コード例 #1
ファイル: pr-56.cpp プロジェクト: ansonn/esl_systemc
    sc_signed y(6);
    sc_unsigned yu(6);
    foo(y, yu);
    sc_signed z(10);
    sc_unsigned zu(10);
    foo(z, zu);
    sc_signed x(8);
    sc_unsigned xu(8);
    foo(x, xu);
    return x + y + z;
コード例 #2
bool ON_BrepFace::ChangeSurface(
  int si
  if ( 0 == m_brep )
    return false;
  if ( si < 0 || si >= m_brep->m_S.Count() )
    return false;
  const ON_Surface* pSurface = m_brep->m_S[si];
  m_brep->DestroyMesh( ON::any_mesh );

  const ON_Surface* old_srf = SurfaceOf();
  m_si = si;
  if ( pSurface )
    m_bbox = pSurface->BoundingBox();

  if ( old_srf && pSurface )
    // If domain changed, tehn update 2d trim curve locations
    ON_Interval udom0 = old_srf->Domain(0);
    ON_Interval vdom0 = old_srf->Domain(1);
    ON_Interval udom1 = pSurface->Domain(0);
    ON_Interval vdom1 = pSurface->Domain(1);
    if ( udom0 != udom1 || vdom0 != vdom1 )
      // need to transform trimming curves
      ON_Xform x(1), xu(1), xv(1);
      if ( udom0 != udom1 )
      if ( vdom0 != vdom1 )
      x = xv*xu;

    int vcount0 = m_brep->m_V.Count();

    // If singular points changed, then add/remove edges
    // and update trim.m_type flags
    int i;
      bool bSing0[4];
      bool bSing1[4];
      for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
        bSing0[i] = old_srf->IsSingular(i) ? true : false;
        bSing1[i] = pSurface->IsSingular(i) ? true : false;
      int sing_fix, sing_fix_max = 1;
      for ( sing_fix = 0; sing_fix < sing_fix_max; sing_fix++ )
        // sing_fix:
        //   0: expands old singularities and checks for new ones
        //   1: collapses old edges to new singular points.
        for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
          if ( bSing0[i] == bSing1[i] )

          ON_Surface::ISO iso = ON_Surface::not_iso;
          case 0: iso = ON_Surface::S_iso; break;
          case 1: iso = ON_Surface::E_iso; break;
          case 2: iso = ON_Surface::N_iso; break;
          case 3: iso = ON_Surface::W_iso; break;

          if ( bSing0[i] && sing_fix != 0 )
            // we already expanded old singular trims into edge trims

          for ( int fli = 0; fli < m_li.Count(); fli++ )
            const ON_BrepLoop* loop = Loop(fli);
            if ( 0 == loop )
            if ( loop->m_type != ON_BrepLoop::outer )
            for ( int lti = 0; lti < loop->m_ti.Count(); lti++ )
              ON_BrepTrim* trim = loop->Trim(lti);
              if ( !trim )
              if ( trim->m_iso != iso )
              ON_BrepTrim* nexttrim = loop->Trim((lti+1)%loop->m_ti.Count());
              if ( bSing0[i] )
                // valid singular trim changing to non-singular trim
                if( 0 == sing_fix )
                  ChangeTrimSingToBdry( *m_brep, *trim, nexttrim );
              else if ( bSing1[i] )
                if ( 0 == sing_fix )
                  // we need a 2nd pass to collapse this edge
                  // to a singular trim.
                  sing_fix_max = 2;
                  // valid non-singular trim changing to singular trim
                  ON_BrepTrim* prevtrim = loop->Trim((lti-1+loop->m_ti.Count())%loop->m_ti.Count());
                  ChangeTrimBdryToSing( *m_brep, *trim, prevtrim, nexttrim );

    // If closed/open status changed, then add/remove edges
    // and update m_type flag
    for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
      bool bClosed0 = old_srf->IsClosed(i) ? true : false;
      bool bClosed1 = pSurface->IsClosed(i) ? true : false;
      if ( bClosed0 == bClosed1 )
      ON_Surface::ISO isoA = ON_Surface::not_iso;
      ON_Surface::ISO isoB = ON_Surface::not_iso;
      case 0: isoA = ON_Surface::W_iso; isoB = ON_Surface::E_iso; break;
      case 1: isoA = ON_Surface::S_iso; isoB = ON_Surface::N_iso; break;

      for ( int fli = 0; fli < m_li.Count(); fli++ )
        const ON_BrepLoop* loop = Loop(fli);
        if ( 0 == loop )
        if ( loop->m_type != ON_BrepLoop::outer )
        int loop_trim_count = loop->m_ti.Count();
        for ( int ltiA = 0; ltiA < loop_trim_count; ltiA++ )
          ON_BrepTrim* trimA = loop->Trim(ltiA);
          if ( !trimA )
          if ( trimA->m_iso != isoA )

          if ( bClosed0 )
            // old surface has a seam and new surface does not
            if ( trimA->m_type != ON_BrepTrim::seam )
            const ON_BrepEdge* edge = m_brep->Edge(trimA->m_ei);
            if ( 0 == edge )
            if ( edge->m_ti.Count() != 2 )
            int etiB = (edge->m_ti[0] == trimA->m_trim_index) ? 1 : 0;
            ON_BrepTrim* trimB = edge->Trim(etiB);
            if ( 0 == trimB )
            if ( trimA == trimB )
            if ( trimB->m_li != trimA->m_li )
            if ( trimB->m_type != ON_BrepTrim::seam )
            if ( trimB->m_iso != isoB )
            for ( int ltiB = 0; ltiB < loop_trim_count; ltiB++ )
              if ( trimB != loop->Trim(ltiB) )
              ON_BrepTrim* prevtrimB = loop->Trim((ltiB+loop_trim_count-1)%loop_trim_count);
              ON_BrepTrim* nexttrimB = loop->Trim((ltiB+1)%loop_trim_count);
              if ( 0 == prevtrimB )
              if ( 0 == nexttrimB )
              if ( prevtrimB == trimA || prevtrimB == trimB )
              if ( nexttrimB == trimA || nexttrimB == trimB )
              if ( prevtrimB == nexttrimB )
              SplitSeam( *m_brep, *trimA, *trimB, *prevtrimB, *nexttrimB, vcount0 );
            // open sides replaced with a seam
            // TODO
            bool sok;
            sok = SealSeam(i, *this);
            if (sok)
              sok = !sok;

  if ( pSurface )
    for ( int fli = 0; fli < m_li.Count(); fli++ )
      const ON_BrepLoop* loop = Loop(fli);
      if ( 0 == loop )
      for ( int lti = 0; lti < loop->m_ti.Count(); lti++ )
        const ON_BrepTrim* trim = loop->Trim(lti);
        if ( 0 ==  trim )
        ON_BrepVertex* v0 = m_brep->Vertex(trim->m_vi[0]);
        if ( 0 != v0 )
          if ( v0->point == ON_UNSET_POINT )
            ON_3dPoint uv = trim->PointAtStart();
            v0->point = pSurface->PointAt( uv.x, uv.y );

  return true;
コード例 #3
void cChoiceManager::CreateChoiceBox(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ID, int numChoices, int itemHeight, int MaxStrLen, int fontsize)
	DirPath dp = DirPath() << "Resources" << "Interface" << cfg.resolution.resolution() << "ChoiceBox.xml";
	TiXmlDocument docChoiceBox(dp.c_str());
	int a, b, c, d, e, f;
	if (docChoiceBox.LoadFile())
//<Window  Name = "ChoiceBox" XPos = "224" YPos = "127" Width = "352" Height = "160" RowHeight = "32" FontSize = "16" / >

		string m_filename = dp.c_str();
		TiXmlElement *el, *root_el = docChoiceBox.RootElement();
		for (el = root_el->FirstChildElement(); el; el = el->NextSiblingElement())
			XmlUtil xu(m_filename);
			xu.get_att(el, "XPos", a); xu.get_att(el, "YPos", b); xu.get_att(el, "Width", c); xu.get_att(el, "Height", d);
			xu.get_att(el, "RowHeight", e); xu.get_att(el, "FontSize", f);
		if (a > 0)	x = a;
		if (b > 0)	y = b;
		if (c > 0)	width = c;
		if (d > 0)	height = d;
		if (e > 0)	itemHeight = e;
		if (f > 0)	fontsize = f;

	cChoice* newChoice = 0;
	if (m_Font == 0)
		m_Font = new cFont();
		m_Font->LoadFont(cfg.fonts.normal(), fontsize);
		m_Font->SetColor(0, 0, 0);

	if (MaxStrLen == 0)
		newChoice = new cChoice();
		if ((height - 2) / itemHeight < numChoices)
			height = (numChoices*itemHeight) + 2;
		newChoice->m_NumDrawnElements = (height - 2) / itemHeight;
		newChoice->m_eWidth = (width - (18));
		newChoice->m_eHeight = itemHeight;
		newChoice->m_NumChoices = numChoices;

		newChoice->m_CurrChoice = -1;
		newChoice->m_XPos = x;
		newChoice->m_YPos = y;
		newChoice->m_Width = width;
		newChoice->m_Height = height;
		newChoice->m_FontSize = fontsize;
		newChoice->m_Choices = new string[numChoices];
		newChoice->m_ID = ID;

		newChoice->m_Border = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, width, height, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0);
		SDL_FillRect(newChoice->m_Border, 0, SDL_MapRGB(newChoice->m_Border->format, 0, 0, 0));

		newChoice->m_Background = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, width - (18), height - 2, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0);
		SDL_FillRect(newChoice->m_Background, 0, SDL_MapRGB(newChoice->m_Background->format, 88, 163, 113));

		newChoice->m_ElementBackground = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, newChoice->m_eWidth, newChoice->m_eHeight, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0);
		SDL_FillRect(newChoice->m_ElementBackground, 0, SDL_MapRGB(newChoice->m_ElementBackground->format, 88, 163, 113));

		newChoice->m_ElementSelectedBackground = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, newChoice->m_eWidth, newChoice->m_eHeight, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0);
		SDL_FillRect(newChoice->m_ElementSelectedBackground, 0, SDL_MapRGB(newChoice->m_ElementSelectedBackground->format, 229, 227, 52));

		if (newChoice->m_eWidth > 120)
			newChoice->m_HeaderBackground = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, newChoice->m_eWidth, 32, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0);
			newChoice->m_HeaderBackground = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, 120, 32, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0);
		SDL_FillRect(newChoice->m_HeaderBackground, 0, SDL_MapRGB(newChoice->m_HeaderBackground->format, 229, 227, 52));
	else	// autosize and center according to the max string size, also shut off the scroll box if not needed
		newChoice = new cChoice();

		int MaxWidth = 0, MaxHeight = 0;
		string temp = "W";
		for (int i = 0; i<MaxStrLen - 1; i++)
			temp += "W";
		m_Font->GetSize(temp, MaxWidth, MaxHeight);
		int newHeight = (MaxHeight*numChoices) + 2;

		if (newHeight > g_Graphics.GetHeight())
			newHeight = g_Graphics.GetHeight() - 34;
		if (MaxWidth > g_Graphics.GetWidth())
			MaxWidth = g_Graphics.GetWidth() - 2;

		newChoice->m_NumDrawnElements = newHeight / MaxHeight;
		if (newChoice->m_NumDrawnElements >= numChoices)
			newChoice->m_ScrollDisabled = true;
			newChoice->m_eWidth = (MaxWidth);
			newChoice->m_eWidth = (MaxWidth - (18));
		newChoice->m_eHeight = MaxHeight;
		newChoice->m_NumChoices = numChoices;

		newChoice->m_CurrChoice = -1;
		newChoice->m_Width = MaxWidth;
		newChoice->m_Height = newHeight;
		newChoice->m_FontSize = fontsize;
		newChoice->m_Choices = new string[numChoices];
		newChoice->m_ID = ID;

		if (newChoice->m_ScrollDisabled)
			newChoice->m_Border = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, newChoice->m_Width + 2, newChoice->m_Height + 2, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0);
			newChoice->m_Border = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, newChoice->m_Width + 20, newChoice->m_Height + 2, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0);
		SDL_FillRect(newChoice->m_Border, 0, SDL_MapRGB(newChoice->m_Border->format, 0, 0, 0));

		if (newChoice->m_ScrollDisabled)
			newChoice->m_Background = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, newChoice->m_Width, newChoice->m_Height, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0);
			newChoice->m_Background = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, newChoice->m_Width - (18), newChoice->m_Height - 2, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0);
		SDL_FillRect(newChoice->m_Background, 0, SDL_MapRGB(newChoice->m_Background->format, 88, 163, 113));

		newChoice->m_ElementBackground = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, newChoice->m_eWidth, newChoice->m_eHeight, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0);
		SDL_FillRect(newChoice->m_ElementBackground, 0, SDL_MapRGB(newChoice->m_ElementBackground->format, 88, 163, 113));

		newChoice->m_ElementSelectedBackground = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, newChoice->m_eWidth, newChoice->m_eHeight, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0);
		SDL_FillRect(newChoice->m_ElementSelectedBackground, 0, SDL_MapRGB(newChoice->m_ElementSelectedBackground->format, 229, 227, 52));

		if (newChoice->m_eWidth > 120)
			newChoice->m_HeaderBackground = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, newChoice->m_eWidth, 32, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0);
			newChoice->m_HeaderBackground = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, 120, 32, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0);
		SDL_FillRect(newChoice->m_HeaderBackground, 0, SDL_MapRGB(newChoice->m_HeaderBackground->format, 229, 227, 52));

		newChoice->m_XPos = ((g_Graphics.GetWidth() / 2) - (newChoice->m_Width / 2));
		newChoice->m_YPos = ((g_Graphics.GetHeight() / 2) - (newChoice->m_Height / 2));

	if (m_UpOn == 0) m_UpOn = new ButtonSurface("UpOn");
	if (m_UpOff == 0) m_UpOff = new ButtonSurface("UpOff");
	m_CurrUp = m_UpOff;

	if (m_DownOn == 0) m_DownOn = new ButtonSurface("DownOn");
	if (m_DownOff == 0) m_DownOff = new ButtonSurface("DownOff");
	m_CurrDown = m_DownOff;

	if (!m_Parent) {
		m_Parent = newChoice;
	cChoice* current = m_Parent;
	while (current->m_Next)
		current = current->m_Next;
	current->m_Next = newChoice;
コード例 #4
ファイル: sConfig.cpp プロジェクト: DagothRa/crazys-wm-mod
* changed this to take a filename so we can pass config files on the command line
* default is config.xml
sConfigData::sConfigData(const char *a_filename)
	: fonts()
	DirPath dp = DirPath() << a_filename;	// `J` moved to root directory
	DirPath dpold = DirPath() << "Resources" << "Data" << a_filename;
	string filename = dp.c_str();
	string filenameold = dpold.c_str();
	l.ss() << "Loading configuration variables from '" << filename << "'"; l.ssend();
	*	make sure we have something playable,
	*	even if the file doesn't load
	*	open the file - moan most eloqently in its absence
	TiXmlDocument doc(filename);
	TiXmlDocument docold(filenameold);
	if (!doc.LoadFile())
		l.ss() << "Can't load " << filename << " from root directory." << endl << "Error: line " << doc.ErrorRow() << ", col " << doc.ErrorCol() << ": " << doc.ErrorDesc() << endl << "Attempting to load old file " << filenameold << "." << endl; l.ssend();
		doc = docold;
	if (!doc.LoadFile())
		l.ss() << "can't load " << filename << endl << "Error: line " << doc.ErrorRow() << ", col " << doc.ErrorCol() << ": " << doc.ErrorDesc(); l.ssend();
		*		a bit of narrative for the players: makes it easier to tell
		*		if the config isn't being found
		l.ss() << "*** Game will run with default pricing factors.\n*** This may seem a little easy. To fix this\n*** get a config.xml file from pinkpetal.org\n*** or make one with W***e Master Editor"; l.ssend();
	*	get the docuement root
	TiXmlElement *el, *root_el = doc.RootElement();
	*	loop over the elements attached to the root
	for (el = root_el->FirstChildElement(); el; el = el->NextSiblingElement())
		string tag = el->ValueStr();		//	now, depending on the tag name...
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Folders")		{ get_folders_data(el);		continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Resolution")		{ get_resolution_data(el);	continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Initial")		{ get_initial_values(el);	continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Income")			{ get_income_factors(el);	continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Expenses")		{ get_expense_factors(el);	continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Gambling")		{ get_gambling_factors(el);	continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Prostitution")	{ get_pros_factors(el);		continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Catacombs")		{ get_catacombs_data(el);	continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "SlaveMarket")	{ get_slave_market_data(el);continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Pregnancy")		{ get_preg_factors(el);		continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Tax")			{ get_tax_factors(el);		continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Gangs")			{ get_gang_factors(el);		continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Items")			{ get_item_data(el);		continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Fonts")			{ get_font_data(el);		continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Debug")			{ get_debug_flags(el);		continue; }

		l.ss() << "Warning: config.xml: tag: '" << tag << "' unexpected"; l.ssend();
	// check interface for colors
	DirPath dpi = DirPath() << "Resources" << "Interface" << resolution.resolution << "InterfaceColors.xml";
	TiXmlDocument doci(dpi.c_str());
	if (doci.LoadFile())
		string m_filename = dpi.c_str();
		TiXmlElement *el, *root_el = doci.RootElement();
		for (el = root_el->FirstChildElement(); el; el = el->NextSiblingElement())
			string tag = el->ValueStr();
			if (tag == "Color")
				XmlUtil xu(m_filename); string name; int r, g, b;
				xu.get_att(el, "Name", name); xu.get_att(el, "R", r); xu.get_att(el, "G", g); xu.get_att(el, "B", b);
				/* */if (name == "ItemRarity0") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[0], r, g, b);
				else if (name == "ItemRarity1") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[1], r, g, b);
				else if (name == "ItemRarity2") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[2], r, g, b);
				else if (name == "ItemRarity3") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[3], r, g, b);
				else if (name == "ItemRarity4") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[4], r, g, b);
				else if (name == "ItemRarity5") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[5], r, g, b);
				else if (name == "ItemRarity6") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[6], r, g, b);
				else if (name == "ItemRarity7") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[7], r, g, b);
				else if (name == "ItemRarity8") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[8], r, g, b);

	fonts.detailfontsize = 9;	// default to 9 then check if it is set in girl_details_screen.xml
	DirPath dpt = DirPath() << "Resources" << "Interface" << resolution.resolution << "girl_details_screen.xml";
	TiXmlDocument doct(dp.c_str());
	if (doct.LoadFile())
		string m_filename = dpt.c_str();
		TiXmlElement *el, *root_el = doct.RootElement();
		for (el = root_el->FirstChildElement(); el; el = el->NextSiblingElement())
			string tag = el->ValueStr();
			if (tag == "Text")
				XmlUtil xu(m_filename); string name; int f = 9;
				xu.get_att(el, "Name", name); xu.get_att(el, "FontSize", f, true);
				if (name == "GirlDescription" && f > 0)
					fonts.detailfontsize = f; break;