/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | main +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc != 2) { PrintUsageAndExit(); } const char* input_filename = argv[1]; // open the input AP4_ByteStream* input = NULL; AP4_Result result = AP4_FileByteStream::Create(input_filename, AP4_FileByteStream::STREAM_MODE_READ, input); if (AP4_FAILED(result)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open input file (%s)\n", input_filename); return 1; } // get the movie AP4_File* file = new AP4_File(*input, AP4_DefaultAtomFactory::Instance, true); AP4_Movie* movie = file->GetMovie(); AP4_Atom* atom = NULL; do { // process the next atom result = AP4_DefaultAtomFactory::Instance.CreateAtomFromStream(*input, atom); if (AP4_SUCCEEDED(result)) { printf("atom size=%lld\n", atom->GetSize()); if (atom->GetType() == AP4_ATOM_TYPE_MOOF) { AP4_ContainerAtom* moof = AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_ContainerAtom, atom); if (moof) { // remember where we are in the stream AP4_Position position = 0; input->Tell(position); // process the movie fragment ProcessMoof(movie, moof, input, position-atom->GetSize(), position+8); // go back to where we were before processing the fragment input->Seek(position); } } else { delete atom; } } } while (AP4_SUCCEEDED(result)); // cleanup delete file; input->Release(); return 0; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | AP4_LinearReader::AdvanceFragment +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ AP4_Result AP4_LinearReader::AdvanceFragment() { AP4_Result result; // go the the start of the next fragment result = m_FragmentStream->Seek(m_NextFragmentPosition); if (AP4_FAILED(result)) return result; // read atoms until we find a moof assert(m_HasFragments); if (!m_FragmentStream) return AP4_ERROR_INVALID_STATE; do { AP4_Atom* atom = NULL; result = AP4_DefaultAtomFactory::Instance.CreateAtomFromStream(*m_FragmentStream, atom); if (AP4_SUCCEEDED(result)) { if (atom->GetType() == AP4_ATOM_TYPE_MOOF) { AP4_ContainerAtom* moof = AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_ContainerAtom, atom); if (moof) { // remember where we are in the stream AP4_Position position = 0; m_FragmentStream->Tell(position); // process the movie fragment result = ProcessMoof(moof, position-atom->GetSize(), position+8); if (AP4_FAILED(result)) return result; // compute where the next fragment will be AP4_UI32 size; AP4_UI32 type; m_FragmentStream->Tell(position); result = m_FragmentStream->ReadUI32(size); if (AP4_FAILED(result)) return AP4_SUCCESS; // can't read more result = m_FragmentStream->ReadUI32(type); if (AP4_FAILED(result)) return AP4_SUCCESS; // can't read more if (size == 0) { m_NextFragmentPosition = 0; } else if (size == 1) { AP4_UI64 size_64 = 0; result = m_FragmentStream->ReadUI64(size_64); if (AP4_FAILED(result)) return AP4_SUCCESS; // can't read more m_NextFragmentPosition = position+size_64; } else { m_NextFragmentPosition = position+size; } return AP4_SUCCESS; } else { delete atom; } } else { delete atom; } } } while (AP4_SUCCEEDED(result)); return AP4_ERROR_EOS; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | AP4_StsdAtom::AP4_StsdAtom +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ AP4_StsdAtom::AP4_StsdAtom(AP4_SampleTable* sample_table) : AP4_ContainerAtom(AP4_ATOM_TYPE_STSD, 4+AP4_FULL_ATOM_HEADER_SIZE, true) { AP4_Cardinal sample_description_count = sample_table->GetSampleDescriptionCount(); m_SampleDescriptions.EnsureCapacity(sample_description_count); for (AP4_Ordinal i=0; i<sample_description_count; i++) { // clear the cache entry m_SampleDescriptions.Append(NULL); // create an entry for the description AP4_SampleDescription* sample_description = sample_table->GetSampleDescription(i); AP4_Atom* entry = sample_description->ToAtom(); m_Children.Add(entry); // update the size m_Size += entry->GetSize(); } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | AP4_Processor::MuxStream +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ AP4_Result AP4_Processor::MuxStream( AP4_Array<AP4_ByteStream *> &input, AP4_ByteStream& output, AP4_UI08 partitions, AP4_AtomFactory& atom_factory) { AP4_Result result; AP4_UI64 stream_offset = 0; if (partitions & 1) { // read all atoms. // keep all atoms except [mdat] // keep a ref to [moov] // put [moof] atoms in a separate list AP4_AtomParent top_level; AP4_Array<AP4_MoovAtom*> moov; AP4_Size track_count(0); for(AP4_Size streamid(0); streamid < input.ItemCount(); ++streamid) { for (AP4_Atom* atom = NULL; AP4_SUCCEEDED(atom_factory.CreateAtomFromStream(*input[streamid], atom)); input[streamid]->Tell(stream_offset)) { if (atom->GetType() == AP4_ATOM_TYPE_MFRA) { delete atom; continue; } else if (atom->GetType() == AP4_ATOM_TYPE_SIDX) { delete atom; continue; } else if (atom->GetType() == AP4_ATOM_TYPE_SSIX) { delete atom; continue; } if (streamid == 0) top_level.AddChild(atom); else if (atom->GetType() != AP4_ATOM_TYPE_MOOV) delete atom; if (atom->GetType() == AP4_ATOM_TYPE_MOOV) { moov.Append(AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_MoovAtom,atom)); break; } } if (moov.ItemCount() == streamid) return AP4_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; while (AP4_SUCCEEDED(moov[streamid]->DeleteChild(AP4_ATOM_TYPE_PSSH, 0))); // Remove tracks we cannot handle for (AP4_List<AP4_TrakAtom>::Item *item(moov[streamid]->GetTrakAtoms().FirstItem()); item;) if (!item->GetData()->FindChild("mdia/minf/stbl")) moov[streamid]->GetTrakAtoms().Remove(item); else item = item->GetNext(); track_count += moov[streamid]->GetTrakAtoms().ItemCount(); } // initialize the processor if (AP4_FAILED(result = Initialize(top_level, *input[0]))) return result; // process the tracks if we have a moov atom m_TrackData.SetItemCount(track_count); m_StreamData.SetItemCount(input.ItemCount()); //NormalizeTREX(mvex, 0, m_TrackCounts[0], m_TrackCounts[1]); AP4_Cardinal internal_index(0); AP4_ContainerAtom *mvex_base(0); AP4_List<AP4_TrakAtom>::Item *item = NULL; for (AP4_Size streamid(0); streamid < input.ItemCount(); ++streamid) { m_StreamData[streamid].trackStart = internal_index; m_StreamData[streamid].stream = input[streamid]; if (streamid) moov[0]->AddTrakAtoms(moov[streamid]->GetTrakAtoms(), item); else item = moov[streamid]->GetTrakAtoms().FirstItem(); for (; item; item = item->GetNext()) { PERTRACK &track_data(m_TrackData[internal_index]); track_data.original_id = item->GetData()->GetId(); item->GetData()->SetId(track_data.new_id = internal_index + 1); if (AP4_MdhdAtom* mdhd = AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_MdhdAtom, item->GetData()->FindChild("mdia/mdhd"))) track_data.timescale = mdhd->GetTimeScale(); else track_data.timescale = 1; AP4_ContainerAtom *mvex = AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_ContainerAtom, moov[streamid]->GetChild(AP4_ATOM_TYPE_MVEX, 0)); if (!mvex) return AP4_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; if (!item->GetData()->GetDuration()) { AP4_MehdAtom *mehd(AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_MehdAtom, mvex->GetChild(AP4_ATOM_TYPE_MEHD, 0))); item->GetData()->SetDuration(mehd? mehd->GetDuration():0); } AP4_TrexAtom *trex(NULL); unsigned int index(0); for (; !trex && (trex = AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_TrexAtom, mvex->GetChild(AP4_ATOM_TYPE_TREX, index++)));) if(trex->GetTrackId() != track_data.original_id) trex = NULL; if (!trex) return AP4_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; if (mvex_base) { trex = AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_TrexAtom, trex->Clone()); mvex_base->AddChild(trex); } else mvex_base = mvex; trex->SetTrackId(track_data.new_id); track_data.track_handler = CreateTrackHandler(item->GetData(), trex); track_data.track_handler->ProcessTrack(); track_data.streamId = streamid; ++m_StreamData[streamid].trackCount; ++internal_index; } } // We don't need the other moovs anymore..... moov.SetItemCount(1); AP4_MvhdAtom *mvhd(AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_MvhdAtom, moov[0]->GetChild(AP4_ATOM_TYPE_MVHD, 0))); if (!mvhd->GetDuration()) { AP4_MehdAtom *mehd(AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_MehdAtom, mvex_base->GetChild(AP4_ATOM_TYPE_MEHD, 0))); mvhd->SetDuration(mehd ? mehd->GetDuration() : 0); } // finalize the processor Finalize(top_level); // calculate the size of all atoms combined AP4_UI64 atoms_size = 0; top_level.GetChildren().Apply(AP4_AtomSizeAdder(atoms_size)); // write all atoms top_level.GetChildren().Apply(AP4_AtomListWriter(output)); m_MoovAtom = moov[0]; m_MoovAtom->Detach(); } if (partitions & 2) { // process the fragments, if any result = AP4_SUCCESS; AP4_Array<AP4_UI64> moof_positions, mdat_positions; moof_positions.SetItemCount(input.ItemCount()); mdat_positions.SetItemCount(input.ItemCount()); for (;;) { AP4_ContainerAtom *moof = NULL; AP4_UI32 track_index(0); #if 0 for (AP4_Cardinal streamid(0); streamid < input.ItemCount(); ++streamid) { AP4_Atom* atom = NULL; if (AP4_SUCCEEDED(input[streamid]->Tell(stream_offset)) && AP4_SUCCEEDED(atom_factory.CreateAtomFromStream(*input[streamid], atom))) { if (atom->GetType() != AP4_ATOM_TYPE_MOOF) return AP4_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; moof_positions[streamid] = stream_offset; mdat_positions[streamid] = stream_offset + atom->GetSize() + +AP4_ATOM_HEADER_SIZE; if (moof) { int index(0); for (; AP4_Atom* child = AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_ContainerAtom, atom)->GetChild(AP4_ATOM_TYPE_TRAF, index++);) moof->AddChild(child->Clone()); delete atom; } else moof = AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_ContainerAtom, atom); NormalizeTRAF(AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_ContainerAtom, moof), m_StreamData[streamid].trackStart, m_StreamData[streamid].trackStart + m_StreamData[streamid].trackCount, track_index); } else delete atom; } #else double mindts(9999999999.0); AP4_Cardinal nextStream(~0); for (AP4_Cardinal track(0); track < m_TrackData.ItemCount(); ++track) if ((double)m_TrackData[track].dts / m_TrackData[track].timescale < mindts) { mindts = (double)m_TrackData[track].dts / m_TrackData[track].timescale; nextStream = m_TrackData[track].streamId; } AP4_Atom* atom = NULL; if (AP4_SUCCEEDED(result = input[nextStream]->Tell(stream_offset)) && AP4_SUCCEEDED(result = atom_factory.CreateAtomFromStream(*input[nextStream], atom))) { if (atom->GetType() != AP4_ATOM_TYPE_MOOF) return AP4_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } else if (atom) return result; moof_positions[nextStream] = stream_offset; mdat_positions[nextStream] = stream_offset + atom->GetSize() + +AP4_ATOM_HEADER_SIZE; moof = AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_ContainerAtom, atom); NormalizeTRAF(AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_ContainerAtom, moof), m_StreamData[nextStream].trackStart, m_StreamData[nextStream].trackStart + m_StreamData[nextStream].trackCount, track_index); #endif if (!moof) break; if (AP4_FAILED(result = ProcessFragment(moof, NULL, 0, output, moof_positions, mdat_positions))) return result; delete moof; moof = NULL; } // cleanup m_TrackData.Clear(); m_StreamData.Clear(); } return AP4_SUCCESS; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | AP4_Processor::Process +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ AP4_Result AP4_Processor::Process(AP4_ByteStream& input, AP4_ByteStream& output, AP4_ByteStream* fragments, ProgressListener* listener, AP4_AtomFactory& atom_factory) { // read all atoms. // keep all atoms except [mdat] // keep a ref to [moov] // put [moof] atoms in a separate list AP4_AtomParent top_level; AP4_MoovAtom* moov = NULL; AP4_ContainerAtom* mfra = NULL; AP4_SidxAtom* sidx = NULL; AP4_List<AP4_AtomLocator> frags; AP4_UI64 stream_offset = 0; bool in_fragments = false; unsigned int sidx_count = 0; for (AP4_Atom* atom = NULL; AP4_SUCCEEDED(atom_factory.CreateAtomFromStream(input, atom)); input.Tell(stream_offset)) { if (atom->GetType() == AP4_ATOM_TYPE_MDAT) { delete atom; continue; } else if (atom->GetType() == AP4_ATOM_TYPE_MOOV) { moov = AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_MoovAtom, atom); if (fragments) break; } else if (atom->GetType() == AP4_ATOM_TYPE_MFRA) { mfra = AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_ContainerAtom, atom); continue; } else if (atom->GetType() == AP4_ATOM_TYPE_SIDX) { // don't keep the index, it is likely to be invalidated, we will recompute it later ++sidx_count; if (sidx == NULL) { sidx = AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_SidxAtom, atom); } else { delete atom; continue; } } else if (atom->GetType() == AP4_ATOM_TYPE_SSIX) { // don't keep the index, it is likely to be invalidated delete atom; continue; } else if (!fragments && (in_fragments || atom->GetType() == AP4_ATOM_TYPE_MOOF)) { in_fragments = true; frags.Add(new AP4_AtomLocator(atom, stream_offset)); break; } top_level.AddChild(atom); } // check that we have at most one sidx (we can't deal with multi-sidx streams here if (sidx_count > 1) { top_level.RemoveChild(sidx); delete sidx; sidx = NULL; } // if we have a fragments stream, get the fragment locators from there if (fragments) { stream_offset = 0; for (AP4_Atom* atom = NULL; AP4_SUCCEEDED(atom_factory.CreateAtomFromStream(*fragments, atom)); fragments->Tell(stream_offset)) { if (atom->GetType() == AP4_ATOM_TYPE_MDAT) { delete atom; continue; } frags.Add(new AP4_AtomLocator(atom, stream_offset)); } } // initialize the processor AP4_Result result = Initialize(top_level, input); if (AP4_FAILED(result)) return result; // process the tracks if we have a moov atom AP4_Array<AP4_SampleLocator> locators; AP4_Cardinal track_count = 0; AP4_List<AP4_TrakAtom>* trak_atoms = NULL; AP4_LargeSize mdat_payload_size = 0; AP4_SampleCursor* cursors = NULL; if (moov) { // build an array of track sample locators trak_atoms = &moov->GetTrakAtoms(); track_count = trak_atoms->ItemCount(); cursors = new AP4_SampleCursor[track_count]; m_TrackData.SetItemCount(track_count); m_StreamData.SetItemCount(1); m_StreamData[0].stream = &input; unsigned int index = 0; for (AP4_List<AP4_TrakAtom>::Item* item = trak_atoms->FirstItem(); item; item=item->GetNext()) { AP4_TrakAtom* trak = item->GetData(); // find the stsd atom AP4_ContainerAtom* stbl = AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_ContainerAtom, trak->FindChild("mdia/minf/stbl")); if (stbl == NULL) continue; // see if there's an external data source for this track AP4_ByteStream* trak_data_stream = &input; for (AP4_List<ExternalTrackData>::Item* ditem = m_ExternalTrackData.FirstItem(); ditem; ditem=ditem->GetNext()) { ExternalTrackData* tdata = ditem->GetData(); if (tdata->m_TrackId == trak->GetId()) { trak_data_stream = tdata->m_MediaData; break; } } AP4_ContainerAtom *mvex = AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_ContainerAtom, moov->GetChild(AP4_ATOM_TYPE_MVEX)); AP4_TrexAtom* trex = NULL; if (mvex) { for (AP4_List<AP4_Atom>::Item* item = mvex->GetChildren().FirstItem(); item; item = item->GetNext()) { AP4_Atom* atom = item->GetData(); if (atom->GetType() == AP4_ATOM_TYPE_TREX) { trex = AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_TrexAtom, atom); if (trex && trex->GetTrackId() == trak->GetId()) break; trex = NULL; } } } // create the track handler m_TrackData[index].track_handler = CreateTrackHandler(trak, trex); m_TrackData[index].new_id = trak->GetId(); cursors[index].m_Locator.m_TrakIndex = index; cursors[index].m_Locator.m_SampleTable = new AP4_AtomSampleTable(stbl, *trak_data_stream); cursors[index].m_Locator.m_SampleIndex = 0; cursors[index].m_Locator.m_ChunkIndex = 0; if (cursors[index].m_Locator.m_SampleTable->GetSampleCount()) { cursors[index].m_Locator.m_SampleTable->GetSample(0, cursors[index].m_Locator.m_Sample); } else { cursors[index].m_EndReached = true; } index++; } // figure out the layout of the chunks for (;;) { // see which is the next sample to write AP4_UI64 min_offset = (AP4_UI64)(-1); int cursor = -1; for (unsigned int i=0; i<track_count; i++) { if (!cursors[i].m_EndReached && cursors[i].m_Locator.m_Sample.GetOffset() <= min_offset) { min_offset = cursors[i].m_Locator.m_Sample.GetOffset(); cursor = i; } } // stop if all cursors are exhausted if (cursor == -1) break; // append this locator to the layout list AP4_SampleLocator& locator = cursors[cursor].m_Locator; locators.Append(locator); // move the cursor to the next sample locator.m_SampleIndex++; if (locator.m_SampleIndex == locator.m_SampleTable->GetSampleCount()) { // mark this track as completed cursors[cursor].m_EndReached = true; } else { // get the next sample info locator.m_SampleTable->GetSample(locator.m_SampleIndex, locator.m_Sample); AP4_Ordinal skip, sdesc; locator.m_SampleTable->GetChunkForSample(locator.m_SampleIndex, locator.m_ChunkIndex, skip, sdesc); } } // update the stbl atoms and compute the mdat size int current_track = -1; int current_chunk = -1; AP4_Position current_chunk_offset = 0; AP4_Size current_chunk_size = 0; for (AP4_Ordinal i=0; i<locators.ItemCount(); i++) { AP4_SampleLocator& locator = locators[i]; if ((int)locator.m_TrakIndex != current_track || (int)locator.m_ChunkIndex != current_chunk) { // start a new chunk for this track current_chunk_offset += current_chunk_size; current_chunk_size = 0; current_track = locator.m_TrakIndex; current_chunk = locator.m_ChunkIndex; locator.m_SampleTable->SetChunkOffset(locator.m_ChunkIndex, current_chunk_offset); } AP4_Size sample_size; TrackHandler* handler = m_TrackData[locator.m_TrakIndex].track_handler; if (handler) { sample_size = handler->GetProcessedSampleSize(locator.m_Sample); locator.m_SampleTable->SetSampleSize(locator.m_SampleIndex, sample_size); } else { sample_size = locator.m_Sample.GetSize(); } current_chunk_size += sample_size; mdat_payload_size += sample_size; } // process the tracks (ex: sample descriptions processing) for (AP4_Ordinal i=0; i<track_count; i++) { TrackHandler* handler = m_TrackData[i].track_handler; if (handler) handler->ProcessTrack(); } } // finalize the processor Finalize(top_level); if (!fragments) { // calculate the size of all atoms combined AP4_UI64 atoms_size = 0; top_level.GetChildren().Apply(AP4_AtomSizeAdder(atoms_size)); // see if we need a 64-bit or 32-bit mdat AP4_Size mdat_header_size = AP4_ATOM_HEADER_SIZE; if (mdat_payload_size+mdat_header_size > 0xFFFFFFFF) { // we need a 64-bit size mdat_header_size += 8; } // adjust the chunk offsets for (AP4_Ordinal i=0; i<track_count; i++) { AP4_TrakAtom* trak; trak_atoms->Get(i, trak); trak->AdjustChunkOffsets(atoms_size+mdat_header_size); } // write all atoms top_level.GetChildren().Apply(AP4_AtomListWriter(output)); // write mdat header if (mdat_payload_size) { if (mdat_header_size == AP4_ATOM_HEADER_SIZE) { // 32-bit size output.WriteUI32((AP4_UI32)(mdat_header_size+mdat_payload_size)); output.WriteUI32(AP4_ATOM_TYPE_MDAT); } else { // 64-bit size output.WriteUI32(1); output.WriteUI32(AP4_ATOM_TYPE_MDAT); output.WriteUI64(mdat_header_size+mdat_payload_size); } } } // write the samples if (moov) { if (!fragments) { #if defined(AP4_DEBUG) AP4_Position before; output.Tell(before); #endif AP4_Sample sample; AP4_DataBuffer data_in; AP4_DataBuffer data_out; for (unsigned int i=0; i<locators.ItemCount(); i++) { AP4_SampleLocator& locator = locators[i]; locator.m_Sample.ReadData(data_in); TrackHandler* handler = m_TrackData[locator.m_TrakIndex].track_handler; if (handler) { result = handler->ProcessSample(data_in, data_out); if (AP4_FAILED(result)) return result; output.Write(data_out.GetData(), data_out.GetDataSize()); } else { output.Write(data_in.GetData(), data_in.GetDataSize()); } // notify the progress listener if (listener) { listener->OnProgress(i+1, locators.ItemCount()); } } #if defined(AP4_DEBUG) AP4_Position after; output.Tell(after); AP4_ASSERT(after-before == mdat_payload_size); #endif } else m_StreamData[0].stream = fragments; // find the position of the sidx atom AP4_Position sidx_position = 0; if (sidx) { for (AP4_List<AP4_Atom>::Item* item = top_level.GetChildren().FirstItem(); item; item = item->GetNext()) { AP4_Atom* atom = item->GetData(); if (atom->GetType() == AP4_ATOM_TYPE_SIDX) { break; } sidx_position += atom->GetSize(); } } // process the fragments, if any AP4_Array<AP4_Position> moof_offsets, mdat_offsets; moof_offsets.SetItemCount(1); mdat_offsets.SetItemCount(1); while (frags.ItemCount() > 0) { for (AP4_List<AP4_AtomLocator>::Item *locator(frags.FirstItem()); locator; locator = locator->GetNext()) { AP4_ContainerAtom *moof(AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_ContainerAtom, locator->GetData()->m_Atom)); moof_offsets[0] = locator->GetData()->m_Offset; mdat_offsets[0] = moof_offsets[0] + moof->GetSize() + AP4_ATOM_HEADER_SIZE; result = ProcessFragment(moof, sidx, sidx_position, output, moof_offsets, mdat_offsets); if (AP4_FAILED(result)) return result; } frags.DeleteReferences(); AP4_Atom* atom = NULL; input.Tell(stream_offset); if (AP4_SUCCEEDED(atom_factory.CreateAtomFromStream(input, atom))) { if (atom->GetType() == AP4_ATOM_TYPE_MOOF) frags.Add(new AP4_AtomLocator(atom, stream_offset)); else delete atom; } } // update the mfra if we have one if (mfra) { for (AP4_List<AP4_Atom>::Item* mfra_item = mfra->GetChildren().FirstItem(); mfra_item; mfra_item = mfra_item->GetNext()) { if (mfra_item->GetData()->GetType() != AP4_ATOM_TYPE_TFRA) continue; AP4_TfraAtom* tfra = AP4_DYNAMIC_CAST(AP4_TfraAtom, mfra_item->GetData()); if (tfra == NULL) continue; AP4_Array<AP4_TfraAtom::Entry>& entries = tfra->GetEntries(); AP4_Cardinal entry_count = entries.ItemCount(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i<entry_count; i++) { entries[i].m_MoofOffset = FindFragmentMapEntry(entries[i].m_MoofOffset); } } } // update and re-write the sidx if we have one if (sidx && sidx_position) { AP4_Position where = 0; output.Tell(where); output.Seek(sidx_position); result = sidx->Write(output); if (AP4_FAILED(result)) return result; output.Seek(where); } if (!fragments) { // write the mfra atom at the end if we have one if (mfra) { mfra->Write(output); } } // cleanup for (AP4_Ordinal i=0; i<track_count; i++) delete cursors[i].m_Locator.m_SampleTable; m_TrackData.Clear(); delete[] cursors; } // cleanup frags.DeleteReferences(); delete mfra; return AP4_SUCCESS; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Mp4ParserOutput_SetSampleDescription +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static BLT_Result Mp4ParserOutput_SetSampleDescription(Mp4ParserOutput* self, unsigned int indx) { // if we had a decrypter before, release it now delete self->sample_decrypter; self->sample_decrypter = NULL; // check that the audio track is of the right type AP4_SampleDescription* sample_desc = self->track->GetSampleDescription(indx); if (sample_desc == NULL) { ATX_LOG_FINE("no sample description for track"); return BLT_ERROR_INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT; } // handle encrypted tracks BLT_Result result = Mp4ParserOutput_ProcessCryptoInfo(self, sample_desc); if (BLT_FAILED(result)) return result; // update the generic part of the stream info BLT_StreamInfo stream_info; stream_info.id = self->track->GetId(); stream_info.duration = self->track->GetDurationMs(); stream_info.mask = BLT_STREAM_INFO_MASK_ID | BLT_STREAM_INFO_MASK_DURATION; // deal with audio details, if this is an audio track AP4_AudioSampleDescription* audio_desc = dynamic_cast<AP4_AudioSampleDescription*>(sample_desc); if (audio_desc) { ATX_LOG_FINE("sample description is audio"); stream_info.type = BLT_STREAM_TYPE_AUDIO; stream_info.channel_count = audio_desc->GetChannelCount(); stream_info.sample_rate = audio_desc->GetSampleRate(); stream_info.mask |= BLT_STREAM_INFO_MASK_TYPE | BLT_STREAM_INFO_MASK_CHANNEL_COUNT | BLT_STREAM_INFO_MASK_SAMPLE_RATE; } else if (self == &self->parser->audio_output) { ATX_LOG_FINE("expected audio sample description, but did not get one"); return BLT_ERROR_INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT; } AP4_VideoSampleDescription* video_desc = dynamic_cast<AP4_VideoSampleDescription*>(sample_desc); if (video_desc) { ATX_LOG_FINE("sample description is video"); stream_info.type = BLT_STREAM_TYPE_VIDEO; stream_info.width = video_desc->GetWidth(); stream_info.height = video_desc->GetHeight(); stream_info.mask |= BLT_STREAM_INFO_MASK_TYPE | BLT_STREAM_INFO_MASK_WIDTH | BLT_STREAM_INFO_MASK_HEIGHT; } else if (self == &self->parser->video_output) { ATX_LOG_FINE("expected video sample descriton, but did not get one"); return BLT_ERROR_INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT; } AP4_MpegSampleDescription* mpeg_desc = NULL; if (sample_desc->GetType() == AP4_SampleDescription::TYPE_MPEG) { ATX_LOG_FINE("sample description is of type MPEG"); mpeg_desc = dynamic_cast<AP4_MpegSampleDescription*>(sample_desc); } if (mpeg_desc) { stream_info.data_type = mpeg_desc->GetObjectTypeString(mpeg_desc->GetObjectTypeId()); stream_info.average_bitrate = mpeg_desc->GetAvgBitrate(); stream_info.nominal_bitrate = mpeg_desc->GetAvgBitrate(); stream_info.mask |= BLT_STREAM_INFO_MASK_AVERAGE_BITRATE | BLT_STREAM_INFO_MASK_NOMINAL_BITRATE | BLT_STREAM_INFO_MASK_DATA_TYPE; } // setup the output media type AP4_DataBuffer decoder_info; BLT_MediaTypeId media_type_id = BLT_MEDIA_TYPE_ID_NONE; AP4_UI32 format_or_object_type_id = 0; if (mpeg_desc) { decoder_info.SetData(mpeg_desc->GetDecoderInfo().GetData(), mpeg_desc->GetDecoderInfo().GetDataSize()); media_type_id = self->mp4_es_type_id; format_or_object_type_id = mpeg_desc->GetObjectTypeId(); } else { // here we have to be format-specific for the decoder info stream_info.data_type = AP4_GetFormatName(sample_desc->GetFormat()); stream_info.mask |= BLT_STREAM_INFO_MASK_DATA_TYPE; format_or_object_type_id = sample_desc->GetFormat(); if (sample_desc->GetFormat() == AP4_SAMPLE_FORMAT_AVC1) { // look for an 'avcC' atom AP4_AvccAtom* avcc = static_cast<AP4_AvccAtom*>(sample_desc->GetDetails().GetChild(AP4_ATOM_TYPE_AVCC)); if (avcc) { // pass the avcc payload as the decoder info decoder_info.SetData(avcc->GetRawBytes().GetData(), avcc->GetRawBytes().GetDataSize()); } } else if (sample_desc->GetFormat() == AP4_SAMPLE_FORMAT_ALAC) { // look for an 'alac' atom (either top-level or inside a 'wave') AP4_Atom* alac = sample_desc->GetDetails().GetChild(AP4_SAMPLE_FORMAT_ALAC); if (alac == NULL) { AP4_ContainerAtom* wave = dynamic_cast<AP4_ContainerAtom*>(sample_desc->GetDetails().GetChild(AP4_ATOM_TYPE_WAVE)); if (wave) { alac = wave->GetChild(AP4_SAMPLE_FORMAT_ALAC); } } if (alac) { // pass the alac payload as the decoder info AP4_MemoryByteStream* mbs = new AP4_MemoryByteStream((AP4_Size)alac->GetSize()); alac->WriteFields(*mbs); decoder_info.SetData(mbs->GetData(), mbs->GetDataSize()); mbs->Release(); } } media_type_id = self->iso_base_es_type_id; } BLT_Mp4MediaType* media_type = NULL; unsigned int struct_size = decoder_info.GetDataSize()?decoder_info.GetDataSize()-1:0; if (audio_desc) { struct_size += sizeof(BLT_Mp4AudioMediaType); BLT_Mp4AudioMediaType* audio_type = (BLT_Mp4AudioMediaType*)ATX_AllocateZeroMemory(struct_size);; audio_type->base.stream_type = BLT_MP4_STREAM_TYPE_AUDIO; audio_type->channel_count = audio_desc->GetChannelCount(); audio_type->sample_rate = audio_desc->GetSampleRate(); audio_type->decoder_info_length = decoder_info.GetDataSize(); if (decoder_info.GetDataSize()) { ATX_CopyMemory(&audio_type->decoder_info[0], decoder_info.GetData(), decoder_info.GetDataSize()); } media_type = &audio_type->base; } else { struct_size += sizeof(BLT_Mp4VideoMediaType); BLT_Mp4VideoMediaType* video_type = (BLT_Mp4VideoMediaType*)ATX_AllocateZeroMemory(struct_size); video_type->base.stream_type = BLT_MP4_STREAM_TYPE_VIDEO; video_type->width = video_desc->GetWidth(); video_type->height = video_desc->GetHeight(); video_type->decoder_info_length = decoder_info.GetDataSize(); if (decoder_info.GetDataSize()) { ATX_CopyMemory(&video_type->decoder_info[0], decoder_info.GetData(), decoder_info.GetDataSize()); } media_type = &video_type->base; } media_type->base.id = media_type_id; media_type->base.extension_size = struct_size-sizeof(BLT_MediaType); media_type->format_or_object_type_id = format_or_object_type_id; self->media_type = &media_type->base; self->sample_description_index = indx; // final update to the stream info BLT_Stream_SetInfo(ATX_BASE(self->parser, BLT_BaseMediaNode).context, &stream_info); // enable the track in the linear reader if we have one if (self->parser->input.reader) { self->parser->input.reader->EnableTrack(self->track->GetId()); } return BLT_SUCCESS; }