コード例 #1
ファイル: sphericalB.cpp プロジェクト: BAS215/dom_clean
 * returns the spherical Bessel function of the second kind
 * needed for continuum states
 \param l = order of the function (orbital angular momentum)
 \param rho = independent variable (rho = k * r)
double sphericalB::y(int l, double rho)
  switch (l)
    case 0:
      return y0(rho);
    case 1:
      return y1(rho);
    case 2: 
      return y2(rho);
    case 3: 
      return y3(rho);
    case 4:
      return y4(rho);
    case 5:
      return y5(rho);
    case 6:
      return y6(rho);
    case 7:
      return y7(rho);
      cout << "no l>6 programed in sphericalB" << endl;
      return 0.;
コード例 #2
ファイル: cxx_main.cpp プロジェクト: 00liujj/trilinos
int runOperatorTests(Epetra_Operator & A, bool verbose) {

  int ierr = 0;

  double residual;
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(EpetraExt::OperatorToMatrixMarketFile("Test_A1.mm", A, "Official EpetraExt test operator", 
							"This is the official EpetraExt test operator generated by the EpetraExt regression tests"));
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(EpetraExt::OperatorToMatlabFile("Test_A1.dat", A));

  Epetra_CrsMatrix * A1; 
  Epetra_CrsMatrix * A2; 
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(EpetraExt::MatrixMarketFileToCrsMatrix("Test_A1.mm", A.OperatorRangeMap(), A1));
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(EpetraExt::MatlabFileToCrsMatrix("Test_A1.dat", A.OperatorRangeMap().Comm(), A2));

  residual = A.NormInf(); double rAInf = residual;
  if (verbose) std::cout << "Inf Norm of Operator A                                            = " << residual << std::endl;
  residual = A1->NormInf(); double rA1Inf = residual;
  if (verbose) std::cout << "Inf Norm of Matrix A1                                             = " << residual << std::endl;
  ierr += checkValues(rA1Inf,rAInf,"Inf Norm of A", verbose);

  Epetra_Vector x(A.OperatorDomainMap()); x.Random();
  Epetra_Vector y1(A.OperatorRangeMap());
  Epetra_Vector y2(A.OperatorRangeMap());
  Epetra_Vector y3(A.OperatorRangeMap());
  A1->Multiply(false, x, y2);
  A2->Multiply(false, x, y3);

  y1.Norm2(&residual); double rAx1 = residual;
  if (verbose) std::cout << "Norm of A*x                                                       = " << residual << std::endl;

  y2.Norm2(&residual); double rAx2 = residual;
  if (verbose) std::cout << "Norm of A1*x                                                      = " << residual << std::endl;
  ierr += checkValues(rAx1,rAx2,"Norm of A1*x", verbose);

  y3.Norm2(&residual); double rAx3 = residual;
  if (verbose) std::cout << "Norm of A2*x                                                      = " << residual << std::endl;
  ierr += checkValues(rAx1,rAx3,"Norm of A2*x", verbose);

  delete A1;
  delete A2;

コード例 #3
ファイル: mypnorm.cpp プロジェクト: wenyupurdue/RcppBook
extern "C" SEXP mypnorm(SEXP xx) {
  Rcpp::NumericVector x(xx);
  int n = x.size();
  Rcpp::NumericVector y1(n), y2(n), y3(n);
  for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
    y1[i] = ::Rf_pnorm5(x[i], 0.0, 1.0, 1, 0);
    y2[i] = R::pnorm(x[i], 0.0, 1.0, 1, 0);
  y3 = Rcpp::pnorm(x);
  return Rcpp::DataFrame::create(Rcpp::Named("Rf_") = y1,
                                 Rcpp::Named("R") = y2,
                                 Rcpp::Named("sugar") = y3);
コード例 #4
void fwd_test()
    test::test_type1<int> x1(3);
    test::test_type1<std::string> y1("Black");
    test::test_type2<int> x2(25, 16);
    test::test_type2<std::string> y2("White", "Green");

    std::vector<int> empty;
    std::vector<std::string> empty2;

    test::test_type3<int> x3(empty.begin(), empty.end());
    test::test_type3<std::string> y3(empty2.begin(), empty2.end());

    // Prevent gcc warnings:
    unused(x1); unused(x2); unused(x3);
    unused(y1); unused(y2); unused(y3);
コード例 #5
ファイル: mathplot.cpp プロジェクト: zhoajianjun/QT
void MathPlot::setupMultiAxisDemo(QCustomPlot *customPlot)
  customPlot->setInteractions(QCP::iRangeDrag | QCP::iRangeZoom);

  customPlot->setLocale(QLocale(QLocale::English, QLocale::UnitedKingdom)); // period as decimal separator and comma as thousand separator
  QFont legendFont = font();  // start out with MainWindow's font..
  legendFont.setPointSize(9); // and make a bit smaller for legend
  // by default, the legend is in the inset layout of the main axis rect. So this is how we access it to change legend placement:
  customPlot->axisRect()->insetLayout()->setInsetAlignment(0, Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight);

  // setup for graph 0: key axis left, value axis bottom
  // will contain left maxwell-like function
  customPlot->addGraph(customPlot->yAxis, customPlot->xAxis);
  customPlot->graph(0)->setPen(QPen(QColor(255, 100, 0)));
  customPlot->graph(0)->setBrush(QBrush(QPixmap("://skin/images/balboa.jpg"))); // fill with texture of specified image
  customPlot->graph(0)->setScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle::ssDisc, 5));
  customPlot->graph(0)->setName("Left maxwell function");

  // setup for graph 1: key axis bottom, value axis left (those are the default axes)
  // will contain bottom maxwell-like function
  customPlot->graph(1)->setBrush(QBrush(QPixmap("://skin/images/balboa.jpg"))); // same fill as we used for graph 0
  customPlot->graph(1)->setScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle::ssCircle, Qt::red, Qt::white, 7));
  customPlot->graph(1)->setName("Bottom maxwell function");

  // setup for graph 2: key axis top, value axis right
  // will contain high frequency sine with low frequency beating:
  customPlot->addGraph(customPlot->xAxis2, customPlot->yAxis2);
  customPlot->graph(2)->setName("High frequency sine");

  // setup for graph 3: same axes as graph 2
  // will contain low frequency beating envelope of graph 2
  customPlot->addGraph(customPlot->xAxis2, customPlot->yAxis2);
  QPen blueDotPen;
  blueDotPen.setColor(QColor(30, 40, 255, 150));
  customPlot->graph(3)->setName("Sine envelope");

  // setup for graph 4: key axis right, value axis top
  // will contain parabolically distributed data points with some random perturbance
  customPlot->addGraph(customPlot->yAxis2, customPlot->xAxis2);
  customPlot->graph(4)->setPen(QColor(50, 50, 50, 255));
  customPlot->graph(4)->setScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle::ssCircle, 4));
  customPlot->graph(4)->setName("Some random data around\na quadratic function");

  // generate data, just playing with numbers, not much to learn here:
  QVector<double> x0(25), y0(25);
  QVector<double> x1(15), y1(15), y1err(15);
  QVector<double> x2(250), y2(250);
  QVector<double> x3(250), y3(250);
  QVector<double> x4(250), y4(250);
  for (int i=0; i<25; ++i) // data for graph 0
    x0[i] = 3*i/25.0;
    y0[i] = exp(-x0[i]*x0[i]*0.8)*(x0[i]*x0[i]+x0[i]);
  for (int i=0; i<15; ++i) // data for graph 1
    x1[i] = 3*i/15.0;;
    y1[i] = exp(-x1[i]*x1[i])*(x1[i]*x1[i])*2.6;
    y1err[i] = y1[i]*0.25;
  for (int i=0; i<250; ++i) // data for graphs 2, 3 and 4
    x2[i] = i/250.0*3*M_PI;
    x3[i] = x2[i];
    x4[i] = i/250.0*100-50;
    y2[i] = sin(x2[i]*12)*cos(x2[i])*10;
    y3[i] = cos(x3[i])*10;
    y4[i] = 0.01*x4[i]*x4[i] + 1.5*(rand()/(double)RAND_MAX-0.5) + 1.5*M_PI;

  // pass data points to graphs:
  customPlot->graph(0)->setData(x0, y0);
  customPlot->graph(1)->setDataValueError(x1, y1, y1err);
  customPlot->graph(2)->setData(x2, y2);
  customPlot->graph(3)->setData(x3, y3);
  customPlot->graph(4)->setData(x4, y4);
  // activate top and right axes, which are invisible by default:
  // set ranges appropriate to show data:
  customPlot->xAxis->setRange(0, 2.7);
  customPlot->yAxis->setRange(0, 2.6);
  customPlot->xAxis2->setRange(0, 3.0*M_PI);
  customPlot->yAxis2->setRange(-70, 35);
  // set pi ticks on top axis:
  QVector<double> piTicks;
  QVector<QString> piLabels;
  piTicks << 0  << 0.5*M_PI << M_PI << 1.5*M_PI << 2*M_PI << 2.5*M_PI << 3*M_PI;
  piLabels << "0" << QString::fromUtf8("½π") << QString::fromUtf8("π") << QString::fromUtf8("1½π") << QString::fromUtf8("2π") << QString::fromUtf8("2½π") << QString::fromUtf8("3π");
  // add title layout element:
  customPlot->plotLayout()->addElement(0, 0, new QCPPlotTitle(customPlot, "Way too many graphs in one plot"));
  // set labels:
  customPlot->xAxis->setLabel("Bottom axis with outward ticks");
  customPlot->yAxis->setLabel("Left axis label");
  customPlot->xAxis2->setLabel("Top axis label");
  customPlot->yAxis2->setLabel("Right axis label");
  // make ticks on bottom axis go outward:
  customPlot->xAxis->setTickLength(0, 5);
  customPlot->xAxis->setSubTickLength(0, 3);
  // make ticks on right axis go inward and outward:
  customPlot->yAxis2->setTickLength(3, 3);
  customPlot->yAxis2->setSubTickLength(1, 1);
コード例 #6
DMat& NDG2D::ConformingHrefine2D(IMat& edgerefineflag, const DMat& Qin)
#if (0)
  OutputNodes(false); // volume nodes
//OutputNodes(true);  // face nodes

  // function newQ = ConformingHrefine2D(edgerefineflag, Q)
  // Purpose: apply edge splits as requested by edgerefineflag

  IVec v1("v1"), v2("v2"), v3("v3"), tvi;
  DVec x1("x1"), x2("x2"), x3("x3"), y1("y1"), y2("y2"), y3("y3");
  DVec a1("a1"), a2("a2"), a3("a3");

  // count vertices
  assert (VX.size() == Nv);

  // find vertex triplets for elements to be refined
  v1 = EToV(All,1);  v2 = EToV(All,2);  v3 = EToV(All,3);
  x1 = VX(v1);       x2 = VX(v2);       x3 = VX(v3);
  y1 = VY(v1);       y2 = VY(v2);       y3 = VY(v3);

  // find angles at each element vertex (in radians)
  VertexAngles(x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3, a1,a2,a3);

  // absolute value of angle size
  a1.set_abs(); a2.set_abs(); a3.set_abs();

  int k=0,k1=0,f1=0,k2=0,f2=0, e1=0,e2=0,e3=0, b1=0,b2=0,b3=0, ref=0;
  IVec m1,m2,m3; DVec mx1, my1, mx2, my2, mx3, my3;

  // create new vertices at edge centers of marked elements 
  // (use unique numbering derived from unique edge number))
  m1 = max(IVec(Nv*(v1-1)+v2+1), IVec(Nv*(v2-1)+v1+1)); mx1=0.5*(x1+x2); my1=0.5*(y1+y2);
  m2 = max(IVec(Nv*(v2-1)+v3+1), IVec(Nv*(v3-1)+v2+1)); mx2=0.5*(x2+x3); my2=0.5*(y2+y3);
  m3 = max(IVec(Nv*(v1-1)+v3+1), IVec(Nv*(v3-1)+v1+1)); mx3=0.5*(x3+x1); my3=0.5*(y3+y1);

  // ensure that both elements sharing an edge are split
  for (k1=1; k1<=K; ++k1) {
    for (f1=1; f1<=Nfaces; ++f1) {
      if (edgerefineflag(k1,f1)) {
        k2 = EToE(k1,f1); 
        f2 = EToF(k1,f1);
        edgerefineflag(k2,f2) = 1;

  // store old data
  IMat oldEToV = EToV;  DVec oldVX = VX, oldVY = VY; 

  // count the number of elements in the refined mesh
  int newK = countrefinefaces(edgerefineflag);
  EToV.resize(newK, Nfaces, true, 0);
  IMat newBCType(newK,3, "newBCType");
  //   kold = [];
  IVec kold(newK, "kold");  Index1D KI,KIo;

  int sk=1, skstart=0, skend=0;

  for (k=1; k<=K; ++k)
    skstart = sk;

    e1 = edgerefineflag(k,1); b1 = BCType(k,1);
    e2 = edgerefineflag(k,2); b2 = BCType(k,2);
    e3 = edgerefineflag(k,3); b3 = BCType(k,3);
    ref = e1 + 2*e2 + 4*e3;
    switch (ref) {

    case 0: 
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v1(k),v2(k),v3(k));    newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b1, b2, b3); ++sk;

    case 1:
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v1(k),m1(k),v3(k));    newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b1,  0, b3); ++sk;
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(m1(k),v2(k),v3(k));    newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b1, b2,  0); ++sk;

    case 2:
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v2(k),m2(k),v1(k));    newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b2,  0, b1); ++sk;
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(m2(k),v3(k),v1(k));    newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b2, b3,  0); ++sk;

    case 4:
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v3(k),m3(k),v2(k));    newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b3,  0, b2); ++sk;
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(m3(k),v1(k),v2(k));    newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b3, b1,  0); ++sk;

    case 3:
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(m1(k),v2(k),m2(k));    newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b1, b2,  0); ++sk;
      if (a1(k) > a3(k)) { // split largest angle
        EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v1(k),m1(k),m2(k));  newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b1,  0,  0); ++sk;
        EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v1(k),m2(k),v3(k));  newBCType(sk,All) = IVec( 0, b2, b3); ++sk;
      } else {
        EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v3(k),m1(k),m2(k));  newBCType(sk,All) = IVec( 0,  0, b2); ++sk;
        EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v3(k),v1(k),m1(k));  newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b3, b1,  0); ++sk;

    case 5:
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v1(k),m1(k),m3(k));    newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b1,  0, b3); ++sk;
      if (a2(k) > a3(k)) { 
        // split largest angle
        EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v2(k),m3(k),m1(k));  newBCType(sk,All) = IVec( 0,  0, b1); ++sk;
        EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v2(k),v3(k),m3(k));  newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b2, b3,  0); ++sk;
      } else {
        EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v3(k),m3(k),m1(k));  newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b3,  0,  0); ++sk;
        EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v3(k),m1(k),v2(k));  newBCType(sk,All) = IVec( 0, b1, b2); ++sk;

    case 6:
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v3(k),m3(k),m2(k));    newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b3,  0, b2); ++sk;
      if (a1(k) > a2(k)) { 
        // split largest angle
        EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v1(k),m2(k),m3(k));  newBCType(sk,All) = IVec( 0, 0, b3); ++sk;
        EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v1(k),v2(k),m2(k));  newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b1, b2,  0); ++sk;
      } else {
        EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v2(k),m2(k),m3(k));  newBCType(sk,All) = IVec(b2,  0,  0); ++sk;
        EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v2(k),m3(k),v1(k));  newBCType(sk,All) = IVec( 0 , b3, b1); ++sk;

      // split all 
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(m1(k),m2(k),m3(k)); newBCType(sk, All) = IVec( 0, 0,  0); ++sk;
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v1(k),m1(k),m3(k)); newBCType(sk, All) = IVec(b1, 0, b3); ++sk;
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v2(k),m2(k),m1(k)); newBCType(sk, All) = IVec(b2, 0, b1); ++sk;
      EToV(sk, All) = IVec(v3(k),m3(k),m2(k)); newBCType(sk, All) = IVec(b3, 0, b2); ++sk;
    skend = sk;

    // kold = [kold; k*ones(skend-skstart, 1)];

    // element k is to be refined into (1:4) child elements.
    // store parent element numbers in array "kold" to help 
    // with accessing parent vertex data during refinement.

    KI.reset(skstart, skend-1); // ids of child elements
    kold(KI) = k;               // mark as children of element k

  // Finished with edgerefineflag.  Delete if OBJ_temp
  if (edgerefineflag.get_mode() == OBJ_temp) { 
    delete (&edgerefineflag); 

  // renumber new nodes contiguously
  // ids = unique([v1;v2;v3;m1;m2;m3]);
  bool unique=true; IVec IDS, ids;
  IDS = concat( concat(v1,v2,v3), concat(m1,m2,m3) );
  ids = sort(IDS, unique);
  Nv = ids.size();

  int max_id = EToV.max_val();
  umMSG(1, "max id in EToV is %d\n", max_id);

  //         M     N   nnz vals triplet
  CSi newids(max_id,1, Nv,  1,    1  );
  //  newids = sparse(max(max(EToV)),1);

  int i=0, j=1;
  for (i=1; i<=Nv; ++i) {
  //     newids(ids)= (1:Nv);
    newids.set1(ids(i),j, i);   // load 1-based triplets
  }          // row   col x
  newids.compress();            // convert to csc form

  // Matlab -----------------------------------------------
  // v1 = newids(v1); v2 = newids(v2); v3 = newids(v3);
  // m1 = newids(m1); m2 = newids(m2); m3 = newids(m3);

  int KVi=v1.size(), KMi=m1.size();
  // read from copies, overwrite originals 
  // 1. reload ids for new vertices
  tvi = v1;  for (i=1;i<=KVi;++i) {v1(i) = newids(tvi(i), 1);}
  tvi = v2;  for (i=1;i<=KVi;++i) {v2(i) = newids(tvi(i), 1);}
  tvi = v3;  for (i=1;i<=KVi;++i) {v3(i) = newids(tvi(i), 1);}

  // 2. load ids for new (midpoint) vertices
  tvi = m1;  for (i=1;i<=KMi;++i) {m1(i) = newids(tvi(i), 1);}
  tvi = m2;  for (i=1;i<=KMi;++i) {m2(i) = newids(tvi(i), 1);}
  tvi = m3;  for (i=1;i<=KMi;++i) {m3(i) = newids(tvi(i), 1);}

  VX.resize(Nv); VY.resize(Nv);
  VX(v1) =  x1; VX(v2) =  x2; VX(v3) =  x3;
  VY(v1) =  y1; VY(v2) =  y2; VY(v3) =  y3;
  VX(m1) = mx1; VX(m2) = mx2; VX(m3) = mx3;
  VY(m1) = my1; VY(m2) = my2; VY(m3) = my3;

  if (newK != (sk-1)) {
    umERROR("NDG2D::ConformingHrefine2D", "Inconsistent element count: expect %d, but sk = %d", newK, (sk-1));
  } else {
    K = newK; // sk-1;

  // dumpIMat(EToV, "EToV (before)");

  // EToV = newids(EToV);
  for (j=1; j<=3; ++j) {
    for (k=1; k<=K; ++k) {
      EToV(k,j) = newids(EToV(k,j), 1);

#if (0)
  dumpIMat(EToV, "EToV (after)");
  // umERROR("Checking ids", "Nigel, check EToV");

  BCType = newBCType;

  Nv = VX.size();
  // xold = x; yold = y;


#if (1)
  OutputNodes(false); // volume nodes
//OutputNodes(true);  // face nodes
//umERROR("Exiting early", "Check adapted {volume,face} nodes");

  // allocate return object
  int Nfields = Qin.num_cols();
  DMat* tmpQ = new DMat(Np*K, Nfields, "newQ", OBJ_temp);
  DMat& newQ = *tmpQ;  // use a reference for syntax

  // quick return, if no interpolation is required
  if (Qin.size()<1) {
    return newQ;

  DVec rOUT(Np),sOUT(Np),xout,yout,xy1(2),xy2(2),xy3(2),tmp(2),rhs;
  int ko=0,kv1=0,kv2=0,kv3=0,n=0;  DMat A(2,2), interp;
  DMat oldQ = const_cast<DMat&>(Qin);

  for (k=1; k<=K; ++k)
    ko = kold(k); xout = x(All,k); yout = y(All,k);
    kv1=oldEToV(ko,1); kv2=oldEToV(ko,2); kv3=oldEToV(ko,3);
    xy1.set(oldVX(kv1), oldVY(kv1));
    xy2.set(oldVX(kv2), oldVY(kv2));
    xy3.set(oldVX(kv3), oldVY(kv3));
    A.set_col(1, xy2-xy1); A.set_col(2, xy3-xy1);
    for (i=1; i<=Np; ++i) {
      tmp.set(xout(i), yout(i));
      rhs = 2.0*tmp - xy2 - xy3;
      tmp = A|rhs;
      rOUT(i) = tmp(1);
      sOUT(i) = tmp(2);

    KI.reset (Np*(k -1)+1, Np*k );  // nodes in new element k
    KIo.reset(Np*(ko-1)+1, Np*ko);  // nodes in old element ko

    interp = Vandermonde2D(N, rOUT, sOUT)*invV;

    for (n=1; n<=Nfields; ++n) 
    //newQ(:,k,n)= interp*  Q(:,ko,n);
      //DVec tm1 = interp*oldQ(KIo,n);
      //dumpDVec(tm1, "tm1");
      newQ(KI,n) = interp*oldQ(KIo,n);
  return newQ;
コード例 #7
int four_quads(const Epetra_Comm& Comm, bool preconstruct_graph, bool verbose)
  if (verbose) {
    cout << "******************* four_quads ***********************"<<endl;

  //This function assembles a matrix representing a finite-element mesh
  //of four 2-D quad elements. There are 9 nodes in the problem. The
  //same problem is assembled no matter how many processors are being used
  //(within reason). It may not work if more than 9 processors are used.
  //  *------*------*
  // 6|     7|     8|
  //  | E2   | E3   |
  //  *------*------*
  // 3|     4|     5|
  //  | E0   | E1   |
  //  *------*------*
  // 0      1      2
  //Nodes are denoted by * with node-numbers below and left of each node.
  //E0, E1 and so on are element-numbers.
  //Each processor will contribute a sub-matrix of size 4x4, filled with 1's,
  //for each element. Thus, the coefficient value at position 0,0 should end up
  //being 1.0*numProcs, the value at position 4,4 should be 1.0*4*numProcs, etc.
  //Depending on the number of processors being used, the locations of the
  //specific matrix positions (in terms of which processor owns them) will vary.
  int numProcs = Comm.NumProc();
  int numNodes = 9;
  int numElems = 4;
  int numNodesPerElem = 4;

  int blockSize = 1;
  int indexBase = 0;

  //Create a map using epetra-defined linear distribution.
  Epetra_BlockMap map(numNodes, blockSize, indexBase, Comm);

  Epetra_CrsGraph* graph = NULL;

  int* nodes = new int[numNodesPerElem];
  int i, j, k, err = 0;

  if (preconstruct_graph) {
    graph = new Epetra_CrsGraph(Copy, map, 1);

    //we're going to fill the graph with indices, but remember it will only
    //accept indices in rows for which map.MyGID(row) is true.

    for(i=0; i<numElems; ++i) {
      switch(i) {
      case 0:
        nodes[0] = 0; nodes[1] = 1; nodes[2] = 4; nodes[3] = 3;
      case 1:
        nodes[0] = 1; nodes[1] = 2; nodes[2] = 5; nodes[3] = 4;
      case 2:
        nodes[0] = 3; nodes[1] = 4; nodes[2] = 7; nodes[3] = 6;
      case 3:
        nodes[0] = 4; nodes[1] = 5; nodes[2] = 8; nodes[3] = 7;

      for(j=0; j<numNodesPerElem; ++j) {
        if (map.MyGID(nodes[j])) {
          err = graph->InsertGlobalIndices(nodes[j], numNodesPerElem,
          if (err<0) return(err);

    EPETRA_CHK_ERR( graph->FillComplete() );

  Epetra_FEVbrMatrix* A = NULL;

  if (preconstruct_graph) {
    A = new Epetra_FEVbrMatrix(Copy, *graph);
  else {
    A = new Epetra_FEVbrMatrix(Copy, map, 1);

  //EPETRA_CHK_ERR( A->PutScalar(0.0) );

  double* values_1d = new double[numNodesPerElem*numNodesPerElem];
  double** values_2d = new double*[numNodesPerElem];

  for(i=0; i<numNodesPerElem*numNodesPerElem; ++i) values_1d[i] = 1.0;

  int offset = 0;
  for(i=0; i<numNodesPerElem; ++i) {
    values_2d[i] = &(values_1d[offset]);
    offset += numNodesPerElem;

  for(i=0; i<numElems; ++i) {
    switch(i) {
    case 0:
      nodes[0] = 0; nodes[1] = 1; nodes[2] = 4; nodes[3] = 3;

    case 1:
      nodes[0] = 1; nodes[1] = 2; nodes[2] = 5; nodes[3] = 4;

    case 2:
      nodes[0] = 3; nodes[1] = 4; nodes[2] = 7; nodes[3] = 6;

     case 3:
      nodes[0] = 4; nodes[1] = 5; nodes[2] = 8; nodes[3] = 7;

    for(j=0; j<numNodesPerElem; ++j) {
      if (preconstruct_graph) {
	err = A->BeginSumIntoGlobalValues(nodes[j], numNodesPerElem, nodes);
	if (err<0) return(err);
      else {
	err = A->BeginInsertGlobalValues(nodes[j], numNodesPerElem, nodes);
	if (err<0) return(err);
      for(k=0; k<numNodesPerElem; ++k) {
	err = A->SubmitBlockEntry(values_1d, blockSize, blockSize, blockSize);
	if (err<0) return(err);

      err = A->EndSubmitEntries();
      if (err<0) return(err);

  EPETRA_CHK_ERR( A->GlobalAssemble() );

  Epetra_FEVbrMatrix* Acopy = new Epetra_FEVbrMatrix(*A);

  if (verbose) {
    cout << "A:"<<*A << endl;
    cout << "Acopy:"<<*Acopy<<endl;

  Epetra_Vector x(A->RowMap()), y(A->RowMap());

  x.PutScalar(1.0); y.PutScalar(0.0);

  Epetra_Vector x2(Acopy->RowMap()), y2(Acopy->RowMap());

  x2.PutScalar(1.0); y2.PutScalar(0.0);

  A->Multiply(false, x, y);

  Acopy->Multiply(false, x2, y2);

  double ynorm2, y2norm2;

  if (ynorm2 != y2norm2) {
    cerr << "norm2(A*ones) != norm2(*Acopy*ones)"<<endl;

  Epetra_FEVbrMatrix* Acopy2 =
    new Epetra_FEVbrMatrix(Copy, A->RowMap(), A->ColMap(), 1);

  *Acopy2 = *Acopy;

  Epetra_Vector x3(Acopy->RowMap()), y3(Acopy->RowMap());

  x3.PutScalar(1.0); y3.PutScalar(0.0);

  Acopy2->Multiply(false, x3, y3);

  double y3norm2;

  if (y3norm2 != y2norm2) {
    cerr << "norm2(Acopy*ones) != norm2(Acopy2*ones)"<<endl;

  int len = 20;
  int* indices = new int[len];
  double* values = new double[len];
  int numIndices;

  if (map.MyGID(0)) {
    int lid = map.LID(0);
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR( A->ExtractMyRowCopy(lid, len, numIndices,
					values, indices) );
    if (numIndices != 4) {
    if (indices[0] != lid) {

    if (values[0] != 1.0*numProcs) {
      cout << "ERROR: values[0] ("<<values[0]<<") should be "<<numProcs<<endl;

  if (map.MyGID(4)) {
    int lid = map.LID(4);
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR( A->ExtractMyRowCopy(lid, len, numIndices,
					values, indices) );

    if (numIndices != 9) {
    int lcid = A->LCID(4);
//     if (indices[lcid] != 4) {
//       cout << "ERROR: indices[4] ("<<indices[4]<<") should be "
// 	   <<A->LCID(4)<<endl;
//       return(-5);
//     }
    if (values[lcid] != 4.0*numProcs) {
      cout << "ERROR: values["<<lcid<<"] ("<<values[lcid]<<") should be "

  delete [] values_2d;
  delete [] values_1d;
  delete [] nodes;
  delete [] indices;
  delete [] values;

  delete A;
  delete Acopy2;
  delete Acopy;
  delete graph;

コード例 #8
int four_quads(const Epetra_Comm& Comm, bool preconstruct_graph, bool verbose)
  if (verbose) {
    std::cout << "******************* four_quads ***********************"<<std::endl;

  //This function assembles a matrix representing a finite-element
  //mesh of four 2-D quad elements. There are 9 nodes in the problem. The
  //same problem is assembled no matter how many processors are being used
  //(within reason). It may not work if more than 9 processors are used.
  //  *------*------*
  // 6|     7|     8|
  //  | E2   | E3   |
  //  *------*------*
  // 3|     4|     5|
  //  | E0   | E1   |
  //  *------*------*
  // 0      1      2
  //Nodes are denoted by * with node-numbers below and left of each node.
  //E0, E1 and so on are element-numbers.
  //Each processor will contribute a sub-matrix of size 4x4, filled with 1's,
  //for each element. Thus, the coefficient value at position 0,0 should end up
  //being 1.0*numProcs, the value at position 4,4 should be 1.0*4*numProcs, etc.
  //Depending on the number of processors being used, the locations of the
  //specific matrix positions (in terms of which processor owns them) will vary.

  int numProcs = Comm.NumProc();

  long long numNodes = 9;
  int numElems = 4;
  int numNodesPerElem = 4;

  int indexBase = 0;

  //Create a map using epetra-defined linear distribution.
  Epetra_Map map(numNodes, indexBase, Comm);

  Epetra_FECrsGraph* graph = NULL;

  long long* nodes = new long long[numNodesPerElem];
  int i, err = 0;

  if (preconstruct_graph) {
    graph = new Epetra_FECrsGraph(Copy, map, 1);

    //we're going to fill the graph with indices, by passing our
    //connectivity lists.
    //FECrsGraph should accept indices in all rows, regardless of
    //whether map.MyGID(row) is true.

    for(i=0; i<numElems; ++i) {
      switch(i) {
      case 0:
	nodes[0] = 0; nodes[1] = 1; nodes[2] = 4; nodes[3] = 3;
      case 1:
	nodes[0] = 1; nodes[1] = 2; nodes[2] = 5; nodes[3] = 4;
      case 2:
	nodes[0] = 3; nodes[1] = 4; nodes[2] = 7; nodes[3] = 6;
      case 3:
	nodes[0] = 4; nodes[1] = 5; nodes[2] = 8; nodes[3] = 7;

      err = graph->InsertGlobalIndices(numNodesPerElem, nodes,
                                       numNodesPerElem, nodes);
      if (err < 0) {
        std::cerr << "ERROR, FECrsGraph error in InsertGlobalIndices, err="
          << err << std::endl;

    EPETRA_CHK_ERR( graph->GlobalAssemble() );

  Epetra_FECrsMatrix* A = NULL;

  if (preconstruct_graph) {
    A = new Epetra_FECrsMatrix(Copy, *graph);
  else {
    A = new Epetra_FECrsMatrix(Copy, map, 1);

  EPETRA_CHK_ERR( A->PutScalar(0.0) );

  double* values_1d = new double[numNodesPerElem*numNodesPerElem];
  double** values_2d = new double*[numNodesPerElem];

  for(i=0; i<numNodesPerElem*numNodesPerElem; ++i) values_1d[i] = 1.0;

  int offset = 0;
  for(i=0; i<numNodesPerElem; ++i) {
    values_2d[i] = &(values_1d[offset]);
    offset += numNodesPerElem;

  int format = Epetra_FECrsMatrix::ROW_MAJOR;
  Epetra_LongLongSerialDenseVector epetra_nodes(View, nodes, numNodesPerElem);
  Epetra_SerialDenseMatrix epetra_values(View, values_1d, numNodesPerElem,
					 numNodesPerElem, numNodesPerElem);

  for(i=0; i<numElems; ++i) {
    switch(i) {
    case 0:
      nodes[0] = 0; nodes[1] = 1; nodes[2] = 4; nodes[3] = 3;
      if (preconstruct_graph) {
	err = A->SumIntoGlobalValues(epetra_nodes,
				     epetra_values, format);
	if (err<0) return(err);
      else {
	err = A->InsertGlobalValues(epetra_nodes,
				    epetra_values, format);
	if (err<0) return(err);

    case 1:
      nodes[0] = 1; nodes[1] = 2; nodes[2] = 5; nodes[3] = 4;
      if (preconstruct_graph) {
	err = A->SumIntoGlobalValues(numNodesPerElem, nodes,
				     values_2d, format);
	if (err<0) return(err);
      else {
	err = A->InsertGlobalValues(numNodesPerElem, nodes,
				    values_2d, format);
	if (err<0) return(err);

    case 2:
      nodes[0] = 3; nodes[1] = 4; nodes[2] = 7; nodes[3] = 6;
      if (preconstruct_graph) {
	err = A->SumIntoGlobalValues(numNodesPerElem, nodes,
				     numNodesPerElem, nodes,
				     values_1d, format);
	if (err<0) return(err);
      else {
	err = A->InsertGlobalValues(numNodesPerElem, nodes,
				    numNodesPerElem, nodes,
				    values_1d, format);
	if (err<0) return(err);

     case 3:
      nodes[0] = 4; nodes[1] = 5; nodes[2] = 8; nodes[3] = 7;
      if (preconstruct_graph) {
	err = A->SumIntoGlobalValues(numNodesPerElem, nodes,
				     numNodesPerElem, nodes,
				     values_2d, format);
	if (err<0) return(err);
      else {
	err = A->InsertGlobalValues(numNodesPerElem, nodes,
				    numNodesPerElem, nodes,
				    values_2d, format);
	if (err<0) return(err);

  err = A->GlobalAssemble();
  if (err < 0) {

  Epetra_Vector x(A->RowMap()), y(A->RowMap());

  x.PutScalar(1.0); y.PutScalar(0.0);

  Epetra_FECrsMatrix Acopy(*A);

  Epetra_Vector x2(Acopy.RowMap()), y2(Acopy.RowMap());

  x2.PutScalar(1.0); y2.PutScalar(0.0);

  A->Multiply(false, x, y);

  Acopy.Multiply(false, x2, y2);

  double ynorm2, y2norm2;

  if (ynorm2 != y2norm2) {
    std::cerr << "norm2(A*ones) != norm2(Acopy*ones)"<<std::endl;

  err = Acopy.GlobalAssemble();
  if (err < 0) {

  if (verbose) {
    std::cout << "A:"<<std::endl<<*A << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Acopy:"<<std::endl<<Acopy << std::endl;

  Epetra_FECrsMatrix Acopy2(Copy, A->RowMap(), A->ColMap(), 1);

  Acopy2 = Acopy;

  Epetra_Vector x3(Acopy.RowMap()), y3(Acopy.RowMap());

  x3.PutScalar(1.0); y3.PutScalar(0.0);

  Acopy2.Multiply(false, x3, y3);

  double y3norm2;

  if (y3norm2 != y2norm2) {
    std::cerr << "norm2(Acopy*ones) != norm2(Acopy2*ones)"<<std::endl;

  int len = 20;
  long long* indices = new long long[len];
  double* values = new double[len];
  int numIndices;

  if (map.MyGID(0)) {
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR( A->ExtractGlobalRowCopy(0, len, numIndices,
					    values, indices) );
    if (numIndices != 4) {
    if (indices[0] != 0) {

    if (values[0] != 1.0*numProcs) {
      std::cout << "ERROR: values[0] ("<<values[0]<<") should be "<<numProcs<<std::endl;

  if (map.MyGID(4)) {
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR( A->ExtractGlobalRowCopy(4, len, numIndices,
					    values, indices) );

    if (numIndices != 9) {
    int lcid = A->LCID(4);
    if (lcid<0) {
    if (values[lcid] != 4.0*numProcs) {
      std::cout << "ERROR: values["<<lcid<<"] ("<<values[lcid]<<") should be "

// now let's do the checks for Acopy...

  if (map.MyGID(0)) {
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR( Acopy.ExtractGlobalRowCopy(0, len, numIndices,
                                            values, indices) );
    if (numIndices != 4) {
    if (indices[0] != 0) {

    if (values[0] != 1.0*numProcs) {
      std::cout << "ERROR: Acopy.values[0] ("<<values[0]<<") should be "<<numProcs<<std::endl;

  if (map.MyGID(4)) {
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR( Acopy.ExtractGlobalRowCopy(4, len, numIndices,
                                            values, indices) );

    if (numIndices != 9) {
    int lcid = A->LCID(4);
    if (lcid<0) {
    if (values[lcid] != 4.0*numProcs) {
      std::cout << "ERROR: Acopy.values["<<lcid<<"] ("<<values[lcid]<<") should be "

// now let's do the checks for Acopy2...

  if (map.MyGID(0)) {
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR( Acopy2.ExtractGlobalRowCopy(0, len, numIndices,
                                            values, indices) );
    if (numIndices != 4) {
    if (indices[0] != 0) {

    if (values[0] != 1.0*numProcs) {
      std::cout << "ERROR: Acopy2.values[0] ("<<values[0]<<") should be "<<numProcs<<std::endl;

  if (map.MyGID(4)) {
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR( Acopy2.ExtractGlobalRowCopy(4, len, numIndices,
                                            values, indices) );

    if (numIndices != 9) {
    int lcid = A->LCID(4);
    if (lcid<0) {
    if (values[lcid] != 4.0*numProcs) {
      std::cout << "ERROR: Acopy2.values["<<lcid<<"] ("<<values[lcid]<<") should be "

  delete [] values_2d;
  delete [] values_1d;
  delete [] nodes;
  delete [] indices;
  delete [] values;

  delete A;
  delete graph;

コード例 #9
ファイル: highscore.cpp プロジェクト: Hasenkrug/CPlusPlus
void Highscore::addGraphOneBestToOneActual(QCustomPlot *plot, Run rL, Run rB) {

    plot->setLocale(QLocale(QLocale::English, QLocale::UnitedKingdom));

    int typePointsCount = rB.typePoints.size();
    int xMin = -1;
    int xMax = typePointsCount+1;
    int yMin = 0;
    double yMax = 0;
    int yMaxErr = 0;

    QVector<double> x(typePointsCount), y(typePointsCount), y2(typePointsCount*11), x2(typePointsCount*11);
    for(int i = 0; i<typePointsCount; i++) {
        y[i] = 1/ (rB.typePoints.at(i).timeInMilliSeconds/60000.0);
        x[i] = i;
        yMax = std::max(y[i],yMax);
        for(double j = 0; j<11; j++) {
            y2[11*i+j] =  rB.typePoints.at(i).error;
            x2[11*i+j] =  (i-0.02)+(0.004*j)+0.04;
        yMaxErr = std::max(rB.typePoints.at(i).error,yMaxErr);

    plot->addGraph(plot->xAxis, plot->yAxis);
    plot->graph(0)->setName("Anschläge / Minute");

    QPen graphPen;
    graphPen.setColor(QColor(200, 50, 0, 85));

    plot->addGraph(plot->xAxis, plot->yAxis2);

    QPen graphPen1;
    graphPen1.setColor(QColor(200, 50, 0, 100));


    typePointsCount = rL.typePoints.size();
    xMin = -1;
    xMax = typePointsCount+1;

    QVector<double> x3(typePointsCount), y3(typePointsCount), y4(typePointsCount*11), x4(typePointsCount*11);
    for(int i = 0; i<typePointsCount; i++) {
        y3[i] = 1/ (rL.typePoints.at(i).timeInMilliSeconds/60000.0);
        x3[i] = i;
        yMax = std::max(y3[i],yMax);
        for(double j = 0; j<11; j++) {
            y4[11*i+j] =  rL.typePoints.at(i).error;
            x4[11*i+j] =  (i-0.02)+(0.004*j)-0.04;
        yMaxErr = std::max(rL.typePoints.at(i).error,yMaxErr);

    plot->addGraph(plot->xAxis, plot->yAxis);
    plot->graph(2)->setName("Anschläge / Minute");

    QPen graphPen2;
    graphPen2.setColor(QColor(130, 30, 0, 85));

    plot->addGraph(plot->xAxis, plot->yAxis2);

    QPen graphPen3;
    graphPen3.setColor(QColor(130, 30, 0, 100));


    plot->yAxis->setLabel("Anschläge pro Minute");

    plot->xAxis->setRange(xMin, xMax);
    plot->yAxis->setRange(yMin, yMax+1);
    plot->yAxis2->setRange(yMin,yMaxErr*1.5 );
    plot->xAxis2->setRange(xMin, xMax);


    plot->xAxis2->setTickLength(0, 0);
    plot->xAxis2->setSubTickLength(0, 0);

    plot->yAxis2->setTickLength(3, 3);
    plot->yAxis2->setSubTickLength(0, 0);

コード例 #10
ファイル: testsblasunit.cpp プロジェクト: gilso/Packages
bool testsblas(bool silent)
    bool result;
    ap::real_2d_array a;
    ap::real_2d_array ua;
    ap::real_2d_array la;
    ap::real_1d_array x;
    ap::real_1d_array y1;
    ap::real_1d_array y2;
    ap::real_1d_array y3;
    int n;
    int maxn;
    int i;
    int j;
    int i1;
    int i2;
    int gpass;
    bool waserrors;
    double mverr;
    double threshold;
    double alpha;
    double v;

    mverr = 0;
    waserrors = false;
    maxn = 10;
    threshold = 1000*ap::machineepsilon;
    // Test MV
    for(n = 2; n <= maxn; n++)
        a.setbounds(1, n, 1, n);
        ua.setbounds(1, n, 1, n);
        la.setbounds(1, n, 1, n);
        x.setbounds(1, n);
        y1.setbounds(1, n);
        y2.setbounds(1, n);
        y3.setbounds(1, n);
        // fill A, UA, LA
        for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            a(i,i) = 2*ap::randomreal()-1;
            for(j = i+1; j <= n; j++)
                a(i,j) = 2*ap::randomreal()-1;
                a(j,i) = a(i,j);
        for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            for(j = 1; j <= n; j++)
                ua(i,j) = 0;
        for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            for(j = i; j <= n; j++)
                ua(i,j) = a(i,j);
        for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            for(j = 1; j <= n; j++)
                la(i,j) = 0;
        for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            for(j = 1; j <= i; j++)
                la(i,j) = a(i,j);
        // test on different I1, I2
        for(i1 = 1; i1 <= n; i1++)
            for(i2 = i1; i2 <= n; i2++)
                // Fill X, choose Alpha
                for(i = 1; i <= i2-i1+1; i++)
                    x(i) = 2*ap::randomreal()-1;
                alpha = 2*ap::randomreal()-1;
                // calculate A*x, UA*x, LA*x
                for(i = i1; i <= i2; i++)
                    v = ap::vdotproduct(&a(i, i1), 1, &x(1), 1, ap::vlen(i1,i2));
                    y1(i-i1+1) = alpha*v;
                symmetricmatrixvectormultiply(ua, true, i1, i2, x, alpha, y2);
                symmetricmatrixvectormultiply(la, false, i1, i2, x, alpha, y3);
                // Calculate error
                ap::vsub(&y2(1), 1, &y1(1), 1, ap::vlen(1,i2-i1+1));
                v = ap::vdotproduct(&y2(1), 1, &y2(1), 1, ap::vlen(1,i2-i1+1));
                mverr = ap::maxreal(mverr, sqrt(v));
                ap::vsub(&y3(1), 1, &y1(1), 1, ap::vlen(1,i2-i1+1));
                v = ap::vdotproduct(&y3(1), 1, &y3(1), 1, ap::vlen(1,i2-i1+1));
                mverr = ap::maxreal(mverr, sqrt(v));
    // report
    waserrors = ap::fp_greater(mverr,threshold);
    if( !silent )
        printf("TESTING SYMMETRIC BLAS\n");
        printf("MV error:                                %5.3le\n",
        printf("Threshold:                               %5.3le\n",
        if( waserrors )
            printf("TEST FAILED\n");
            printf("TEST PASSED\n");
    result = !waserrors;
    return result;
コード例 #11
bool testhblas(bool silent)
    bool result;
    ap::complex_2d_array a;
    ap::complex_2d_array ua;
    ap::complex_2d_array la;
    ap::complex_1d_array x;
    ap::complex_1d_array y1;
    ap::complex_1d_array y2;
    ap::complex_1d_array y3;
    int n;
    int maxn;
    int i;
    int j;
    int i1;
    int i2;
    int gpass;
    bool waserrors;
    double mverr;
    double threshold;
    ap::complex alpha;
    ap::complex v;
    int i_;
    int i1_;

    mverr = 0;
    waserrors = false;
    maxn = 10;
    threshold = 1000*ap::machineepsilon;
    // Test MV
    for(n = 2; n <= maxn; n++)
        a.setbounds(1, n, 1, n);
        ua.setbounds(1, n, 1, n);
        la.setbounds(1, n, 1, n);
        x.setbounds(1, n);
        y1.setbounds(1, n);
        y2.setbounds(1, n);
        y3.setbounds(1, n);
        // fill A, UA, LA
        for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            a(i,i).x = 2*ap::randomreal()-1;
            a(i,i).y = 0;
            for(j = i+1; j <= n; j++)
                a(i,j).x = 2*ap::randomreal()-1;
                a(i,j).y = 2*ap::randomreal()-1;
                a(j,i) = ap::conj(a(i,j));
        for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            for(j = 1; j <= n; j++)
                ua(i,j) = 0;
        for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            for(j = i; j <= n; j++)
                ua(i,j) = a(i,j);
        for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            for(j = 1; j <= n; j++)
                la(i,j) = 0;
        for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            for(j = 1; j <= i; j++)
                la(i,j) = a(i,j);
        // test on different I1, I2
        for(i1 = 1; i1 <= n; i1++)
            for(i2 = i1; i2 <= n; i2++)
                // Fill X, choose Alpha
                for(i = 1; i <= i2-i1+1; i++)
                    x(i).x = 2*ap::randomreal()-1;
                    x(i).y = 2*ap::randomreal()-1;
                alpha.x = 2*ap::randomreal()-1;
                alpha.y = 2*ap::randomreal()-1;
                // calculate A*x, UA*x, LA*x
                for(i = i1; i <= i2; i++)
                    i1_ = (1)-(i1);
                    v = 0.0;
                    for(i_=i1; i_<=i2;i_++)
                        v += a(i,i_)*x(i_+i1_);
                    y1(i-i1+1) = alpha*v;
                hermitianmatrixvectormultiply(ua, true, i1, i2, x, alpha, y2);
                hermitianmatrixvectormultiply(la, false, i1, i2, x, alpha, y3);
                // Calculate error
                for(i_=1; i_<=i2-i1+1;i_++)
                    y2(i_) = y2(i_) - y1(i_);
                v = 0.0;
                for(i_=1; i_<=i2-i1+1;i_++)
                    v += y2(i_)*ap::conj(y2(i_));
                mverr = ap::maxreal(mverr, sqrt(ap::abscomplex(v)));
                for(i_=1; i_<=i2-i1+1;i_++)
                    y3(i_) = y3(i_) - y1(i_);
                v = 0.0;
                for(i_=1; i_<=i2-i1+1;i_++)
                    v += y3(i_)*ap::conj(y3(i_));
                mverr = ap::maxreal(mverr, sqrt(ap::abscomplex(v)));
    // report
    waserrors = ap::fp_greater(mverr,threshold);
    if( !silent )
        printf("TESTING HERMITIAN BLAS\n");
        printf("MV error:                                %5.3le\n",
        printf("Threshold:                               %5.3le\n",
        if( waserrors )
            printf("TEST FAILED\n");
            printf("TEST PASSED\n");
    result = !waserrors;
    return result;
コード例 #12
void  MainWindow::timeout()
	QString value;
	QVector<double> x(101), y(101), y1(101), y2(101), y3(101), yRam(101);

	for (int i=0; i < 100; ++i)
		x[i] = i;
		y[i] = info->get_cpu0_y()[i];
		y1[i] = info->get_cpu1_y()[i];
		y2[i] = info->get_cpu2_y()[i];
		y3[i] = info->get_cpu3_y()[i];
		yRam[i] = info->get_ram_y()[i];
	customPlot->graph(0)->setData(x, y);
	customPlot->graph(1)->setData(x, y1);
	customPlot->graph(2)->setData(x, y2);
	customPlot->graph(3)->setData(x, y3);
	customRam->graph(0)->setData(x, yRam);
	customPlot->xAxis->setRange(0, 100);
	customPlot->yAxis->setRange(0, 100);
	customRam->xAxis->setRange(0, 100);
	customRam->yAxis->setRange(0, 100);

	host->setText("HostName: ");
	host->setGeometry(QRect(10, 20, 150, 20));
	host_->setGeometry(QRect(180, 20, 150, 20));
	user->setText("UserName: "******"Kernel: ");
	kernel->setGeometry(QRect(10, 60, 150, 60));
	kernel_->setGeometry(QRect(180, 60, 150, 60));
	OS->setText("OS: ");
	OS->setGeometry(QRect(10, 80, 150, 80));
	OS_->setGeometry(QRect(180, 80, 150, 80));
	version->setText("Version: ");
	version->setGeometry(QRect(10, 100, 150, 100));
	version_->setGeometry(QRect(180, 100, 150, 100));
	date->setText("Date: ");
	date->setGeometry(QRect(10, 120, 150, 120));
	date_->setGeometry(QRect(180, 130, 200, 120));
	cpu_model->setText("CPU_Model: ");
	cpu_model->setGeometry(QRect(400, 20, 150, 20));
	std::string s = info->getModelCPU().data();
	std::string d = "             ";
	s.replace(s.find(d), 13, " ");
	cpu_model_->setGeometry(QRect(500, 20, 280, 20));
	cpu_all->setGeometry(QRect(400, 40, 150, 40));
	float f = 0;
	std::vector<double> tmp = info->getVectorCPU();
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tmp.size(); i++)
		f += tmp[i];
	f /= tmp.size();
	value = value.sprintf("%7.2f %%", f);
	cpu_all_->setGeometry(QRect(580, 40, 150, 40));
	core0->setText("CPU_Core0: ");
	core0->setGeometry(QRect(400, 60, 150, 60));
	value = value.sprintf("%7.2f %%", info->getVectorCPU()[0]);
	core0_->setGeometry(QRect(580, 60, 150, 60));
	core1->setText("CPU_Core1: ");
	core1->setGeometry(QRect(400, 80, 150, 80));
	value = value.sprintf("%7.2f %%", info->getVectorCPU()[1]);
	core1_->setGeometry(QRect(580, 80, 150, 80));
	core2->setText("CPU_Core2: ");
	core2->setGeometry(QRect(400, 100, 150, 100));
	value = value.sprintf("%7.2f %%", info->getVectorCPU()[2]);
	core2_->setGeometry(QRect(580, 100, 150, 100));
	core3->setText("CPU_Core3: ");
	core3->setGeometry(QRect(400, 120, 150, 120));
	value = value.sprintf("%7.2f %%", info->getVectorCPU()[3]);
	core3_->setGeometry(QRect(580, 120, 150, 120));
	ram_max->setText("Ram Max: ");
	ram_max->setGeometry(QRect(800, 20, 150, 20));
	value = value.sprintf("%7.2f GB", static_cast<float>(info->getRamMax()) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024);
	ram_max_->setGeometry(QRect(920, 20, 150, 20));
	ram_cur->setText("Ram Current: ");
	ram_cur->setGeometry(QRect(800, 40, 150, 40));
	value = value.sprintf("%7.2f GB", static_cast<float>(info->getRamCurrent()) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024);
	ram_cur_->setGeometry(QRect(920, 40, 150, 40));
	ram_p->setText("Ram %: ");
	ram_p->setGeometry(QRect(800, 60, 150, 60));
	value = value.sprintf("%7.2f %%", info->getRamPercantCurrent());
	ram_p_->setGeometry(QRect(920, 60, 150, 60));
コード例 #13
ファイル: interfaceform.cpp プロジェクト: Rdm1/Prob2
void Form::setupStyledDemo(QCustomPlot *customPlot)
  demoName = "Style Demo";

  // prepare data:
  QVector<double> x1(20), y1(20);
  QVector<double> x2(100), y2(100);
  QVector<double> x3(20), y3(20);
  QVector<double> x4(20), y4(20);

  // add the text label at the top:
  QCPItemText *textLabel = new QCPItemText(customPlot);
  textLabel->position->setCoords(0.5, 0); // place position at center/top of axis rect
  textLabel->setText("Text Item Demo");
  textLabel->setFont(QFont(font().family(), 16)); // make font a bit larger
  textLabel->setPen(QPen(Qt::black)); // show black border around text

  // add the arrow:
  QCPItemLine *arrow = new QCPItemLine(customPlot);
  arrow->end->setCoords(4, 1.6); // point to (4, 1.6) in x-y-plot coordinates

  for (int i=0; i<x1.size(); ++i)
    x1[i] = i/(double)x1.size()*10;
    y1[i] = qCos(x1[i]*0.8+qSin(x1[i]*0.16+1.0))*qSin(x1[i]*0.54)+1.4;
  for (int i=0; i<x2.size(); ++i)
    x2[i] = i/(double)x2.size()*10;
    y2[i] = qCos(x2[i]*0.85+qSin(x2[i]*0.165+1.1))*qSin(x2[i]*0.50)+1.7;

  for (int i=0; i<x3.size(); ++i)
    x3[i] = i/(double)x3.size()*10;
    y3[i] = 0.05+3*(0.5+qCos(x3[i]*x3[i]*0.2+2)*0.5)/(double)(x3[i]+0.7)+qrand()/(double)RAND_MAX*0.01;

  // create and configure plottables:
  QCPGraph *graph1 = customPlot->addGraph();
  graph1->setData(x1, y1);
  graph1->setScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle::ssCircle, QPen(Qt::black, 1.5), QBrush(Qt::white), 9));
  graph1->setPen(QPen(QColor(120, 120, 120), 2));

  QCPGraph *graph2 = customPlot->addGraph();
  graph2->setData(x2, y2);
  graph2->setBrush(QColor(200, 200, 200, 20));

  QCPBars *bars1 = new QCPBars(customPlot->xAxis, customPlot->yAxis);
  bars1->setData(x3, y3);
  bars1->setBrush(QColor(10, 140, 70, 160));

  // set some pens, brushes and backgrounds:
  customPlot->xAxis->setBasePen(QPen(Qt::white, 1));
  customPlot->yAxis->setBasePen(QPen(Qt::white, 1));
  customPlot->xAxis->setTickPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1));
  customPlot->yAxis->setTickPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1));
  customPlot->xAxis->setSubTickPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1));
  customPlot->yAxis->setSubTickPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1));
  customPlot->xAxis->grid()->setPen(QPen(QColor(140, 140, 140), 1, Qt::DotLine));
  customPlot->yAxis->grid()->setPen(QPen(QColor(140, 140, 140), 1, Qt::DotLine));
  customPlot->xAxis->grid()->setSubGridPen(QPen(QColor(80, 80, 80), 1, Qt::DotLine));
  customPlot->yAxis->grid()->setSubGridPen(QPen(QColor(80, 80, 80), 1, Qt::DotLine));

  QLinearGradient plotGradient;
  plotGradient.setStart(0, 0);
  plotGradient.setFinalStop(0, 350);
  plotGradient.setColorAt(0, QColor(80, 8, 80));
  plotGradient.setColorAt(1, QColor(50, 50, 50));
  QLinearGradient axisRectGradient;
  axisRectGradient.setStart(0, 0);
  axisRectGradient.setFinalStop(0, 350);
  axisRectGradient.setColorAt(0, QColor(80, 80, 80));
  axisRectGradient.setColorAt(1, QColor(30, 100, 0));

  customPlot->yAxis->setRange(0, 2);