コード例 #1
ファイル: satire_driver.C プロジェクト: 8l/rose
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    AnalyzerOptions *options = extractOptions(argc, argv);
    Program *program = new Program(options);
    outputProgramRepresentation(program, options);
    if (options->statistics())
コード例 #2
/// Returns true if the function in \p CalleeADC may be inlined in general.
/// This checks static properties of the function, such as its signature and
/// CFG, to determine whether the analyzer should ever consider inlining it,
/// in any context.
static bool mayInlineDecl(AnalysisDeclContext *CalleeADC,
                          AnalyzerOptions &Opts) {
  // FIXME: Do not inline variadic calls.
  if (CallEvent::isVariadic(CalleeADC->getDecl()))
    return false;

  // Check certain C++-related inlining policies.
  ASTContext &Ctx = CalleeADC->getASTContext();
  if (Ctx.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus) {
    if (const FunctionDecl *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(CalleeADC->getDecl())) {
      // Conditionally control the inlining of template functions.
      if (!Opts.mayInlineTemplateFunctions())
        if (FD->getTemplatedKind() != FunctionDecl::TK_NonTemplate)
          return false;

      // Conditionally control the inlining of C++ standard library functions.
      if (!Opts.mayInlineCXXStandardLibrary())
        if (Ctx.getSourceManager().isInSystemHeader(FD->getLocation()))
          if (IsInStdNamespace(FD))
            return false;

      // Conditionally control the inlining of methods on objects that look
      // like C++ containers.
      if (!Opts.mayInlineCXXContainerMethods())
        if (!Ctx.getSourceManager().isInMainFile(FD->getLocation()))
          if (isContainerMethod(Ctx, FD))
            return false;

      // Conditionally control the inlining of the destructor of C++ shared_ptr.
      // We don't currently do a good job modeling shared_ptr because we can't
      // see the reference count, so treating as opaque is probably the best
      // idea.
      if (!Opts.mayInlineCXXSharedPtrDtor())
        if (isCXXSharedPtrDtor(FD))
          return false;


  // It is possible that the CFG cannot be constructed.
  // Be safe, and check if the CalleeCFG is valid.
  const CFG *CalleeCFG = CalleeADC->getCFG();
  if (!CalleeCFG)
    return false;

  // Do not inline large functions.
  if (CalleeCFG->getNumBlockIDs() > Opts.getMaxInlinableSize())
    return false;

  // It is possible that the live variables analysis cannot be
  // run.  If so, bail out.
  if (!CalleeADC->getAnalysis<RelaxedLiveVariables>())
    return false;

  return true;
コード例 #3
/// Returns true if the function in \p CalleeADC may be inlined in general.
/// This checks static properties of the function, such as its signature and
/// CFG, to determine whether the analyzer should ever consider inlining it,
/// in any context.
static bool mayInlineDecl(const CallEvent &Call, AnalysisDeclContext *CalleeADC,
                          AnalyzerOptions &Opts) {
  // FIXME: Do not inline variadic calls.
  if (Call.isVariadic())
    return false;

  // Check certain C++-related inlining policies.
  ASTContext &Ctx = CalleeADC->getASTContext();
  if (Ctx.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus) {
    if (const FunctionDecl *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(CalleeADC->getDecl())) {
      // Conditionally control the inlining of template functions.
      if (!Opts.mayInlineTemplateFunctions())
        if (FD->getTemplatedKind() != FunctionDecl::TK_NonTemplate)
          return false;

      // Conditionally control the inlining of C++ standard library functions.
      if (!Opts.mayInlineCXXStandardLibrary())
        if (Ctx.getSourceManager().isInSystemHeader(FD->getLocation()))
          if (IsInStdNamespace(FD))
            return false;

      // Conditionally control the inlining of methods on objects that look
      // like C++ containers.
      if (!Opts.mayInlineCXXContainerCtorsAndDtors())
        if (!Ctx.getSourceManager().isFromMainFile(FD->getLocation()))
          if (isContainerCtorOrDtor(Ctx, FD))
            return false;

  // It is possible that the CFG cannot be constructed.
  // Be safe, and check if the CalleeCFG is valid.
  const CFG *CalleeCFG = CalleeADC->getCFG();
  if (!CalleeCFG)
    return false;

  // Do not inline large functions.
  if (CalleeCFG->getNumBlockIDs() > Opts.getMaxInlinableSize())
    return false;

  // It is possible that the live variables analysis cannot be
  // run.  If so, bail out.
  if (!CalleeADC->getAnalysis<RelaxedLiveVariables>())
    return false;

  return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: AnalysisManager.cpp プロジェクト: JaredCJR/clang
AnalysisManager::AnalysisManager(ASTContext &ctx, DiagnosticsEngine &diags,
                                 const LangOptions &lang,
                                 const PathDiagnosticConsumers &PDC,
                                 StoreManagerCreator storemgr,
                                 ConstraintManagerCreator constraintmgr,
                                 CheckerManager *checkerMgr,
                                 AnalyzerOptions &Options,
                                 CodeInjector *injector)
  : AnaCtxMgr(Options.UnoptimizedCFG,
              // Adding LoopExit elements to the CFG is a requirement for loop
              // unrolling.
              Options.includeLoopExitInCFG() || Options.shouldUnrollLoops(),
    CreateStoreMgr(storemgr), CreateConstraintMgr(constraintmgr),
    options(Options) {
コード例 #5
AnalysisManager::AnalysisManager(ASTContext &ctx, DiagnosticsEngine &diags,
                                 const LangOptions &lang,
                                 const PathDiagnosticConsumers &PDC,
                                 StoreManagerCreator storemgr,
                                 ConstraintManagerCreator constraintmgr,
                                 CheckerManager *checkerMgr,
                                 AnalyzerOptions &Options)
  : AnaCtxMgr(Options.UnoptimizedCFG,
    CreateStoreMgr(storemgr), CreateConstraintMgr(constraintmgr),
    options(Options) {
コード例 #6
ファイル: satire_dataflow_analysis.C プロジェクト: 8l/rose
void DataFlowAnalysis::run(Program *program)
    AnalyzerOptions *options = program->options;
    bool verbose = options->verbose();

    /* Set the PAG options as specified on the command line. */
    setPrefixedPagOptions(options, p_impl);

    /* Build the program's ICFG if necessary. */
    if (program->icfg == NULL)
        program->icfg = createICFG(program, options);

    /* Run this analysis. */
    if (verbose)
            << "performing analysis " << identifier() << " ... "
            << std::flush;
    TimingPerformance *nestedTimer
        = new TimingPerformance("Actual data-flow analysis "
                                + identifier() + ":");
    delete nestedTimer;
    if (verbose) std::cout << "done" << std::endl;

    /* Make results persistent. We always do this (by default) to avoid
     * problems with garbage collected results. */

    /* If requested, compute call strings from PAG's call string data, and
     * store them in the ICFG. */
    if (options->computeCallStrings())
コード例 #7
ファイル: CoreEngine.cpp プロジェクト: Teemperor/clang
static std::unique_ptr<WorkList> generateWorkList(AnalyzerOptions &Opts) {
  switch (Opts.getExplorationStrategy()) {
    case AnalyzerOptions::ExplorationStrategyKind::DFS:
      return WorkList::makeDFS();
    case AnalyzerOptions::ExplorationStrategyKind::BFS:
      return WorkList::makeBFS();
    case AnalyzerOptions::ExplorationStrategyKind::BFSBlockDFSContents:
      return WorkList::makeBFSBlockDFSContents();
    case AnalyzerOptions::ExplorationStrategyKind::UnexploredFirst:
      return WorkList::makeUnexploredFirst();
    case AnalyzerOptions::ExplorationStrategyKind::UnexploredFirstQueue:
      return WorkList::makeUnexploredFirstPriorityQueue();
      llvm_unreachable("Unexpected case");
コード例 #8
static CallInlinePolicy mayInlineCallKind(const CallEvent &Call,
                                          const ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                          AnalyzerOptions &Opts) {
  const LocationContext *CurLC = Pred->getLocationContext();
  const StackFrameContext *CallerSFC = CurLC->getCurrentStackFrame();
  switch (Call.getKind()) {
  case CE_Function:
  case CE_Block:
  case CE_CXXMember:
  case CE_CXXMemberOperator:
    if (!Opts.mayInlineCXXMemberFunction(CIMK_MemberFunctions))
      return CIP_DisallowedAlways;
  case CE_CXXConstructor: {
    if (!Opts.mayInlineCXXMemberFunction(CIMK_Constructors))
      return CIP_DisallowedAlways;

    const CXXConstructorCall &Ctor = cast<CXXConstructorCall>(Call);

    // FIXME: We don't handle constructors or destructors for arrays properly.
    // Even once we do, we still need to be careful about implicitly-generated
    // initializers for array fields in default move/copy constructors.
    const MemRegion *Target = Ctor.getCXXThisVal().getAsRegion();
    if (Target && isa<ElementRegion>(Target))
      return CIP_DisallowedOnce;

    // FIXME: This is a hack. We don't use the correct region for a new
    // expression, so if we inline the constructor its result will just be
    // thrown away. This short-term hack is tracked in <rdar://problem/12180598>
    // and the longer-term possible fix is discussed in PR12014.
    const CXXConstructExpr *CtorExpr = Ctor.getOriginExpr();
    if (const Stmt *Parent = CurLC->getParentMap().getParent(CtorExpr))
      if (isa<CXXNewExpr>(Parent))
        return CIP_DisallowedOnce;

    // Inlining constructors requires including initializers in the CFG.
    const AnalysisDeclContext *ADC = CallerSFC->getAnalysisDeclContext();
    assert(ADC->getCFGBuildOptions().AddInitializers && "No CFG initializers");

    // If the destructor is trivial, it's always safe to inline the constructor.
    if (Ctor.getDecl()->getParent()->hasTrivialDestructor())

    // For other types, only inline constructors if destructor inlining is
    // also enabled.
    if (!Opts.mayInlineCXXMemberFunction(CIMK_Destructors))
      return CIP_DisallowedAlways;

    // FIXME: This is a hack. We don't handle temporary destructors
    // right now, so we shouldn't inline their constructors.
    if (CtorExpr->getConstructionKind() == CXXConstructExpr::CK_Complete)
      if (!Target || !isa<DeclRegion>(Target))
        return CIP_DisallowedOnce;

  case CE_CXXDestructor: {
    if (!Opts.mayInlineCXXMemberFunction(CIMK_Destructors))
      return CIP_DisallowedAlways;

    // Inlining destructors requires building the CFG correctly.
    const AnalysisDeclContext *ADC = CallerSFC->getAnalysisDeclContext();
    assert(ADC->getCFGBuildOptions().AddImplicitDtors && "No CFG destructors");

    const CXXDestructorCall &Dtor = cast<CXXDestructorCall>(Call);

    // FIXME: We don't handle constructors or destructors for arrays properly.
    const MemRegion *Target = Dtor.getCXXThisVal().getAsRegion();
    if (Target && isa<ElementRegion>(Target))
      return CIP_DisallowedOnce;

  case CE_CXXAllocator:
    if (Opts.mayInlineCXXAllocator())
    // Do not inline allocators until we model deallocators.
    // This is unfortunate, but basically necessary for smart pointers and such.
    return CIP_DisallowedAlways;
  case CE_ObjCMessage:
    if (!Opts.mayInlineObjCMethod())
      return CIP_DisallowedAlways;
    if (!(Opts.getIPAMode() == IPAK_DynamicDispatch ||
          Opts.getIPAMode() == IPAK_DynamicDispatchBifurcate))
      return CIP_DisallowedAlways;

  return CIP_Allowed;
コード例 #9
ExprEngine::mayInlineCallKind(const CallEvent &Call, const ExplodedNode *Pred,
                              AnalyzerOptions &Opts,
                              const ExprEngine::EvalCallOptions &CallOpts) {
  const LocationContext *CurLC = Pred->getLocationContext();
  const StackFrameContext *CallerSFC = CurLC->getCurrentStackFrame();
  switch (Call.getKind()) {
  case CE_Function:
  case CE_Block:
  case CE_CXXMember:
  case CE_CXXMemberOperator:
    if (!Opts.mayInlineCXXMemberFunction(CIMK_MemberFunctions))
      return CIP_DisallowedAlways;
  case CE_CXXConstructor: {
    if (!Opts.mayInlineCXXMemberFunction(CIMK_Constructors))
      return CIP_DisallowedAlways;

    const CXXConstructorCall &Ctor = cast<CXXConstructorCall>(Call);

    const CXXConstructExpr *CtorExpr = Ctor.getOriginExpr();

    // FIXME: ParentMap is slow and ugly. The callee should provide the
    // necessary context. Ideally as part of the call event, or maybe as part of
    // location context.
    const Stmt *ParentExpr = CurLC->getParentMap().getParent(CtorExpr);

    if (ParentExpr && isa<CXXNewExpr>(ParentExpr) &&
      return CIP_DisallowedOnce;

    // FIXME: We don't handle constructors or destructors for arrays properly.
    // Even once we do, we still need to be careful about implicitly-generated
    // initializers for array fields in default move/copy constructors.
    // We still allow construction into ElementRegion targets when they don't
    // represent array elements.
    if (CallOpts.IsArrayConstructorOrDestructor)
      return CIP_DisallowedOnce;

    // Inlining constructors requires including initializers in the CFG.
    const AnalysisDeclContext *ADC = CallerSFC->getAnalysisDeclContext();
    assert(ADC->getCFGBuildOptions().AddInitializers && "No CFG initializers");

    // If the destructor is trivial, it's always safe to inline the constructor.
    if (Ctor.getDecl()->getParent()->hasTrivialDestructor())

    // For other types, only inline constructors if destructor inlining is
    // also enabled.
    if (!Opts.mayInlineCXXMemberFunction(CIMK_Destructors))
      return CIP_DisallowedAlways;

    // FIXME: This is a hack. We don't handle temporary destructors
    // right now, so we shouldn't inline their constructors.
    if (CtorExpr->getConstructionKind() == CXXConstructExpr::CK_Complete)
      if (CallOpts.IsConstructorWithImproperlyModeledTargetRegion)
        return CIP_DisallowedOnce;

  case CE_CXXDestructor: {
    if (!Opts.mayInlineCXXMemberFunction(CIMK_Destructors))
      return CIP_DisallowedAlways;

    // Inlining destructors requires building the CFG correctly.
    const AnalysisDeclContext *ADC = CallerSFC->getAnalysisDeclContext();
    assert(ADC->getCFGBuildOptions().AddImplicitDtors && "No CFG destructors");

    // FIXME: We don't handle constructors or destructors for arrays properly.
    if (CallOpts.IsArrayConstructorOrDestructor)
      return CIP_DisallowedOnce;

  case CE_CXXAllocator:
    if (Opts.mayInlineCXXAllocator())
    // Do not inline allocators until we model deallocators.
    // This is unfortunate, but basically necessary for smart pointers and such.
    return CIP_DisallowedAlways;
  case CE_ObjCMessage:
    if (!Opts.mayInlineObjCMethod())
      return CIP_DisallowedAlways;
    if (!(Opts.getIPAMode() == IPAK_DynamicDispatch ||
          Opts.getIPAMode() == IPAK_DynamicDispatchBifurcate))
      return CIP_DisallowedAlways;

  return CIP_Allowed;