コード例 #1
ファイル: ofApp.cpp プロジェクト: DashAndSlash/ofxGrt
void ofApp::setup(){
    //Initialize the training and info variables
    infoText = "";
    trainingClassLabel = 1;
    record = false;
    //The input to the training data will be the [x y] from the mouse, so we set the number of dimensions to 2
    trainingData.setNumDimensions( 2 );
    //Initialize the DTW classifier
    ANBC naiveBayes;
    //Turn on null rejection, this lets the classifier output the predicted class label of 0 when the likelihood of a gesture is low
    naiveBayes.enableNullRejection( false );
    //Set the null rejection coefficient to 3, this controls the thresholds for the automatic null rejection
    //You can increase this value if you find that your real-time gestures are not being recognized
    //If you are getting too many false positives then you should decrease this value
    naiveBayes.setNullRejectionCoeff( 3 );
    //Add the classifier to the pipeline (after we do this, we don't need the naiveBayes instance anymore)
    pipeline.setClassifier( naiveBayes );

    //Setup the colors for the 3 classes
    classColors.resize( 3 );
    classColors[0] = ofColor(255, 0, 0);
    classColors[1] = ofColor(0, 255, 0);
    classColors[2] = ofColor(0, 0, 255);
void metrics_separate_data(){
    // Training and test data
    ClassificationData trainingData;
    ClassificationData testData;
    string file_path = "../../../data/";
    if( !trainingData.loadDatasetFromFile(file_path +  "train/grt/12345.txt") ){
        std::cout <<"Failed to load training data!\n";
    ANBC anbc;
    MinDist minDist;
    ofstream outputFileStream("accuracy-mindist.csv");
    outputFileStream << "classLabel,nullRejectionCoeff,accuracy, \n";
    for(int class_name = 1; class_name<=5; class_name++){
        if( !testData.loadDatasetFromFile(file_path +  "test/grt/" + to_string(class_name)  + ".txt") ){
            std::cout <<"Failed to load training data!\n";
        for(double nullRejectionCoeff = 0; nullRejectionCoeff <= 10; nullRejectionCoeff=nullRejectionCoeff+0.2){
            //            anbc.setNullRejectionCoeff(nullRejectionCoeff);
            //            svm.setNullRejectionCoeff(nullRejectionCoeff);
            GestureRecognitionPipeline pipeline;
            //            pipeline.setClassifier(anbc);
            //            pipeline.setClassifier(svm);
            // Train the pipeline
            if( !pipeline.train( trainingData ) ){
                std::cout << "Failed to train classifier!\n";
            // Evaluation
            double accuracy = 0;
            for(UINT i=0; i<testData.getNumSamples(); i++){
                UINT actualClassLabel = testData[i].getClassLabel();
                vector< double > inputVector = testData[i].getSample();
                if( !pipeline.predict( inputVector )){
                    std::cout << "Failed to perform prediction for test sampel: " << i <<"\n";
                UINT predictedClassLabel = pipeline.getPredictedClassLabel();
                if( actualClassLabel == predictedClassLabel) accuracy++;
            outputFileStream << class_name << ',' << nullRejectionCoeff << ',' << accuracy/double(testData.getNumSamples())*100.0 << '\n';
            cout<< "Done" << endl;
    //---------------------- Null Gesture Test -----------------//
    int class_name = 0;
    if( !testData.loadDatasetFromFile(file_path +  "test/grt/" + to_string(class_name)  + ".txt") ){
        std::cout <<"Failed to load training data!\n";
    for(double nullRejectionCoeff = 0; nullRejectionCoeff <= 10; nullRejectionCoeff=nullRejectionCoeff+0.2){
        //            anbc.setNullRejectionCoeff(nullRejectionCoeff);
        //            svm.setNullRejectionCoeff(nullRejectionCoeff);
        GestureRecognitionPipeline pipeline;
        //            pipeline.setClassifier(anbc);
        //            pipeline.setClassifier(svm);
        // Train the pipeline
        if( !pipeline.train( trainingData ) ){
            std::cout << "Failed to train classifier!\n";
        // Evaluation
        double accuracy = 0;
        for(UINT i=0; i<testData.getNumSamples(); i++){
            vector< double > inputVector = testData[i].getSample();
            if( !pipeline.predict( inputVector )){
                std::cout << "Failed to perform prediction for test sampel: " << i <<"\n";
            UINT predictedClassLabel = pipeline.getPredictedClassLabel();
            if(predictedClassLabel == 0 ) accuracy++;
        outputFileStream << class_name << ',' << nullRejectionCoeff << ',' << accuracy/double(testData.getNumSamples())*100.0 << '\n';
        cout<< "Done" << endl;
void metrics_subset_data(){
    ANBC anbc;
    MinDist minDist;
    //    ofstream opRecall("anbc-recall-nr-0-10.csv");
    //    opRecall <<"nrCoeff,class0,class1,class2,class3,class4,class5\n";
    //    ofstream opInstanceRes("anbc-prediction-nr-2.csv");
    //    opInstanceRes <<"actualClass,predictedClass,maximumLikelihood,lZ,lY,lZ,rZ,rY,rZ\n";
    //    ofstream opMetrics("anbc-precision-recall-fmeasure-nr-2.csv");
    //    opMetrics <<"class1,class2,class3,class4,class5\n";
    //    ofstream opConfusion("anbc-confusion-nr-2.csv");
    //    opConfusion <<"class0,class1,class2,class3,class4,class5\n";
    ofstream opRecall("mindist-recall-nr-0-10.csv");
    opRecall <<"nrCoeff,class0,class1,class2,class3,class4,class5\n";
    ofstream opInstanceRes("mindist-prediction-nr-2.csv");
    opInstanceRes <<"actualClass,predictedClass,maximumLikelihood,lZ,lY,lZ,rZ,rY,rZ\n";
    ofstream opMetrics("mindist-precision-recall-fmeasure-nr-2.csv");
    opMetrics <<"class1,class2,class3,class4,class5\n";
    ofstream opConfusion("mindist-confusion-nr-2.csv");
    opConfusion <<"class0,class1,class2,class3,class4,class5\n";
    // Training and test data
    ClassificationData trainingData;
    ClassificationData testData;
    ClassificationData nullGestureData;
    string file_path = "../../../data/";
    if( !trainingData.loadDatasetFromFile(file_path +  "train/grt/hri-training-dataset.txt") ){
        std::cout <<"Failed to load training data!\n";
    if( !nullGestureData.loadDatasetFromFile(file_path +  "test/grt/0.txt") ){
        std::cout <<"Failed to load null gesture data!\n";
    testData = trainingData.partition(90);
//    testData.saveDatasetToFile("anbc-validation-subset.txt");
    for(double nullRejectionCoeff = 0; nullRejectionCoeff <= 10; nullRejectionCoeff=nullRejectionCoeff+0.2){
        //        anbc.setNullRejectionCoeff(nullRejectionCoeff);
        //        GestureRecognitionPipeline pipeline;
        //        pipeline.setClassifier(anbc);
        GestureRecognitionPipeline pipeline;
        TestResult testRes = pipeline.getTestResults();
        opRecall << nullRejectionCoeff << ",";
        //null rejection prediction
        double accuracy = 0;
        for(UINT i=0; i<nullGestureData.getNumSamples(); i++){
            vector< double > inputVector = nullGestureData[i].getSample();
            if( !pipeline.predict( inputVector )){
                std::cout << "Failed to perform prediction for test sampel: " << i <<"\n";
            UINT predictedClassLabel = pipeline.getPredictedClassLabel();
            if(predictedClassLabel == 0 ) accuracy++;
        opRecall << accuracy/double(nullGestureData.getNumSamples()) << ",";
        // other classes prediction
        for(int cl = 0; cl < testRes.recall.size(); cl++ ){
            opRecall << testRes.recall[cl];
            if(cl < testRes.recall.size() - 1){
                opRecall << ",";
        opRecall<< endl;
        // Calculate instance prediction, precision, recall, fmeasure and confusion matrix for nullRejection 2.0
        if(AreDoubleSame(nullRejectionCoeff, 2.0))
            //instance prediction
            for(UINT i=0; i<testData.getNumSamples(); i++){
                UINT actualClassLabel = testData[i].getClassLabel();
                vector< double > inputVector = testData[i].getSample();
                if( !pipeline.predict( inputVector )){
                    std::cout << "Failed to perform prediction for test sampel: " << i <<"\n";
                UINT predictedClassLabel = pipeline.getPredictedClassLabel();
                double maximumLikelihood = pipeline.getMaximumLikelihood();
                opInstanceRes << actualClassLabel << "," << predictedClassLabel << "," << maximumLikelihood << ","
                << inputVector[0] << "," << inputVector[1] << ","  << inputVector[2] << ","  << inputVector[3] << ","  << inputVector[4] << ","  << inputVector[5] << "\n";
            //precision, recall, fmeasure
            for(int cl = 0; cl < testRes.precision.size(); cl++ ){
                opMetrics << testRes.precision[cl];
                if(cl < testRes.precision.size() - 1){
                    opMetrics << ",";
            opMetrics<< endl;
            for(int cl = 0; cl < testRes.recall.size(); cl++ ){
                opMetrics << testRes.recall[cl];
                if(cl < testRes.recall.size() - 1){
                    opMetrics << ",";
            opMetrics<< endl;
            for(int cl = 0; cl < testRes.fMeasure.size(); cl++ ){
                opMetrics << testRes.fMeasure[cl];
                if(cl < testRes.fMeasure.size() - 1){
                    opMetrics << ",";
            opMetrics<< endl;
            //confusion matrix
            MatrixDouble matrix = testRes.confusionMatrix;
            for(UINT i=0; i<matrix.getNumRows(); i++){
                for(UINT j=0; j<matrix.getNumCols(); j++){
                    opConfusion << matrix[i][j];
                    if(j < matrix.getNumCols() - 1){
                        opConfusion << ",";
                opConfusion << endl;
            opConfusion << endl;
    cout << "Done\n";
void prediction_axis_data(){
    // Training and test data
    ClassificationData trainingData;
    ClassificationData testData;
    string file_path = "../../../data/";
    string class_name = "5";
    if( !trainingData.loadDatasetFromFile(file_path +  "train/grt/" + class_name + ".txt") ){
        std::cout <<"Failed to load training data!\n";
    if( !testData.loadDatasetFromFile(file_path +  "test/grt/" + class_name + ".txt") ){
        std::cout <<"Failed to load training data!\n";
    // Pipeline setup
    ANBC anbc;
    GestureRecognitionPipeline pipeline;
    // Train the pipeline
    if( !pipeline.train( trainingData ) ){
        std::cout << "Failed to train classifier!\n";
    // File stream
    ofstream outputFileStream(class_name + ".csv");
    // Evaluation
    double accuracy = 0;
    outputFileStream << "actualClass,predictedClass,maximumLikelihood,lZ,lY,lZ,rZ,rY,rZ \n";
    for(UINT i=0; i<testData.getNumSamples(); i++){
        UINT actualClassLabel = testData[i].getClassLabel();
        vector< double > inputVector = testData[i].getSample();
        if( !pipeline.predict( inputVector )){
            std::cout << "Failed to perform prediction for test sampel: " << i <<"\n";
        UINT predictedClassLabel = pipeline.getPredictedClassLabel();
        double maximumLikelihood = pipeline.getMaximumLikelihood();
        outputFileStream << actualClassLabel << "," << predictedClassLabel << "," << maximumLikelihood << ","
        << inputVector[0] << "," << inputVector[1] << ","  << inputVector[2] << ","  << inputVector[3] << ","  << inputVector[4] << ","  << inputVector[5] << "\n";
        if( actualClassLabel == predictedClassLabel) accuracy++;
    std::cout << "Test Accuracy testHandsUp : " << accuracy/double(testData.getNumSamples())*100.0 << " %\n";
コード例 #5
ファイル: ANBCExample.cpp プロジェクト: Amos-zq/grt
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
    //Create a new ANBC instance
    ANBC anbc;
    anbc.setNullRejectionCoeff( 10 );
    anbc.enableScaling( true );
    anbc.enableNullRejection( true );
    //Load some training data to train the classifier
    ClassificationData trainingData;
    if( !trainingData.loadDatasetFromFile("ANBCTrainingData.grt") ){
        cout << "Failed to load training data!\n";
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    //Use 20% of the training dataset to create a test dataset
    ClassificationData testData = trainingData.partition( 80 );
    //Train the classifier
    bool trainSuccess = anbc.train( trainingData );
    if( !trainSuccess ){
        cout << "Failed to train classifier!\n";
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    //Save the ANBC model to a file
    bool saveSuccess = anbc.save("ANBCModel.grt");
    if( !saveSuccess ){
        cout << "Failed to save the classifier model!\n";
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    //Load the ANBC model from a file
    bool loadSuccess = anbc.load("ANBCModel.grt");
    if( !loadSuccess ){
        cout << "Failed to load the classifier model!\n";
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    //Use the test dataset to test the ANBC model
    double accuracy = 0;
    for(UINT i=0; i<testData.getNumSamples(); i++){
        //Get the i'th test sample
        UINT classLabel = testData[i].getClassLabel();
        vector< double > inputVector = testData[i].getSample();
        //Perform a prediction using the classifier
        bool predictSuccess = anbc.predict( inputVector );
        if( !predictSuccess ){
            cout << "Failed to perform prediction for test sampel: " << i <<"\n";
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
        //Get the predicted class label
        UINT predictedClassLabel = anbc.getPredictedClassLabel();
        vector< double > classLikelihoods = anbc.getClassLikelihoods();
        vector< double > classDistances = anbc.getClassDistances();
        //Update the accuracy
        if( classLabel == predictedClassLabel ) accuracy++;
        cout << "TestSample: " << i <<  " ClassLabel: " << classLabel << " PredictedClassLabel: " << predictedClassLabel << endl;
    cout << "Test Accuracy: " << accuracy/double(testData.getNumSamples())*100.0 << "%" << endl;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;