コード例 #1
/** Perform the move */
double AdmixtureEdgeReplaceResidualWeights::performSimpleMove( void ) {
  //  std::cout << "Admix Node Repl RW\n";
    failed = false;
    failedAdd = false;
    // Get random number generator
    RandomNumberGenerator* rng     = GLOBAL_RNG;
    AdmixtureTree& tau = variable->getValue();
    AdmixtureNode* root = &tau.getRoot();
    size_t numTaxa = tau.getNumberOfTips();

    std::vector<AdmixtureNode*> admixtureParents = tau.getAdmixtureParents();
    // if no admixtureParent exists, the proposal fails
    if (admixtureParents.size() == 0)
        failed = true;
    //    std::cout << "no admixture evts\n";
        return RbConstants::Double::neginf;
    // otherwise, proceed

        storedResiduals = residuals->getValue();
//        std::cout << "\nBEFORE\n";
//        for (size_t i = 0; i < numTaxa; i++)
//        {
//            for (size_t j = 0; j < numTaxa; j++)
//            {
//                double r = storedResiduals[i * numTaxa + j];
//                std::cout << r << " ";
//            }
//            std::cout << "\n";
//        }
        // proposal densities
//        double fwdProposal = 1.0;
//        double bwdProposal = 1.0;
        failed = false;
        failedAdd = false;

        // sample a random admixture parent node
        double u = rng->uniform01();
        size_t index = std::floor(admixtureParents.size() * u);
//        size_t numAdmixtureEdges = admixtureParents.size();
        // store admixture edge position
        storedAdmixtureParent = admixtureParents[index];
        storedAdmixtureChild = &storedAdmixtureParent->getAdmixtureChild();
        storedAdmixtureChildParent = &storedAdmixtureChild->getParent();
        storedAdmixtureChildChild = &storedAdmixtureChild->getChild(0);
        storedAdmixtureParentParent = &storedAdmixtureParent->getParent();
        storedAdmixtureParentChild = &storedAdmixtureParent->getChild(0);

//        std::cout << "rem " << tau.getAdmixtureEdgeStr(storedAdmixtureParent, storedAdmixtureChild) << "\n";
//        int oldChildBranchIdx = (int)storedAdmixtureChild->getTopologyChild(0).getIndex();
//        int oldParentBranchIdx = (int)storedAdmixtureParent->getTopologyChild(0).getIndex();
        // remove admixture edge from graph
        // get age for admixture event
        storedAdmixtureAge = storedAdmixtureChild->getAge();
        storedAdmixtureWeight = storedAdmixtureChild->getWeight();
        // initialize NA__
        newAdmixtureChildChild = storedAdmixtureChildChild;
        newAdmixtureChildParent = storedAdmixtureChildParent;
        newAdmixtureParentChild = storedAdmixtureParentChild;
        newAdmixtureParentParent = storedAdmixtureParentParent;

//        std::cout << "\nSAMPLE\n";
//        storedResiduals = residuals->getValue();
//        for (size_t i = 0; i < numTaxa; i++)
//        {
//            for (size_t j = 0; j < numTaxa; j++)
//            {
//                double r = storedResiduals[i * numTaxa + j];
//                std::cout << r << " ";
//            }
//            std::cout << "\n";
//        }
        // add event ...
        //std::cout << "\n\treplace, add\n";
        double maxStoredResidual = 0.0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < storedResiduals.size(); i++)
            if (storedResiduals[i] > maxStoredResidual)
                maxStoredResidual = storedResiduals[i];
        double lambda = delta / maxStoredResidual;
        //double lambda = 10.0;
        AdmixtureNode* nodeSrc = NULL;
        AdmixtureNode* nodeDst = NULL;
        size_t k_a = 0;
        size_t k_b = 0;
       // std::cout << "numTaxa\t" << numTaxa << "\n";
        //double v = rng->uniform01();
//        if (v < 0.5)
//        if (true)
//        {
            // get sum of positive residuals for each taxon against all other taxa
            std::vector<double> residualWeights_a(numTaxa,0.0);
            double sumResidualWeights_a = 0.0;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < numTaxa; i++)
                for (size_t j = 0; j < numTaxa; j++)
                    double r = storedResiduals[i * numTaxa + j];
                    r = exp(lambda*r);
                    if (r > 0.0 && i != j)
                    //if (i != j)
                        residualWeights_a[i] += r;
                        sumResidualWeights_a += r;
            // if there are no positive residuals, abort move
            if (sumResidualWeights_a == 0.0)
      //          std::cout << "no pos residuals\n";
                failedAdd = true;
                return RbConstants::Double::neginf;

            // sample taxon A from weights
            double u_a = rng->uniform01() * sumResidualWeights_a;
            double m_a = 0.0;
            //size_t k_a = 0;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < numTaxa; i++)
                m_a += residualWeights_a[i];
                if (m_a > u_a)
                    k_a = i;
                    nodeDst = &tau.getNode(k_a);
            //fwdProposal *= (residualWeights_a[k_a] / sumResidualWeights_a);
            // get sum of positive residuals for each taxon wrt taxon A
            std::vector<double> residualWeights_b(numTaxa,0.0);
            double sumResidualWeights_b = 0.0;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < numTaxa; i++)
                double r = storedResiduals[k_a * numTaxa + i];
                r = exp(lambda*r);
                if (r > 0.0 && k_a != i)
                //if (k_a != i)
                    residualWeights_b[i] += r;
                    sumResidualWeights_b += r;
            // sample taxon B from weights
            double u_b = rng->uniform01() * sumResidualWeights_b;
            double m_b = 0.0;
            //size_t k_b = 0;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < numTaxa; i++)
                m_b += residualWeights_b[i];
                if (m_b > u_b)
                    k_b = i;
                    nodeSrc = &tau.getNode(k_b);
//            std::cout << "rw_a\t";
//            for (size_t i = 0; i < numTaxa; i++)
//                std::cout << residualWeights_a[i] / sumResidualWeights_a << "\t";
//            std::cout << "\n";
//            std::cout << "pick " << k_a << " " << (residualWeights_a[k_a] / sumResidualWeights_a) << "\n";
//            std::cout << "rw_b\t";
//            for (size_t i = 0; i < numTaxa; i++)
//                std::cout << residualWeights_b[i] / sumResidualWeights_b << "\t";
//            std::cout << "\n";
//            std::cout << "pick " << k_b << " " <<  (residualWeights_b[k_b] / sumResidualWeights_b) << "\n";
            //fwdProposal *= (residualWeights_b[k_b] / sumResidualWeights_b);
//        }
//        else
//        {
//            //std::cout << "random\n";
//            k_a = rng->uniform01() * numTaxa;
//            do
//            {
//                k_b = rng->uniform01() * numTaxa;
//            } while(k_a == k_b);
//            nodeDst = &tau.getNode(k_a);
//            nodeSrc = &tau.getNode(k_b);
//        }
//        std::cout << "taxa pair\t" << k_a << "\t" << k_b << "\n";
        //std::cout << "fwdProposal\t" << fwdProposal << "\tlnFwdProposal\t" << log(fwdProposal) << "\n";
        // get path from tip to root for both nodes
        AdmixtureNode* nd_a = nodeDst;
        std::list<AdmixtureNode*> path_a;
    //    std::cout << "path_a : tip -> root\t" << nd_a << "\n";
        while (nd_a != NULL)
    //        std::cout << "\t" << nd_a << "\t" << nd_a->getAge() << "\n";
            nd_a = &nd_a->getParent();
        nd_a = path_a.back();
        AdmixtureNode* nd_b = nodeSrc;
        std::list<AdmixtureNode*> path_b;
    //    std::cout << "path_b : tip -> root\t" << nd_b << "\n";
        while (nd_b != NULL)
     //       std::cout << "\t" << nd_b << "\t" << nd_b->getAge() << "\n";
            nd_b = &nd_b->getParent();
        nd_b = path_b.back();
        // find the node where the paths diverge by traversing both paths from root to tip
        AdmixtureNode* mrca = nd_a;
     //   std::cout << "mrca : root -> tip\n";
        while (nd_a == nd_b && !path_a.empty() && !path_b.empty())
            mrca = nd_a;
     //       std::cout << "\t" << mrca << "\t" << mrca->getAge() << "\n";
            nd_a = path_a.back();
            nd_b = path_b.back();
        // sample u.a.r. between nd_b and present
        double minAge = nodeSrc->getAge();
        if (minAge < nodeDst->getAge())
            minAge = nodeDst->getAge();
        double maxAge = mrca->getAge();
        int mrcaChIdx = 0;
        // if (allowSisterAdmixture == false)
//        if (allowSisterAdmixture == false && mrca->getTopologyChild(0).isTip() == false && mrca->getTopologyChild(1).isTip() == false)
        if (allowSisterAdmixture == false)// && mrca->getTopologyChild(0).isTip() == false && mrca->getTopologyChild(1).isTip() == false)
            maxAge = mrca->getTopologyChild(0).getAge();
            if (maxAge < mrca->getTopologyChild(1).getAge())
                maxAge = mrca->getTopologyChild(1).getAge();
                mrcaChIdx = 1;
        if (maxAge <= minAge)
     //       std::cout << "maxAge <= minAge\t" << maxAge << " < " << minAge << "\n";
            failedAdd = true;
            return RbConstants::Double::neginf;
        //maxAge = mrca->getAge();
        //double admixtureAge = rng->uniform01() * (maxAge - minAge) + minAge;
        double exp_lambda = 2.0;
        double admixtureAge = RbStatistics::Beta::rv(1.0,exp_lambda, *rng) * (maxAge - minAge) + minAge;
        double a = 1.0;
        double b = 2.0;
        double admixtureWeight = RbStatistics::Beta::rv(a, b, *rng);
        //admixtureWeight /= 2;
        // attach edge as appropriate from aPath to bPath
        // front=0, back=1
     //   std::cout << "a_path : find admixtureAge\n";
        while (nd_a->getAge() > admixtureAge && !path_a.empty())
            nd_a = path_a.back();
       //     std::cout << "\t" << nd_a << "\t" << nd_a->getAge() << "\n";
            if (nd_a->getParent().getAge() > admixtureAge && nd_a->getAge() < admixtureAge)
        // ... prob of selecting a certain source branch
        // double t_a = nd_a->getParent().getAge();
        // fwdProposal *= t_a / (t_a - nodeSrc->getAge());
       // std::cout << "b_path : find admixtureAge\n";
        while (nd_b->getAge() > admixtureAge && !path_b.empty())
            nd_b = path_b.back();
        //    std::cout << "\t" << nd_b << "\t" << nd_b->getAge() << "\n";
            if (nd_b->getParent().getAge() > admixtureAge && nd_b->getAge() < admixtureAge)
        // placeholder for add
        // nd_a = storedAdmixtureParentChild;
        // nd_b = storedAdmixtureChildChild;
        double newAge = admixtureAge;
        double newWeight = admixtureWeight;
        //newWeight = storedAdmixtureWeight;
//        if (storedAdmixtureAge < maxAge && storedAdmixtureAge > minAge)
//            newAge = storedAdmixtureAge;
//        double newWeight = storedAdmixtureWeight;
       // std::cout << "age\t" << newAge << "\n";
      //  std::cout << "wt \t" << newWeight << "\n";

        // add into graph
        if (rng->uniform01() < 0.5)
            AdmixtureNode* tmp = nd_a;
            nd_a = nd_b;
            nd_b = tmp;
        // store adjacent nodes to new parent node
        newAdmixtureParentChild = nd_a;
        newAdmixtureParentParent = &nd_a->getParent();
        // insert admixtureParent into graph
        newAdmixtureParentParent->removeChild(newAdmixtureParentChild); // 
        // store adjacent nodes to new child node
        newAdmixtureChildChild = nd_b;
        newAdmixtureChildParent = &nd_b->getParent();
        // insert admixtureChild into graph
        // update with outgroup settings
//        std::cout << "add " << tau.getAdmixtureEdgeStr(storedAdmixtureParent, storedAdmixtureChild) << "\n";
//        variable->touch();
//        std::cout << "\nAFTER\n";
//        storedResiduals = residuals->getValue();
//        for (size_t i = 0; i < numTaxa; i++)
//        {
//            for (size_t j = 0; j < numTaxa; j++)
//            {
//                double r = storedResiduals[i * numTaxa + j];
//                std::cout << r << " ";
//            }
//            std::cout << "\n";
//        }

        // update branch rates
        //double lnBwdPropRates = 0.0;
        double delta = 0.0;
        // ... have oldBranchIdx already
        int newChildBranchIdx = (int)storedAdmixtureChild->getTopologyChild(0).getIndex();
        int newParentBranchIdx = (int)storedAdmixtureParent->getTopologyChild(0).getIndex();
        std::set<int> idxSet;

        //for (size_t i = 0; i < idxSet.size(); i++)
        for (std::set<int>::iterator it = idxSet.begin(); it != idxSet.end(); it++)
            int idx = *it;
            double v = branchRates[idx]->getValue();
            storedBranchRates[idx] = v;
            double u = exp(delta*(GLOBAL_RNG->uniform01() - 0.5));
            branchRates[idx]->setValue(new double(u * v));
  //          std::cout << "br " << idx << " " << v << " -> " << u*v << "\n";
            lnBwdPropRates += log(u);
     //   tau.checkAllEdgesRecursively(root);
        // ln hastings ratio
        //bwdProposal = 1.0 / numAdmixtureEdges;
        //fwdProposal = (residualWeights_a[k_a] / sumResidualWeights_a) * (residualWeights_b[k_b] / sumResidualWeights_b);
        double lnFwdProposal = log(fwdProposal);
        double lnBwdProposal = log(bwdProposal);
        return 0.0;
コード例 #2
void AdmixtureBipartitionSummaryMonitor::updateBipartitions(void)

    if (delayTimer->getValue() <= 0)

        // get tree object
        AdmixtureTree* tau = &tree->getValue();
        std::vector<AdmixtureNode*> nodes;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < tree->getValue().getNumberOfNodes(); i++)

        // map key iterator used for find()
        std::map<std::vector<bool>, std::vector<AdmixtureEdgeRecord> >::iterator it;

        // get partitions for all nodes
        bool firstRootHit = false;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++)
            AdmixtureNode* p = nodes[i];
            if (p->isRoot())
            else if (&p->getParent() == &tau->getRoot() && firstRootHit)
                firstRootHit = false;

            std::vector<bool> p_key = std::vector<bool>(numTaxa,false);
            std::vector<bool> c_key;

            AdmixtureEdgeRecord er(0,false,0,0,0,0);
            findTaxonBipartition(p_key, p);

            if (&p->getAdmixtureParent() != NULL)
                // admixture children are handled by the admixture parent case
            else if (&p->getAdmixtureChild() == NULL && &p->getAdmixtureParent() == NULL)
                // skip tips for tree partitions
                if (p->getNumberOfChildren() == 0)

                // topology nodes have complementary disjoint bipartitions

                er = AdmixtureEdgeRecord((int)numSamples,false,p->getWeight(),p->getAge(),p->getBranchLength(),branchRates->getValue()[p->getIndex()]);

                // if key exists, push on to existing value as copy of original node
                if (treeBipartitions.find(p_key) != treeBipartitions.end())
                    //std::cout << "\tpush\n";

                // otherwise, create new vector
                    std::vector<AdmixtureEdgeRecord> tmp(1,er);
                    treeBipartitions[p_key] = tmp;
                    //std::cout << "\tinsert\n";

            else if (&p->getAdmixtureChild() != NULL)
                // admixture parent-child pairs have disjoint bipartitions
                AdmixtureNode* c = &p->getAdmixtureChild();
                c_key = std::vector<bool>(numTaxa,false);
                findTaxonBipartition(c_key, c);
                er = AdmixtureEdgeRecord((int)numSamples,true,c->getWeight(),c->getAge(),c->getBranchLength(),branchRates->getValue()[c->getTopologyChild(0).getIndex()]);

                // if key exists, push on to existing value as copy of original node
                if (AdmixtureBipartitionSummarys.find(p_key) != AdmixtureBipartitionSummarys.end() && AdmixtureBipartitionSummarys.at(p_key).find(c_key) != AdmixtureBipartitionSummarys.at(p_key).end())

                // otherwise, create new vector
                    std::vector<AdmixtureEdgeRecord> tmp(1,er);
                    AdmixtureBipartitionSummarys[p_key][c_key] = tmp;
コード例 #3
/** Perform the move */
double AdmixtureEdgeReplaceResidualsFNPR::performSimpleMove( void ) {
    failed = false;
    numEvents = 0;
    AdmixtureTree& tau = variable->getValue();
    // Get random number generator
    RandomNumberGenerator* rng     = GLOBAL_RNG;
    // stage FNPR pointers
    size_t numIntNodes = tau.getNumberOfInteriorNodes();
    size_t numTaxa = tau.getNumberOfTips();
    pruneNode = NULL;
    while (pruneNode == NULL || pruneNode == &tau.getRoot() || pruneNode->getNumberOfChildren() != 2)
        pruneNode = &tau.getNode(rng->uniform01() * numIntNodes + numTaxa - 1);
    pruneParent = &pruneNode->getParent();
    //    for (size_t i = 0; i < pruneParent->getNumberOfChildren(); i++)
    //        std::cout << "\t" << &pruneParent->getChild(i) << "\n";
    pruneChild = &pruneNode->getTopologyChild(rng->uniform01() * 2);
    //    pruneNephew = &pruneNode->getChild(nphIdx);
    //std::cout << chIdx << " " << nphIdx << "\n";
    // get regraft point
    std::vector<AdmixtureNode*> new_brothers;
    findNewBrothers(new_brothers, *pruneNode, &tau.getRoot());
    int index = int(rng->uniform01() * new_brothers.size());
    regraftChild = new_brothers[index];
    if (pruneChild->isOutgroup() != regraftChild->isOutgroup())
        failed = true;
        return RbConstants::Double::neginf;
    regraftParent = &regraftChild->getTopologyParent();
    //        std::cout << "\n";
    //        std::cout << "pch  " << pruneChild << " <- " << &pruneChild->getTopologyParent() << "\n";
    //        //std::cout << "pnpw " << pruneNephew << " <- " << &pruneNephew->getTopologyParent() << "\n";
    //  //      std::cout << "pnd  " << pruneNode << " -> " << &pruneNode->getTopologyChild(chIdx) << " " << &pruneNode->getChild(nphIdx) << "\n";
    //        std::cout << "ppa  " << pruneParent << " -> " << pruneNode << "\n";
    //        std::cout << "rch  " << regraftChild << " <- " << &regraftChild->getTopologyParent() << "\n";
    //        std::cout << "rpa  " << regraftParent << " -> " << &regraftParent->getTopologyChild(0) << " " << &regraftParent->getTopologyChild(1) << "\n";
    //        std::cout << "\n";
    // clear and store adm events on prune child lineage
    //std::cout << &pruneChild->getParent() << " " << &regraftChild->getParent() << " " << &pruneNephew->getParent() << "\n";
    //    for (size_t i = 0; i < pruneParent->getNumberOfChildren(); i++)
    //        std::cout << "0\t" << &pruneParent->getChild(i) << "\n";
    //std::cout << &pruneChild->getParent() << " " << &regraftChild->getParent() << " " << &pruneNephew->getParent() << "\n";
    //    for (size_t i = 0; i < pruneParent->getNumberOfChildren(); i++)
    //        std::cout << "1\t" << &pruneParent->getChild(i) << "\n";
    // clear and store adm events on regraft child lineage
    //std::cout << &pruneChild->getParent() << " " << &regraftChild->getParent() << " " << &pruneNephew->getParent() << "\n";
    //    for (size_t i = 0; i < pruneParent->getNumberOfChildren(); i++)
    //        std::cout << "2\t" << &pruneParent->getChild(i) << "\n";
    // perform FNPR
    //std::cout << "ppa  " << pruneParent << " -> " << &pruneParent->getChild(0) << " " << &pruneParent->getChild(1) << "    " << &pruneNode->getParent() << "\n";
    int nphIdx = 0;
    if (pruneChild == &pruneNode->getTopologyChild(nphIdx))
        nphIdx = 1;
    pruneNephew = &pruneNode->getChild(nphIdx);
    pruneParent = &pruneNode->getParent();
    //    std::cout << &pruneChild->getParent() << " " << &regraftChild->getParent() << " " << &pruneNephew->getParent() << "\n";
    //            std::cout << "ppa  " << pruneParent << " -> " << pruneNode << "\n";
    //    for (size_t i = 0; i < pruneParent->getNumberOfChildren(); i++)
    //        std::cout << "\t" << &pruneParent->getChild(i) << "\n";
    // get new age
    double maxRegraftAge = regraftParent->getAge();
    double minRegraftAge = regraftChild->getAge();
    if (minRegraftAge < pruneChild->getAge())
        minRegraftAge = pruneChild->getAge();
    storedPruneAge = pruneNode->getAge();
    double newPruneAge = rng->uniform01() * (maxRegraftAge - minRegraftAge) + minRegraftAge;
    // draw new admixture edges
    //double fwdProposal = 1.0;
    //int numEvents = storedAdmixtureEdges.size();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < storedAdmixtureEdges.size(); i++)
        storedResiduals = residuals->getValue();
        size_t numTaxa = tau.getNumberOfTips();
        AdmixtureNode* nodeSrc = NULL;
        AdmixtureNode* nodeDst = NULL;
        size_t k_a = 0;
        size_t k_b = 0;
         if (tau.getNumberOfAdmixtureParents() >= maxEvents)
         failed = true;
         return RbConstants::Double::neginf;
        double maxStoredResidual = 0.0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < storedResiduals.size(); i++)
            if (storedResiduals[i] > maxStoredResidual)
                maxStoredResidual = storedResiduals[i];
        double lambda = delta / maxStoredResidual;
        // get sum of positive residuals for each taxon against all other taxa
        std::vector<double> residualWeights_a(numTaxa,0.0);
        double sumResidualWeights_a = 0.0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < numTaxa; i++)
            for (size_t j = 0; j < numTaxa; j++)
                double r = storedResiduals[i * numTaxa + j];
                r = exp(lambda*r);
                if (r > 0.0 && i != j)
                    //if (i != j)
                    residualWeights_a[i] += r;
                    sumResidualWeights_a += r;
        // if there are no positive residuals, abort move
        if (sumResidualWeights_a == 0.0)
            //std::cout << "no pos residuals\n";
            failed = true;
            return RbConstants::Double::neginf;
        //        std::cout << "rw_a\t";
        //        for (size_t i = 0; i < numTaxa; i++)
        //            std::cout << residualWeights_a[i] / sumResidualWeights_a << "\t";
        //        std::cout << "\n";
        // sample taxon A from weights
        double u_a = rng->uniform01() * sumResidualWeights_a;
        double m_a = 0.0;
        //size_t k_a = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < numTaxa; i++)
            m_a += residualWeights_a[i];
            if (m_a > u_a)
                k_a = i;
                nodeDst = &tau.getNode(k_a);
        //std::cout << "pick " << k_a << "\n";
        //fwdProposal *= (residualWeights_a[k_a] / sumResidualWeights_a);
        // get sum of positive residuals for each taxon wrt taxon A
        std::vector<double> residualWeights_b(numTaxa,0.0);
        double sumResidualWeights_b = 0.0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < numTaxa; i++)
            double r = storedResiduals[k_a * numTaxa + i];
            r = exp(lambda*r);
            if (r > 0.0 && k_a != i)
                //if (k_a != i)
                residualWeights_b[i] += r;
                sumResidualWeights_b += r;
        //        std::cout << "rw_b\t";
        //        for (size_t i = 0; i < numTaxa; i++)
        //            std::cout << residualWeights_b[i] / sumResidualWeights_b << "\t";
        //        std::cout << "\n";
        // sample taxon B from weights
        double u_b = rng->uniform01() * sumResidualWeights_b;
        double m_b = 0.0;
        //size_t k_b = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < numTaxa; i++)
            m_b += residualWeights_b[i];
            if (m_b > u_b)
                k_b = i;
                nodeSrc = &tau.getNode(k_b);
        //        std::cout << "pick " << k_b << "\n\n";
        //fwdProposal *= (residualWeights_b[k_b] / sumResidualWeights_b);
        // get path from tip to root for both nodes
        AdmixtureNode* nd_a = nodeSrc;
        std::list<AdmixtureNode*> path_a;
        //std::cout << "path_a : tip -> root\n";
        while (nd_a != NULL)
            //std::cout << "\tnd_a\t" << nd_a->getIndex() << "\t" << nd_a << "\t" << nd_a->getAge() << "\t" << &nd_a->getParent() << "\n";
            nd_a = &nd_a->getParent();
        nd_a = path_a.back();
        AdmixtureNode* nd_b = nodeDst;
        std::list<AdmixtureNode*> path_b;
        //std::cout << "path_b : tip -> root\n";
        while (nd_b != NULL)
            //std::cout << "\tnd_b\t" << nd_b->getIndex() << "\t" << nd_b << "\t" << nd_b->getAge() << "\n";
            nd_b = &nd_b->getParent();
        nd_b = path_b.back();
        // find the node where the paths diverge by traversing both paths from root to tip
        AdmixtureNode* mrca = nd_a;
        //std::cout << "mrca : root -> tip\n";
        while (nd_a == nd_b && !path_a.empty() && !path_b.empty())
            mrca = nd_a;
            //    std::cout << "\t" << mrca << "\t" << mrca->getAge() << "\n";
            nd_a = path_a.back();
            nd_b = path_b.back();
        // sample u.a.r. between nd_b and present (we disallow sister branches to admix...)
        double minAge = nodeSrc->getAge();
        if (minAge < nodeDst->getAge())
            minAge = nodeDst->getAge();
        double maxAge = mrca->getAge();
        int mrcaChIdx = 0;
        if (allowSisterAdmixture == false)// && mrca->getTopologyChild(0).isTip() == false && mrca->getTopologyChild(1).isTip() == false)
            maxAge = mrca->getTopologyChild(0).getAge();
            if (maxAge < mrca->getTopologyChild(1).getAge())
                maxAge = mrca->getTopologyChild(1).getAge();
                mrcaChIdx = 1;
        if (maxAge <= minAge)
            failed = true;
            return RbConstants::Double::neginf;
        //maxAge = mrca->getAge();
        //double admixtureAge = rng->uniform01() * (maxAge - minAge) + minAge;
        double exp_lambda = 2.0;
        double admixtureAge = RbStatistics::Beta::rv(1.0,exp_lambda, *rng) * (maxAge - minAge) + minAge;
        while (nd_a->getAge() > admixtureAge && !path_a.empty())
            nd_a = path_a.back();
            if (nd_a->getParent().getAge() > admixtureAge && nd_a->getAge() < admixtureAge)
        while (nd_b->getAge() > admixtureAge && !path_b.empty())
            nd_b = path_b.back();
            if (nd_b->getParent().getAge() > admixtureAge && nd_b->getAge() < admixtureAge)
        if (GLOBAL_RNG->uniform01() < 0.5)
            AdmixtureNode* tmp = nd_a;
            nd_a = nd_b;
            nd_b = tmp;
        //std::cout << "ok\n";
        // get admixture weight
        double a = 1.0;
        double b = 2.0;
        double admixtureWeight = RbStatistics::Beta::rv(a, b, *rng);
        //double lnW = 0.0;
        admixtureWeight /= 2;
        // add nodes to tree
        AdmixtureNode* storedAdmixtureParent = new AdmixtureNode((int)tau.getNumberOfNodes());
        AdmixtureNode* storedAdmixtureChild = new AdmixtureNode((int)tau.getNumberOfNodes());
        // add edge
        tau.addAdmixtureEdge(storedAdmixtureParent, storedAdmixtureChild, nd_a, nd_b, admixtureAge, admixtureWeight, true);
        AdmixtureEdgePosition ap(storedAdmixtureParent, storedAdmixtureChild, nd_a, nd_b, admixtureAge, admixtureWeight);
    return 0.0;
コード例 #4
std::string AdmixtureBipartitionMonitor::buildBipartitionString(void)
    // return buffer
    std::stringstream ss;
    // get tree object
    AdmixtureTree* tau = &tree->getValue();
    std::vector<AdmixtureNode*> nodes;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < tree->getValue().getNumberOfNodes(); i++)
   // bool firstRootHit = false; // necessary?
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++)

        AdmixtureNode* p = nodes[i];
        if (p->isRoot())
        else if (&p->getParent() == &tau->getRoot() && firstRootHit)
            firstRootHit = false;
        std::vector<bool> pbp = std::vector<bool>(numTaxa,false);
        findTaxonBipartition(pbp, p);
        // look like s_0,s_1,r_0,r_1,t,w
        if (&p->getAdmixtureParent() != NULL)
            // admixture children are handled by the admixture parent case
        else if (p->isRoot())
            for (size_t i = 0; i < pbp.size(); i++)
                //std::cout << std::noboolalpha << pbp[i];
                ss << std::noboolalpha << pbp[i];
            //std::cout << "\n";
            ss << ",";
            ss << "," << p->getAge();
            ss << ",";
            ss << ",";
            ss << ",1";
            ss << separator;
        else if (&p->getAdmixtureChild() == NULL && &p->getAdmixtureParent() == NULL)
            // skip tips for divergence partitions
            // actually, keep 'em for pop-size params...
            //if (p->getNumberOfChildren() == 0)
            //    continue;

            //ss << "D";
            // print bitstring for divergence partition
            for (size_t i = 0; i < pbp.size(); i++)
                ss << std::noboolalpha << pbp[i];
            ss << ",";
            ss << "," << p->getAge();
            ss << "," << branchRates->getValue()[p->getIndex()];
            ss << ",";
            ss << ",1";
            ss << separator;
        else if (&p->getAdmixtureChild() != NULL)
            AdmixtureNode* c = &p->getAdmixtureChild();
            std::vector<bool> cbp = std::vector<bool>(numTaxa,false);
            findTaxonBipartition(cbp, c);
            for (size_t i = 0; i < pbp.size(); i++)
                ss << std::noboolalpha << pbp[i];
            ss << ",";
            for (size_t i = 0; i < cbp.size(); i++)
                ss << std::noboolalpha << cbp[i];
            ss << "," << p->getAge();
            ss << "," << branchRates->getValue()[p->getTopologyChild(0).getIndex()];
            ss << "," << branchRates->getValue()[c->getTopologyChild(0).getIndex()];
            ss << "," << c->getWeight();
            ss << separator;
    return ss.str();
/** Perform the move */
double AdmixtureNearestNeighborInterchangeAndRateShift::performSimpleMove( void ) {
    //std::cout << "\nDiv Node NNI & Rate Rescale\n";
    failed = false;
    // Get random number generator
    RandomNumberGenerator* rng     = GLOBAL_RNG;
    AdmixtureTree& tau = variable->getValue();
    // pick a random node which is not the root and neithor the direct descendant of the root
    AdmixtureNode* node;
    do {
        double u = rng->uniform01();
        size_t index = std::floor(tau.getNumberOfNodes() * u);
        node = &tau.getNode(index);
    } while ( node->isRoot() || node->getTopologyParent().isRoot() ||  node->getNumberOfChildren() != 2);
    int nodeChildMoveIdx = (int)std::floor(rng->uniform01() * 2.0);
    int nodeBrotherIdx = 0;
    //std::cout << "nodeChildeMoveIdx  " << nodeChildMoveIdx << "\n";
    // divergence location
    AdmixtureNode* childMove = &node->getChild(nodeChildMoveIdx);
    AdmixtureNode* parent = &node->getTopologyParent();
    AdmixtureNode* brother = &parent->getTopologyChild( nodeBrotherIdx );
    // check if we got the correct child lineage
    if ( brother == node )
        if (nodeBrotherIdx == 0)
            nodeBrotherIdx = 1;
            nodeBrotherIdx = 0;
    // get brother of node (not divergence child node)
    brother = &parent->getChild(nodeBrotherIdx);
    if (brother->getAge() > node->getAge())
        //std::cout << "failed, bro > node\n";
        failed = true;
        return RbConstants::Double::neginf;
    else if (childMove->getAge() > parent->getAge())
        //std::cout << "failed, child > parent\n";
        failed = true;
        return RbConstants::Double::neginf;
    else if (childMove->isOutgroup() != brother->isOutgroup())
        //std::cout << "failed, outgroup mismatch\n";
        failed = true;
        return RbConstants::Double::neginf;
    // update parent clade
    storedNodeParent = parent;
    storedNodeChildMove = childMove;
    storedBrother = brother;
    storedNode = node;

    // swap

    // get branch rate index
    storedChildRateIndex = (int)node->getTopologyChild(nodeChildMoveIdx).getIndex();
    storedBrotherRateIndex = (int)parent->getTopologyChild(nodeBrotherIdx).getIndex();
//    storedNodeRateIndex = node->getIndex();

    // store branch rate values
    storedChildRate = branchRates[storedChildRateIndex]->getValue();
 //   storedNodeRate = branchRates[storedNodeRateIndex]->getValue();
    storedBrotherRate = branchRates[storedBrotherRateIndex]->getValue();
    // update
    //double cnr = 0.0;
    //double snr = 0.0;
    //double sbr = 0.0;
    double scaleChildRate = exp(delta*(rng->uniform01() - 0.5));
 //   double scaleNodeRate = exp(delta*(rng->uniform01() - 0.5));
    double scaleBrotherRate = exp(delta*(rng->uniform01() - 0.5));
    branchRates[storedChildRateIndex]->setValue(new double(storedChildRate*scaleChildRate));
  //  branchRates[storedNodeRateIndex]->setValue(new double(storedNodeRate * scaleNodeRate));
    branchRates[storedBrotherRateIndex]->setValue(new double(storedBrotherRate * scaleBrotherRate));
    //std::cout << "chld rate  " << storedChildRate << " -> " << storedChildRate*scaleChildRate << "\n";
   // std::cout << "node rate  " << storedNodeRate << " -> " << storedNodeRate*scaleNodeRate << "\n";
    //std::cout << "bro  rate  " << storedBrotherRate << " -> " << storedBrotherRate*scaleBrotherRate << "\n";
    if (storedChildRate * scaleChildRate == 0.0)
        ;//std::cout << "new scaledChildRate == 0.0\n";
    //if (storedNodeRate * scaleNodeRate == 0.0)
     //   std::cout << "new scaledNodeRate == 0.0\n";
    if (storedBrotherRate * scaleBrotherRate == 0.0)
        ;//std::cout << "new scaledBrotherRate == 0.0\n";
    //std::cout << scaleChildRate*scaleBrotherRate << "  " << log(scaleChildRate*scaleBrotherRate) << "\n";

    // MH
  // return 0.0;
    return log(scaleChildRate*scaleBrotherRate);