string MeshShapeItemImpl::toURDF() { ostringstream ss; ss << "<link name=\"" << self->name() << "\">" << endl; Affine3 relative; JointItem* parentjoint = dynamic_cast<JointItem*>(self->parentItem()); if (parentjoint) { Affine3 parent, child; parent.translation() = parentjoint->translation; parent.linear() = parentjoint->rotation; child.translation() = self->translation; child.linear() = self->rotation; relative = parent.inverse() * child; } else { relative.translation() = self->translation; relative.linear() = self->rotation; } for (int i=0; i < 2; i++) { if (i == 0) { ss << " <visual>" << endl; } else { ss << " <collision>" << endl; } if (i == 0) { ss << " </visual>" << endl; } else { ss << " </collision>" << endl; } } return ss.str(); }
bool PhongShadowProgram::renderLight(int index, const SgLight* light, const Affine3& T, const Affine3& viewMatrix, bool shadowCasting) { LightInfo& info = lightInfos[index]; if(const SgDirectionalLight* dirLight = dynamic_cast<const SgDirectionalLight*>(light)){ Vector3 d = viewMatrix.linear() * T.linear() * -dirLight->direction(); Vector4f pos(d.x(), d.y(), d.z(), 0.0f); glUniform4fv(info.positionLocation, 1,; } else if(const SgPointLight* pointLight = dynamic_cast<const SgPointLight*>(light)){ Vector3 p(viewMatrix * T.translation()); Vector4f pos(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), 1.0f); glUniform4fv(info.positionLocation, 1,; glUniform1f(info.constantAttenuationLocation, pointLight->constantAttenuation()); glUniform1f(info.linearAttenuationLocation, pointLight->linearAttenuation()); glUniform1f(info.quadraticAttenuationLocation, pointLight->quadraticAttenuation()); if(const SgSpotLight* spotLight = dynamic_cast<const SgSpotLight*>(pointLight)){ Vector3 d = viewMatrix.linear() * T.linear() * spotLight->direction(); Vector3f direction(d.cast<float>()); glUniform3fv(info.directionLocation, 1,; glUniform1f(info.cutoffAngleLocation, spotLight->cutOffAngle()); glUniform1f(info.beamWidthLocation, spotLight->beamWidth()); glUniform1f(info.cutoffExponentLocation, spotLight->cutOffExponent()); } } else { return false; } Vector3f intensity(light->intensity() * light->color()); glUniform3fv(info.intensityLocation, 1,; Vector3f ambientIntensity(light->ambientIntensity() * light->color()); glUniform3fv(info.ambientIntensityLocation, 1,; if(shadowCasting){ if(currentShadowIndex < numShadows_){ ShadowInfo& shadow = shadowInfos[currentShadowIndex]; glUniform1i(shadow.shadowMapLocation, currentShadowIndex + 1); glUniform1i(shadow.lightIndexLocation, index); ++currentShadowIndex; } } return true; }
void VRMLBodyLoaderImpl::readSegmentNode(LinkInfo& iLink, VRMLProtoInstance* segmentNode, const Affine3& T) { if(isVerbose) putMessage(string("Segment node ") + segmentNode->defName); /* Mass = Sigma mass C = (Sigma mass * T * c) / Mass I = Sigma(R * I * Rt + G) R = Rotation matrix part of T G = y*y+z*z, -x*y, -x*z, -y*x, z*z+x*x, -y*z, -z*x, -z*y, x*x+y*y (x, y, z ) = T * c - C */ VRMLProtoFieldMap& sf = segmentNode->fields; SegmentInfo iSegment; readVRMLfield(sf["mass"], iSegment.m); Vector3 c; readVRMLfield(sf["centerOfMass"], c); iSegment.c = T.linear() * c + T.translation(); iLink.c = (iSegment.c * iSegment.m + iLink.c * iLink.m) / (iLink.m + iSegment.m); iLink.m += iSegment.m; Matrix3 I; readVRMLfield(sf["momentsOfInertia"], I); iLink.I.noalias() += T.linear() * I * T.linear().transpose(); MFNode& childNodes = get<MFNode>(segmentNode->fields["children"]); ProtoIdSet acceptableProtoIds; acceptableProtoIds.set(PROTO_SURFACE); acceptableProtoIds.set(PROTO_DEVICE); readJointSubNodes(iLink, childNodes, acceptableProtoIds, T); SgNodePtr node = sgConverter.convert(segmentNode); if(node){ if(T.isApprox(Affine3::Identity())){ iLink.visualShape->addChild(node); } else { SgPosTransform* transform = new SgPosTransform(T); transform->addChild(node); iLink.visualShape->addChild(transform); } } }
Affine3 SgCamera::positionLookingFor(const Vector3& eye, const Vector3& direction, const Vector3& up) { Vector3 d = direction.normalized(); Vector3 c = d.cross(up).normalized(); Vector3 u = c.cross(d); Affine3 C; C.linear() << c, u, -d; C.translation() = eye; return C; }
bool RotationDragger::onButtonPressEvent(const SceneWidgetEvent& event) { int axis; int indexOfTopNode; if(detectAxisFromNodePath(event.nodePath(), this, axis, indexOfTopNode)){ Affine3 T = calcTotalTransform(event.nodePath(), this); dragProjector.setInitialPosition(T); dragProjector.setRotationAxis(T.linear().col(axis)); if(dragProjector.startRotation(event)){ sigRotationStarted_(); return true; } } return false; }
static inline void writeAffine3(YAMLWriter& writer, const Affine3& value) { writer.startFlowStyleListing(); writer.putScalar(value.translation().x()); writer.putScalar(value.translation().y()); writer.putScalar(value.translation().z()); Vector3 rpy(rpyFromRot(value.linear())); writer.putScalar(rpy[0]); writer.putScalar(rpy[1]); writer.putScalar(rpy[2]); writer.endListing(); }
static void readAffine3(const Listing& node, Affine3& out_value) { if(node.size() == 6){ Affine3::TranslationPart t = out_value.translation(); t[0] = node[0].toDouble(); t[1] = node[1].toDouble(); t[2] = node[2].toDouble(); const double r = node[3].toDouble(); const double p = node[4].toDouble(); const double y = node[5].toDouble(); out_value.linear() = rotFromRpy(r, p, y); } }
void VRMLBodyLoaderImpl::readDeviceNode(LinkInfo& iLink, VRMLProtoInstance* deviceNode, const Affine3& T) { const string& typeName = deviceNode->proto->protoName; if(isVerbose) putMessage(typeName + " node " + deviceNode->defName); DeviceFactoryMap::iterator p = deviceFactories.find(typeName); if(p == deviceFactories.end()){ os() << str(format("Sensor type %1% is not supported.\n") % typeName) << endl; } else { DeviceFactory& factory = p->second; DevicePtr device = factory(deviceNode); if(device){ device->setLink(; const Matrix3 RsT =>Rs(); device->setLocalTranslation(RsT * (T * device->localTranslation())); device->setLocalRotation(RsT * (T.linear() * device->localRotation())); body->addDevice(device); } } }
bool TranslationDragger::onButtonPressEvent(const SceneWidgetEvent& event) { int axis; int indexOfTopNode; const SgNodePath& path = event.nodePath(); if(detectAxisFromNodePath(path, this, axis, indexOfTopNode)){ SgNodePath::const_iterator axisIter = path.begin() + indexOfTopNode + 1; const Affine3 T_global = calcTotalTransform(path.begin(), axisIter); dragProjector.setInitialPosition(T_global); const Affine3 T_axis = calcTotalTransform(axisIter, path.end()); const Vector3 p_local = (T_global * T_axis).inverse() * event.point(); if(p_local.norm() < 2.0 * axisCylinderNormalizedRadius){ dragProjector.setTranslationAlongViewPlane(); } else { dragProjector.setTranslationAxis(T_global.linear().col(axis)); } if(dragProjector.startTranslation(event)){ sigTranslationStarted_(); return true; } } return false; }
void ODECollisionDetectorImpl::addMesh(GeometryEx* model) { SgMesh* mesh = meshExtractor->currentMesh(); const Affine3& T = meshExtractor->currentTransform(); bool meshAdded = false; if(mesh->primitiveType() != SgMesh::MESH){ bool doAddPrimitive = false; Vector3 scale; optional<Vector3> translation; if(!meshExtractor->isCurrentScaled()){ scale.setOnes(); doAddPrimitive = true; } else { Affine3 S = meshExtractor->currentTransformWithoutScaling().inverse() * meshExtractor->currentTransform(); if(S.linear().isDiagonal()){ if(!S.translation().isZero()){ translation = S.translation(); } scale = S.linear().diagonal(); if(mesh->primitiveType() == SgMesh::BOX){ doAddPrimitive = true; } else if(mesh->primitiveType() == SgMesh::SPHERE){ // check if the sphere is uniformly scaled for all the axes if(scale.x() == scale.y() && scale.x() == scale.z()){ doAddPrimitive = true; } } else if(mesh->primitiveType() == SgMesh::CYLINDER){ // check if the bottom circle face is uniformly scaled if(scale.x() == scale.z()){ doAddPrimitive = true; } } } } if(doAddPrimitive){ bool created = false; dGeomID geomId; switch(mesh->primitiveType()){ case SgMesh::BOX : { const Vector3& s = mesh->primitive<SgMesh::Box>().size; geomId = dCreateBox(model->spaceID, s.x() * scale.x(), s.y() * scale.y(), s.z() * scale.z()); created = true; break; } case SgMesh::SPHERE : { SgMesh::Sphere sphere = mesh->primitive<SgMesh::Sphere>(); geomId = dCreateSphere(model->spaceID, sphere.radius * scale.x()); created = true; break; } case SgMesh::CYLINDER : { SgMesh::Cylinder cylinder = mesh->primitive<SgMesh::Cylinder>(); geomId = dCreateCylinder(model->spaceID, cylinder.radius * scale.x(), cylinder.height * scale.y()); created = true; break; } default : break; } if(created){ model->primitiveGeomID.push_back(geomId); if(translation){ offsetMap.insert(OffsetMap::value_type(geomId, meshExtractor->currentTransformWithoutScaling() * Translation3(*translation))); } else { offsetMap.insert(OffsetMap::value_type(geomId, meshExtractor->currentTransformWithoutScaling())); } meshAdded = true; } } } if(!meshAdded){ const int vertexIndexTop = model->vertices.size(); const SgVertexArray& vertices_ = *mesh->vertices(); const int numVertices = vertices_.size(); for(int i=0; i < numVertices; ++i){ const Vector3 v = T * vertices_[i].cast<Position::Scalar>(); model->vertices.push_back(Vertex(v.x(), v.y(), v.z())); } const int numTriangles = mesh->numTriangles(); for(int i=0; i < numTriangles; ++i){ SgMesh::TriangleRef src = mesh->triangle(i); Triangle tri; tri.indices[0] = vertexIndexTop + src[0]; tri.indices[1] = vertexIndexTop + src[1]; tri.indices[2] = vertexIndexTop + src[2]; model->triangles.push_back(tri); } } }
bool PoseProviderToBodyMotionConverter::convert(BodyPtr body, PoseProvider* provider, BodyMotion& motion) { const double frameRate = motion.frameRate(); const int beginningFrame = static_cast<int>(frameRate * std::max(provider->beginningTime(), lowerTime)); const int endingFrame = static_cast<int>(frameRate * std::min(provider->endingTime(), upperTime)); const int numJoints = body->numJoints(); const int numLinksToPut = (allLinkPositionOutputMode ? body->numLinks() : 1); motion.setDimension(endingFrame + 1, numJoints, numLinksToPut, true); MultiValueSeq& qseq = *motion.jointPosSeq(); MultiAffine3Seq& pseq = *motion.linkPosSeq(); Vector3Seq& relZmpSeq = *motion.relativeZmpSeq(); bool isZmpValid = false; Link* rootLink = body->rootLink(); Link* baseLink = rootLink; shared_ptr<LinkTraverse> fkTraverse; if(allLinkPositionOutputMode){ fkTraverse.reset(new LinkTraverse(baseLink, true, true)); } else { fkTraverse.reset(new LinkPath(baseLink, rootLink)); } // store the original state vector<double> orgq(numJoints); for(int i=0; i < numJoints; ++i){ orgq[i] = body->joint(i)->q; } Affine3 orgp; orgp.translation() = rootLink->p; orgp.linear() = rootLink->R; std::vector< boost::optional<double> > jointPositions(numJoints); for(int frame = beginningFrame; frame <= endingFrame; ++frame){ provider->seek(frame / frameRate); const int baseLinkIndex = provider->baseLinkIndex(); if(baseLinkIndex >= 0){ if(baseLinkIndex != baseLink->index){ baseLink = body->link(baseLinkIndex); if(allLinkPositionOutputMode){ fkTraverse->find(baseLink, true, true); } else { static_pointer_cast<LinkPath>(fkTraverse)->find(baseLink, rootLink); } } provider->getBaseLinkPosition(baseLink->p, baseLink->R); } MultiValueSeq::View qs = qseq.frame(frame); provider->getJointPositions(jointPositions); for(int i=0; i < numJoints; ++i){ const optional<double>& q = jointPositions[i]; qs[i] = q ? *q : 0.0; body->joint(i)->q = qs[i]; } if(allLinkPositionOutputMode || baseLink != rootLink){ fkTraverse->calcForwardKinematics(); } for(int i=0; i < numLinksToPut; ++i){ Affine3& p =, i); Link* link = body->link(i); p.translation() = link->p; p.linear() = link->R; } optional<Vector3> zmp = provider->zmp(); if(zmp){ relZmpSeq[frame].noalias() = rootLink->R.transpose() * (*zmp - rootLink->p); isZmpValid = true; } } if(!isZmpValid){ //bodyMotionItem->clearRelativeZmpSeq(); } // restore the original state for(int i=0; i < numJoints; ++i){ body->joint(i)->q = orgq[i]; } rootLink->p = orgp.translation(); rootLink->R = orgp.linear(); body->calcForwardKinematics(); return true; }
void BulletCollisionDetectorImpl::addMesh(GeometryEx* model) { SgMesh* mesh = meshExtractor->currentMesh(); const Affine3& T = meshExtractor->currentTransform(); bool meshAdded = false; if(mesh->primitiveType() != SgMesh::MESH){ bool doAddPrimitive = false; Vector3 scale; optional<Vector3> translation; if(!meshExtractor->isCurrentScaled()){ scale.setOnes(); doAddPrimitive = true; } else { Affine3 S = meshExtractor->currentTransformWithoutScaling().inverse() * meshExtractor->currentTransform(); if(S.linear().isDiagonal()){ if(!S.translation().isZero()){ translation = S.translation(); } scale = S.linear().diagonal(); if(mesh->primitiveType() == SgMesh::BOX){ doAddPrimitive = true; } else if(mesh->primitiveType() == SgMesh::SPHERE){ // check if the sphere is uniformly scaled for all the axes if(scale.x() == scale.y() && scale.x() == scale.z()){ doAddPrimitive = true; } } else if(mesh->primitiveType() == SgMesh::CYLINDER){ // check if the bottom circle face is uniformly scaled if(scale.x() == scale.z()){ doAddPrimitive = true; } } else if(mesh->primitiveType() == SgMesh::CONE){ if(scale.x() == scale.z()){ doAddPrimitive = true; } } } } if(doAddPrimitive){ bool created = false; btCollisionShape* primitiveShape; switch(mesh->primitiveType()){ case SgMesh::BOX : { const Vector3& s = mesh->primitive<SgMesh::Box>().size; primitiveShape = new btBoxShape(btVector3(s.x() * scale.x()/2.0, s.y() * scale.y()/2.0, s.z() * scale.z()/2.0)); created = true; break; } case SgMesh::SPHERE : { SgMesh::Sphere sphere = mesh->primitive<SgMesh::Sphere>(); primitiveShape = new btSphereShape(sphere.radius * scale.x()); created = true; break; } case SgMesh::CYLINDER : { SgMesh::Cylinder cylinder = mesh->primitive<SgMesh::Cylinder>(); primitiveShape = new btCylinderShape(btVector3(cylinder.radius * scale.x(), cylinder.height * scale.y()/2.0, cylinder.radius * scale.x())); created = true; break; } case SgMesh::CONE : { SgMesh::Cone cone = mesh->primitive<SgMesh::Cone>(); primitiveShape = new btConeShape(cone.radius * scale.x(), cone.height * scale.y()); created = true; break; } default : break; } if(created){ primitiveShape->setMargin(DEFAULT_COLLISION_MARGIN); btCompoundShape* compoundShape = dynamic_cast<btCompoundShape*>(model->collisionShape); if(!compoundShape){ model->collisionShape = new btCompoundShape(); model->collisionShape->setLocalScaling(btVector3(1.f,1.f,1.f)); compoundShape = dynamic_cast<btCompoundShape*>(model->collisionShape); } Affine3 T_ = meshExtractor->currentTransformWithoutScaling(); if(translation){ T_ *= Translation3(*translation); } btVector3 p(T_(0,3), T_(1,3), T_(2,3)); btMatrix3x3 R(T_(0,0), T_(0,1), T_(0,2), T_(1,0), T_(1,1), T_(1,2), T_(2,0), T_(2,1), T_(2,2)); btTransform btT(R, p); compoundShape->addChildShape(btT, primitiveShape); meshAdded = true; } } } if(!meshAdded){ if(!useHACD || model->isStatic){ const int vertexIndexTop = model->vertices.size() / 3; const SgVertexArray& vertices_ = *mesh->vertices(); const int numVertices = vertices_.size(); for(int i=0; i < numVertices; ++i){ const Vector3 v = T * vertices_[i].cast<Position::Scalar>(); model->vertices.push_back((btScalar)v.x()); model->vertices.push_back((btScalar)v.y()); model->vertices.push_back((btScalar)v.z()); } const int numTriangles = mesh->numTriangles(); for(int i=0; i < numTriangles; ++i){ SgMesh::TriangleRef tri = mesh->triangle(i); model->triangles.push_back(vertexIndexTop + tri[0]); model->triangles.push_back(vertexIndexTop + tri[1]); model->triangles.push_back(vertexIndexTop + tri[2]); } }else{ btConvexHullShape* convexHullShape = dynamic_cast<btConvexHullShape*>(model->collisionShape); if(convexHullShape){ btCompoundShape* compoundShape = new btCompoundShape(); compoundShape->setLocalScaling(btVector3(1.f,1.f,1.f)); btTransform T; T.setIdentity(); compoundShape->addChildShape(T, convexHullShape); model->collisionShape = compoundShape; } std::vector< HACD::Vec3<HACD::Real> > points; std::vector< HACD::Vec3<long> > triangles; const SgVertexArray& vertices_ = *mesh->vertices(); const int numVertices = vertices_.size(); for(int i=0; i < numVertices; ++i){ const Vector3 v = T * vertices_[i].cast<Position::Scalar>(); HACD::Vec3<HACD::Real> vertex(v.x(), v.y(), v.z()); points.push_back(vertex); } const int numTriangles = mesh->numTriangles(); for(int i=0; i < numTriangles; ++i){ SgMesh::TriangleRef tri = mesh->triangle(i); HACD::Vec3<long> triangle(tri[0], tri[1], tri[2]); triangles.push_back(triangle); } HACD::HACD hacd; hacd.SetPoints(&points[0]); hacd.SetNPoints(points.size()); hacd.SetTriangles(&triangles[0]); hacd.SetNTriangles(triangles.size()); hacd.SetCompacityWeight(0.1); hacd.SetVolumeWeight(0.0); size_t nClusters = 1; double concavity = 100; bool invert = false; bool addExtraDistPoints = false; bool addNeighboursDistPoints = false; bool addFacesPoints = false; hacd.SetNClusters(nClusters); // minimum number of clusters hacd.SetNVerticesPerCH(100); // max of 100 vertices per convex-hull hacd.SetConcavity(concavity); // maximum concavity hacd.SetAddExtraDistPoints(addExtraDistPoints); hacd.SetAddNeighboursDistPoints(addNeighboursDistPoints); hacd.SetAddFacesPoints(addFacesPoints); hacd.Compute(); btTransform T; T.setIdentity(); nClusters = hacd.GetNClusters(); if(nClusters>1){ btCompoundShape* compoundShape = dynamic_cast<btCompoundShape*>(model->collisionShape); if(!compoundShape){ model->collisionShape = new btCompoundShape(); model->collisionShape->setLocalScaling(btVector3(1.f,1.f,1.f)); } } for(size_t i=0; i<nClusters; i++){ size_t nPoints = hacd.GetNPointsCH(i); size_t nTriangles = hacd.GetNTrianglesCH(i); HACD::Vec3<HACD::Real> * pointsCH = new HACD::Vec3<HACD::Real>[nPoints]; HACD::Vec3<long> * trianglesCH = new HACD::Vec3<long>[nTriangles]; hacd.GetCH(i, pointsCH, trianglesCH); btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> newVertices_; for(size_t j=0; j<nTriangles; j++){ long index0 = trianglesCH[j].X(); long index1 = trianglesCH[j].Y(); long index2 = trianglesCH[j].Z(); btVector3 vertex0(pointsCH[index0].X(), pointsCH[index0].Y(), pointsCH[index0].Z()); btVector3 vertex1(pointsCH[index1].X(), pointsCH[index1].Y(), pointsCH[index1].Z()); btVector3 vertex2(pointsCH[index2].X(), pointsCH[index2].Y(), pointsCH[index2].Z()); newVertices_.push_back(vertex0); newVertices_.push_back(vertex1); newVertices_.push_back(vertex2); } delete [] pointsCH; delete [] trianglesCH; /* float collisionMargin = 0.01f; btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> planeEquations; btGeometryUtil::getPlaneEquationsFromVertices(newVertices_, planeEquations); btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> shiftedPlaneEquations; for (int j=0; j<planeEquations.size(); j++){ btVector3 plane = planeEquations[j]; plane[3] += collisionMargin; shiftedPlaneEquations.push_back(plane); } btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> shiftedVertices; btGeometryUtil::getVerticesFromPlaneEquations(shiftedPlaneEquations,shiftedVertices); btConvexHullShape* convexHullShape_ = new btConvexHullShape(&(shiftedVertices[0].getX()),shiftedVertices.size()); */ btConvexHullShape* convexHullShape_ = new btConvexHullShape(&(newVertices_[0].getX()), newVertices_.size()); convexHullShape_->setMargin(DEFAULT_COLLISION_MARGIN); btCompoundShape* compoundShape = dynamic_cast<btCompoundShape*>(model->collisionShape); if(compoundShape) compoundShape->addChildShape(T, convexHullShape_); else model->collisionShape = convexHullShape_; } } } }
void ODELink::addMesh(MeshExtractor* extractor, ODEBody* odeBody) { SgMesh* mesh = extractor->currentMesh(); const Affine3& T = extractor->currentTransform(); bool meshAdded = false; if(mesh->primitiveType() != SgMesh::MESH){ bool doAddPrimitive = false; Vector3 scale; optional<Vector3> translation; if(!extractor->isCurrentScaled()){ scale.setOnes(); doAddPrimitive = true; } else { Affine3 S = extractor->currentTransformWithoutScaling().inverse() * extractor->currentTransform(); if(S.linear().isDiagonal()){ if(!S.translation().isZero()){ translation = S.translation(); } scale = S.linear().diagonal(); if(mesh->primitiveType() == SgMesh::BOX){ doAddPrimitive = true; } else if(mesh->primitiveType() == SgMesh::SPHERE){ // check if the sphere is uniformly scaled for all the axes if(scale.x() == scale.y() && scale.x() == scale.z()){ doAddPrimitive = true; } } else if(mesh->primitiveType() == SgMesh::CYLINDER){ // check if the bottom circle face is uniformly scaled if(scale.x() == scale.z()){ doAddPrimitive = true; } } } } if(doAddPrimitive){ bool created = false; dGeomID geomId; switch(mesh->primitiveType()){ case SgMesh::BOX : { const Vector3& s = mesh->primitive<SgMesh::Box>().size; geomId = dCreateBox(odeBody->spaceID, s.x() * scale.x(), s.y() * scale.y(), s.z() * scale.z()); created = true; break; } case SgMesh::SPHERE : { SgMesh::Sphere sphere = mesh->primitive<SgMesh::Sphere>(); geomId = dCreateSphere(odeBody->spaceID, sphere.radius * scale.x()); created = true; break; } case SgMesh::CYLINDER : { SgMesh::Cylinder cylinder = mesh->primitive<SgMesh::Cylinder>(); geomId = dCreateCylinder(odeBody->spaceID, cylinder.radius * scale.x(), cylinder.height * scale.y()); created = true; break; } default : break; } if(created){ geomID.push_back(geomId); dGeomSetBody(geomId, bodyID); Affine3 T_ = extractor->currentTransformWithoutScaling(); if(translation){ T_ *= Translation3(*translation); } Vector3 p = T_.translation()-link->c(); dMatrix3 R = { T_(0,0), T_(0,1), T_(0,2), 0.0, T_(1,0), T_(1,1), T_(1,2), 0.0, T_(2,0), T_(2,1), T_(2,2), 0.0 }; if(bodyID){ dGeomSetOffsetPosition(geomId, p.x(), p.y(), p.z()); dGeomSetOffsetRotation(geomId, R); }else{ offsetMap.insert(OffsetMap::value_type(geomId,T_)); } meshAdded = true; } } } if(!meshAdded){ const int vertexIndexTop = vertices.size(); const SgVertexArray& vertices_ = *mesh->vertices(); const int numVertices = vertices_.size(); for(int i=0; i < numVertices; ++i){ const Vector3 v = T * vertices_[i].cast<Position::Scalar>() - link->c(); vertices.push_back(Vertex(v.x(), v.y(), v.z())); } const int numTriangles = mesh->numTriangles(); for(int i=0; i < numTriangles; ++i){ SgMesh::TriangleRef src = mesh->triangle(i); Triangle tri; tri.indices[0] = vertexIndexTop + src[0]; tri.indices[1] = vertexIndexTop + src[1]; tri.indices[2] = vertexIndexTop + src[2]; triangles.push_back(tri); } } }