コード例 #1
ファイル: hxinetaddr.cpp プロジェクト: muromec/qtopia-ezx
static int
hx_inet_pton6(const char* s, UINT16* d)
    unsigned int elem, pos, n;
    unsigned int celem = (~0U); // Compression element
    in_addr addr4;

    // Check for IPv4 literal and convert to V4MAPPED directly
    if (hx_inet_pton4(s, (UINT8*)&addr4) > 0)
        memset(d, 0, 10);
        d[5] = 0xffff;
        memcpy(&d[6], &addr4, sizeof(addr4));
        return 1;

    elem = 0;
     * We require the leading "::ffff:" for v4mapped addresses because our
     * hx_inet_pton handles "bare" IPv4 addresses.  If that were not so, we
     * would need to do a special check here.
    if (*s == ':' && *(s+1) == ':')
        celem = 0;
        s += 2;
    while (*s)
        n = pos = 0;
        if (hx_inet_pton4(s, (UINT8*)&addr4) > 0)
             * Check for mixed v6/v4 notation (see RFC 3513 2.2 #3).  The
             * IPv4 portion must be at the end of the address.  I don't see
             * any requirement that the prefix is any particular value (eg.
             * "::" or "::ffff:") so don't try to check.
            if ((celem == (~0U) && elem != 6) || (celem > 5 || elem > 6))
                return 0;
            memcpy(&d[elem], &addr4, sizeof(addr4));
            elem += 2;
            while (isx(*s))
                if (pos++ > 3)
                    return 0;
                n = (n << 4) + x2n(*s++);
            if (pos == 0)
                return 0;
            d[elem] = hx_htons(n);
        if (*s)
            if (*s != ':')
                return 0;
            if (*s == ':')
                if (celem != (~0U))
                    return 0;
                celem = elem+1;
        if (elem++ > 7)
            return 0;
    if (celem != (~0U))
        if (elem > celem)
            memmove(&d[8-(elem-celem)], &d[celem],
        memset(&d[celem], 0, (8-elem)*sizeof(UINT16));
    else if(elem != 8)
        return 0;
    return 1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: prog09.c プロジェクト: safaci2000-public/SchoolCode
int main()
{   unsigned long virtInG,mainInM,Ratio,pageInK,framInK,

// virtInG  = size of Virtual Memory (in G bytes)
// mainInM  = size of Main Memory (in M bytes)
// Ratio    = virtInG*Kilo/MainInM
// pageInK  = size of Page  (in K bytes)
// framInK  = size of Frame (in K bytes) = pageInK
// nVirt    : size of Virtual Memory = 2**(nVirt)
// nMain    : size of Main Memory = 2**(nMain)
// npSz     : size of Page  = 2**(npSz)
// nfSz     : size of Frame = 2**(nfSz)
// nTotPages: TotPages = 2**(nTotPages), where TotPages = Total # of Pages
// nTotFrams: TotFrams = 2**(nTotFrams), where TotFrams = Total # of Frames
// pgmInK   : size of Program Segment (in K bytes)

    long long test = 0;
    unsigned long virtSz,mainSz,pageSz,framSz,TotPages,TotFrams,

    int i,j,k,temp,Repeat;
// virtSz    = size of Virtual Memory (in bytes) = virtInG*Mega*Kilo
// mainSz    = size of Main Memory (in bytes) = mainInM*Mega
// pageSz    = size of Page  (in bytes) = pageInK * Kilo
// framSz    = size of Frame (in byte) = pageSz
// TotPages  = Total # of Pages  = virtSz/pageSz
// TotFrams  = Total # of Frames = mainSz/framSz
// maxPage   = Largest Page #  = TotPages - 1
// maxFram   = Largest Frame # = TotFrams - 1
// virtAdr[] : virtAdr[0] = address of First Byte of Program in Virtual Memory
//             virtAdr[i] = virtAdr[i-1] + pageSz*Kilo (1 <= i <= j)
// pageNum[] = Page # to which virtAdr[] belongs     (= virtAdr[] / pageSz)
// bytePos[] = Position of First Byte in pageNum[]   (= virtAdr[] % pageSz)
// mainAdr[] = address of virtAdr[] in Main Memory   (= virtAdr[] / Ratio)
// pagePos[] = Position of pageNum[] among the pages (= virtAdr[] % Ratio)
// framNum[] = Frame # to which pageNum[] is mapped  (= pageNum[] % Ratio)

    printf("\nGeneral Information for the Virtual-Main Memory System:\n");

    Repeat = 1;
    while (Repeat == 1)
    {   system(CLEAR);
        printf("\nEnter the size of Virtual Memory (in Giga bytes):->");
        scanf("%d",&virtInG);         /* set memory size to immpropor responce */
        virtSz = virtInG * Mega * Kilo;

        printf("\nEnter the size of Main Memory (in Mega bytes):->");
        mainSz = mainInM * Mega;

        printf("\nChoose one for the size of Page (in Kilo bytes):");
        pageSz  = pageInK * Kilo;
        framInK = pageInK;
        framSz  = pageSz;

//  Memory System Information: Compute & Display
        TotPages = virtInG * Mega / pageInK;
        TotFrams = mainSz / framSz;
        Ratio = (virtInG * Mega) / (mainSz / Kilo);

        nVirt = 30;
        test = virtInG;
        while (test > 1) {
            test /= 2;

        nMain = x2n(mainSz);
        npSz = x2n(pageSz);

        nfSz = x2n(framSz);
        nTotPages = x2n(TotPages);
        nTotFrams = x2n(TotFrams);

        printf("\n            Virtual-Main Memory System                ");
        printf("\n    Virtual Memory Size in Giga bytes = %dG = 2**%d",virtInG,nVirt);
        printf("\n    Largest Address in Virtual Memory = %lX",virtSz-1);
        printf("\n                   Page Size in bytes = %dK = 2**%d",pageInK,npSz);
        printf("\n        Virtual Memory Size/Page Size = %lX = 2**%d",TotPages,nTotPages);
        printf("\nLargest Page Number in Virtual Memory = %lX",TotPages-1);
        printf("\n Virtual Memory Size/Main Memory Size = %d",Ratio);
        printf("\n       Main Memory Size in Mega bytes = %dM = 2**%d",mainInM,nMain);
        printf("\n       Largest Address in Main Memory = %lX",mainSz-1);
        printf("\n                  Frame Size in bytes = %dK = 2**%d",framInK,nfSz);
        printf("\n          Main Memory Size/Frame Size = %lX = 2**%d",TotFrams,nTotFrams);
        printf("\n  Largest Frame Number in Main Memory = %lX",TotFrams-1);

        printf("\nAbout a Program in Virtual Memory:");
        printf("\nEnter the address of its First Byte <= %lX:-> ",virtSz-1);

        pageNum[0] = virtAdr[0] / framSz;
        bytePos[0] = virtAdr[0] % framSz;

        framNum[0] = pageNum[0] % TotFrams;
        pagePos[0] = pageNum[0] / TotFrams;

        printf("\n      Address of First Byte of Program = virtAdr[0] = %lX",virtAdr[0]);
        printf("\n    Page # to which virtAdr[0] belongs = pageNum[0] = %lX",pageNum[0]);
        printf("\n    Position of virtAdr[0] in the Page = bytePos[0] = %lX",bytePos[0]);
        printf("\n Frame # to which pageNum[0] is mapped = framNum[0] = %lX",framNum[0]);
        printf("\nPosition of pageNum[0] among the pages = pagePos[0] = %lX",pagePos[0]);

        printf("\nEnter the size of the program in K bytes:->");
        printf("\nSize of the program in K bytes = %dK",pgmInK);
        printf("\nAddress of First Byte = %lX",virtAdr[0]);

        test = pgmInK * pow(2,10);
        printf("\nAddress of Last Byte  = %lX", (virtAdr[0]+ test - 1));

        virtAdr[1] = virtAdr[0] + (pageSz - bytePos[0]);

        i = 1;
        while (virtAdr[i]  < (virtAdr[0]+pgmInK*Kilo-1))  {
            pageNum[i] = pageNum[i-1] + 1;
            framNum[i] = framNum[i-1] + 1;
            printf("\n    Address of First Byte in Next Page = virtAdr[%d] = %lX",i,virtAdr[i]);
            printf("\n    Page # to which virtAdr[%d] belongs = pageNum[%d] = %lX",i,i,pageNum[i]);
            printf("\n Frame # to which pageNum[%d] is mapped = framNum[%d] = %lX",i,i,framNum[i]);

            virtAdr[i] = virtAdr[i-1] +  pageSz;
        printf("\nNumber of Pages occupied by Program = %d",i);

        printf("\n\nType '1' to continue, '0' to exit:->");
    printf("\nBye for Now!\n");
    return 0;