%s601", use_pc_matrix ? "PC." : "Rec" ); /* FIXME: use correct coefficients */
            arg_arr[arg_count] = avs_new_value_string( matrix );
            arg_name[arg_count] = "matrix";
            // notification that the input range has changed to the desired one
            opt->input_range = opt->output_range;
        AVS_Value res2 = h->func.avs_invoke( h->env, conv_func, avs_new_value_array( arg_arr, arg_count ), arg_name );
        FAIL_IF_ERROR( avs_is_error( res2 ), "couldn't convert input clip to %s: %s\n", csp, avs_as_error( res2 ) );
        res = update_clip( h, &vi, res2, res );
    /* if swscale is not available, change the range if necessary. This only applies to YUV-based CSPs however */
    if( avs_is_yuv( vi ) && opt->output_range != RANGE_AUTO && ((opt->input_range == RANGE_PC) != opt->output_range) )
        const char *levels = opt->output_range ? "TV->PC" : "PC->TV";
        x264_cli_log( "avs", X264_LOG_WARNING, "performing %s conversion\n", levels );
        AVS_Value arg_arr[2];
        arg_arr[0] = res;
        arg_arr[1] = avs_new_value_string( levels );
        const char *arg_name[] = { NULL, "levels" };
        AVS_Value res2 = h->func.avs_invoke( h->env, "ColorYUV", avs_new_value_array( arg_arr, 2 ), arg_name );
        FAIL_IF_ERROR( avs_is_error( res2 ), "couldn't convert range: %s\n", avs_as_error( res2 ) );
        res = update_clip( h, &vi, res2, res );
        // notification that the input range has changed to the desired one
        opt->input_range = opt->output_range;

    h->func.avs_release_value( res );

    info->width   = vi->width;
    info->height  = vi->height;
    info->fps_num = vi->fps_numerator;
    info->fps_den = vi->fps_denominator;
    h->num_frames = info->num_frames = vi->num_frames;
    info->thread_safe = 1;
    if( AVS_IS_RGB64( vi ) )
        info->csp = X264_CSP_BGRA | X264_CSP_VFLIP | X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH;
    else if( avs_is_rgb32( vi ) )
        info->csp = X264_CSP_BGRA | X264_CSP_VFLIP;
    else if( AVS_IS_RGB48( vi ) )
        info->csp = X264_CSP_BGR | X264_CSP_VFLIP | X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH;
    else if( avs_is_rgb24( vi ) )
        info->csp = X264_CSP_BGR | X264_CSP_VFLIP;
    else if( AVS_IS_YUV444P16( vi ) )
        info->csp = X264_CSP_I444 | X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH;
    else if( avs_is_yv24( vi ) )
        info->csp = X264_CSP_I444;
    else if( AVS_IS_YUV422P16( vi ) )
        info->csp = X264_CSP_I422 | X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH;
    else if( avs_is_yv16( vi ) )
        info->csp = X264_CSP_I422;
    else if( AVS_IS_YUV420P16( vi ) )
        info->csp = X264_CSP_I420 | X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH;
    else if( avs_is_yv12( vi ) )
        info->csp = X264_CSP_I420;
    else if( AVS_IS_Y16( vi ) )
        info->csp = X264_CSP_I400 | X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH;
    else if( avs_is_y8( vi ) )
        info->csp = X264_CSP_I400;
    else if( avs_is_yuy2( vi ) )
        info->csp = X264_CSP_YUYV;
    else if( avs_is_yv411( vi ) )
        info->csp = AV_PIX_FMT_YUV411P | X264_CSP_OTHER;
        AVS_Value pixel_type = h->func.avs_invoke( h->env, "PixelType", res, NULL );
        const char *pixel_type_name = avs_is_string( pixel_type ) ? avs_as_string( pixel_type ) : "unknown";
        FAIL_IF_ERROR( 1, "not supported pixel type: %s\n", pixel_type_name );
    info->vfr = 0;

    *p_handle = h;
    return 0;
コード例 #7
ファイル: avs.c プロジェクト: BOTCrusher/sagetv
static int open_file( char *psz_filename, hnd_t *p_handle, video_info_t *info, cli_input_opt_t *opt )
    FILE *fh = fopen( psz_filename, "r" );
    if( !fh )
        return -1;
    FAIL_IF_ERROR( !x264_is_regular_file( fh ), "AVS input is incompatible with non-regular file `%s'\n", psz_filename );
    fclose( fh );

    avs_hnd_t *h = malloc( sizeof(avs_hnd_t) );
    if( !h )
        return -1;
    FAIL_IF_ERROR( x264_avs_load_library( h ), "failed to load avisynth\n" )
    h->env = h->func.avs_create_script_environment( AVS_INTERFACE_25 );
    FAIL_IF_ERROR( !h->env, "failed to initiate avisynth\n" )
    AVS_Value arg = avs_new_value_string( psz_filename );
    AVS_Value res;
    char *filename_ext = get_filename_extension( psz_filename );

    if( !strcasecmp( filename_ext, "avs" ) )
        res = h->func.avs_invoke( h->env, "Import", arg, NULL );
        FAIL_IF_ERROR( avs_is_error( res ), "%s\n", avs_as_string( res ) )
        /* check if the user is using a multi-threaded script and apply distributor if necessary.
           adapted from avisynth's vfw interface */
        AVS_Value mt_test = h->func.avs_invoke( h->env, "GetMTMode", avs_new_value_bool( 0 ), NULL );
        int mt_mode = avs_is_int( mt_test ) ? avs_as_int( mt_test ) : 0;
        h->func.avs_release_value( mt_test );
        if( mt_mode > 0 && mt_mode < 5 )
            AVS_Value temp = h->func.avs_invoke( h->env, "Distributor", res, NULL );
            h->func.avs_release_value( res );
            res = temp;
    else /* non script file */
        /* cycle through known source filters to find one that works */
        const char *filter[AVS_MAX_SEQUENCE+1] = { 0 };
        avs_build_filter_sequence( filename_ext, filter );
        int i;
        for( i = 0; filter[i]; i++ )
            x264_cli_log( "avs", X264_LOG_INFO, "trying %s... ", filter[i] );
            if( !h->func.avs_function_exists( h->env, filter[i] ) )
                x264_cli_printf( X264_LOG_INFO, "not found\n" );
            if( !strncasecmp( filter[i], "FFmpegSource", 12 ) )
                x264_cli_printf( X264_LOG_INFO, "indexing... " );
                fflush( stderr );
            res = h->func.avs_invoke( h->env, filter[i], arg, NULL );
            if( !avs_is_error( res ) )
                x264_cli_printf( X264_LOG_INFO, "succeeded\n" );
            x264_cli_printf( X264_LOG_INFO, "failed\n" );
        FAIL_IF_ERROR( !filter[i], "unable to find source filter to open `%s'\n", psz_filename )
    FAIL_IF_ERROR( !avs_is_clip( res ), "`%s' didn't return a video clip\n", psz_filename )
    h->clip = h->func.avs_take_clip( res, h->env );
    const AVS_VideoInfo *vi = h->func.avs_get_video_info( h->clip );
    FAIL_IF_ERROR( !avs_has_video( vi ), "`%s' has no video data\n", psz_filename )
    /* if the clip is made of fields instead of frames, call weave to make them frames */
    if( avs_is_field_based( vi ) )
        x264_cli_log( "avs", X264_LOG_WARNING, "detected fieldbased (separated) input, weaving to frames\n" );
        AVS_Value tmp = h->func.avs_invoke( h->env, "Weave", res, NULL );
        FAIL_IF_ERROR( avs_is_error( tmp ), "couldn't weave fields into frames\n" )
        res = update_clip( h, &vi, tmp, res );
        info->interlaced = 1;
        info->tff = avs_is_tff( vi );
    /* if swscale is not available, convert CSPs to yv12 */
    if( !avs_is_yv12( vi ) )
        x264_cli_log( "avs", X264_LOG_WARNING, "converting input clip to YV12\n" );
        FAIL_IF_ERROR( vi->width&1 || vi->height&1, "input clip width or height not divisible by 2 (%dx%d)\n", vi->width, vi->height )
        const char *arg_name[2] = { NULL, "interlaced" };
        AVS_Value arg_arr[2] = { res, avs_new_value_bool( info->interlaced ) };
        AVS_Value res2 = h->func.avs_invoke( h->env, "ConvertToYV12", avs_new_value_array( arg_arr, 2 ), arg_name );
        FAIL_IF_ERROR( avs_is_error( res2 ), "couldn't convert input clip to YV12\n" )
        res = update_clip( h, &vi, res2, res );