void zyre_node_engine (void *args, zctx_t *ctx, void *pipe) { // Create node instance to pass around zyre_node_t *self = zyre_node_new (ctx, pipe); if (!self) // Interrupted return; zsocket_signal (self->pipe); uint64_t reap_at = zclock_time () + REAP_INTERVAL; zpoller_t *poller = zpoller_new ( self->pipe, self->inbox, zbeacon_socket (self->beacon), NULL); while (!zpoller_terminated (poller)) { if (self->terminated) break; int timeout = (int) (reap_at - zclock_time ()); assert (timeout <= REAP_INTERVAL); if (timeout < 0) timeout = 0; void *which = zpoller_wait (poller, timeout); if (which == self->pipe) zyre_node_recv_api (self); else if (which == self->inbox) zyre_node_recv_peer (self); else if (which == zbeacon_socket (self->beacon)) zyre_node_recv_beacon (self); else if (zpoller_expired(poller)) { if (zclock_time () >= reap_at) { reap_at = zclock_time () + REAP_INTERVAL; // Ping all peers and reap any expired ones zhash_foreach (self->peers, zyre_node_ping_peer, self); } } else if (zpoller_terminated(poller)) break; else // This should never happen assert(false); } zpoller_destroy (&poller); zyre_node_destroy (&self); }
void zsocket_test (bool verbose) { printf (" * zsocket (deprecated): "); // @selftest zctx_t *ctx = zctx_new (); assert (ctx); // Create a detached thread, let it run char *interf = ""; char *domain = "localhost"; int service = 5560; void *writer = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_PUSH); assert (writer); void *reader = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_PULL); assert (reader); assert (streq (zsocket_type_str (writer), "PUSH")); assert (streq (zsocket_type_str (reader), "PULL")); int rc = zsocket_bind (writer, "tcp://%s:%d", interf, service); assert (rc == service); #if (ZMQ_VERSION >= ZMQ_MAKE_VERSION (3, 2, 0)) // Check unbind rc = zsocket_unbind (writer, "tcp://%s:%d", interf, service); assert (rc == 0); // In some cases and especially when running under Valgrind, doing // a bind immediately after an unbind causes an EADDRINUSE error. // Even a short sleep allows the OS to release the port for reuse. zclock_sleep (100); // Bind again rc = zsocket_bind (writer, "tcp://%s:%d", interf, service); assert (rc == service); #endif rc = zsocket_connect (reader, "tcp://%s:%d", domain, service); assert (rc == 0); zstr_send (writer, "HELLO"); char *message = zstr_recv (reader); assert (message); assert (streq (message, "HELLO")); free (message); // Test binding to ports int port = zsocket_bind (writer, "tcp://%s:*", interf); assert (port >= ZSOCKET_DYNFROM && port <= ZSOCKET_DYNTO); assert (zsocket_poll (writer, 100) == false); // Test error state when connecting to an invalid socket type // ('txp://' instead of 'tcp://', typo intentional) rc = zsocket_connect (reader, "txp://%s:%d", domain, service); assert (rc == -1); // Test sending frames to socket rc = zsocket_sendmem (writer, "ABC", 3, ZFRAME_MORE); assert (rc == 0); rc = zsocket_sendmem (writer, "DEFG", 4, 0); assert (rc == 0); zframe_t *frame = zframe_recv (reader); assert (frame); assert (zframe_streq (frame, "ABC")); assert (zframe_more (frame)); zframe_destroy (&frame); frame = zframe_recv (reader); assert (frame); assert (zframe_streq (frame, "DEFG")); assert (!zframe_more (frame)); zframe_destroy (&frame); rc = zsocket_signal (writer); assert (rc == 0); rc = zsocket_wait (reader); assert (rc == 0); zsocket_destroy (ctx, reader); zsocket_destroy (ctx, writer); zctx_destroy (&ctx); // @end printf ("OK\n"); }
void PrimeWorker::Work(zctx_t *ctx, void *pipe) { printf("PrimeWorker started.\n"); mBackend = zsocket_new(ctx, ZMQ_DEALER); void* frontend = zsocket_new(ctx, ZMQ_DEALER); void* input = zsocket_new(ctx, ZMQ_SUB); mServer = zsocket_new(ctx, ZMQ_ROUTER); mSignals = zsocket_new(ctx, ZMQ_PUB); zsocket_set_sndhwm(mBackend, 1*1000*1000); int err = 0; err = zsocket_bind(mServer, "tcp://*:%d", mServerPort); if(!err) printf("zsocket_bind(mServer, tcp://*:*) failed.\n"); err = zsocket_bind(mSignals, "tcp://*:%d", mSignalPort); if(!err) printf("zsocket_bind(mSignals, tcp://*:*) failed.\n"); printf("PrimeWorker: mServerPort=%d mSignalPort=%d\n", mServerPort, mSignalPort); err = zsocket_connect(mBackend, "tcp://localhost:8888"); assert(!err); err = zsocket_connect(frontend, "tcp://localhost:7777"); assert(!err); err = zsocket_connect(input, "inproc://bitcoin"); assert(!err); const char one[2] = {1, 0}; zsocket_set_subscribe(input, one); zloop_t* wloop = zloop_new(); zmq_pollitem_t item_input = {input, 0, ZMQ_POLLIN, 0}; err = zloop_poller(wloop, &item_input, &PrimeWorker::InvokeInput, this); assert(!err); zmq_pollitem_t item_server = {mServer, 0, ZMQ_POLLIN, 0}; err = zloop_poller(wloop, &item_server, &PrimeWorker::InvokeRequest, this); assert(!err); zmq_pollitem_t item_frontend = {frontend, 0, ZMQ_POLLIN, 0}; err = zloop_poller(wloop, &item_frontend, &PrimeWorker::InvokeRequest, this); assert(!err); err = zloop_timer(wloop, 60000, 0, &PrimeWorker::InvokeTimerFunc, this); assert(err >= 0); zsocket_signal(pipe); zloop_start(wloop); zloop_destroy(&wloop); zsocket_destroy(ctx, mServer); zsocket_destroy(ctx, mSignals); zsocket_destroy(ctx, mBackend); zsocket_destroy(ctx, frontend); zsocket_destroy(ctx, input); zsocket_signal(pipe); printf("PrimeWorker exited.\n"); }
static void s_proxy_task (void *args, zctx_t *ctx, void *command_pipe) { // Confirm to API that we've started up zsocket_signal (command_pipe); zproxy_t *self = (zproxy_t *) args; // Capture socket, if not NULL, receives all data void *capture = NULL; // Create poller to work on all three sockets zpoller_t *poller = zpoller_new (self->frontend, self->backend, command_pipe, NULL); bool stopped = false; while (!stopped) { // Wait for activity on any polled socket, and read incoming message void *which = zpoller_wait (poller, -1); zmq_msg_t msg; zmq_msg_init (&msg); int send_flags; // Flags for outgoing message if (which && zmq_recvmsg (which, &msg, 0) != -1) { send_flags = zsocket_rcvmore (which)? ZMQ_SNDMORE: 0; if (which == self->frontend || which == self->backend) { void *output = which == self->frontend? self->backend: self->frontend; // Loop on all waiting messages, since polling adds a // non-trivial cost per message, especially on OS/X while (true) { if (capture) { zmq_msg_t dup; zmq_msg_init (&dup); zmq_msg_copy (&dup, &msg); if (zmq_sendmsg (capture, &dup, send_flags) == -1) zmq_msg_close (&dup); } if (zmq_sendmsg (output, &msg, send_flags) == -1) { zmq_msg_close (&msg); break; } if (zmq_recvmsg (which, &msg, ZMQ_DONTWAIT) == -1) break; // Presumably EAGAIN send_flags = zsocket_rcvmore (which)? ZMQ_SNDMORE: 0; } } else if (which == command_pipe) { char command [10] = { 0 }; assert (zmq_msg_size (&msg) < 10); memcpy (command, zmq_msg_data (&msg), zmq_msg_size (&msg)); // Execute API command if (streq (command, "PAUSE")) { zpoller_destroy (&poller); poller = zpoller_new (command_pipe, NULL); } else if (streq (command, "RESUME")) { zpoller_destroy (&poller); poller = zpoller_new (self->frontend, self->backend, command_pipe, NULL); } else if (streq (command, "CAPTURE")) { // Capture flow is always PUSH-to-PULL capture = zsocket_new (self->ctx, ZMQ_PUSH); char *endpoint = zstr_recv (command_pipe); if (capture) { int rc = zsocket_connect (capture, "%s", endpoint); assert (rc == 0); } zstr_free (&endpoint); } else if (streq (command, "STOP")) stopped = true; else assert (0); // Cannot happen, so die // Signal to caller that we processed the command zsocket_signal (command_pipe); } else assert (0); // Cannot happen, so die } else break; // Interrupted } zpoller_destroy (&poller); }
static int s_agent_handle_pipe (agent_t *self) { // Get the whole message off the pipe in one go zmsg_t *request = zmsg_recv (self->pipe); char *command = zmsg_popstr (request); if (!command) return -1; // Interrupted if (streq (command, "ALLOW")) { char *address = zmsg_popstr (request); zhash_insert (self->whitelist, address, "OK"); zstr_free (&address); zsocket_signal (self->pipe); } else if (streq (command, "DENY")) { char *address = zmsg_popstr (request); zhash_insert (self->blacklist, address, "OK"); zstr_free (&address); zsocket_signal (self->pipe); } else if (streq (command, "PLAIN")) { // For now we don't do anything with domains char *domain = zmsg_popstr (request); zstr_free (&domain); // Get password file and load into zhash table // If the file doesn't exist we'll get an empty table char *filename = zmsg_popstr (request); zhash_destroy (&self->passwords); self->passwords = zhash_new (); zhash_load (self->passwords, filename); zstr_free (&filename); zsocket_signal (self->pipe); } else if (streq (command, "CURVE")) { char *domain = zmsg_popstr (request); // For now we don't do anything with domains zstr_free (&domain); // If location is CURVE_ALLOW_ANY, allow all clients. Otherwise // treat location as a directory that holds the certificates. char *location = zmsg_popstr (request); if (streq (location, CURVE_ALLOW_ANY)) self->allow_any = true; else { zcertstore_destroy (&self->certstore); self->certstore = zcertstore_new (location); self->allow_any = false; } zstr_free (&location); zsocket_signal (self->pipe); } else if (streq (command, "GSSAPI")) { char *domain = zmsg_popstr (request); // For now we don't do anything with domains zstr_free (&domain); zsocket_signal (self->pipe); } else if (streq (command, "VERBOSE")) { char *verbose = zmsg_popstr (request); self->verbose = *verbose == '1'; zstr_free (&verbose); zsocket_signal (self->pipe); } else if (streq (command, "TERMINATE")) { self->terminated = true; zsocket_signal (self->pipe); } else { zsys_error ("invalid command from API: %s\n", command); assert (false); } zstr_free (&command); zmsg_destroy (&request); return 0; }
static int zyre_node_recv_api (zyre_node_t *self) { // Get the whole message off the pipe in one go zmsg_t *request = zmsg_recv (self->pipe); char *command = zmsg_popstr (request); if (!command) return -1; // Interrupted if (streq (command, "SET")) { char *name = zmsg_popstr (request); char *value = zmsg_popstr (request); zhash_update (self->headers, name, value); zstr_free (&name); zstr_free (&value); } else if (streq (command, "VERBOSE")) { self->verbose = true; zsocket_signal (self->pipe); } else if (streq (command, "START")) { zyre_node_start (self); zsocket_signal (self->pipe); } else if (streq (command, "STOP")) { zyre_node_stop (self); zsocket_signal (self->pipe); } else if (streq (command, "WHISPER")) { // Get peer to send message to char *identity = zmsg_popstr (request); zyre_peer_t *peer = (zyre_peer_t *) zhash_lookup (self->peers, identity); // Send frame on out to peer's mailbox, drop message // if peer doesn't exist (may have been destroyed) if (peer) { zre_msg_t *msg = zre_msg_new (ZRE_MSG_WHISPER); zre_msg_set_content (msg, &request); zyre_peer_send (peer, &msg); } zstr_free (&identity); } else if (streq (command, "SHOUT")) { // Get group to send message to char *name = zmsg_popstr (request); zyre_group_t *group = (zyre_group_t *) zhash_lookup (self->peer_groups, name); if (group) { zre_msg_t *msg = zre_msg_new (ZRE_MSG_SHOUT); zre_msg_set_group (msg, name); zre_msg_set_content (msg, &request); zyre_group_send (group, &msg); } zstr_free (&name); } else if (streq (command, "JOIN")) { char *name = zmsg_popstr (request); zyre_group_t *group = (zyre_group_t *) zhash_lookup (self->own_groups, name); if (!group) { // Only send if we're not already in group group = zyre_group_new (name, self->own_groups); zre_msg_t *msg = zre_msg_new (ZRE_MSG_JOIN); zre_msg_set_group (msg, name); // Update status before sending command zre_msg_set_status (msg, ++(self->status)); zhash_foreach (self->peers, zyre_node_send_peer, msg); zre_msg_destroy (&msg); zyre_log_info (self->log, ZRE_LOG_MSG_EVENT_JOIN, NULL, name); } zstr_free (&name); } else if (streq (command, "LEAVE")) { char *name = zmsg_popstr (request); zyre_group_t *group = (zyre_group_t *) zhash_lookup (self->own_groups, name); if (group) { // Only send if we are actually in group zre_msg_t *msg = zre_msg_new (ZRE_MSG_LEAVE); zre_msg_set_group (msg, name); // Update status before sending command zre_msg_set_status (msg, ++(self->status)); zhash_foreach (self->peers, zyre_node_send_peer, msg); zre_msg_destroy (&msg); zhash_delete (self->own_groups, name); zyre_log_info (self->log, ZRE_LOG_MSG_EVENT_LEAVE, NULL, name); } zstr_free (&name); } else if (streq (command, "TERMINATE")) { self->terminated = true; zsocket_signal (self->pipe); } else { printf ("E: invalid command '%s'\n", command); assert (false); } zstr_free (&command); zmsg_destroy (&request); return 0; }