コード例 #1
ファイル: gnc-transaction-xml-v2.c プロジェクト: 573/gnucash
gnc_transaction_dom_tree_create(Transaction *trn)
    xmlNodePtr ret;
    gchar *str = NULL;

    ret = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "gnc:transaction");

    xmlSetProp(ret, BAD_CAST "version",
	       BAD_CAST transaction_version_string);

    xmlAddChild(ret, guid_to_dom_tree("trn:id", xaccTransGetGUID(trn)));

    xmlAddChild(ret, commodity_ref_to_dom_tree("trn:currency",
    str = g_strdup (xaccTransGetNum(trn));
    if (str && (g_strcmp0(str, "") != 0))
        xmlNewTextChild(ret, NULL, BAD_CAST "trn:num",
			checked_char_cast (str));
    g_free (str);

    add_timespec(ret, "trn:date-posted", xaccTransRetDatePostedTS(trn), TRUE);

    add_timespec(ret, "trn:date-entered",
                 xaccTransRetDateEnteredTS(trn), TRUE);

    str = g_strdup (xaccTransGetDescription(trn));
    if (str)
        xmlNewTextChild(ret, NULL, BAD_CAST "trn:description",
                        checked_char_cast (str));
    g_free (str);

        xmlNodePtr kvpnode = kvp_frame_to_dom_tree("trn:slots",
        if (kvpnode)
            xmlAddChild(ret, kvpnode);

    add_trans_splits(ret, trn);

    return ret;
コード例 #2
gnc_transaction_dom_tree_create (Transaction* trn)
    xmlNodePtr ret;
    gchar* str = NULL;

    ret = xmlNewNode (NULL, BAD_CAST "gnc:transaction");

    xmlSetProp (ret, BAD_CAST "version",
                BAD_CAST transaction_version_string);

    xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree ("trn:id", xaccTransGetGUID (trn)));

    xmlAddChild (ret, commodity_ref_to_dom_tree ("trn:currency",
                                                 xaccTransGetCurrency (trn)));
    str = g_strdup (xaccTransGetNum (trn));
    if (str && (g_strcmp0 (str, "") != 0))
        xmlNewTextChild (ret, NULL, BAD_CAST "trn:num",
                         checked_char_cast (str));
    g_free (str);

    add_timespec (ret, "trn:date-posted", xaccTransRetDatePostedTS (trn), TRUE);

    add_timespec (ret, "trn:date-entered",
                  xaccTransRetDateEnteredTS (trn), TRUE);

    str = g_strdup (xaccTransGetDescription (trn));
    if (str)
        xmlNewTextChild (ret, NULL, BAD_CAST "trn:description",
                         checked_char_cast (str));
    g_free (str);

    /* xmlAddChild won't do anything with a NULL, so tests are superfluous. */
    xmlAddChild (ret, qof_instance_slots_to_dom_tree ("trn:slots",
                                                      QOF_INSTANCE (trn)));

    add_trans_splits (ret, trn);

    return ret;
コード例 #3
ファイル: gnc-ledger-display.c プロジェクト: CAARNICL/gnucash
static void
gnc_ledger_display_set_watches (GNCLedgerDisplay *ld, GList *splits)
    GList *node;

    gnc_gui_component_clear_watches (ld->component_id);

    gnc_gui_component_watch_entity_type (ld->component_id,
                                         QOF_EVENT_MODIFY | QOF_EVENT_DESTROY
                                         | GNC_EVENT_ITEM_CHANGED);

    for (node = splits; node; node = node->next)
        Split *split = node->data;
        Transaction *trans = xaccSplitGetParent (split);

        gnc_gui_component_watch_entity (ld->component_id,
                                        xaccTransGetGUID (trans),
コード例 #4
ファイル: Scrub.c プロジェクト: Bob-IT/gnucash
xaccTransScrubCurrency (Transaction *trans)
    SplitList *node;
    gnc_commodity *currency;

    if (!trans) return;

    /* If there are any orphaned splits in a transaction, then the
     * this routine will fail.  Therefore, we want to make sure that
     * there are no orphans (splits without parent account).
    xaccTransScrubOrphans (trans);

    currency = xaccTransGetCurrency (trans);
    if (currency && gnc_commodity_is_currency(currency)) return;

    currency = xaccTransFindCommonCurrency (trans, qof_instance_get_book(trans));
    if (currency)
        xaccTransBeginEdit (trans);
        xaccTransSetCurrency (trans, currency);
        xaccTransCommitEdit (trans);
        if (NULL == trans->splits)
            PWARN ("Transaction \"%s\" has no splits in it!", trans->description);
            SplitList *node;
            char guid_str[GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH + 1];
            guid_to_string_buff(xaccTransGetGUID(trans), guid_str);
            PWARN ("no common transaction currency found for trans=\"%s\" (%s);",
                   trans->description, guid_str);

            for (node = trans->splits; node; node = node->next)
                Split *split = node->data;
                if (NULL == split->acc)
                    PWARN (" split=\"%s\" is not in any account!", split->memo);
		    gnc_commodity *currency = xaccAccountGetCommodity(split->acc);
                    PWARN ("setting to split=\"%s\" account=\"%s\" commodity=\"%s\"",
                           split->memo, xaccAccountGetName(split->acc),

		    xaccTransBeginEdit (trans);
		    xaccTransSetCurrency (trans, currency);
		    xaccTransCommitEdit (trans);

    for (node = trans->splits; node; node = node->next)
        Split *sp = node->data;

        if (!gnc_numeric_equal(xaccSplitGetAmount (sp),
                               xaccSplitGetValue (sp)))
            gnc_commodity *acc_currency;

            acc_currency = sp->acc ? xaccAccountGetCommodity(sp->acc) : NULL;
            if (acc_currency == currency)
                /* This Split needs fixing: The transaction-currency equals
                 * the account-currency/commodity, but the amount/values are
                 * inequal i.e. they still correspond to the security
                 * (amount) and the currency (value). In the new model, the
                 * value is the amount in the account-commodity -- so it
                 * needs to be set to equal the amount (since the
                 * account-currency doesn't exist anymore).
                 * Note: Nevertheless we lose some information here. Namely,
                 * the information that the 'amount' in 'account-old-security'
                 * was worth 'value' in 'account-old-currency'. Maybe it would
                 * be better to store that information in the price database?
                 * But then, for old currency transactions there is still the
                 * 'other' transaction, which is going to keep that
                 * information. So I don't bother with that here. -- cstim,
                 * 2002/11/20. */

                PWARN ("Adjusted split with mismatched values, desc=\"%s\" memo=\"%s\""
                       " old amount %s %s, new amount %s",
                       trans->description, sp->memo,
                       gnc_num_dbg_to_string (xaccSplitGetAmount(sp)),
                       gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic (currency),
                       gnc_num_dbg_to_string (xaccSplitGetValue(sp)));
                xaccTransBeginEdit (trans);
                xaccSplitSetAmount (sp, xaccSplitGetValue(sp));
                xaccTransCommitEdit (trans);
              PINFO ("Ok: Split '%s' Amount %s %s, value %s %s",
              xaccSplitGetMemo (sp),
              gnc_num_dbg_to_string (amount),
              gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic (currency),
              gnc_num_dbg_to_string (value),
              gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic (acc_currency));

コード例 #5
static const char*
node_and_transaction_equal (xmlNodePtr node, Transaction* trn)
    xmlNodePtr mark;

    while (g_strcmp0 ((char*)node->name, "text") == 0)
        node = node->next;

    if (!check_dom_tree_version (node, "2.0.0"))
        return "version wrong.  Not 2.0.0 or not there";

    if (!node->name || g_strcmp0 ((char*)node->name, "gnc:transaction"))
        return "Name of toplevel node is bad";

    for (mark = node->xmlChildrenNode; mark; mark = mark->next)
        if (g_strcmp0 ((char*)mark->name, "text") == 0)
        else if (g_strcmp0 ((char*)mark->name, "trn:id") == 0)
            if (!equals_node_val_vs_guid (mark, xaccTransGetGUID (trn)))
                return "ids differ";

        /* This test will fail for many splits where the transaction has
         * splits in different commodities -- eg, buying or selling a
         * stock. jralls 2010-11-02 */
        else if (g_strcmp0 ((char*)mark->name, "trn:currency") == 0)
#if 0
            if (!equals_node_val_vs_commodity (
                    mark, xaccTransGetCurrency (trn), xaccTransGetBook (trn)))
                return g_strdup ("currencies differ");
        else if (g_strcmp0 ((char*)mark->name, "trn:num") == 0)
            if (!equals_node_val_vs_string (mark, xaccTransGetNum (trn)))
                return "nums differ";
        else if (g_strcmp0 ((char*)mark->name, "trn:date-posted") == 0)
            if (!equals_node_val_vs_date (mark, xaccTransRetDatePostedTS (trn)))
                return "posted dates differ";
        else if (g_strcmp0 ((char*)mark->name, "trn:date-entered") == 0)
            if (!equals_node_val_vs_date (mark, xaccTransRetDateEnteredTS (trn)))
                return "entered dates differ";
        else if (g_strcmp0 ((char*)mark->name, "trn:description") == 0)
            if (!equals_node_val_vs_string (mark, xaccTransGetDescription (trn)))
                return "descriptions differ";
        else if (g_strcmp0 ((char*)mark->name, "trn:slots") == 0)
            if (!equals_node_val_vs_kvp_frame (mark,
                                               qof_instance_get_slots (QOF_INSTANCE (trn))))
                return "slots differ";
        else if (g_strcmp0 ((char*)mark->name, "trn:splits") == 0)
            const char* msg = equals_node_val_vs_splits (mark, trn);
            if (msg != NULL)
                return msg;
            return "unknown node";

    return NULL;
コード例 #6
ファイル: gnc-invoice-xml-v2.cpp プロジェクト: Bob-IT/gnucash
static xmlNodePtr
invoice_dom_tree_create (GncInvoice* invoice)
    xmlNodePtr ret;
    Timespec ts;
    Transaction* txn;
    GNCLot* lot;
    Account* acc;
    GncBillTerm* term;
    GncOwner* billto;
    gnc_numeric amt;

    ret = xmlNewNode (NULL, BAD_CAST gnc_invoice_string);
    xmlSetProp (ret, BAD_CAST "version", BAD_CAST invoice_version_string);

    xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree (invoice_guid_string,
                                        qof_instance_get_guid (QOF_INSTANCE (invoice))));

    xmlAddChild (ret, text_to_dom_tree (invoice_id_string,
                                        gncInvoiceGetID (invoice)));

    xmlAddChild (ret, gnc_owner_to_dom_tree (invoice_owner_string,
                                             gncInvoiceGetOwner (invoice)));

    ts = gncInvoiceGetDateOpened (invoice);
    xmlAddChild (ret, timespec_to_dom_tree (invoice_opened_string, &ts));

    maybe_add_timespec (ret, invoice_posted_string,
                        gncInvoiceGetDatePosted (invoice));

    term = gncInvoiceGetTerms (invoice);
    if (term)
        xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree (invoice_terms_string,
                                            qof_instance_get_guid (QOF_INSTANCE (term))));

    maybe_add_string (ret, invoice_billing_id_string,
                      gncInvoiceGetBillingID (invoice));
    maybe_add_string (ret, invoice_notes_string, gncInvoiceGetNotes (invoice));

    xmlAddChild (ret, int_to_dom_tree (invoice_active_string,
                                       gncInvoiceGetActive (invoice)));

    txn = gncInvoiceGetPostedTxn (invoice);
    if (txn)
        xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree (invoice_posttxn_string,
                                            xaccTransGetGUID (txn)));

    lot = gncInvoiceGetPostedLot (invoice);
    if (lot)
        xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree (invoice_postlot_string,
                                            gnc_lot_get_guid (lot)));

    acc = gncInvoiceGetPostedAcc (invoice);
    if (acc)
        xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree (invoice_postacc_string,
                                            qof_instance_get_guid (QOF_INSTANCE (acc))));

     commodity_ref_to_dom_tree (invoice_currency_string,
                                gncInvoiceGetCurrency (invoice)));

    billto = gncInvoiceGetBillTo (invoice);
    if (billto && billto->owner.undefined != NULL)
        xmlAddChild (ret, gnc_owner_to_dom_tree (invoice_billto_string, billto));

    amt = gncInvoiceGetToChargeAmount (invoice);
    if (! gnc_numeric_zero_p (amt))
        xmlAddChild (ret, gnc_numeric_to_dom_tree (invoice_tochargeamt_string, &amt));

    /* xmlAddChild won't do anything with a NULL, so tests are superfluous. */
    xmlAddChild (ret, qof_instance_slots_to_dom_tree (invoice_slots_string,
                                                      QOF_INSTANCE (invoice)));
    return ret;
コード例 #7
ファイル: TransLog.c プロジェクト: nishmu/gnucash
xaccTransWriteLog (Transaction *trans, char flag)
    GList *node;
    char trans_guid_str[GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH + 1];
    char split_guid_str[GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH + 1];
    const char *trans_notes;
    char dnow[100], dent[100], dpost[100], drecn[100];
    Timespec ts;

    if (!gen_logs) return;
    if (!trans_log) return;

    timespecFromTime_t(&ts, time(NULL));
    gnc_timespec_to_iso8601_buff (ts, dnow);

    timespecFromTime_t(&ts, trans->date_entered.tv_sec);
    gnc_timespec_to_iso8601_buff (ts, dent);

    timespecFromTime_t(&ts, trans->date_posted.tv_sec);
    gnc_timespec_to_iso8601_buff (ts, dpost);

    guid_to_string_buff (xaccTransGetGUID(trans), trans_guid_str);
    trans_notes = xaccTransGetNotes(trans);
    fprintf (trans_log, "===== START\n");

    for (node = trans->splits; node; node = node->next)
        Split *split = node->data;
        const char * accname = "";
        char acc_guid_str[GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH + 1];
        gnc_numeric amt, val;

        if (xaccSplitGetAccount(split))
            accname = xaccAccountGetName (xaccSplitGetAccount(split));
            acc_guid_str[0] = '\0';

        timespecFromTime_t(&ts, split->date_reconciled.tv_sec);
        gnc_timespec_to_iso8601_buff (ts, drecn);

        guid_to_string_buff (xaccSplitGetGUID(split), split_guid_str);
        amt = xaccSplitGetAmount (split);
        val = xaccSplitGetValue (split);

        /* use tab-separated fields */
        fprintf (trans_log,
                 "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%c\t%" G_GINT64_FORMAT "/%" G_GINT64_FORMAT "\t%" G_GINT64_FORMAT "/%" G_GINT64_FORMAT "\t%s\n",
                 trans_guid_str, split_guid_str,  /* trans+split make up unique id */
                 /* Note that the next three strings always exist,
                 		* so we don't need to test them. */
                 accname ? accname : "",
                 trans->num ? trans->num : "",
                 trans->description ? trans->description : "",
                 trans_notes ? trans_notes : "",
                 split->memo ? split->memo : "",
                 split->action ? split->action : "",
                 /* The next string always exists. No need to test it. */

    fprintf (trans_log, "===== END\n");

    /* get data out to the disk */
    fflush (trans_log);