static void sync_smileys(void) { xmlnode *root_node; char *data; if (!smileys_loaded) { purple_debug_error(SMILEYS_LOG_ID, "Attempted to save smileys before it " "was read!\n"); return; } root_node = smileys_to_xmlnode(); data = xmlnode_to_formatted_str(root_node, NULL); purple_util_write_data_to_file(XML_FILE_NAME, data, -1); g_free(data); xmlnode_free(root_node); }
static void gfire_game_save_config_xml() { xmlnode *game_config = xmlnode_new("game_config"); xmlnode_set_attrib(game_config, "version", "2"); GList *cur = gfire_games_config; while(cur) { xmlnode_insert_child(game_config, gfire_game_configuration_to_xmlnode((gfire_game_configuration*)cur->data)); cur = g_list_next(cur); } gchar *xml_str = xmlnode_to_formatted_str(game_config, NULL); purple_util_write_data_to_file("gfire_game_config.xml", xml_str, -1); g_free(xml_str); xmlnode_free(game_config); }
static void sync_prefs(void) { xmlnode *node; char *data; if (!prefs_loaded) { /* * TODO: Call schedule_prefs_save()? Ideally we wouldn't need to. * (prefs.xml should be loaded when purple_prefs_init is called) */ purple_debug_error("prefs", "Attempted to save prefs before " "they were read!\n"); return; } node = prefs_to_xmlnode(); data = xmlnode_to_formatted_str(node, NULL); purple_util_write_data_to_file("prefs.xml", data, -1); g_free(data); xmlnode_free(node); }
static void yahoo_set_userinfo_cb(PurpleConnection *gc, PurpleRequestFields *fields) { xmlnode *node = xmlnode_new("ab"); xmlnode *ct = xmlnode_new_child(node, "ct"); YahooData *yd = purple_connection_get_protocol_data(gc); PurpleAccount *account; PurpleUtilFetchUrlData *url_data; char *webaddress, *webpage; char *request, *content; int len; int i; char * yfields[] = { "fn", "ln", "nn", "mn", "hp", "wp", "mo", NULL }; account = purple_connection_get_account(gc); xmlnode_set_attrib(node, "k", purple_connection_get_display_name(gc)); xmlnode_set_attrib(node, "cc", "1"); /* XXX: ? */ xmlnode_set_attrib(ct, "e", "1"); xmlnode_set_attrib(ct, "yi", purple_request_fields_get_string(fields, "yname")); xmlnode_set_attrib(ct, "id", purple_request_fields_get_string(fields, "yid")); xmlnode_set_attrib(ct, "pr", "0"); for (i = 0; yfields[i]; i++) { const char *v = purple_request_fields_get_string(fields, yfields[i]); xmlnode_set_attrib(ct, yfields[i], v ? v : ""); } content = xmlnode_to_formatted_str(node, &len); xmlnode_free(node); purple_url_parse(yd->jp ? YAHOOJP_USERINFO_URL : YAHOO_USERINFO_URL, &webaddress, NULL, &webpage, NULL, NULL); request = g_strdup_printf("POST %s HTTP/1.1\r\n" "User-Agent: " YAHOO_CLIENT_USERAGENT "\r\n" "Cookie: T=%s; path=/;; Y=%s;\r\n" "Host: %s\r\n" "Content-Length: %d\r\n" "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n\r\n" "%s\r\n\r\n", webpage, yd->cookie_t, yd->cookie_y, webaddress, len + 4, content); #if 0 { /* This is if we wanted to send our contact details to everyone * in the buddylist. But this cannot be done now, because in the * official messenger, doing this pops a conversation window at * the receiver's end, which is stupid, and thus not really * surprising. */ struct yahoo_userinfo *ui = g_new(struct yahoo_userinfo, 1); node = xmlnode_new("contact"); for (i = 0; yfields[i]; i++) { const char *v = purple_request_fields_get_string(fields, yfields[i]); if (v) { xmlnode *nd = xmlnode_new_child(node, yfields[i]); xmlnode_insert_data(nd, v, -1); } } ui->yd = yd; ui->xml = xmlnode_to_str(node, NULL); xmlnode_free(node); } #endif url_data = purple_util_fetch_url_request_len_with_account(account, webaddress, FALSE, YAHOO_CLIENT_USERAGENT, TRUE, request, FALSE, -1, yahoo_fetch_aliases_cb, gc); if (url_data != NULL) yd->url_datas = g_slist_prepend(yd->url_datas, url_data); g_free(webaddress); g_free(webpage); g_free(content); g_free(request); }