CALifeSimulator::CALifeSimulator (xrServer *server, shared_str *command_line) : CALifeUpdateManager(server, alife_section), CALifeSimulatorBase (server,alife_section) { restart_all (); ai().set_alife (this); setup_command_line (command_line); typedef IGame_Persistent::params params; params &p = g_pGamePersistent->m_game_params; R_ASSERT2 ( xr_strlen(p.m_game_or_spawn) && !xr_strcmp(p.m_alife,"alife") && !xr_strcmp(p.m_game_type,"single"), "Invalid server options!" ); string256 temp; xr_strcpy (temp,p.m_game_or_spawn); xr_strcat (temp,"/"); xr_strcat (temp,p.m_game_type); xr_strcat (temp,"/"); xr_strcat (temp,p.m_alife); *command_line = temp; LPCSTR start_game_callback = pSettings->r_string(alife_section,"start_game_callback"); luabind::functor<void> functor; R_ASSERT2 (ai().script_engine().functor(start_game_callback,functor),"failed to get start game callback"); functor (); load (p.m_game_or_spawn,!xr_strcmp(p.m_new_or_load,"load") ? false : true, !xr_strcmp(p.m_new_or_load,"new")); }
void CSE_SmartCover::check_enterable_loopholes(shared_str const &description) { string256 temp; xr_strcpy (temp, "smart_covers.descriptions."); xr_strcat (temp, m_description.c_str()); xr_strcat (temp, ".transitions"); luabind::object transitions; bool result = ai().script_engine().function_object( temp, transitions, LUA_TTABLE ); VERIFY2 (result, make_string("bad or missing transitions table in smart_cover [%s]", temp)); luabind::object::iterator I = transitions.begin(); luabind::object::iterator E = transitions.end(); for ( ; I != E; ++I) { luabind::object table = *I; if (table.type() != LUA_TTABLE) { VERIFY (table.type() != LUA_TNIL); continue; } shared_str vertex_0 = smart_cover::parse_vertex(table, "vertex0", true); if (vertex_0 != smart_cover::transform_vertex("", true)) continue; set_enterable (smart_cover::parse_vertex(table, "vertex1", false)); } }
void print_big_number(BIGNUM* big_num, u32 max_columns = 8) { u8 bin_buff[xr_dsa::public_key_length];//public_key_length is the max int bin_size = 0; string4096 result_buffer; string16 tmp_buff; ZeroMemory (bin_buff, sizeof(bin_buff)); BN_bn2bin (big_num, bin_buff); bin_size = big_num->top * sizeof(unsigned long); result_buffer[0] = 0; xr_strcat(result_buffer, "\t"); for (int i = 0; i < bin_size; ++i) { if (((i % max_columns) == 0) && (i > 0)) { xr_strcat(result_buffer, "\n\t"); } xr_sprintf(tmp_buff, "0x%02x, ", bin_buff[i]); xr_strcat(result_buffer, tmp_buff); } Msg(result_buffer); };
IC void construct_id_string (LPSTR result, const xr_vector<ALife::_OBJECT_ID> &restrictions) { xr_strcpy (result,""); string16 temp; u32 count = 0; xr_vector<ALife::_OBJECT_ID>::const_iterator I = restrictions.begin(); xr_vector<ALife::_OBJECT_ID>::const_iterator E = restrictions.end(); for ( ; I != E; ++I) { if (count) xr_strcat (result,","); xr_sprintf (temp,"%d",*I); xr_strcat (result,temp); ++count; } }
LPCSTR EFS_Utils::AppendFolderToName(LPCSTR src_name, LPSTR dest_name, u32 const dest_name_size, int depth, BOOL full_name) { shared_str tmp = src_name; LPCSTR s = src_name; LPSTR d = dest_name; int sv_depth = depth; for (; *s&&depth; s++, d++) { if (*s == '_') { depth--; *d = '\\'; } else { *d = *s; } } if (full_name) { *d = 0; if (depth < sv_depth) xr_strcat(dest_name, dest_name_size, *tmp); } else { for (; *s; s++, d++) *d = *s; *d = 0; } return dest_name; }
void CUISkinSelectorWnd::UpdateSkins() { for (int i = 0; i<6; i++) { if (!!m_shader) m_pImage[i]->InitTextureEx(m_skins[i + m_firstSkin].c_str(), m_shader.c_str()); else m_pImage[i]->InitTexture(m_skins[i + m_firstSkin].c_str()); if (m_iActiveIndex - m_firstSkin == i) m_pImage[i]->SetSelectedState(true); else m_pImage[i]->SetSelectedState(false); string16 buf; if (m_firstSkin + i < 10) { itoa((m_firstSkin + 1 + i)%10,buf,10); xr_strcat( buf, sizeof(buf), " " ); m_pImage[i]->TextItemControl()->SetText(buf); } else m_pImage[i]->TextItemControl()->SetText(""); xr_vector<int>::iterator it = std::find(m_skinsEnabled.begin(), m_skinsEnabled.end(), i + m_firstSkin); m_pImage[i]->Enable(it != m_skinsEnabled.end()); } // m_pButtons[0]->Enable(m_firstSkin > 0); // m_pButtons[1]->Enable(m_firstSkin + 4 < (int)m_skins.size()); }
BOOL is_combat_cover (shared_str const &table_id) { if (table_id.size() == 0) return (FALSE); string256 temp; xr_strcpy (temp, "smart_covers.descriptions."); xr_strcat (temp, *table_id); luabind::object table, value; bool result = ai().script_engine().function_object( temp, table, LUA_TTABLE ); VERIFY2 (result, make_string("bad or missing description in smart_cover [%s]", table_id.c_str())); if (table.type() != LUA_TTABLE) { VERIFY (table.type() != LUA_TNIL); return (TRUE); } value = table["is_combat_cover"]; if (value.type() == LUA_TNIL) { Msg ("! is_combat_cover flag not found for smart_cover [%s], forcing to \"true\"", table_id.c_str()); return (TRUE); } return (parse_bool(table, "is_combat_cover") ? TRUE : FALSE); }
void game_sv_GameState::GenerateNewName (char const * old_name, char * dest, u32 const dest_size) { u32 old_name_size = xr_strlen(old_name); R_ASSERT(old_name && old_name_size); static char const suffix_symbol = '#'; char const * currc = old_name + old_name_size - 1; while (currc > old_name) { if (*currc == suffix_symbol) break; --currc; } if (*currc != suffix_symbol) currc = old_name + old_name_size - 1; int curret_number = atoi(currc + 1); ++curret_number; u32 name_length = static_cast<u32>(currc - old_name); char new_suffix[16]; strncpy_s (dest, dest_size, old_name, name_length); xr_sprintf (new_suffix, "%c%u", suffix_symbol, curret_number); xr_strcat (dest, dest_size, new_suffix); }
virtual void Execute(LPCSTR args) { string_path cfg_full_name; xr_strcpy(cfg_full_name, (xr_strlen(args) > 0) ? args : Console->ConfigFile); bool b_abs_name = xr_strlen(cfg_full_name) > 2 && cfg_full_name[1] == ':'; if (!b_abs_name) FS.update_path(cfg_full_name, "$app_data_root$", cfg_full_name); if (strext(cfg_full_name)) *strext(cfg_full_name) = 0; xr_strcat(cfg_full_name, ".ltx"); BOOL b_allow = TRUE; if (FS.exist(cfg_full_name)) b_allow = SetFileAttributes(cfg_full_name, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); if (b_allow) { IWriter* F = FS.w_open(cfg_full_name); CConsole::vecCMD_IT it; for (it = Console->Commands.begin(); it != Console->Commands.end(); it++) it->second->Save(F); FS.w_close(F); Msg("Config-file [%s] saved successfully", cfg_full_name); } else Msg("!Cannot store config file [%s]", cfg_full_name); }
IC void construct_string (LPSTR result, u32 const result_size, const xr_vector<ALife::_OBJECT_ID> &restrictions) { u32 count = xr_strlen(result) ? _GetItemCount(result) : 0; xr_vector<ALife::_OBJECT_ID>::const_iterator I = restrictions.begin(); xr_vector<ALife::_OBJECT_ID>::const_iterator E = restrictions.end(); for ( ; I != E; ++I) { CSE_ALifeDynamicObject *object = ai().alife().objects().object(*I); if (ai().game_graph().vertex(object->m_tGraphID)->level_id() != ai().level_graph().level_id()) continue; if (count) xr_strcat(result,result_size,","); xr_strcat(result,result_size,object->name_replace()); ++count; } }
void CCustomOutfit::ApplySkinModel(CActor* pActor, bool bDress, bool bHUDOnly) { if(bDress) { if(!bHUDOnly && m_ActorVisual.size()) { shared_str NewVisual = NULL; char* TeamSection = Game().getTeamSection(pActor->g_Team()); if (TeamSection) { if (pSettings->line_exist(TeamSection, *cNameSect())) { NewVisual = pSettings->r_string(TeamSection, *cNameSect()); string256 SkinName; xr_strcpy(SkinName, pSettings->r_string("mp_skins_path", "skin_path")); xr_strcat(SkinName, *NewVisual); xr_strcat(SkinName, ".ogf"); NewVisual._set(SkinName); } } if (!NewVisual.size()) NewVisual = m_ActorVisual; pActor->ChangeVisual(NewVisual); } if (pActor == Level().CurrentViewEntity()) g_player_hud->load(pSettings->r_string(cNameSect(),"player_hud_section")); }else { if (!bHUDOnly && m_ActorVisual.size()) { shared_str DefVisual = pActor->GetDefaultVisualOutfit(); if (DefVisual.size()) { pActor->ChangeVisual(DefVisual); }; } if (pActor == Level().CurrentViewEntity()) g_player_hud->load_default(); } }
void CUILogsWnd::Init() { m_uiXml.Load( CONFIG_PATH, UI_PATH, PDA_LOGS_XML ); CUIXmlInit::InitWindow( m_uiXml, "main_wnd", 0, this ); // m_background = UIHelper::CreateFrameLine( m_uiXml, "background", this ); m_background = UIHelper::CreateFrameWindow(m_uiXml, "background", this); m_center_background = UIHelper::CreateFrameWindow(m_uiXml, "center_background", this); //m_actor_ch_info = xr_new<CUICharacterInfo>(); //m_actor_ch_info->SetAutoDelete( true ); //AttachChild( m_actor_ch_info ); //m_actor_ch_info->InitCharacterInfo( &m_uiXml, "actor_ch_info" ); // m_center_background = UIHelper::CreateStatic( m_uiXml, "center_background", this ); m_center_caption = UIHelper::CreateTextWnd( m_uiXml, "center_caption", this ); string256 buf; xr_strcpy( buf, sizeof(buf), m_center_caption->GetText() ); xr_strcat( buf, sizeof(buf), CStringTable().translate("ui_logs_center_caption").c_str() ); m_center_caption->SetText( buf ); CUIFixedScrollBar* tmp_scroll = xr_new<CUIFixedScrollBar>(); m_list = xr_new<CUIScrollView>(tmp_scroll); m_list->SetAutoDelete( true ); AttachChild( m_list ); CUIXmlInit::InitScrollView( m_uiXml, "logs_list", 0, m_list); // m_list->SetWindowName("---logs_list"); // m_logs_list->m_sort_function = fastdelegate::MakeDelegate( this, &CUIRankingWnd::SortingLessFunction ); m_filter_news = UIHelper::CreateCheck( m_uiXml, "filter_news", this ); m_filter_talk = UIHelper::CreateCheck( m_uiXml, "filter_talk", this ); m_filter_news->SetCheck( true ); m_filter_talk->SetCheck( true ); // m_date_caption = UIHelper::CreateTextWnd( m_uiXml, "date_caption", this ); // m_date = UIHelper::CreateTextWnd( m_uiXml, "date", this ); m_period_caption = UIHelper::CreateTextWnd( m_uiXml, "period_caption", this ); m_period = UIHelper::CreateTextWnd( m_uiXml, "period", this ); m_prev_period = UIHelper::Create3tButton( m_uiXml, "btn_prev_period", this ); m_next_period = UIHelper::Create3tButton( m_uiXml, "btn_next_period", this ); Register( m_filter_news ); Register( m_filter_talk ); Register( m_prev_period ); Register( m_next_period ); AddCallback( m_filter_news, BUTTON_CLICKED, CUIWndCallback::void_function( this, &CUILogsWnd::UpdateChecks ) ); AddCallback( m_filter_talk, BUTTON_CLICKED, CUIWndCallback::void_function( this, &CUILogsWnd::UpdateChecks ) ); AddCallback( m_prev_period, BUTTON_CLICKED, CUIWndCallback::void_function( this, &CUILogsWnd::PrevPeriod ) ); AddCallback( m_next_period, BUTTON_CLICKED, CUIWndCallback::void_function( this, &CUILogsWnd::NextPeriod ) ); m_start_game_time = Level().GetStartGameTime(); m_start_game_time = GetShiftPeriod( m_start_game_time, 0 ); }
void CMainMenu::OnLoadError (LPCSTR module) { LPCSTR str=CStringTable().translate("ui_st_error_loading").c_str(); string1024 Text; strconcat(sizeof(Text),Text,str," "); xr_strcat(Text,sizeof(Text),module); m_pMB_ErrDlgs[LoadingError]->SetText(Text); SetErrorDialog(CMainMenu::LoadingError); }
void CScriptCallStack::Add(const char *szDesc, const char *szFile, int nLine) { m_lines.push_back(nLine); SPath sp; sp.path[0] = 0; m_files.push_back(sp); xr_strcat(m_files.back().path, szFile ); }
IC void CRestrictedObject::construct_restriction_string(LPSTR temp_restrictions, u32 const temp_restrictions_size, const xr_vector<ALife::_OBJECT_ID> &restrictions, shared_str current_restrictions, const P &p) { u32 count = 0; *temp_restrictions = 0; xr_vector<ALife::_OBJECT_ID>::const_iterator I = restrictions.begin(); xr_vector<ALife::_OBJECT_ID>::const_iterator E = restrictions.end(); for ( ; I != E; ++I) { CObject *object = Level().Objects.net_Find(*I); if (!object || !!strstr(*current_restrictions,*object->cName()) == value) continue; p (this,object->ID()); if (count) xr_strcat(temp_restrictions,temp_restrictions_size,","); xr_strcat(temp_restrictions,temp_restrictions_size,*object->cName()); count++; } }
void CUIMapList::StartDedicatedServer(){ string_path ModuleFileName; GetModuleFileName(NULL, ModuleFileName, sizeof(ModuleFileName)); char* ModuleName = NULL; GetFullPathName (ModuleFileName, sizeof(g_sLaunchWorkingFolder), g_sLaunchWorkingFolder, &ModuleName); //removing module name from WorkingDirectory that contain full path... ModuleName[0] = 0; xr_strcpy (g_sLaunchOnExit_app, g_sLaunchWorkingFolder); xr_strcat (g_sLaunchOnExit_app, "dedicated\\xrEngine.exe"); xr_strcpy (g_sLaunchOnExit_params, g_sLaunchOnExit_app); xr_strcat (g_sLaunchOnExit_params, " -i -fsltx ..\\fsgame.ltx -nosound -"); xr_strcat (g_sLaunchOnExit_params, GetCommandLine("")); Msg ("Going to quit before starting dedicated server"); Msg ("Working folder is:%s", g_sLaunchWorkingFolder); Msg ("%s %s",g_sLaunchOnExit_app, g_sLaunchOnExit_params); Console->Execute ("quit"); }
void CMainMenu::ReadTextureInfo() { FS_FileSet fset; FS.file_list(fset, "$game_config$", FS_ListFiles,"ui\\textures_descr\\*.xml"); FS_FileSetIt fit = fset.begin(); FS_FileSetIt fit_e = fset.end(); for( ;fit!=fit_e; ++fit) { string_path fn1, fn2,fn3; _splitpath ((*fit).name.c_str(),fn1,fn2,fn3,0); xr_strcat(fn3,".xml"); CUITextureMaster::ParseShTexInfo(fn3); } }
void CCC_LoadCFG::Execute(LPCSTR args) { Msg("Executing config-script \"%s\"...", args); string_path cfg_name; xr_strcpy(cfg_name, args); if (strext(cfg_name)) *strext(cfg_name) = 0; xr_strcat(cfg_name, ".ltx"); string_path cfg_full_name; FS.update_path(cfg_full_name, "$app_data_root$", cfg_name); if (NULL == FS.exist(cfg_full_name)) FS.update_path(cfg_full_name, "$fs_root$", cfg_name); if (NULL == FS.exist(cfg_full_name)) xr_strcpy(cfg_full_name, cfg_name); IReader* F = FS.r_open(cfg_full_name); string1024 str; if (F != NULL) { while (!F->eof()) { F->r_string(str, sizeof(str)); if (allow(str)) Console->Execute(str); } FS.r_close(F); Msg("[%s] successfully loaded.", cfg_full_name); } else { Msg("! Cannot open script file [%s]", cfg_full_name); } }
void CScriptEngine::load_common_scripts() { #ifdef DBG_DISABLE_SCRIPTS return; #endif string_path S; FS.update_path(S, "$game_config$", "script.ltx"); CInifile *l_tpIniFile = xr_new<CInifile>(S); R_ASSERT(l_tpIniFile); if (!l_tpIniFile->section_exist("common")) { xr_delete(l_tpIniFile); return; } if (l_tpIniFile->line_exist("common", "script")) { LPCSTR caScriptString = l_tpIniFile->r_string("common", "script"); u32 n = _GetItemCount(caScriptString); string256 I; for (u32 i = 0; i < n; ++i) { process_file(_GetItem(caScriptString, i, I)); xr_strcat(I, "_initialize"); if (object("_G", I, LUA_TFUNCTION)) { // lua_dostring (lua(),xr_strcat(I,"()")); luabind::functor<void> f; R_ASSERT(functor(I, f)); f(); } } } xr_delete(l_tpIniFile); }
void message_filter::dbg_print_msg(NET_Packet & packet, msg_type_subtype_t const & msg_type) { string256 tmp_string; switch (msg_type.msg_type) { case M_EVENT: { switch (msg_type.msg_subtype) { case GE_DESTROY: { xr_sprintf(tmp_string, "--- CL_EVENT [%7u][%5u]: GE_DESTROY", msg_type.msg_receive_time, msg_type.dest_obj_id); }break; case GE_OWNERSHIP_TAKE: { u16 tmp_id_what; packet.r_u16(tmp_id_what); xr_sprintf(tmp_string, "--- CL_EVENT [%7u][%5u]: GE_OWNERSHIP_TAKE [%d]", msg_type.msg_receive_time, msg_type.dest_obj_id, tmp_id_what); }break; case GE_OWNERSHIP_REJECT: { u16 tmp_id_what; packet.r_u16(tmp_id_what); xr_sprintf(tmp_string, "--- CL_EVENT [%7u][%5u]: GE_OWNERSHIP_REJECT [%d]", msg_type.msg_receive_time, msg_type.dest_obj_id, tmp_id_what); }break; default: { xr_sprintf(tmp_string, "--- CL_EVENT [%7u][%5u]: EVENT_ID=[%d]", msg_type.msg_receive_time, msg_type.dest_obj_id, msg_type.msg_subtype); }; }; //switch (mtype.msg_subtype) }break; case M_EVENT_PACK: { FATAL("can't print M_EVENT_PACK message"); }break; case M_GAMEMESSAGE: { switch (msg_type.msg_subtype) { case GAME_EVENT_PLAYER_KILLED: { xr_sprintf(tmp_string, "--- GM_EVENT [%7u]: GAME_EVENT_PLAYER_KILLED", msg_type.msg_receive_time); }break; case GAME_EVENT_ROUND_STARTED: { xr_sprintf(tmp_string, "--- GM_EVENT [%7u]: GAME_EVENT_ROUND_STARTED", msg_type.msg_receive_time); }break; case GAME_EVENT_ARTEFACT_TAKEN: { xr_sprintf(tmp_string, "--- GM_EVENT [%7u]: GAME_EVENT_ARTEFACT_TAKEN", msg_type.msg_receive_time); }break; default: { xr_sprintf(tmp_string, "--- GM_EVENT [%7u]: GAME_EVENT_ID=[%d]", msg_type.msg_receive_time, msg_type.msg_subtype); }; } }break; case M_CHAT_MESSAGE: { }break; case M_SPAWN: { xr_sprintf(tmp_string, "--- M_SPAWN [%7u]", msg_type.msg_receive_time); }break; case M_SV_CONFIG_NEW_CLIENT: { xr_sprintf(tmp_string, "--- M_SV_CONFIG_NEW_CLIENT [%7u]", msg_type.msg_receive_time); }break; case M_SV_CONFIG_GAME: { xr_sprintf(tmp_string, "--- M_SV_CONFIG_GAME [%7u]", msg_type.msg_receive_time); }break; case M_SV_CONFIG_FINISHED: { xr_sprintf(tmp_string, "--- M_SV_CONFIG_FINISHED [%7u]", msg_type.msg_receive_time); }break; default: { xr_sprintf(tmp_string, "--- MESSAGE_ID[%u] [%7u]", msg_type.msg_type, msg_type.msg_receive_time); }; }; //switch (m_type) if (!xr_strcmp(tmp_string, m_last_string)) { ++m_strrepeat_count; return; } Msg(tmp_string); xr_strcpy(m_last_string, tmp_string); if (m_msg_log_file) { if (m_strrepeat_count) { m_msg_log_file->w_printf(". %d\n", m_strrepeat_count); } xr_strcat(tmp_string, "\n"); m_msg_log_file->w_stringZ(tmp_string); m_msg_log_file->flush(); } m_strrepeat_count = 0; }
LONG WINAPI UnhandledFilter ( struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *pExceptionInfo ) { LONG retval = EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; bException = TRUE; // firstly see if dbghelp.dll is around and has the function we need // look next to the EXE first, as the one in System32 might be old // (e.g. Windows 2000) HMODULE hDll = NULL; string_path szDbgHelpPath; if (GetModuleFileName( NULL, szDbgHelpPath, _MAX_PATH )) { char *pSlash = strchr( szDbgHelpPath, '\\' ); if (pSlash) { xr_strcpy (pSlash+1, "DBGHELP.DLL" ); hDll = ::LoadLibrary( szDbgHelpPath ); } } if (hDll==NULL) { // load any version we can hDll = ::LoadLibrary( "DBGHELP.DLL" ); } LPCTSTR szResult = NULL; if (hDll) { MINIDUMPWRITEDUMP pDump = (MINIDUMPWRITEDUMP)::GetProcAddress( hDll, "MiniDumpWriteDump" ); if (pDump) { string_path szDumpPath; string_path szScratch; string64 t_stemp; // work out a good place for the dump file timestamp (t_stemp); xr_strcpy ( szDumpPath, "logs\\" ); xr_strcat ( szDumpPath, Core.ApplicationName ); xr_strcat ( szDumpPath, "_" ); xr_strcat ( szDumpPath, Core.UserName ); xr_strcat ( szDumpPath, "_" ); xr_strcat ( szDumpPath, t_stemp ); xr_strcat ( szDumpPath, ".mdmp" ); // create the file HANDLE hFile = ::CreateFile( szDumpPath, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE==hFile) { // try to place into current directory MoveMemory (szDumpPath,szDumpPath+5,strlen(szDumpPath)); hFile = ::CreateFile( szDumpPath, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); } if (hFile!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION ExInfo; ExInfo.ThreadId = ::GetCurrentThreadId(); ExInfo.ExceptionPointers = pExceptionInfo; ExInfo.ClientPointers = NULL; // write the dump MINIDUMP_TYPE dump_flags = MINIDUMP_TYPE(MiniDumpNormal | MiniDumpFilterMemory | MiniDumpScanMemory ); BOOL bOK = pDump( GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentProcessId(), hFile, dump_flags, &ExInfo, NULL, NULL ); if (bOK) { xr_sprintf( szScratch, "Saved dump file to '%s'", szDumpPath ); szResult = szScratch; retval = EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; } else { xr_sprintf( szScratch, "Failed to save dump file to '%s' (error %d)", szDumpPath, GetLastError() ); szResult = szScratch; } ::CloseHandle(hFile); } else { xr_sprintf( szScratch, "Failed to create dump file '%s' (error %d)", szDumpPath, GetLastError() ); szResult = szScratch; } } else { szResult = "DBGHELP.DLL too old"; } } else { szResult = "DBGHELP.DLL not found"; } string1024 reason; xr_sprintf (reason,"*** Internal Error ***\n%s",szResult); bool ref = false; Debug.backend (reason,0,0,0,0,0,0,ref); return retval; }
void uber_shadow(CBlender_Compile& C, LPCSTR _vspec) { // Uber-parse string256 fname,fnameA,fnameB; xr_strcpy (fname,*C.L_textures[0]); //. andy if (strext(fname)) *strext(fname)=0; fix_texture_name(fname); ref_texture _t; _t.create (fname); bool bump = _t.bump_exist (); // detect lmap bool lmap = true; if (C.L_textures.size()<3) lmap = false; else { pcstr tex = C.L_textures[2].c_str(); if (tex[0]=='l' && tex[1]=='m' && tex[2]=='a' && tex[3]=='p') lmap = true ; else lmap = false; } string256 vs,dt; xr_strcpy (dt,sizeof(dt),C.detail_texture?C.detail_texture:""); // detect detail bump string256 texDetailBump = {'\0'}; string256 texDetailBumpX = {'\0'}; bool bHasDetailBump = false; if (C.bDetail_Bump) { LPCSTR detail_bump_texture = DEV->m_textures_description.GetBumpName(dt).c_str(); // Detect and use detail bump if ( detail_bump_texture ) { bHasDetailBump = true; xr_strcpy ( texDetailBump, sizeof(texDetailBump), detail_bump_texture); xr_strcpy ( texDetailBumpX, sizeof(texDetailBumpX), detail_bump_texture); xr_strcat ( texDetailBumpX, "#"); } } if (!bump) { fnameA[0] = fnameB[0] = 0; } else { xr_strcpy (fnameA,_t.bump_get().c_str()); strconcat (sizeof(fnameB),fnameB,fnameA,"#"); } if (bump && RImplementation.o.dx11_enable_tessellation && C.TessMethod!=0) { char hs[256], ds[256];// = "DX11\\tess", ds[256] = "DX11\\tess"; char params[256] = "("; if (C.TessMethod == CBlender_Compile::TESS_PN || C.TessMethod == CBlender_Compile::TESS_PN_HM) { RImplementation.addShaderOption("TESS_PN", "1"); xr_strcat(params, "TESS_PN,"); } if (C.TessMethod == CBlender_Compile::TESS_HM || C.TessMethod == CBlender_Compile::TESS_PN_HM) { RImplementation.addShaderOption("TESS_HM", "1"); xr_strcat(params, "TESS_HM,"); } if (lmap) { RImplementation.addShaderOption("USE_LM_HEMI", "1"); xr_strcat(params, "USE_LM_HEMI,"); } if (C.bDetail_Diffuse) { RImplementation.addShaderOption("USE_TDETAIL", "1"); xr_strcat(params, "USE_TDETAIL,"); } if (C.bDetail_Bump) { RImplementation.addShaderOption("USE_TDETAIL_BUMP", "1"); xr_strcat(params, "USE_TDETAIL_BUMP,"); } xr_strcat(params, ")"); strconcat(sizeof(vs),vs,"deffer_", _vspec, "_bump", params); strconcat(sizeof(hs),hs,"DX11\\tess", params); strconcat(sizeof(ds),ds,"DX11\\tess_shadow", params); C.r_TessPass (vs, hs, ds, "null", "dumb", FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE); RImplementation.clearAllShaderOptions(); C.r_dx10Texture ("s_base", C.L_textures[0]); C.r_dx10Texture ("s_bumpX", fnameB); // should be before base bump C.r_dx10Texture ("s_bump", fnameA); if (bHasDetailBump) { C.r_dx10Texture ("s_detailBump", texDetailBump); C.r_dx10Texture ("s_detailBumpX", texDetailBumpX); } u32 stage = C.r_dx10Sampler("smp_bump_ds"); if (stage != -1) { C.i_dx10Address(stage, D3DTADDRESS_WRAP); C.i_dx10FilterAnizo(stage, TRUE); } if (ps_r2_ls_flags_ext.test(R2FLAGEXT_WIREFRAME)) C.R().SetRS(D3DRS_FILLMODE, D3DFILL_WIREFRAME); } else C.r_Pass ("shadow_direct_base","dumb", FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE); }
void xrCompressor::ProcessLTX(CInifile& ltx) { config_ltx =<x; if (ltx.line_exist("options","exclude_exts")) _SequenceToList(exclude_exts, ltx.r_string("options","exclude_exts")); files_list = xr_new< xr_vector<char*> >(); folders_list = xr_new< xr_vector<char*> >(); if(ltx.section_exist("include_folders")) { CInifile::Sect& if_sect = ltx.r_section("include_folders"); for (CInifile::SectCIt if_it=if_sect.Data.begin(); if_it!=if_sect.Data.end(); ++if_it) { BOOL ifRecurse = CInifile::IsBOOL(if_it->second.c_str()); u32 folder_mask = FS_ListFolders | (ifRecurse?0:FS_RootOnly); string_path path; LPCSTR _path = 0==xr_strcmp(if_it->first.c_str(),".\\")?"":if_it->first.c_str(); xr_strcpy (path,_path); u32 path_len = xr_strlen(path); if ((0!=path_len)&&(path[path_len-1]!='\\')) xr_strcat(path,"\\"); Msg (""); Msg ("Processing folder: '%s'",path); BOOL efRecurse; BOOL val = IsFolderAccepted(ltx,path,efRecurse); if (val || (!val&&!efRecurse)) { if (val) GatherFiles (path); xr_vector<char*>* i_fl_list = FS.file_list_open ("$target_folder$",path,folder_mask); if (!i_fl_list) { Msg ("ERROR: Unable to open folder list:", path); continue; } xr_vector<char*>::iterator it = i_fl_list->begin(); xr_vector<char*>::iterator itE = i_fl_list->end(); for (;it!=itE;++it) { xr_string tmp_path = xr_string(path)+xr_string(*it); bool val = IsFolderAccepted(ltx,tmp_path.c_str(),efRecurse); if (val) { folders_list->push_back(xr_strdup(tmp_path.c_str())); Msg ("+F: %s",tmp_path.c_str()); // collect files if (ifRecurse) GatherFiles (tmp_path.c_str()); }else { Msg ("-F: %s",tmp_path.c_str()); } } FS.file_list_close (i_fl_list); }else { Msg ("-F: %s",path); } } }//if(ltx.section_exist("include_folders")) if(ltx.section_exist("include_files")) { CInifile::Sect& if_sect = ltx.r_section("include_files"); for (CInifile::SectCIt if_it=if_sect.Data.begin(); if_it!=if_sect.Data.end(); ++if_it) { files_list->push_back (xr_strdup(if_it->first.c_str())); } } PerformWork (); // free xr_vector<char*>::iterator it = files_list->begin(); xr_vector<char*>::iterator itE = files_list->end(); for (;it!=itE;++it) xr_free(*it); xr_delete(files_list); it = folders_list->begin(); itE = folders_list->end(); for (;it!=itE;++it) xr_free(*it); xr_delete(folders_list); exclude_exts.clear_and_free(); }
void uber_deffer (CBlender_Compile& C, bool hq, LPCSTR _vspec, LPCSTR _pspec, BOOL _aref, LPCSTR _detail_replace, bool DO_NOT_FINISH) { // Uber-parse string256 fname,fnameA,fnameB; xr_strcpy (fname,*C.L_textures[0]); //. andy if (strext(fname)) *strext(fname)=0; fix_texture_name(fname); ref_texture _t; _t.create (fname); bool bump = _t.bump_exist (); // detect lmap bool lmap = true; if (C.L_textures.size()<3) lmap = false; else { pcstr tex = C.L_textures[2].c_str(); if (tex[0]=='l' && tex[1]=='m' && tex[2]=='a' && tex[3]=='p') lmap = true ; else lmap = false; } string256 ps,vs,dt; strconcat (sizeof(vs),vs,"deffer_", _vspec, lmap?"_lmh":"" ); strconcat (sizeof(ps),ps,"deffer_", _pspec, lmap?"_lmh":"" ); xr_strcpy (dt,sizeof(dt),_detail_replace?_detail_replace:( C.detail_texture?C.detail_texture:"" ) ); // detect detail bump string256 texDetailBump = {'\0'}; string256 texDetailBumpX = {'\0'}; bool bHasDetailBump = false; if (C.bDetail_Bump) { LPCSTR detail_bump_texture = DEV->m_textures_description.GetBumpName(dt).c_str(); // Detect and use detail bump if ( detail_bump_texture ) { bHasDetailBump = true; xr_strcpy ( texDetailBump, sizeof(texDetailBump), detail_bump_texture); xr_strcpy ( texDetailBumpX, sizeof(texDetailBumpX), detail_bump_texture); xr_strcat ( texDetailBumpX, "#"); } } if (_aref) { xr_strcat(ps,"_aref"); } if (!bump) { fnameA[0] = fnameB[0] = 0; xr_strcat (vs,"_flat"); xr_strcat (ps,"_flat"); if (hq && (C.bDetail_Diffuse || C.bDetail_Bump) ) { xr_strcat (vs,"_d"); xr_strcat (ps,"_d"); } } else { xr_strcpy (fnameA,_t.bump_get().c_str()); strconcat (sizeof(fnameB),fnameB,fnameA,"#"); xr_strcat (vs,"_bump"); if (hq && C.bUseSteepParallax) { xr_strcat (ps,"_steep"); } else { xr_strcat (ps,"_bump"); } if (hq && (C.bDetail_Diffuse || C.bDetail_Bump) ) { xr_strcat (vs,"_d" ); if (bHasDetailBump) xr_strcat (ps,"_db" ); // bump & detail & hq else xr_strcat (ps,"_d" ); } } // HQ if (bump && hq) { xr_strcat (vs,"-hq"); xr_strcat (ps,"-hq"); } // Uber-construct #if defined(USE_DX10) || defined(USE_DX11) # ifdef USE_DX11 if (bump && hq && RImplementation.o.dx11_enable_tessellation && C.TessMethod!=0) { char hs[256], ds[256];// = "DX11\\tess", ds[256] = "DX11\\tess"; char params[256] = "("; if (C.TessMethod == CBlender_Compile::TESS_PN || C.TessMethod == CBlender_Compile::TESS_PN_HM) { RImplementation.addShaderOption("TESS_PN", "1"); xr_strcat(params, "TESS_PN,"); } if (C.TessMethod == CBlender_Compile::TESS_HM || C.TessMethod == CBlender_Compile::TESS_PN_HM) { RImplementation.addShaderOption("TESS_HM", "1"); xr_strcat(params, "TESS_HM,"); } if (lmap) { RImplementation.addShaderOption("USE_LM_HEMI", "1"); xr_strcat(params, "USE_LM_HEMI,"); } if (C.bDetail_Diffuse) { RImplementation.addShaderOption("USE_TDETAIL", "1"); xr_strcat(params, "USE_TDETAIL,"); } if (C.bDetail_Bump) { RImplementation.addShaderOption("USE_TDETAIL_BUMP", "1"); xr_strcat(params, "USE_TDETAIL_BUMP,"); } xr_strcat(params, ")"); strconcat(sizeof(vs),vs,"deffer_", _vspec, "_bump", params); strconcat(sizeof(ps),ps,"deffer_", _pspec, _aref?"_aref":"", "_bump", params); strconcat(sizeof(hs),hs,"DX11\\tess", params); strconcat(sizeof(ds),ds,"DX11\\tess", params); VERIFY(strstr(vs, "bump")!=0); VERIFY(strstr(ps, "bump")!=0); C.r_TessPass (vs, hs, ds, "null", ps, FALSE); RImplementation.clearAllShaderOptions(); u32 stage = C.r_dx10Sampler("smp_bump_ds"); if (stage != -1) { C.i_dx10Address(stage, D3DTADDRESS_WRAP); C.i_dx10FilterAnizo(stage, TRUE); } if (ps_r2_ls_flags_ext.test(R2FLAGEXT_WIREFRAME)) C.R().SetRS(D3DRS_FILLMODE, D3DFILL_WIREFRAME); C.r_dx10Texture ("s_tbump", fnameA); C.r_dx10Texture ("s_tbumpX", fnameB); // should be before base bump if (bHasDetailBump) { C.r_dx10Texture ("s_tdetailBumpX", texDetailBumpX); } } else # endif C.r_Pass (vs,ps, FALSE); //C.r_Sampler ("s_base", C.L_textures[0], false, D3DTADDRESS_WRAP, D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC,D3DTEXF_LINEAR, D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC); //C.r_Sampler ("s_bumpX", fnameB, false, D3DTADDRESS_WRAP, D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC,D3DTEXF_LINEAR, D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC); // should be before base bump //C.r_Sampler ("s_bump", fnameA, false, D3DTADDRESS_WRAP, D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC,D3DTEXF_LINEAR, D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC); //C.r_Sampler ("s_bumpD", dt, false, D3DTADDRESS_WRAP, D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC,D3DTEXF_LINEAR, D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC); //C.r_Sampler ("s_detail", dt, false, D3DTADDRESS_WRAP, D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC,D3DTEXF_LINEAR, D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC); C.r_dx10Texture ("s_base", C.L_textures[0]); C.r_dx10Texture ("s_bumpX", fnameB); // should be before base bump C.r_dx10Texture ("s_bump", fnameA); C.r_dx10Texture ("s_bumpD", dt); C.r_dx10Texture ("s_detail", dt); if (bHasDetailBump) { C.r_dx10Texture ("s_detailBump", texDetailBump); C.r_dx10Texture ("s_detailBumpX", texDetailBumpX); } C.r_dx10Sampler ("smp_base"); if (lmap) { //C.r_Sampler("s_hemi", C.L_textures[2], false, D3DTADDRESS_CLAMP, D3DTEXF_LINEAR, D3DTEXF_NONE, D3DTEXF_LINEAR); C.r_dx10Texture ("s_hemi", C.L_textures[2]); C.r_dx10Sampler ("smp_rtlinear"); } #else // USE_DX10 C.r_Pass (vs,ps, FALSE); VERIFY(C.L_textures[0].size()); if(bump) { VERIFY2(xr_strlen(fnameB), C.L_textures[0].c_str()); VERIFY2(xr_strlen(fnameA), C.L_textures[0].c_str()); } if(bHasDetailBump) { VERIFY2(xr_strlen(texDetailBump), C.L_textures[0].c_str()); VERIFY2(xr_strlen(texDetailBumpX), C.L_textures[0].c_str()); } C.r_Sampler ("s_base", C.L_textures[0], false, D3DTADDRESS_WRAP, D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC,D3DTEXF_LINEAR, D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC); C.r_Sampler ("s_bumpX", fnameB, false, D3DTADDRESS_WRAP, D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC,D3DTEXF_LINEAR, D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC); // should be before base bump C.r_Sampler ("s_bump", fnameA, false, D3DTADDRESS_WRAP, D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC,D3DTEXF_LINEAR, D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC); C.r_Sampler ("s_bumpD", dt, false, D3DTADDRESS_WRAP, D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC,D3DTEXF_LINEAR, D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC); C.r_Sampler ("s_detail", dt, false, D3DTADDRESS_WRAP, D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC,D3DTEXF_LINEAR, D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC); if (bHasDetailBump) { C.r_Sampler ("s_detailBump", texDetailBump, false, D3DTADDRESS_WRAP, D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC,D3DTEXF_LINEAR, D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC); C.r_Sampler ("s_detailBumpX",texDetailBumpX,false, D3DTADDRESS_WRAP, D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC,D3DTEXF_LINEAR, D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC); } if (lmap)C.r_Sampler("s_hemi", C.L_textures[2], false, D3DTADDRESS_CLAMP, D3DTEXF_LINEAR, D3DTEXF_NONE, D3DTEXF_LINEAR); #endif // USE_DX10 if (!DO_NOT_FINISH) C.r_End (); }
void CMapListHelper::Load() { string_path fn; FS.update_path (fn, "$game_config$", "mp\\map_list.ltx"); CInifile map_list_cfg (fn); //read weathers set CInifile::Sect w = map_list_cfg.r_section("weather"); CInifile::SectCIt wi = w.Data.begin(); CInifile::SectCIt wi_e = w.Data.end(); for( ;wi!=wi_e; ++wi) { m_weathers.resize (m_weathers.size()+1); SGameWeathers& gw = m_weathers.back(); gw.m_weather_name = (*wi).first; gw.m_start_time = (*wi).second; } // scan for additional maps FS_FileSet fset; FS.file_list (fset,"$game_levels$",FS_ListFiles,"*level.ltx"); FS_FileSetIt fit = fset.begin(); FS_FileSetIt fit_e = fset.end(); for( ;fit!=fit_e; ++fit) { string_path map_cfg_fn; FS.update_path (map_cfg_fn, "$game_levels$", (*fit).name.c_str()); LoadMapInfo (map_cfg_fn, (*fit).name); } //scan all not laoded archieves LPCSTR tmp_entrypoint = "temporary_gamedata\\"; FS_Path* game_levels = FS.get_path("$game_levels$"); xr_string prev_root = game_levels->m_Root; game_levels->_set_root (tmp_entrypoint); CLocatorAPI::archives_it it = FS.m_archives.begin(); CLocatorAPI::archives_it it_e = FS.m_archives.end(); for(;it!=it_e;++it) { CLocatorAPI::archive& A = *it; if(A.hSrcFile) continue; LPCSTR ln = A.header->r_string("header", "level_name"); LPCSTR lv = A.header->r_string("header", "level_ver"); FS.LoadArchive (A, tmp_entrypoint); string_path map_cfg_fn; FS.update_path (map_cfg_fn, "$game_levels$", ln); xr_strcat (map_cfg_fn,"\\level.ltx"); LoadMapInfo (map_cfg_fn, ln, lv); FS.unload_archive (A); } game_levels->_set_root (prev_root.c_str()); R_ASSERT2 (m_storage.size(), "unable to fill map list"); R_ASSERT2 (m_weathers.size(), "unable to fill weathers list"); }
void xrLoad(LPCSTR name, bool draft_mode) { FS.get_path ("$level$")->_set ((LPSTR)name); string256 N; if (!draft_mode) { // shaders string_path N; FS.update_path (N,"$game_data$","shaders_xrlc.xr"); g_shaders_xrlc = xr_new<Shader_xrLC_LIB> (); g_shaders_xrlc->Load (N); // Load CFORM { strconcat (sizeof(N),N,name,"build.cform"); IReader* fs = FS.r_open(N); R_ASSERT (fs->find_chunk(0)); hdrCFORM H; fs->r (&H,sizeof(hdrCFORM)); R_ASSERT (CFORM_CURRENT_VERSION==H.version); Fvector* verts = (Fvector*)fs->pointer(); CDB::TRI* tris = (CDB::TRI*)(verts+H.vertcount); ( verts, H.vertcount, tris, H.facecount ); Level.syncronize (); Msg("* Level CFORM: %dK",Level.memory()/1024); g_rc_faces.resize (H.facecount); R_ASSERT(fs->find_chunk(1)); fs->r (&*g_rc_faces.begin(),g_rc_faces.size()*sizeof(b_rc_face)); LevelBB.set (H.aabb); FS.r_close (fs); } // Load level data { strconcat (sizeof(N),N,name,"build.prj"); IReader* fs = FS.r_open (N); IReader* F; // Version u32 version; fs->r_chunk (EB_Version,&version); R_ASSERT (XRCL_CURRENT_VERSION >= 17); R_ASSERT (XRCL_CURRENT_VERSION <= 18); // Header b_params Params; fs->r_chunk (EB_Parameters,&Params); // Load level data transfer("materials", g_materials, *fs, EB_Materials); transfer("shaders_xrlc",g_shader_compile, *fs, EB_Shaders_Compile); // process textures Status ("Processing textures..."); { Surface_Init (); F = fs->open_chunk (EB_Textures); u32 tex_count = F->length()/sizeof(b_texture); for (u32 t=0; t<tex_count; t++) { Progress (float(t)/float(tex_count)); b_texture TEX; F->r (&TEX,sizeof(TEX)); b_BuildTexture BT; CopyMemory (&BT,&TEX,sizeof(TEX)); // load thumbnail string128 &N =; LPSTR extension = strext(N); if (extension) *extension = 0; xr_strlwr (N); if (0==xr_strcmp(N,"level_lods")) { // HACK for merged lod textures BT.dwWidth = 1024; BT.dwHeight = 1024; BT.bHasAlpha= TRUE; BT.pSurface = 0; } else { xr_strcat (N,".thm"); IReader* THM = FS.r_open("$game_textures$",N); // if (!THM) continue; R_ASSERT2 (THM, N); // version u32 version = 0; R_ASSERT (THM->r_chunk(THM_CHUNK_VERSION,&version)); // if( version!=THM_CURRENT_VERSION ) FATAL ("Unsupported version of THM file."); // analyze thumbnail information R_ASSERT(THM->find_chunk(THM_CHUNK_TEXTUREPARAM)); THM->r (&BT.THM.fmt,sizeof(STextureParams::ETFormat)); BT.THM.flags.assign (THM->r_u32()); BT.THM.border_color = THM->r_u32(); BT.THM.fade_color = THM->r_u32(); BT.THM.fade_amount = THM->r_u32(); BT.THM.mip_filter = THM->r_u32(); BT.THM.width = THM->r_u32(); BT.THM.height = THM->r_u32(); BOOL bLOD=FALSE; if (N[0]=='l' && N[1]=='o' && N[2]=='d' && N[3]=='\\') bLOD = TRUE; // load surface if it has an alpha channel or has "implicit lighting" flag BT.dwWidth = BT.THM.width; BT.dwHeight = BT.THM.height; BT.bHasAlpha = BT.THM.HasAlphaChannel(); BT.pSurface = 0; if (!bLOD) { if (BT.bHasAlpha || BT.THM.flags.test(STextureParams::flImplicitLighted)) { clMsg ("- loading: %s",N); u32 w=0, h=0; BT.pSurface = Surface_Load(N,w,h); R_ASSERT2 (BT.pSurface,"Can't load surface"); if ((w != BT.dwWidth) || (h != BT.dwHeight)) Msg ("! THM doesn't correspond to the texture: %dx%d -> %dx%d", BT.dwWidth, BT.dwHeight, w, h); BT.Vflip (); } else { // Free surface memory } } } // save all the stuff we've created g_textures.push_back (BT); } } } } // // Load emitters // { // strconcat (N,name,""); // IReader *F = FS.r_open(N); // IReader *O = 0; // if (0!=(O = F->open_chunk (AIPOINT_CHUNK))) { // for (int id=0; O->find_chunk(id); id++) { // Emitters.push_back(Fvector()); // O->r_fvector3 (Emitters.back()); // } // O->close(); // } // } // // Load lights { strconcat (sizeof(N),N,name,"build.prj"); IReader* F = FS.r_open(N); R_ASSERT2 (F,"There is no file 'build.prj'!"); IReader &fs= *F; // Version u32 version; fs.r_chunk (EB_Version,&version); R_ASSERT (XRCL_CURRENT_VERSION >= 17); R_ASSERT (XRCL_CURRENT_VERSION <= 18); // Header b_params Params; fs.r_chunk (EB_Parameters,&Params); // Lights (Static) { F = fs.open_chunk(EB_Light_static); b_light_static temp; u32 cnt = F->length()/sizeof(temp); for (u32 i=0; i<cnt; i++) { R_Light RL; F->r (&temp,sizeof(temp)); Flight& L =; if (_abs(L.range) > 10000.f) { Msg ("! BAD light range : %f",L.range); L.range = L.range > 0.f ? 10000.f : -10000.f; } // type if (L.type == D3DLIGHT_DIRECTIONAL) RL.type = LT_DIRECT; else RL.type = LT_POINT; // generic properties RL.position.set (L.position); RL.direction.normalize_safe (L.direction); RL.range = L.range*1.1f; RL.range2 = RL.range*RL.range; RL.attenuation0 = L.attenuation0; RL.attenuation1 = L.attenuation1; RL.attenuation2 = L.attenuation2; RL.amount = L.diffuse.magnitude_rgb (); RL.tri[0].set (0,0,0); RL.tri[1].set (0,0,0); RL.tri[2].set (0,0,0); // place into layer if (0==temp.controller_ID) g_lights.push_back (RL); } F->close (); } } // Init params // g_params.Init (); // Load initial map from the Level Editor { string_path file_name; strconcat (sizeof(file_name),file_name,name,"build.aimap"); IReader *F = FS.r_open(file_name); R_ASSERT2 (F, file_name); R_ASSERT (F->open_chunk(E_AIMAP_CHUNK_VERSION)); R_ASSERT (F->r_u16() == E_AIMAP_VERSION); R_ASSERT (F->open_chunk(E_AIMAP_CHUNK_BOX)); F->r (&LevelBB,sizeof(LevelBB)); R_ASSERT (F->open_chunk(E_AIMAP_CHUNK_PARAMS)); F->r (&g_params,sizeof(g_params)); R_ASSERT (F->open_chunk(E_AIMAP_CHUNK_NODES)); u32 N = F->r_u32(); R_ASSERT2 (N < ((u32(1) << u32(MAX_NODE_BIT_COUNT)) - 2),"Too many nodes!"); g_nodes.resize (N); hdrNODES H; H.version = XRAI_CURRENT_VERSION; H.count = N+1; H.size = g_params.fPatchSize; H.size_y = 1.f; H.aabb = LevelBB; typedef BYTE NodeLink[3]; for (u32 i=0; i<N; i++) { NodeLink id; u16 pl; SNodePositionOld _np; NodePosition np; for (int j=0; j<4; ++j) { F->r (&id,3); g_nodes[i].n[j] = (*LPDWORD(&id)) & 0x00ffffff; } pl = F->r_u16(); pvDecompress (g_nodes[i].Plane.n,pl); F->r (&_np,sizeof(_np)); CNodePositionConverter(_np,H,np); g_nodes[i].Pos = vertex_position(np,LevelBB,g_params); g_nodes[i][i].Pos,g_nodes[i].Plane.n); } F->close (); if (!strstr(Core.Params,"-keep_temp_files")) DeleteFile (file_name); } }
bool EFS_Utils::GetOpenNameInternal(LPCSTR initial, LPSTR buffer, int sz_buf, bool bMulti, LPCSTR offset, int start_flt_ext) { VERIFY(buffer && (sz_buf > 0)); FS_Path& P = *FS.get_path(initial); string1024 flt; MakeFilter(flt, P.m_FilterCaption ? P.m_FilterCaption : "", P.m_DefExt); OPENFILENAME ofn; Memory.mem_fill(&ofn, 0, sizeof(ofn)); if (xr_strlen(buffer)) { string_path dr; if (!(buffer[0] == '\\' && buffer[1] == '\\')) // if !network { _splitpath(buffer, dr, 0, 0, 0); if (0 == dr[0]) { string_path bb; P._update(bb, buffer); xr_strcpy(buffer, sz_buf, bb); } } } ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = GetForegroundWindow(); ofn.lpstrDefExt = P.m_DefExt; ofn.lpstrFile = buffer; ofn.nMaxFile = sz_buf; ofn.lpstrFilter = flt; ofn.nFilterIndex = start_flt_ext + 2; ofn.lpstrTitle = "Open a File"; string512 path; xr_strcpy(path, (offset&&offset[0]) ? offset : P.m_Path); ofn.lpstrInitialDir = path; ofn.Flags = OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_NOCHANGEDIR | (bMulti ? OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT | OFN_EXPLORER : 0); ofn.FlagsEx = OFN_EX_NOPLACESBAR; /* unsigned int dwVersion = GetVersion(); unsigned int dwWindowsMajorVersion = (DWORD)(LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion))); if ( dwWindowsMajorVersion == 6 ) { ofn.Flags |= OFN_ENABLEHOOK; ofn.lpfnHook = OFNHookProcOldStyle; } */ bool bRes = !!GetOpenFileName(&ofn); if (!bRes) { u32 err = CommDlgExtendedError(); switch (err) { case FNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL: Log("Too many files selected."); break; } } if (bRes && bMulti) { Log("buff=", buffer); int cnt = _GetItemCount(buffer, 0x0); if (cnt > 1) { char dir[255 * 255]; char buf[255 * 255]; char fns[255 * 255]; xr_strcpy(dir, buffer); xr_strcpy(fns, dir); xr_strcat(fns, "\\"); xr_strcat(fns, _GetItem(buffer, 1, buf, 0x0)); for (int i = 2; i < cnt; i++) { xr_strcat(fns, ","); xr_strcat(fns, dir); xr_strcat(fns, "\\"); xr_strcat(fns, _GetItem(buffer, i, buf, 0x0)); } xr_strcpy(buffer, sz_buf, fns); } } strlwr(buffer); return bRes; }
void game_cl_Deathmatch::OnVoteStart(NET_Packet& P) { CStringTable st; inherited::OnVoteStart(P); string1024 Command = ""; string64 Player = ""; P.r_stringZ(Command); P.r_stringZ(Player); m_dwVoteEndTime = Level().timeServer() + P.r_u32(); if(m_game_ui) { string4096 CmdName = ""; string1024 NewCmd; xr_strcpy(NewCmd, Command); string1024 CmdParams[MAX_VOTE_PARAMS] = {"", "", "", "", ""}; sscanf (Command,"%s %s %s %s %s %s", CmdName, CmdParams[0], CmdParams[1], CmdParams[2], CmdParams[3], CmdParams[4]); if (!xr_strcmp(CmdName, "restart")) { xr_sprintf(NewCmd, "%s", *st.translate("mp_restart") ); } else if (!xr_strcmp(CmdName, "restart_fast")) { xr_sprintf(NewCmd, "%s", *st.translate("mp_restart_fast") ); } else if (!xr_strcmp(CmdName, "kick")) { xr_sprintf(NewCmd, "%s %s", *st.translate("mp_kick"), CmdParams[0] ); for (int i=1; i<MAX_VOTE_PARAMS; i++) { if (xr_strlen(CmdParams[i])) { xr_strcat(NewCmd, " "); xr_strcat(NewCmd, CmdParams[i]); } } } else if (!xr_strcmp(CmdName, "ban")) { xr_sprintf(NewCmd, "%s %s", *st.translate("mp_ban"), CmdParams[0] ); for (int i=1; i<MAX_VOTE_PARAMS; i++) { if (xr_strlen(CmdParams[i])) { xr_strcat(NewCmd, " "); xr_strcat(NewCmd, CmdParams[i]); } } } else if (!xr_strcmp(CmdName, "changemap")) { xr_sprintf(NewCmd, "%s %s", *st.translate("mp_change_map"), *st.translate(CmdParams[0]) ); } else if (!xr_strcmp(CmdName, "changeweather")) { xr_sprintf(NewCmd, "%s %s", *st.translate("mp_change_weather"), *st.translate(CmdParams[0]) ); } string1024 VoteStr; xr_sprintf(VoteStr, *st.translate("mp_voting_started"), NewCmd, Player); m_game_ui->SetVoteMessage(VoteStr); m_game_ui->SetVoteTimeResultMsg(""); if (!m_pVoteRespondWindow) m_pVoteRespondWindow = xr_new<CUIVote>(); m_pVoteRespondWindow->SetVoting(VoteStr); }; };
void CActor::g_SetAnimation( u32 mstate_rl ) { if (!g_Alive()) { if (m_current_legs||m_current_torso){ SActorState* ST = 0; if (mstate_rl&mcCrouch) ST = &m_anims->m_crouch; else ST = &m_anims->m_normal; mstate_real = 0; m_current_legs.invalidate (); m_current_torso.invalidate (); //smart_cast<IKinematicsAnimated*>(Visual())->PlayCycle(m_anims->m_dead_stop); } return; } STorsoWpn::eMovingState moving_idx = STorsoWpn::eIdle; SActorState* ST = 0; SAnimState* AS = 0; if (mstate_rl&mcCrouch) ST = &m_anims->m_crouch; else if (mstate_rl&mcClimb) ST = &m_anims->m_climb; else ST = &m_anims->m_normal; bool bAccelerated = isActorAccelerated(mstate_rl, IsZoomAimingMode()); if ( bAccelerated ) { AS = &ST->m_run; }else{ AS = &ST->m_walk; } if(mstate_rl&mcAnyMove) { if( bAccelerated ) moving_idx = STorsoWpn::eRun; else moving_idx = STorsoWpn::eWalk; } // анимации MotionID M_legs; MotionID M_torso; MotionID M_head; //если мы просто стоим на месте bool is_standing = false; // Legs if (mstate_rl&mcLanding) M_legs = ST->landing[0]; else if (mstate_rl&mcLanding2) M_legs = ST->landing[1]; else if ((mstate_rl&mcTurn)&& !(mstate_rl&mcClimb)) M_legs = ST->legs_turn; else if (mstate_rl&mcFall) M_legs = ST->jump_idle; else if (mstate_rl&mcJump) M_legs = ST->jump_begin; else if (mstate_rl&mcFwd) M_legs = AS->legs_fwd; else if (mstate_rl&mcBack) M_legs = AS->legs_back; else if (mstate_rl&mcLStrafe) M_legs = AS->legs_ls; else if (mstate_rl&mcRStrafe) M_legs = AS->legs_rs; else is_standing = true; if(mstate_rl&mcSprint) { g_SetSprintAnimation (mstate_rl,M_head,M_torso,M_legs); moving_idx = STorsoWpn::eSprint; } if (this == Level().CurrentViewEntity()) { if ((mstate_rl&mcSprint) != (mstate_old&mcSprint)) { g_player_hud->OnMovementChanged(mcSprint); }else if ((mstate_rl&mcAnyMove) != (mstate_old&mcAnyMove)) { g_player_hud->OnMovementChanged(mcAnyMove); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Torso if(mstate_rl&mcClimb) { if (mstate_rl&mcFwd) M_torso = AS->legs_fwd; else if (mstate_rl&mcBack) M_torso = AS->legs_back; else if (mstate_rl&mcLStrafe) M_torso = AS->legs_ls; else if (mstate_rl&mcRStrafe) M_torso = AS->legs_rs; } if(!M_torso) { CInventoryItem* _i = inventory().ActiveItem(); CHudItem *H = smart_cast<CHudItem*>(_i); CWeapon *W = smart_cast<CWeapon*>(_i); CMissile *M = smart_cast<CMissile*>(_i); CArtefact *A = smart_cast<CArtefact*>(_i); if (H) { VERIFY(H->animation_slot() <= _total_anim_slots_); STorsoWpn* TW = &ST->m_torso[H->animation_slot() - 1]; if (!b_DropActivated&&!fis_zero(f_DropPower)) { M_torso = TW->drop; if (!M_torso) { Msg("! drop animation for %s", *(H->object().cName())); M_torso = ST->m_torso_idle; }; m_bAnimTorsoPlayed = TRUE; } else { if (!m_bAnimTorsoPlayed) { if (W) { bool K =inventory().GetActiveSlot() == KNIFE_SLOT; bool R3 = W->IsTriStateReload(); if(K) { switch (W->GetState()) { case CWeapon::eIdle: M_torso = TW->moving[moving_idx]; break; case CWeapon::eFire: if(is_standing) M_torso = M_legs = M_head = TW->all_attack_0; else M_torso = TW->attack_zoom; break; case CWeapon::eFire2: if(is_standing) M_torso = M_legs = M_head = TW->all_attack_1; else M_torso = TW->fire_idle; break; case CWeapon::eReload: M_torso = TW->reload; break; case CWeapon::eShowing: M_torso = TW->draw; break; case CWeapon::eHiding: M_torso = TW->holster; break; default : M_torso = TW->moving[moving_idx]; break; } } else { switch (W->GetState()) { case CWeapon::eIdle: M_torso = W->IsZoomed()?TW->zoom:TW->moving[moving_idx]; break; case CWeapon::eFire: M_torso = W->IsZoomed()?TW->attack_zoom:TW->attack; break; case CWeapon::eFire2: M_torso = W->IsZoomed()?TW->attack_zoom:TW->attack; break; case CWeapon::eReload: if(!R3) M_torso = TW->reload; else { CWeapon::EWeaponSubStates sub_st = W->GetReloadState(); switch (sub_st) { case CWeapon::eSubstateReloadBegin: M_torso = TW->reload; break; case CWeapon::eSubstateReloadInProcess: M_torso = TW->reload_1; break; case CWeapon::eSubstateReloadEnd: M_torso = TW->reload_2; break; default: M_torso = TW->reload; break; } }break; case CWeapon::eShowing: M_torso = TW->draw; break; case CWeapon::eHiding: M_torso = TW->holster; break; default : M_torso = TW->moving[moving_idx]; break; } } } else if (M) { if(is_standing) { switch (M->GetState()) { case CMissile::eShowing : M_torso = TW->draw; break; case CMissile::eHiding : M_torso = TW->holster; break; case CMissile::eIdle : M_torso = TW->moving[moving_idx]; break; case CMissile::eThrowStart : M_torso = M_legs = M_head = TW->all_attack_0; break; case CMissile::eReady : M_torso = M_legs = M_head = TW->all_attack_1; break; case CMissile::eThrow : M_torso = M_legs = M_head = TW->all_attack_2; break; case CMissile::eThrowEnd : M_torso = M_legs = M_head = TW->all_attack_2; break; default : M_torso = TW->draw; break; } } else { switch (M->GetState()) { case CMissile::eShowing : M_torso = TW->draw; break; case CMissile::eHiding : M_torso = TW->holster; break; case CMissile::eIdle : M_torso = TW->moving[moving_idx]; break; case CMissile::eThrowStart : M_torso = TW->attack_zoom; break; case CMissile::eReady : M_torso = TW->fire_idle; break; case CMissile::eThrow : M_torso = TW->fire_end; break; case CMissile::eThrowEnd : M_torso = TW->fire_end; break; default : M_torso = TW->draw; break; } } } else if (A) { switch(A->GetState()) { case CArtefact::eIdle : M_torso = TW->moving[moving_idx]; break; case CArtefact::eShowing : M_torso = TW->draw; break; case CArtefact::eHiding : M_torso = TW->holster; break; case CArtefact::eActivating : M_torso = TW->zoom; break; default : M_torso = TW->moving[moving_idx]; } } } } } } MotionID mid = smart_cast<IKinematicsAnimated*>(Visual())->ID_Cycle("norm_idle_0"); if (!M_legs) { if((mstate_rl&mcCrouch)&&!isActorAccelerated(mstate_rl, IsZoomAimingMode()))//!(mstate_rl&mcAccel)) { M_legs=smart_cast<IKinematicsAnimated*>(Visual())->ID_Cycle("cr_idle_1"); } else M_legs = ST->legs_idle; } if (!M_head) M_head = ST->m_head_idle; if (!M_torso) { if (m_bAnimTorsoPlayed) M_torso = m_current_torso; else M_torso = ST->m_torso_idle; } // есть анимация для всего - запустим / иначе запустим анимацию по частям if (m_current_torso!=M_torso) { if (m_bAnimTorsoPlayed) m_current_torso_blend = smart_cast<IKinematicsAnimated*>(Visual())->PlayCycle(M_torso,TRUE,AnimTorsoPlayCallBack,this); else m_current_torso_blend = smart_cast<IKinematicsAnimated*>(Visual())->PlayCycle(M_torso); m_current_torso=M_torso; } if(m_current_head!=M_head) { if(M_head) smart_cast<IKinematicsAnimated*>(Visual())->PlayCycle(M_head); m_current_head=M_head; } if (m_current_legs!=M_legs) { float pos = 0.f; VERIFY (!m_current_legs_blend || !fis_zero(m_current_legs_blend->timeTotal)); if ((mstate_real&mcAnyMove)&&(mstate_old&mcAnyMove)&&m_current_legs_blend) pos = fmod(m_current_legs_blend->timeCurrent,m_current_legs_blend->timeTotal)/m_current_legs_blend->timeTotal; IKinematicsAnimated* ka = smart_cast<IKinematicsAnimated*>(Visual()); m_current_legs_blend = PlayMotionByParts(ka, M_legs, TRUE, legs_play_callback, this); // m_current_legs_blend = smart_cast<IKinematicsAnimated*>(Visual())->PlayCycle(M_legs,TRUE,legs_play_callback,this); if ((!(mstate_old&mcAnyMove))&&(mstate_real&mcAnyMove)) { pos = 0.5f;//0.5f*Random.randI(2); } if (m_current_legs_blend) m_current_legs_blend->timeCurrent = m_current_legs_blend->timeTotal*pos; m_current_legs = M_legs; CStepManager::on_animation_start(M_legs, m_current_legs_blend); } #ifdef DEBUG if(bDebug && g_ShowAnimationInfo) { UI().Font().pFontStat->OutSetI (0,0); UI().Font().pFontStat->OutNext("[%s]",mov_state[moving_idx]); IKinematicsAnimated* KA = smart_cast<IKinematicsAnimated*>(Visual()); if(M_torso) UI().Font().pFontStat->OutNext("torso [%s]",KA->LL_MotionDefName_dbg(M_torso).first); if(M_head) UI().Font().pFontStat->OutNext("head [%s]",KA->LL_MotionDefName_dbg(M_head).first); if(M_legs) UI().Font().pFontStat->OutNext("legs [%s]",KA->LL_MotionDefName_dbg(M_legs).first); } #endif #ifdef DEBUG if ((Level().CurrentControlEntity() == this) && g_ShowAnimationInfo) { string128 buf; xr_strcpy(buf,""); if (isActorAccelerated(mstate_rl, IsZoomAimingMode())) xr_strcat(buf,"Accel "); if (mstate_rl&mcCrouch) xr_strcat(buf,"Crouch "); if (mstate_rl&mcFwd) xr_strcat(buf,"Fwd "); if (mstate_rl&mcBack) xr_strcat(buf,"Back "); if (mstate_rl&mcLStrafe) xr_strcat(buf,"LStrafe "); if (mstate_rl&mcRStrafe) xr_strcat(buf,"RStrafe "); if (mstate_rl&mcJump) xr_strcat(buf,"Jump "); if (mstate_rl&mcFall) xr_strcat(buf,"Fall "); if (mstate_rl&mcTurn) xr_strcat(buf,"Turn "); if (mstate_rl&mcLanding) xr_strcat(buf,"Landing "); if (mstate_rl&mcLLookout) xr_strcat(buf,"LLookout "); if (mstate_rl&mcRLookout) xr_strcat(buf,"RLookout "); if (m_bJumpKeyPressed) xr_strcat(buf,"+Jumping "); UI().Font().pFontStat->OutNext ("MSTATE: [%s]",buf); /* switch (m_PhysicMovementControl->Environment()) { case CPHMovementControl::peOnGround: xr_strcpy(buf,"ground"); break; case CPHMovementControl::peInAir: xr_strcpy(buf,"air"); break; case CPHMovementControl::peAtWall: xr_strcpy(buf,"wall"); break; } UI().Font().pFontStat->OutNext (buf); UI().Font().pFontStat->OutNext ("Accel [%3.2f, %3.2f, %3.2f]",VPUSH(NET_SavedAccel)); UI().Font().pFontStat->OutNext ("V [%3.2f, %3.2f, %3.2f]",VPUSH(m_PhysicMovementControl->GetVelocity())); UI().Font().pFontStat->OutNext ("vertex ID %d",ai_location().level_vertex_id()); Game().m_WeaponUsageStatistic->Draw(); */ }; #endif if (!m_current_torso_blend) return; IKinematicsAnimated *skeleton_animated = smart_cast<IKinematicsAnimated*>(Visual()); CMotionDef *motion0 = skeleton_animated->LL_GetMotionDef(m_current_torso); VERIFY (motion0); if (!(motion0->flags & esmSyncPart)) return; if (!m_current_legs_blend) return; CMotionDef *motion1 = skeleton_animated->LL_GetMotionDef(m_current_legs); VERIFY (motion1); if (!(motion1->flags & esmSyncPart)) return; m_current_torso_blend->timeCurrent = m_current_legs_blend->timeCurrent/m_current_legs_blend->timeTotal*m_current_torso_blend->timeTotal; }