static int create_tables(zhandle_t *zkhandle, char p[][64], int count) { int ret = 0; char path[128]; char buf[128] = {0}; ret = zoo_create(zkhandle, "/ccs", "hello", 5, &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, /* a completely open ACL */ 0, buf, sizeof(buf)-1); if (ret == ZNODEEXISTS) { ret = 0; fprintf(stderr, "/ccs node exists\n"); } else if (ret != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "zoo_create error [%d]\n", ret); return ret; } else { fprintf(stderr, "create [%s] ok\n", "/ccs"); } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { memset(path, 0, sizeof(path)); sprintf(path, "/ccs/%s", p[i]); ret = zoo_create(zkhandle, path, "hello", 5, &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, /* a completely open ACL */ 0, buf, sizeof(buf)-1); if (ret == ZNODEEXISTS) { ret = 0; fprintf(stderr, "%s node exists\n", path); } else if (ret != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "zoo_create error [%d]\n", ret); return ret; } else { fprintf(stderr, "create [%s] ok\n", path); } } return ret; }
static bool create_node_if_not_exists(service_location_t *service, int flags, const char *value, int value_len, const char *fmt, ...) { struct Stat stat; int status, retry_count; char node_key[512]; va_list args; if (service->connected_state == false) { return false; } va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(node_key, 512, fmt, args); va_end(args); retry_count = 3; do { status = zoo_exists(service->zk, node_key, 1, &stat); retry_count++; } while (status == ZCONNECTIONLOSS && retry_count--); if (status == ZNONODE) { LOG_INFO(service->log_fd, "Creating node=[%s] value=[%s]", node_key, value); retry_count = 3; do { status = zoo_create(service->zk, node_key, value, value_len, &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, flags, 0, 0); retry_count++; } while (status == ZCONNECTIONLOSS && retry_count--); } return (status == ZOK) ? true : false; }
int start_zookeeper(view* cur_view, int *zfd, pthread_mutex_t *lock) { int rc; char zoo_host_port[32]; sprintf(zoo_host_port, "localhost:%d", zoo_port); zh = zookeeper_init(zoo_host_port, zookeeper_init_watcher, 15000, 0, 0, 0); while(is_connected != 1); int interest, fd; struct timeval tv; zookeeper_interest(zh, &fd, &interest, &tv); *zfd = fd; char path_buffer[512]; rc = zoo_create(zh, "/election/guid-n_", NULL, -1, &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, ZOO_SEQUENCE|ZOO_EPHEMERAL, path_buffer, 512); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "Error %d for zoo_create\n", rc); } char znode_path[512]; get_znode_path(path_buffer, znode_path); check_leader(cur_view, path_buffer); struct watcherContext *watcherPara = (struct watcherContext *)malloc(sizeof(struct watcherContext)); strcpy(watcherPara->znode_path, znode_path); watcherPara->lock = lock; watcherPara->cur_view = cur_view; rc = zoo_wget_children(zh, "/election", zoo_wget_children_watcher, (void*)watcherPara, NULL); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "Error %d for zoo_wget_children\n", rc); } return 0; }
static int join_the_election(zhandle_t *zkhandle, char node[], struct watch_func_para_t *para) { char buf[512] = {0}; int ret; ret = zoo_create(zkhandle, "/election/ccs-member", "hello", 5, &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, /* a completely open ACL */ ZOO_SEQUENCE|ZOO_EPHEMERAL, buf, sizeof(buf)-1); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "zoo_create error [%d]\n", ret); return ret; } get_node_name(buf, node); struct Stat stat; memset(&stat, 0, sizeof(stat)); struct String_vector strings; memset(para, 0, sizeof(*para)); para->zkhandle = zkhandle; strcpy(para->node, node); ret = zoo_wget_children2(zkhandle, "/election", ccs_children_watcher, para, &strings, &stat); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "zoo_wget_children2 error [%d]\n", ret); return ret; } return ret; }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { int timeout = 30000; zoo_set_debug_level(ZOO_LOG_LEVEL_WARN); //设置日志级别,避免出现一些其他信息 get_option(argc,argv); zhandle_t* zkhandle = zookeeper_init(g_host,NULL, timeout, 0, (char *)"Load Balancing Test", 0); if (zkhandle ==NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Error when connecting to zookeeper servers...\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } char consumer_path[512] = "/Consumer"; char topic_path[512] = {0}; char group_path[512] = {0}; char client_path[512] = {0}; sprintf(topic_path,"%s/%s",consumer_path,g_topic); sprintf(group_path,"%s/group-%d",topic_path,g_groupid); sprintf(client_path,"%s/client-",group_path); create(zkhandle,consumer_path,0,""); create(zkhandle,topic_path,0,""); create(zkhandle,group_path,0,"00000000"); int bufferlen = sizeof(g_my_path); int ret = zoo_create(zkhandle,client_path,NULL,0, &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE,ZOO_SEQUENCE|ZOO_EPHEMERAL, g_my_path,bufferlen); if (ret != ZOK){ printf("节点创建失败:%s \n",client_path); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }else { printf("创建的节点名称为:%s\n",g_my_path); } char self_name[512] = {0}; strcpy(self_name,rindex(g_my_path,'/')+1); choose_mater(zkhandle,group_path,self_name); do_work(zkhandle); getchar(); zookeeper_close(zkhandle); return 0; }
int create_dir(zhandle_t* handle, const std::string& name, const std::string& stat_message) { int stat = zoo_create(handle, name.c_str(), NULL, -1, &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, 0, NULL, 0); // we are ok with ZNODEEXISTS // if (stat == ZOK || stat == ZNODEEXISTS) return stat; if (stat != ZOK) print_stat(stat, stat_message + " create_dir", name); return stat; }
int create_ephemeral_node(zhandle_t* handle, const std::string& path, const std::string& value, const std::string& stat_message) { int stat = zoo_create(handle, path.c_str(), value.c_str(), value.length(), &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, ZOO_EPHEMERAL, NULL, 0); // if (stat == ZOK) return stat; if (stat != ZOK) print_stat(stat, stat_message + " create_ephemeral_node", path); return stat; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char server_address[256]; char ephemeral_path[256]; int rc; /* verificação básica dos argumentos */ if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Uso: ./program <endereço do servidor>\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Primeiro argumento é o endereço do servidor */ strcpy(server_address, argv[1]); /* Inicializa a conexão com o servidor */ if ((zh = zookeeper_init(server_address, watcher, 10000, &myid, NULL, 0)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Não foi possível conectar-se ao servidor %s\n", server_address); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { fprintf(stdout, "Conectado à %s\n", server_address); } fprintf(stdout, "Myid: %d\n", myid.client_id); sprintf(ephemeral_path, "/fase1/cliente-%d", myid.client_id); /* Cria um nó comum */ zoo_create(zh, "/fase1", NULL, 0, &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, 0, NULL, 0); /* Cria um nó efêmero */ rc = zoo_create(zh, ephemeral_path, NULL, 0, &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, ZOO_EPHEMERAL, NULL, 0); /* seta um watch em um arquivo criado por um processo diferente */ zoo_exists(zh, "/fase1/cliente-1", 1, &stat); while(1) { /* espera até que o watcher dispare */ } /* não deve chegar aqui nunca */ zookeeper_close(zh); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
/** * create node in zookeeper server * \param node indicate key * param flag =ZOO_EPHEMERAL */ bool ZKOP::zkCreateNodePath(const std::string& node, int flag) {/*{{{*/ int rc = 0; /* if ((rc = zoo_exists(zkhandle,, 0, NULL)) == ZOK) { return true; } if (rc != ZNONODE) { //LOG(ERROR) << "create new node failed, node = [" << node << "], error = [" << zerror(rc) << "]"; return false; } if (zoo_exists(zkhandle,, 0, NULL) == ZNONODE) { if ((rc = zoo_create(zkhandle,, NULL, -1, &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, flag, NULL, 0)) != ZOK) { LOG(ERROR) << "create new node failed, node = [" << node << "], error = [" << zerror(rc) << "]"; return false; } } LOG(INFO) << "create new node successful, node = [" << node << "], flag = [" << flag << "]"; return true; */ rc = zkNodeExists(node, flag); if( ZOK == rc ) { return true; } if(ZNONODE != rc){ return false; } if(ZNONODE == rc){ if ((rc = zoo_create(zkhandle,, NULL, -1, &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, flag, NULL, 0)) != ZOK) { LOG(ERROR) << "create new node failed, node = [" << node << "], error = [" << zerror(rc) << "]"; return false; } }else{ std::stringstream ss; std::string str; ss << rc; ss >> str; LOG(ERROR) << "create new node failed, node = [" << node << "], error = [" << zerror(rc) << "]" << "\trc=" << str; return false; } return true; }/*}}}*/
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char zkServers[100] = ""; zoo_set_debug_level(ZOO_LOG_LEVEL_WARN); zoo_deterministic_conn_order(1); zh = zookeeper_init(zkServers, watcher, 60000, &zkClientId, 0, 0); if (!zh) { printf("ZK Init error(%s)\n", zkServers); return 0; } while (true) { sleep(1); if (completeZkInit == 1) { break; } } char resultPath[1024] = {0,}; int resultLength; zoo_create(zh, "/test", "", 0, &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, 0, resultPath, 1024); //watchctx_t ctxWC; Stat zooStat; int result = zoo_exists(zh, "/test", 1, &zooStat); if (result == ZOK) { printf("node exists\n"); } String_vector children; zoo_get_children(zh, "/test", 1, &children); zoo_create(zh, "/test/sub01", "", 0, &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, ZOO_EPHEMERAL, resultPath, 1024); zoo_create(zh, "/test/sub02", "", 0, &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, ZOO_EPHEMERAL, resultPath, 1024); zoo_delete(zh, "/test", -1); while(1) { sleep(20); } }
// "/some/path" => "/some/path0000012" void zk::create_seq(const std::string& path, std::string& seqfile) { scoped_lock lk(m_); char path_buffer[path.size()+16]; int rc = zoo_create(zh_, path.c_str(), NULL, 0, &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, ZOO_EPHEMERAL|ZOO_SEQUENCE, path_buffer, path.size()+16); seqfile = ""; if(rc != ZOK) { LOG(ERROR) << path << " failed in creation - " << zerror(rc); } else { seqfile = path_buffer; } };
static VALUE method_create(VALUE self, VALUE path, VALUE value, VALUE flags) { struct zk_rb_data* zk; char realpath[10240]; Check_Type(path, T_STRING); Check_Type(value, T_STRING); Check_Type(flags, T_FIXNUM); Data_Get_Struct(rb_iv_get(self, "@data"), struct zk_rb_data, zk); check_errors(zoo_create(zk->zh, RSTRING(path)->ptr, RSTRING(value)->ptr, RSTRING(value)->len, &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, FIX2INT(flags), realpath, 10240)); return rb_str_new2(realpath); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char buffer[512]; char p[2048]; char *cert=0; char appId[64]; strcpy(appId, "example.foo_test"); cert = foo_get_cert_once(appId); if(cert!=0) { fprintf(stderr, "Certificate for appid [%s] is [%s]\n",appId,cert); strncpy(p,cert, sizeof(p)-1); free(cert); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Certificate for appid [%s] not found\n",appId); strcpy(p, "dummy"); } zoo_set_debug_level(ZOO_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); zh = zookeeper_init("localhost:2181", watcher, 10000, 0, 0, 0); if (!zh) { fprintf(stderr, "Error1: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return errno; } if (zoo_add_auth(zh, "foo", p, strlen(p), 0, 0) != ZOK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error2: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return 2; } struct ACL CREATE_ONLY_ACL[] = {{ZOO_PERM_CREATE, ZOO_AUTH_IDS}}; struct ACL_vector CREATE_ONLY = {1, CREATE_ONLY_ACL}; int rc = zoo_create(zh, "/xyz", "value", 5, &CREATE_ONLY, ZOO_EPHEMERAL, (char*)&buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1); if (!rc) { fprintf(stderr, "Error3: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return errno; } /** this operation will fail with a ZNOAUTH error */ int buflen= sizeof(buffer); struct Stat stat; rc = zoo_get(zh, "/xyz", 0, buffer, &buflen, &stat); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "Error4: %d for %s\n", rc, __LINE__); } else { fprintf(stdout, "Got %s\n", (char*)&buffer); } zookeeper_close(zh); return 0; }
enum zoo_res zu_create_ephemeral(struct zoodis *z) { int res; int bufsize = 512; char buffer[bufsize]; // no reason, added due to some of example, need to be done. int buffer_len = bufsize; memset(buffer, 0x00, bufsize); res = zoo_get(z->zh, z->zoo_nodepath->data, 0, buffer, &buffer_len, 0); if(res == ZOK) { if(buffer_len == z->zoo_nodedata->len && strncmp(z->zoo_nodedata->data, buffer, z->zoo_nodedata->len) == 0) { return ZOO_RES_OK; }else { zu_remove_ephemeral(z); } }else if(res != ZOK && res != ZNONODE) { ZU_RETURN_PRINT(res); if(res == ZINVALIDSTATE) { zookeeper_close(z->zh); zoodis.zoo_stat = ZOO_STAT_NOT_CONNECTED; z->zid = NULL; log_warn("Zookeeper: error, trying to re-connect."); zu_connect(z); } // exit_proc(-1); } res = zoo_create(z->zh, z->zoo_nodepath->data, z->zoo_nodedata->data, strlen(z->zoo_nodedata->data), &ZOO_READ_ACL_UNSAFE, ZOO_EPHEMERAL, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1); if(res != ZOK) { ZU_RETURN_PRINT(res); if(res == ZINVALIDSTATE) { zookeeper_close(z->zh); zoodis.zoo_stat = ZOO_STAT_NOT_CONNECTED; z->zid = NULL; log_warn("Zookeeper: error, trying to re-connect."); zu_connect(z); } } return ZOO_RES_OK; }
static VALUE method_create(VALUE self, VALUE path, VALUE value, VALUE flags) { char realpath[10240]; Check_Type(path, T_STRING); Check_Type(value, T_STRING); Check_Type(flags, T_FIXNUM); FETCH_DATA_PTR(self, zk); check_errors(zoo_create(zk->zh, RSTRING(path)->ptr, RSTRING(value)->ptr, RSTRING(value)->len, &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, FIX2INT(flags), realpath, sizeof(realpath))); return rb_str_new2(realpath); }
std::string ZooKeeperNodeManager::CreateSequentialNode( const std::string& path, const std::string& data, ZooKeeperNodeType nodeType ) { int flags = ZOO_SEQUENCE; flags |= (nodeType == ZooKeeperNodeType::EPHEMERAL ? ZOO_EPHEMERAL : 0); char sequencedPath[MAX_PATH_BUFFER]; // create a sequential (persistent or ephemeral) node synchronously int result = zoo_create( m_zooKeeperSessionManager->GetHandle(), path.c_str(), data.c_str(), data.size(), &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, flags, sequencedPath, sizeof( sequencedPath ) ); if( result == ZOK ) { return std::string( sequencedPath, strlen( sequencedPath ) ); } throw ZooKeeperException( result ); }
// "/some/path" => "/some/path0000012" bool zk::create_seq(const string& path, string& seqfile) { scoped_lock lk(m_); string path_buffer(path.size() + 16, '\0'); int rc = zoo_create(zh_, path.c_str(), NULL, 0, &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, ZOO_EPHEMERAL | ZOO_SEQUENCE, &path_buffer[0], path.size() + 16); seqfile = ""; if (rc != ZOK) { LOG(ERROR) << "failed to create: " << path << " - " << zerror(rc); return false; } else { seqfile = path_buffer; DLOG(INFO) << __func__ << " " << seqfile; return true; } }
bool ZooKeeperNodeManager::CreateNode( const std::string& path, const std::string& data, ZooKeeperNodeType nodeType ) { int flags = (nodeType == ZooKeeperNodeType::EPHEMERAL) ? ZOO_EPHEMERAL : 0; // create a persistent or ephemeral node synchronously int result = zoo_create( m_zooKeeperSessionManager->GetHandle(), path.c_str(), data.c_str(), data.size(), &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, flags, NULL, 0 ); if( result == ZOK ) { return true; } else if( result == ZNODEEXISTS ) { return false; } throw ZooKeeperException( result ); }
std::pair<int,int> create_ephemeral_sequence_node(zhandle_t* handle, const std::string& path, const std::string& value, const std::string& stat_message) { // make sure we always have enough room for the version number assert(path.length() + 10 < 1024); char retpathbuffer[1024]; int stat = zoo_create(handle, path.c_str(), value.c_str(), value.length(), &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, ZOO_EPHEMERAL | ZOO_SEQUENCE, retpathbuffer, 1024); // if (stat == ZOK) return stat; if (stat != ZOK) print_stat(stat, stat_message + " create_ephemeral_sequence_node", path); int retlen = strlen(retpathbuffer); assert(retlen > 10); int version = atoi(retpathbuffer + (retlen - 10)); return std::pair<int, int>(stat, version); }
/** * create node and set value in zookeeper server * \param node indicate key * \param data indicate value * \param flag =ZOO_EPHEMERAL */ bool ZKOP::zkCreateDataNode(const std::string& node, const std::string& data, int flag) {/*{{{*/ int rc = 0; bool __ret = true; if ((rc = zoo_create(zkhandle,,, data.size(), &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, flag, NULL, 0)) != ZOK) { LOG(ERROR) << "create data node failed, node = [" << node << "], data = [" << data << "], error = [" << zerror(rc) << "]"; __ret = false; }else{ LOG(INFO) << "create data node succ, node = [" << node << "], data = [" << data << "]"; __ret = true; } return __ret; }/*}}}*/
//同步方式创建节点 void create(zhandle_t *zkhandle,char *str) { char path_buffer[64]; int bufferlen=sizeof(path_buffer); printf("同步方式创建节点-----------------------\n"); int flag = zoo_create(zkhandle,str,"hahah",5, &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE,0, path_buffer,bufferlen); if (flag!=ZOK) { printf("节点创建失败 \n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { printf("创建的节点名称为:%s\n",path_buffer); } }
int Register::registe(const serviceinfo & info) { std::string name="/Register_"+info.servicename; char buf[1024]; int bufflen=sizeof(buf); struct Stat stat; //首先查询节点是否存在 int ret=zoo_exists(zh,name.c_str(),1,&stat); LOG(INFO)<<ret; switch(ret) { case ZOK:{ LOG(INFO)<<"OK\n"; } break; case ZNONODE:{ LOG(INFO)<<"ZNONODE\n"; }break; default: LOG(INFO)<<"other\n"; } LOG(INFO)<<stat.ctime; LOG(INFO)<<bufflen; /* * 创建节点 */ char path_buffer[64]; ret=zoo_create(zh,name.c_str(),"app",3,&ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, ZOO_EPHEMERAL,path_buffer,sizeof(path_buffer)-1); LOG(INFO)<<ret; return 0; }
static VALUE method_create(VALUE self, VALUE reqid, VALUE path, VALUE data, VALUE async, VALUE acls, VALUE flags) { VALUE watch = Qfalse; const char *data_ptr ; size_t data_len ; struct ACL_vector *aclptr = NULL; char realpath[16384]; int rc; VALUE output ; STANDARD_PREAMBLE(self, zk, reqid, path, async, watch, data_ctx, watch_ctx, call_type); if (data != Qnil) Check_Type(data, T_STRING); Check_Type(flags, T_FIXNUM); data_ptr = (data == Qnil) ? NULL : RSTRING_PTR(data); data_len = (data == Qnil) ? -1 : RSTRING_LEN(data); if (acls != Qnil) { aclptr = zkrb_ruby_to_aclvector(acls); } switch (call_type) { case SYNC: rc = zoo_create(zk->zh, RSTRING_PTR(path), data_ptr, data_len, aclptr, FIX2INT(flags), realpath, sizeof(realpath)); break; case ASYNC: rc = zoo_acreate(zk->zh, RSTRING_PTR(path), data_ptr, data_len, aclptr, FIX2INT(flags), zkrb_string_callback, data_ctx); break; default: /* TODO(wickman) raise proper argument error */ return Qnil; break; } if (aclptr) { deallocate_ACL_vector(aclptr); free(aclptr); } output = rb_ary_new(); rb_ary_push(output, INT2FIX(rc)); if (IS_SYNC(call_type) && rc == ZOK) { return rb_ary_push(output, rb_str_new2(realpath)); } return output; }
int DevCtlServiceReg::createNode(zhandle_t *zkhandle, const char * path, int flags) { char path_buffer[512]; int bufferlen=sizeof(path_buffer); int ret = zoo_exists(zkhandle, path,0,NULL); if(ret != ZOK){ ret = zoo_create(zkhandle,path, NULL,0,&ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, flags, path_buffer,bufferlen); LOG(TRACE)<<"path_buffer:"<<path_buffer; mNodeRealPath = path_buffer; if(ret != ZOK){ LOG(ERROR)<<"Error when create path :"<<path<<" retcode:"<<ret; return -1; } return 0; } else { return 0; } }
void zk::create(const std::string& path, const std::string& payload, bool ephemeral) { scoped_lock lk(m_); int rc = zoo_create(zh_, path.c_str(), payload.c_str(), payload.length(), &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, ((ephemeral)?ZOO_EPHEMERAL:0), // | ZOO_SEQUENCE NULL, 0); if(ephemeral) { if(rc != ZOK) { LOG(ERROR) << path << " failed in creation:" << zerror(rc); throw JUBATUS_EXCEPTION(jubatus::exception::runtime_error("failed to create zk empheral node") << jubatus::exception::error_message(std::string("zerror: ") + zerror(rc)) << jubatus::exception::error_api_func("zoo_create") << jubatus::exception::error_file_name(path)); } } else { if(rc != ZOK && rc != ZNODEEXISTS) { LOG(ERROR) << path << " failed in creation " << rc << " " << zerror(rc); } } };
void platanos_register (zhandle_t * zh, char *octopus, char *comp_name, char *res_name, char *bind_point, oconfig_t * config) { char path[1000]; char bind_location[1000]; int port = oconfig_incr_port (config); sprintf (bind_location, "tcp://%s:%d", bind_point, port); sprintf (path, "/%s/computers/%s/worker_nodes/%s/bind_point", octopus, comp_name, res_name); int result = zoo_create (zh, path, bind_location, strlen (bind_location) + 1, &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, 0, NULL, 0); assert (ZOK == result); }
void ZkClient::createEphemeral( const folly::fbstring& path, const folly::fbstring& data) { zhandle_t* zhandle = zHandle_.get(); CHECK(nullptr != zhandle) << "zhandle is NULL"; int code = zoo_create( zhandle, path.c_str(),, data.length(), &ZOO_READ_ACL_UNSAFE, ZOO_EPHEMERAL, nullptr, 0 ); CHECK(ZOK == code) << "zoo_acreate() failed with error: " << zooErrorCodeToString(code); }
/* {{{ Zookeeper::create( .. ) */ static PHP_METHOD(Zookeeper, create) { char *path, *value = NULL; int path_len, value_len; zval *acl_info = NULL; long flags = 0; char *realpath; int realpath_max = 0; struct ACL_vector aclv = { 0, }; int status = ZOK; ZK_METHOD_INIT_VARS; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "ss!a!|l", &path, &path_len, &value, &value_len, &acl_info, &flags) == FAILURE) { return; } ZK_METHOD_FETCH_OBJECT; realpath_max = path_len + 1; if (flags & ZOO_SEQUENCE) { // allocate extra space for sequence numbers realpath_max += 11; } realpath = emalloc(realpath_max); if (value == NULL) { value_len = -1; } php_parse_acl_list(acl_info, &aclv); status = zoo_create(i_obj->zk, path, value, value_len, (acl_info ? &aclv : 0), flags, realpath, realpath_max); if (status != ZOK) { efree(realpath); php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "error: %s", zerror(status)); return; } RETURN_STRING(realpath, 0); }
bool zk::create(const string& path, const string& payload, bool ephemeral) { scoped_lock lk(m_); int rc = zoo_create(zh_, path.c_str(), payload.c_str(), payload.length(), &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, ((ephemeral) ? ZOO_EPHEMERAL : 0), // | ZOO_SEQUENCE NULL, 0); if (ephemeral) { if (rc != ZOK) { LOG(ERROR) << "failed to create: " << path << " - " << zerror(rc); return false; } } else { if (rc != ZOK && rc != ZNODEEXISTS) { LOG(ERROR) << "failed to create: " << path << " - " << zerror(rc); return false; } } DLOG(INFO) << __func__ << " " << path; return true; }
void create(zhandle_t* zkHandler, const std::string strPath, const std::string& strNodeName) { std::cout << "[Create node in sync mode...]\n"; char path_buffer[64]; int bufferlen = sizeof(path_buffer); int flag = zoo_create(zkHandler, strPath.c_str(), strNodeName.c_str(), strNodeName.size(), &ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, 0, path_buffer, bufferlen ); if (flag != ZOK) { fprintf(stderr, "Node '%s' create failed.\n", strNodeName.c_str()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { printf("Node '%s' created OK!\n", path_buffer); } }