コード例 #1
ファイル: test_publisher.c プロジェクト: skaes/logjam-tools
int main(int argc, char const * const *argv)
  int rc;


  void *pusher = zsock_new(ZMQ_PUSH);
  zsock_set_sndhwm(pusher, 1000);
  zsock_set_linger(pusher, 500);
  rc = zsock_connect(pusher, "tcp://localhost:12345");

  void *puller = zsock_new(ZMQ_PULL);
  zsock_set_rcvhwm(puller, 1000);
  zsock_set_linger(puller, 500);
  rc = zsock_bind(puller, "tcp://*:12345");
  if (rc != 12345){
    printf("bind failed: %s\n", zmq_strerror(errno));
  assert(rc == 12345);

  void *publisher = zsock_new(ZMQ_PUB);
  zsock_set_sndhwm(publisher, 1000);
  zsock_set_linger(publisher, 500);
  rc = zsock_bind(publisher, "tcp://*:12346");

  // set up event loop
  zloop_t *loop = zloop_new();
  zloop_set_verbose(loop, 0);

  // push data every 10 ms
  rc = zloop_timer(loop, 1, 0, timer_event, pusher);
  assert(rc != -1);

  zmq_pollitem_t item;
  item.socket = puller;
  item.events = ZMQ_POLLIN;
  rc = zloop_poller(loop, &item, forward, publisher);
  assert(rc == 0);

  rc = zloop_start(loop);
  printf("zloop return: %d", rc);

  assert(loop == NULL);

  return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: zgossip.c プロジェクト: TomorrowToday/czmq
static void
server_connect (server_t *self, const char *endpoint)
    zsock_t *remote = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER);
    assert (remote);          //  No recovery if exhausted

    //  Never block on sending; we use an infinite HWM and buffer as many
    //  messages as needed in outgoing pipes. Note that the maximum number
    //  is the overall tuple set size.
    zsock_set_sndhwm (remote, 0);
    if (zsock_connect (remote, "%s", endpoint)) {
        zsys_error ("bad zgossip endpoint '%s'", endpoint);
        zsock_destroy (&remote);
    //  Send HELLO and then PUBLISH for each tuple we have
    zgossip_msg_send_hello (remote);
    tuple_t *tuple = (tuple_t *) zhash_first (self->tuples);
    while (tuple) {
        int rc = zgossip_msg_send_publish (remote, tuple->key, tuple->value, 0);
        assert (rc == 0);
        tuple = (tuple_t *) zhash_next (self->tuples);
    //  Now monitor this remote for incoming messages
    engine_handle_socket (self, remote, remote_handler);
    zlist_append (self->remotes, remote);
コード例 #3
ファイル: zsock.c プロジェクト: HunterChen/czmq
zsock_set_unbounded (zsock_t *self)
    zsock_set_hwm (self, 0);
    zsock_set_sndhwm (self, 0);
    zsock_set_rcvhwm (self, 0);
コード例 #4
zsock_t* subscriber_pub_socket_new(zconfig_t* config)
    zsock_t *socket = zsock_new(ZMQ_PUB);
    zsock_set_sndhwm(socket, 10000);
    char *pub_spec = zconfig_resolve(config, "frontend/endpoints/subscriber/pub", "tcp://");
    if (!quiet)
        printf("[I] subscriber: binding PUB socket to %s\n", pub_spec);
    int rc = zsock_bind(socket, "%s", pub_spec);
    assert(rc != -1);
    return socket;
コード例 #5
ファイル: zyre_peer.c プロジェクト: Muraad/zyre
zyre_peer_connect (zyre_peer_t *self, zuuid_t *from, const char *endpoint)
    assert (self);
    assert (!self->connected);

    //  Create new outgoing socket (drop any messages in transit)
    self->mailbox = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER);
    if (!self->mailbox)
        return;             //  Null when we're shutting down
    //  Set our own identity on the socket so that receiving node
    //  knows who each message came from. Note that we cannot use
    //  the UUID directly as the identity since it may contain a
    //  zero byte at the start, which libzmq does not like for
    //  historical and arguably bogus reasons that it nonetheless
    //  enforces.
    byte routing_id [ZUUID_LEN + 1] = { 1 };
    memcpy (routing_id + 1, zuuid_data (from), ZUUID_LEN);
    int rc = zmq_setsockopt (zsock_resolve (self->mailbox),
                             ZMQ_IDENTITY, routing_id, ZUUID_LEN + 1);
    assert (rc == 0);

    //  Set a high-water mark that allows for reasonable activity
    zsock_set_sndhwm (self->mailbox, PEER_EXPIRED * 100);

    //  Send messages immediately or return EAGAIN
    zsock_set_sndtimeo (self->mailbox, 0);

    //  Connect through to peer node
    rc = zsock_connect (self->mailbox, "%s", endpoint);
    if (rc != 0) {
        zsys_error ("(%s) cannot connect to endpoint=%s",
                    self->origin, endpoint);
        //  Don't really have any error handling yet; if connect
        //  fails, there's something wrong with connect endpoint?
        assert (false);
    assert (rc == 0);
    if (self->verbose)
        zsys_info ("(%s) connect to peer: endpoint=%s",
                   self->origin, endpoint);

    self->endpoint = strdup (endpoint);
    self->connected = true;
    self->ready = false;
コード例 #6
void rabbitmq_listener(zsock_t *pipe, void* args)

    // signal readyiness immediately so that zmq publishers are already processed
    // while the rabbitmq exchanges/queues/bindings are created
    zsock_signal(pipe, 0);

    amqp_connection_state_t conn = setup_amqp_connection();
    int last_channel = rabbitmq_setup_queues(conn, (zlist_t*)args);

    // connect to the receiver socket
    zsock_t *receiver = zsock_new(ZMQ_PUSH);
    zsock_set_sndhwm(receiver, 10000);
    zsock_connect(receiver, "inproc://receiver");

    // set up event loop
    zloop_t *loop = zloop_new();
    zloop_set_verbose(loop, 0);

    // register actor command handler
    int rc = zloop_reader(loop, pipe, pipe_command, NULL);

    // register rabbitmq socket for pollin events
    zmq_pollitem_t rabbit_item = {
        .fd = amqp_get_sockfd(conn),
        .events = ZMQ_POLLIN
    rabbit_listener_state_t listener_state = {
        .conn = conn,
        .receiver = zsock_resolve(receiver)
    rc = zloop_poller(loop, &rabbit_item, rabbitmq_consume_message_and_forward, &listener_state);

    // start event loop

    // shutdown
    shutdown_amqp_connection(conn, 0, last_channel);
コード例 #7
ファイル: zyre_peer.c プロジェクト: jossgray/zyre
zyre_peer_connect (zyre_peer_t *self, zuuid_t *from, const char *endpoint, uint64_t expired_timeout)
    assert (self);
    assert (!self->connected);

    //  Create new outgoing socket (drop any messages in transit)
    self->mailbox = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER);
    if (!self->mailbox)
        return -1;             //  Null when we're shutting down

    //  Set our own identity on the socket so that receiving node
    //  knows who each message came from. Note that we cannot use
    //  the UUID directly as the identity since it may contain a
    //  zero byte at the start, which libzmq does not like for
    //  historical and arguably bogus reasons that it nonetheless
    //  enforces.
    byte routing_id [ZUUID_LEN + 1] = { 1 };
    memcpy (routing_id + 1, zuuid_data (from), ZUUID_LEN);
    int rc = zmq_setsockopt (zsock_resolve (self->mailbox),
                             ZMQ_IDENTITY, routing_id, ZUUID_LEN + 1);
    assert (rc == 0);

    //  Set a high-water mark that allows for reasonable activity
    zsock_set_sndhwm (self->mailbox, expired_timeout * 100);

    //  Send messages immediately or return EAGAIN
    zsock_set_sndtimeo (self->mailbox, 0);

    //  If the peer is a link-local IPv6 address but the interface is not set,
    //  use ZSYS_INTERFACE_ADDRESS if provided
    zrex_t *rex = zrex_new (NULL);
    char endpoint_iface [NI_MAXHOST] = {0};
    if (zsys_ipv6 () && zsys_interface () && strlen(zsys_interface ()) &&
            !streq (zsys_interface (), "*") &&
            zrex_eq (rex, endpoint, "^tcp://(fe80[^%]+)(:\\d+)$")) {
        const char *hostname, *port;
        zrex_fetch (rex, &hostname, &port, NULL);
        strcat (endpoint_iface, "tcp://");
        strcat (endpoint_iface, hostname);
        strcat (endpoint_iface, "%");
        strcat (endpoint_iface, zsys_interface ());
        strcat (endpoint_iface, port);
    } else
        strcat (endpoint_iface, endpoint);
    zrex_destroy (&rex);

    //  Connect through to peer node
    rc = zsock_connect (self->mailbox, "%s", endpoint_iface);
    if (rc != 0) {
        zsys_debug ("(%s) cannot connect to endpoint=%s",
                    self->origin, endpoint_iface);
        zsock_destroy (&self->mailbox);
        return -1;
    if (self->verbose)
        zsys_info ("(%s) connect to peer: endpoint=%s",
                   self->origin, endpoint_iface);

    self->endpoint = strdup (endpoint_iface);
    self->connected = true;
    self->ready = false;

    return 0;
コード例 #8
int main(int argc, char * const *argv)
    int rc = 0;
    process_arguments(argc, argv);

    setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);
    setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);

    if (!quiet)
        printf("[I] started %s\n"
               "[I] sub-port:    %d\n"
               "[I] push-port:   %d\n"
               "[I] io-threads:  %lu\n"
               "[I] rcv-hwm:  %d\n"
               "[I] snd-hwm:  %d\n"
               , argv[0], pull_port, pub_port, io_threads, rcv_hwm, snd_hwm);

    // load config
    config_file_exists = zsys_file_exists(config_file_name);
    if (config_file_exists) {
        config = zconfig_load((char*)config_file_name);

    // set global config

    // create socket to receive messages on
    zsock_t *receiver = zsock_new(ZMQ_SUB);
    assert_x(receiver != NULL, "sub socket creation failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    zsock_set_rcvhwm(receiver, rcv_hwm);

    // bind externally
    char* host = zlist_first(hosts);
    while (host) {
        if (!quiet)
            printf("[I] connecting to: %s\n", host);
        rc = zsock_connect(receiver, "%s", host);
        assert_x(rc == 0, "sub socket connect failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        host = zlist_next(hosts);
    tracker = device_tracker_new(hosts, receiver);

    // create socket for publishing
    zsock_t *publisher = zsock_new(ZMQ_PUSH);
    assert_x(publisher != NULL, "pub socket creation failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    zsock_set_sndhwm(publisher, snd_hwm);

    rc = zsock_bind(publisher, "tcp://%s:%d", "*", pub_port);
    assert_x(rc == pub_port, "pub socket bind failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);

    // create compressor sockets
    zsock_t *compressor_input = zsock_new(ZMQ_PUSH);
    assert_x(compressor_input != NULL, "compressor input socket creation failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    rc = zsock_bind(compressor_input, "inproc://compressor-input");
    assert_x(rc==0, "compressor input socket bind failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);

    zsock_t *compressor_output = zsock_new(ZMQ_PULL);
    assert_x(compressor_output != NULL, "compressor output socket creation failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    rc = zsock_bind(compressor_output, "inproc://compressor-output");
    assert_x(rc==0, "compressor output socket bind failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);

    // create compressor agents
    zactor_t *compressors[MAX_COMPRESSORS];
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_compressors; i++)
        compressors[i] = message_decompressor_new(i);

    // set up event loop
    zloop_t *loop = zloop_new();
    zloop_set_verbose(loop, 0);

    // calculate statistics every 1000 ms
    int timer_id = zloop_timer(loop, 1000, 0, timer_event, NULL);
    assert(timer_id != -1);

    // setup handler for the receiver socket
    publisher_state_t publisher_state = {
        .receiver = zsock_resolve(receiver),
        .publisher = zsock_resolve(publisher),
        .compressor_input = zsock_resolve(compressor_input),
        .compressor_output = zsock_resolve(compressor_output),

    // setup handler for compression results
    rc = zloop_reader(loop, compressor_output, read_zmq_message_and_forward, &publisher_state);
    assert(rc == 0);
    zloop_reader_set_tolerant(loop, compressor_output);

    // setup handdler for messages incoming from the outside or rabbit_listener
    rc = zloop_reader(loop, receiver, read_zmq_message_and_forward, &publisher_state);
    assert(rc == 0);
    zloop_reader_set_tolerant(loop, receiver);

    // initialize clock
    global_time = zclock_time();

    // setup subscriptions
    if (subscriptions == NULL || zlist_size(subscriptions) == 0) {
        if (!quiet)
            printf("[I] subscribing to all log messages\n");
        zsock_set_subscribe(receiver, "");
    } else {
        char *subscription = zlist_first(subscriptions);
        while (subscription) {
            if (!quiet)
                printf("[I] subscribing to %s\n", subscription);
            zsock_set_subscribe(receiver, subscription);
            subscription = zlist_next(subscriptions);
        zsock_set_subscribe(receiver, "heartbeat");

    // run the loop
    if (!zsys_interrupted) {
        if (verbose)
            printf("[I] starting main event loop\n");
        bool should_continue_to_run = getenv("CPUPROFILE") != NULL;
        do {
            rc = zloop_start(loop);
            should_continue_to_run &= errno == EINTR && !zsys_interrupted;
            log_zmq_error(rc, __FILE__, __LINE__);
        } while (should_continue_to_run);
        if (verbose)
            printf("[I] main event zloop terminated with return code %d\n", rc);

    assert(loop == NULL);

    if (!quiet) {
        printf("[I] received %zu messages\n", received_messages_count);
        printf("[I] shutting down\n");

    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_compressors; i++)

    if (!quiet)
        printf("[I] terminated\n");

    return rc;
コード例 #9
ファイル: qzsock.cpp プロジェクト: digideskio/zebra
//  Set socket option `sndhwm`.
void QZsock::setSndhwm (int sndhwm)
    zsock_set_sndhwm (self, sndhwm);
コード例 #10
Java_org_zeromq_czmq_Zsock__1_1setSndhwm (JNIEnv *env, jclass c, jlong self, jint sndhwm)
    zsock_set_sndhwm ((zsock_t *) (intptr_t) self, (int) sndhwm);
コード例 #11
ファイル: zactor.c プロジェクト: PSG-Luna/czmq
zactor_t *
zactor_new (zactor_fn *actor, void *args)
    zactor_t *self = (zactor_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (zactor_t));
    if (!self)
        return NULL;
    self->tag = ZACTOR_TAG;

    shim_t *shim = (shim_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (shim_t));
    if (!shim) {
        zactor_destroy (&self);
        return NULL;

    //  Create front-to-back pipe pair
    self->pipe = zsock_new (ZMQ_PAIR);
    assert (self->pipe);
    shim->pipe = zsock_new (ZMQ_PAIR);
    assert (shim->pipe);
    zsock_set_hwm (self->pipe, zsys_pipehwm ());
    zsock_set_hwm (shim->pipe, zsys_pipehwm ());
    zsock_set_sndhwm (self->pipe, (int) zsys_pipehwm ());
    zsock_set_sndhwm (shim->pipe, (int) zsys_pipehwm ());
    //  Now bind and connect pipe ends
    char endpoint [32];
    while (true) {
        sprintf (endpoint, "inproc://zactor-%04x-%04x\n",
                 randof (0x10000), randof (0x10000));
        if (zsock_bind (self->pipe, "%s", endpoint) == 0)
    int rc = zsock_connect (shim->pipe, "%s", endpoint);
    assert (rc != -1);

    shim->handler = actor;
    shim->args = args;

#if defined (__UNIX__)
    pthread_t thread;
    pthread_create (&thread, NULL, s_thread_shim, shim);
    pthread_detach (thread);

#elif defined (__WINDOWS__)
    HANDLE handle = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex (
        NULL,                   //  Handle is private to this process
        0,                      //  Use a default stack size for new thread
        &s_thread_shim,         //  Start real thread function via this shim
        shim,                   //  Which gets arguments shim
        CREATE_SUSPENDED,       //  Set thread priority before starting it
        NULL);                  //  We don't use the thread ID
    assert (handle);

    //  Set child thread priority to same as current
    int priority = GetThreadPriority (GetCurrentThread ());
    SetThreadPriority (handle, priority);

    //  Start thread & release resources
    ResumeThread (handle);
    CloseHandle (handle);

    //  Mandatory handshake for new actor so that constructor returns only
    //  when actor has also initialized. This eliminates timing issues at
    //  application start up.
    zsock_wait (self->pipe);
    return self;