コード例 #1
ファイル: SetOCDBFromRun1.C プロジェクト: alisw/AliRoot
/// Main method
/// \param year: year to set geometry and run range
/// \param printAll: verbosity checks 
void SetOCDBFromRun1(Int_t year = 2010, Bool_t printAll = kFALSE)
  Int_t run = 182325; //2012
  if(year == 2010) run = 134908;
  if(year == 2011) run = 159582;
  AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance();
  AliCDBStorage *storage = man->GetDefaultStorage();
  // Instantiate EMCAL geometry for the first time
  AliEMCALGeometry * geom;
  if     (year == 2010) geom = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance("EMCAL_FIRSTYEARV1"); // 2010
  else                  geom = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance("EMCAL_COMPLETEV1");  // 2011-2012-2013
//else                  geom = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance("EMCAL_COMPLETE12SMV1_DCAL_8SM"); // Run2

  const Int_t nSM = geom->GetNumberOfSuperModules();
  // Get the final OCDB object
  AliEMCALCalibData* cparam = (AliEMCALCalibData*) (storage->Get("EMCAL/Calib/Data", run)->GetObject());

  // Access OCDB file with the first version of the calibration
  TString        first = "Run177115_999999999_v2_s0.root";
  if(year==2010) first = "Run113461_999999999_v3_s0.root";
  if(year==2011) first = "Run144484_999999999_v3_s0.root";
  TFile * f = TFile::Open(Form("alien:///alice/data/%d/OCDB/EMCAL/Calib/Data/%s",year,first.Data()),"READ");
  AliCDBEntry * cdb = (AliCDBEntry*) f->Get("AliCDBEntry");
  AliEMCALCalibData* cparam1 = (AliEMCALCalibData*)  cdb->GetObject();
  // New OCDB container
  AliEMCALCalibData *cparamnew=new AliEMCALCalibData("EMCAL");
  // Do the comparison
  Float_t param  = -1;
  Float_t param1 = -1;
  Int_t iCol = -1, iRow = -1, iSM =-1, iMod = -1,iIphi =-1,iIeta = -1;
  for(Int_t i=0;i < nSM*24*48; i++)
    //printf("AbsID %d\n",i);
    geom->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(iSM,iMod, iIphi, iIeta,iRow,iCol);
    Float_t param = -1;
    if( cparam  ) param  = cparam ->GetADCchannel(iSM,iCol,iRow);
    Float_t param1 = -1;
    if( cparam1 ) param1 = cparam1->GetADCchannel(iSM,iCol,iRow);
    if    (printAll)
      printf("ID %d, col %d, row %d, sm %d  final %1.4f, first %1.4f\n",
             i,iCol,iRow,iSM,param, param1);
    cparamnew->SetADCchannel      (iSM,iCol,iRow,param );
  // Create OCDB File
  AliCDBMetaData md;
  md.SetComment("Calibration after calibration with pi0, store also first online calibration");
  md.SetResponsible("Gustavo Conesa");
  // Careful, select here the first run where this calibration is valid
  Int_t            firstRun = 172439; // 2012-13
  if(year == 2010) firstRun = 113461;
  if(year == 2011) firstRun = 144484;
  AliCDBId id("EMCAL/Calib/Data",firstRun,AliCDBRunRange::Infinity()); // create in EMCAL/Calib/Data DBFolder
  AliCDBManager* man2 = AliCDBManager::Instance();
  AliCDBStorage* loc = man2->GetStorage(Form("local://%d",year));
  loc->Put(cparamnew, id, &md);
コード例 #2
ファイル: TestEMCALSDigit.C プロジェクト: ktf/AliRoot
void TestEMCALSDigit()
  // Getting EMCAL Detector and Geometry.
  AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root",AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName(),"read");
  if (rl == 0x0)
    cout<<"Can not instatiate the Run Loader"<<endl;
  rl->LoadgAlice();//Needed to get geometry
  AliEMCALLoader *emcalLoader = dynamic_cast<AliEMCALLoader*>
  AliRun * alirun   = rl->GetAliRun(); // Needed to get Geometry
  AliEMCALGeometry * geom ;
    AliEMCAL * emcal  = (AliEMCAL*)alirun->GetDetector("EMCAL");
    geom = emcal->GetGeometry();
  if (geom == 0) cout<<"Did not get geometry from EMCALLoader"<<endl;
  else   geom->PrintGeometry();
  //Load Digits
  //Get maximum number of events
  Int_t maxevent =  rl->GetNumberOfEvents();
  cout<<"Number of events "<<maxevent<<endl;
  //maxevent = 10 ;
  Int_t iEvent  = -1 ;
  Float_t amp   = -1 ;
  Float_t time  = -1 ;
  Int_t id      = -1 ;
  Int_t iSupMod =  0 ;
  Int_t iTower  =  0 ;
  Int_t iIphi   =  0 ;
  Int_t iIeta   =  0 ;
  Int_t iphi    =  0 ;
  Int_t ieta    =  0 ;
  AliEMCALDigit * dig;
  for ( iEvent=0; iEvent<maxevent; iEvent++)
      cout <<  " ======> Event " << iEvent << endl ;
      //Load Event
      //Fill array of digits
      TClonesArray *digits = emcalLoader->SDigits();
      //Get digits from the list      
      for(Int_t idig = 0; idig< digits->GetEntries();idig++){
	//cout<<">> idig "<<idig<<endl;
	dig = static_cast<AliEMCALDigit *>(digits->At(idig)) ;
	if(dig != 0){
	  id   = dig->GetId() ; //cell (digit) label
	  amp  = dig->GetAmplitude(); //amplitude in cell (digit)
	  time = dig->GetTime();//time of creation of digit after collision
	  cout<<"Cell ID "<<id<<" Amp "<<amp<<endl;//" time "<<time<<endl;
	  //Geometry methods  
	    //Gives SuperModule and Tower numbers
					      iIphi, iIeta,iphi,ieta);
	    //Gives label of cell in eta-phi position per each supermodule
	    cout<< "SModule "<<iSupMod<<"; Tower "<<iTower <<"; Eta "<<iIeta
		<<"; Phi "<<iIphi<<"; Cell Eta "<<ieta<<"; Cell Phi "<<iphi<<endl;
	  cout<<"Digit pointer 0x0"<<endl;
