コード例 #1
Bool_t RsnConfigTest
   AliRsnAnalysisTask *task,
   Bool_t              isMC
// 	cutBPIDKaonSet
   // find the index of the corresponding list in the RsnInputHandler
   const char *listNameQuality = "qualityTPC";
   const char *listNamePID     = "kaonTPC";
   Int_t       qualityID       = -1;
   Int_t       pidID           = -1;
   AliAnalysisManager        *mgr   = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager();
   AliMultiInputEventHandler *multi = dynamic_cast<AliMultiInputEventHandler*>(mgr->GetInputEventHandler());
   if (multi) {
      TObjArray *array = multi->InputEventHandlers();
      TObjArrayIter next(array);
      TObject *obj;
      while ( (obj = next()) ) {
         if (obj->InheritsFrom(AliRsnInputHandler::Class())) {
            AliRsnInputHandler *rsn = (AliRsnInputHandler*)obj;
            AliRsnDaughterSelector *sel = rsn->GetSelector();
            qualityID = sel->GetID(listNameQuality, kTRUE);
            pidID = sel->GetID(listNamePID, kTRUE);
//    if (qualityID < 0) {
//       ::Error("RsnConfigTest", "Selector does not contain list for quality only");
//       return kFALSE;
//    }
//    if (pidID < 0) {
//       ::Error("RsnConfigTest", "Selector does not contain list for quality+PID");
//       return kFALSE;
//    }
   ::Info("RsnConfigTest", "ID for cut set named '%10s' = %d", listNameQuality, qualityID);
//    ::Info("RsnConfigTest", "ID for cut set named '%10s' = %d", listNamePID, pidID);
	   // add pair computation
   AddPairLoop(task, isMC, 0, 0, "test");
   // add monitor computation
   AddMonitorLoop(task, isMC, 0, "test");
//    // add pair computation
//    AddPairLoop(task, isMC, qualityID, qualityID, "test");
//    // add monitor computation
//    AddMonitorLoop(task, isMC, qualityID, "test");
// 	AddMonitorLoop(task, isMC, pidID, "test");
   return kTRUE;
コード例 #2
ファイル: RsnTrainInfo.C プロジェクト: musinsky/AliRsnLite
void PrintManager(TObject *mgrObj) {
   AliAnalysisManager *mgr = (AliAnalysisManager *)mgrObj;
   if (!mgr->InitAnalysis()) return;

   Printf("Analysis Manager : %s '%s'",mgr->GetName(),mgr->GetTitle() );
   TObjArray *a = mgr->GetTasks();
   if (a) Printf("Tasks total : %d",a->GetEntries());
   TIter next(mgr->GetTasks());
   AliAnalysisTask *task;
   while ((task = (AliAnalysisTask *) next())) {
      if (task->IsA() == AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask::Class()) {
         Printf("   Task [RSN-MINI] : %s '%s'",task->GetName(),task->GetTitle());
         AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask *rsnMiniTask = (AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask *)task;
      } else if (task->IsA() == AliRsnAnalysisTask::Class()) {
         Printf("   Task [RSN-----] : %s '%s'",task->GetName(),task->GetTitle());
         AliRsnAnalysisTask *rsnTask = (AliRsnAnalysisTask *)task;
         AliVEventHandler *ih = mgr->GetInputEventHandler();
         if (ih == AliMultiInputEventHandler::Class()) {
            AliMultiInputEventHandler *ihMulti = (AliMultiInputEventHandler *) ih;
            TIter nextIH(ihMulti->InputEventHandlers());
            AliRsnInputHandler *rsnIH = 0;
            while ((ih = (AliVEventHandler *) nextIH())) {
               if (ih->IsA() == AliRsnInputHandler::Class()) {
                  rsnIH = ih;
                  AliRsnDaughterSelector *ds =  rsnIH->GetSelector();

      } else {
         Printf("   Task [--------] : %s '%s'",task->GetName(),task->GetTitle());


コード例 #3
// *** Configuration script for phi->KK analysis with 2010 runs ***
// A configuration script for RSN package needs to define the followings:
// (1) decay tree of each resonance to be studied, which is needed to select
//     true pairs and to assign the right mass to all candidate daughters
// (2) cuts at all levels: single daughters, tracks, events
// (3) output objects: histograms or trees
Bool_t RsnConfigPhiTPC
   AliRsnAnalysisTask *task,
   Bool_t              isMC,
   Bool_t              isMix,
   Bool_t              useCentrality,
   AliRsnCutSet       *eventCuts
   if (!task) ::Error("RsnConfigPhiTPC", "NULL task");
   // we define here a suffix to differentiate names of different setups for the same resonance
   // and we define also the name of the list of tracks we want to select for the analysis
   // (if will fail if no lists with this name were added to the RsnInputHandler)
   const char *suffix     = "tpc";
   const char *listName   = "kaonTPC";
   Bool_t      useCharged =  kTRUE;
   Int_t       listID     = -1;
   // find the index of the corresponding list in the RsnInputHandler
   AliAnalysisManager        *mgr   = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager();
   AliMultiInputEventHandler *multi = dynamic_cast<AliMultiInputEventHandler*>(mgr->GetInputEventHandler());
   if (multi) {
      TObjArray          *array = multi->InputEventHandlers();
      AliRsnInputHandler *rsn   = (AliRsnInputHandler*)array->FindObject("rsnInputHandler");
      if (rsn) {
         AliRsnDaughterSelector *sel = rsn->GetSelector();
         listID = sel->GetID(listName, useCharged);
   if (listID >= 0)
      ::Info ("RsnConfigPhiTPC.C", "Required list '%s' stays in position %d", listName, listID);
   else {
      ::Error("RsnConfigPhiTPC.C", "Required list '%s' absent in handler!", listName);
      return kFALSE;
   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // -- DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // this contains the definition of particle species and charge for both daughters of a resonance,
   // which are used for the following purposes:
   // --> species is used to assign the mass to the daughter (e.g. for building invariant mass)
   // --> charge is used to select what tracks to use when doing the computation loops
   // When a user wants to compute a like-sign background, he must define also a pair definition
   // for each like-sign: in case of charged track decays, we need one for ++ and one for --
   // Last two arguments are necessary only in some cases (but it is not bad to well initialize them):
   // --> PDG code of resonance, which is used for selecting true pairs, when needed
   // --> nominal resonance mass, which is used for computing quantities like Y or Mt
   AliRsnPairDef *phi_kaonP_kaonM = new AliRsnPairDef(AliRsnDaughter::kKaon, '+', AliRsnDaughter::kKaon, '-', 333, 1.019455);
   AliRsnPairDef *phi_kaonP_kaonP = new AliRsnPairDef(AliRsnDaughter::kKaon, '+', AliRsnDaughter::kKaon, '+', 333, 1.019455);
   AliRsnPairDef *phi_kaonM_kaonM = new AliRsnPairDef(AliRsnDaughter::kKaon, '-', AliRsnDaughter::kKaon, '-', 333, 1.019455);

   // these are the objects which drive the computations and fill the output histograms
   // each one requires to be initialized with an AliRsnPairDef object, which provided masses,
   // last argument tells if the pair is for mixing or not (this can be also set afterwards, anyway)
   const Int_t     nPairs = 5;
   Bool_t          addPair[nPairs] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
   AliRsnLoopPair *phiLoop[nPairs];
   phiLoop[0] = new AliRsnLoopPair(Form("%s_phi_kaonP_kaonM"     , suffix), phi_kaonP_kaonM, kFALSE);
   phiLoop[1] = new AliRsnLoopPair(Form("%s_phi_kaonP_kaonM_true", suffix), phi_kaonP_kaonM, kFALSE);
   phiLoop[2] = new AliRsnLoopPair(Form("%s_phi_kaonP_kaonM_mix" , suffix), phi_kaonP_kaonM, kTRUE );
   phiLoop[3] = new AliRsnLoopPair(Form("%s_phi_kaonP_kaonP"     , suffix), phi_kaonP_kaonP, kFALSE);
   phiLoop[4] = new AliRsnLoopPair(Form("%s_phi_kaonM_kaonM"     , suffix), phi_kaonM_kaonM, kFALSE);

   // set additional option for true pairs
   // 1) we select only pairs coming from the same mother, which must have the right PDG code (from pairDef)
   // 2) we select only pairs decaying according to the right channel (from pairDef species+charge definitions)
   // don't add true pairs if not MC
   if (!isMC) addPair[1] = 0;
   addPair[0] = !isMix;
   addPair[1] = !isMix;
   addPair[2] =  isMix;
   addPair[3] = !isMix;
   addPair[4] = !isMix;
   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // -- COMPUTED VALUES & OUTPUTS -----------------------------------------------------------------
   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // All values which should be computed are defined here and passed to the computation objects,
   // since they define all that is computed bye each one, and, in case one output is a histogram
   // they define the binning and range for that value
   // NOTE:
   // --> multiplicity bins have variable size
   Double_t mult[] = {  0.,  1.,  2.,  3.,  4.,  5.,   6.,   7.,   8.,   9.,  10.,  11.,  12., 13., 
                       14., 15., 16., 17., 18., 19.,  20.,  21.,  22.,  23.,  24.,  25.,  30., 35., 
                       40., 50., 60., 70., 80., 90., 100., 120., 140., 160., 180., 200., 500.};
   Int_t    nmult  = sizeof(mult) / sizeof(mult[0]);
   AliRsnValuePair *axisIM      = new AliRsnValuePair("IM" , AliRsnValuePair::kInvMass   );
   AliRsnValuePair *axisRes     = new AliRsnValuePair("RES", AliRsnValuePair::kInvMassRes);
   AliRsnValuePair *axisPt      = new AliRsnValuePair("PT" , AliRsnValuePair::kPt        );
   AliRsnValuePair *axisY       = new AliRsnValuePair("Y"  , AliRsnValuePair::kY);
   AliRsnValueEvent*axisCentV0  = new AliRsnValueEvent("CNT" , AliRsnValueEvent::kCentralityV0);
   AliRsnValueEvent*axisMultESD = new AliRsnValueEvent("MESD", AliRsnValueEvent::kMultESDCuts );
   AliRsnValueEvent*axisMultSPD = new AliRsnValueEvent("MSPD", AliRsnValueEvent::kMultSPD     );
   AliRsnValueEvent*axisMultTRK = new AliRsnValueEvent("MTRK", AliRsnValueEvent::kMult        );
   AliRsnValueEvent*axisMultMC  = new AliRsnValueEvent("MMC" , AliRsnValueEvent::kMultMC      );
   axisIM     ->SetBins(500, 0.9, 1.4);
   axisRes    ->SetBins(-0.5,   0.5, 0.001);
   axisPt     ->SetBins(50, 0.0, 5.0);
   axisY      ->SetBins(1, -0.5, 0.5);

   axisCentV0 ->SetBins(20, 0.0, 100.0);
   axisMultESD->SetBins(nmult, mult);
   axisMultSPD->SetBins(nmult, mult);
   axisMultTRK->SetBins(nmult, mult);
   axisMultMC ->SetBins(nmult, mult);

   // create outputs:
   // we define one for true pairs, where we add resolution, and another without it, for all others
   // it seems that it is much advantageous to use sparse histograms when adding more than 2 axes
   AliRsnListOutput *out[2];
   out[0] = new AliRsnListOutput("res"  , AliRsnListOutput::kHistoSparse);
   out[1] = new AliRsnListOutput("nores", AliRsnListOutput::kHistoSparse);
   // add values to outputs:
   // if centrality is required, we add it only, otherwise we add all multiplicities
   // other axes (invmass, pt) are always added
   for (Int_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
      if (useCentrality) {
         ::Info("RsnConfigPhiTPC.C", "Adding centrality axis");
      } else {
         ::Info("RsnConfigPhiTPC.C", "Adding multiplicity axes");
         if (isMC) out[i]->AddValue(axisMultMC);
   // resolution only in the first
   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // -- ADD SETTINGS TO LOOPS AND LOOPS TO TASK ---------------------------------------------------
   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < nPairs; ip++) {
      // skip pairs not to be added
      if (!addPair[ip]) continue;
      // assign list IDs
      phiLoop[ip]->SetListID(0, listID);
      phiLoop[ip]->SetListID(1, listID);
      // assign event cuts
      // assign outputs
      if (ip != 1)
      // add to task
   return kTRUE;
コード例 #4
// Test config macro for RSN package.
// It configures:
// 1) a monitor for all tracks passing quality cuts
// 2) a monitor for all tracks passing quality + PID cuts
// 3) an unlike-sign invariant-mass + pt distribution for K+K- pairs
Bool_t RsnConfigPhiKaonTest
   AliRsnAnalysisTask *task,
   Bool_t              isMC
   if (!task) {
      ::Error("RsnConfigPhiKaonTest.C", "NULL task");
      return kFALSE;
   const char *suffix = "test";
   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // -- DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // daughter definition for monitor loops
   // since it is intended to loop over all 'track' like objects (in the sense that we exclude V0s and cascades),
   // we initialize it using the constructor that requires an AliRsnDaughter::EType and a charge, but since
   // we want to loop over both charges, we set it to anything which is not '+' '-' or '0', which are tokens for
   // selecting only positive, only negative or only neutral
   AliRsnDaughterDef *tracks = new AliRsnDaughterDef(AliRsnDaughter::kTrack, 0);
   // definition of pair decay tree for phi resonance
   // here we *must* specify a particle species and a charge, in order to check the decay tree
   // last arguments are the PDG code and nominal mass of the resonance, which are needed when
   // one wants to select true pairs only and/or he wants to compute rapidity or Mt 
   AliRsnPairDef *pairDef = new AliRsnPairDef(AliRsnDaughter::kKaon, '+', AliRsnDaughter::kKaon, '-', 333, 1.019455);
   // definition of loop objects:
   // (a) 1 monitor for all tracks passing quality cuts
   // (b) 1 monitor for all tracks passing quality+PID cuts
   // (c) 1 pair filled with all tracks passing same cuts as (b)
   // (d) 1 pair like (c) but for mixing
   // (e) 1 pair like (c) but with true pairs only
   // NOTE: (c) and (d) are instantiated with same settings, they will be made
   //       different after some settings done in second moment
   AliRsnLoopDaughter *loopQuality = new AliRsnLoopDaughter(Form("%s_mon_quality", suffix), 0, tracks);
   AliRsnLoopDaughter *loopPID     = new AliRsnLoopDaughter(Form("%s_mon_pid"    , suffix), 0, tracks);
   AliRsnLoopPair     *loopPhi     = new AliRsnLoopPair    (Form("%s_unlike"     , suffix), pairDef);
   AliRsnLoopPair     *loopPhiMix  = new AliRsnLoopPair    (Form("%s_unlike"     , suffix), pairDef);
   AliRsnLoopPair     *loopPhiTrue = new AliRsnLoopPair    (Form("%s_trues"      , suffix), pairDef);
   // set additional option for true pairs (slot [0])
   // set mixing options
   loopPhi    ->SetMixed(kFALSE);
   loopPhiMix ->SetMixed(kTRUE);
   // assign the ID of the entry lists to be used by each pair to get selected daughters
   // in our case, the AliRsnInputHandler contains only one list for selecting kaons
   Int_t idQuality, idPID;
   AliAnalysisManager *mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager();
   AliMultiInputEventHandler *multi = dynamic_cast<AliMultiInputEventHandler*>(mgr->GetInputEventHandler());
   if (!multi) {
      myError("Needed a multi input handler!");
      return kFALSE;
   TObjArray *array = multi->InputEventHandlers();
   AliRsnInputHandler *rsn = (AliRsnInputHandler*)array->FindObject("rsnInputHandler");
   if (!rsn) {
      myError("Needed an RSN event handler");
      return kFALSE;
   AliRsnDaughterSelector *sel = rsn->GetSelector();
   idQuality = sel->GetID("qualityTPC", kTRUE);
   idPID = sel->GetID("kaonTPC", kTRUE);
   if (idQuality < 0 || idPID < 0) {
      myError("List problems");
      return kFALSE;
   loopPID    ->SetListID(idPID);
   loopPhi    ->SetListID(0, idPID);
   loopPhi    ->SetListID(1, idPID);
   loopPhiMix ->SetListID(0, idPID);
   loopPhiMix ->SetListID(1, idPID);
   loopPhiTrue->SetListID(0, idPID);
   loopPhiTrue->SetListID(1, idPID);
   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // -- EVENT CUTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   // primary vertex:
   // - 2nd argument --> |Vz| range
   // - 3rd argument --> minimum required number of contributors
   // - 4th argument --> tells if TPC stand-alone vertexes must be accepted
   // we switch on the check for pileup
   AliRsnCutPrimaryVertex *cutVertex = new AliRsnCutPrimaryVertex("cutVertex", 10.0, 0, kFALSE);
   // primary vertex is always used
   AliRsnCutSet *eventCuts = new AliRsnCutSet("eventCuts", AliRsnTarget::kEvent);
   // add the event cuts to all loops
   loopPID    ->SetEventCuts(eventCuts);
   loopPhi    ->SetEventCuts(eventCuts);
   loopPhi    ->SetEventCuts(eventCuts);
   loopPhiMix ->SetEventCuts(eventCuts);
   loopPhiMix ->SetEventCuts(eventCuts);
   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // -- PAIR CUTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // for pairs we define a rapidity windows, defined through a cut
   // --> NOTE: it needs a support AliRsnPairDef from which it takes the mass
   AliRsnValueStd *valRapidity = new AliRsnValueStd("valY", AliRsnValueStd::kPairY);
   AliRsnCutValue *cutRapidity = new AliRsnCutValue("cutY", -0.5, 0.5, isMC);
   // cut set
   AliRsnCutSet *pairCuts = new AliRsnCutSet("pairCuts", AliRsnTarget::kMother);
   // add cut to pair loops only
   loopPhi    ->SetPairCuts(pairCuts);
   loopPhi    ->SetPairCuts(pairCuts);
   loopPhiMix ->SetPairCuts(pairCuts);
   loopPhiMix ->SetPairCuts(pairCuts);
   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // -- COMPUTED VALUES & OUTPUTS -----------------------------------------------------------------
   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   AliRsnValueStd *axisIM     = new AliRsnValueStd("IM"  , AliRsnValueStd::kPairInvMass   , 0.9,   1.4, 0.001);
   AliRsnValueStd *axisPt     = new AliRsnValueStd("PT"  , AliRsnValueStd::kPairPt        , 0.0,   5.0, 0.1  );
   AliRsnValueStd *axisMomTPC = new AliRsnValueStd("pTPC", AliRsnValueStd::kTrackPtpc     , 0.0,   5.0, 0.01 );
   AliRsnValueStd *axisSigTPC = new AliRsnValueStd("sTPC", AliRsnValueStd::kTrackTPCsignal, 0.0, 500.0, 2.0  );
   // output for monitors:
   // 2D histogram with TPC signal vs TPC momentum
   AliRsnListOutput *outMonitor = new AliRsnListOutput("mon", AliRsnListOutput::kHistoDefault);
   // output for pairs:
   // 2D histogram with inv.mass vs pt
   AliRsnListOutput *outPair = new AliRsnListOutput("pair", AliRsnListOutput::kHistoDefault);
   // add outputs to loops
   loopPID    ->AddOutput(outMonitor);
   loopPhi    ->AddOutput(outPair);
   loopPhiMix ->AddOutput(outPair);
   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // -- CONCLUSION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   task->Add(loopPID    );
   task->Add(loopPhi    );
   task->Add(loopPhiMix );
   return kTRUE;