コード例 #1
int NFCSceneProcessModule::OnEnterSceneEvent( const NFIDENTID& self, const int nEventID, const NFIDataList& var )
    if ( var.GetCount() != 4 
        return 0;

    NFIDENTID ident = var.Object( 0 );
    int nType = var.Int( 1 );
    int nTargetScene = var.Int( 2 );
    int nTargetGroupID = var.Int( 3 );
    int nOldSceneID = m_pKernelModule->GetPropertyInt( self, "SceneID" );

    char szSceneID[MAX_PATH] = {0};
    sprintf(szSceneID, "%d", nTargetScene);
	int nActorID = m_pElementInfoModule->GetPropertyInt(szSceneID, "ActorID");
	int nSelfActorID = pPluginManager->GetActorID();
	if (nSelfActorID != nActorID)
		m_pLogModule->LogNormal(NFILogModule::NLL_ERROR_NORMAL, ident, "target scene not runing in this server", nTargetScene);
		return 1;

    if ( self != ident )
        m_pLogModule->LogNormal(NFILogModule::NLL_ERROR_NORMAL, ident, "you are not you self, but you want to entry this scene", nTargetScene);
        return 1;

    const int nNowContainerID = m_pKernelModule->GetPropertyInt(self, "SceneID");
    const int nNowGroupID = m_pKernelModule->GetPropertyInt(self, "GroupID");
    if (nNowContainerID == nTargetScene
        && nNowGroupID == nTargetGroupID)
        m_pLogModule->LogNormal(NFILogModule::NLL_INFO_NORMAL, ident, "in same scene and group but it not a clone scene", nTargetScene);

        return 1;

    nTargetGroupID = CreateCloneScene( nTargetScene, nTargetGroupID, "File.xml", NFCDataList() );
    if ( nTargetGroupID <= 0 )
        m_pLogModule->LogNormal(NFILogModule::NLL_INFO_NORMAL, ident, "CreateCloneScene failed", nTargetScene);
        return 0;

    float fX = 0.0f;
    float fY = 0.0f;
    float fZ = 0.0f;

    const std::string& strRelivePosList = m_pElementInfoModule->GetPropertyString(szSceneID, "RelivePos");
    NFCDataList valueRelivePosList( strRelivePosList.c_str(), ";" );
    if ( valueRelivePosList.GetCount() >= 1 )
        NFCDataList valueRelivePos( valueRelivePosList.String( 0 ).c_str(), "," );
        if ( valueRelivePos.GetCount() == 3 )
            fX = boost::lexical_cast<float>( valueRelivePos.String( 0 ) );
            fY = boost::lexical_cast<float>( valueRelivePos.String( 1 ) );
            fZ = boost::lexical_cast<float>( valueRelivePos.String( 2 ) );

    NFCDataList xSceneResult( var );
    xSceneResult.Add( fX );
    xSceneResult.Add( fY );
    xSceneResult.Add( fZ );

    m_pEventProcessModule->DoEvent( self, NFED_ON_OBJECT_ENTER_SCENE_BEFORE, xSceneResult );

    if(!m_pKernelModule->SwitchScene( self, nTargetScene, nTargetGroupID, fX, fY, fZ, 0.0f, var ))
        m_pLogModule->LogNormal(NFILogModule::NLL_INFO_NORMAL, ident, "SwitchScene failed", nTargetScene);

        return 0;

    xSceneResult.Set(3, NFINT64(nTargetGroupID));//spicial
    m_pEventProcessModule->DoEvent( self, NFED_ON_OBJECT_ENTER_SCENE_RESULT, xSceneResult );

    return 0;

int NFCSceneProcessModule::OnLeaveSceneEvent( const NFIDENTID& object, const int nEventID, const NFIDataList& var )
    if (1 != var.GetCount()
        return -1;

    NFINT32 nOldGroupID = var.Int(0);

    NF_SHARE_PTR<NFIObject> pObject = m_pKernelModule->GetObject(object);
    if (pObject.get() && nOldGroupID > 0)
        int nContainerID = pObject->GetPropertyInt("SceneID");
        if (GetCloneSceneType(nContainerID) == SCENE_TYPE_MAINLINE_CLONE)
            m_pLogModule->LogNormal(NFILogModule::NLL_INFO_NORMAL, object, "DestroyCloneSceneGroup", nOldGroupID);
            DestroyCloneScene(nContainerID, nOldGroupID, var);

    return 0;

int NFCSceneProcessModule::OnObjectClassEvent( const NFIDENTID& self, const std::string& strClassName, const CLASS_OBJECT_EVENT eClassEvent, const NFIDataList& var )
    if ( strClassName == "Player" )
        if ( CLASS_OBJECT_EVENT::COE_DESTROY == eClassEvent )
            int nContainerID = m_pKernelModule->GetPropertyInt(self, "SceneID");
            if (GetCloneSceneType(nContainerID) == SCENE_TYPE_MAINLINE_CLONE)
                int nGroupID = m_pKernelModule->GetPropertyInt(self, "GroupID");

                m_pLogModule->LogNormal(NFILogModule::NLL_INFO_NORMAL, self, "DestroyCloneSceneGroup", nGroupID);
                DestroyCloneScene(nContainerID, nGroupID, NFCDataList());
        else if ( CLASS_OBJECT_EVENT::COE_CREATE_HASDATA == eClassEvent )
            m_pEventProcessModule->AddEventCallBack( self, NFED_ON_CLIENT_ENTER_SCENE, this, &NFCSceneProcessModule::OnEnterSceneEvent );
            m_pEventProcessModule->AddEventCallBack( self, NFED_ON_CLIENT_LEAVE_SCENE, this, &NFCSceneProcessModule::OnLeaveSceneEvent );

    return 0;

E_SCENE_TYPE NFCSceneProcessModule::GetCloneSceneType( const int nContainerID )
    char szSceneIDName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
    sprintf( szSceneIDName, "%d", nContainerID );
    if (m_pElementInfoModule->ExistElement(szSceneIDName))
        return (E_SCENE_TYPE)m_pElementInfoModule->GetPropertyInt(szSceneIDName, "SceneType");

    return SCENE_TYPE_ERROR;
コード例 #2
int NFCSceneProcessModule::OnEnterSceneEvent( const NFGUID& self, const int nEventID, const NFIDataList& var )
    if ( var.GetCount() != 4 
        return 0;

    const NFGUID ident = var.Object( 0 );
    const int nType = var.Int( 1 );
    const int nTargetScene = var.Int( 2 );
    const int nTargetGroupID = var.Int( 3 );
    const int nNowSceneID = m_pKernelModule->GetPropertyInt( self, NFrame::Player::SceneID());
	const int nNowGroupID = m_pKernelModule->GetPropertyInt(self, NFrame::Player::GroupID());

    if ( self != ident )
        m_pLogModule->LogNormal(NFILogModule::NLL_ERROR_NORMAL, ident, "you are not you self, but you want to entry this scene", nTargetScene);
        return 1;

    if (nNowSceneID == nTargetScene
		&& nTargetGroupID == nNowGroupID)
        m_pLogModule->LogNormal(NFILogModule::NLL_INFO_NORMAL, ident, "in same scene and group but it not a clone scene", nTargetScene);

        return 1;

	NFINT64 nNewGroupID = 0;
	if (nTargetGroupID <= 0)
		nNewGroupID = CreateCloneScene( nTargetScene );
		nNewGroupID = nTargetGroupID;

    if ( nNewGroupID <= 0 )
        m_pLogModule->LogNormal(NFILogModule::NLL_INFO_NORMAL, ident, "CreateCloneScene failed", nTargetScene);
        return 0;

    double fX = 0.0;
    double fY = 0.0;
    double fZ = 0.0;
	const std::string strSceneID = lexical_cast<std::string>(nTargetScene);
    const std::string& strRelivePosList = m_pElementInfoModule->GetPropertyString(strSceneID, NFrame::Scene::RelivePos());

    NFCDataList valueRelivePosList( strRelivePosList.c_str(), ";" );
    if ( valueRelivePosList.GetCount() >= 1 )
        NFCDataList valueRelivePos( valueRelivePosList.String( 0 ).c_str(), "," );
        if ( valueRelivePos.GetCount() == 3 )
            fX = lexical_cast<double>( valueRelivePos.String( 0 ) );
            fY = lexical_cast<double>( valueRelivePos.String( 1 ) );
            fZ = lexical_cast<double>( valueRelivePos.String( 2 ) );

    NFCDataList xSceneResult( var );
    xSceneResult.Add( fX );
    xSceneResult.Add( fY );
    xSceneResult.Add( fZ );

    m_pKernelModule->DoEvent( self, NFED_ON_OBJECT_ENTER_SCENE_BEFORE, xSceneResult );

    if(!m_pKernelModule->SwitchScene( self, nTargetScene, nNewGroupID, fX, fY, fZ, 0.0f, var ))
        m_pLogModule->LogNormal(NFILogModule::NLL_INFO_NORMAL, ident, "SwitchScene failed", nTargetScene);

        return 0;

	xSceneResult.Add( nNewGroupID );
    m_pKernelModule->DoEvent( self, NFED_ON_OBJECT_ENTER_SCENE_RESULT, xSceneResult );

    return 0;