void CropForm::OnUserEventReceivedN(RequestId requestId, Tizen::Base::Collection::IList* pArgs) { result r = E_SUCCESS; if(requestId == REQUEST_ID_DISPLAYIMAGE) { HashMap extraData; extraData.Construct(); String typeKey = L"type"; String typeVal = L"image"; String selectKey = L"selectionType"; String selectVal = L"single"; extraData.Add(&typeKey, &typeVal); extraData.Add(&selectKey, &selectVal); AppControl* pAc = AppManager::FindAppControlN(L"tizen.filemanager", L"http://tizen.org/appcontrol/operation/pick"); if (pAc) { result r = pAc->Start(null, null, &extraData, this); if(r != E_SUCCESS) AppLogException("Error launching appcontrol, %s", GetErrorMessage(r)); delete pAc; } } else if(requestId == REQUEST_ID_DISPLAYWEBIMAGE) { if(pArgs!= null && pArgs->GetCount()>0) { Bitmap* pBitmap = static_cast<Bitmap* >(pArgs->GetAt(0)); LoadWebImage(pBitmap); RequestRedraw(); } } }
bool MapForm::ShowMyLocation(bool show) { bool isMyLocationEnabled = false; _pMap->SetMyLocationEnabled(show); _showMe = show; if(show) { isMyLocationEnabled = _pMap->GetMyLocationEnabled(); if(!isMyLocationEnabled) { bool value = false; SettingInfo::GetValue(L"GPSEnabled", value); if (!value){ int modalResult = 0; MessageBox messageBox; messageBox.Construct(L"Information", L"Location services are disabled. Enable them in location settings?", MSGBOX_STYLE_YESNO); messageBox.ShowAndWait(modalResult); if (MSGBOX_RESULT_YES == modalResult){ // Lunching SettingAppControl ArrayList* pDataList = new ArrayList(); String* pData = new String(L"category:Location"); pDataList->Construct(); pDataList->Add(*pData); AppControl* pAc = AppManager::FindAppControlN(APPCONTROL_PROVIDER_SETTINGS, ""); if(pAc) { pAc->Start(pDataList, this); delete pAc; } delete pDataList; delete pData; } else { _showMe = false; } } } else { if ( _pMap->MoveToMyLocation() != E_SUCCESS) { _pPopup->SetShowState(true); _pPopup->Show(); _popupShow = true; _showMe = false; Redraw(); } } } return _showMe; }
void ShareMenu::LoadBluetoothWnd(void) { AppControl* pAc = AppManager::FindAppControlN(APPCONTROL_PROVIDER_BLUETOOTH, APPCONTROL_OPERATION_PICK); if(pAc != null) { pAc->Start(null, this); delete pAc; } }
void UserForm::MakeCall() { String userPhone; JsonParseUtils::GetString(*_pUserJson, L"mobile_phone", userPhone); String uri = L"tel:" + userPhone; AppControl* pAc = AppManager::FindAppControlN(L"tizen.phone", L"http://tizen.org/appcontrol/operation/dial"); if (pAc) { pAc->Start(&uri, null, null, null); delete pAc; } }
void FBReader::openLinkInBrowser(const std::string &url) const { if (url.empty()) { return; } AppLog("openLinkInBrowser url=%s",url.c_str()); int len = url.length(); String bada_str; ByteBuffer buffer; buffer.Construct(len + 1); buffer.SetArray((const byte*)url.data(), 0, len); buffer.SetByte( '\0'); buffer.Flip(); Utf8Encoding utf8; int charCount; utf8.GetCharCount(buffer, charCount); utf8.GetString(buffer, bada_str); ArrayList* pDataList = null; pDataList = new ArrayList(); pDataList->Construct(); String* pData = null; pData = new String(L"url:" + bada_str); //pData = new String(L"url:http://www.bada.com"); pDataList->Add(*pData); //APPCONTROL_BROWSER //TODO Tizen AppControl* pAc;// rem TIZEN !!!!!!!!!= AppManager::FindAppControlN(APPCONTROL_BROWSER, OPERATION_VIEW); //AppControl* pAc = AppManager::FindAppControlN(APPCONTROL_PROVIDER_BROWSER, APPCONTROL_OPERATION_VIEW); if (pAc) { pAc->Start(pDataList, null); delete pAc; } pDataList->RemoveAll(true); delete pDataList; /* shared_ptr<ProgramCollection> collection = webBrowserCollection(); if (collection.isNull()) { return; } shared_ptr<Program> program = collection->currentProgram(); if (program.isNull()) { return; } std::string copy = url; // NetworkLinkCollection::Instance().rewriteUrl(copy, true); ZLLogger::Instance().println("URL", copy); program->run("openLink", copy);*/ }
bool MessageDocElement::OnTouchReleased(Tizen::Ui::Control& source, const Tizen::Ui::TouchEventInfo& touchEventInfo) { if (!touchAllowed) return false; String url; JsonParseUtils::GetString(*_pDocObject, L"url", url); AppControl* pAc = AppManager::FindAppControlN(L"tizen.internet", L"http://tizen.org/appcontrol/operation/view"); if (pAc) { pAc->Start(&url, null, null, null); delete pAc; } return true; }
void ShareMenu::LoadMsgWnd(void) { ArrayList* pDataList = null; pDataList = new ArrayList(); pDataList->Construct(); String* pData = null; if(__isLink == true) { pData = new String(L"type:SMS"); } else { pData = new String(L"type:MMS"); } pDataList->Add(*pData); String* pData2 = null; pData2 = new String(L"text:"); pData2->SetCapacity(pData2->GetCapacity() + __shareContent.GetLength()); pData2->Append(__shareContent); pDataList->Add(*pData2); String* pData3 = null; pData3 = new String(L"to:"); pDataList->Add(*pData3); if(__isLink == false) { String* pData4 = null; pData4 = new String(L"attachImage:"); pData4->SetCapacity(pData4->GetCapacity() + __shareContent.GetCapacity()); pData4->Append(__shareContent); pDataList->Add(*pData4); } AppControl* pAc = AppManager::FindAppControlN(APPCONTROL_PROVIDER_MESSAGE, APPCONTROL_OPERATION_COMPOSE); if(pAc) { pAc->Start(pDataList, null); delete pAc; } pDataList->RemoveAll(true); delete pDataList; }
void ProjectGiraffeTab4::takePhoto(void) { AppLog("take photo with camera"); AppControl* appControl = AppManager::FindAppControlN(L"tizen.camera", L"http://tizen.org/appcontrol/operation/createcontent"); HashMap extraData; extraData.Construct(); String typeKey = L"type"; String typeVal = L"camera"; extraData.Add(&typeKey, &typeVal); if (appControl) { appControl->Start(null, null, &extraData, this); delete appControl; } }
void ItemForm::OpenPostInDefaultBrowser() { String url; url.Append(L"url:"); url.Append(pFeedItem->link); ArrayList* pDataList = null; pDataList = new ArrayList(); pDataList->Construct(); pDataList->Add(url); AppControl* pAc = AppManager::FindAppControlN(APPCONTROL_PROVIDER_BROWSER, APPCONTROL_OPERATION_VIEW); pAc->Start(pDataList, null); delete pAc; pDataList->RemoveAll(false); delete pDataList; }
void ShareMenu::LoadEmailWnd(void) { ArrayList* pDataList = null; String text(__shareContent); pDataList = new ArrayList(); pDataList->Construct(); String* pData = null; pData = new String(L"subject:"); String emailText; Application::GetInstance()->GetAppResource()->GetString(L"IDS_SHARE_SUBJECT", emailText); pData->SetCapacity(pData->GetCapacity() + emailText.GetCapacity()); pData->Append(emailText); pDataList->Add(*pData); String* pData2 = null; pData2 = new String(L"text:"); pData2->SetCapacity(pData2->GetCapacity() + __shareContent.GetCapacity()); pData2->Append(__shareContent); pDataList->Add(*pData2); if(__isLink == false) { String* pData3 = null; pData3 = new String(L"attachments:"); pData3->SetCapacity(pData3->GetCapacity() + __shareContent.GetCapacity()); pData3->Append(__shareContent); pDataList->Add(*pData3); } AppControl* pAc = AppManager::FindAppControlN(APPCONTROL_PROVIDER_EMAIL, APPCONTROL_OPERATION_EDIT); if(pAc) { pAc->Start(pDataList, null); delete pAc; } pDataList->RemoveAll(true); delete pDataList; }
void WebForm::LaunchBrowser(const String& url) { ArrayList* pDataList = null; pDataList = new ArrayList(); pDataList->Construct(); String* pData = null; pData = new String(L"url:"); pData->Append(url); AppLogDebug("Launching Stock Browser with %S", pData->GetPointer()); pDataList->Add(*pData); AppControl* pAc = AppManager::FindAppControlN(APPCONTROL_BROWSER, ""); if(pAc) { pAc->Start(pDataList, null); delete pAc; } pDataList->RemoveAll(true); delete pDataList; }
void Kamera::GetPicture() { AppLogDebug("Taking picture"); ArrayList* pDataList = null; pDataList = new ArrayList(); pDataList->Construct(); String* pData = null; pData = new String(L"type:camera"); pDataList->Add(*pData); AppControl* pAc = AppManager::FindAppControlN(APPCONTROL_CAMERA, OPERATION_CAPTURE); if(pAc) { pAc->Start(pDataList, this); delete pAc; } pDataList->RemoveAll(true); delete pDataList; }
void ProjectGiraffeTab4::choosePhoto(void) { AppLog("choose photo from library"); AppControl* appControl = AppManager::FindAppControlN(L"tizen.filemanager", L"http://tizen.org/appcontrol/operation/pick"); HashMap extraData; extraData.Construct(); String selectKey = L"selectionType"; String selectVal = L"single"; extraData.Add(&selectKey, &selectVal); String typeKey = L"type"; String typeVal = L"image"; extraData.Add(&typeKey, &typeVal); if (appControl) { appControl->Start(null, null, &extraData, this); delete appControl; } }
result CameraRecorderForm::__ViewVideo(Osp::Base::String& videoPath) { result r = E_SUCCESS; AppControl* pAc = AppManager::FindAppControlN(APPCONTROL_PROVIDER_VIDEO, APPCONTROL_OPERATION_PLAY); if(pAc != null) { AppLog("Video player started."); ArrayList* pDataList = null; pDataList = new ArrayList(); pDataList->Construct(); String* pData = null; pData = new String(L"type:video"); pDataList->Add(*pData); pData = new String(L"path:"); (*pData).Append(videoPath); pDataList->Add(*pData); r = pAc->Start(pDataList, null); delete pAc; pAc = null; pDataList->RemoveAll(true); delete pDataList; } else { r = E_OBJ_NOT_FOUND; } return r; }