コード例 #1
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int status = STATUS_OK;
    IplImage* I = NULL;
    const char* image_name = "test_ellipse.bmp";
    const char* initials_name = "test_initials.dat";
    unsigned int num_blobs = 2;
    const char* out_file_name = "test_out.dat";

    if(argc >= 2)
        num_blobs = atoi(argv[1]);

    int num_init = num_blobs;
    if(argc >= 3)
        num_init = atoi(argv[2]);

    std::vector<double> x;
    std::vector<double> y;
    std::vector<double> o;    
    std::vector<double> xx;
    std::vector<double> xy;
    std::vector<double> yy;
    std::vector<double> a;
    std::vector<double> m;
    std::vector<double> M;    
    double x_i, y_i, o_i, xx_i, xy_i, yy_i;

    std::ifstream in_file;
        std::cerr << "Unable to open " << initials_name << std::endl;
        return 1;

    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < num_init; i++)
        in_file >> x_i;
        in_file >> y_i;
        in_file >> xx_i;
        in_file >> xy_i;
        in_file >> yy_i;
        std::cout << "Data Line:  " << x[i] << " " << y[i] << " " <<
            xx[i] << " " << xy[i] << " " << yy[i] << std::endl;

    std::vector<double> x_o(x);
    std::vector<double> y_o(y);
    std::vector<double> o_o(o);
    std::vector<double> a_o(a);
    std::vector<double> m_o(m);
    std::vector<double> M_o(M);    
    std::vector<double> xx_o(xx);
    std::vector<double> xy_o(xy);
    std::vector<double> yy_o(yy);

    std::cout << "Loading image." << std::endl;
    I = cvLoadImage(image_name, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
        std::cerr << "ERROR:  Unable to load \"" << image_name << "\"" << std::endl;
        return STATUS_NOT_OK;

    std::cout << "Initializing the YABlobber." << std::endl;

    YABlobber yblobber;
    IplImage* I2 = cvCloneImage(I);
    yblobber.m_bCopySequences = true;

    std::cout << "Blobbing." << std::endl;
    std::vector<YABlob> yblobs = yblobber.FindBlobs(I2, 1, 1, -1, -1);
    std::cout << "Found " << yblobs.size() << " YABlobs" << std::endl;

    unsigned int rows = x.size();
    unsigned int cols = yblobs.size();
    unsigned int* adj = BiCC_CreateMat(rows, cols);
    unsigned int* label_M = BiCC_CreateMat(rows, cols);
    unsigned int* label = BiCC_CreateMat(1, rows + cols);

    double dx;
    double dy;
    double rho;
    for(unsigned int i_prior = 0; i_prior < rows; i_prior++)    
        for(unsigned int j_blob = 0; j_blob < cols; j_blob++)
            dx = x[i_prior] - yblobs[j_blob].COMx;
            dy = y[i_prior] - yblobs[j_blob].COMy;
            rho = 1.25*(max(xx[i_prior], yy[i_prior])
                        + (yblobs[j_blob].major_axis)*(yblobs[j_blob].major_axis));
            std::cout << i_prior << ", " << j_blob << ": "
                      << dx << " " << dy << " " << rho << std::endl;
            if(dx*dx + dy*dy < rho)
                adj[i_prior*cols+j_blob] = 1;
    std::cout << "Adjacency matrix: " << std::endl;
    spit_mat(adj, rows, cols);

    std::cout << "Performing BiCC" << std::endl;
    int n_cc = BiCC_Do(adj, rows, cols, label, label_M);
    std::cout << "Found " << n_cc << " components.  Labels:" << std::endl;
    spit_mat(label_M, rows, cols);
    spit_mat(label, 1, rows+cols);

    std::vector<unsigned int> priors_this_comp(0);
    std::vector<unsigned int> blobs_this_comp(0);
    for(unsigned int i = 1; i <= min(n_cc, (int) rows); i++)
        for(unsigned int k = 0; k < rows+cols; k++)
            if(label[k] == i)
                if(k < rows)

        unsigned int nblobs = blobs_this_comp.size();
        unsigned int nobj = priors_this_comp.size();
        std::cout << "In the " << i << "th component: " << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Priors:  ";
        for(unsigned int k = 0; k < nobj; k++)
            std::cout << priors_this_comp[k] << " ";
        std::cout << std::endl << "Blobs: ";
        for(unsigned int k = 0; k < nblobs; k++)
            std::cout << blobs_this_comp[k] << " ";
        std::cout << std::endl;

        if(nobj > 0)
            if(nblobs == 0)
                std::cout << "No blobs found, using previous state" << std::endl;
                /* shouldn't need to do anything since we copied the
                   states */
            else if(nobj == 1 && nblobs == 1)
                std::cout << "One-to-one relationship, taking info from raw blob" << std::endl;
                unsigned int px = priors_this_comp[0];
                YABlob* p_b = &yblobs[blobs_this_comp[0]];
                x_o[px] = p_b->COMx;
                y_o[px] = p_b->COMy;
                o_o[px] = p_b->orientation;
                a_o[px] = p_b->area;
                m_o[px] = p_b->minor_axis;
                M_o[px] = p_b->major_axis;                
                xx_o[px] = p_b->XX;
                xy_o[px] = p_b->XY;
                yy_o[px] = p_b->YY;                
                std::cout << "Not a one-to-one relationship, using EMMG" << std::endl;

                std::cout << "Painting the blobs" << std::endl;
                for(unsigned int k = 0; k < blobs_this_comp.size(); k++)
                    DSGY_PaintYABlobIntoImage(yblobs[blobs_this_comp[k]], I2);

                std::cout << "Initializing the DSGYlobber." << std::endl;

                std::vector<double> x_b(0);
                std::vector<double> y_b(0);
                std::vector<double> xx_b(0);
                std::vector<double> xy_b(0);
                std::vector<double> yy_b(0);
                unsigned int px;
                for(unsigned int k = 0; k < priors_this_comp.size(); k++)
                    px = priors_this_comp[k];
                DSGYBlobber blobber(nobj);
                blobber.setInitials(x_b, y_b, xx_b, xy_b, yy_b);

                std::cout << "Blobbing." << std::endl;
                std::vector<GYBlob> blobs;
                blobs = blobber.findBlobs(I2, nobj);

                std::cout << "Blobbing done." << std::endl;

                for(unsigned int k = 0; k < priors_this_comp.size(); k++)
                    px = priors_this_comp[k];
                    x_o[px] = blobs[k].m_dXCentre;
                    y_o[px] = blobs[k].m_dYCentre;
                    o_o[px] = blobs[k].m_dOrientation;
                    xx_o[px] = blobs[k].m_dXXMoment;
                    xy_o[px] = blobs[k].m_dXYMoment;
                    yy_o[px] = blobs[k].m_dYYMoment;
                    a_o[px] = blobs[k].m_dArea;
                    M_o[px] = blobs[k].m_dMajorAxis;
                    m_o[px] = blobs[k].m_dMinorAxis;                    

    std::ofstream out_file;

    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < num_blobs; i++)
        out_file << x_o[i] << " " <<
            y_o[i] << " " <<
            o_o[i] << " " <<
            a_o[i] << " " <<
            M_o[i] << " " <<
            m_o[i] << std::endl;


    return status;
コード例 #2
double EigenSolverPoissonImageEditing::solve(const NamedParameters& solverParameters, const NamedParameters& problemParameters, bool profileSolve, std::vector<SolverIteration>& iters)
    int numUnknowns = 0;
    std::unordered_map<vec2i, int, vec2iHash> pixelLocationsToIndex;
    std::vector<vec2i> pixelLocations;
    size_t pixelCount = m_dims[0] * m_dims[1];
    std::vector<float4> h_unknownFloat(pixelCount);
    std::vector<float4> h_target(pixelCount);
    std::vector<float>  h_mask(pixelCount);

    findAndCopyArrayToCPU("X", h_unknownFloat, problemParameters);
    findAndCopyArrayToCPU("T", h_target, problemParameters);
    findAndCopyArrayToCPU("M", h_mask, problemParameters);

    for (int y = 0; y < (int)m_dims[1]; ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < (int)m_dims[0]; ++x) {
            if (h_mask[y*m_dims[0] + x] == 0.0f) {
                vec2i p(x, y);
                pixelLocationsToIndex[p] =(int)pixelLocations.size();
    printf("# Unknowns: %d\n", numUnknowns);
    int numResiduals = (int)pixelLocations.size() * 4;

    Eigen::VectorXf x_r(numUnknowns), b_r(numResiduals);
    Eigen::VectorXf x_g(numUnknowns), b_g(numResiduals);
    Eigen::VectorXf x_b(numUnknowns), b_b(numResiduals);
    Eigen::VectorXf x_a(numUnknowns), b_a(numResiduals);


    for (int i = 0; i < pixelLocations.size(); ++i) {
        vec2i p = pixelLocations[i];
        float4 color = sampleImage(h_unknownFloat.data(), p, m_dims[0]);
        x_r[i] = color.x;
        //printf("%f\n", color.x);
        x_g[i] = color.y;
        x_b[i] = color.z;
        x_a[i] = color.w;
    SpMatrixf A(numResiduals, numUnknowns);
    printf("Constructing Matrix\n");
    std::vector<Tripf> entriesA;

    std::vector<vec2i> offsets;
    offsets.push_back(vec2i(-1, 0));
    offsets.push_back(vec2i(1, 0));
    offsets.push_back(vec2i(0, -1));
    offsets.push_back(vec2i(0, 1));

    for (int i = 0; i < pixelLocations.size(); ++i) {
        vec2i p = pixelLocations[i];
        int numInternalNeighbors = 0;
        float4 g_p = sampleImage(h_target.data(), p, m_dims[0]);
        int j = 0;

        for (vec2i off : offsets) {
            vec2i q = p + off;
            if (q.x >= 0 && q.y >= 0 && q.x < (int)m_dims[0] && q.y < (int)m_dims[1]) {
                auto it = pixelLocationsToIndex.find(q);
                int row = 4 * i + j;
                if (it == pixelLocationsToIndex.end()) {
                    float4 f_q = sampleImage(h_unknownFloat.data(), q, m_dims[0]);
                    b_r[row] += f_q.x;
                    b_g[row] += f_q.y;
                    b_b[row] += f_q.z;
                    b_a[row] += f_q.w;
                else {
                    entriesA.push_back(Tripf(row, it->second, -1.0f));
                entriesA.push_back(Tripf(row, i, 1.0f));

                float4 g_q = sampleImage(h_target.data(), q, m_dims[0]);
                b_r[row] += (g_p.x - g_q.x);
                b_g[row] += (g_p.y - g_q.y);
                b_b[row] += (g_p.z - g_q.z);
                b_a[row] += (g_p.w - g_q.w);

    printf("Entries Set\n");
    A.setFromTriplets(entriesA.begin(), entriesA.end());
    printf("Sparse Matrix Constructed\n");
    printf("Matrix Compressed\n");
        float totalCost = 0.0f;
        float cost_r = (A*x_r - b_r).squaredNorm();
        float cost_g = (A*x_g - b_g).squaredNorm();
        float cost_b = (A*x_b - b_b).squaredNorm();
        float cost_a = (A*x_a - b_a).squaredNorm();
        totalCost = cost_r + cost_g + cost_b + cost_a;
        printf("Initial Cost: %f : (%f, %f, %f, %f)\n", totalCost, cost_r, cost_g, cost_b, cost_a);


    AxEqBSolver solver;
    printf("Solvers Initialized\n");

    clock_t start = clock(), diff;
    solveAxEqb(solver, b_r, x_r);
    //printf("Red solve done\n");
    solveAxEqb(solver, b_g, x_g);
    //printf("Green solve done\n");
    solveAxEqb(solver, b_b, x_b);
    //printf("Blue solve done\n");
    solveAxEqb(solver, b_a, x_a);

    diff = clock() - start;
    printf("Time taken %f ms\n", diff*1000.0 / double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC));

    float totalCost = 0.0f;
    float cost_r = (A*x_r - b_r).squaredNorm(); 
    float cost_g = (A*x_g - b_g).squaredNorm();
    float cost_b = (A*x_b - b_b).squaredNorm();
    float cost_a = (A*x_a - b_a).squaredNorm();
    totalCost = cost_r + cost_g + cost_b + cost_a;
    printf("Final Cost: %f : (%f, %f, %f, %f)\n", totalCost, cost_r, cost_g, cost_b, cost_a);

    for (int i = 0; i < pixelLocations.size(); ++i) {
        setPixel(h_unknownFloat.data(), pixelLocations[i], m_dims[0], x_r[i], x_g[i], x_b[i]);
    findAndCopyToArrayFromCPU("X", h_unknownFloat, problemParameters);;
    return (double)totalCost;
