static void Status (const string& value) { if (! BaseClient.quiet()) { cout << value << endl; } }
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { TRIAGENS_C_INITIALISE(argc, argv); TRIAGENS_REST_INITIALISE(argc, argv); TRI_InitialiseLogging(false); int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; BaseClient.setEndpointString(Endpoint::getDefaultEndpoint()); // ............................................................................. // parse the program options // ............................................................................. ParseProgramOptions(argc, argv); // ............................................................................. // set-up MRuby objects // ............................................................................. // create a new ruby shell mrb_state* mrb = MR_OpenShell(); TRI_InitMRUtils(mrb); // ............................................................................. // set-up client connection // ............................................................................. // check if we want to connect to a server bool useServer = (BaseClient.endpointString() != "none"); if (useServer) { BaseClient.createEndpoint(); if (BaseClient.endpointServer() == 0) { LOGGER_FATAL_AND_EXIT("invalid value for --server.endpoint ('" << BaseClient.endpointString() << "')"); } ClientConnection = createConnection(mrb); InitMRClientConnection(mrb, ClientConnection); } // ............................................................................. // banner // ............................................................................. // Font: ogre if (! BaseClient.quiet()) { char const* g = TRI_SHELL_COLOR_GREEN; char const* r = TRI_SHELL_COLOR_RED; char const* z = TRI_SHELL_COLOR_RESET; if (! BaseClient.colors()) { g = ""; r = ""; z = ""; } printf("%s %s _ _ %s\n", g, r, z); printf("%s __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ ___ %s(_)_ __| |__ %s\n", g, r, z); printf("%s / _` | '__/ _` | '_ \\ / _` |/ _ \\%s| | '__| '_ \\ %s\n", g, r, z); printf("%s| (_| | | | (_| | | | | (_| | (_) %s| | | | |_) |%s\n", g, r, z); printf("%s \\__,_|_| \\__,_|_| |_|\\__, |\\___/%s|_|_| |_.__/ %s\n", g, r, z); printf("%s |___/ %s %s\n", g, r, z); cout << endl << "Welcome to arangosh " << TRI_VERSION_FULL << ". Copyright (c) 2012 triAGENS GmbH" << endl; #ifdef TRI_MRUBY_VERSION cout << "Using MRUBY " << TRI_MRUBY_VERSION << " engine. Copyright (c) 2012 mruby developers." << endl; #endif #ifdef TRI_READLINE_VERSION cout << "Using READLINE " << TRI_READLINE_VERSION << endl; #endif cout << endl; BaseClient.printWelcomeInfo(); if (useServer) { if (ClientConnection->isConnected()) { if (! BaseClient.quiet()) { cout << "Connected to ArangoDB '" << BaseClient.endpointServer()->getSpecification() << "' Version " << ClientConnection->getVersion() << endl; } } else { cerr << "Could not connect to endpoint '" << BaseClient.endpointString() << "'" << endl; cerr << "Error message '" << ClientConnection->getErrorMessage() << "'" << endl; } } } // ............................................................................. // read files // ............................................................................. // load java script from js/bootstrap/*.h files if (StartupPath.empty()) { StartupLoader.defineScript("common/bootstrap/error.rb", MR_common_bootstrap_error); } else { LOGGER_DEBUG("using Ruby startup files at '" << StartupPath << "'"); StartupLoader.setDirectory(StartupPath); } // load all init files char const* files[] = { "common/bootstrap/error.rb" }; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(files) / sizeof(files[0]); ++i) { bool ok = StartupLoader.loadScript(mrb, files[i]); if (ok) { LOGGER_TRACE("loaded ruby file '" << files[i] << "'"); } else { LOGGER_FATAL_AND_EXIT("cannot load ruby file '" << files[i] << "'"); } } // ............................................................................. // run normal shell // ............................................................................. RunShell(mrb); TRIAGENS_REST_SHUTDOWN; return ret; }