コード例 #1
static void add_loopback_dijkstra(as_dijkstra_t as) {
  xbt_dynar_t nodes = xbt_graph_get_nodes(as->route_graph);

  xbt_node_t node = NULL;
  unsigned int cursor2;
  xbt_dynar_foreach(nodes, cursor2, node) {
    xbt_dynar_t out_edges = xbt_graph_node_get_outedges(node);
    xbt_edge_t edge = NULL;
    unsigned int cursor;

    int found = 0;
    xbt_dynar_foreach(out_edges, cursor, edge) {
      xbt_node_t other_node = xbt_graph_edge_get_target(edge);
      if (other_node == node) {
        found = 1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: AsDijkstra.cpp プロジェクト: fabienchaix/simgrid
void AsDijkstra::getRouteAndLatency(NetCard *src, NetCard *dst, sg_platf_route_cbarg_t route, double *lat)
  getRouteCheckParams(src, dst);
  int src_id = src->id();
  int dst_id = dst->id();

  int *pred_arr = nullptr;
  sg_platf_route_cbarg_t e_route;
  int size = 0;
  xbt_dynar_t nodes = xbt_graph_get_nodes(routeGraph_);

  /* Use the graph_node id mapping set to quickly find the nodes */
  graph_node_map_element_t src_elm = nodeMapSearch(src_id);
  graph_node_map_element_t dst_elm = nodeMapSearch(dst_id);

  int src_node_id = ((graph_node_data_t) xbt_graph_node_get_data(src_elm->node))->graph_id;
  int dst_node_id = ((graph_node_data_t) xbt_graph_node_get_data(dst_elm->node))->graph_id;

  /* if the src and dst are the same */
  if (src_node_id == dst_node_id) {

    xbt_node_t node_s_v = xbt_dynar_get_as(nodes, src_node_id, xbt_node_t);
    xbt_node_t node_e_v = xbt_dynar_get_as(nodes, dst_node_id, xbt_node_t);
    xbt_edge_t edge = xbt_graph_get_edge(routeGraph_, node_s_v, node_e_v);

    if (edge == nullptr)
      THROWF(arg_error, 0, "No route from '%s' to '%s'", src->name(), dst->name());

    e_route = (sg_platf_route_cbarg_t) xbt_graph_edge_get_data(edge);

    for (auto link: *e_route->link_list) {
      route->link_list->insert(route->link_list->begin(), link);
      if (lat)
        *lat += static_cast<Link*>(link)->getLatency();


  route_cache_element_t elm = nullptr;
  if (routeCache_) {  /* cache mode  */
    elm = (route_cache_element_t) xbt_dict_get_or_null_ext(routeCache_, (char *) (&src_id), sizeof(int));

  if (elm) {                    /* cached mode and cache hit */
    pred_arr = elm->pred_arr;
  } else {                      /* not cached mode, or cache miss */

    int nr_nodes = xbt_dynar_length(nodes);
    double * cost_arr = xbt_new0(double, nr_nodes);      /* link cost from src to other hosts */
    pred_arr = xbt_new0(int, nr_nodes); /* predecessors in path from src */
    xbt_heap_t pqueue = xbt_heap_new(nr_nodes, xbt_free_f);

    /* initialize */
    cost_arr[src_node_id] = 0.0;

    for (int i = 0; i < nr_nodes; i++) {
      if (i != src_node_id) {
        cost_arr[i] = DBL_MAX;

      pred_arr[i] = 0;

      /* initialize priority queue */
      int *nodeid = xbt_new0(int, 1);
      *nodeid = i;
      xbt_heap_push(pqueue, nodeid, cost_arr[i]);


    /* apply dijkstra using the indexes from the graph's node array */
    while (xbt_heap_size(pqueue) > 0) {
      int *v_id = (int *) xbt_heap_pop(pqueue);
      xbt_node_t v_node = xbt_dynar_get_as(nodes, *v_id, xbt_node_t);
      xbt_edge_t edge = nullptr;
      unsigned int cursor;

      xbt_dynar_foreach(xbt_graph_node_get_outedges(v_node), cursor, edge) {
        xbt_node_t u_node = xbt_graph_edge_get_target(edge);
        graph_node_data_t data = (graph_node_data_t) xbt_graph_node_get_data(u_node);
        int u_id = data->graph_id;
        sg_platf_route_cbarg_t tmp_e_route = (sg_platf_route_cbarg_t) xbt_graph_edge_get_data(edge);
        int cost_v_u = tmp_e_route->link_list->size();    /* count of links, old model assume 1 */

        if (cost_v_u + cost_arr[*v_id] < cost_arr[u_id]) {
          pred_arr[u_id] = *v_id;
          cost_arr[u_id] = cost_v_u + cost_arr[*v_id];
          int *nodeid = xbt_new0(int, 1);
          *nodeid = u_id;
          xbt_heap_push(pqueue, nodeid, cost_arr[u_id]);

      /* free item popped from pqueue */