コード例 #1
bool USkeletalMeshComponent::ShouldTickPose() const
	// Characters playing Root Motion will tick pose themselves before physics.
	ACharacter * CharacterOwner = Cast<ACharacter>(GetOwner());
	const bool bSkipBecauseOfRootMotion = CharacterOwner && CharacterOwner->IsPlayingRootMotion();

	// When we stop root motion we go back to ticking after CharacterMovement. Unfortunately that means that we could tick twice that frame.
	// So only enforce a single tick per frame.
	const bool bAlreadyTickedThisFrame = (LastTickTime == GetWorld()->TimeSeconds);

	// Remote Clients on the Server will always tick animations as updates from the client comes in. To use Client's delta time.
	const bool bRemoteClientOnServer = CharacterOwner && (CharacterOwner->Role == ROLE_Authority) && CharacterOwner->Controller && !CharacterOwner->Controller->IsLocalController();

	return (Super::ShouldTickPose() && IsRegistered() && AnimScriptInstance && !bPauseAnims && GetWorld()->HasBegunPlay() && !bNoSkeletonUpdate && !bSkipBecauseOfRootMotion && !bRemoteClientOnServer && !bAlreadyTickedThisFrame);