コード例 #1
ファイル: addresseelist.cpp プロジェクト: Fat-Zer/tdelibs
bool SortingTraits::GivenName::lt( const Addressee &a1, const Addressee &a2 )
  int given = TQString::localeAwareCompare( a1.givenName(), a2.givenName() );
  if ( 0 == given ) {
    return ( TQString::localeAwareCompare( a1.familyName(), a2.familyName() ) < 0 );
  } else {
    return given < 0;
コード例 #2
bool SortingTraits::FamilyName::lt( const Addressee &a1, const Addressee &a2 )
    int family = QString::localeAwareCompare( a1.familyName(), a2.familyName() );
    if ( 0 == family ) {
        return ( QString::localeAwareCompare( a1.givenName(), a2.givenName() ) < 0 );
    } else {
        return family < 0;
コード例 #3
void AddresseeEditorWidget::nameTextChanged( const QString &text )
  // use the addressee class to parse the name for us
  AddresseeConfig config( mAddressee );
  if ( config.automaticNameParsing() ) {
    if ( !mAddressee.formattedName().isEmpty() ) {
      QString fn = mAddressee.formattedName();
      mAddressee.setNameFromString( text );
      mAddressee.setFormattedName( fn );
    } else {
      // use extra addressee to avoid a formatted name assignment
      Addressee addr;
      addr.setNameFromString( text );
      mAddressee.setPrefix( addr.prefix() );
      mAddressee.setGivenName( addr.givenName() );
      mAddressee.setAdditionalName( addr.additionalName() );
      mAddressee.setFamilyName( addr.familyName() );
      mAddressee.setSuffix( addr.suffix() );


コード例 #4
bool KABCHandler::getNames(const QString& uid, QCString& givenName,
                           QCString& familyName, QCString& fullName) const
    Addressee contact = m_addressBook->findByUid(uid);

    if (contact.isEmpty()) return false;

    givenName  = contact.givenName().utf8();
    familyName = contact.familyName().utf8();
    fullName   = contact.assembledName().utf8();

    return true;
コード例 #5
void VCardFormatImpl::addNValue( VCARD::VCard *vcard, const Addressee &a )
  ContentLine cl;
  cl.setName(EntityTypeToParamName( EntityN ) );
  NValue *v = new NValue;
  v->setFamily( a.familyName().utf8() );
  v->setGiven( a.givenName().utf8() );
  v->setMiddle( a.additionalName().utf8() );
  v->setPrefix( a.prefix().utf8() );
  v->setSuffix( a.suffix().utf8() );

  cl.setValue( v );
コード例 #6
void ResourceSlox::createAddresseeFields( QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &prop,
                                          const Addressee &a )
  // choose addressbook
  WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( FolderId ), mPrefs->folderId() );

  // person
  WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( GivenName ), a.givenName() );
  WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( FamilyName ), a.familyName() );
  WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( Title ), a.title() );
  if ( !a.birthday().isNull() )
    WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( Birthday ),
                                   WebdavHandler::qDateTimeToSlox( a.birthday() ) );
    WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( Birthday ) );
  WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( Role ), a.role() );
  WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( Department ),
                                 a.custom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "X-Department" ) );
  if ( type() == "ox" ) { // OX only fields
    WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( DisplayName ), a.formattedName() );
    WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( SecondName ), a.additionalName() );
    WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( Suffix ), a.suffix() );
    WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( Organization ), a.organization() );
    WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( NickName ), a.nickName() );
    WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( InstantMsg ),
                                   a.custom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "X-IMAddress" ) );
    WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( Office ),
                                   a.custom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "X-Office" ) );
    WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( Profession ),
                                   a.custom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "X-Profession" ) );
    WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( ManagersName ),
                                   a.custom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "X-ManagersName" ) );
    WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( AssistantsName ),
                                   a.custom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "X-AssistantsName" ) );
    WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( SpousesName ),
                                   a.custom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "X-SpousesName" ) );
    QString anniversary = a.custom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "X-Anniversary" );
    if ( !anniversary.isEmpty() )
      WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( Anniversary ),
        WebdavHandler::qDateTimeToSlox( QDateTime::fromString( anniversary, Qt::ISODate ).date() ) );
      WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( Anniversary ) );

  WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( Url ), a.url().url() );
  WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( Comment ), a.note() );
  WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( Categories ), a.categories().join( ", " ) );

  // emails
  QStringList email_list = a.emails();
  QStringList::const_iterator emails_it = email_list.begin();
  if ( emails_it != email_list.end() )
    WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( PrimaryEmail ), *(emails_it++) );
  if ( emails_it != email_list.end() )
    WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( SecondaryEmail1 ), *(emails_it++) );
  if ( emails_it != email_list.end() )
    WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( SecondaryEmail2 ), *(emails_it++) );

  // phone numbers
  PhoneNumber::List pnlist = a.phoneNumbers();
  QMap<int, QStringList> pnSaveMap;
  if ( type() == "ox" )
    pnSaveMap = mPhoneNumberOxMap;
    pnSaveMap = mPhoneNumberSloxMap;
  for ( PhoneNumber::List::ConstIterator it = pnlist.begin() ; it != pnlist.end(); ++it ) {
    if ( pnSaveMap.contains( (*it).type() ) ) {
      QStringList l = pnSaveMap[(*it).type()];
      QString fn = l.first();
      l.remove( l.begin() );
      if ( !l.isEmpty() )
        pnSaveMap[(*it).type()] = l;
        pnSaveMap.remove( (*it).type() );
      WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fn, (*it).number() );
    } else
      kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << "Can't save phone number " << (*it).number() << " of type " << (*it).type() << endl;
  // send empty fields for the remaining ohone number fields
  // it's not possible to delete phone numbers otherwise
  for ( QMap<int, QStringList>::ConstIterator it = pnSaveMap.begin(); it != pnSaveMap.end(); ++it ) {
    QStringList l = it.data();
    for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it2 = l.begin(); it2 != l.end(); ++it2 )
      WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, (*it2) );

  // write addresses
  createAddressFields( doc, prop, fieldName( HomePrefix ), a.address( KABC::Address::Home ) );
  if ( type() == "ox" ) {
    createAddressFields( doc, prop, fieldName( BusinessPrefix ), a.address( KABC::Address::Work ) );
    createAddressFields( doc, prop, fieldName( OtherPrefix ), a.address( 0 ) );
コード例 #7
bool LDIFConverter::addresseeToLDIF( const Addressee &addr, QString &str )
  if ( addr.isEmpty() )
      return false;

  QTextStream t( str, IO_WriteOnly|IO_Append );
  t.setEncoding( QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );

  const Address homeAddr = addr.address( Address::Home );
  const Address workAddr = addr.address( Address::Work );

  ldif_out( t, "dn", QString( "cn=%1,mail=%2" )
            .arg( addr.formattedName().simplifyWhiteSpace() )
            .arg( addr.preferredEmail() ) );
  ldif_out( t, "givenname", addr.givenName() );
  ldif_out( t, "sn", addr.familyName() );
  ldif_out( t, "cn", addr.formattedName().simplifyWhiteSpace() );
  ldif_out( t, "uid", addr.uid() );
  ldif_out( t, "nickname", addr.nickName() );
  ldif_out( t, "xmozillanickname", addr.nickName() );

  ldif_out( t, "mail", addr.preferredEmail() );
  if ( addr.emails().count() > 1 )
    ldif_out( t, "mozillasecondemail", addr.emails()[ 1 ] );
//ldif_out( t, "mozilla_AIMScreenName: %1\n", "screen_name" );

  ldif_out( t, "telephonenumber", addr.phoneNumber( PhoneNumber::Work ).number() );
  ldif_out( t, "facsimiletelephonenumber", addr.phoneNumber( PhoneNumber::Fax ).number() );
  ldif_out( t, "homephone", addr.phoneNumber( PhoneNumber::Home ).number() );
  ldif_out( t, "mobile", addr.phoneNumber( PhoneNumber::Cell ).number() ); // Netscape 7
  ldif_out( t, "cellphone", addr.phoneNumber( PhoneNumber::Cell ).number() ); // Netscape 4.x
  ldif_out( t, "pager", addr.phoneNumber( PhoneNumber::Pager ).number() );
  ldif_out( t, "pagerphone", addr.phoneNumber( PhoneNumber::Pager ).number() );

  ldif_out( t, "streethomeaddress", homeAddr.street() );
  ldif_out( t, "postalcode", workAddr.postalCode() );
  ldif_out( t, "postofficebox", workAddr.postOfficeBox() );

  QStringList streets = QStringList::split( '\n', homeAddr.street() );
  if ( streets.count() > 0 )
    ldif_out( t, "homepostaladdress", streets[ 0 ] ); // Netscape 7
  if ( streets.count() > 1 )
    ldif_out( t, "mozillahomepostaladdress2", streets[ 1 ] ); // Netscape 7
  ldif_out( t, "mozillahomelocalityname", homeAddr.locality() ); // Netscape 7
  ldif_out( t, "mozillahomestate", homeAddr.region() );
  ldif_out( t, "mozillahomepostalcode", homeAddr.postalCode() );
  ldif_out( t, "mozillahomecountryname", Address::ISOtoCountry(homeAddr.country()) );
  ldif_out( t, "locality", workAddr.locality() );
  ldif_out( t, "streetaddress", workAddr.street() ); // Netscape 4.x

  streets = QStringList::split( '\n', workAddr.street() );
  if ( streets.count() > 0 )
    ldif_out( t, "postaladdress", streets[ 0 ] );
  if ( streets.count() > 1 )
    ldif_out( t, "mozillapostaladdress2", streets[ 1 ] );
  ldif_out( t, "countryname", Address::ISOtoCountry(workAddr.country()) );
  ldif_out( t, "l", workAddr.locality() );
  ldif_out( t, "c", Address::ISOtoCountry(workAddr.country()) );
  ldif_out( t, "st", workAddr.region() );

  ldif_out( t, "title", addr.title() );
  ldif_out( t, "vocation", addr.prefix() );
  ldif_out( t, "ou", addr.role() );
  ldif_out( t, "o", addr.organization() );
  ldif_out( t, "organization", addr.organization() );
  ldif_out( t, "organizationname", addr.organization() );

  // Compatibility with older kabc versions.
  if ( !addr.department().isEmpty() )
    ldif_out( t, "department", addr.department() );
    ldif_out( t, "department", addr.custom("KADDRESSBOOK", "X-Department") );

  ldif_out( t, "workurl", addr.url().prettyURL() );
  ldif_out( t, "homeurl", addr.url().prettyURL() );
  ldif_out( t, "description", addr.note() );
  if (addr.revision().isValid())
    ldif_out(t, "modifytimestamp", dateToVCardString( addr.revision()) );

  t << "objectclass: top\n";
  t << "objectclass: person\n";
  t << "objectclass: organizationalPerson\n";

  t << "\n";

  return true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: addresseelist.cpp プロジェクト: Fat-Zer/tdelibs
bool SortingTraits::GivenName::eq( const Addressee &a1, const Addressee &a2 )
  return ( TQString::localeAwareCompare( a1.givenName(), a2.givenName() ) == 0
           && TQString::localeAwareCompare( a1.familyName(), a2.familyName() ) == 0 );