コード例 #1
ファイル: zhash.c プロジェクト: PSG-Luna/czmq
zhash_refresh (zhash_t *self)
    assert (self);

    if (self->filename) {
        if (  zsys_file_modified (self->filename) > self->modified
           && zsys_file_stable (self->filename)) {
            //  Empty the hash table; code is copied from zhash_destroy
            uint index;
            size_t limit = primes [self->prime_index];
            for (index = 0; index < limit; index++) {
                //  Destroy all items in this hash bucket
                item_t *cur_item = self->items [index];
                while (cur_item) {
                    item_t *next_item = cur_item->next;
                    s_item_destroy (self, cur_item, true);
                    cur_item = next_item;
            zhash_load (self, self->filename);
    return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: zsync_node.c プロジェクト: skyformat99/protocol
static zsync_node_t *
zsync_node_new ()
    int rc;
    zsync_node_t *self = (zsync_node_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (zsync_node_t));
    self->ctx = zctx_new ();
    assert (self->ctx);
    self->zyre = zyre_new (self->ctx);  
    assert (self->zyre);
    // Obtain permanent UUID
    self->own_uuid = zuuid_new ();
    if (zsys_file_exists (UUID_FILE)) {
        // Read uuid from file
        zfile_t *uuid_file = zfile_new (".", UUID_FILE);
        int rc = zfile_input (uuid_file);    // open file for reading        
        assert (rc == 0); 

        zchunk_t *uuid_chunk = zfile_read (uuid_file, 16, 0);
        assert (zchunk_size (uuid_chunk) == 16);    // make sure read succeeded
        zuuid_set (self->own_uuid, zchunk_data (uuid_chunk));
        zfile_destroy (&uuid_file);
    } else {
        // Write uuid to file
        zfile_t *uuid_file = zfile_new (".", UUID_FILE);
        rc = zfile_output (uuid_file); // open file for writing
        assert (rc == 0);
        zchunk_t *uuid_bin = zchunk_new ( zuuid_data (self->own_uuid), 16);
        rc = zfile_write (uuid_file, uuid_bin, 0);
        assert (rc == 0);
        zfile_destroy (&uuid_file);
    // Obtain peers and states
    self->peers = zlist_new ();
    if (zsys_file_exists (PEER_STATES_FILE)) {
        zhash_t *peer_states = zhash_new ();
        int rc = zhash_load (peer_states, PEER_STATES_FILE);
        assert (rc == 0);
        zlist_t *uuids = zhash_keys (peer_states);
        char *uuid = zlist_first (uuids);
        while (uuid) {
            char * state_str = zhash_lookup (peer_states, uuid);
            uint64_t state;
            sscanf (state_str, "%"SCNd64, &state);
            zlist_append (self->peers, zsync_peer_new (uuid, state)); 
            uuid = zlist_next (uuids);
    self->zyre_peers = zhash_new ();
    self->terminated = false;
    return self;
コード例 #3
ファイル: zdir.c プロジェクト: diorcety/czmq
zhash_t *
zdir_cache (zdir_t *self)
    assert (self);

    //  Load any previous cache from disk
    zhash_t *cache = zhash_new ();
    if (!cache)
        return NULL;
    zhash_autofree (cache);
    char *cache_file = (char *) zmalloc (strlen (self->path) + strlen ("/.cache") + 1);
    if (!cache_file) {
        zhash_destroy (&cache);
        return NULL;
    sprintf (cache_file, "%s/.cache", self->path);
    zhash_load (cache, cache_file);

    //  Recalculate digest for any new files
    zfile_t **files = zdir_flatten (self);
    uint index;
    for (index = 0;; index++) {
        zfile_t *file = files [index];
        if (!file)
        const char *filename = zfile_filename (file, self->path);
        if (zhash_lookup (cache, zfile_filename (file, self->path)) == NULL) {
            int rc = zhash_insert (cache, filename, (void *) zfile_digest (file));
            if (rc != 0) {
                zhash_destroy (&cache);
    freen (files);

    //  Save cache to disk for future reference
    if (cache)
        zhash_save (cache, cache_file);
    freen (cache_file);
    return cache;
コード例 #4
ファイル: zhash.c プロジェクト: Lucky7Studio/czmq
zhash_test (int verbose)
    printf (" * zhash: ");

    //  @selftest
    zhash_t *hash = zhash_new ();
    assert (hash);
    assert (zhash_size (hash) == 0);

    //  Insert some items
    int rc;
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "DEADBEEF", "dead beef");
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "ABADCAFE", "a bad cafe");
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "C0DEDBAD", "coded bad");
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "DEADF00D", "dead food");
    assert (rc == 0);
    assert (zhash_size (hash) == 4);

    //  Look for existing items
    char *item;
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "DEADBEEF");
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "ABADCAFE");
    assert (streq (item, "a bad cafe"));
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "C0DEDBAD");
    assert (streq (item, "coded bad"));
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "DEADF00D");
    assert (streq (item, "dead food"));

    //  Look for non-existent items
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "foo");
    assert (item == NULL);

    //  Try to insert duplicate items
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "DEADBEEF", "foo");
    assert (rc == -1);
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "DEADBEEF");
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));

    //  Some rename tests

    //  Valid rename, key is now LIVEBEEF
    rc = zhash_rename (hash, "DEADBEEF", "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (rc == 0);
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));

    //  Trying to rename an unknown item to a non-existent key
    rc = zhash_rename (hash, "WHATBEEF", "NONESUCH");
    assert (rc == -1);

    //  Trying to rename an unknown item to an existing key
    rc = zhash_rename (hash, "WHATBEEF", "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (rc == -1);
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));

    //  Trying to rename an existing item to another existing item
    rc = zhash_rename (hash, "LIVEBEEF", "ABADCAFE");
    assert (rc == -1);
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "ABADCAFE");
    assert (streq (item, "a bad cafe"));

    //  Test keys method
    zlist_t *keys = zhash_keys (hash);
    assert (zlist_size (keys) == 4);
    zlist_destroy (&keys);

    //  Test dup method
    zhash_t *copy = zhash_dup (hash);
    assert (zhash_size (copy) == 4);
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (copy, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (item);
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    zhash_destroy (&copy);

    //  Test pack/unpack methods
    zframe_t *frame = zhash_pack (hash);
    copy = zhash_unpack (frame);
    zframe_destroy (&frame);
    assert (zhash_size (copy) == 4);
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (copy, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (item);
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    zhash_destroy (&copy);

    // Test foreach
    rc = zhash_foreach (hash, test_foreach, hash);
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zhash_foreach (hash, test_foreach_error, hash);
    assert (rc == -1);

    //  Test save and load
    zhash_comment (hash, "This is a test file");
    zhash_comment (hash, "Created by %s", "czmq_selftest");
    zhash_save (hash, ".cache");
    copy = zhash_new ();
    zhash_load (copy, ".cache");
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (copy, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (item);
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    zhash_destroy (&copy);
    zsys_file_delete (".cache");

    //  Delete a item
    zhash_delete (hash, "LIVEBEEF");
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (item == NULL);
    assert (zhash_size (hash) == 3);

    //  Check that the queue is robust against random usage
    struct {
        char name [100];
        bool exists;
    } testset [200];
    memset (testset, 0, sizeof (testset));
    int testmax = 200, testnbr, iteration;

    srandom ((unsigned) time (NULL));
    for (iteration = 0; iteration < 25000; iteration++) {
        testnbr = randof (testmax);
        if (testset [testnbr].exists) {
            item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, testset [testnbr].name);
            assert (item);
            zhash_delete (hash, testset [testnbr].name);
            testset [testnbr].exists = false;
        else {
            sprintf (testset [testnbr].name, "%x-%x", rand (), rand ());
            if (zhash_insert (hash, testset [testnbr].name, "") == 0)
                testset [testnbr].exists = true;
    //  Test 10K lookups
    for (iteration = 0; iteration < 10000; iteration++)
        item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "DEADBEEFABADCAFE");

    //  Destructor should be safe to call twice
    zhash_destroy (&hash);
    zhash_destroy (&hash);
    assert (hash == NULL);

    // Test autofree; automatically copies and frees string values
    hash = zhash_new ();
    zhash_autofree (hash);
    char value [255];
    strcpy (value, "This is a string");
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "key1", value);
    assert (rc == 0);
    strcpy (value, "Ring a ding ding");
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "key2", value);
    assert (rc == 0);
    assert (streq ((char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "key1"), "This is a string"));
    assert (streq ((char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "key2"), "Ring a ding ding"));
    zhash_destroy (&hash);
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");
コード例 #5
ファイル: zauth.c プロジェクト: guruofquality/czmq
static int
s_agent_handle_pipe (agent_t *self)
    //  Get the whole message off the pipe in one go
    zmsg_t *request = zmsg_recv (self->pipe);
    char *command = zmsg_popstr (request);
    if (!command)
        return -1;                  //  Interrupted

    if (streq (command, "ALLOW")) {
        char *address = zmsg_popstr (request);
        zhash_insert (self->whitelist, address, "OK");
        zstr_free (&address);
        zstr_send (self->pipe, "OK");
    if (streq (command, "DENY")) {
        char *address = zmsg_popstr (request);
        zhash_insert (self->blacklist, address, "OK");
        zstr_free (&address);
        zstr_send (self->pipe, "OK");
    if (streq (command, "PLAIN")) {
        //  For now we don't do anything with domains
        char *domain = zmsg_popstr (request);
        zstr_free (&domain);
        //  Get password file and load into zhash table
        //  If the file doesn't exist we'll get an empty table
        char *filename = zmsg_popstr (request);
        zhash_destroy (&self->passwords);
        self->passwords = zhash_new ();
        zhash_load (self->passwords, filename);
        zstr_free (&filename);
        zstr_send (self->pipe, "OK");
    if (streq (command, "CURVE")) {
        //  For now we don't do anything with domains
        char *domain = zmsg_popstr (request);
        zstr_free (&domain);
        //  If location is CURVE_ALLOW_ANY, allow all clients. Otherwise 
        //  treat location as a directory that holds the certificates.
        char *location = zmsg_popstr (request);
        if (streq (location, CURVE_ALLOW_ANY))
            self->allow_any = true;
        else {
            zcertstore_destroy (&self->certstore);
            self->certstore = zcertstore_new (location);
            self->allow_any = false;
        zstr_free (&location);
        zstr_send (self->pipe, "OK");
    if (streq (command, "VERBOSE")) {
        char *verbose = zmsg_popstr (request);
        self->verbose = *verbose == '1';
        zstr_free (&verbose);
        zstr_send (self->pipe, "OK");
    if (streq (command, "TERMINATE")) {
        self->terminated = true;
        zstr_send (self->pipe, "OK");
    else {
        printf ("E: invalid command from API: %s\n", command);
        assert (false);
    zstr_free (&command);
    zmsg_destroy (&request);
    return 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: zhash.c プロジェクト: PaulMeng/kind2
zhash_test (int verbose)
    printf (" * zhash: ");

    //  @selftest
    zhash_t *hash = zhash_new ();
    assert (hash);
    assert (zhash_size (hash) == 0);

    //  Insert some items
    int rc;
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "DEADBEEF", "dead beef");
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "ABADCAFE", "a bad cafe");
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "C0DEDBAD", "coded bad");
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "DEADF00D", "dead food");
    assert (rc == 0);
    assert (zhash_size (hash) == 4);

    //  Look for existing items
    char *item;
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "DEADBEEF");
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "ABADCAFE");
    assert (streq (item, "a bad cafe"));
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "C0DEDBAD");
    assert (streq (item, "coded bad"));
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "DEADF00D");
    assert (streq (item, "dead food"));

    //  Look for non-existent items
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "foo");
    assert (item == NULL);

    //  Try to insert duplicate items
    rc = zhash_insert (hash, "DEADBEEF", "foo");
    assert (rc == -1);
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "DEADBEEF");
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));

    //  Rename an item
    rc = zhash_rename (hash, "DEADBEEF", "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (rc == 0);
    rc = zhash_rename (hash, "WHATBEEF", "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (rc == -1);

    //  Test keys method
    zlist_t *keys = zhash_keys (hash);
    assert (zlist_size (keys) == 4);
    zlist_destroy (&keys);

    //  Test dup method
    zhash_t *copy = zhash_dup (hash);
    assert (zhash_size (copy) == 4);
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (copy, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (item);
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    zhash_destroy (&copy);

    // Test foreach
    assert (0 == zhash_foreach (hash, test_foreach, hash));
    assert (-1 == zhash_foreach (hash, test_foreach_error, hash));

    //  Test save and load
    zhash_save (hash, ".cache");
    copy = zhash_new ();
    zhash_load (copy, ".cache");
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (copy, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (item);
    assert (streq (item, "dead beef"));
    zhash_destroy (&copy);
#if (defined (WIN32))
    DeleteFile (".cache");
    unlink (".cache");
    //  Delete a item
    zhash_delete (hash, "LIVEBEEF");
    item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "LIVEBEEF");
    assert (item == NULL);
    assert (zhash_size (hash) == 3);

    //  Check that the queue is robust against random usage
    struct {
        char name [100];
        bool exists;
    } testset [200];
    memset (testset, 0, sizeof (testset));
    int testmax = 200, testnbr, iteration;

    srandom ((unsigned) time (NULL));
    for (iteration = 0; iteration < 25000; iteration++) {
        testnbr = randof (testmax);
        if (testset [testnbr].exists) {
            item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, testset [testnbr].name);
            assert (item);
            zhash_delete (hash, testset [testnbr].name);
            testset [testnbr].exists = false;
        else {
            sprintf (testset [testnbr].name, "%x-%x", rand (), rand ());
            if (zhash_insert (hash, testset [testnbr].name, "") == 0)
                testset [testnbr].exists = true;
    //  Test 10K lookups
    for (iteration = 0; iteration < 10000; iteration++)
        item = (char *) zhash_lookup (hash, "DEADBEEFABADCAFE");

    //  Destructor should be safe to call twice
    zhash_destroy (&hash);
    zhash_destroy (&hash);
    assert (hash == NULL);
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");
コード例 #7
ファイル: zauth.c プロジェクト: wangxx2026/czmq
static int
s_self_handle_pipe (self_t *self)
    //  Get the whole message off the pipe in one go
    zmsg_t *request = zmsg_recv (self->pipe);
    if (!request)
        return -1;                  //  Interrupted
    char *command = zmsg_popstr (request);
    if (self->verbose)
        zsys_info ("zauth: API command=%s", command);
    if (streq (command, "ALLOW")) {
        char *address = zmsg_popstr (request);
        while (address) {
            if (self->verbose)
                zsys_info ("zauth: - whitelisting ipaddress=%s", address);
            zhash_insert (self->whitelist, address, "OK");
            zstr_free (&address);
            address = zmsg_popstr (request);
        zsock_signal (self->pipe, 0);
    if (streq (command, "DENY")) {
        char *address = zmsg_popstr (request);
        while (address) {
            if (self->verbose)
                zsys_info ("zauth: - blacklisting ipaddress=%s", address);
            zhash_insert (self->blacklist, address, "OK");
            zstr_free (&address);
            address = zmsg_popstr (request);
        zsock_signal (self->pipe, 0);
    if (streq (command, "PLAIN")) {
        //  Get password file and load into zhash table
        //  If the file doesn't exist we'll get an empty table
        char *filename = zmsg_popstr (request);
        zhash_destroy (&self->passwords);
        self->passwords = zhash_new ();
        zhash_load (self->passwords, filename);
        zstr_free (&filename);
        zsock_signal (self->pipe, 0);
    if (streq (command, "CURVE")) {
        //  If location is CURVE_ALLOW_ANY, allow all clients. Otherwise
        //  treat location as a directory that holds the certificates.
        char *location = zmsg_popstr (request);
        if (streq (location, CURVE_ALLOW_ANY))
            self->allow_any = true;
        else {
            zcertstore_destroy (&self->certstore);
            // FIXME: what if this fails?
            self->certstore = zcertstore_new (location);
            self->allow_any = false;
        zstr_free (&location);
        zsock_signal (self->pipe, 0);
    if (streq (command, "GSSAPI"))
        //  GSSAPI authentication is not yet implemented here
        zsock_signal (self->pipe, 0);
    if (streq (command, "VERBOSE")) {
        self->verbose = true;
        zsock_signal (self->pipe, 0);
    if (streq (command, "$TERM"))
        self->terminated = true;
    else {
        zsys_error ("zauth: - invalid command: %s", command);
        assert (false);
    zstr_free (&command);
    zmsg_destroy (&request);
    return 0;
コード例 #8
ファイル: qzhash.cpp プロジェクト: atocall/zyre
//  Load hash table from a text file in name=value format; hash table must 
//  already exist. Hash values must printable strings; keys may not contain
//  '=' character. Returns 0 if OK, else -1 if a file was not readable.    
int QZhash::load (const QString &filename)
    int rv = zhash_load (self, filename.toUtf8().data());
    return rv;