コード例 #1
ファイル: zlaed0.c プロジェクト: GuillaumeFuchs/Ensimag
 int zlaed0_(int *qsiz, int *n, double *d__, 
	double *e, doublecomplex *q, int *ldq, doublecomplex *qstore, 
	int *ldqs, double *rwork, int *iwork, int *info)
    /* System generated locals */
    int q_dim1, q_offset, qstore_dim1, qstore_offset, i__1, i__2;
    double d__1;

    /* Builtin functions */
    double log(double);
    int pow_ii(int *, int *);

    /* Local variables */
    int i__, j, k, ll, iq, lgn, msd2, smm1, spm1, spm2;
    double temp;
    int curr, iperm;
    extern  int dcopy_(int *, double *, int *, 
	    double *, int *);
    int indxq, iwrem, iqptr, tlvls;
    extern  int zcopy_(int *, doublecomplex *, int *, 
	    doublecomplex *, int *), zlaed7_(int *, int *, 
	    int *, int *, int *, int *, double *, 
	    doublecomplex *, int *, double *, int *, double *, 
	     int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, 
	    double *, doublecomplex *, double *, int *, int *)
    int igivcl;
    extern  int xerbla_(char *, int *);
    extern int ilaenv_(int *, char *, char *, int *, int *, 
	    int *, int *);
    extern  int zlacrm_(int *, int *, doublecomplex *, 
	     int *, double *, int *, doublecomplex *, int *, 
	    double *);
    int igivnm, submat, curprb, subpbs, igivpt;
    extern  int dsteqr_(char *, int *, double *, 
	    double *, double *, int *, double *, int *);
    int curlvl, matsiz, iprmpt, smlsiz;

/*  -- LAPACK routine (version 3.2) -- */
/*     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. */
/*     November 2006 */

/*     .. Scalar Arguments .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Array Arguments .. */
/*     .. */

/*  Purpose */
/*  ======= */

/*  Using the divide and conquer method, ZLAED0 computes all eigenvalues */
/*  of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix which is one diagonal block of */
/*  those from reducing a dense or band Hermitian matrix and */
/*  corresponding eigenvectors of the dense or band matrix. */

/*  Arguments */
/*  ========= */

/*  QSIZ   (input) INTEGER */
/*         The dimension of the unitary matrix used to reduce */
/*         the full matrix to tridiagonal form.  QSIZ >= N if ICOMPQ = 1. */

/*  N      (input) INTEGER */
/*         The dimension of the symmetric tridiagonal matrix.  N >= 0. */

/*  D      (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) */
/*         On entry, the diagonal elements of the tridiagonal matrix. */
/*         On exit, the eigenvalues in ascending order. */

/*  E      (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) */
/*         On entry, the off-diagonal elements of the tridiagonal matrix. */
/*         On exit, E has been destroyed. */

/*  Q      (input/output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDQ,N) */
/*         On entry, Q must contain an QSIZ x N matrix whose columns */
/*         unitarily orthonormal. It is a part of the unitary matrix */
/*         that reduces the full dense Hermitian matrix to a */
/*         (reducible) symmetric tridiagonal matrix. */

/*  LDQ    (input) INTEGER */
/*         The leading dimension of the array Q.  LDQ >= MAX(1,N). */

/*  IWORK  (workspace) INTEGER array, */
/*         the dimension of IWORK must be at least */
/*                      6 + 6*N + 5*N*lg N */
/*                      ( lg( N ) = smallest int k */
/*                                  such that 2^k >= N ) */

/*  RWORK  (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, */
/*                               dimension (1 + 3*N + 2*N*lg N + 3*N**2) */
/*                        ( lg( N ) = smallest int k */
/*                                    such that 2^k >= N ) */

/*  QSTORE (workspace) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDQS, N) */
/*         Used to store parts of */
/*         the eigenvector matrix when the updating matrix multiplies */
/*         take place. */

/*  LDQS   (input) INTEGER */
/*         The leading dimension of the array QSTORE. */
/*         LDQS >= MAX(1,N). */

/*  INFO   (output) INTEGER */
/*          = 0:  successful exit. */
/*          < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. */
/*          > 0:  The algorithm failed to compute an eigenvalue while */
/*                working on the submatrix lying in rows and columns */
/*                INFO/(N+1) through mod(INFO,N+1). */

/*  ===================================================================== */

/*  Warning:      N could be as big as QSIZ! */

/*     .. Parameters .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Local Scalars .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. External Subroutines .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. External Functions .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Intrinsic Functions .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Executable Statements .. */

/*     Test the input parameters. */

    /* Parameter adjustments */
    q_dim1 = *ldq;
    q_offset = 1 + q_dim1;
    q -= q_offset;
    qstore_dim1 = *ldqs;
    qstore_offset = 1 + qstore_dim1;
    qstore -= qstore_offset;

    /* Function Body */
    *info = 0;

/*     IF( ICOMPQ .LT. 0 .OR. ICOMPQ .GT. 2 ) THEN */
/*        INFO = -1 */
/*     ELSE IF( ( ICOMPQ .EQ. 1 ) .AND. ( QSIZ .LT. MAX( 0, N ) ) ) */
/*    $        THEN */
    if (*qsiz < MAX(0,*n)) {
	*info = -1;
    } else if (*n < 0) {
	*info = -2;
    } else if (*ldq < MAX(1,*n)) {
	*info = -6;
    } else if (*ldqs < MAX(1,*n)) {
	*info = -8;
    if (*info != 0) {
	i__1 = -(*info);
	xerbla_("ZLAED0", &i__1);
	return 0;

/*     Quick return if possible */

    if (*n == 0) {
	return 0;

    smlsiz = ilaenv_(&c__9, "ZLAED0", " ", &c__0, &c__0, &c__0, &c__0);

/*     Determine the size and placement of the submatrices, and save in */
/*     the leading elements of IWORK. */

    iwork[1] = *n;
    subpbs = 1;
    tlvls = 0;
    if (iwork[subpbs] > smlsiz) {
	for (j = subpbs; j >= 1; --j) {
	    iwork[j * 2] = (iwork[j] + 1) / 2;
	    iwork[(j << 1) - 1] = iwork[j] / 2;
/* L20: */
	subpbs <<= 1;
	goto L10;
    i__1 = subpbs;
    for (j = 2; j <= i__1; ++j) {
	iwork[j] += iwork[j - 1];
/* L30: */

/*     Divide the matrix into SUBPBS submatrices of size at most SMLSIZ+1 */
/*     using rank-1 modifications (cuts). */

    spm1 = subpbs - 1;
    i__1 = spm1;
    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
	submat = iwork[i__] + 1;
	smm1 = submat - 1;
	d__[smm1] -= (d__1 = e[smm1], ABS(d__1));
	d__[submat] -= (d__1 = e[smm1], ABS(d__1));
/* L40: */

    indxq = (*n << 2) + 3;

/*     Set up workspaces for eigenvalues only/accumulate new vectors */
/*     routine */

    temp = log((double) (*n)) / log(2.);
    lgn = (int) temp;
    if (pow_ii(&c__2, &lgn) < *n) {
    if (pow_ii(&c__2, &lgn) < *n) {
    iprmpt = indxq + *n + 1;
    iperm = iprmpt + *n * lgn;
    iqptr = iperm + *n * lgn;
    igivpt = iqptr + *n + 2;
    igivcl = igivpt + *n * lgn;

    igivnm = 1;
    iq = igivnm + (*n << 1) * lgn;
/* Computing 2nd power */
    i__1 = *n;
    iwrem = iq + i__1 * i__1 + 1;
/*     Initialize pointers */
    i__1 = subpbs;
    for (i__ = 0; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
	iwork[iprmpt + i__] = 1;
	iwork[igivpt + i__] = 1;
/* L50: */
    iwork[iqptr] = 1;

/*     Solve each submatrix eigenproblem at the bottom of the divide and */
/*     conquer tree. */

    curr = 0;
    i__1 = spm1;
    for (i__ = 0; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
	if (i__ == 0) {
	    submat = 1;
	    matsiz = iwork[1];
	} else {
	    submat = iwork[i__] + 1;
	    matsiz = iwork[i__ + 1] - iwork[i__];
	ll = iq - 1 + iwork[iqptr + curr];
	dsteqr_("I", &matsiz, &d__[submat], &e[submat], &rwork[ll], &matsiz, &
		rwork[1], info);
	zlacrm_(qsiz, &matsiz, &q[submat * q_dim1 + 1], ldq, &rwork[ll], &
		matsiz, &qstore[submat * qstore_dim1 + 1], ldqs, &rwork[iwrem]
/* Computing 2nd power */
	i__2 = matsiz;
	iwork[iqptr + curr + 1] = iwork[iqptr + curr] + i__2 * i__2;
	if (*info > 0) {
	    *info = submat * (*n + 1) + submat + matsiz - 1;
	    return 0;
	k = 1;
	i__2 = iwork[i__ + 1];
	for (j = submat; j <= i__2; ++j) {
	    iwork[indxq + j] = k;
/* L60: */
/* L70: */

/*     Successively merge eigensystems of adjacent submatrices */
/*     into eigensystem for the corresponding larger matrix. */

/*     while ( SUBPBS > 1 ) */

    curlvl = 1;
    if (subpbs > 1) {
	spm2 = subpbs - 2;
	i__1 = spm2;
	for (i__ = 0; i__ <= i__1; i__ += 2) {
	    if (i__ == 0) {
		submat = 1;
		matsiz = iwork[2];
		msd2 = iwork[1];
		curprb = 0;
	    } else {
		submat = iwork[i__] + 1;
		matsiz = iwork[i__ + 2] - iwork[i__];
		msd2 = matsiz / 2;

/*     Merge lower order eigensystems (of size MSD2 and MATSIZ - MSD2) */
/*     into an eigensystem of size MATSIZ.  ZLAED7 handles the case */
/*     when the eigenvectors of a full or band Hermitian matrix (which */
/*     was reduced to tridiagonal form) are desired. */

/*     I am free to use Q as a valuable working space until Loop 150. */

	    zlaed7_(&matsiz, &msd2, qsiz, &tlvls, &curlvl, &curprb, &d__[
		    submat], &qstore[submat * qstore_dim1 + 1], ldqs, &e[
		    submat + msd2 - 1], &iwork[indxq + submat], &rwork[iq], &
		    iwork[iqptr], &iwork[iprmpt], &iwork[iperm], &iwork[
		    igivpt], &iwork[igivcl], &rwork[igivnm], &q[submat * 
		    q_dim1 + 1], &rwork[iwrem], &iwork[subpbs + 1], info);
	    if (*info > 0) {
		*info = submat * (*n + 1) + submat + matsiz - 1;
		return 0;
	    iwork[i__ / 2 + 1] = iwork[i__ + 2];
/* L90: */
	subpbs /= 2;
	goto L80;

/*     end while */

/*     Re-merge the eigenvalues/vectors which were deflated at the final */
/*     merge step. */

    i__1 = *n;
    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
	j = iwork[indxq + i__];
	rwork[i__] = d__[j];
	zcopy_(qsiz, &qstore[j * qstore_dim1 + 1], &c__1, &q[i__ * q_dim1 + 1]
, &c__1);
/* L100: */
    dcopy_(n, &rwork[1], &c__1, &d__[1], &c__1);

    return 0;

/*     End of ZLAED0 */

} /* zlaed0_ */
コード例 #2
ファイル: zlaed7.c プロジェクト: 0u812/roadrunner-backup
/* Subroutine */ int zlaed7_(integer *n, integer *cutpnt, integer *qsiz, 
	integer *tlvls, integer *curlvl, integer *curpbm, doublereal *d__, 
	doublecomplex *q, integer *ldq, doublereal *rho, integer *indxq, 
	doublereal *qstore, integer *qptr, integer *prmptr, integer *perm, 
	integer *givptr, integer *givcol, doublereal *givnum, doublecomplex *
	work, doublereal *rwork, integer *iwork, integer *info)
    /* System generated locals */
    integer q_dim1, q_offset, i__1, i__2;

    /* Builtin functions */
    integer pow_ii(integer *, integer *);

    /* Local variables */
    integer i__, k, n1, n2, iq, iw, iz, ptr, indx, curr, indxc, indxp;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dlaed9_(integer *, integer *, integer *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *), 
	    zlaed8_(integer *, integer *, integer *, doublecomplex *, integer 
	    *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, doublecomplex *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	     integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *), dlaeda_(integer *, integer *, integer *, 
	     integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
	     integer *);
    integer idlmda;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dlamrg_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, integer *, integer *), xerbla_(char *, integer *), zlacrm_(integer *, integer *, doublecomplex *, integer *, 
	     doublereal *, integer *, doublecomplex *, integer *, doublereal *
    integer coltyp;

/*  -- LAPACK routine (version 3.2) -- */
/*     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. */
/*     November 2006 */

/*     .. Scalar Arguments .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Array Arguments .. */
/*     .. */

/*  Purpose */
/*  ======= */

/*  ZLAED7 computes the updated eigensystem of a diagonal */
/*  matrix after modification by a rank-one symmetric matrix. This */
/*  routine is used only for the eigenproblem which requires all */
/*  eigenvalues and optionally eigenvectors of a dense or banded */
/*  Hermitian matrix that has been reduced to tridiagonal form. */

/*    T = Q(in) ( D(in) + RHO * Z*Z' ) Q'(in) = Q(out) * D(out) * Q'(out) */

/*    where Z = Q'u, u is a vector of length N with ones in the */
/*    CUTPNT and CUTPNT + 1 th elements and zeros elsewhere. */

/*     The eigenvectors of the original matrix are stored in Q, and the */
/*     eigenvalues are in D.  The algorithm consists of three stages: */

/*        The first stage consists of deflating the size of the problem */
/*        when there are multiple eigenvalues or if there is a zero in */
/*        the Z vector.  For each such occurence the dimension of the */
/*        secular equation problem is reduced by one.  This stage is */
/*        performed by the routine DLAED2. */

/*        The second stage consists of calculating the updated */
/*        eigenvalues. This is done by finding the roots of the secular */
/*        equation via the routine DLAED4 (as called by SLAED3). */
/*        This routine also calculates the eigenvectors of the current */
/*        problem. */

/*        The final stage consists of computing the updated eigenvectors */
/*        directly using the updated eigenvalues.  The eigenvectors for */
/*        the current problem are multiplied with the eigenvectors from */
/*        the overall problem. */

/*  Arguments */
/*  ========= */

/*  N      (input) INTEGER */
/*         The dimension of the symmetric tridiagonal matrix.  N >= 0. */

/*  CUTPNT (input) INTEGER */
/*         Contains the location of the last eigenvalue in the leading */
/*         sub-matrix.  min(1,N) <= CUTPNT <= N. */

/*  QSIZ   (input) INTEGER */
/*         The dimension of the unitary matrix used to reduce */
/*         the full matrix to tridiagonal form.  QSIZ >= N. */

/*  TLVLS  (input) INTEGER */
/*         The total number of merging levels in the overall divide and */
/*         conquer tree. */

/*  CURLVL (input) INTEGER */
/*         The current level in the overall merge routine, */
/*         0 <= curlvl <= tlvls. */

/*  CURPBM (input) INTEGER */
/*         The current problem in the current level in the overall */
/*         merge routine (counting from upper left to lower right). */

/*  D      (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) */
/*         On entry, the eigenvalues of the rank-1-perturbed matrix. */
/*         On exit, the eigenvalues of the repaired matrix. */

/*  Q      (input/output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDQ,N) */
/*         On entry, the eigenvectors of the rank-1-perturbed matrix. */
/*         On exit, the eigenvectors of the repaired tridiagonal matrix. */

/*  LDQ    (input) INTEGER */
/*         The leading dimension of the array Q.  LDQ >= max(1,N). */

/*  RHO    (input) DOUBLE PRECISION */
/*         Contains the subdiagonal element used to create the rank-1 */
/*         modification. */

/*  INDXQ  (output) INTEGER array, dimension (N) */
/*         This contains the permutation which will reintegrate the */
/*         subproblem just solved back into sorted order, */
/*         ie. D( INDXQ( I = 1, N ) ) will be in ascending order. */

/*  IWORK  (workspace) INTEGER array, dimension (4*N) */

/*  RWORK  (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, */
/*                                 dimension (3*N+2*QSIZ*N) */

/*  WORK   (workspace) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (QSIZ*N) */

/*  QSTORE (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N**2+1) */
/*         Stores eigenvectors of submatrices encountered during */
/*         divide and conquer, packed together. QPTR points to */
/*         beginning of the submatrices. */

/*  QPTR   (input/output) INTEGER array, dimension (N+2) */
/*         List of indices pointing to beginning of submatrices stored */
/*         in QSTORE. The submatrices are numbered starting at the */
/*         bottom left of the divide and conquer tree, from left to */
/*         right and bottom to top. */

/*  PRMPTR (input) INTEGER array, dimension (N lg N) */
/*         Contains a list of pointers which indicate where in PERM a */
/*         level's permutation is stored.  PRMPTR(i+1) - PRMPTR(i) */
/*         indicates the size of the permutation and also the size of */
/*         the full, non-deflated problem. */

/*  PERM   (input) INTEGER array, dimension (N lg N) */
/*         Contains the permutations (from deflation and sorting) to be */
/*         applied to each eigenblock. */

/*  GIVPTR (input) INTEGER array, dimension (N lg N) */
/*         Contains a list of pointers which indicate where in GIVCOL a */
/*         level's Givens rotations are stored.  GIVPTR(i+1) - GIVPTR(i) */
/*         indicates the number of Givens rotations. */

/*  GIVCOL (input) INTEGER array, dimension (2, N lg N) */
/*         Each pair of numbers indicates a pair of columns to take place */
/*         in a Givens rotation. */

/*  GIVNUM (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (2, N lg N) */
/*         Each number indicates the S value to be used in the */
/*         corresponding Givens rotation. */

/*  INFO   (output) INTEGER */
/*          = 0:  successful exit. */
/*          < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. */
/*          > 0:  if INFO = 1, an eigenvalue did not converge */

/*  ===================================================================== */

/*     .. Local Scalars .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. External Subroutines .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Intrinsic Functions .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Executable Statements .. */

/*     Test the input parameters. */

    /* Parameter adjustments */
    q_dim1 = *ldq;
    q_offset = 1 + q_dim1;
    q -= q_offset;
    givcol -= 3;
    givnum -= 3;

    /* Function Body */
    *info = 0;

/*     IF( ICOMPQ.LT.0 .OR. ICOMPQ.GT.1 ) THEN */
/*        INFO = -1 */
/*     ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN */
    if (*n < 0) {
	*info = -1;
    } else if (min(1,*n) > *cutpnt || *n < *cutpnt) {
	*info = -2;
    } else if (*qsiz < *n) {
	*info = -3;
    } else if (*ldq < max(1,*n)) {
	*info = -9;
    if (*info != 0) {
	i__1 = -(*info);
	xerbla_("ZLAED7", &i__1);
	return 0;

/*     Quick return if possible */

    if (*n == 0) {
	return 0;

/*     The following values are for bookkeeping purposes only.  They are */
/*     integer pointers which indicate the portion of the workspace */
/*     used by a particular array in DLAED2 and SLAED3. */

    iz = 1;
    idlmda = iz + *n;
    iw = idlmda + *n;
    iq = iw + *n;

    indx = 1;
    indxc = indx + *n;
    coltyp = indxc + *n;
    indxp = coltyp + *n;

/*     Form the z-vector which consists of the last row of Q_1 and the */
/*     first row of Q_2. */

    ptr = pow_ii(&c__2, tlvls) + 1;
    i__1 = *curlvl - 1;
    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
	i__2 = *tlvls - i__;
	ptr += pow_ii(&c__2, &i__2);
/* L10: */
    curr = ptr + *curpbm;
    dlaeda_(n, tlvls, curlvl, curpbm, &prmptr[1], &perm[1], &givptr[1], &
	    givcol[3], &givnum[3], &qstore[1], &qptr[1], &rwork[iz], &rwork[
	    iz + *n], info);

/*     When solving the final problem, we no longer need the stored data, */
/*     so we will overwrite the data from this level onto the previously */
/*     used storage space. */

    if (*curlvl == *tlvls) {
	qptr[curr] = 1;
	prmptr[curr] = 1;
	givptr[curr] = 1;

/*     Sort and Deflate eigenvalues. */

    zlaed8_(&k, n, qsiz, &q[q_offset], ldq, &d__[1], rho, cutpnt, &rwork[iz], 
	    &rwork[idlmda], &work[1], qsiz, &rwork[iw], &iwork[indxp], &iwork[
	    indx], &indxq[1], &perm[prmptr[curr]], &givptr[curr + 1], &givcol[
	    (givptr[curr] << 1) + 1], &givnum[(givptr[curr] << 1) + 1], info);
    prmptr[curr + 1] = prmptr[curr] + *n;
    givptr[curr + 1] += givptr[curr];

/*     Solve Secular Equation. */

    if (k != 0) {
	dlaed9_(&k, &c__1, &k, n, &d__[1], &rwork[iq], &k, rho, &rwork[idlmda]
, &rwork[iw], &qstore[qptr[curr]], &k, info);
	zlacrm_(qsiz, &k, &work[1], qsiz, &qstore[qptr[curr]], &k, &q[
		q_offset], ldq, &rwork[iq]);
/* Computing 2nd power */
	i__1 = k;
	qptr[curr + 1] = qptr[curr] + i__1 * i__1;
	if (*info != 0) {
	    return 0;

/*     Prepare the INDXQ sorting premutation. */

	n1 = k;
	n2 = *n - k;
	dlamrg_(&n1, &n2, &d__[1], &c__1, &c_n1, &indxq[1]);
    } else {
	qptr[curr + 1] = qptr[curr];
	i__1 = *n;
	for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
	    indxq[i__] = i__;
/* L20: */

    return 0;

/*     End of ZLAED7 */

} /* zlaed7_ */
コード例 #3
ファイル: zstedc.c プロジェクト: dacap/loseface
/* Subroutine */ int zstedc_(char *compz, integer *n, doublereal *d__, 
	doublereal *e, doublecomplex *z__, integer *ldz, doublecomplex *work, 
	integer *lwork, doublereal *rwork, integer *lrwork, integer *iwork, 
	integer *liwork, integer *info)
    /* System generated locals */
    integer z_dim1, z_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4;
    doublereal d__1, d__2;

    /* Builtin functions */
    double log(doublereal);
    integer pow_ii(integer *, integer *);
    double sqrt(doublereal);

    /* Local variables */
    integer i__, j, k, m;
    doublereal p;
    integer ii, ll, lgn;
    doublereal eps, tiny;
    extern logical lsame_(char *, char *);
    integer lwmin, start;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int zswap_(integer *, doublecomplex *, integer *, 
	    doublecomplex *, integer *), zlaed0_(integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, doublecomplex *, integer *, 
	    doublecomplex *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *);
    extern doublereal dlamch_(char *);
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dlascl_(char *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, integer *), dstedc_(char *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	     integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *), dlaset_(
	    char *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *), xerbla_(char *, integer *);
    extern integer ilaenv_(integer *, char *, char *, integer *, integer *, 
	    integer *, integer *);
    integer finish;
    extern doublereal dlanst_(char *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *);
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dsterf_(integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
	     integer *), zlacrm_(integer *, integer *, doublecomplex *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublecomplex *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *);
    integer liwmin, icompz;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dsteqr_(char *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *), zlacpy_(char *, integer *, integer *, doublecomplex *, 
	    integer *, doublecomplex *, integer *);
    doublereal orgnrm;
    integer lrwmin;
    logical lquery;
    integer smlsiz;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int zsteqr_(char *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, doublecomplex *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *);

/*  -- LAPACK routine (version 3.1) -- */
/*     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. */
/*     November 2006 */

/*     .. Scalar Arguments .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Array Arguments .. */
/*     .. */

/*  Purpose */
/*  ======= */

/*  ZSTEDC computes all eigenvalues and, optionally, eigenvectors of a */
/*  symmetric tridiagonal matrix using the divide and conquer method. */
/*  The eigenvectors of a full or band complex Hermitian matrix can also */
/*  be found if ZHETRD or ZHPTRD or ZHBTRD has been used to reduce this */
/*  matrix to tridiagonal form. */

/*  This code makes very mild assumptions about floating point */
/*  arithmetic. It will work on machines with a guard digit in */
/*  add/subtract, or on those binary machines without guard digits */
/*  which subtract like the Cray X-MP, Cray Y-MP, Cray C-90, or Cray-2. */
/*  It could conceivably fail on hexadecimal or decimal machines */
/*  without guard digits, but we know of none.  See DLAED3 for details. */

/*  Arguments */
/*  ========= */

/*  COMPZ   (input) CHARACTER*1 */
/*          = 'N':  Compute eigenvalues only. */
/*          = 'I':  Compute eigenvectors of tridiagonal matrix also. */
/*          = 'V':  Compute eigenvectors of original Hermitian matrix */
/*                  also.  On entry, Z contains the unitary matrix used */
/*                  to reduce the original matrix to tridiagonal form. */

/*  N       (input) INTEGER */
/*          The dimension of the symmetric tridiagonal matrix.  N >= 0. */

/*  D       (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) */
/*          On entry, the diagonal elements of the tridiagonal matrix. */
/*          On exit, if INFO = 0, the eigenvalues in ascending order. */

/*  E       (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) */
/*          On entry, the subdiagonal elements of the tridiagonal matrix. */
/*          On exit, E has been destroyed. */

/*  Z       (input/output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDZ,N) */
/*          On entry, if COMPZ = 'V', then Z contains the unitary */
/*          matrix used in the reduction to tridiagonal form. */
/*          On exit, if INFO = 0, then if COMPZ = 'V', Z contains the */
/*          orthonormal eigenvectors of the original Hermitian matrix, */
/*          and if COMPZ = 'I', Z contains the orthonormal eigenvectors */
/*          of the symmetric tridiagonal matrix. */
/*          If  COMPZ = 'N', then Z is not referenced. */

/*  LDZ     (input) INTEGER */
/*          The leading dimension of the array Z.  LDZ >= 1. */
/*          If eigenvectors are desired, then LDZ >= max(1,N). */

/*  WORK    (workspace/output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (MAX(1,LWORK)) */
/*          On exit, if INFO = 0, WORK(1) returns the optimal LWORK. */

/*  LWORK   (input) INTEGER */
/*          The dimension of the array WORK. */
/*          If COMPZ = 'N' or 'I', or N <= 1, LWORK must be at least 1. */
/*          If COMPZ = 'V' and N > 1, LWORK must be at least N*N. */
/*          Note that for COMPZ = 'V', then if N is less than or */
/*          equal to the minimum divide size, usually 25, then LWORK need */
/*          only be 1. */

/*          If LWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine */
/*          only calculates the optimal sizes of the WORK, RWORK and */
/*          IWORK arrays, returns these values as the first entries of */
/*          the WORK, RWORK and IWORK arrays, and no error message */
/*          related to LWORK or LRWORK or LIWORK is issued by XERBLA. */

/*  RWORK   (workspace/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, */
/*                                         dimension (LRWORK) */
/*          On exit, if INFO = 0, RWORK(1) returns the optimal LRWORK. */

/*  LRWORK  (input) INTEGER */
/*          The dimension of the array RWORK. */
/*          If COMPZ = 'N' or N <= 1, LRWORK must be at least 1. */
/*          If COMPZ = 'V' and N > 1, LRWORK must be at least */
/*                         1 + 3*N + 2*N*lg N + 3*N**2 , */
/*                         where lg( N ) = smallest integer k such */
/*                         that 2**k >= N. */
/*          If COMPZ = 'I' and N > 1, LRWORK must be at least */
/*                         1 + 4*N + 2*N**2 . */
/*          Note that for COMPZ = 'I' or 'V', then if N is less than or */
/*          equal to the minimum divide size, usually 25, then LRWORK */
/*          need only be max(1,2*(N-1)). */

/*          If LRWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the */
/*          routine only calculates the optimal sizes of the WORK, RWORK */
/*          and IWORK arrays, returns these values as the first entries */
/*          of the WORK, RWORK and IWORK arrays, and no error message */
/*          related to LWORK or LRWORK or LIWORK is issued by XERBLA. */

/*  IWORK   (workspace/output) INTEGER array, dimension (MAX(1,LIWORK)) */
/*          On exit, if INFO = 0, IWORK(1) returns the optimal LIWORK. */

/*  LIWORK  (input) INTEGER */
/*          The dimension of the array IWORK. */
/*          If COMPZ = 'N' or N <= 1, LIWORK must be at least 1. */
/*          If COMPZ = 'V' or N > 1,  LIWORK must be at least */
/*                                    6 + 6*N + 5*N*lg N. */
/*          If COMPZ = 'I' or N > 1,  LIWORK must be at least */
/*                                    3 + 5*N . */
/*          Note that for COMPZ = 'I' or 'V', then if N is less than or */
/*          equal to the minimum divide size, usually 25, then LIWORK */
/*          need only be 1. */

/*          If LIWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the */
/*          routine only calculates the optimal sizes of the WORK, RWORK */
/*          and IWORK arrays, returns these values as the first entries */
/*          of the WORK, RWORK and IWORK arrays, and no error message */
/*          related to LWORK or LRWORK or LIWORK is issued by XERBLA. */

/*  INFO    (output) INTEGER */
/*          = 0:  successful exit. */
/*          < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. */
/*          > 0:  The algorithm failed to compute an eigenvalue while */
/*                working on the submatrix lying in rows and columns */
/*                INFO/(N+1) through mod(INFO,N+1). */

/*  Further Details */
/*  =============== */

/*  Based on contributions by */
/*     Jeff Rutter, Computer Science Division, University of California */
/*     at Berkeley, USA */

/*  ===================================================================== */

/*     .. Parameters .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Local Scalars .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. External Functions .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. External Subroutines .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Intrinsic Functions .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Executable Statements .. */

/*     Test the input parameters. */

    /* Parameter adjustments */
    z_dim1 = *ldz;
    z_offset = 1 + z_dim1;
    z__ -= z_offset;

    /* Function Body */
    *info = 0;
    lquery = *lwork == -1 || *lrwork == -1 || *liwork == -1;

    if (lsame_(compz, "N")) {
	icompz = 0;
    } else if (lsame_(compz, "V")) {
	icompz = 1;
    } else if (lsame_(compz, "I")) {
	icompz = 2;
    } else {
	icompz = -1;
    if (icompz < 0) {
	*info = -1;
    } else if (*n < 0) {
	*info = -2;
    } else if (*ldz < 1 || icompz > 0 && *ldz < max(1,*n)) {
	*info = -6;

    if (*info == 0) {

/*        Compute the workspace requirements */

	smlsiz = ilaenv_(&c__9, "ZSTEDC", " ", &c__0, &c__0, &c__0, &c__0);
	if (*n <= 1 || icompz == 0) {
	    lwmin = 1;
	    liwmin = 1;
	    lrwmin = 1;
	} else if (*n <= smlsiz) {
	    lwmin = 1;
	    liwmin = 1;
	    lrwmin = *n - 1 << 1;
	} else if (icompz == 1) {
	    lgn = (integer) (log((doublereal) (*n)) / log(2.));
	    if (pow_ii(&c__2, &lgn) < *n) {
	    if (pow_ii(&c__2, &lgn) < *n) {
	    lwmin = *n * *n;
/* Computing 2nd power */
	    i__1 = *n;
	    lrwmin = *n * 3 + 1 + (*n << 1) * lgn + i__1 * i__1 * 3;
	    liwmin = *n * 6 + 6 + *n * 5 * lgn;
	} else if (icompz == 2) {
	    lwmin = 1;
/* Computing 2nd power */
	    i__1 = *n;
	    lrwmin = (*n << 2) + 1 + (i__1 * i__1 << 1);
	    liwmin = *n * 5 + 3;
	work[1].r = (doublereal) lwmin, work[1].i = 0.;
	rwork[1] = (doublereal) lrwmin;
	iwork[1] = liwmin;

	if (*lwork < lwmin && ! lquery) {
	    *info = -8;
	} else if (*lrwork < lrwmin && ! lquery) {
	    *info = -10;
	} else if (*liwork < liwmin && ! lquery) {
	    *info = -12;

    if (*info != 0) {
	i__1 = -(*info);
	xerbla_("ZSTEDC", &i__1);
	return 0;
    } else if (lquery) {
	return 0;

/*     Quick return if possible */

    if (*n == 0) {
	return 0;
    if (*n == 1) {
	if (icompz != 0) {
	    i__1 = z_dim1 + 1;
	    z__[i__1].r = 1., z__[i__1].i = 0.;
	return 0;

/*     If the following conditional clause is removed, then the routine */
/*     will use the Divide and Conquer routine to compute only the */
/*     eigenvalues, which requires (3N + 3N**2) real workspace and */
/*     (2 + 5N + 2N lg(N)) integer workspace. */
/*     Since on many architectures DSTERF is much faster than any other */
/*     algorithm for finding eigenvalues only, it is used here */
/*     as the default. If the conditional clause is removed, then */
/*     information on the size of workspace needs to be changed. */

/*     If COMPZ = 'N', use DSTERF to compute the eigenvalues. */

    if (icompz == 0) {
	dsterf_(n, &d__[1], &e[1], info);
	goto L70;

/*     If N is smaller than the minimum divide size (SMLSIZ+1), then */
/*     solve the problem with another solver. */

    if (*n <= smlsiz) {

	zsteqr_(compz, n, &d__[1], &e[1], &z__[z_offset], ldz, &rwork[1], 

    } else {

/*        If COMPZ = 'I', we simply call DSTEDC instead. */

	if (icompz == 2) {
	    dlaset_("Full", n, n, &c_b17, &c_b18, &rwork[1], n);
	    ll = *n * *n + 1;
	    i__1 = *lrwork - ll + 1;
	    dstedc_("I", n, &d__[1], &e[1], &rwork[1], n, &rwork[ll], &i__1, &
		    iwork[1], liwork, info);
	    i__1 = *n;
	    for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
		i__2 = *n;
		for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) {
		    i__3 = i__ + j * z_dim1;
		    i__4 = (j - 1) * *n + i__;
		    z__[i__3].r = rwork[i__4], z__[i__3].i = 0.;
/* L10: */
/* L20: */
	    goto L70;

/*        From now on, only option left to be handled is COMPZ = 'V', */
/*        i.e. ICOMPZ = 1. */

/*        Scale. */

	orgnrm = dlanst_("M", n, &d__[1], &e[1]);
	if (orgnrm == 0.) {
	    goto L70;

	eps = dlamch_("Epsilon");

	start = 1;

/*        while ( START <= N ) */

	if (start <= *n) {

/*           Let FINISH be the position of the next subdiagonal entry */
/*           such that E( FINISH ) <= TINY or FINISH = N if no such */
/*           subdiagonal exists.  The matrix identified by the elements */
/*           between START and FINISH constitutes an independent */
/*           sub-problem. */

	    finish = start;
	    if (finish < *n) {
		tiny = eps * sqrt((d__1 = d__[finish], abs(d__1))) * sqrt((
			d__2 = d__[finish + 1], abs(d__2)));
		if ((d__1 = e[finish], abs(d__1)) > tiny) {
		    goto L40;

/*           (Sub) Problem determined.  Compute its size and solve it. */

	    m = finish - start + 1;
	    if (m > smlsiz) {

/*              Scale. */

		orgnrm = dlanst_("M", &m, &d__[start], &e[start]);
		dlascl_("G", &c__0, &c__0, &orgnrm, &c_b18, &m, &c__1, &d__[
			start], &m, info);
		i__1 = m - 1;
		i__2 = m - 1;
		dlascl_("G", &c__0, &c__0, &orgnrm, &c_b18, &i__1, &c__1, &e[
			start], &i__2, info);

		zlaed0_(n, &m, &d__[start], &e[start], &z__[start * z_dim1 + 
			1], ldz, &work[1], n, &rwork[1], &iwork[1], info);
		if (*info > 0) {
		    *info = (*info / (m + 1) + start - 1) * (*n + 1) + *info %
			     (m + 1) + start - 1;
		    goto L70;

/*              Scale back. */

		dlascl_("G", &c__0, &c__0, &c_b18, &orgnrm, &m, &c__1, &d__[
			start], &m, info);

	    } else {
		dsteqr_("I", &m, &d__[start], &e[start], &rwork[1], &m, &
			rwork[m * m + 1], info);
		zlacrm_(n, &m, &z__[start * z_dim1 + 1], ldz, &rwork[1], &m, &
			work[1], n, &rwork[m * m + 1]);
		zlacpy_("A", n, &m, &work[1], n, &z__[start * z_dim1 + 1], 
		if (*info > 0) {
		    *info = start * (*n + 1) + finish;
		    goto L70;

	    start = finish + 1;
	    goto L30;

/*        endwhile */

/*        If the problem split any number of times, then the eigenvalues */
/*        will not be properly ordered.  Here we permute the eigenvalues */
/*        (and the associated eigenvectors) into ascending order. */

	if (m != *n) {

/*           Use Selection Sort to minimize swaps of eigenvectors */

	    i__1 = *n;
	    for (ii = 2; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
		i__ = ii - 1;
		k = i__;
		p = d__[i__];
		i__2 = *n;
		for (j = ii; j <= i__2; ++j) {
		    if (d__[j] < p) {
			k = j;
			p = d__[j];
/* L50: */
		if (k != i__) {
		    d__[k] = d__[i__];
		    d__[i__] = p;
		    zswap_(n, &z__[i__ * z_dim1 + 1], &c__1, &z__[k * z_dim1 
			    + 1], &c__1);
/* L60: */

    work[1].r = (doublereal) lwmin, work[1].i = 0.;
    rwork[1] = (doublereal) lrwmin;
    iwork[1] = liwmin;

    return 0;

/*     End of ZSTEDC */

} /* zstedc_ */