static agent_t * s_agent_new (zctx_t *ctx, void *pipe) { agent_t *self = (agent_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (agent_t)); if (!self) return NULL; self->ctx = ctx; self->pipe = pipe; self->whitelist = zhash_new (); if (self->whitelist) self->blacklist = zhash_new (); // Create ZAP handler and get ready for requests if (self->blacklist) self->handler = zsocket_new (self->ctx, ZMQ_REP); if (self->handler) { if (zsocket_bind (self->handler, ZAP_ENDPOINT) == 0) zstr_send (self->pipe, "OK"); else zstr_send (self->pipe, "ERROR"); } else s_agent_destroy (&self); return self; }
static zyre_node_t * zyre_node_new (zsock_t *pipe, void *args) { zyre_node_t *self = (zyre_node_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (zyre_node_t)); self->inbox = zsock_new (ZMQ_ROUTER); if (self->inbox == NULL) { free (self); return NULL; // Could not create new socket } // Use ZMQ_ROUTER_HANDOVER so that when a peer disconnects and // then reconnects, the new client connection is treated as the // canonical one, and any old trailing commands are discarded. zsock_set_router_handover (self->inbox, 1); self->pipe = pipe; self->outbox = (zsock_t *) args; self->poller = zpoller_new (self->pipe, NULL); self->beacon_port = ZRE_DISCOVERY_PORT; self->interval = 0; // Use default self->uuid = zuuid_new (); self->peers = zhash_new (); self->peer_groups = zhash_new (); self->own_groups = zhash_new (); self->headers = zhash_new (); zhash_autofree (self->headers); // Default name for node is first 6 characters of UUID: // the shorter string is more readable in logs self->name = (char *) zmalloc (7); memcpy (self->name, zuuid_str (self->uuid), 6); return self; }
static zyre_node_t * zyre_node_new (zctx_t *ctx, void *pipe) { zyre_node_t *self = (zyre_node_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (zyre_node_t)); self->ctx = ctx; self->pipe = pipe; self->inbox = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_ROUTER); if (self->inbox == NULL) { free (self); return NULL; // Interrupted 0MQ call } self->port = zsocket_bind (self->inbox, "tcp://*:*"); if (self->port < 0) { free (self); return NULL; // Interrupted 0MQ call } self->beacon = zbeacon_new (self->ctx, ZRE_DISCOVERY_PORT); if (!self->beacon) { free (self); return NULL; // Exhausted process sockets } self->uuid = zuuid_new (); self->peers = zhash_new (); self->peer_groups = zhash_new (); self->own_groups = zhash_new (); self->headers = zhash_new (); zhash_autofree (self->headers); return self; }
processor_state_t* processor_new(char *db_name) { // printf("[D] creating processor for db: %s\n", db_name); // check whether it's a known stream and return NULL if not size_t n = strlen(db_name) - DB_PREFIX_LEN; char stream_name[n+1]; strcpy(stream_name, db_name + DB_PREFIX_LEN); stream_name[n-11] = '\0'; stream_info_t *stream_info = zhash_lookup(configured_streams, stream_name); if (stream_info == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "[E] did not find stream info: %s\n", stream_name); return NULL; } // printf("[D] found stream info for stream %s: %s\n", stream_name, stream_info->key); processor_state_t *p = zmalloc(sizeof(processor_state_t)); p->db_name = strdup(db_name); p->stream_info = stream_info; p->request_count = 0; p->modules = zhash_new(); p->totals = zhash_new(); p->minutes = zhash_new(); p->quants = zhash_new(); p->agents = zhash_new(); return p; }
static agent_t * s_agent_new (zctx_t *ctx, void *control) { agent_t *self = (agent_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (agent_t)); self->ctx = ctx; self->control = control; self->router = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_ROUTER); // Connect our data socket to caller's endpoint self->data = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_PAIR); char *endpoint = zstr_recv (self->control); int rc = zsocket_connect (self->data, "%s", endpoint); assert (rc != -1); free (endpoint); // Create new client codec using cert from API byte public_key [32]; byte secret_key [32]; rc = zmq_recv (self->control, public_key, 32, 0); assert (rc == 32); rc = zmq_recv (self->control, secret_key, 32, 0); assert (rc == 32); self->cert = zcert_new_from (public_key, secret_key); self->metadata = zhash_new (); zhash_autofree (self->metadata); self->clients = zhash_new (); self->max_clients = 100; self->max_pending = 10; self->client_ttl = 3600; // 60 minutes self->pending_ttl = 60; // 60 seconds return self; }
static zsync_node_t * zsync_node_new () { int rc; zsync_node_t *self = (zsync_node_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (zsync_node_t)); self->ctx = zctx_new (); assert (self->ctx); self->zyre = zyre_new (self->ctx); assert (self->zyre); // Obtain permanent UUID self->own_uuid = zuuid_new (); if (zsys_file_exists (UUID_FILE)) { // Read uuid from file zfile_t *uuid_file = zfile_new (".", UUID_FILE); int rc = zfile_input (uuid_file); // open file for reading assert (rc == 0); zchunk_t *uuid_chunk = zfile_read (uuid_file, 16, 0); assert (zchunk_size (uuid_chunk) == 16); // make sure read succeeded zuuid_set (self->own_uuid, zchunk_data (uuid_chunk)); zfile_destroy (&uuid_file); } else { // Write uuid to file zfile_t *uuid_file = zfile_new (".", UUID_FILE); rc = zfile_output (uuid_file); // open file for writing assert (rc == 0); zchunk_t *uuid_bin = zchunk_new ( zuuid_data (self->own_uuid), 16); rc = zfile_write (uuid_file, uuid_bin, 0); assert (rc == 0); zfile_destroy (&uuid_file); } // Obtain peers and states self->peers = zlist_new (); if (zsys_file_exists (PEER_STATES_FILE)) { zhash_t *peer_states = zhash_new (); int rc = zhash_load (peer_states, PEER_STATES_FILE); assert (rc == 0); zlist_t *uuids = zhash_keys (peer_states); char *uuid = zlist_first (uuids); while (uuid) { char * state_str = zhash_lookup (peer_states, uuid); uint64_t state; sscanf (state_str, "%"SCNd64, &state); zlist_append (self->peers, zsync_peer_new (uuid, state)); uuid = zlist_next (uuids); } } self->zyre_peers = zhash_new (); self->terminated = false; return self; }
static int server_initialize (server_t *self) { // Construct properties here self->services = zhash_new(); self->workers = zhash_new(); self->waiting = zlist_new(); s_server_t *server = (s_server_t *) self; self->router = server->router; return 0; }
static agent_t * agent_new (zctx_t *ctx, void *pipe) { void *inbox = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_ROUTER); if (!inbox) // Interrupted return NULL; agent_t *self = (agent_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (agent_t)); self->ctx = ctx; self->pipe = pipe; self->udp = zre_udp_new (ZRE_DISCOVERY_PORT); self->inbox = inbox; self->host = zre_udp_host (self->udp); self->port = zsocket_bind (self->inbox, "tcp://*:*"); sprintf (self->endpoint, "%s:%d", self->host, self->port); if (self->port < 0) { // Interrupted zre_udp_destroy (&self->udp); free (self); return NULL; } self->uuid = zre_uuid_new (); self->identity = strdup (zre_uuid_str (self->uuid)); self->peers = zhash_new (); self->peer_groups = zhash_new (); self->own_groups = zhash_new (); self->headers = zhash_new (); zhash_autofree (self->headers); self->log = zre_log_new (self->endpoint); // Set up content distribution network: Each server binds to an // ephemeral port and publishes a temporary directory that acts // as the outbox for this node. // sprintf (self->fmq_outbox, "%s/send/%s", s_tmpdir (), self->identity); zfile_mkdir (self->fmq_outbox); sprintf (self->fmq_inbox, "%s/recv/%s", s_tmpdir (), self->identity); zfile_mkdir (self->fmq_inbox); self->fmq_server = fmq_server_new (); self->fmq_service = fmq_server_bind (self->fmq_server, "tcp://*:*"); fmq_server_publish (self->fmq_server, self->fmq_outbox, "/"); fmq_server_set_anonymous (self->fmq_server, true); char publisher [32]; sprintf (publisher, "tcp://%s:%d", self->host, self->fmq_service); zhash_update (self->headers, "X-FILEMQ", publisher); // Client will connect as it discovers new nodes self->fmq_client = fmq_client_new (); fmq_client_set_inbox (self->fmq_client, self->fmq_inbox); fmq_client_set_resync (self->fmq_client, true); fmq_client_subscribe (self->fmq_client, "/"); return self; }
static broker_t *s_broker_new (int verbose) { broker_t *self = (broker_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (broker_t)); self->ctx = zctx_new (); self->socket = zsocket_new (self->ctx, ZMQ_ROUTER); self->verbose = verbose; self->services = zhash_new (); self->workers = zhash_new (); self->waiting = zlist_new (); self->heartbeat_at = zclock_time () + HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL; return self; }
static vocket_t * vocket_new (driver_t *driver, int socktype, char *vtxname) { assert (driver); vocket_t *self = (vocket_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (vocket_t)); self->driver = driver; self->vtxname = strdup (vtxname); self->binding_hash = zhash_new (); self->peering_hash = zhash_new (); self->peering_list = zlist_new (); self->live_peerings = zlist_new (); self->socktype = socktype; uint index; for (index = 0; index < tblsize (s_vocket_config); index++) if (socktype == s_vocket_config [index].socktype) break; if (index < tblsize (s_vocket_config)) { self->routing = s_vocket_config [index].routing; self->nomnom = s_vocket_config [index].nomnom; self->min_peerings = s_vocket_config [index].min_peerings; self->max_peerings = s_vocket_config [index].max_peerings; } else { zclock_log ("E: invalid vocket type %d", socktype); exit (1); } // Create msgpipe vocket and connect over inproc to vtxname self->msgpipe = zsocket_new (driver->ctx, ZMQ_PAIR); assert (self->msgpipe); zsocket_connect (self->msgpipe, "inproc://%s", vtxname); // If we drop on no peerings, start routing input now if (self->min_peerings == 0) { // Ask reactor to start monitoring vocket's msgpipe pipe zmq_pollitem_t item = { self->msgpipe, 0, ZMQ_POLLIN, 0 }; zloop_poller (driver->loop, &item, s_vocket_input, self); } // Store this vocket per driver so that driver can cleanly destroy // all its vockets when it is destroyed. zlist_push (driver->vockets, self); //* Start transport-specific work self->inbuf_max = VTX_TCP_INBUF_MAX; self->outbuf_max = VTX_TCP_OUTBUF_MAX; //* End transport-specific work return self; }
static int extract_raw_pdescs (flux_t *h, int64_t j, int64_t n, json_object *jcb) { int rc = -1; int64_t i = 0; char *hnm; const char *cmd = NULL; zhash_t *eh = NULL; /* hash holding a set of unique exec_names */ zhash_t *hh = NULL; /* hash holding a set of unique host_names */ json_object *o = NULL; json_object *po = NULL; json_object *pa = Jnew_ar (); json_object *hns = Jnew_ar (); json_object *ens = Jnew_ar (); if (!(eh = zhash_new ()) || !(hh = zhash_new ())) oom (); for (i=0; i < (int) n; i++) { int64_t eix = 0, hix = 0; int64_t pid = 0, nid = 0; if (extract_raw_pdesc (h, j, i, &o) != 0) goto done; if (!fetch_rank_pdesc (o, &pid, &nid, &cmd)) goto done; eix = build_name_array (eh, cmd, ens); /* FIXME: we need a hostname service */ hnm = xasprintf ("%"PRId64, nid); hix = build_name_array (hh, hnm, hns); po = build_parray_elem (pid, eix, hix); json_object_array_add (pa, po); po = NULL; Jput (o); o = NULL; free (hnm); } add_pdescs_to_jcb (&hns, &ens, &pa, jcb); rc = 0; done: if (o) Jput (o); if (po) Jput (po); if (pa) Jput (pa); if (hns) Jput (hns); if (ens) Jput (ens); zhash_destroy (&eh); zhash_destroy (&hh); return rc; }
static broker_t * s_broker_new (int verbose) { broker_t *self = (broker_t *) calloc (1, sizeof (broker_t)); // Initialize broker state self->context = zmq_init (1); self->socket = zmq_socket (self->context, ZMQ_XREP); self->verbose = verbose; self->services = zhash_new (); self->workers = zhash_new (); self->waiting = zlist_new (); self->heartbeat_at = s_clock () + HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL; return self; }
int main (void) { // Prepare our context and publisher socket zctx_t *ctx = zctx_new (); void *publisher = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_PUB); zsocket_set_hwm (publisher, 0); zsocket_bind (publisher, "tcp://*:5556"); zclock_sleep (200); zhash_t *kvmap = zhash_new (); int64_t sequence = 0; srandom ((unsigned) time (NULL)); while (!zctx_interrupted) { // Distribute as key-value message kvmsg_t *kvmsg = kvmsg_new (++sequence); kvmsg_fmt_key (kvmsg, "%d", randof (10000)); kvmsg_fmt_body (kvmsg, "%d", randof (1000000)); kvmsg_send (kvmsg, publisher); kvmsg_store (&kvmsg, kvmap); } printf (" Interrupted\n%d messages out\n", (int) sequence); zhash_destroy (&kvmap); zctx_destroy (&ctx); return 0; }
struct cache *cache_create (void) { struct cache *cache = xzmalloc (sizeof (*cache)); if (!(cache->zh = zhash_new ())) oom (); return cache; }
int mod_main (flux_t *h, int argc, char **argv) { int saved_errno; flux_msg_handler_t **handlers = NULL; if (argc == 1 && !strcmp (argv[0], "--init-failure")) { flux_log (h, LOG_INFO, "aborting during init per test request"); errno = EIO; goto error; } if (!(modules = zhash_new ())) { errno = ENOMEM; goto error; } if (flux_get_rank (h, &rank) < 0) goto error; if (flux_msg_handler_addvec (h, htab, NULL, &handlers) < 0) goto error; if (flux_reactor_run (flux_get_reactor (h), 0) < 0) { flux_log_error (h, "flux_reactor_run"); goto error; } zhash_destroy (&modules); return 0; error: saved_errno = errno; flux_msg_handler_delvec (handlers); zhash_destroy (&modules); errno = saved_errno; return -1; }
static int server_initialize (server_t *self) { zsys_notice ("starting zpipes service"); self->pipes = zhash_new (); return 0; }
int main (void) { clonesrv_t *self = (clonesrv_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (clonesrv_t)); self->port = 5556; self->ctx = zctx_new (); self->kvmap = zhash_new (); self->loop = zloop_new (); zloop_set_verbose (self->loop, FALSE); // Set up our clone server sockets self->snapshot = zsocket_new (self->ctx, ZMQ_ROUTER); self->publisher = zsocket_new (self->ctx, ZMQ_PUB); self->collector = zsocket_new (self->ctx, ZMQ_PULL); zsocket_bind (self->snapshot, "tcp://*:%d", self->port); zsocket_bind (self->publisher, "tcp://*:%d", self->port + 1); zsocket_bind (self->collector, "tcp://*:%d", self->port + 2); // Register our handlers with reactor zmq_pollitem_t poller = { self->snapshot, 0, ZMQ_POLLIN }; zloop_poller (self->loop, &poller, s_snapshots, self); poller.socket = self->collector; zloop_poller (self->loop, &poller, s_collector, self); zloop_timer (self->loop, 1000, 0, s_flush_ttl, self); // Run reactor until process interrupted zloop_start (self->loop); zloop_destroy (&self->loop); zhash_destroy (&self->kvmap); zctx_destroy (&self->ctx); free (self); return 0; }
attr_t *attr_create (void) { attr_t *attrs = xzmalloc (sizeof (*attrs)); if (!(attrs->hash = zhash_new ())) oom (); return attrs; }
void* collabclient_new( char* address, int port ) { #ifdef BUILD_COLLAB printf("collabclient_new() address:%s port:%d\n", address, port ); cloneclient_t *cc = 0; cc = (cloneclient_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (cloneclient_t)); cc->magic_number = MAGIC_VALUE; cc->ctx = obtainMainZMQContext(); cc->loop = 0; cc->address = copy( address ); cc->port = port; cc->kvmap = zhash_new(); cc->publisher_sendseq = 1; cc->sequence = 0; cc->preserveUndo = 0; cc->roundTripTimerWaitingSeq = 0; collabclient_remakeSockets( cc ); int32 roundTripTimerMS = pref_collab_roundTripTimerMS; cc->roundTripTimer = BackgroundTimer_new( roundTripTimerMS, collabclient_roundTripTimer, cc ); return cc; #endif return 0; }
zcert_t * zcert_new_from (byte *public_key, byte *secret_key) { zcert_t *self = (zcert_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (zcert_t)); if (!self) return NULL; assert (public_key); assert (secret_key); self->metadata = zhash_new (); if (self->metadata) { zhash_autofree (self->metadata); memcpy (self->public_key, public_key, 32); memcpy (self->secret_key, secret_key, 32); #if (ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR == 4) zmq_z85_encode (self->public_txt, self->public_key, 32); zmq_z85_encode (self->secret_txt, self->secret_key, 32); #else strcpy (self->public_txt, FORTY_ZEROES); strcpy (self->secret_txt, FORTY_ZEROES); #endif } else zcert_destroy (&self); return self; }
void mod_lsmod (flux_t h, opt_t opt) { char *service = "cmb"; if (opt.argc > 1) usage (); if (opt.argc == 1) service = opt.argv[0]; printf ("%-20s %6s %7s %4s %s\n", "Module", "Size", "Digest", "Idle", "Nodeset"); if ( { zhash_t *mods = zhash_new (); if (!mods) oom (); char *topic = xasprintf ("%s.lsmod", service); flux_rpc_t *r = flux_rpc_multi (h, topic, NULL, opt.nodeset, 0); if (!r) err_exit ("%s", topic); while (!flux_rpc_completed (r)) { const char *json_str; uint32_t nodeid; if (flux_rpc_get (r, &nodeid, &json_str) < 0) err_exit ("%s", topic); if (lsmod_hash_cb (nodeid, json_str, mods) < 0) err_exit ("%s[%u]", topic, nodeid); } flux_rpc_destroy (r); lsmod_map_hash (mods, lsmod_print_cb, NULL); zhash_destroy (&mods); free (topic); } else { if (flux_modctl_list (h, service, opt.nodeset, lsmod_print_cb, NULL) < 0) err_exit ("modctl_list"); } }
static ctx_t *getctx (flux_t *h) { ctx_t *ctx = (ctx_t *)flux_aux_get (h, "flux::barrier"); if (!ctx) { ctx = xzmalloc (sizeof (*ctx)); if (!(ctx->barriers = zhash_new ())) { errno = ENOMEM; goto error; } if (flux_get_rank (h, &ctx->rank) < 0) { flux_log_error (h, "flux_get_rank"); goto error; } if (!(ctx->timer = flux_timer_watcher_create (flux_get_reactor (h), barrier_reduction_timeout_sec, 0., timeout_cb, ctx) )) { flux_log_error (h, "flux_timer_watacher_create"); goto error; } ctx->h = h; flux_aux_set (h, "flux::barrier", ctx, freectx); } return ctx; error: freectx (ctx); return NULL; }
static ctx_t *getctx (flux_t h) { int saved_errno; ctx_t *ctx = (ctx_t *)flux_aux_get (h, "req"); if (!ctx) { ctx = xzmalloc (sizeof (*ctx)); ctx->h = h; ctx->ping_requests = zhash_new (); ctx->clog_requests = zlist_new (); if (!ctx->clog_requests || !ctx->ping_requests) { saved_errno = ENOMEM; goto error; } if (flux_get_rank (h, &ctx->rank) < 0) { saved_errno = errno; goto error; } flux_aux_set (h, "req", ctx, freectx); } return ctx; error: freectx (ctx); errno = saved_errno; return NULL; }
static zhash_t *determine_all_min_bandwidth (struct rdl *rdl, zlist_t *running_jobs) { double root_bw; double *curr_value = NULL; struct resource *root = NULL; job_t *curr_job = NULL; char job_id_str[100]; zhash_t *job_hash = zhash_new (); root = rdl_resource_get (rdl, "default"); root_bw = get_max_bandwidth (root); curr_job = zlist_first (running_jobs); while (curr_job != NULL) { curr_value = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double)); *curr_value = root_bw; sprintf (job_id_str, "%d", curr_job->id); zhash_insert (job_hash, job_id_str, curr_value); zhash_freefn (job_hash, job_id_str, free); curr_job = zlist_next (running_jobs); } determine_all_min_bandwidth_helper (root, root_bw, job_hash); return job_hash; }
void zyre_peer_test (bool verbose) { printf (" * zyre_peer: "); zsock_t *mailbox = zsock_new_dealer ("@tcp://"); zhash_t *peers = zhash_new (); zuuid_t *you = zuuid_new (); zuuid_t *me = zuuid_new (); zyre_peer_t *peer = zyre_peer_new (peers, you); assert (!zyre_peer_connected (peer)); zyre_peer_connect (peer, me, "tcp://"); assert (zyre_peer_connected (peer)); zyre_peer_set_name (peer, "peer"); assert (streq (zyre_peer_name (peer), "peer")); zre_msg_t *msg = zre_msg_new (ZRE_MSG_HELLO); zre_msg_set_endpoint (msg, "tcp://"); int rc = zyre_peer_send (peer, &msg); assert (rc == 0); msg = zre_msg_recv (mailbox); assert (msg); if (verbose) zre_msg_print (msg); zre_msg_destroy (&msg); // Destroying container destroys all peers it contains zhash_destroy (&peers); zuuid_destroy (&me); zuuid_destroy (&you); zsock_destroy (&mailbox); printf ("OK\n"); }
static self_t * s_self_new (zsock_t *pipe) { self_t *self = (self_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (self_t)); self->pipe = pipe; self->whitelist = zhash_new (); self->blacklist = zhash_new (); // Create ZAP handler and get ready for requests self->handler = zsock_new (ZMQ_REP); assert (self->handler); int rc = zsock_bind (self->handler, "inproc://zeromq.zap.01"); assert (rc == 0); self->poller = zpoller_new (self->pipe, self->handler, NULL); return self; }
zhash_t * zhash_dup (zhash_t *self) { if (!self) return NULL; zhash_t *copy = zhash_new (); if (copy) { copy->destructor = self->destructor; copy->duplicator = self->duplicator; uint index; size_t limit = primes [self->prime_index]; for (index = 0; index < limit; index++) { item_t *item = self->items [index]; while (item) { if (zhash_insert (copy, item->key, item->value)) { zhash_destroy (©); break; } item = item->next; } } } return copy; }
modhash_t *modhash_create (void) { modhash_t *mh = xzmalloc (sizeof (*mh)); if (!(mh->zh_byuuid = zhash_new ())) oom (); return mh; }
zhash_t *get_command_list_hash (const char *pattern) { int rc; size_t i; glob_t gl; zhash_t *zh = NULL; rc = glob (pattern, GLOB_ERR, NULL, &gl); switch (rc) { case 0: break; /* have results, fall-through. */ case GLOB_ABORTED: /* No help.d directory? */ goto out; break; case GLOB_NOMATCH: goto out; break; default: fprintf (stderr, "glob: unknown error %d\n", rc); break; } zh = zhash_new (); //zhash_set_destructor (zh, (czmq_destructor *) zlist_destroy); for (i = 0; i < gl.gl_pathc; i++) { const char *file = gl.gl_pathv[i]; if (command_list_read (zh, file) < 0) log_err_exit ("%s: failed to read content\n", file); } globfree (&gl); out: return (zh); }
void zdir_watch (zsock_t *pipe, void *unused) { zdir_watch_t *watch = s_zdir_watch_new (pipe); assert (watch); watch->loop = zloop_new (); assert (watch->loop); watch->subs = zhash_new (); assert (watch->subs); zloop_reader (watch->loop, pipe, s_on_command, watch); zloop_reader_set_tolerant (watch->loop, pipe); // command pipe needs to be tolerant, otherwise we'd have a hard time shutting down s_zdir_watch_timeout (watch, 250); // default poll time of 250ms // Signal initialization zsock_signal (pipe, 0); // Dispatch above handlers zloop_start (watch->loop); if (watch->verbose) zsys_info ("zdir_watch: Complete"); // signal destruction zsock_signal (watch->pipe, 0); // Done - cleanup and exit s_zdir_watch_destroy (&watch); }