int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { xmlNodePtr sentence; gchar ** tokens; GString * linebuffer = g_string_new(""); GIOChannel * in = g_io_channel_unix_new(fileno(stdin)); //首先读取一行文字 g_io_channel_read_line_string(in,linebuffer,NULL,NULL); //分割 tokens = g_strsplit_set(linebuffer->str," ",1024); //为此行文字打标记 init_yylex(tokens); //打好词性标记后开始解析语法结构 xmlInitGlobals(); xmlInitMemory(); yyparse(&sentence); xmlCleanupGlobals(); xmlCleanupMemory(); xmlSaveCtxtPtr saver = xmlSaveToFd(2,"UTF-8",0); xmlSaveTree(saver,sentence); xmlSaveFlush(saver); xmlSaveClose(saver); write(2,"\n",1); //输出语法树, 以 XML 形式 return 0; }
static void info_doc_save_to_fd(xmlDocPtr doc, int fd) { xmlSaveCtxtPtr xmlCtxt = xmlSaveToFd(fd, "UTF-8", XML_SAVE_FORMAT); if (xmlCtxt != NULL) { xmlSaveDoc(xmlCtxt, doc); xmlSaveClose(xmlCtxt); } }
int lpc2xml_convert_fd(lpc2xml_context* context, int fd) { int ret = -1; xmlSaveCtxtPtr save_ctx; lpc2xml_context_clear_logs(context); xmlSetGenericErrorFunc(context, lpc2xml_genericxml_error); save_ctx = xmlSaveToFd(fd, "UTF-8", XML_SAVE_FORMAT); if(save_ctx != NULL) { ret = internal_convert_lpc2xml(context); if(ret == 0) { ret = xmlSaveDoc(save_ctx, context->doc); if(ret != 0) { lpc2xml_log(context, LPC2XML_ERROR, "Can't save document"); lpc2xml_log(context, LPC2XML_ERROR, "%s", context->errorBuffer); } } xmlSaveClose(save_ctx); } else { lpc2xml_log(context, LPC2XML_ERROR, "Can't open fd:%d", fd); lpc2xml_log(context, LPC2XML_ERROR, "%s", context->errorBuffer); } return ret; }
/* Run an XPath query on XML on stdin, print results to stdout. */ static void do_xpath (const char *query) { CLEANUP_XMLFREEDOC xmlDocPtr doc = NULL; CLEANUP_XMLXPATHFREECONTEXT xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx = NULL; CLEANUP_XMLXPATHFREEOBJECT xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = NULL; xmlNodeSetPtr nodes; char *r; size_t i; xmlSaveCtxtPtr saveCtx; xmlNodePtr wrnode; doc = xmlReadFd (STDIN_FILENO, NULL, "utf8", XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS); if (doc == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, _("%s: unable to parse XML from stdin\n"), guestfs_int_program_name); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } xpathCtx = xmlXPathNewContext (doc); if (xpathCtx == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, _("%s: unable to create new XPath context\n"), guestfs_int_program_name); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression (BAD_CAST query, xpathCtx); if (xpathObj == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, _("%s: unable to evaluate XPath expression\n"), guestfs_int_program_name); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } switch (xpathObj->type) { case XPATH_NODESET: nodes = xpathObj->nodesetval; if (nodes == NULL) break; saveCtx = xmlSaveToFd (STDOUT_FILENO, NULL, XML_SAVE_NO_DECL | XML_SAVE_FORMAT); if (saveCtx == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, _("%s: xmlSaveToFd failed\n"), guestfs_int_program_name); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } for (i = 0; i < (size_t) nodes->nodeNr; ++i) { CLEANUP_XMLFREEDOC xmlDocPtr wrdoc = xmlNewDoc (BAD_CAST "1.0"); if (wrdoc == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, _("%s: xmlNewDoc failed\n"), guestfs_int_program_name); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } wrnode = xmlCopyNode (nodes->nodeTab[i], 1); if (wrnode == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, _("%s: xmlCopyNode failed\n"), guestfs_int_program_name); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } xmlDocSetRootElement (wrdoc, wrnode); if (xmlSaveDoc (saveCtx, wrdoc) == -1) { fprintf (stderr, _("%s: xmlSaveDoc failed\n"), guestfs_int_program_name); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } } xmlSaveClose (saveCtx); break; case XPATH_STRING: r = (char *) xpathObj->stringval; printf ("%s", r); i = strlen (r); if (i > 0 && r[i-1] != '\n') printf ("\n"); break; case XPATH_UNDEFINED: /* grrrrr ... switch-enum is a useless warning */ case XPATH_BOOLEAN: case XPATH_NUMBER: case XPATH_POINT: case XPATH_RANGE: case XPATH_LOCATIONSET: case XPATH_USERS: case XPATH_XSLT_TREE: default: r = (char *) xmlXPathCastToString (xpathObj); printf ("%s\n", r); free (r); } }
static gchar* rb_disc_recorder_plugin_write_audio_project (const gchar *name, GtkTreeModel *model, GError **error) { GtkTreeIter iter; xmlTextWriter *project; xmlDocPtr doc = NULL; xmlSaveCtxt *save; gint success; gchar *path; int fd; int use_errno = 0; if (! gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (model, &iter)) { g_set_error (error, RB_RECORDER_ERROR, RB_RECORDER_ERROR_GENERAL, _("Unable to build an audio track list")); return NULL; } /* get a temporary path */ path = g_build_filename (g_get_tmp_dir (), "brasero-tmp-project-XXXXXX", NULL); fd = g_mkstemp (path); if (fd == -1) { g_set_error (error, RB_RECORDER_ERROR, RB_RECORDER_ERROR_GENERAL, _("Unable to write audio project file %s: %s"), path, g_strerror (errno)); rb_debug ("g_mkstemp failed"); g_free (path); return NULL; } project = xmlNewTextWriterDoc (&doc, 0); if (!project) { g_remove (path); g_free (path); close (fd); g_set_error (error, RB_RECORDER_ERROR, RB_RECORDER_ERROR_GENERAL, _("Unable to write audio project")); return NULL; } xmlTextWriterSetIndent (project, 1); xmlTextWriterSetIndentString (project, (xmlChar *) "\t"); success = xmlTextWriterStartDocument (project, NULL, "UTF8", NULL); if (success < 0) goto error; success = xmlTextWriterStartElement (project, (xmlChar *) "braseroproject"); if (success < 0) goto error; /* write the name of the version */ success = xmlTextWriterWriteElement (project, (xmlChar *) "version", (xmlChar *) "0.2"); if (success < 0) goto error; if (name) { success = xmlTextWriterWriteElement (project, (xmlChar *) "label", (xmlChar *) name); if (success < 0) goto error; } success = xmlTextWriterStartElement (project, (xmlChar *) "track"); if (success < 0) goto error; do { RhythmDBEntry *entry; const char *str; xmlChar *escaped; success = xmlTextWriterStartElement (project, (xmlChar *) "audio"); if (success < 0) goto error; gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, 0, &entry, -1); str = rhythmdb_entry_get_string (entry, RHYTHMDB_PROP_LOCATION); escaped = (xmlChar *) g_uri_escape_string (str, NULL, FALSE); success = xmlTextWriterWriteElement (project, (xmlChar *) "uri", escaped); g_free (escaped); if (success == -1) goto error; /* start of the song always 0 */ success = xmlTextWriterWriteElement (project, (xmlChar *) "start", (xmlChar *) "0"); if (success == -1) goto error; /* end of the song = duration (in seconds while brasero likes it * in nanoseconds =( ) */ /* Disable this for the moment and let brasero check the size * itself. In case the user chooses on the fly burning we need * a more precise duration or we'd end up burning the track * incompletely or with a big padding */ /* end = g_strdup_printf ("%"G_GINT64_FORMAT, (gint64) (song->duration * 1000000000LL)); success = xmlTextWriterWriteElement (project, (xmlChar *) "end", (xmlChar *) end); g_free (end); if (success == -1) goto error; */ str = rhythmdb_entry_get_string (entry, RHYTHMDB_PROP_TITLE); if (str) { escaped = (xmlChar *) g_uri_escape_string (str, NULL, FALSE); success = xmlTextWriterWriteElement (project, (xmlChar *) "title", escaped); g_free (escaped); if (success == -1) goto error; } str = rhythmdb_entry_get_string (entry, RHYTHMDB_PROP_ARTIST); if (str) { escaped = (xmlChar *) g_uri_escape_string (str, NULL, FALSE); success = xmlTextWriterWriteElement (project, (xmlChar *) "artist", escaped); g_free (escaped); if (success == -1) goto error; } /* if (song->composer) { escaped = (unsigned char *) g_uri_escape_string (song->composer, NULL, FALSE); success = xmlTextWriterWriteElement (project, (xmlChar *) "composer", escaped); g_free (escaped); if (success == -1) goto error; } */ success = xmlTextWriterEndElement (project); /* audio */ if (success < 0) goto error; } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (model, &iter)); success = xmlTextWriterEndElement (project); /* track */ if (success < 0) goto error; success = xmlTextWriterEndElement (project); /* braseroproject */ if (success < 0) goto error; success = xmlTextWriterEndDocument (project); if (success < 0) goto end_error; xmlFreeTextWriter (project); save = xmlSaveToFd (fd, "UTF8", XML_SAVE_FORMAT); if (save == NULL) goto save_error; if (xmlSaveDoc (save, doc) == -1) goto save_error; if (xmlSaveClose (save) == -1) { use_errno = errno; rb_debug ("xmlSaveClose failed"); goto save_error; } xmlFreeDoc (doc); if (close (fd) == -1) { use_errno = errno; rb_debug ("close() failed"); goto save_error; } return path; error: /* cleanup */ xmlTextWriterEndDocument (project); end_error: xmlFreeTextWriter (project); save_error: if (use_errno != 0) { g_set_error (error, RB_RECORDER_ERROR, RB_RECORDER_ERROR_GENERAL, _("Unable to write audio project file %s: %s"), path, g_strerror (use_errno)); } else { g_set_error (error, RB_RECORDER_ERROR, RB_RECORDER_ERROR_GENERAL, _("Unable to write audio project")); } g_remove (path); g_free (path); close (fd); return NULL; }
static char* totem_disc_recorder_plugin_write_video_project (TotemDiscRecorderPlugin *pi, char **error) { xmlTextWriter *project; xmlDocPtr doc = NULL; xmlSaveCtxt *save; xmlChar *escaped; gint success; char *title, *path, *uri; int fd; /* get a temporary path */ path = g_build_filename (g_get_tmp_dir (), "brasero-tmp-project-XXXXXX", NULL); fd = g_mkstemp (path); if (!fd) { g_free (path); *error = g_strdup (_("Unable to write a project.")); return NULL; } project = xmlNewTextWriterDoc (&doc, 0); if (!project) { g_remove (path); g_free (path); close (fd); *error = g_strdup (_("Unable to write a project.")); return NULL; } xmlTextWriterSetIndent (project, 1); xmlTextWriterSetIndentString (project, (xmlChar *) "\t"); success = xmlTextWriterStartDocument (project, NULL, "UTF8", NULL); if (success < 0) goto error; success = xmlTextWriterStartElement (project, (xmlChar *) "braseroproject"); if (success < 0) goto error; /* write the name of the version */ success = xmlTextWriterWriteElement (project, (xmlChar *) "version", (xmlChar *) "0.2"); if (success < 0) goto error; title = totem_object_get_short_title (pi->priv->totem); if (title) { success = xmlTextWriterWriteElement (project, (xmlChar *) "label", (xmlChar *) title); g_free (title); if (success < 0) goto error; } success = xmlTextWriterStartElement (project, (xmlChar *) "track"); if (success < 0) goto error; success = xmlTextWriterStartElement (project, (xmlChar *) "video"); if (success < 0) goto error; uri = totem_object_get_current_mrl (pi->priv->totem); escaped = (unsigned char *) g_uri_escape_string (uri, NULL, FALSE); g_free (uri); success = xmlTextWriterWriteElement (project, (xmlChar *) "uri", escaped); g_free (escaped); if (success == -1) goto error; /* start of the song always 0 */ success = xmlTextWriterWriteElement (project, (xmlChar *) "start", (xmlChar *) "0"); if (success == -1) goto error; success = xmlTextWriterEndElement (project); /* video */ if (success < 0) goto error; success = xmlTextWriterEndElement (project); /* track */ if (success < 0) goto error; success = xmlTextWriterEndElement (project); /* braseroproject */ if (success < 0) goto error; xmlTextWriterEndDocument (project); xmlFreeTextWriter (project); save = xmlSaveToFd (fd, "UTF8", XML_SAVE_FORMAT); xmlSaveDoc (save, doc); xmlSaveClose (save); xmlFreeDoc (doc); close (fd); return path; error: /* cleanup */ xmlTextWriterEndDocument (project); xmlFreeTextWriter (project); g_remove (path); g_free (path); close (fd); *error = g_strdup (_("Unable to write a project.")); return NULL; }
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ) { //定义文档和节点指针 //xmlDocPtr doc = xmlNewDoc(BAD_CAST"1.0"); xmlDocPtr doc = xmlNewDoc(NULL); doc->standalone=-2; xmlNodePtr root_node = xmlNewNode(NULL,BAD_CAST"root"); //设置根节点 xmlDocSetRootElement(doc,root_node); // cur = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); //获取文档根结点 //在根节点中直接创建节点 xmlNewTextChild(root_node, NULL, BAD_CAST "newNode1", BAD_CAST "newNode1 content"); xmlNewTextChild(root_node, NULL, BAD_CAST "newNode2", BAD_CAST "newNode2 content"); xmlNewTextChild(root_node, NULL, BAD_CAST "newNode3", BAD_CAST "newNode3 content"); /* xmlChar *key; key = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, cur->xmlChildrenNode, 1); //获取文本结点的文本,需用其子结点 xmlFree(key); */ //创建一个绑定在根节点的子节点 xmlNewChild(root_node, NULL, BAD_CAST "node1",BAD_CAST "content of node1"); /* xmlNodeSetContent(curNode, (xmlChar *) "content changed");//设置结点的文本内容 //得到一个节点的内容: //xmlChar *value = xmlNodeGetContent(node); //返回值value应该使用xmlFree(value)释放内存 xmlUnlinkNode(curNode); //将当前结点从文档中断链(unlink),这样本文档就不会再包含这个子结点 xmlFreeNode(curNode); //手动删除断链结点的内存, 若没有xmlDelNode或者xmlRemoveNode,使用此函数 xmlChar *uri; uri = xmlGetProp(cur, "uri"); //获取属性值 xmlFree(uri); //释放内存 xmlSetProp(curNode,BAD_(xmlChar *)"attribute", (xmlChar *) "no"); //设置当前结点的attribute属性的属性值为no */ //创建一个节点,设置其内容和属性,然后加入根结点 xmlNodePtr node = xmlNewNode(NULL,BAD_CAST"node2"); xmlNodePtr content = xmlNewText(BAD_CAST"NODE CONTENT"); xmlAddChild(root_node,node); xmlAddChild(node,content); xmlNewProp(node,BAD_CAST"attribute",BAD_CAST "yes"); //通过xmlNewProp()增加一个节点的属性 node=xmlNewChild(root_node, NULL, BAD_CAST "node3", BAD_CAST"node has attributes"); xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "attribute", BAD_CAST "no"); //创建一个儿子和孙子节点 node = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "son"); xmlAddChild(root_node,node); xmlNodePtr grandson = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "grandson"); xmlAddChild(node,grandson); xmlAddChild(grandson, xmlNewText(BAD_CAST "This is a grandson node")); //存储xml文档 int nRel = xmlSaveFile("CreatedXml.xml",doc); if (nRel != -1) { printf("%s\n",d_ConvertCharset("GBK", "utf-8", "一个xml文档被创建\n")); } //保存文件 /* * xmlSaveFormatFile (docname, doc, 1); 保存文件到磁盘,第一个参数是写入文件的名,第二个参数是一个xmlDoc结构指针,第三个参数设定为1,保证在输出上写入缩进。 */ xmlSaveFormatFileEnc(argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "-", doc, "UTF-8", 1); // doc = xmlRecoverMemory(tmpxml,strlen(tmpxml)); // xmlDocDumpMemoryEnc(doc, &buf, &len, "utf-8"); // test_html(); //释放文档内节点动态申请的内存 xmlFreeDoc(doc); /*free the document */ xmlCleanupParser(); xmlMemoryDump();//debug memory for regression tests /* * 加载配置文件 */ pthread_attr_t attr; if(pthread_attr_init(&attr)) { printf("err\n"); return -1; } if(pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED)) { printf("err\n"); return -1; } if( pthread_create( &xmlcfg_tid, &attr, (void *(*)(void *))thread_checkconf, 0 )) printf("create err\n"); pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); pthread_mutex_lock(&mtx); while(!xmlid) pthread_cond_wait(&cond,&mtx); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mtx); /* 注意:xmlReadFile可以控制option */ printf("aaaa\n"); //doc = xmlParseFile("beps.xml"); doc = xmlReadFile("beps.xml","UTF-8", 1); //解析文件 printf("aaaaaaaa\n"); //int fd=open("log", O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP ); //ctxt = xmlSaveToFd(1, "UTF-8", -2); xmlSaveCtxtPtr ctxt = xmlSaveToFd(1, NULL, 1|-2); root_node=xmlDocGetRootElement( doc ); //xmlSaveTree(ctxt, root_node); doc->encoding=NULL; xmlSaveDoc(ctxt, doc); xmlSaveClose(ctxt); xmlSaveFormatFileEnc( "-", doc, "UTF-8", 1); printf("aaaaaaaa\n"); //doc = xmlReadFile("beps.xsd","UTF8",XML_PARSE_RECOVER); //解析文件 //检查解析文件是否成功,如果不成功,libxml将指一个注册的错误并停止。 //一个常见错误是不适当的编码。XML标准文件除了用UTF-8或UTF-16外还可用其他编码保存。 //如果文件是这样,libxml将自动地为你转换到UTF-8。更多关于XML编码信息包含在XML标准中. if (NULL == doc) { fprintf(stderr,"Document not parsed successfully.%d\n", __LINE__); return -1; } // printf("xmlDoc name=%s\n",doc->name); // printf("type=%d\n", doc->type); //// printf("oldNs.href=%s\n",doc->oldNs->href); //// printf("oldNs.prefix=%s\n",doc->oldNs->prefix); // printf("URL=%s\n",doc->URL); // printf("children.type=%u\n",doc->children->type); // printf("\n",doc->children->name); // printf("children.content=%s\n",doc->children->content); // if (doc->children->next) // { // printf("\n",doc->children->next->type); // printf("\n",doc->children->next->name); // } // //printf("\n",doc->children->next->content); // //printf("children.last.type=%u\n",doc->children->last->type); // //printf("\n",doc->children->last->name); // //printf("children.last.content=%s\n",doc->children->last->content); // root_node=xmlDocGetRootElement( doc ); // // printf("root.type=%u\n", root_node->type); // printf("\n", root_node->name); // printf("root.content=%s\n", root_node->content); // if( root_node->next ) // { // printf("\n", root_node->next->type); // printf("\n", root_node->next->name); // } // // if( root_node->properties ) // { // printf("root.prop.type=%u\n", root_node->properties->type); // printf("\n", root_node->properties->name); // if (root_node->properties->ns) // { // printf("root.prop.ns.type=%u\n", root_node->properties->ns->type); // printf("root.prop.ns.href=%s\n", root_node->properties->ns->href); // printf("root.prop.ns.prefix=%s\n", root_node->properties->ns->prefix); // printf("\n", root_node->properties->ns->next->type); // printf("\n", root_node->properties->ns->next->href); // printf("\n", root_node->properties->ns->next->prefix); // } // } // // if (root_node->ns) // { // printf("root.ns.type=%u\n", root_node->ns->type); // printf("root.ns.href=%s\n", root_node->ns->href); // printf("root.ns.prefix=%s\n", root_node->ns->prefix); // if (root_node->ns->next) // { // printf("\n", root_node->ns->next->type); // printf("\n", root_node->ns->next->href); // printf("\n", root_node->ns->next->prefix); // } // } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XPATH查询函数 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- l xmlXPathContextPtr context; //XPATH上下文指针 l context = xmlXPathNewContext(doc); //获取context指针 l xmlXPathObjectPtr result;// XPATH对象指针,用来存储查询结果 l result = xmlXPathEvalExpression(xmlChar *xpath, context); //根据条件xpath以及context来进行查询,条件格式:xmlChar *szXpath =(xmlChar *) ("/root/node2[@attribute='yes']"); l xmlXPathFreeContext(context); //释放context内存 l if(xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(result->nodesetval)) //判断查询后的结果是否为空 l xmlNodeSetPtr nodeset; //创建结点集指针 l nodeset = result->nodesetval; //这个结点集对象包含在集合中的元素数目(nodeNr)及一个结点数组(nodeTab)。 l for (i=0; i < nodeset->nodeNr; i++) //遍历结果结点集合 l keyword = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, nodeset->nodeTab[i]->xmlChildrenNode, 1) l xmlXPathFreeObject (result); //释放内存 l xmlCleanupParser();//清除由libxml2申请的内存 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx = xmlXPathNewContext(doc); // int status = xmlXPathRegisterNs(xpathCtx,(const xmlChar *)"xs", // (const xmlChar *)""); // status = xmlXPathRegisterNs(xpathCtx,(const xmlChar *)"ns", // (const xmlChar *)"urn:cnaps:std:beps:2010:tech:xsd:beps.121.001.01"); xmlXPathObjectPtr result; //result=getNodeSet(doc, BAD_CAST"//node2[@attribute='yes']"); //result=getNodeSet(doc, BAD_CAST"/root/*"); //result=getNodeSet(doc, BAD_CAST"//newNode1"); //result=getNodeSet(doc, "/Document/name[@id='1']/xcz"); // result=getNodeSet(doc, "//element[@name='MsgId']"); //result=xmlXPathEvalExpression("//xs:element[@name='MsgId']", xpathCtx); //result=xmlXPathEvalExpression(BAD_CAST"//ns:xcz[position()=2]", xpathCtx); //result=xmlXPathEvalExpression(BAD_CAST"/ns:Document/ns:name[@id='1']/ns:xcz", xpathCtx); //xmlXPathFreeContext(xpathCtx); //释放context内存 // if(xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(result->nodesetval)) //判断查询后的结果是否为空 // { // xmlXPathFreeObject(result); // printf("nodeset is empty\n"); // return 1; // } /* doc = xmlParseFile( FileName); xpathCtx = xmlXPathNewContext( doc); status = xmlXPathRegisterNs( xpathCtx,( const xmlChar *)"abc", ( const xmlChar *)""); */ // printf("type=%d boolval=%d floatval=%lf stringval=%s\n", result->type, result->boolval, // result->floatval, result->stringval); // xmlNodePtr nodet; // int n; // printf("nodeNr=%d nodeMax=%d\n", result->nodesetval->nodeNr, result->nodesetval->nodeMax ); // n=result->nodesetval->nodeNr; int i; // nodet=*result->nodesetval->nodeTab; // while( n-- ) // { // printf("type=[%d]\n", nodet->type); // printf("name=[%s]\n", nodet->name); // //printf("content=[%s]\n", nodet->content); // //printf("ns.href=[%s]ns.prefix=[%s]\n", nodet->ns->href, nodet->ns->prefix ); // printf("[%s]\n", nodet->properties->name); // printf("attr.children.content=[%s]\n", nodet->properties->children->content); // //printf("attr._private=[%s]\n", nodet->properties->_private); // //printf("children.content=[%s]\n", nodet->children->content); // nodet=*(result->nodesetval->nodeTab+i++); // } // xmlNodePtr cur; // xmlChar *value; // for (i=0; i < result->nodesetval->nodeNr; i++) // { // cur = result->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]; // // cur = cur->xmlChildrenNode; // if(cur!=NULL) // { // value = xmlGetProp(cur,(const xmlChar *)"name"); // if (value&&value[0]) // { // printf("value: %s\n\n", d_ConvertCharset("utf-8", "GBK", (char *)value)); // xmlFree(value); // } // value = xmlNodeGetContent(cur); // if (value&&value[0]) // { // printf("value: %s\n\n", d_ConvertCharset("utf-8", "GBK", (char *)value)); // xmlFree(value); // } // } // } //doc = xmlNewDoc(BAD_CAST"1.0"); //printf("%d\n", __LINE__); //xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, *result->nodesetval->nodeTab); //printf("%d\n", __LINE__); // xmlSaveFile("1CreatedXml.xml",doc); // xml_tranid *xp; // xml_element *ep; // xp=xmlid; /* * 还需要考虑resolveconfig如何触发 可以起单独线程 间隔性检查文件修改时间 * 另外修改时加读写锁 * 遍历xmlid结构的方法 注意加读锁 */ // for( i=0; i<xmlnum; i++ ) // { // printf("tranid=[%s]\n", xmlid[i].tranid); // ep=xmlid[i].ele; // while( ep ) // { // printf("name=[%s]\n", ep->name); // printf("path=[%s]\n", ep->path); // printf("type=[%s]\n", ep->type); // printf("prop=[%s]\n", ep->prop); // ep=ep->next; // } // } /* int fd; fd=open("log", O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP ); if (fd==-1) { printf("open log err\n"); } if (dup2(fd, STDOUT_FILENO)!=STDOUT_FILENO) { printf("dup stdout err\n"); } */ char buf[128]; if(!getxmlvalue( doc, "1111", "id1", 0, buf )) printf("get value err\n"); printf("%s\n", buf); if(!getxmlvalue( doc, "1111", "nameid", 0, buf )) printf("get value err\n"); printf("%s\n", buf); xmlFreeDoc(doc); /*free the document */ xmlCleanupParser(); xmlMemoryDump();//debug memory for regression tests while(1) { costt(1,0); doc = xmlParseFile("beps.xml"); if(!getxmlvalue( doc, "1111", "count", 0, &i )) printf("get value err\n"); printf("%d\n", i); xmlFreeDoc(doc); /*free the document */ xmlCleanupParser(); xmlMemoryDump();//debug memory for regression tests printf("%lf\n", costt(1,1)); sleep(1); } // xmlXPathFreeObject (result); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* ---------- end of function main ---------- */